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25 expresiones con el verbo get en ingls

El verbo get tiene muchos significados aparte de conseguir. Recuerda la conjugacin:

get, got, got. O bien: get, got, gotten en ingls americano.

Ejemplos de GET como "conseguir"

Por supuesto que se puede usar get como "conseguir". Aqu tienes unos ejemplos:

I'm going to the supermarket to get some vegetables. Do you need anything?

Q: Where did you get those boots?

A: I got them in a shop downtown.

Q: Do you want to get a drink after work?

A: Sure, we can get a beer at the bar next door.

En espaol tampoco diramos "conseguir una bebida"... una buena traduccin sera
"tomar algo". Pero en ingls, get a drink est bien.

El uso de GET como "recibir"

Otro uso comn de get es como "recibir". Aqu tienes unos ejemplos de este uso:

I got a really nice present for my birthday.

I ordered those books last night, so I should get them tomorrow.

Did you get my message?

I got the phone bill in the mail today. We need to pay it by Friday.

A continuacin, las definiciones de las muchas expresiones con get en ingls, y los
ejemplos de frases para que veas como se usan.

Ejemplos de ms expresiones con GET en ingls

get used to = acostumbrarse

Hes getting used to the cold weather in Stockholm, but he isnt getting used to the

get around = moverse (transportarse de sitio a sitio)

I used to get around by bicycle, now I get around mostly on foot.

get sick = enfermarse

You must be getting sick!

Hecho por Daniel Welsch. Comparte y disfruta! Ms en

get well = mejorarse (despus de una enfermedad)

I hope you get well soon.

get home = llegar a casa

You should go to bed as soon as you get home.

get to + un sitio = llegar

When you get to the corner, turn left.

get warmer / hotter = calentarse

The weather is getting warmer, spring must be coming.

get up = levantarse

I usually get up at 8 o'clock.

get worse = empeorarse

She says her headache is getting worse.

get better = mejorarse

He says his relationship with his boss is getting better.

get on with somebody = llevarse bien

Theyre actually getting on very well, these days.

get around to doing something = encontrar el tiempo de hacer algo

I never got around to writing him an email. I guess I should do that.

get drunk = emborracharse

She got really drunk last weekend. You should have seen her!

get over something = superar algo (un trauma emocional, especialmente)

It took me years to get over my divorce.

get wet = mojarse

Take your umbrella... you don't want to get wet if it rains.

get lucky = ligar (acostarte con alguien)

Dude, guess what? I got lucky this weekend!

Este ltimo queda un poco mal, pero hace un par de aos hubo la cancin de Get Lucky
de Daft Punk. Si tienes ms de 15 aos, no recomiendo que utilices mucho la expresin.

Hecho por Daniel Welsch. Comparte y disfruta! Ms en

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