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The twist here is that the inequality in power between mouse and lion, like the insignificance of

smiling or opening a door, relative to giving away a financial fortune or setting up a charity, is
not as relevant as the acts themselves.
Cheia aici este c diferena de putere ntre oarece i leu nu este la fel de relevant ca aciunile
fiecruia n parte, aa cum nu este nici donarea unei averi sau nfiinarea unei organizaii
caritabile n comparaie cu un gest mic precum un zmbet sau deschiderea unei ui.

Those who purport to be moral may behave no more, or even less, morally than those who make
no such claims.

Aceia care pretind c sunt morali e posibil s se comporte la fel sau chiar mai puin moral dect
cei care nu fac astfel de afirmaii.

Dead shepherd, now I find thy saw of might;/"Who ever lov'd that lov'd not at first sight?

Pstorule trecut n nefiin, acum neleg vorba ta cea neleapt;/Ci dintre cei care au iubit n-
au iubit la prima vedere?

Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst- is the last word an abbreviated form of'ownestor of
'owest? Or (most likely) did Shakespeare intend to suggest both?

Nu vei nceta s fii stpna frumuseii pe care o ii-ultimul cuvant este cumva o forma abreviata
pentru a deine sau a datora? Ori (cel mai probabil) Shakespeare a dorit s sugereze ambele?

even if ail amatory involvement is not a form of insanity, it may reasonably be mistaken for the

Chiar dac boala din dragoste nu este o form de nebunie, poate fi n mod just confundat cu

Conversely, at the height of the early 21st-century fashion for researching family history, many
US people who were keen to trace their lineage to George Washington (or whomever) found that
public records went back no earlier than the time of their great- grandparents.

Dimpotriv, la apogeul tendinei de cercetare a istoriei familiei de la nceput de secol 21, muli
oameni din Statele Unite care i doreau s dea de urma predecesorilor pn la George
Washington(sau oricine altcineva) gseau c registrele publice nu ineau evidena dect pn la
vremea strbunicilor.
This quotation, from the first in a series of essays written by Thomas Paine titled The American
Crisis, was a rallying cry for Americans after their long withdrawal through New Jersey to the
Delaware River during the American Revolution (1775-83).

Acest prim citat din seria de eseuri scris de Thomas Paine intitulat Criza American, era un
strigt la unitate pentru americani dup ndelunga lor retragere prin New Jersey ctre rul
Delaware n timpul revoluiei americane (1775-83)

and that the honours due only to excellence are paid to antiquity, is a complaint likely to be
always continued by those, who, being able to add nothing to truth, hope for eminence from the
heresies of paradox; orthose, who, being forced by disappointment upon consolatory expedients,
are willing to hope from posterity what the present age refuses, and flatter themselves that the
regard which is yet denied by envy, will be at last bestowed by time.'

Shakespeare never blotted a line. Would he had blotted a thousand

Shakespeare nu a corectat nici mcar un vers. Cum ar fi fost dac ar fi corectat o mie.

For the famously reclusive poet, it is a sweeping recognition that we are validated by our social
nature and by our ability to help one another.

However, he also took the view that one has to 'pay for the right to live on one's own spiritual

Yet the passage in which this quotation appears admonishes the correspondent for admiring
literature at all.

Yet the statement itself is like whining in front of bullies: they immediately taste blood.
Even as he succumbed to esophageal cancer, Hitchens penned a moving account of his illness, its
effects and his unwavering antitheism

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