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Bibliografii Facultatea de Psihologie i tiine ale Educaiei



PLR1101 Introducere n psihologie I

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Attkinson R. si Attkinson R (2002), Introducere n psihologie, Ed. Tehnic,

Bucureti, cota
Radu, I (si col.) (1991), Introducere n psihologia contemporan, Ed. Sincron, Cluj
Napoca cota
!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a
capitolelor aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar

Bibliografie opional- CURS

Brehm, SS; Kassin SM (1996). Social psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co

David, D (2000). Prelucrri incontiente de informaie; Contaminarea psihologic
n mass- media, practica clinic i juridic. Ed. Dacia. Cluj-Napoca cota
Frank Landy, Psychology, The Science Of People, 1987, cota
Gleitman,H.(1992). Basic Psychology, Norton & Company, New York, cota
Hayes. N., & Orrell, S. (1997; 2003). Introducere n psihologie, All Educational:
Iai. cota
Miclea, M. (1994), Psihologie Cognitiv. Ed. Gloria. Cluj-Napoca, cota
Opre A. (coord.) (2002) (2003). Noi tendine n psihologia personalitii. Vol I.
Modele teoretice; Vol II. Diagnoz, studii experimentale i aplicaii. Editura ASCR,
Cluj Napoca. , cota
Opre, A. (2012) Incontientul Cognitiv. Modele teoretice, suport experimental i
aplicaii, Ed. Polirom, Iai, cota
Opre, A. (2007/) Introducere n teoriile personalitii. Editura ASCR, Cluj Napoca,
Parot, F., i Richelle, M., Introducere n psihologie: Istoric i metode, Ed.
Humanitas, 1995, cota
Radu, I., Ilu, P. & Matei, L. (1994) - Psihologie social, Editura Exe, Cluj-Napoca,
Smith, Edward E.(2005). Introducere n psihologie, Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti,
Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Attkinson R. si Attkinson R (2002), Introducere n psihologie, Ed. Tehnic,

Bucureti, cota
Radu, I (si col.) (1991), Introducere n psihologia contemporan, Ed. Sincron, Cluj
Napoca cota
!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a
capitolelor aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar.

PLR1102 Introducere n neurotiine

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A. (2007). Neuroscience. Exploring the
Brain (ed. a 3-a). Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Pinel, J. P. J. (2010). Biopsychology (ed. a 6-a). Pearson.
Sadler, T. W. (2011). Langmans Medical Embriology. Lippincott, Williams, &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Purves, D., Augustine, G., Fitzpatrick, D., Hall, W., LaMantia, A. S., White, L.
(2010). Neuroscience (ed. a 3-a). Sinauer, Massachusetts.
Cowan, W. M., Harter, D. H., & Kandel, E. R. (2000). The emergence of modern
neuroscience: Some implications for neurology and psychiatry. Annual Review of
Neuroscience 23, 243-391.
Kandel, E. R. (2000). Neuroscience: Breaking down scientific barriers to the study
of brain and mind. Science 290, 1113-1121.
Milner, B., Squire, L. R., & Kandel, E. R. (1998). Cognitive neuroscience and the
study of memory. Neuron 20, 445-468.
Voiculescu, V. & Steriade, M. (1963). Din istoria cunoaterii creierului. Editura
tiinific, Bucureti, cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A. (2007). Neuroscience. Exploring the
Brain (ed. a 3-a). Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Pinel, J. P. J. (2010). Biopsychology (ed. a 6-a). Pearson.
Sadler, T. W. (2011). Langmans Medical Embriology. Lippincott, Williams, &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Purves, D., Augustine, G., Fitzpatrick, D., Hall, W., LaMantia, A. S., & White, L.
(2010). Neuroscience (ed. a 3-a). Sinauer, Massachusetts.
Miu, A. C. & Olteanu, A. I. (2002). Neurotiine. De la mecanisme moleculare i
celulare la comportament i evoluie. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, cota
PLR1103 Psihologie experimental (i analiza datelor I)

Bibliografie obligatorie - CURS

Anderson, N. (2007) Empirical direction in design and analysis. Mahwah, NJ:

Cohen, B. (2001) Explaining psychological statistics. John Wiley & Sons, New
Coolican, H. (2004) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Oxford
University Press.
Graziano, A. (1993) Research methods. A process of inquiry, cota
Leary, M. (2001) Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods. Allyn & Bacon,
Shaughnessy, J. J., Zechmeister, E. B. & Zechmeister, J. (2012). Research methods
in psychology. (Ninth Edi.). NY: McGraw Hill
Goodwin, C. J. (2005). Research in Psychology: Methods and Design. USA: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Radu, I., Miclea. M., Albu, M. Nemes, S. Moldovan, O., Szamoskozi, S. (1993)
Metodologie psihologic i analiza datelor. Editura Sincron, Cluj Napoca, cota
Jenkins, S. (2004) How science works. Oxford University Press.

PLR1104 Genetica comportamentului uman

Bibliografie- CURS

Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C., Craig, I. W., & McGuffin, P. (Red.) (2002). Behavioral
Genetics in the Postgenomic Era. APA, Washington DC.
Kim, Y.-K. (2009). Handbook of Behavioral Genetics. Springer, New York.
Fisch, G. S. (2003). Genetics and Genomics of Neurobehavioral Disorders. Humana
Press, New Jersey.
DiLalla, L. F. (2004). Behavior Genetics Principles: Perspectives in Development,
Personality, and Psychopathology. APA, Washington DC.
Plomin, R., & Crabbe, J. (2000). DNA. Psychological Bulletin 126, 806-828., cota
Plomin, R., Owen, M. J., & McGuffin, P. (1994). The genetic basis of complex
human behaviors. Science 264, 1733-1739.,

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C., Craig, I. W., & McGuffin, P. (Red.) (2002). Behavioral
Genetics in the Postgenomic Era. APA, Washington DC.
Kim, Y.-K. (2009). Handbook of Behavioral Genetics. Springer, New York.
Fisch, G. S. (2003). Genetics and Genomics of Neurobehavioral Disorders. Humana
Press, New Jersey.
DiLalla, L. F. (2004). Behavior Genetics Principles: Perspectives in Development,
Personality, and Psychopathology. APA, Washington DC.

PLR1205 Introducere n psihologie II

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Ellsworth, P. C., & Scherer, K. R. (2003). Appraisal processes in emotion. In R. J.

Davidson, K. R. Scherer, & H. H. Goldsmith (Eds.) Handbook of Affective Sciences,
pp. 572-595. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Namy, L. L., & Woolf, N. J. (2011). Psychology. From
inquiry to understanding. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (capitolele corespunztoare
temelor abordate n cadrul cursurilor)
Radu, I. (1991), Introducere n psihologia contemporan, Bucureti: Ed. Sincron
(capitolele corespunztoare temelor abordate n cadrul cursurilor) , cota
Smith, E. E., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L., & Loftus, G. R. (2005):
Atkinson & Hilgard. Introducere n psihologie (Ed. V). Bucuresti: Editura Tehnic.
(capitolele corespunztoare temelor abordate n cadrul cursurilor), cota

Bibliografie opional- CURS

Bargh, J., Lee-Chai A., Barndollar, K. et al (2005). The automated will:

Nonconscious activation and pursuit of behavioral goals. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 81, 1014-1027., cota
Beck, A. T. (2008). The evolution of the cognitive model of depression and its
neurobiological correlates. American Journal of Psychiatry, 165, 969-977., cota
Cohen, S. Kamarck, T., & Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived
stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 385-396., cota
Cox, T. (1993). Stress research and stress management: putting theory to work. HSE
Contract Research Report No. 61/1993.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, L. M. (2008). Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of
human motivation, development and health. Canadian Psychology, 49, 182-185.
Duckworth, A. L., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2005). Self-discipline outdoes IQ in
predicting academic performance of adolescents. Psychological Science, 16, 939-
944., cota
Ekman, P. (1992). An argument for basic emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 6, 169-
200. Izard, C. (1992). Basic emotions, relations among emotions and emotions-
cognition relations. Psychological Review, 99, 561-565., cota
Hayes, N., & Joseph, S. (2003). Big 5 correlates of three measures of subjective
well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 34, 723-727., cota
Hofmann, S. G., Asmundson, G. J. G., & Beck, A. T. (in press). The science of
Cognitive Therapy. Behavior Therapy.
Russel, J. A. (2003). Core affect and the psychological construct of emotion.
Psychological Review, 110,145-172., cota
Pytlik Zillig, L. M., Hemenover, S. H., & Dienstbier, S. H. (2002). What do we
assess when we assess a Big 5 Trait? A content analysis of the affective, behavioral
and cognitive processes represented in the Big 5 personality inventories. Journal of
Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 847-858.
Scherer, K., Wranik, T., Sangsue, J., Tran, V., & Scherer, U. (2004). Emotions in
everyday life: probability of occurrence, risk factors, appraisal and reaction patterns.
Social Science Information, 43, 499-570.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Namy, L. L., & Woolf, N. J. (2011). Psychology. From
inquiry to understanding. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (capitolele corespunztoare
temelor abordate n cadrul cursurilor)
Radu, I. (1991), Introducere n psihologia contemporan, Bucureti: Ed. Sincron
(capitolele corespunztoare temelor abordate n cadrul cursurilor), cota
Smith, E. E., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L., & Loftus, G. R. (2005):
Atkinson & Hilgard. Introducere in psihologie (Ed. V). Bucuresti: Editura Tehnica.
(capitolele corespunztoare temelor abordate n cadrul cursurilor), cota

PLR1206 Psihologie experimental (i analiza datelor II)

Bibliografie obligatorie - CURS

Shaughnessy, J. J., Zechmeister, E. B. & Zechmeister, J. (2012). Research methods

in psychology. (Ninth Edi.). NY: McGraw Hill.
Cohen, B. (2001) Explaining psychological statistics. John Wiley & Sons, New
Leary, M. (2001) Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods. Allyn & Bacon,

Bibliografie opional - CURS

Coolican, H. (2004) Research Methods and Statistics in Psycholology. Oxford

University Press.
Grazziano, A. (1993) Research methods. A process of inquiry., cota
Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR
Radu, I., Miclea. M., Albu, M. Nemes, S. Moldovan, O., Szamoskozi, S. (1993)
Metodologie psihologic i analiza datelor. Editura Sincron, Cluj Napoca., cota
MacLin, K. M. and Solso, R. L. (2010) Experimental psychology: a case approach.
Pearson Edition, Boston

PLR1207 Psihologie cognitiv

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Miclea, M. (1994), Psihologie cognitiv. Editura Gloria. Cluj-Napoca , cota

Opre, A. (2012) Incontientul cognitiv: modele teoretice, suport experimental i
aplicaii. Editura Polirom, cota

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a
capitolelor aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar

Bibliografie opional- CURS

Miclea, M. & Cureu, P. L. (2003). Modele neurocognitive. Editura ASCR, Cluj-

Napoca, cota
Opre, A. & Miu, A. C. (2003). An Interhemispheric Paradigm for Asssessing
Declarative Memory Deficits in Alzheimers Disease. A Neuropsychological and
Structural Imaging Study, n B. Kokinov, W. Hirst (Eds.). Constructive Memory.
NBU Series in Cognitive Science, Sofia

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Miclea, M. (1994), Psihologie cognitiv. Editura Gloria. Cluj-Napoca , cota

Opre, A. (2012) Incontientul cognitiv: modele teoretice, suport experimental i
aplicaii. Editura Polirom, cota

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a
capitolelor aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar

Bibliografie opional - SEMINAR

Bruner, J. (1992). Another Look at New Look 1. American Psychologist, 47,780-
783, cota
Corkin, S. (2002). Whats new with the amnesic patient H.M.? Nature Reviews
Neuroscience, 3,153-160, cota
Dodson, C. S. et al., (2000). Escape from illusion: reducing false memories, TICS,
4, 391-397
Erdelyi, M. H. (1974). A new look at the new look: Perceptual defence and
vigilance. Psychological Review. 81,1-25, cota
Greenwald, A. G. (1992). New look 3. Unconscious cognition reclaimed. American
Psychologist, 47, 766-779, cota
Ionescu. T. (2008). Copiii fac ordine! Categorizarea la vrsta precolar. Editura
ASCR, Cluj-Napoca, cota
Johnson, M.K., & Raye, C. L. (1998). False memories and confabulation, TICS,
2, 137-145
Miclea, M. & Cureu, P. L. (2003). Modele neurocognitive. Editura ASCR, Cluj-
Napoca, cota
Miller, G. A. (2003). The cognitive revolution: a historical perspective. TICS,
7, 141-144.
Schacter, D.L. et al. (2003). The seven sins of memory. Implications for
self. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.,1001, 226-239.

PLR 1229 Psihologie animal

Bibliografie orientativ - CURS

John Alcock (2009) Animal Behavior An Evolutionary Approach
Robert Sapolsky (2004) De ce zebrele nu fac ulcer:
Expresia emotiilor la om si animale:
pageseq=1&itemID=F1142&viewtype=text Rusu, A.S. (2012). Interactiunea om-
animal Elemente de etologie aplicat i terapie asistat de animale
(Editura Bybliotek, editia a II-a)

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Measuring behavior:
Animal Behavior Net Resources:

PLR1240 Neurotiine cognitive aplicate

Bibliografie - CURS

Banich, M. T. (2004). Cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology (ed. a 2-a).

Houghton Mifflin Co, USA., cota
Carlson, N. R. (2001). Psychology of behavior (ed. a 7-a). Allyn and Bacon, USA.
Gazzaniga, M. S. (Ed.) (2004). The new cognitive neurosciences (ed. a 3-a). MIT Press,
Squire, L. R., & Schacter, D. L. (Eds.) (2002). Neuropsychology of memory (ed. a 3-a).
Guilford Press, USA.
Bibliografie - SEMINAR
Banich, M. T. (2004). Cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology (ed. a 2-a).
Houghton Mifflin Co, USA., cota
Carlson, N. R. (2001). Psychology of behavior (ed. a 7-a). Allyn and Bacon, USA.
Gazzaniga, M. S. (Ed.) (2004). The new cognitive neurosciences (ed. a 3-a). MIT Press,
Squire, L. R., & Schacter, D. L. (Eds.) (2002). Neuropsychology of memory (ed. a 3-a).
Guilford Press, USA.

PLR1309 Psihologia dezvoltrii (Psihologia copilului)


Luciana, M. (2003). Cognitive development in children born preterm: Implications for

theories of brain plasticity following early injuries, Development and Psycholopathology,
15, p. 1017-1047 - Mar, R. A.,
Tackett, J. L., & Moore, C. (2010). Exposure to media and theory-of-mind development
in preschoolers, Cognitive Development, 25,p. 69-78
Osrio, A., Martins, C., Meins, E., Martins, E. C., & Soares, I. (2011). Individual and
relational contributions to parallel and joint attention in infancy, Infant Behavior and
Development, 34, 515-524
Poole, D., Warren, A., & Nunez, N. (2007). The Story of Human Development. Prentice
Hall: cap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , cota
Schaffer, H. R. (2005, 2007, 2010). Introducere n psihologia copilului, Ed. ASCR,
Cluj-Napoca: cap. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, cota
Siegler, R. S. (2004). Cognitive Variability: A Key to Understanding Cognitive
Development, n M. Gauvain & M. Cole (Eds.), Readings on the Development of
Children, Worth Publishers, cota

PLR 1310 Psihologie social (dinamica grupului)

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Radu. I (1994) Psihologie social, EXE: Cluj-Napoca, cota

Cureu, P.L: (2007). Grupurile n organizaii, Editura Polirom: Iai, cota
Cureu, P.L: (2003) Formal group decision making: a socio-cognitive approach, ASCR:
Cureu, P.L: (2006). Group Composition: Theoretical and Methodological
Considerations. In Group Composition and Effectiveness, ASCR: Cluj-Napoca
Brehm, S., Kassin, S., & Fein, F. (2005) Social Psychology Sixth Edition. Houghton
Mifflin Company: NY., cota
Drozda-Senkowska, E. (2000). Influena social, Polirom: Iai
Bibliografie recomandat:

S. Brehm, S. Kassin & S. Fein (2002) Social Psychology (5th Edition). Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company., cota
M. Hewstone, W. Stroebe & G. Stephenson (1996.) Introduction to Social Psychology
(2 nd Edition). Oxford GB: Blackwell.
Neculau, A. (2004) Manual de psihologie social, Polirom: Iai., cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Cureu, P.L: (2007). Grupurile n organizaii, Editura Polirom: Iai, cota
Cureu, P.L: (2003) Formal group decision making: a socio-cognitive approach, ASCR:
Cureu, P.L: (2006). Group Composition: Theoretical and Methodological
Considerations. In Group Composition and Effectiveness, ASCR: Cluj-Napoca
Brehm, S., Kassin, S., & Fein, F. (2005) Social Psychology Sixth Edition. Houghton
Mifflin Company: NY., cota
Drozda-Senkowska, E. (2000). Influena social, Polirom: Iai
Reicher, S. & Haslam, A. (2006). Rethinking the psychology of tyranny: The BBC
prison Study. British Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 1-40., cota
Reicher, S. & Haslam, A. (2006). Response Debating the psychology of tyranny:
Fundamental issues of theory, perspective and science. British Journal of Social
Psychology, 45, 55-63, cota
Zimbardo, P (2006). Commentary-On rethinking the psychology of tyranny: The BBC
prison study. British Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 47-53, cota
Zimbardo, P., Maslach, C., Haney, C. () Chapter 11: Reflections on the Stanford Prison
Experiment: Genesis, Transformations, Consequences

PLR 1312 Psihologia personalitii

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Opre Adrian (2003, 2006) Introducere n teoriile personalitii. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-
Napoca, cota
Opre Adrian & Boro Smaranda (2006) Personalitatea n abordrile psihologiei
contemporane. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca , cota
Zuckerman Marvin (1991) "The Twilight Zone" between Genotype and Social

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar
Bibliografie opional - CURS

Birch, A., & Hayward, S. (1999). Diferene interindividuale, Bucureti: Ed. Tehnic.,
Epstein, S. (1994). Integration of the cognitive andthepsychodynamicunconscious.
American Psychologist, 49, 709-724., cota
Eysenck, H, Eysenck, M. (1999). Descifrarea comportamentului uman, Bucureti:
Teora., cota
Hayes, N., &Orrell, S. (1997). Teorii ale personalitii. n N. Hayes & S. Orrell,
Introducere n psihologie, Bucureti: All., cota
Opre, A. (2002)Noi tendine n psihologia personalitii, Vol I. Modele teoretice.
Editura ASCR, Cluj Napoca, cota
Opre A.(2004) Noi tendine n psihologia personalitii,Vol II. Diagnoz, cercetare i
aplicaii. Editura ASCR, Cluj Napoca., cota
Opre, A. (2002). Incontientul cognitiv. Cluj Napoca: ASCR., cota
Pervin, L.A., & John, O.P. (1999). Handbook of personality: Theory and research. New
York: Guilford.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Opre Adrian (2003, 2006) Introducere n teoriile personalitii. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-
Napoca, cota
Opre Adrian & Boro Smaranda (2006) Personalitatea n abordrile psihologiei
contemporane. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca , cota
Zuckerman Marvin (1991) "The Twilight Zone" between Genotype and Social

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar

PLR 1330 Psihiatrie

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Burton N. (2010) Psychiatry. Wiley-Blackwell

Stevens L., Rodin I (2011) Psychiatry. Churchill Livingstone
Bajorek T., Stockman T, Burton N. (2012) Pocket Tutor Psychiatry. JP Medical Ltd
Stringer S., Church L., Davison S., Lipsedge M. (2009) Psychiatry P.R.N Principles-
Reality-Next Steps. Oxford University Press
Dogra N., Lunn B., Copper S. (2011) Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. CRC Press
Geddes J., Price J., McKnight R (2012) Psychiatry. Oxford University Press

Bibliografie opional- CURS

OMS (1998) ICD-10 Clasificarea tulburrilor mentale i de comportament. Editura

All, Bucureti
Cowen P., Harrison P., Burns T (2012) Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford
University Press, cota
Kring A.M., Johnson S.L., Davison G.C., Neale J.M. (2012) Abnormal Psychology.
John Willey & Sons, Inc
Whitbourne S.K., Halgin R.P. (2013) Abnormal Psychology Clinical Perspectives on
Psychological Disorders. McGraw-Hill
Kearny C.A., Trull T.J (2012) Abnormal Psychology and Life A Dimensional
Approach. Cengage Learning
APA (2003). Manual de diagnostic i statistic a tulburrilor mentale. Ediia a patra
revizuit (DMS-IV-TR). Asociaia Psihiatrilor Liberi din Romnia: Bucureti
Prelipceanu D (2011) Psihiatrie clinic. Editura Medical, Bucureti, cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Burton N. (2010) Psychiatry. Wiley-Blackwell

Byrne P., Byrne N. (2008) Psychiatry: Clinical Cases Uncovered. Wiley-Blackwell
Wright B., Subodh D., Dogra N. (2011) 100 Cases in Psychiatry. Hodder Arnold
Brown T.A., Barlow D. H. (2011) Casebook in Abnormal Psychology. Wadsworth
Cengage Learning
Oltmanns T.F., Martin M.T., Neale J.M., Davison G.C. (2012) Cases Studies in
Abnormal Psychology. John Willey & Sons, Inc


Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Bu, I. (1997). Psihologie judiciar. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitar Clujean.,

Bu, I. (2005). Psihologie i infracionalitate. Vol 1. Fundamente teoretice. Cluj-
Napoca: Editura ASCR., cota

Bibliografie opional- CURS

Opre, A. (2003, 2006). Introducere n teoriile personalitii. Cluj-Napoca: Editura

ASCR., cota
Eysenck, H, & Eysenck, M. (1999). Descifrarea comportamentului uman. Bucureti:
Editura Teora, cota
Dragomirescu, V.T.(1976). Psihosociologia comportamentului deviant. Bucureti:
Ed.tiinific i Enciclopedic., cota
Punescu, C. (1994). Agresivitatea i condiia uman. Bucureti: Ed.Tehnic.

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Bu, I. (1997). Psihologie judiciar. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitar Clujean.,

Bu, I. (2005). Psihologie i infracionalitate. Vol 1. Fundamente teoretice. Cluj-
Napoca: Editura ASCR., cota

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar.


Bibliografie - CURS

Psihobiologia sexualitatii idei de cercetare (E-Book; Rusu, A.S. & Bartos, S.E.

Gottman Research Institute

The Kinsey Institute Advanced Sexual Health and Knowledge Worldwide

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Desmond Morris

Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality /

Bibliografie- CURS

Albert, D., & Steinberg, L. (2011). Judgement and Decision Making in Adolescence,
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21 (1), 211-224.
Ionescu, T., & Benga, O. (2007). Reconceptualizing early education on scientific
grounds: school readiness in focus, Cognitie, creier, comportament/ Cognition, Brain,
Behavior, XI/1, 49-65., cota
Nettelbeck, T., & Burns, N. R. (2010). Processing speed, working memory and
reasoning ability from childhood to old age, Personality and Individual Differences, 48,
379-384., cota
Poole, D., Warren, A., & Nunez, N. (2007). The Story of Human Development. Prentice
Hall: cap. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15., cota
Schaffer, H. R. (2005, 2007, 2010). Introducere n psihologia copilului, Ed. ASCR,
Cluj-Napoca: cap. 8, 10., cota


Bibliografie obligatorie - CURS

Abric, J.C. (1997). Reprezentrile sociale: aspecte teoretice. n Neculau, A.

Reprezentrile sociale, Iai: Polirom, cota
Brehm, S., Kassin, S., & Fein, F. (2005) Social Psychology (Sixth Edition). Houghton
Mifflin Company: NY., cota
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Brehm, S., Kassin, S. & S. Fein (2002) Social Psychology (5th Edition). Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company., cota
Hewstone, M., Stroebe W. & G. Stephenson (1996.) Introduction to Social Psychology
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Cialdini, R.B. (1985). Influence. In Influence. Science and Practice, Robert B. Cialdini,
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and Time. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 1-48., cota
Sternberg, R. (2010). Applying Psychologial Theories to Educational Practice.
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Cattell-Horn-Carroll CHC (Gf-Gc) Theory: Past, Present & Future -
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controversial construct. Learning and Individual differences, 13, 101-114
Plucker, J. A. (Ed.). (2003). Human intelligence: Historical influences, current
controversies, teaching resources.

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Dawn P. Flanagan, Alan S. Kaufman (2004) Essentials of WISC-IV assessment . hn

Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
Deary, I., Penke, L., Johnson, W. (2010). The neuroscience of human intelligence
differences. Nature reviews. Neuroscience, vol 11, 201-211, cota
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pencil test.
Mitrofan, N., Mitrofan, L. (2009). Testarea psihologica. Inteligena i aptitudinile.
Polirom:Iasi, cota
Nisbett, R., Aronson, J., Blair, C., et al (2012). Intelligence: New Findings and
Theoretical Developments. American Psychologist, 1-30, cota
Raven, J. (2000). The Ravens Progressive Matrices: Change and Stability over Culture
and Time. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 1-48., cota
Sternberg, R. (2010). Applying Psychologial Theories to Educational Practice.
American Educational Research Journal, 45, 1, 150-165, cota

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Cattell-Horn-Carroll CHC (Gf-Gc) Theory: Past, Present & Future -
Gardner Howard
Buckhalt, J. (2002). A short history of g: Psychometrics most enduring and
controversial construct. Learning and Individual differences, 13, 101-114
Plucker, J. A. (Ed.). (2003). Human intelligence: Historical influences, current
controversies, teaching resources.

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Sheridan, C. and Radmacher, S. (1992) Health Psychology:Challenging the Biomedical
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(toate crile sunt accesibile la biblioteca Facultii de Psihologie i tiine ale



Journal of Evolutionary Psychology:

Buss, D.M. (2004). Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind. Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc.
-Disponibil la biblioteca Facultii de Psihologie-
David, D., Benga, O, Rusu, A.S. (2007). Fundamente de Psihologie Evoluionist i
Consiliere Geneti. Integrri ale psihologiei i biologiei. Editura Polirom
- Disponibil la biblioteca Facultatii de Psihologie-
David Buss Lab:


Bibliografie obligatorie-CURS

Hood, R.W., Hill, P.C., Spilka, B., (2009) The Psychology of Religion, An Empirical
Approach Fourth Edition, THE GUILFORD PRESS, New York
Jonte-Pace, D., Parsons, W., (2001), Religion and Psychology. Mapping the terrain,
Routledge, London and New York

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar

Bibliografie opional- CURS

Dennett, D., (2006), Breaking the Spell. Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Penguin
Books, London, cota
Argyle, M., (2000), Psychology and Religion. An Introduction, Routledge, London
Nelson, J., (2009), Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality, Springer Science + Business
Media, New York

Bibliografie obligatorie-SEMINAR

Hood, R.W., Hill, P.C., Spilka, B., (2009) The Psychology of Religion, An Empirical
Approach Fourth Edition, THE GUILFORD PRESS, New York
Jonte-Pace, D., Parsons, W., (2001), Religion and Psychology. Mapping the terrain,
Routledge, London and New York
!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar

Bibliografie opional-SEMINAR

Dennett, D., (2006), Breaking the Spell. Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Penguin
Books, London, cota
Argyle, M., (2000), Psychology and Religion. An Introduction, Routledge, London
Nelson, J., (2009), Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality, Springer Science + Business
Media, New York
Masters, K.,(2010), The Role of Religion in Therapy: Time for Psychologists to Have a
Little Faith?, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, vol 17, p.393-400
Masters, K.S., Spielmans, G.I. (2007). Prayer and health: review, meta-analysis and
research agenda, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30(4):329-338
Seybold, K.S., Hill, P.C, (2001), The role of Religion and Spirituality in Mental and
Physical Health, Current Directions in Psychological Sciences 10 (1):21-24
R.E. Dew., R:E:, Daniel, S.S., Goldston, D.B., McCall, W.V., Kuchibhatla, M.,
Schleifer, C., Triplett, M.F., Koenig, H.G., (2010), A prospective study of
religion/spirituality and depressive symptoms among adolescent psychiatric patients,
Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 120, Issues 13, January 2010, Pages 149157
Shreve-Neiger, A.K., Edelstein, B.A. (2004). Religion and anxiety: A critical review of
the literature, Clinical Psychology Review 24 (2004): 379397


Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Dattilio, F. (2010). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Couples and Families. A

Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians. NY:The Guilford Press.
David, D. (2006/2013). Psihologie clinic i psihoterapie. Editura Polirom, Iai., cota
Gurman, A.S., & Fraenkel, P. (2002). The history of couple therapy: a millennial
review. Family Process, vol. 41, no.2, 199-260.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Gottman, J.M. (1999). The marriage clinic. A scientifically based marital therapy. New
York: Norton & Company.
Gurman, A.S., & Fraenkel, P. (2002). The history of couple therapy: a millennial
review. Family Process, vol. 41, no.2, 199-260.
Pinsof, W.M., & Lebow, J. (Eds.) (2005). Family psychology: the art of the science.
Oxford University Press.

Bibliografie - CURS
Crciun , M., 2005 , Psihologie Educaional, curs pentru studenii Facultii de
Educaie Fizic i Sport , Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca., cota
Crciun, Marius Psihologie educaional curs (
Crciun, M., 2005, Introducere n Psihologia Sportului, Editura Risoprint, Cluj
Napoca., cota
Crciun, M., 2008, Psihologia Sportului, Editura Risoprint, Cluj Napoca., cota
Epuran, M., 2001, Psihologia sportului de performan, Fest, Bucuresti., cota
Weinberg,R.S., Gould,D., Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology,
Champaign,Illinois,Human Kinetics Publishers,1995., cota

Bibliografie SEMINAR

Goldberg,A.,1997, Sports slump busting, Human Kinetics, Champaign,Illinois

Martens, R.,1987, Coaches Guide to Sport Psychology, Human Kinetics Publishers,
Champaign, Il., cota
Nideffer, R.,M.,1992, Psyched to Win, Leisure Press, Champaign, Illinois., cota
Weinberg,R.,S.,1995, Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Human Kinetics,
Champaign,Il., cota


Bibliografie- CURS

Bull, R. (2001). Children and the law. The Blackwell series of Essential Readings in
Developmental Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell.
Garber, B. D. (2010). Developmental Psychology for Family Law Professionals:
Theory, Application and the Best Interests of the Child. Springer Publishing Company,
New York.
Lamb, M.E., Hershkowitz, I., Orbach, Y., & Esplin, P. W. (2008). Tell me what
happened: Structured investigative interviews of child victims and witnesses. New York
and Chichester, England: Wiley.
Visu-Petra, G., & Borlean, C. (2010). Aspecte psihologice n demersul de intervievare a
copilului n instan
Superior al Magistraturii Justiia n actualitate, nr. 1,
Visu-Petra, G., & Borlean, C., (2008). Copilul n instan aspecte psihologice
referitoare la proceduri i evaluare n cadrul Proiectului privind implementarea Planului
Naional de Aciune n domeniul proteciei drepturilor copilului, instituit prin H.G.
nr.1058/2005, Curtea de Apel Cluj Napoca, Curtea de Apel Oradea
Vrij, A. (2000; 2012 ediia n lb. romn). Detecia minciunii i a comportamentului
simulant. Dileme i oportuniti, Cluj-Napoca.

Bibliografie SEMINAR

Bus, I. (2005). Psihologie i infracionalitate: Fundamente teoretice, Volumul I. Cluj-

Napoca: Editura ASCR, 2005., cota
Ekman, P. (2009). De ce mint copiii? Cum pot ncuraja prinii sinceritatea. Editura
Trei, Bucureti., cota
Melinder., Alexander, K. W., Cho, Goodman, G. S., Thoresen, Lonnum, & Magnussen
(2010). Children's eyewitness memory: A comparison of two interviewing strategies as
realized by forensic experts. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
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Preda, V. (1998). Delincvena juvenil. O abordare multidisciplinar. Cluj-Napoca, Ed.
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Stark, B. (2005). International family law. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Westcott, H., Davies, G., and Bull, R. (Eds.) (2002). Childrens testimony:
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Bibliografie CURS I SEMINAR

Landy, F.J., Conte, J.M. (2007). Work n the 21st century. An introduction to industrial
and organizational psychology. (2ndEdition). Maiden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Aamodt, M. (2007). Industrial/Organizational Psychology. An applied approach. (5th
Edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Pitariu, H. (2006). Proiectarea fielor de post, evaluarea posturilor de munc i a
personalului. Un ghid practic pentru managerii de resurse umane. Bucureti: Irecson.,

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar.
!!! Not: la aceste lucrri se vor aduga lucrri tiinifice puse la dispoziie de titularul de
curs, n funcie de nevoile specifice de studiu identificate pe parcursul derulrii
activitilor didactice.

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS:

David, D (2006). Psihologie clinic i psihoterapie. Fundamente. Iai: Editura Polirom.,


Bibliografie facultativ- CURS

American Psychiatric Association (2000). DSM-IV-TR, A.P.A., Washington, DC. (sau

traducerea n limba romn-DSM-IV-TR din 2003)., cota
Mental Health: A Report of the General Surgeon; online:
David, D., Holdevici, I., Szamoskozi, S., i Bban, A.S. (2000). Psihoterapie i
hipnoterapie cognitivcomportamental. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Risoprint.
David, D. (2003). Castele de nisip. Bucureti: Editura Tritonic., cota
David, D. (2006). Metodologia cercetrii clinice. Fundamente. Iai: Editura Polirom., cota
David, D. (2006). Tratat de psihoterapii cognitive i comportamentale. Iai: Editura
Polirom., cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

David, D (2006). Psihologie clinic i psihoterapie. Fundamente. Iai: Editura Polirom.,


Bibliografie facultativ SEMINAR

American Psychiatric Association (2000). DSM-IV-TR, A.P.A., Washington, DC. (sau
traducerea n limba romn-DSM-IV-TR din 2003)., cota
World Health Organization (1998). ICD-10 Clasificarea tulburrilor mentale i de
comportament. Bucureti: Editura All.


Bibliografie- CURS

Bban, A. (2003). Consiliere educaional. Psinet, Cluj-Napoca. (accesibil la biblioteca

Facultii de Psihologie i tiine ale Educaiei)
Byrnes, J. P. (2001). Cognitive Development and Learning in Instructional Contexts.
Allyn & Bacon, MA. (accesibil la biblioteca Facultii de Psihologie i tiine ale
Mayer R, (2001). What Good Is Educational Psychology? The Case of Cognition and
Instruction.Educational Psychologist, 36 (1).
Miclea, M. Lemeni, G. (1999). Aplicaiile stiinelor cognitive n educaie. (I) Inteligena
i modificabilitatea ei. Cogniie. Creier. Comportament, III, (1-2)., cota
Mih, V. (2010). Psihologie educaional. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca., cota
Programul internaional OECD pentru evaluarea elevilor PISA - Raport naional 2002.,
Salavastru, D. (2004). Psihologia educaiei. Polirom, Iasi. (accesibil la biblioteca
Facultaii de Psihologie i Stiine ale Educaiei), cota
Skuy, M. (coord.) (2002). Experiena nvrii mediate n clas i n afara acesteia.
ASCR, Cluj-Napoca. (accesibil la biblioteca Facultii de Psihologie i tiine ale
Educaiei), cota
Not: Din lucrrile menionate mai sus este obligatorie doar parcurgerea capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografie- SEMINAR

Duckworth, A.L. & Seligman, M.E.P. (2006). Self-discipline gives girls the edge:
Gender in self-discipline, grades, and achievement test scores. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 98, 198-208.
Meece, J. L., Anderman, E. M., & Anderman, L. H. (2006). Classroom goal structure,
student motivation, and academic achievement. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 487-
503, cota
Paris, S. & Paris, A. (2001). Classroom Applications of Research on Self-Regulated
Learning. Educational Psychologist, 36 (2).
Pomerantz, E., Moorman, E., & Litwack, S. (2007). The how, whom, and why of
parents involvement in childrens academic lives: More is not always better. Review of
Educational Research, 77, 373-410.
Rawsthorne, L., & Elliot, A. (1999). Achievement goals and intrinsic motivation: A
meta-analytic review.


Bibliografie obligatorie CURS

Chiric, S. (1996) Psihologie organizaional. Modele de diagnoz i intervenie. Casa

de editur i consultan Studiul Organizrii, Cluj-Napoca., cota
(accesibil la biblioteca Facultii de Psihologie i Stiine ale Educaiei)
Chiric, S. (2003) Inteligena organizaiilor. Rutinele i managementul gndirii
colective.Presa Universitar Clujean, Cluj-Napoca., cota
(accesibil la biblioteca Facultii de Psihologie i tiine ale Educaiei)
Chiric, S., Andrei, D.M., & Ciuce, C. (2009). Aplicaii practice ale Psihologiei
Organizaionale, Editura ASCR & Cognitrom, Cluj-Napoca, cota
!!! Nota: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografia opional- CURS

Baldwin, M.W. (1999). Relational schemas. Research into social-cognitive aspects of

interpersonal experience. n D. Cervone, Y. Shoda (Eds.) The Coherence of Personality.
Social-Cognitive Bases of Consistency, Variability, and Organization. (pp. 127-154).
New-York: GuilfordPress.
Chiric-Neme, S. (1993). Repression, dissociation and sensitivity to inconsequence.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XXXVIII (1-2): 79-86.,
Chiric, S. (2000). Collective construction of the self in Romanian culture. Studia
UniversitatisBabes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLV (1): 39-52., cota
Chiric, S. (2001). Coerena personalitii n orientarea social-cognitiv: cazul
psihologiei culturale. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLVI
(1-2)., cota
Mischel, W. Si Shoda, Y. (1995). A cognitive-affective system theory of personality:
Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions, dynamics, and invariance in personality
structure. Psychological Review. 102: 246-268., cota
Walsh, J.P. si Ungson, G.R. (1991). Organizational memory. Academy of Management
Review. 16: 57-91

Bibliografie- SEMINAR

Chiric, S. (1996) Psihologie organizaional. Modele de diagnoz i intervenie. Casa

de editur i consultan Studiul Organizrii, Cluj-Napoca., cota
(accesibil la biblioteca Facultii de Psihologie i Stiine ale Educaiei)
Chiric, S. (2003) Inteligena organizaiilor. Rutinele i managementul gndirii
colective.Presa Universitar Clujean, Cluj-Napoca., cota
(accesibil la biblioteca Facultii de Psihologie i tiine ale Educaiei)
Chiric, S., Andrei, D.M., & Ciuce, C. (2009). Aplicaii practice ale Psihologiei
Organizaionale, Editura ASCR & Cognitrom, Cluj-Napoca, cota


Bibliografie obligatorie CURS

Benga, O. (2004) The construction of social cognition: a developmental perspective.
Numr special Typical and atypical development O. Benga, T. Ionescu (Editori).
Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, 8, 321-349. , cota
Carlson, G. A. (2000). The challenge of diagnosing depression in childhood and
adolescence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 61, S3S8.
Carr, A. (1999). The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology: A
contextual approach. Routledge: New York.
Chatoor, I., Hirsch, R., and Persinger, M. (1997). Facilitating internal regulation of
eating: A Treatment model for infantile anorexia. Infants and Young Children, 9, 1222.
Cooper, P., Watkins, B., Bryant-Waugh, R., & Lask, B. (2002). The nosological status
of early onset anorexia nervosa. Psychological Medicine, 32, 873880.
Herbert, M. (2003). Typical and atypical development. From conception to adolescence.
BPS Blackwell, Oxford, pagini 1-13 (Introducere).
Ollendick, T. H., & Hersen, M. (1998). Handbook of Child Psychopathology. Plenum
Press, New York.
Petra, L. (2003). O perspectiv critic asupra neuropsihologiei. Implicaii i aplicaii
pentru studiul dezvoltrii atipice. Cogniie, Creier, Comportament, 8 (1), 1-19., cota
Petra, L., & Benga, O. (2003). Evaluarea neuropsihologic a copiilor cu epilepsie:
Sugestii pentru un plan terapeutic individualizat. Revista Societii de Neurologie i
Psihiatrie pentru copii i adolesceni din Romnia, Vol. 6(2), 70-79.
Visu-Petra, L., & Benga, O. (2007) Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment. Nr.
Special din Cogniie, Creier, Comportament / Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol XI, nr. 3
Chatoor I. (2009). Diagnosis and Treatment of Feeding Disorders in Infants, Toddlers
and Young Children. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.
Visu-Petra, L., Cheie, L., & Miu, A. C. (2012). Working Memory and Anxiety:
Exploring the Interplay of Individual Differences across Development. In Alloway, T. P.
& Alloway, R. G. (Eds) Working Memory: The New Intelligence. (Frontiers in Cognitive
Psychology series; series editors: Nelson Cowan and David Balota), New-York:
Psychology Press.
Wolman, R., & Taylor, K. (1991). Psychological effects of custody disputes on
children. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 9 (4), 399-4 17.
Zero to Three/National Center for Clinical Infiant Programs (1994). Diagnostic
classification of mental health developmental disorders of infacncy and early childhood
(Diagnostic Classification : 0-3). Washington DC: Atuthor.
Zucker, N., Merwin, R., Elliott, C., Lacy, J., & Eichen, D. (2009). Assessment of eating
disorders symptoms in children and adolescents. In J.L. Matson, F. Andrasik, & M.L.
Matson (Eds.) Assessing childhood psychopathology and developmental disabilities (pp.
401-444). New York: Springer

Bibliografie obligatorie - SEMINAR

Benga, O. (2004) The construction of social cognition: a developmental perspective.

Numr special Typical and atypical development O. Benga, T. Ionescu (Editori).
Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, 8, 321-349. , cota
Carlson, G. A. (2000). The challenge of diagnosing depression in childhood and
adolescence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 61, S3S8.
Carr, A. (1999). The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology: A
contextual approach. Routledge: New York.
Chatoor, I., Hirsch, R., and Persinger, M. (1997). Facilitating internal regulation of
eating: A Treatment model for infantile anorexia. Infants and Young Children, 9, 1222.
Cooper, P., Watkins, B., Bryant-Waugh, R., & Lask, B. (2002). The nosological status
of early onset anorexia nervosa. Psychological Medicine, 32, 873880.
Herbert, M. (2003). Typical and atypical development. From conception to adolescence.
BPS Blackwell, Oxford, pagini 1-13 (Introducere).
Ollendick, T. H., & Hersen, M. (1998). Handbook of Child Psychopathology. Plenum
Press, New York.
Petra, L. (2003). O perspectiv critic asupra neuropsihologiei. Implicaii i aplicaii
pentru studiul dezvoltrii atipice. Cogniie, Creier, Comportament, 8 (1), 1-19., cota
Petra, L., & Benga, O. (2003). Evaluarea neuropsihologic a copiilor cu epilepsie:
Sugestii pentru un plan terapeutic individualizat. Revista Societii de Neurologie i
Psihiatrie pentru copii i adolesceni din Romnia, Vol. 6(2), 70-79.
Visu-Petra, L., & Benga, O. (2007) Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment. Nr.
Special din Cogniie, Creier, Comportament / Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol XI, nr. 3
Chatoor I. (2009). Diagnosis and Treatment of Feeding Disorders in Infants, Toddlers
and Young Children. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.
Visu-Petra, L., Cheie, L., & Miu, A. C. (2012). Working Memory and Anxiety:
Exploring the Interplay of Individual Differences across Development. In Alloway, T. P.
& Alloway, R. G. (Eds) Working Memory: The New Intelligence. (Frontiers in Cognitive
Psychology series; series editors: Nelson Cowan and David Balota), New-York:
Psychology Press.
Wolman, R., & Taylor, K. (1991). Psychological effects of custody disputes on
children. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 9 (4), 399-4 17.
Zero to Three/National Center for Clinical Infiant Programs (1994). Diagnostic
classification of mental health developmental disorders of infacncy and early childhood
(Diagnostic Classification : 0-3). Washington DC: Atuthor.
Zucker, N., Merwin, R., Elliott, C., Lacy, J., & Eichen, D. (2009). Assessment of eating
disorders symptoms in children and adolescents. In J.L. Matson, F. Andrasik, & M.L.
Matson (Eds.) Assessing childhood psychopathology and developmental disabilities (pp.
401-444). New York: Springer


Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Ellis, A., Bernard, M., (2007). Terapia raional emotiv i comportamental in

tulburrile copilului i adolescentului. Editura RTS, Cluj Napoca, cota
Wilmshurst L. (2007). Psihopatologia copilului. Fundamente. Editura Polirom, Iai.,

Bibliografie opional- CURS

Kendall, P., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Panichelli-Mindel, S., Southam-Gerow,M., Henin,

A., & Warman, M. (1997). Therapy for youths with anxiety disorders: A second
randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 366380.
Matson, J.L., Wilkins, J. and Gonzlez, M. (2008). Early identification and diagnosis in
autism spectrum disorders in young children and infants: How early is too early. Research
in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2(1), pp. 75-84.
MTA Cooperative Group* (2004). National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal
Treatment Study of ADHD Follow-up: 24-Month Outcomes of Treatment Strategies for
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics, Vol. 113, No. 4, 754-751.
Reynolds, S., Wilson, Ch., Austin, J., Hoope, L. (2012). Effects of psychotherapy for
anxiety in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology Review
32 . 251262
ALBANO, V. ROBIN WEERSING, JOHN CURRY (2008). Cognitive-Behavioral
Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents: An
Evidence-Based Medicine Review. Journal of the American Academy of Child &
Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 43, Issue 8, Pages 930-959
Silverman, W., Pina, A., & Viswesvaran, C. (2008). Evidence-based psychosocial
treatments for phobic and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Journal of
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, 105130.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Ellis, A., Bernard, M., (2007). Terapia raional emotiv i comportamental in

tulburrile copilului i adolescentului. Editura RTS, Cluj Napoca, cota
Wilmshurst L. (2007). Psihopatologia copilului. Fundamente. Editura Polirom, Iai.,

Bibliografie opional- SEMINAR

Kendall, P., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Panichelli-Mindel, S., Southam-Gerow, M., Henin,

A., & Warman, M. (1997). Therapy for youths with anxiety disorders: A second
randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 366380.
Matson, J.L., Wilkins, J. and Gonzlez, M. (2008). Early identification and diagnosis in
autism spectrum disorders in young children and infants: How early is too early. Research
in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2(1), pp. 75-84.
MTA Cooperative Group* (2004). National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal
Treatment Study of ADHD Follow-up: 24-Month Outcomes of Treatment Strategies for
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics, Vol. 113, No. 4, 754-751.
Reynolds, S., Wilson, Ch., Austin, J., Hoope, L. (2012). Effects of psychotherapy for
anxiety in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology Review
32 . 251262
ALBANO, V. ROBIN WEERSING, JOHN CURRY (2008). Cognitive-Behavioral
Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents: An
Evidence-Based Medicine Review. Journal of the American Academy of Child &
Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 43, Issue 8, Pages 930-959
Silverman, W., Pina, A., & Viswesvaran, C. (2008). Evidence-based psychosocial
treatments for phobic and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Journal of
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, 105130.


Bibliografie obligatorie CURS

Ayelet Kuper, Lorelei Lingard, and Wendy Levinson (2008) Critically appraising
qualitative research BMJ 337: a1035, cota
Mays N, Pope C. (2000) Qualitative research in healthcare: assessing quality in
qualitative research. British Medical Journal; 320: 50-52., cota
Manderson L, Bennett E, Andajani-Sutjahto S. (2006) The social dynamics of the
interview: age, class, and gender. Qualitative Health Research;16(10):1317-34.
Paterson, Barbara L.; Bottorf Joan L. and Roberta Hewat (2003) Blending
Observational Methods: Possibilities, Strategies, and Challenges, International Journal
of Qualitative Methods, Vol. 2 No. 1. pp. 29-37.
Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006) Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative
Research in psychology, 3 (2). pp. 77-101. ISSN 1478-0887
John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark (2006) Understanding mixed methods research
n Designing And Conducting Mixed Methods Research / Edition 1, pag: 1-10, Sage, cota

Bibliografie obligatorie - SEMINAR

Adler, P.A.,& Adler, P. (1994) Observational Techniques, n Handbook of Qualitative

Research, eds. Denzin N. i Lincoln Y., 377-392, London: Sage, cota
Agabrian M. (2006) Analiza de coninut. Polirom, Iai, cota
R. Burke Johnson, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Lisa A. Turner (2007) Toward a
Definition of Mixed Methods Research, Journal of Mixed Methods Research 2007; 1; 112
Swanson, J.,& Chapman, L. (1994) Inside the black box: theoretical and
methodological Issues. n Critical issues in qualitative methods, ed. Morse J., 66-93,
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Bibliografie obligatorie CURS

Chiric, S. (1996). Psihologie organizaional. Modele de diagnoz i intervenie. Casa

de editur i consultan Studiul Organizrii, Cluj-Napoca. cota
Chiric, S. (2003). Inteligena organizaiilor. Rutinele i managementul gndirii
colective. Presa Universitar Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca., cota
Chiric, S., Andrei, D.M., & Ciuce, C. (2009). Aplicaii practice ale psihologiei
organizaionale, Editura ASCR & Cognitrom, Cluj-Napoca., cota
!!! Nota: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografia opional - CURS

Baldwin, M.W. (1999). Relational schemas. Research into social-cognitive aspects of

interpersonal experience. n D. Cervone, Y. Shoda (Eds.) The Coherence of Personality.
Social-Cognitive Bases of Consistency, Variability, and Organization. (pp. 127-154).
New-York: GuilfordPress.
Chiric-Neme, S. (1993). Repression, dissociation and sensitivity to inconsequence.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XXXVIII (1-2): 79-86.,
Chiric, S. (2000). Collective construction of the self in Romanian culture. Studia
UniversitatisBabes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLV (1): 39-52., cota
Chirica, S. (2001). Coerena personalitii n orientarea social-cognitiv: cazul
psihologiei culturale. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLVI
(1-2)., cota
Galegher, J. (1990). "Intellectual teamwork and information technology: The role of
information systems in collaborative intellectual work". In: J.S. Carroll (Ed.) Applied
social psyclogy and organizational ettings, Hillsdale, New Jerey, Lawrence Erlbaum
Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D.D., Sanders, G. (1990). Measuring organizational
cultures: A qualitative/quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Sciences
Quarterly, 35, 286-316.
Mischel, W. Si Shoda, Y. (1995). A cognitive-affective system theory of personality:
Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions, dynamics, and invariance in personality
structure.Psychological Review. 102: 246-268., cota
Walsh, J.P. si Ungson, G.R. (1991). Organizational memory. Academy of Management
Review. 16: 57-91

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Chiric, S. (1996). Psihologie organizaional. Modele de diagnoz i intervenie. Casa
de editur i consultan Studiul Organizrii, Cluj-Napoca. cota
Chiric, S. (2003). Inteligena organizaiilor. Rutinele i managementul gndirii
colective. Presa Universitar Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca., cota
Chiric, S., Andrei, D.M., & Ciuce, C. (2009). Aplicaii practice ale psihologiei
organizaionale, Editura ASCR & Cognitrom, Cluj-Napoca., cota
!!! Nota: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografie opional SEMINAR

Baldwin, M.W. (1999). Relational schemas. Research into social-cognitive aspects of

interpersonal experience. n D. Cervone, Y. Shoda (Eds.) The Coherence of Personality.
Social-Cognitive Bases of Consistency, Variability, and Organization. (pp. 127-154).
New-York: GuilfordPress.
Chiric-Neme, S. (1993). Repression, dissociation and sensitivity to inconsequence.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XXXVIII (1-2): 79-86.,
Chiric, S. (2000). Collective construction of the self in Romanian culture. Studia
UniversitatisBabes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLV (1): 39-52., cota
Chirica, S. (2001). Coerena personalitii n orientarea social-cognitiv: cazul
psihologiei culturale. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLVI
(1-2)., cota
Galegher, J. (1990). "Intellectual teamwork and information technology: The role of
information systems in collaborative intellectual work". In: J.S. Carroll (Ed.) Applied
social psyclogy and organizational ettings, Hillsdale, New Jerey, Lawrence Erlbaum
Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D.D., Sanders, G. (1990). Measuring organizational
cultures: A qualitative/quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Sciences
Quarterly, 35, 286-316.
Mischel, W. Si Shoda, Y. (1995). A cognitive-affective system theory of personality:
Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions, dynamics, and invariance in personality
structure.Psychological Review. 102: 246-268., cota
Walsh, J.P. si Ungson, G.R. (1991). Organizational memory. Academy of Management
Review. 16: 57-91


Bibliografie- CURS

Lemeni, G., Negru, O. (2004). Planificarea carierei. n Lemeni, G i Miclea, M. (Eds),
Consiliere i orientare Ghid de educaie pentru carier, (pp. 143-190). Editura ASCR,
Cluj-Napoca., cota
Suport de curs pentru nvmnt la distan Consiliere colar i orientare n carier
Modul 2: Perspective teoretice majore n psihologia vocaional

Crocetti, E., Schwartz, S.J., Fermani, A., & Meeus, W. (2010). The Utrecht-
Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS). Italian Validation and Cross-
National Comparisons. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 26, 172186.
(Curs 3)
Lent, R. W., & Brown, S. D. (2006). On conceptualizing and assessing social cognitive
constructs in career research: a measurement guide, Journal of Career Assessment, 14,
12-35. (Curs 5)
Whiston S. C. (2002). Application of the Principles: Career Counseling and
Interventions. The Counseling Psychologist; 30; 218-237. (Curs 7)

Not: Din lucrrile menionate mai sus este obligatorie doar parcurgerea capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografie SEMINAR

Stringer, K. J., & Kerpelman, J. L. (2010): Career identity development in college

students: Decision making, parental support, and work experience. Identity: An
International Journal of Theory and Research, 10, 181-200. (Seminar 2)
Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D. (2006). On conceptualizing and assessing social cognitive
constructs in career research: a measurement guide, Journal of Career Assessment, 14,
12-35. (Seminar 3)
Page, J., Bruch, M. A., & Haase, R. F. (2008). Role of perfectionism and five-factor
model traits in career indecision. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 811-815.
(Seminar 4) , cota
Stevenson, L., Miclea M., Opre A. (2007). Orientarea n carier. Bucureti: Atelier
Didactic. (paginile 8-38) (Seminar 5), cota


Bibliografie obligatorie - CURS

Bu, I. (1997). Psihologie judiciar. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitar Clujean.,

Bu, I. (2006). Psihologie i infracionalitate. Vol 2. Module aplicative. Cluj-Napoca:
Editura ASCR., cota
Bibliografia opional - CURS

Opre, A. (2003, 2006). Introducere n teoriile personalitii. Cluj-Napoca: Editura

ASCR., cota
Eysenck, H, & Eysenck, M. (1999). Descifrarea comportamentului uman. Bucureti:
Editura Teora., cota

Dragomirescu, V.T.(1976). Psihosociologia comportamentului deviant. Bucureti:

Ed.tiinific i Enciclopedic., cota
Punescu, C. (1994). Agresivitatea i condiia uman. Bucureti: Ed.Tehnic.

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs

Bibliografie -SEMINAR

Bu, I. (1997). Psihologie judiciar. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitar Clujean.,

Bu, I. (2006). Psihologie i infracionalitate. Vol 1. Module aplicative. Cluj-Napoca:
Editura ASCR., cota

!!! Not: din lucrrile menionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs i seminar



Benga, O. (2009a). Trauma la copii: caracteristici dependente de dezvoltare, factori de

risc vs. rezilien, tipuri de psihopatologie i criterii diagnostice. n Mighiu C.
(coordonator), Benga, O., & Muntean, D., 1, 2, 3...Pai n reabilitarea copilului care a
suferit o traum. Ghid pentru terapeui. Iai: Editura Spiru Haret. (pe suport electronic)

Benga, O. (2009b). Intervenii validate tiinific asupra traumei la copii ; Modelul

interveniei cognitiv-comportamentale focalizate pe traum.( Trauma-focused cognitive
behavioral theraphy TF-CBT). n Mighiu C. (coordonator), Benga, O., & Muntean, D.,
1, 2, 3...Pai n reabilitarea copilului care a suferit o traum. Ghid pentru terapeui.
Iai: Editura Spiru Haret. (pe suport electronic)

Benga, O. & Petra, L. (2005). Social cognition and executive functioning: A

constructivist developmental approach. Cognitie, Creier, Comportament / Cognition,
Brain, Behavior, 2, 301-317., cota
Fidler, D.J. (2005). The emerging Down syndrome behavioural phenotype in early
childhood. Infants and children, 18(2), 86-103.
Rowntree Foundation Summary, 1994, 1998,
Yeoh, B.S.A., & Lam, T. (2006) The Costs of (Im)Mobility: Children Left Behind and
Children who Migrate with a Parent. Invited paper for ESCAP Regional Seminar on
Strengthening the Capacity of National Machineries for Gender Equality to Shape
Migration Policies and Protect Migrant Women, UNESCAP, 22-24 November 2006,
Bangkok, Thailand. Available online
Scalabrini Migration Center (2003). Hearts apart: Migration in the eye of Filipino
Tager-Flusberg, H. (1999). Neurodevelopmental disorders. Cambridge, Mass: MIT


Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

Cohen, B. (2001) Explaining psychological statistics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Bibliografie opional CURS

Coolican, H. (2004) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Oxford University


Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

MacLin, K. M. and Solso, R. L. (2010) Experimental psychology: a case approach.

Pearson Edition, Boston

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