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-conscious mind or unconscious

-iceberg demonstration of our mind
subliminal perception
the unconscious leviathan (the iceberg)
-wt u wanna seee and wt u wanna hear
realli depends on u
ex/ the sex examples
(random stimuli)
VOkey and REad study's
study on the basic ability of pplp
-played diff messages
-to seee whether ppl can put the meesage again
how subliminal perception is a laboratory phenomenon that works in veri speciafi
c limited ways to influence cognitive behavioural processes over a short term
: the perceiver..............................

introspection and freuduan psychoanalysis

looking at ppl's inner world !
they wanna make psy more experimental can be more observable ,,then go for behav


-experiement of dog slava
-learning thro how it affected behaviour ( can leaarn learning thro measuring th
is experi)
- launch a field of "classical conditioning"
CS and US pair up tgt and hv mani diff coneditions
-we can condition the response from the dog !
higher-order conditioning-a neutral stimulas can becoz a conditioned ones by bei
ng paired up with an already established CS
learning to like : objects have been associated in the past with positive feelin
conditioning in real life : ex/ hot fudge sundae
loook so goood with and make u hv a veri strong
hunger feeeling
-predicttion and control of behaviour
-no essential part of its method
-studied babies, and identified 3 unconditioned emotional responses
(Fear, fear of distract action: 2 stimuli served as US - dropped and loud sound
(Rage, US- being physically restrained)
(Love, )
(complex emotional experiences were Crs and built on the foundation of there URs
FAmous PSy study : LITTLE ALBERT
-little albert feared of white rat (become nutural stimuli )
check steps !!!!
-tested for generation( all white stuff) example , seal fur coat, all produced f
ear ressponses
operant conditioning: carrots and sticks
(classical conditioning VS operant conditioning )
-even human nature ,,,,,still can be controlled thro behaviourist appraoches
-example: The skinner box
consequences: reinforcement strengthens the response or make it more likely to r
(positive VS neg reinforcement)
-Primary and secondary reinforers
-punishment weakens a response
(primary and secondary punisher)
schedules of reinforcement
-continuous reinforcement: every correct behaviour is rewarded
-variable reinforcement :rewards are administered after a varying number of beha
skinner published his book waldern two
how to train animals ?!
-timing is everything
how to raise children ?!?!
-timing is everything and hv to be consistency (keeeep building up)
let the kid get used to it !
(the first?)
punishment has side effects but believe it's useful to help kids build up and ke
eep practice wt they learn !
seee dou ngo ho excited ,,then ho hapi ,,,mei dou tong ngo gong !
then yau wa ho misss ngo !
wa ngo ho chi leng jor !

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