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Permutation and Combination


Mathematics : Permutation and Combination
Practice Paper 01
1. The total number of ways of dividing 15 different things into groups of 8, 4 and 3 respectively is
15! 15! 15! 15!
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8!4! 3!
2 8!4!3! 8!4! 3! 8!

2. The number of ways of distributing 8 identical balls in 3 distinct boxes so that none of
the boxes is empty is

(A) 8C3 (B) 21 (C) 38 (D) 5

3. Total number of four digit odd numbers that can be formed using 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 are
(A) 216 (B) 375 (C) 1176 (D) 720
4. A box contains 5 different red and 6 different white balls. In how many ways can 6
balls be selected so that there are at least two balls of each colour
(A) 425 (B) 426 (C) 452 (D) 526
6. The number of positive integral solutions abc = 30 is
(A) 30 (B) 27 (C) 8 (D) 33
7. Number of ways of dividing 80 cards into 5 equal group of 16 each is
80! 80! 80! 80!
(A) (B) (C) (D)
16! 5
5! 5
16!5 .5!
8. The sum of the divisors of 25. 34. 52 is

(A) 33. 71. 112 (B) 32. 71. 112. 31 (C) 3. 7. 11. 31 (D) 3273112.31
9. A committee of 5 is to be formed from 6 boys and 5 girls. The number of ways so that
the committee can be formed so that the committee contains at least one boy and one
girl having majority of boys is
(A) 240 (B) 245 (C) 250 (D) 275 /
Permutation and Combination
10. The number of ways in which n distinct objects can be put into two different boxes so
that no box remains empty is

(A) 2n 1 (B) n2 1 (C) 2n 2 (D) n2 2

11. Number of ways of selecting 6 shoes, out of 8 pairs of shoes, having exactly two pairs
(A) 1680 (B) 240 (C) 120 (D) 3360
12. The number of words that can be formed from the letters of the word
INTERMEDIATE in which no two vowels are together is

(A) 6! P6 (B)
6! 7 P6
6! 7 P6
7! 7 P6
2! 2!3! 2!3! 2!3!
13. The number of more words can be found by rearranging the letters of the word
(A) 119 (B) 120 (C) 720 (D) 6
14. The number of ways in which 5 boys and 3 girls can sit around a round table so that all
the girls are not sit together is
(A) 4020 (B) 4120 (C) 4220 (D) 4320
15. The number of three digit numbers of the form xyz where x > y > z is
(A) 120 (B) 720 (C) 600 (D) 100
16. Three men have 4 coats, 5 waist coats and 6 caps. The number of ways they can wear
them is
(A) 15P3 (B) 435363 (C) 4P3 5P3 6P3 (D) 180
17. The number of words that can be formed by using all the letters of the word
KANPUR when the vowels are in even places is
(A) 144 (B) 36 (C) 24 (D) 48
18. If repetitions are not allowed, the number of numbers consisting of 4 digits and
divisible by 5 and formed out of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is
(A) 220 (B) 240 (C) 370 (D) 588
19. A polygon has 35 diagonals. The number of its sides are
(A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 11
20. The number of rectangles on a chess board is
(A) 1296 (B) 204 (C) 1292 (D) 200
21. The rank of the work MADHUR when arranged in dictionary order is
(A) 362 (B) 360 (C) 358 (D) 356 /
Permutation and Combination
22. 20 persons are invited for a party. The different number of ways in which they can be
seated around a circular table with two particular persons seated on the either side of
the host are
(A) 19! 2! (B) 18! 2! (C) 20! 2! (D) 18! 3!
23. The number of ways of arranging the letters of the word DEVIL so that neither D is the
first letter nor L is the last letter is
(A) 36 (B) 114 (C) 42 (D) 78
24. In how many ways can 3 sovereigns be given when there are 4 applicants and any
applicant may have either 0, 1, 2 or 3 sovereigns?
(A) 15 (B) 20 (C) 24 (D) 48
25. In the word ENGINEERING if all Es are not together and Ns come together then
number of permutations is
9! 7! 9! 7! 9! 7! 9! 7!
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2!2! 2!2! 3!2! 2!2! 3!2!2! 2!2!2! 3!2!2! 2!2!
26. The number of permutation that can be made out of the letters of the word
MATHEMATICS. When no two vowels come together is
7! 8 7! 8 7! 8
(A) 7! 8P4 (B) P4 (C) P4 (D) P4
2! 2! 2! 2!2! 2!
27. The number of different numbers each of six digits than can be formed by using the
digits of the numbers 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 9 is
(A) 90 (B) 100 (C) 600 (D) 120
28. The number of ways so that all the letters of the word SWORD can be arranged such
that no letter is in its original position is
(A) 44 (B) 32 (C) 28 (D) 20
29. The number of two digit numbers which are of the form xy with y < x are given by
(A) 45 (B) 55 (C) 17 (D) 27
30. The number of proper divisors of 2160 is
(A) 40 (B) 39 (C) 38 (D) 18 /

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