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Chemical Reactor Omnibook. O. Levenspiel

Course descrip=on:

The use of numerical methods for simula=on, analysis and design of

engineering processes and systems has increased at a rapid pace in

recent years. This course aims to acquire a number of basic no=ons of

es=ma=on techniques used in process engineering. The course will

have three major goals:

Course descrip=on:
1. Introduce the basic concepts and theore=cal founda=ons of
numerical methods,
2. Acquire skills to implement and apply these methods to the
approxima=on of the solu=on,
3. and nally, provide an environment in which students are familiar
with programming languages and their use in solving engineering

Course descrip=on:
In the rst objec=ve, the following key aspects will be covered:
analysis and propaga=on of errors, approxima=on of non-linear
equa=ons, linear algebraic equa=ons, interpola=on and extrapola=on,
numerical dieren=a=on and integra=on. In the second objec=ve,
fundamentals of computer programming, as well as certain specic
languages, such as SCILAB programming are presented. In the
ul=mate goal, students will learn how to use EXCEL and SCILAB to
implement and enforce their own numerical methods.

Grading Components
Mid term Proyect 1(20%)
(From September 5th to
September 17th)
Oral presenta=on (10 %)

Mid term Proyect 2 (20%)
(October 3th to 5th)
Oral presenta=on (10 %)

Final Proyect (30%)
(November 15th to 26th )
Oral presenta=on (10 %)

1. Modelizacion y Programacn

Introduccin al clculo ciencco.
Iniciacin al SCILAB: operaciones elementales y primeros comandos, vectores
y matrices, representaciones grcas.
Programacin con SCILAB.
EXCEL en el Clculo Ciencco

2. Ecuaciones algebraicas lineales
Elementos del anlisis matricial.
Mtodos directos: resolucin con divisin por izquierda; descomposicin
LU; el mtodo de Gauss y Gauss-Jordan.

3. Ecuaciones nolineales
Mtodo de biseccin.
Mtodos de primer orden: aproximaciones sucesivas y variantes.
El Mtodo de Newton-Raphson
Sistemas de ecuaciones no lineales; el mtodo de Newton-Raphson
mul=variable. (Op=mizacin)

4. Integracin y diferenciacin numrica
Diferenciacin numrica.
Integracin en varias variables.

5. Mtodos de Resolucin Numrica de
Ecuaciones Diferenciales ordinarias.(EDOs)

6. Sistemas de EDOs

7. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales ( Introduccin )

Recommended Texts:

CHAPRA, Steven C. Canale, et al. Mtodos numricos para
ingenieros. McGraw-Hill, 2007.

BURDEN, Richard L. Burden, et al. Anlisis numrico.
Grupo Editorial Iberoamericana,, 1985.

BEERS, Kenneth J. Numerical methods for chemical
engineering: applica:ons in Matlab.
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Recommended Texts:

LAW, Victor J. Numerical methods for chemical engineers
using Excel, VBA, and MATLAB. CrC Press, 2013.

CALVO, Jose L. SCILAB, Programacion Y Simulacion
(Spanish Edi:on) Ed. ALFA-OMEGA 2009.

Student Responsibility:

Students enrolled in this class have completed nine out ten semesters of their
undergraduate educa>on. In less than one years you are likely to be employed or
pursuing a graduate degree. Thus you are expected to behave professionally and to treat
both the instructor and fellow students with respect. I will do my best to treat you in a
similar manner.

The major responsibility that you have for learning this material is to read the book and
do the homework. If you do this, it will be very dicult for you to fail this class.

Behavior in the classroom:

- For ins=tu=onal rules, arendance is mandatory. It will list every day.

- The use of mobile phones in the classroom is not allowed, it is
recommended to lower the volume of this and to answer a call, you can
leave class.

- The use of tools such as "WhatsApp" during class is not permired.

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