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Abanos Lecture on IPRA 1909 very early decision by the US SCa certain Cruz, an IP, filed a

case for application for the recognition of his title in a particular

Purpose is to recognize, promote, and identify the rights of an IP. area. Decision was in favor of the indigenous title. It may rightly be
110 ethnolinguistic groups. Constitute 13-15million of the assumed therefore that all lands were held by the crown, it did not
population. insure to convert the native lands owned by natives. Every
presumption is against the government in the case against the
Land = Life. Gift from God. present. The land has been held by individuals in a claim of private
ownership, before the Spanish conquest.
Their view: Group/community ownership, not individual ownership.
Their cultural integrity is linked to the land. Public Domain Agricultural, Industrial, Commercial, Residential

Torrens system, you acquire ownership through occupation, since Constitution: State must recognize the rights of indigenous cultural
1945, prescription etc. communities, including rights of ancestral land and ancestral
domain. (Totally different classification even in the Constitution)
IPs acquire the land through naked title. They occupy it, nurture it,
since time immemorial. You have under the Torrens system an original certificate of title,
tct, etc.
Question before: Some were questioning ancestral domain,
ancestral land. We follow regalia doctrine. All lands belong to the For IPs they have the CALT and CADT (Certificate of ancestral land
state, and the state you get ownership from the land. This case is title, Certificate of ancestral domain title) issued to them.
different because these lands were occupied even before the
Spaniards came. There is a survey to find out the bounds of the land title (sometimes
the ancestral land is much wider than the survey) It is submitted to
SC ruling: Ancestral lands and ancestral domain were never part of the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) created by
the public domain, they were owned privately by the indigenous the IPRA law. After survey, there will be testimonies, that the tribe
people even before the Spaniards came, the lands were never part owns the ancestral land/domain.
of the state. They have never been public land! (Cruz v Sec DENR)
Sometimes there can be two groups claiming the same land. There
Ancestral land = Land itself will be a hearing then in the Ancestral Domain office, an office in
the NCIP. It is the NCIP who will then issue the title. It should be a
Ancestral domain = What is in the land like forest, mineral
resources, everything that is in there. group ownership.
Some anomalies: some CALT and CADTs have been issued to
families. There have been problems regarding that.

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