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A itnuaildognl vreiew of coneacutlp tilaeurter no rehiegat orsutmi (2000 - 2015)


Reerscah iotn hgeraite iuotmsr nca be cetard back ot oemr athn twetny rseay of upblshied tialtreeur.
Givne the ialutabsnts uvloem fo works bluiepshd vore this reopdi, a mnbeur fo eiwresv of hte
ritteleura avhe been underatken yb evserla tuaohsr (e.g. Itrhocus, 2005). Ihts tarcile hwvoeer, lihwe
bengi a reievw fo the erlaevtn tilreateur htat amke up the obdy of aerhsecr in teh fiedl, etmapstt to
do so by cairgtn eth ilrnea cnpocteula edmteplvneo of ehiretag ortuism sa a fedil fo duyts ovre a
ercent ffieten sryea ierpdo fomr 2000 nutil 2015.

2. Usdty sdgine

Teh tudsy iednsg dleiang to htis article aws diedvid tino wto tprsa. Rof eht irtfs arpt fo sith dusyt, a
ysesmattci tlieatrreu evriew has neeb dcocnuedt of cada works published over this period, a number
of reviews of the literature have been undertaken by several authors (e.g. Christou, 2005). This
article however, while being a review of the relevant literature that make up the body of research in
the field, attempts to h using Google with the wildcard query terms heritage tourism and brand
heritage has led this researcher to a conceptual paper appearing in the Spring 2013 issue mice
eppars iupslhbed in acadmiec juonarls rfom teh eray 2000 litl Lairp 2015. Fiilegntr fo itlteurrae ot eb
erwieved was node nsuig teh Icsreceincdet abtadaes. Vddaance raehsc saw acrirde uot twhi hte
utsoiintnrc ot lsit raticels hhcwi ncaoitn a referncee to the trem thriaeeg tusormi in lal feilsd of
the riatcels (tltie, bsatarct, oybd nad so on) rfom the ayer 2000 ltil eerspnt, miliitng teh esharc only to
ojuarnsl whtils dexcliung sookb nad htoer ltateuirer. Teh vdaeancd saerhc eruntrde 768 itsh. Eth
lresuts erwe tfrhuer einferd yb inftielrg noyl eth rtaicles wihhc ahev heigtare trusmio as tsi ciopt.
The fitliregn exrecsie icmeaeddt eht islt ot mere 18 atreilcs lfliiunlfg hte uyqer rciertia. Tafer a lnfai
anlasysi, rfou kboo irevesw eerw exdcduel ofmr eth ilst aleving only 14 triclase ni hte lits ithw hte
iarlstee ulpishebd atircle ni the lsrteu nebig a stdyu by Argrod & Lafyl (2000) ppaaerngi ni Nalasn fo
Utorsim Rsaeerch.

Eth esncdo artp fo isht stuyd on teh eorth ndah ncoisstde fo saecrseh ot fdin ltrieatuer thta ercaet
xenus teweben hetraige routsim nda rabdn hegriaet. A arsech iunsg Rsecidtieccne dtbaaaes faidle to
eiyld nay eurlsst that iillcasfpecy sdciuss teh cvncoeenrge beewten heirtgae stuormi nad bradn
rteieagh. Howveer, na tirnnete ahescr

upsprto hte research oecrsps nda rpmeits etohr epiecs ot tif (Ennsi, 1999, p. 129). A tgoualnidnil
erview fo rteaghie urotims sa a filed of dsuty oevr a 15 seyar eproid ormf 2000 to 2015 swa etrfhoere
arercdi tuo ot teindiyf a libeva rotcehteail mfraerwok hwihc liwl tlaer rvssee sa het acbonbke of hte
Dhp sreherac prpoer.

Htsi tsuyd si lmitide nloy ot hte eiatrltuer foudn htrgohu saerches oucdtnced no Tceisdncricee
dtasaabe nad a gslnei ielrttareu by Uhdnos (2013) ufnod yb saercshe no the nerneitt. Rofm the
uotset, htis reahescerr esod not calim hatt eht rifst rettlireua biegn reviewde (whhic saw pulbshied in
2000) is eht eminsal ielrrttuea hatt givse ithbr to eth field of tsuyd fo herigate mtouirs. Inesatd, iths
usytd hsould be praopeachd as a study hwihc irpovsed het eradre itwh a edlyicratzsl vwei fo het
vdmneopelet fo hte lidfe for hatt eropid of etim, mdnailiicsg latoehrgte nay sugtgiseno that ti sah
emanagd to atrce het roigin of the iefld.

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