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Subtopic 2.

3 Design aspects of Process Control System

2.3.1 Classification of variables in a Chemical Process

2.3.2 Design elements of a Control System

2.3.3 Control aspects of a complete Chemical Plant

2.3.1 Classification of variables in a Chemical Process

The variables associated with a chemical process are divided into 2


1. Input variables, which denote the effect of the surroundings on the

chemical process

2. Output variables, which denote the effect of the process on the


Fig 2.7 CSTR with cooling jacket

Input variables: cA, Fi, Ti, Tci, Fc, (F)

Output variables: cA, F, V, T, Tco

Input variables can further be divided into:

1. Manipulated (or adjustable) variables, their values can be adjusted

freely by a human operator or a control mechanism

2. Disturbances, their values are not the result of adjustment by an

operator or a control system

Output variables can also be classified into the following categories:

1. Measured output variables, their values are known by directly

measuring them

2. Unmeasured output variables, their values are not or cannot be

measured directly

Suppose the inlet stream in the CSTR system (fig 2.7) comes from an
upstream unit over which we have no control (then cA, Ti and Fi) are

If the coolant flow rate is controlled by a control valve, then Fc is a MV,

while Tc is a disturbance.

Also, if the flow rate of the effluent stream is controlled by a valve, F is a

MV, otherwise it is an output variable.

With respect to output variables (T, F, Tco and V) are measured output
variables (T, Tco using a thermocouple, F using a venturi meter and V using
a DPC).

cA is a measured variable if an analyzer (gas chromatograph, infrared

spectrometer, etc.) is attached to the effluent stream, generally expensive,
low reliability, consequently cA becomes unmeasured output variable.

According to their measurability, disturbances are classified into measured

and unmeasured disturbances

Fig 2.8 summarizes all the classes of variables that we have around a
chemical process.

Fig 2.8 Input and output variables around a chemical process

2.3.2 Design elements of a Control System

There are basic questions as well as concepts that must be answered and
understood while attempting to design a control system that will satisfy the
control needs of a chemical process.

a. Define control objectives

The central element in any control configuration is the process that

we want to control, thus the first question raised by the control
designer is:

Question 1: What are the operational objectives that a control system

is called upon to achieve?

The answer to this question determines the control objectives:

Ensuring the stability of the process, or

Suppressing the influence of external disturbances, or

Optimizing the economic performance of a plant, or

A combination of the above

Fig 2.1 STH

Control objectives: T = Ts and V (h) = Vs (hs)

b. Select measurements

Whatever our control objectives are, we need some means to monitor

the performance of the chemical process

This is done by measuring the values of certain processing variables

(Ts, Ps, concentration, flow rates, etc.), and the second question that
arises is:

Question 2: What variables should we measure in order to maintain

the operational performance of a plant?

c. Select manipulated variables

Once the central objectives have been specified and the various
measurements identified, the next question relates to how we effect a
change in the process:

Question 3: What are the manipulated variables to be used to control

a chemical process?

Usually in a process we have a number of available input variables

which can be adjusted freely, but which ones to select as
manipulated variables is a crucial question, as choice will affect the
quality of the control actions we take.

d. Select the control configuration

After the control objectives, the possible measurements, and the

available manipulated variables have been identified, the final
problem to be solved is that of defining the control configuration.

It is clear that there are many different control configurations for a

given chemical process, which raises the following question:

Question 4: What is the best control configuration for a given

chemical process control situation?

The answer to this question is very critical for the quality of the control
system we are to design.

Depending on how many controlled outputs and manipulated inputs

we have in a chemical process, we can distinguish the control
configuration as either single-input, single-output (SISO) or multiple-
input, multiple-output (MIMO) control systems.

For example, the tank heater system:

If the control objective (controlled output) is to keep the liquid

level at a desired value by manipulating the effluent flow
rate, we have a SISO system.
On the contrary, if our control objective are (more than one)
to keep the level and the temperature of the liquid at desired
values, by manipulating (more than one) the steam flow rate
and the effluent flow rate, we have a MIMO system.

Fig 2.9 General structure of Feedback control configuration

Fig 2.10 General structure of Feedforward control


e. Design the controller

In every control configuration the controller is the active element that

receives the information from the measurements and takes
appropriate control actions to adjust the values of the MVs, and the
following question arises:

Question: How is the information taken from the measurements used

to adjust the values of the MVs? (Answer: Control law).

Lets consider the problem of controlling the temperature T of a liquid in a

STH (fig 2.1), when Ti changes.

Assumption: Fi = F and Ti will be the measurement and Q (heat input

provided by the steam) the MV.

Question: How should Q change in order to keep T constant, when Ti

changes? (Developing a control law)

Under steady state conditions: 0 = FCp (Ti,s Ts) + Qs ---- 1

Where, F, and Cp are the inlet (or outlet) flow rate, density of liquid and
specific heat capacity of the liquid, respectively.

Ts, Ti,s and Qs are the corresponding steady-state values.

Fig 2.11 temperature step change

If suddenly Ti increases as in Fig 2.11, if nothing is done on Q, T will start
rising with time, and changes of T with time is as follows:

Subtracting eqn I from eqn 2

Note that d(T-Ts)/dt = dT/dt since Ts = constant

The difference, = T Ts (error or deviation), control law is to require that

Q changes proportionally to the error T - Ts:

This is known as the proportional control and parameter is called

proportional gain (eqn 4 into eqn 3):

Eqn 5 is solved for (T-Ts), and for various values of gain yields a solution
shown in fig 2.12

Fig 2.12 temperature response under proportional feedback control

Can use time integral control, where Q is proportional to the time integral of

Eqn 6 into eqn 3:

Fig 2.13 Temperature response under integral feedback control

Combining proportional and integral actions = proportional-integral control:

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