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(Ptreenic, 1993).

Ggseutsed atth theirgae rtuomsi cna eb clasisifed as a lusbcsas fo lutcaulr sturmio,

eeifndd by teh World Uotrism Nzgaarontiio (1985) sa the omevetmns fo pesnros fro lnsaesitely
uucrltal itvnsaooimt usch sa tsudy utros, peromfrign sart nda curltalu tousr, rtaevl to efsivatls nad
otehr rleated nevest.

Pakr (2010)

Hreiateg ni heieartg ruotims si etvijcyeblus edfinde dna ylanldiuidiv ptenireertd yb stiourts.

Roiap & Saowhtrh (2009)

Sith ersearhc nteo adotpde dan xelpaendi the eepanrxetili pparoahc to irehtage itoumrs sa
tdalicrtaeu yb Oprai, Buetrl dna Eiray (2003). Accridong ot eht prpoaahc, heriagte toriusm si het
epxerciene fo spcesa hiwhc spteren ntaigbel dna niintagebl eemelsnt rpeeecivd yb eth vitoisrs ot eb a
aptr fo their nwo spneoalr hertagei. Tish is in corntats to the ieciderpsvt cprpaoah which gdreras
hriegtae ruistom as visits ot ascpse whchi ear csliasiefd, urahtizoed, dna thteadiunctea as heitager.
Eht rheigeta on ohsw aym be rpat fo orldw ro lolca rheagite, but it usmt eb a hreiteag taht isvirtos
elef si eralenvt ot ethm omer athn to thosre.

Elvrante ot siht ifedniiton si hte ibatiyl fo het suppilers fo erhtaige tcontasriat ot iumpanlate hte
sbcuijeetv leefigsn fo eth vtisiosr. This sohrt erearcsh toen nirfmso hte eraesdr fo hte noeapttli of
iraheegt utorsim to eprptaeute noclfistc htruogh tsih lipionuatamn of pcpreentio. Eth aprep
ahllcenges het ohgutth that tuorims rseevs sa a vehicel ofr sroftegin ntrneiuandsdg dan iinmmziing
ygestorpniet. In aeltryi, ehrgitae tourism si a oudleb edegd wsord. Hretigae isnrttcaota mai to
fcliaiaett eht ertciano fo ditnetyi (Aayyybahddonp, Rosima dan Chkic, 2008 ceidt ni Opria nad
Wsahotrh, 2009) thughro acspse/sites iwhch rae seignded iwht the ima to ndewo the persetn and
hte uturfe iwht a seipfcic vleua yssmte, uctltering ti iwht sleecetd angblite and tnaingbeil semeenlt.
Eahritge crointstaat rtspene someones ehirtgea nad eetrfhero oilgcally not someeon eless
(Utrbnigde dna Tshwraoh 1996, p. 21 ticed ni Poari dna Sahwroht, 2009), dan sa usch yeht prmtooe
isiodarlty thiiwn a ecrtian orugp yb speairnatg it ofrm hotesr. Scuh tsise often iam to fniomr/mnried
hte ivsirost of theri csaoil obgielgnn, rieofnrec rethi yoaltly ot a cratein opgur of oppele, dan
teligiiemz a tcreani loeglacioid arfmowekr. Ni tsies hatt prnetes rliaiymt focsnlcti as its erhtgaie
ttcasntrioa, uusally on call is amde for unsdentianrdg and otlanerec. Rfo apexeml awr omnnmuest
where lodsirse ni eihtr eadth rae darimde by hte ivngli owh era agrteulf to the daed. Nay ohter
omenito si nsee as kain to taernso. Cush ritehgae tarsoticnat, oalhutgh nylo na leampxe ofr eractni
ytpe fo hretiaeg staatrtinoc, ahlclnege eht comnom htuogth ttha ehitareg ruotism si a coslai
mesncamhi iamnig at ptrioogmn paeec nda etnsdnruindag.

Rcaocding to Oipra & Srhawhot (2009) ufhrert, het voluem of het tviiss ot rthieaeg stise yma laso
ugssget hatt iviorsst seek scuh ehrtiage icxseepreen orf acrintg enlegagoy (eengict ro ucrltaul) adn for
eskenig a sesen fo pstouyrriei nad uinqnueess. To retnpev ihts frmo hapiepnng, Aiorp & Osarhthw
(2009) suggtses atht rehaietg iuorstt cstraaitont shuold be maaedng onsbeypslri, cziggreonin ethri
opssibel effecst (ioptsive and eenagtiv) and elrinziag that eiehrgat toiursm anc eb a cmeahsnmi ofr
soacil btsaliity (as ellw as crsureoe and taasltcy rof fcnoiclst).

Ngoaelzz (2008)

An fofsooth of reheitag oustrim is hte nitbgnaile thariege otursim hhiwc ferrse ot eht itvsi yb orttuiss
ot a rpactaulri apcel ot reexenipec het itannbigel hertiaeg tcotaatrins (e.g. uucltral dnecas). Ogzlnzae
(2008) rrseheca etno liihgghhts veirpuos sereahrrsec pprosolas taht to na atiseetxnil (as epr Rpoia te
la., [2003] fdeintiino) hetrgaie uorsitt, teirghae oturism si lal tboau epenxignicre a epde raiinentgto
oint eth initebagln hieterga fo het cpael ibnge evsitdi, ni actf it si ihst

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