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eoratitnngi hatt yhte osutgh afert and ecbome eht miotativon for ethm ot embakr on a pscecfii

itnnagblei iheragte torisum. Htsi is in ocnatrst iwth elierus troistsu hhwci olny seeks hosrt, deonhiscit
cncotat thwi het iangnbtiel etiharge lmeteen as setpractso whilst artlevlngi wtiihn the inaetnditso,
for htem hte ocnttac tiwh the rhiaegte elenmet is lnoy a part fo eht woleh elisrue rtosuim

Ytsqeenulnco, to tlanixeites hetriage rtotisus, inntagible ehirtgae anc be ensrptdrota ot orhte

ctnoruies woihttu loinsg taicutniyeht - het outtirs may og on ianttegrcni wiht ti (the itnangleib
hertiaeg) nolg tfaer he/hes ash pdaetred orfm eth siitvde palec hstu ogcfusni lifdeity of hte isvit to
teh pexieecnre rthaer atnh to hte colsu. No the otrhe dahn, for lseirue rtousits, hte ycuthtniiaet is
rdooet ni clous nad as a lruets, eliusre tiorusst veha a cakl fo ientrest in the pordantestr
atrtocatni, sa once revmedo ofrm ist agiornil place it appears ot elos its hrmca.

Carcoding to Gzznloae (2008), sehte foacstr (i.e. xepneercie eruvss uolcs) should eb atken nito
tcanordiisnoe hnwe edelvnogip scepific toiurst prodcuts os htta hte spupisler of rheiaget ricotsatnta
od ton eneglct nay of teshe owt uortsit tpesy. Eht opdrctu (i.e. itnagnblei agheerit tirattnaco) shuold
not eb ismypl a nrfpoecmare rpogram (sa ofr euslrie tutroiss), ubt muts laso cildune ocuress,
rwokspsho, ecesfnoecnr tihw artsits nad, ni geenarl, iiioarnpcatpt dna a dperee taenrintgio ni the
eowlh nnialgbtie lctureu (lfnemaco dniacng ni teh xcontet of Gnazolez reeacrsh).

Eslearobtsl & Arimrez, (2007)

Erglnelay, the mnai eaotyanxrlp ftcasro in rorde to uendrsantd the teeldpevomn fo ehtraige routmsi
ear hte arkemt, its enegrtiaon fo mdedan, adn het teoeinvnrtni fo the Taset. Salrltbeeos nad
Rimzaers study ofudn hatt apart rfom esteh htree crafots, the edonegnuos facotrs fo the tosh
oesitices must aols be ktaen into account in order ot xlpanei mreo htorgouhyl hwy hteiraeg uotrims
ahs eddvelope ni msoe reaas nda not ni oertsh. Teh hraeeigt usmt salo be eprcievde as ehtrieag yb
hte lacol ocmuimnty ont olyn by eht tourtis or yb the Satte.

Trhigaee si edpely troode ni eht senes of onmmutyic nad dientity. In hte tnextco of Lrtseseoalb nda
Arimrezs usdty iwhch era mingni aarse ni Ohsutern Sapni, rhtee si a lakc fo ensse of uocmmnity
moagn hte mniers as lelw as identity asebd raundo imnign as oen of teh ifnmoantsr ni hte tdsyu
pxleadnei eht poelpe fo het wtno dnot fele porud fo hte iimngn past. Hetse lkac fo mcoumnal
senes adn indyitte hmpear het tpdleenvmeo of eth reasa as rehiatge uotrism sseti tipedse
ogvrnenemt teerontnnivi. Acrcdoing to Srlabeeltos dan Aiezmrr, hiotwtu a sense of comtimuny, erteh
is on coleclvtie rhetiaeg; wutihot na inedtiyt easdb aroudn gininm, tehre lwil eb no miginn thieraeg,
olny eairmns and risnu tath are ton vlaued ro sued. Eht crpitalca imnptiailoc of hte tsuyd si thta ni
oredr to vdloeep rhtiaege tourism ni a paturlicar ecalp, tfacrso csuh sa mearkt emddan adn
rgvomennet nitvrinnoete ear not enoguh, het emmebrs fo a cmomuntiy smut emhsetlves luvae the
potnaetil fo hteir ihrtgeae as a outrits urodptc dna froef ethm ot eth dorlw.
Cmacin & Ray (2003)

Ehtagrie tourism armekt ahs a oieirtanrlopf fo usb-mesentgs, eno of ethm is eht usb-esgment knnow
as elgacy rtousmi hiwch oincssts fo trutoiss hatt trvale ot anegeg ni ciagogeeanll aeodnevusr, ot
ecsarh ofr imtianrofno on ro ot simlyp lefe nocenetcd to ascnerots nad acsntreal roots. Legcay
rutsoist fdferi frmo toher otusistr on tlarve motiaitvon nda arvetl riooaintnmf denes ni htat tyeh ryt
ot difn espronal nameing ni eth itsse hyet visit. Ortiusm amrkeetr thfereroe hulosd atke ehde of eht
ifdnsngi of hte ucrertn tusyd ot deleovp htsi umhc genlectde sbu-gesnemt of regheita uotrism.

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