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Phone phreaking (by DrAnthrax)

<DrAnthrax> Lesson 1 is how to get something for free that WOULD be free, if the
service wasn't run by a bunch of profiteering gluttons
<KroaK> we just have to not interrupt
<KroaK> lol
<KroaK> hackers reference ftw
<DrAnthrax> That's right, actually i learned most of what I know from the movie
<xoxo> DrAnthrax: you mean ... the movie
<DrAnthrax> And the rest from really old Phrack text files
<xoxo> in which hacking the gibson appear right?
<KroaK> flu shot
<DrAnthrax> That's right yes although they don't fully explain the hacking
<DrAnthrax> so I'm not sure about the methods involved in hacking a gibson
<DrAnthrax> And to be honest that was from 1995
<DrAnthrax> So i'm sure there have been some patches to the Gibson software
<DrAnthrax> since that documentary was made
<KroaK> lol
<figgybit> on with the class ...
<DrAnthrax> Ok
<DrAnthrax> So basically, a lot of people don't know that a red box still works
<DrAnthrax> At least in many states in the US
<DrAnthrax> But
<DrAnthrax> You have to solder in a different crystal
<DrAnthrax> The crystal you want is a 18.45 mhz crystal
<DrAnthrax> And you can get them from radio shack
<DrAnthrax> Now if you didn't know, you solder these into a tone dialer
<DrAnthrax> and when you press the * button
<DrAnthrax> It will register as 25c
<DrAnthrax> In a payphone
<DrAnthrax> Now a word of warning
<DrAnthrax> This doesn't work in ALL payphones
<DrAnthrax> and in some states it doesn't work at all, california and new york
specifically although there are no doubt others
<DrAnthrax> What you want to find is an older payphone
<DrAnthrax> and just try it out
<DrAnthrax> If you want to be 100% sure
<DrAnthrax> Then a COCOT will almost ALWAYS work
<DrAnthrax> That's a customer owned, customer operated payphone
<DrAnthrax> Like you'll find in bars etc.
* lolwat has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<DrAnthrax> And these often work even in the states I mentioned
<DrAnthrax> Also in Canada, and the United Kingdom, they are surefire
<DrAnthrax> With the same crystal
<DrAnthrax> It just registers a different coin
<figgybit> whats a red box look like? is there an image online?
<DrAnthrax> Well it's just a regular radio shack tone dialer
<DrAnthrax> The thing that makes it a red box is the modifications that you do to
it yourself
<xoxo> figgybit:
<DrAnthrax> Haha
<DrAnthrax> Figgybit, yes, exacrlyt
<DrAnthrax> Exactly like that
<DrAnthrax> Now you can paint yours red if you want, it's up to you
<DrAnthrax> I also sometimes write the name of my phreaking group on there
<DrAnthrax> You can use tippex, or a magic marker
<DrAnthrax> It's totally your choice
<DrAnthrax> It's easy to solder in a new crystal too
<DrAnthrax> You just take a soldering iron, and use the solder that is already in
<DrAnthrax> You heat that up, take out the crystal (you'll recognise it because it
looks like the other crystal you bought)
<figgybit> what a crystal look like
<DrAnthrax> Like a diode
<DrAnthrax> or a transistor
<DrAnthrax> just like an electrical component
<DrAnthrax> Now, the thing you have to be careful of at this stage
<figgybit> opps
<DrAnthrax> is that the crystal is attached to the circuit board with two little
dabs of solder in each terminal
<figgybit> W33IwvwfESpmgpFiig+01VRNCjN2nYFIrlpl+
<figgybit> O5wYwMGGBzW+Mi/wCfv+2Nc2Ae/f5YZJuTjBxoT79/TGc+
<figgybit> enu+
<DrAnthrax> Whoa my nigga!
<figgybit> whoa! sorry
<DrAnthrax> Lulz
<DrAnthrax> Hang on let me find you a picture of a crystal
<xochipilli> wow
<xochipilli> rude
<figgybit> ok thanks
<figgybit> yeah sorry
<xochipilli> <3
<DrAnthrax> Ok, shit looks like this
<DrAnthrax> Although the two terminals sticking out of it will be way smaller
<DrAnthrax> They sell them big so you can clip them to the size you need
<figgybit> ok cool
<DrAnthrax> Now, like I was saying
<DrAnthrax> It's attached to the circuit board with two little bits of solder, one
on each terminal
<DrAnthrax> and if you dunno how to use a soldering iron, you MIGHT let those two
dabs run into eachother and go together
<DrAnthrax> Now it's very important that you don't do this
<DrAnthrax> otherwise you need to start over with a new tone dialer, and while they
aren't expensive or anything it's still a hassle
<DrAnthrax> And to be honest you should buy two because this probably will happen
at least once when you are still trying to learn how to use a soldering iron
<DrAnthrax> So yeah, be careful and watch out for that shit
<xochipilli> light cigarettes w/ a soldering iron
<xochipilli> run out of building
<DrAnthrax> A true phreak respects his soldering iron way too much to light a
cigarette with it
<xochipilli> oops
<DrAnthrax> It's the phreaking tool of choice
<xoxo> (bytheway, i got the logging going on)
<DrAnthrax> Sweet
<xochipilli> iono
<xochipilli> id like to challenge a true freak to spend a day working w/o lighter
<xochipilli> with a pack of cigs
<xochipilli> and a soldering iron
<xochipilli> :3
<DrAnthrax> I feel you. I'd do the same thing
<xochipilli> haha
<DrAnthrax> But I make sure to carry a lighter
<DrAnthrax> It's the other phreak tool of choice
<xochipilli> smoke drugsssssssssssssss
<DrAnthrax> So yeah, making a redbox is easy
<DrAnthrax> The hard part is finding a phone to use it
<DrAnthrax> Some places it's easy
<DrAnthrax> Some places it just won't happen
<DrAnthrax> In big cities you stand way less chance than small towns
<DrAnthrax> So if you live in a big city, the best choice is to find one of those
COCOTs I mentioned earlier
<DrAnthrax> But...even if you live in a big city, your phreaking fun is not phucked
<DrAnthrax> and that brings me to lesson 2, the beige box
* lolwat ( has joined #school4lulz
* ChanServ gives voice to lolwat
xochipilli> i didnt know people still phreaked
<xochipilli> outside of like voip, which isnt rly phreaking
<DrAnthrax> Dude I''ve been phreaking since '99
<DrAnthrax> And most of the shit still works
<xochipilli> heh
<torify> hi
<DrAnthrax> Or you need to modify it a bit
<DrAnthrax> Like with the redbox, you need to use a different crystal and it
doesn't work in every phone
<DrAnthrax> But yeah, I pheel you, there's no REAL reason to phreak anymore
<DrAnthrax> Other than because it's fun
<DrAnthrax> Or "phun" as we say in the phreaking community
<figgybit> thanks for the lesson !
<figgybit> i got to run to 'the shack'
<DrAnthrax> No worries figgybit
<xoxo> DrAnthrax: the end?
<DrAnthrax> Nah I was going to talk about beige boxes too
<xoxo> all righty DrAnthrax
<DrAnthrax> Which is a linesman's handset
<DrAnthrax> This is the same piece of equipment that the phone engineers use to
test lines
<lolwat> just out of curiosity (and to create a good ol' editors war)
<DrAnthrax> But you can make one yourself in your home
<figgybit> great more
<lolwat> do you use either vim, emacs or other editor?
<DrAnthrax> Again you need a soldering iron
<DrAnthrax> lolwat: emacs
<torify> vim
<DrAnthrax> People who use vim are the lowest form of life on this earth
<xoxo> guys don't fuck up the lesson
<lolwat> I use vim <3
<lolwat> aw, there was a lesson going on?
<lolwat> soz
<DrAnthrax> No worries
<xoxo> lolwat: it's all right
<DrAnthrax> Anyway, the linesmans handset, or beige box
<DrAnthrax> To make one, all you need is an old school corded phone
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<DrAnthrax> and two alligator clips
<DrAnthrax> and some solder
<DrAnthrax> and a soldering iron
<DrAnthrax> But all phreaks should have a soldering iron, that's the first thing
you buy
<DrAnthrax> So yeah, it's really simple to make
<DrAnthrax> You just cut the handset from the base of the phone
<DrAnthrax> And solder two aligator clips to the two wires
<DrAnthrax> I mean this is easy as phuck, I used to do it when I was 11
<DrAnthrax> Now, at this point, you need to find one of the phone company exhanges,
they are like green boxes in the street
<DrAnthrax> That's how they look in the suburbs anyway
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<DrAnthrax> In inner city places they are underground but you don't want to do this
there anyway, because people will see you
<DrAnthrax> Now, if you open up one of these green boxes, you'll see a ton of
<DrAnthrax> make sure this is a phone company box btw, and not power! The phone
company logo will be on it
<DrAnthrax> You use a square hex wrench to open it
<DrAnthrax> The size varies
<DrAnthrax> But it's usually a small one
<DrAnthrax> I mean maybe smaller than you have in a normal socket set
<DrAnthrax> so yeah, open up the box, and you'll find terminals. Each one of these
terminals is linked to your neighbours phone lines
<DrAnthrax> Now at this point, you can clip the alligator clips of your beige box
to the terminals
<DrAnthrax> And you can make free calls (using an unmodified radio shack tone
dialler to dial)
<DrAnthrax> But that's not really worth sitting in the ground for
<DrAnthrax> The best thing is listening to other people's calls
<lolwat> DrAnthrax, being I a total noob on phreaking:
<lolwat> is it possible to cross lines?
<DrAnthrax> Yes! Now you are thinking
<lolwat> like "redirect" to my line?
<lolwat> (i am lazy xD=
<DrAnthrax> well, don't do that
<lolwat> (don't like the outside light)
<DrAnthrax> Because if you do, the phone company guy will open up the box
<DrAnthrax> and be like "Hmm some clown crossed these lines"
<DrAnthrax> And if your neighbour phones up the phone company and is like "WTF I
didn't call Venezuela "
<xochipilli> STAT
<lolwat> and can we do the same shit for ADSL?
<DrAnthrax> They'll phreak out
<lolwat> I mean, I use phone lines to access the internet
<DrAnthrax> and not in a cool phreaking way, in a phucked up ma bell way
<lolwat> so, i could (in theory, and provided I have a modem)
<lolwat> have free interwebs...
<DrAnthrax> lolwat: Dude you could go down there and do that, sure, but it wouldn't
be a very stable connection through a pair of alligator clips
<DrAnthrax> I dunno if it would work
<lolwat> tru...
<DrAnthrax> Voice though, no problem
<lolwat> yeah, some interferences, but still hearable
<DrAnthrax> But it's fun to cross your neighbours lines for mischief purposes
<lolwat> *audible
<DrAnthrax> Yeah, actually pretty clear, but maybe not clear enough for good data
<lolwat> i see your point...
<DrAnthrax> If you want to use your neighbours internet, just hack their wi-fi
<DrAnthrax> You can do that without getting your knees wet
<lolwat> I am very unlucky in that regard...
<lolwat> I am the only one with wireless
<lolwat> around my neibourghood
<DrAnthrax> Do some wardriving then
<IR601> :D <3 znc with 500lines of buffering
<DrAnthrax> But yeah, that's about it for the phreaking lesson today, we've kind of
migrated into discussion time
<lolwat> DrAnthrax, is there something else to know? is it really that simple?
<DrAnthrax> Next week I'll be discussing the mysterious rainbow box
<lolwat> just open the box, tap into the wires, and all done?
<DrAnthrax> lolwat: Yep it's that simple
<DrAnthrax> Indeed
<DrAnthrax> Like I say
<DrAnthrax> A beige box is the same tool that engineers use to check lines
<lolwat> and phreaking should be done, like, at night... am i right?
<DrAnthrax> Yes
<xoxo> DrAnthrax: gimme a kick when you END. really.
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<DrAnthrax> xoxo: I think we're done, unless you want discussion included in the
<lolwat> now I have a new activity this summer =)
<xoxo> should I include iT? DrAnthrax
<DrAnthrax> xoxo: Sure, why not?
<xoxo> DrAnthrax: all righty
<DrAnthrax> xoxo: I'll let you know when I'm done in here
<xoxo> ok
<DrAnthrax> lolwat: Yes, it's fun
<lolwat> I bet it is =D
<DrAnthrax> you can tap your neighbours calls too, and record them on a
microcassette recorder
<DrAnthrax> But that takes a bit more technical knowledge
<DrAnthrax> You can work it out
<lolwat> this is the equivalent of being on an unprotected wifi, with promicuous
packet sniffing =)
<lolwat> reading messenger logs <3
<DrAnthrax> Yes
<xoxo> lolwat: that's nasty :3
<DrAnthrax> It's totally unencrypted etc
<DrAnthrax> so if you have physical access to the mechanism of the lines
<DrAnthrax> You can hear everything that goes on
<DrAnthrax> and use that phoneline yourself
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<DrAnthrax> But ok, I'm done in here xoxo
<DrAnthrax> Like I say, next saturday
<DrAnthrax> I'll come and do a lesson on the rainbow box
<DrAnthrax> What it is, how to build one, and how to use it
<lolwat> Microtutorial time for promiscuous packet capture? =D
<xoxo> ---------------------- log end.

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