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Dysregulation of Regional Endogenous Opioid Function

in Borderline Personality Disorder

Alan R. Prossin, M.D. Objective: Borderline personality dis- parison group in the pregenual anterior
order is characterized by a lack of effec- cingulate, left orbitofrontal cortex, left
tive regulation of emotional responses. ventral pallidum, left amygdala, and left
Tiffany M. Love
The authors investigated the role of the inferior temporal cortex. Patients showed
endogenous opioid system and -opioid evidence of endogenous opioid system
Robert A. Koeppe, Ph.D. receptors in emotion regulation in bor- deactivation in the left nucleus accum-
derline personality disorder. bens, the hypothalamus, and the right
Jon-Kar Zubieta, M.D., Ph.D. hippocampus/parahippocampus relative
Method: Mu-opioid receptor availability
to comparison subjects. Correlations of
in vivo (nondisplaceable binding poten-
Kenneth R. Silk, M.D. tial, or BPND) was measured with positron baseline measures with the Dissociative
Experiences Scale and endogenous opioid
emission tomography and the selective
system activation with the Barratt Impul-
radiotracer [11C]carfentanil during neutral
siveness Scale did not remain significant
and sustained sadness states in 18 un-
after correction for multiple comparisons.
medicated female patients with border-
line personality disorder and 14 healthy Conclusions: Differences exist between
female comparison subjects. patients with borderline personality dis-
order and comparison subjects in base-
Results: Patients showed greater re-
line in vivo -opioid receptor concen-
gional -opioid BPND than did comparison
trations and in the endogenous opioid
subjects at baseline (neutral state) bilater-
system response to a negative emotional
ally in the orbitofrontal cortex, caudate,
challenge that can be related to some
and nucleus accumbens and in the left
of the clinical characteristics of patients
amygdala, but lower BPND in the poste-
with borderline personality disorder. The
rior thalamus. Sadness induction was as-
regional network involved is implicated
sociated with greater reductions in BPND
in the representation and regulation of
(endogenous opioid system activation)
emotion and stress responses.
in the patient group than in the com-

(Am J Psychiatry 2010; 167:925933)

E pidemiological data suggest that borderline person-

ality disorder has a lifetime prevalence of 1% 5% (1), with
depression display a negative emotional bias and diffi-
culties in shifting emotional states, those with borderline
about 75% of clinical subjects being female (2). Patients personality disorder lack effective regulation of responses
with borderline personality disorder often have axis I and to emotionally salient stimuli (5, 6). Whether development
axis II comorbidity and high disability levels, and their uti- of borderline personality disorder depends on genetic fac-
lization of medical resources is disproportionate to their tors alone or is a variable combination of genetic vulner-
numbers (3). ability and environmental factors (4), exploration of the
Borderline personality disorder is characterized by dys- underlying neurobiology of the disorder would provide
regulation of emotion processing, manifested as affective significant insight into its pathophysiology.
lability and impulsive behaviors, including aggression and Resting metabolic rate reductions in the prefrontal cor-
self-harm (4). This dysregulation is exemplified by short- tical regions of patients with borderline personality dis-
duration, often severe, rapidly changing mood states that order have been observed in some but not all studies (9,
are highly reactive to environmental stimuli (57). Patients 10), as well as reductions in the cuneus and hippocampus
appear to react more quickly, with greater intensity and a and increases in the cingulate and frontal gyri relative to
slower return to baseline state (7). matched comparison subjects (11). Reductions in base-
Borderline personality disorder exhibits some clinical line metabolic function in the posterior cingulate cortex,
and biological similarities to major depressive disorder, temporal lobe, and precuneus have been noted in patients
but available evidence suggests that the two have distinct with both borderline personality disorder and posttrau-
pathophysiological profiles (8). While patients with major matic stress disorder (12). Patients with borderline per-

This article is featured in this months AJP Audio, is the subject of a CME course (p. 1009),
and is discussed in an editorial by Drs. New and Stanley (p. 882).

Am J Psychiatry 167:8, August 2010 925


FIGURE 1. Time Course of PANAS Sadness Subscale Scores in Women With Borderline Personality Disorder (N=18) and
Healthy Comparison Subjects (N=14)a

PANAS Sadness Subscale Score

Borderline Personality Disorder Patients
15 Comparison Subjects


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (minutes) After Tracer Administration
Neutral (10 to 45 minutes)
Sad (50 to 90 minutes)
PANAS Sadness Subscale Score

Borderline Personality Disorder Patients
15 Comparison Subjects


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (minutes) After Tracer Administration
Sad (10 to 45 minutes)
Neutral (50 to 90 minutes)
The order of conditions (sad, neutral) was randomized and counterbalanced between subjects. The top panel shows data from studies in
which the sadness condition was performed second in order, and the bottom panel shows data from studies in which the sadness condition
was performed first. Bars indicate standard deviation.

sonality disorder and a history of childhood abuse have line personality disorder and associated with dissocia-
been found to display reductions in amygdala and hippo- tive symptoms and negative affect (23). In an fMRI study,
campal volumes (13). The relationship between metabolic intensity-matched pain stimuli induced greater activity
activity of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala was di- in the prefrontal cortex but lower activity in the amygdala
minished in a sample of impulsive-aggressive borderline and anterior cingulate of patients with borderline person-
personality disorder patients relative to comparison sub- ality disorder relative to comparison subjects. These are
jects, supporting a hypothesis of poor prefrontal control of regions interfacing emotion, pain, and stress regulation
emotion-regulatory limbic structures (e.g., the amygdala) and where -opioid receptors have important modulatory
in these patients (14, 15). Challenge studies employing roles (22, 23). These regions and systems also have been
fMRI and emotional stimuli support this hypothesis. Re- found to be related to trait impulsivity in healthy volun-
ductions in cingulate and prefrontal cortical function and teers in response to a pain stressor (24).
increases in amygdala activity were found in the presenta- We used positron emission tomography (PET) and a
tion of fear faces and in attempted inhibition of negative selective -opioid receptor radiotracer to examine avail-
emotional stimuli (16, 17). ability (nondisplaceable binding potential, or BPND) of
In this study, we explored hypothesized neurochemical these receptors under neutral (baseline) conditions and
mechanisms in borderline personality disorder patho- during induction of a sustained sadness state in female
physiology. The endogenous opioid system and -opioid borderline personality disorder patients and matched
receptors have long been implicated in emotional and comparison subjects (19, 20). Under challenge conditions,
stress response regulation. In animal models, reductions acute reductions in BPND are thought to reflect activation
in endogenous opioid system function are associated with of -opioid-receptor-mediated neurotransmission (e.g.,
attachment behavior deficits and anxiety-like responses competition of the endogenous ligand with the radiotrac-
(18), and in humans, with normal and pathological (e.g., er, receptor activation and recycling). Increases in BPND
major depressive disorder) emotion regulation (19, 20), would then reflect deactivation of neurotransmission
in addition to the systems traditional role in modulat- (19, 20). We hypothesized that differences between the
ing responses to physical and emotional stressors (21, borderline personality disorder and comparison groups
22). Pain thresholds are found to be increased in border- would include greater baseline -opioid BPND in emotion

926 Am J Psychiatry 167:8, August 2010


TABLE 1. Group Differences in Baseline (Neutral State) -Opioid Receptor Binding Potential in Women With Borderline
Personality Disorder (N=18) and Healthy Comparison Subjects (N=14)a
Coordinates (mm)
Comparison and Region x y z z Score Cluster Size (1-mm Voxels)
Baseline, borderline personality disorder group > comparison group
Left orbitofrontal cortex 14 38 22 6.89 441
Right orbitofrontal cortex 17 38 20 6.03 1,294
Right caudate/nucleus accumbens 17 26 2 6.10 972
Left caudate 19 26 5 4.41 517
Left nucleus accumbens 7 7 12 7.98 1,780
Left amygdala 21 0 23 5.42 6,719
Baseline, comparison group > borderline personality disorder group
Right posterior thalamus 10 29 8 8.57 2,503
Left posterior thalamus 8 29 10 7.66 3,891
Data show areas of significant difference between the borderline personality disorder and comparison groups for baseline -opioid receptor
availability in vivo.

processing regions in the borderline personality disorder were instructed to try to create passive relaxation while avoiding
any active cognitive process. During sadness induction, partici-
group, reflecting chronic lower levels of opioid regula-
pants recalled a previously rehearsed past autobiographical vi-
tory control with compensatory receptor up-regulation. gnette associated with sadness. Both states were practiced prior
During sustained sadness we expected an exaggerated to the actual scan and the specific events recorded. Participants
response in these same areas, reflecting high sensitivity rated their experience every 10 minutes on the sadness subscale
of borderline personality disorder patients to emotional of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS; 31) to ascer-
tain maintenance of their emotional state; the subscale includes
stimuli, with greater activation of the stress regulatory en-
the adjectives sad, blue, downhearted, alone, and lonely.
dogenous opioid system and -opioid receptors. The full PANAS (60 adjectives, 20 of which are grouped into two
main affective subscales, positive and negative) was completed
by participants at baseline and after completion of neutral and
Method sadness states (45 minutes and 90 minutes after administration
of the radiotracer).
Participants were 18 right-handed female patients with bor- Neuroimaging Methods
derline personality disorder (mean age=28 years [SD=9], mean One PET scan was acquired over 90 minutes with a Siemens
educational level=14 years [SD=2]) and 14 age-matched healthy (Knoxville, TN) HR+ scanner in three-dimensional mode (recon-
female comparison subjects (mean age=35 years [SD=10], mean structed full width at half maximum resolution, ~5.5 mm). [11C]
educational level=17 years [SD=2]). Nine comparison subjects carfentanil, a selective -opioid receptor radiotracer, was admin-
were in a previous study (19), and nine in a second study (20), istered at a dose of 1015 mCi and mass <0.03 g/kg (tracer quan-
with an overlap of 10 comparison subjects between the present tities). Acquisition, reconstruction, and emission image coregis-
study and previously published work; four comparison subjects tration protocols were identical to those used in previous studies
were unique to this study. Axis I and axis II diagnoses were made (19, 20).
via the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders Image data were transformed on a voxel-by-voxel basis into
(25) and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Dis- two sets of parametric maps: a tracer transport measure (K1 ratio)
orders (26) and confirmed by an experienced clinician (K.R.S.). and receptor-related measures during neutral and sadness states.
Patients with borderline personality disorder also met the DSM- To avoid arterial blood sampling, these measures were calculated
IV borderline personality disorder criterion of affective instability. employing a modified Logan graphical analysis (32) using the oc-
Exclusion criteria were concurrent axis I and III diagnoses (except cipital cortex (an area devoid of -opioid receptors) as the refer-
for mood disorder); history of psychosis or head trauma; and cur- ence region. The slope of the Logan plot is proportional to [(Bmax/
rent or recent (within 3 months) illicit substance use, abuse, or Kd) +1] for this receptor site (Bmax= receptor concentration; Kd=
dependence. All participants were medication free for at least 3 receptor affinity for the radiotracer); Bmax/Kd is the in vivo recep-
months. Comprehensive urine drug screens were negative prior tor availability measure, or nondisplaceable binding potential,
to the PET scan. BPND. With the bolus-continuous infusion protocol, the Logan
Participants completed the NEO Personality InventoryRe- plot becomes linear approximately 46 minutes after adminis-
vised (NEO-PI-R; 27), the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (28), and tration of the radiotracer, allowing for quantification of receptor
the Dissociative Experiences Scale (29) prior to scanning. To re- sites. BPND values for neutral and sadness states were calculated
duce phenotypic and neurobiological variability, only women from data from 1045 minutes and 5090 minutes after radiotrac-
were studied (30). er administration. Anatomical MRI scans were acquired on a GE
All participants provided written informed consent. Protocols 3-T scanner (General Electric, Milwaukee). Acquisition sequenc-
were approved by the Investigational Review Board and the Ra- es were axial spoiled gradient-recall acquisition (echo time=3.4
dioactive Drug Research Committee at the University of Michigan. msec, repetition time=10.5 msec, inversion time=200 msec, flip
angle =25, number of excitations=1, using 124 contiguous im-
Induction of Sustained Affective States ages 1.5 mm thick). K1 and BPND images for each experimental
Neutral and sadness states were randomized, counterbalanced, period and MR images were coregistered to each other and to
and initiated either 5 minutes or 45 minutes after administration the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) stereotactic atlas ori-
of the radiotracer. During the neutral condition, participants entation (33). Statistical parametric maps of differences between

Am J Psychiatry 167:8, August 2010 927


FIGURE 2. Greater Regional -Opioid BPND in Patients With insula, posterior thalamus, nucleus accumbens/ventral pallidum,
Borderline Personality Disorder Relative to Healthy Com- and amygdala [19, 20]). Statistical thresholds for other regions were
parison Subjectsa corrected for type I error rate at p=0.05 for multiple comparisons
(34). The BPND values were extracted from image data by averaging
the voxel values contained in an area where significant differences
CAU/NAC were obtained down to a threshold of p<0.01. These values were
Superior then used to plot the data and perform correlation analyses, rul-
ing out the presence of outliers. Planned analyses included Spear-
man rank correlations between regional BPND values or sadness-
induced changes in BPND and the NEO-PI-R neuroticism subscore,
the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale score, and the Dissociative Experi-
ences Scale score and change in PANAS scores at p<0.05 with sub-
sequent Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons.
Sadness was maintained through the induced sadness
experimental period in both borderline personality disor-
z Score
der patients and comparison subjects (Figure 1). Repeated-
OFC measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant
effects of experimental condition (sadness > neutral [df=7,
1, 63; F=112.2, p<0.0001]) and an interaction between ex-
perimental condition and order (F=9.0, p=0.006), with
greater negative affect scores when sadness induction was
performed first. An effect of diagnosis was observed, with
the borderline personality disorder group showing greater
1 PANAS sadness subscale scores (F=4.2, p=0.05).
Inferior AMY PANAS negative affect ratings acquired after scan com-
0 pletion showed a mean score of 13 [SD=4] in the neutral
state and 19 [SD=7] in the sadness state in the comparison
group and 14 [SD=5] in the neutral state and 25 [SD=7] in
Significant z score color values are superimposed over an anatomi-
cally standardized magnetic resonance image in axial views. Im-
the sadness state in the borderline personality disorder
age data are displayed in radiological convention so that the up- group. Repeated-measures ANOVA showed significant ef-
per side of the image corresponds to the right side of the brain. fects of condition (sadness > neutral [df=7, 1, 63; F=40.8,
CAU=nucleus caudate; NAC=nucleus accumbens; OFC=orbitofrontal
cortex, AMY=amygdala.
p<0.000]) and diagnosis (borderline personality disorder
group > comparison group [F=5.5, p=0.03]). Order effects
did not achieve statistical significance (F=3.8, p=0.06).
conditions were generated by anatomically standardizing the T1
spoiled gradient-recall acquisition MRI of each participant to the Baseline Measures
MNI stereotactic atlas coordinates, with subsequent application Baseline data (neutral state) comparisons between
of this transformation to the receptor binding maps. The accu-
groups showed significantly greater -opioid BPND in bor-
racy of coregistration and nonlinear warping algorithms was con-
firmed for each participant by comparing the transformed MRI derline personality disorder patients in the orbitofrontal
and PET images to each other and to the atlas template. cortex bilaterally; the caudate nucleus bilaterally, extending
into the nucleus accumbens on the right; the left nucleus
Data Analysis
accumbens; and the left amygdala (Table 1, Figure 2). These
Differences between groups and conditions were calculated
corresponded to average between-group differences of 44%
with subtraction analyses and mapped into stereotactic space
with t maps of statistical significance using the SPM2 (Wellcome and 47% for right and left orbitofrontal cortex, respectively;
Department of Cognitive Neurology, University College, London) 44% and 32% for right and left caudate, respectively; 25%
and MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, Mass.) software packages with for left nucleus accumbens; and 35% for left amygdala. The
a general linear model and correction for multiple comparisons. comparison group demonstrated greater BPND in the poste-
No global normalization was applied to the data; calculations pre-
rior thalamus bilaterally (Table 1), corresponding to group
sented are based on absolute BPND estimates. Only regions with
specific -opioid receptor binding were included in the analyses differences of 39% on the right and 37% on the left.
(voxels with BPND values >0.1). Subtraction analyses were per- No significant correlations were obtained between Bar-
formed on -opioid BPND images separately to assess main effects. ratt Impulsiveness Scale scores or NEO-PI-R neuroticism
For each subtraction analysis, one-sample paired t values were subscale scores and baseline regional -opioid BPND. Dis-
calculated for each voxel using pooled variance across voxels. Sig-
sociative Experiences Scale scores were negatively cor-
nificant differences were detected using a statistical threshold of
p<0.0001 for regions known to be involved in opioid modulation of related with BPND in the right caudate region (r=0.57,
affective and stress responses (the rostral anterior cingulate, me- p=0.02), but this correlation did not persist after correc-
dial prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex, inferior temporal cortex, tion for multiple comparisons.

928 Am J Psychiatry 167:8, August 2010


TABLE 2. Group Differences in -Opioid System Activation During Sadness State in Women With Borderline Personality
Disorder (N=18) and Healthy Comparison Subjects (N=14)a
Coordinates (mm)
Comparison and Region x y z z Score Cluster Size (1-mm Voxels)
Activation, borderline personality disorder group > comparison group
Pregenual anterior cingulate 2 29 3 4.40 613
Left orbitofrontal cortex 2 23 20 4.16 141
Left inferior temporal cortex 19 1 47 7.57 4,863
Left ventral pallidum 16 3 1 4.05 368
Left amygdala 21 3 25 4.06 439
Deactivation, borderline personality disorder group > comparison group
Left nucleus accumbens 10 11 11 4.41 357
Right hippocampus/parahippocampus 29 11 24 4.72 907
Left hypothalamus 1 3 14 4.07 237
Data show areas of significant difference between the borderline personality disorder and comparison groups for the magnitude of activa-
tion of -opioid receptor-mediated neurotransmission during a sadness challenge.

Opioid Neurotransmission During Sustained Sadness distribution of endogenous opioid system activation dur-
Consistent with a previous report (19), significant re- ing sadness were seen in the borderline personality disor-
gional increases in BPND were observed in the comparison der group. These included the left inferior temporal cortex
group during the sadness state compared to the neutral (x, y, z=24, 13, 33; cluster=64; z=5.43; 20% change), the
state. These were localized in the pregenual and subgen- left posterior thalamus (x, y, z=15, 25, 17; cluster=113;
ual anterior cingulate (x, y, z coordinates in mm=3, 31, 4; z=4.87; 12% change), the right ventral pallidum (x, y,
cluster size=862 mm3; z=5.91; average change 20%), the z=14, 1, -11; cluster=1481; z=5.98; 11% change), and the
right nucleus accumbens/ventral pallidum (x, y, z=3, 3, left amygdala (x, y, z=21, 2, 19; cluster=81; z=4.56; 9%
5; cluster size=300 mm3; z=6.29; change 7%), the left nu- change). After correcting for multiple comparisons, no
cleus accumbens (x, y, z=16, 3, 1; cluster size=444 mm3; significant correlations between PANAS subscales or total
z=4.74; change 12%), and the right hypothalamus (x, y, scores and regional endogenous opioid system activation
z=3, 3, 5; cluster size=300 mm3; z=6.29; change 15%). were observed for either group. No other correlations be-
This directionality (increase in BPND) is thought to reflect tween endogenous opioid activation and other scales sur-
an acute reduction in endogenous opioid system tone (de- vived correction for multiple comparisons.
activation of neurotransmission) (19, 20). Group Differences in Response to Sustained Sadness
The borderline personality disorder sample showed in- Induction
creases in BPND that were localized in the left nucleus ac-
Borderline personality disorder patients demonstrated
cumbens (x, y, z=8, 10, 11; cluster size=220 mm3; z=4.10;
greater endogenous opioid system activation relative to
change 5%), the hypothalamus (x, y, z=1, 3, 10; cluster
comparison subjects during sadness in the pregenual an-
size=506 mm3; z=4.42; change 5%), and an area of brain-
terior cingulate, left orbitofrontal cortex, left ventral pal-
stem in the approximate location of the periaqueductal
lidum, left amygdala, and left inferior temporal cortex
gray and subjacent dorsal raphe (x, y, z=4, 21, 10; cluster
(Table 2; Figure 3). In the opposite direction, significantly
size=418 mm3; z=3.35; change 12%); the latter was not sig-
greater regional deactivation of opioid neurotransmis-
nificant after correction for multiple comparisons.
sion in borderline personality disorder patients relative
Increases in negative affect during sadness were cor-
to comparison subjects occurred in the left nucleus ac-
related with reductions in opioid neurotransmission in
cumbens and the right hippocampus/parahippocampus
the hypothalamus area in the comparison group (r=0.57,
(Table 2; Figure 4).
p=0.03) but not in the borderline personality disorder
group. No significant correlations were observed between
regional opioid system deactivation and scores on the
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, the NEO-PI-R neuroticism We believe this is the first report addressing -opioid
subscale, or the Dissociative Experiences Scale. receptor-mediated neurotransmission alterations directly
In contrast to a previous report (19), healthy comparison measured with molecular imaging techniques in border-
subjects showed additional evidence of endogenous opi- line personality disorder. We found significant differences
oid system activation (reductions in BPND) in the left ante- in baseline regional -opioid receptor availability in vivo,
rior thalamus (x, y, z=11, 11, 18; cluster=13; z=5.16; 13% as well as in this neurotransmitter systems response to an
change), the left medial thalamus (x, y, z=4, 10, 5; clus- emotional challenge in borderline personality disorder
ter=2066; z=5.65; 12% change), and the right hippocam- patients relative to matched comparison subjects. The
pus (x, y, z=29, 11, 24; cluster=632; z=5.16, p=0.013; 20% endogenous opioid system and -receptors are thought to
change). More widespread areas with a different regional be involved in borderline personality disorder because of

Am J Psychiatry 167:8, August 2010 929


FIGURE 3. Greater Responses of -Opioid Receptor-Me- FIGURE 4. Signifi cantly Greater Deactivation of -Opioid
diated Neurotransmission During Sustained Sadness in Receptor-Mediated Neurotransmission During Sustained
Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder Relative to Sadness in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder
Healthy Comparison Subjectsa Relative to Healthy Comparison Subjectsa

PGC Superior Superior



z Score
z Score
Inferior Inferior
Significant z score color values are superimposed over an anatomi-
Significant z score color values are superimposed over an anatomi- cally standardized magnetic resonance image in axial views. Image
cally standardized magnetic resonance image in axial views. Im- data are displayed in radiological convention so that the upper side
age data are displayed in radiological convention so that the up- of the image corresponds to the right side of the brain. NAC=nucleus
per side of the image corresponds to the right side of the brain. accumbens; HYP=hypothalamus; HIP=hippocampus.
PGC=pregenual anterior cingulate cortex; VP=ventral pallidum;
OFC=orbitofrontal cortex; AMY=amygdala; ITC=inferior temporal
cortex. tients relative to comparison subjects in cortical (orbito-
frontal cortex) and subcortical (caudate, nucleus accum-
increases in pain thresholds and dissociative phenomena bens, amygdala) regions. We hypothesized that greater
that are reversed by opioid antagonists (23, 35). In animal receptor availability may occur because of lower baseline
models, the endogenous opioid system has been impli- endogenous neurotransmitter tone. Increases in BPND may
cated in bond-forming and affiliative responses; emotion reflect increases in actual receptor protein or increases
and stress regulation, including stress-induced analgesia; in the proportion of high-affinity receptors (i.e., coupled
and impulsive-like behavior (18). In humans, regional with transduction mechanisms) preferentially labeled by
endogenous opioid system activation has been associ- agonist radiotracers (37). Frequently these processes oc-
ated with suppression of both sensory and affective quali- cur simultaneously and are interpreted as receptor up-
ties of stressors and with trait impulsivity (19, 22, 24, 36). regulation compensatory to lower endogenous opioid
Regional deactivation of the endogenous opioid system system tone. In rodent models, regional -opioid recep-
has been related to hyperalgesic responses and increases tor protein and mRNA up-regulation have been described
in negative affect during stress (19, 29, 36). The general in response to social and experimental stress (38) and as
consensus is that activation of the -opioid system typi- a consequence of opioid peptide depletion (39). The op-
cally has a suppressive effect during emotional or physical posite effect was observed in the posterior thalamus in
challenges that threaten organism homeostasis. humans, with reductions in -opioid BPND in borderline
personality disorder. This coincides in location and direc-
Baseline -Opioid Receptors tionality with effects found in major depressive disorder,
We observed greater baseline (neutral state) -opioid related to poor antidepressant response and hyperactivity
receptor availability in borderline personality disorder pa- of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (19, 20).

930 Am J Psychiatry 167:8, August 2010


Response of -Opioid Neurotransmission During was found during sadness induction. If increases in baseline
Sustained Sadness receptor availability reflect lower basal levels of dynamic
Relative to comparison subjects, patients with border- regulatory control of emotional states and stress by the
line personality disorder demonstrated greater activation typically suppressive -opioid system, the response of these
of the endogenous opioid system in response to sustained circuits during recall of negative experiences would be con-
sadness in the pregenual anterior cingulate, left orbito- sistent with exaggerated stress-like responses to emotional
frontal cortex, left ventral pallidum, and left amygdala. stimuli that were not observed in comparison subjects.
These highly interconnected brain regions are implicated Greater -opioid availability and endogenous opioid
in evaluation and behavioral responses to salient stimuli release in response to painful stimuli appear to be asso-
and in decision making in healthy volunteers. Orbitofron- ciated to impulsivity traits in healthy volunteers in loca-
tal cortex lesions are associated with poor decision making tions overlapping with our findings here (24). Serotonergic
and difficulties in switching cognitive strategies (40). This mechanisms, long implicated in borderline personality
region has extensive connections with the cingulate gyrus, disorder pathophysiology (50, 51), along with dopaminer-
nucleus accumbens, amygdala, hippocampus, and hypo- gic systems, have been associated with various forms of
thalamus (41), which together form networks implicated impulsive behavior as well. Our findings are consonant
in assessing saliency, intensity, and valence of rewards and with the concept that both borderline personality disor-
stressors and in regulating behavioral responses (42, 43). der and impulsivity are multifactorial, affecting relevant
The left lateralization of many of the results is interest- circuits and involving various neurotransmitter systems,
ing. Left lateralization has been described during success- including the endogenous opioid system (24). For exam-
ful retrieval of emotional context in the amygdala and in ple, well-described neurotransmitter-neurotransmitter
frontotemporal networks (44). interactions reveal regulation of serotonergic and dopa-
Mu-opioid receptors in the ventral pallidum have been minergic cell firing by -opioid receptors in raphe (52) and
implicated in encoding hedonic value of rewards (45), reg- ventral tegmental nuclei (53), respectively.
ulation of midbrain dopaminergic inputs, and integration This study was limited by using small numbers of study
of amygdala and prefrontal cortex connections, affecting subjects and including only women. While we think the
motivated behavior (46). Activation of the endogenous findings are intriguing, we must be cautious in assuming
opioid system in the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cin- that they are readily generalizable.
gulate, thalamus, nucleus accumbens, ventral pallidum, Clinical Overview
and amygdala has been shown to suppress both physical
Linehan et al. (7) suggested that borderline personality
and emotional aspects of stressful challenges (19, 22, 47).
disorder is characterized by a low threshold to becoming
Consistent with those findings, we observed negative but
emotionally dysregulated, followed by a rise to high lev-
nonsignificant correlations between endogenous opioid
els of emotional arousal, with a slow intensity decrement
system activation in the left amygdala and Barratt Impul-
over time. Greater emotional lability and dysregulation
siveness Scale scores in the borderline personality disor-
may occur in patients with borderline personality disor-
der group. There were also negative but nonsignificant
der because they do not attribute the correct saliency to
correlations between left inferior temporal cortex activa-
an emotional event or stimulus (greater nucleus accum-
tion and increases in negative affect during sadness, again
bens deactivation). Once they overattribute an emotion
suggesting that in borderline personality disorder the en-
to an event, they cannot shift away from that emotion
dogenous opioid system is involved in the suppression of
or shift their emotional or interpersonal strategy (orbital
emotional responses. This interpretation corresponds to
frontal cortex overactivation), even when the strategy is
reports of relief from aversive arousal during cutting and
not interpersonally productive. The stimulus may become
self-injury (48) and increased pain thresholds in patients
encoded with much greater emotional intensity (amyg-
with borderline personality disorder (23).
dala-hippocampal effects) than it should have, leading to
Patients with borderline personality disorder were also
greater reactivity to future similar emotional events.
differentiated from comparison subjects by a relative de-
Overall, we have described initial evidence of region-
activation of -opioid neurotransmission in the nucleus
al alterations in the function of the endogenous opioid
accumbens, the hippocampus/parahippocampus, and
system and -opioid receptors in brain regions involved
the hypothalamus. The nucleus accumbens is implicated
in emotion and stress processing, decision making, and
in the assignment of salience to both positive and nega-
pain and neuroendocrine regulation. Further investiga-
tive events (42). The hippocampus and parahippocampus
tion into interindividual variations of the -opioid system
have roles in explicit memory encoding and retrieval and
is warranted.
in autonomic nervous system and neuroendocrine regu-
lation through hypothalamic connections (49).
Brain regions where increases in neutral state -opioid
Presented in part at the 47th annual meeting of the American
receptor availability were observed largely overlapped with College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hollywood, Fla., Dec. 610,
those in which greater endogenous opioid system activation 2008; the Winter Conference on Brain Research, Copper Mountain,

Am J Psychiatry 167:8, August 2010 931


Colo., Jan. 29, 2009; and the annual meeting of the Association for 13. Driessen M, Herrmann J, Stahl K, Zwaan M, Meier S, Hill A, O s-
Research in Personality Disorders, San Francisco, May 17, 2009. Re- terheider M, Petersen D: Magnetic resonance imaging volumes
ceived Sept. 23, 2009; revision received Jan. 3, 2010; accepted Jan. of the hippocampus and the amygdala in women with border-
28, 2010 (doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2010.09091348). From the Depart-
line personality disorder and early traumatization. Arch Gen
ment of Psychiatry, the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience In-
Psychiatry 2000; 57:11151122
stitute, and the Department of Radiology, University of Michigan. Ad-
dress correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Silk, University of 14. New AS, Goodman M, Triebwasser J, Siever LJ: Recent advances
Michigan, Department of Psychiatry, Box 5769, Rachel Upjohn Build- in the biological study of personality disorders. Psychiatr Clin
ing, 4250 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2700; ksilk@umich. N Am 2008; 31:441461
edu (e-mail). 15. Schmahl C, Bremner JD: Neuroimaging in borderline personal-
Dr. Zubieta has served on the speakers bureau for Eli Lilly. All other ity disorder. J Psychiatr Res 2006; 40:419427
authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests. 16. Minzenberg MJ, Fan J, New AS, Tang CY, Siever LJ: Fronto-limbic
Supported by a grant from the Borderline Personality Disorder Re- dysfunction in response to facial emotion in borderline per-
search Foundation to Dr. Silk and NIMH grant R21 MH 069612 to Dr.
sonality disorder: an event-related fMRI study. Psychiatry Res
2007; 155:231243
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University of Michigan ( Jill M. Rothley, Edward J. McKenna, Andrew R. O, Levy KN, Brendel G , Pan H, Beutel M, Pavony MT, Epstein
Weeden, Paul K ison, and Shayna Huber) to the conduct of the stud- J, Lenzenweger MF, Thomas KM, Posner MI, Stern E: Failure
ies, and Sujata G uduri, M.H.S.A., for her role in participant recruit- of frontolimbic inhibitory function in the context of negative
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