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21 Strategies to Treat Multiple Sclerosis Naturally

In AutoImmune, Health Care, Sun Health | by Dr. Jockers | Comments { 2 } | Affiliate


Treat Multiple Sclerosis Naturally

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the
myelin sheath on the nerve endings gets inflamed and damaged. This leads to
scarring of the neurological tissue in the brain and spinal cord. While the
medical model has very little support, many individuals have found ways to
beat multiple sclerosis with natural lifestyle strategies. In this article, you
will discover 21 strategies to treat multiple sclerosis naturally.
MS is a condition in which the bodys own immune system attacks the fatty
myelin sheaths that insulate nerve tissue. This results in scar tissue plaques
that disrupt neurological signals throughout the body. MS actually means
multiple scars/plaques/lesions. One of the major areas that is affected is the
white matter of the brain and spinal cord which is mostly myelin (1).
Multiple Sclerosis Pathogenesis:
Multiple sclerosis affects approximately 400,000 people in the United States
alone, and 2.5 million worldwide, most of them being young adults. It
expresses itself in four clinical forms: relapsing remitting MS (RRMS),
secondary progressive MS (SPMS), primary progressive MS (PPMS), and
progressive relapsing MD (PRMS).

Approximately 87% of patients present with RRMS, characterized by acute

attacks (relapses) followed by partial or full recovery (remission). Patients
can manifest with a heterogeneous group of symptoms including changes
in vision(unilateral visual loss, diplopia), weakness, dyscoordination, sensory
loss or distortions, or changes in bowel and bladder function (1, 2).
Less diagnostic but also disabling symptoms include cognitive change,
fatigue and mood disturbance. Progression of disease may eventually lead to
severe disability. Life expectancy is 5 10 years less than the normal
Chronic Neurological Inflammation:
The MS disease is characterized by chronic inflammation within the nervous
system. It is believed to be an auto-immune disease where the T lymphocytes
attack the protective sheath (the myelin sheath) around the white areas of
the brain including the brain stem, optic nerve, basal ganglia and spinal cord
(3, 4).
The white matter functions to carry signals between the gray matter regions,
where the major processing is done and the rest of the body. When the
myelin is lost the neuron can no longer effectively conduct electrical signals.
The major cells that form the myelin are called oligodendrocytes (OD).
Remyelination and Glial Activation:
The body tries to remyelinate in the early phases of the disease but is unable
to because the OD cells are under constant immune attack. As the OG cell
numbers go up, the immune system in the brain which is controlled by the
microglia cells becomes more active and this results in an aggravation of the
MS process.

This is called glial activation and upon repeated destruction of the OG cells
and myelin sheath this process leads to scar-like plaques that developed
around the damaged neurons (5).
Additionally, MS is characterized by a breakdown in the blood brain barrier
(which protects the brain from toxins, infectious microorganisms and our own
immune system) and T lymphcytes which are normally unable to cross the
blood brain barrier are able to enter into the neurological tissue. These T
lymphocytes agitate more inflammatory mechanisms and promote swelling
and further tissue destruction.

Immune Modulation:
Chronic inflammatory disorders are characterized by a hyper responsive
immune system. There are several key factors that must be addressed to
regulate and better coordinate the immune system.

1. Poor Blood Sugar Stability: Blood sugar imbalances cause immune

dysfunction and malcoordination. Stable blood sugar is critical for a healthy
immune response.
2. Low Vitamin D Levels: Individuals with low vitamin D3 levels (below
40 ng/ml) are at significant risk for developing chronic inflammation and
auto-immunity (6).
3. Gut Dysbiosis: Poor microbial balance in the gut microbiome leads to
leaky gut syndrome and chronic inflammation (7). The gut must be
addressed in order to get well.
4. Mitochondrial Dysfunction: The mitochondria are the energy producing
organelles in each cell of the body. They are extremely key in the bodies
ability to handle oxidative stress. Dysfunction in the mitochondria leads to
increased free radical and oxidative stress which creates immune alterations.
Many researchers believe that multiple sclerosis is primarily a mitochondrial
disease (8).
5. Low Glutathione Levels: Glutathione is the major anti-oxidant within
every cell of the body. It is critical for white blood cell (WBC) function as
the WBCs encounter tremendous amounts of free radical and oxidative stress
every second of the day. Low glutathione leads to chronic inflammation and
often to auto-immunity (9).
6. Poor Omega 6:3 ratio: The average person has significantly more omega
6 fats than omega 3 fats. The increased omega 6 stimulate the release of pro-
inflammatory mediating prostaglandin molecules. This is a key factor in the
development of chronic inflammation and auto-immunity (10).
7. Upper Cervical Subluxation: The bottom of the skull (occiput) and the
first bone (atlas) play a significant role in the coordination patterns of the
brain and immune system. Dysfunction at this joint torques and compresses
the top of the spinal cord and increases inflammatory activity in the body
8. Environmental Toxins: Exposure to high levels of infectious microbes,
environmental chemicals such as plasticizers, pesticides, herbicides, personal
care products, heavy metals and biotoxins such as mold wear down the bodies
glutathione levels, alter the gut microflora and increase inflammatory activity
in the body (12, 13, 14).
9. High Stress and Poor Breathing Habits: High mental and emotional
stress increases stress hormone production which induces inflammatory
activity within the body. Short and shallow breathing habits can simulate
chronic mental and emotional stressors on the physiological level (15).
10. Lack of Sleep: Poor sleep promotes immune dysfunction and increased
inflammation. Good sleeping habits and optimal melatonin secretion reduce
inflammation and promote improved tissue healing (16).
11. Methylation: Methylation is a key process that protects DNA, turns on
and off genetic traits and helps to detoxify environmental chemicals. Many
individuals have certain genetic polymorphisms that limit their ability to
appropriately methylate. Methylation plays a very important role in T cell
function and poor methylation status is associated with the development of
auto-immunity (17).
12. EMF Exposure: Electromagnetic frequency exposure has been shown
to alter the function of the immune system and increase ones susceptability
to developing an auto-immune condition (18)
I will touch on a few of these key areas and how they relate to MS in this
Blood Sugar and Multiple Sclerosis:
Blood sugar balance is critical for sustained energy production and immune
control throughout the body. When our blood sugar gets too high
(hyperglycemia) the sugar molecules bind to proteins in the body and create
Advanced Glycolytic Enzymes (AGEs).

The AGEs destroy cell membrane function and damage insulin receptor
activity creating a vicious cycle of elevated blood sugar and inflammatory
stress. AGEs cause massive destruction throughout the body and have an
affinity for neurological tissue.
When the blood sugar drops too low (hypoglycemia), it causes the blood
brain barrier to become more permeable in order to get more sugar into the
neurological tissue. Part of this characterization is a reduction in Interleukin-
25 (19).
This permeability opens the door for toxic debris and inflammatory molecules
(such as TNF-alpha) to get into the brain tissue and cause major problems.
This is a serious problem in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (20)

Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis:

One of the major epidemiological factors associated with MS is its striking
difference in number of cases based on geography and climate (21). Those
living close to the equator have significantly lower risk of MS. This is due to
the beneficial effects of regular sun exposure and vitamin D intake in
modulating healthy immune responses.
In the Northern hemisphere, most people have increased vitamin D3 levels in
the fall after a full summer of increased UV light exposure. January April
are usually when the lowest levels are reached. Multiple studies have
shown that more individuals who develop MS and other auto-immune related
conditions are born in May/June than in October/November (22, 23).
This would indicate that low motherly D3 levels lead to developmental and
maladaptive immunological responses in the child. D3 levels should be
between 60-100 ng/ml for optimal immunological expression.
The Microbiome and Multiple Sclerosis:
There has been a tremendous amount of research linking the gut microbiome
and neurological health. Research has indicated that low levels of
healthy lactobacillus and bifidobacterium are linked with increased brain and
nervous system excitability and neurological inflammation (24, 25).
Studies are revealing how diverse forms of neuro-immune and neuro-
psychiatric disorders are correlated with or modulated by variations of
microbiome, microbiota-derived products and exogenous antibiotics and
probiotics. The microbiome helps to prime and balance the immune
system and unfavorable alterations increase the susceptability for
autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (26, 27).
Leaky Gut Syndrome and Auto-Immunity:
When the microbiome is dysregulated it often leads to a damaged gut lining
and intestinal permeability. This is found in the pathogenesis of mutiple
sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases (28, 29).
This leaky gut causes undigested food particles to pass into the bloodstream
where they are tagged by the immune system and attacked with massive
inflammatory processes that have the ability to affect nearly every system in
the body. This creates a food allergy or sensitivity that the body reacts to
whenever it is exposed.

The most common food based culprits include all processed foods, artificial
sweeteners/preservatives and gluten containing products. Soy, peanuts,
pasteurized dairy, corn and eggs are often not tolerated well.
The nightshadefamily of eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes are often
challenging on the system as well.
Mitochondrial Dysfunction:
Every cell of the body has mitochondria within it that produce energy for the
cell. The mitochondria are the battery packs of the cell and they are
extremely important. High levels of oxidative stress wear down the
mitochondria and cause a dysfunctional state.

Mitochondria are one of the main cellular sources of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and play a pivotal role in many
neuro-pathological conditions. Mitochondrial dysfunction leading to
excessive production of ROS and RNS plays a significant role in the
pathogenesis of MS, particularly in loss of myelin/oligodendrocyte complex
(30, 31).
Supporting the mitochondria with clinically effective doses of mitochondrial
nutrients such as CoQ10, L-carnitine, N-acetyl cysteine and lipoic acid has
been shown to be extremely effective for improving mitochondrial health and
MS (32, 33, 34).

Glutathione Depletion and Nrf2:

In multiple sclerosis, the cells are under so much stress that there main
protective shield, glutathione (GSH) gets worn down and oxidative stress
damages the mitochondria and the DNA leading to cell death. Poor blood
sugar control and high environmental toxin exposure are known to deplete
glutathione levels and impair mitochondrial function (35, 36).
A key pathway that maintains cellular glutathione levels and the ability of the
cell to adapt to stress is called Keap1-Nrf2. When this pathway breaks down
it causes increased levels of oxidative stress within the cell that leads to
the glutathionedepletion and mitochondrial dysfunction (37).
Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Lifestyle
Anti-inflammatory foods help to modulate the immune system and reduce
inflammatory activity in the body. Great anti-inflammatory foods include
coconut products, avocados, olive oil, berries & phytonutrient rich
vegetables. Healthy meat sources such as grass-fed beef, wild game,
wild salmon, organic poultry and organic eggs are great if the gut can tolerate
It is advisable for anyone with chronic inflammation to include organic
vegetable juices, fermented foods and herbal teas in their diet. Homemade
sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, coconut water kefir, and kimchi are great.
Begin with small doses of all of these and add more if you tolerate them

Organ meats such as grass-fed liver, heart, etc. are rich in mitochondrial
support nutrients. Powerful herbs such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, onion,
rosemary, thyme, cinnamon, & oregano among others should be used as
much as possible to improve immune coordination.
Consuming lots of sulfur based onions, garlic, cruciferous veggies on a daily
basis and getting high quality seaweed in the form of kelp can be extremely
helpful. Using purified fish oils to boost up omega 3 levels is also very
Upper Cervical Subluxation and MS:
People with MS are highly likely to have neurological dysfunction in their
upper neck. Subluxation, or neurological interference, at the bottom of the
skull, C1 & C2 alters blood supply, stress hormone release and immune
modulation throughout the body. Research has found this problem to be very
common in MS patients (38)
Upper cervical subluxation leads to increased states of pain, fatigue, anxiety
and accelerated stress as well as mal-coordinated immunity (39).
Well trained chiropractors can analyze these regions of the spine and give
specific corrective adjustments to restore balance and optimal neurological
expression in these regions. This reduces the stress response and improves
endorphin release. This improves the individuals pain levels, stress
tolerance, immune function and overall well-being (40).

21 Strategies to Beat Multiple Sclerosis

Here are the best action steps to get started with on your journey to prevent
and/or beat Multiple Sclerosis. You should always consult with your
physician before stopping or changing medications or taking on new health

Additionally, you should be working with a functional health practitioner to

help guide you through these strategies. This is not an exhaustive list and
there are other natural therapeutic strategies that I and functional health
practitioners will utilize to help individuals with Multiple Sclerosis.

1) Change Your Diet: Follow an Anti-Inflammatory nutrition

plan here and consider the auto-immune diet and/or the low-oxalate diet, both
of which you can find here
2) Test For Food Sensitivities: You can do a biofeedback test to determine
what foods are causing stress in your system and an elimination diet to test
how you are responding to eliminating certain foods for periods of time.
3) Reduce Stress: Find ways to reduce stressful activities and enjoy more
peace and calm. Learn to thrive under stress by reading this article here
4) Improve Your Sleep: Sleeping a high quality 8-9 hours each night is key
to healing and improving brain function. Follow the steps in this article to
improve your sleep.
5) Power Up Your Nrf2 Pathway: This is the key genetic anti-oxidant
pathway. Adding in clinical dosages of resveratrol, curcumin, sulfuraphane
and Green tea (ECGC) can be extraordinarily beneficial. I use Nrf2
Power here to improve this pathway. I always get my chronic hypertensive
patients on Nrf2 Power.
6) Include Magnesium & B Vitamin Rich Foods: Magnesium helps to
improve blood sugar signaling patterns and protects the blood-brain barrier.
The best magnesium and B vitamin rich foods include dark green leafy
veggies, grass-fed dairy, raw cacao and pumpkin seeds. Consume these as
tolerated. You can also do Epsom salt baths to boost your magnesium levels.
7) Focus on Deep Breathing: Improving your posture, seeing a high quality
chiropractor and optimizing your breathing patterns is highly recommended.
Follow these tips here to improve your breathing patterns.
8) Use Anti-Oxidant Rich Herbs: Add turmeric, ginger, oregano, garlic,
basil, thyme and rosemary to as many dishes as possible and drink organic
herbal teas on a regular basis.
9) Ground Your Body: In our society we are surrounded by toxic
electromagnetic frequencys (EMFs). These EMFs increase stress within
our body and alter neurotransmitter function. By going outside daily and
walking barefoot on grass, dirt or sand you absorb natural EMFs from the
ground that balance your electrical rhythms. Follow the steps in this
article here.
10) Supplement With Omega 3s: Omega 3 fatty acids and in particular the
long chain variety EPA and DHA are critical for stabilizing blood sugar,
reducing inflammation and pain. Consume grass-fed meat, grass-fed butter,
wild-caught fish and spirulina to get it in your diet.
It is also advisable to supplement with 2-5 grams daily of EPA/DHA along
with 200 mg of GLA. Clinically, I use ProEFA to boost up omega 3s.
11) Improve Your Mitochondria: The mitochondria are the energy
powerhouses of every cell. When someone has MS it is a clinical sign that
they have dysfunctional activity going on in the mitochondria.
Support your mitochondria with clinical doses of CoQ10, L-carnitine, N-
acetyl cysteine and Lipoic acid. The supplement I use with my
neurodegenerative clients is Brain Supercharge which has the clinically
effective dosages of each of these key nutrients and more.
12) See a Chiropractor: Have a full neurological exam and see a high
quality chiropractor to help reduce stress on the nervous system and enhance
overall well-being.
13) Juice Your Veggies: Juicing is one of the best ways to get high quality
anti-oxidants and powerful phytonutrients into your system. Here is
my article on Best Juicing strategies.
14) Intermittent Fasting: Going 16 hours between dinner and breakfast is
one of the best ways to improve mitochondrial production. Your body
improves energy efficiency by increasing and strengthening the mitochondria
during periods of fasting. This is also one of the best ways to reduce
oxidative stress and inflammation.
Consume your meals in an 8 hour window such as 11am 7pm. Read
this article for more info on fasting.
15) Optimize Your Vitamin D: Low vitamin D3 is associated with
neurological inflammation and neurodegenerative conditions (37). Be sure to
increase your vitamin D through good amounts of regular sun exposure
and/or taking a high quality vitamin D3/K2 supplement.
16) Practice Oil Pulling: Oil pulling helps to reduce the microbial load in
your mouth. This takes stress off of the immune system and reduces
inflammation levels throughout the body. Read more about oil
pulling here and practice this 2x daily.
17) Get a Home Water Filtration System: Very important to avoid the
chloride, fluoride, pesticides, heavy metals, etc. that are found in tap water.
Use a good whole home water filtration system as discussed in this
article here
18) Use Essential Oils: The anti-oxidant content and aromatherapy benefits
of essential oils help to improve oxygenation and reduce the harmful effects
of oxidative stress throughout the body. Some of my favorites include
lavendar,peppermint, chamomile and sweet orange among others.
Put a drop on your hands and mix together and then cover your nose and
inhale the healing vapors. This will stimulate your brain and increase blood
flow to your cranium.

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