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Pohick Episcopal Church

9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884

Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16)

November 2017
second announcement: that at the November conven-
From The Rector
tion, he would be calling for the election of a second
The Reverend Suffragan Bishop at some point in 2018 (likely at next
Donald D. Binder, PhD years November convention). In justifying this call,
which requires the approval of a diocesan resolution,

I n the Diocese of Virginia, 2017 will be remembered

as the year of the two conventions, with one having
been held back in January, and the other scheduled
Bp. Shannon wrote, In his part-time position, Assis-
tant Bishop Gulick has consistently worked overtime.
There is simply too much for our third bishop to man-
for Saturday, November 4th at Christ Church, Glen age on a part-time basis.
Allen. He went on to say that, due to restructuring in the
Why two? Because snow storms recently post- diocesan office, the Diocese has the financial means
poned one convention and cut short yet another. Giv- to support a third full-time bishop, and that such an
en the hundreds of delegates involved, not to mention elected bishop would have more of a mandate than
all the planning and expense that normally go into a bishop he simply appointed. Finally, he stated that
these conventions, the traditional early winter date was since he and Bp. Goff both reside in Richmond, the
proving to be too risky a time for this annual assembly. new Suffragan would be based in Northern Virginia.
And so Bp. Shannon decided that from henceforth Given the history of such episcopal requests,
the convention will be held in early November, when theres little doubt that the aforementioned resolu-
weather is much less likely to be a confounding factor. tion will be easily passed, although there may be ques-
Because wed already met once this year, many ini- tions on the convention floor about the cost of a third
tially felt that this one-day convention would be an full-time bishop. Still, this will set the stage for a busy
uneventful, almost proforma session. However, a pair 2018, as I can personally attest from having been in-
of announcements in a recent letter from Bp. Shan- volved in the election and ensuing consecration of Bp.
non dramatically changed all this. Goff back in the early 2010s.
To begin, the letter announced that Bp. Ted Gu- With Bp. Gulicks retirement, our former Suffra-
lick would be retiring as Assistant Bishop at the end gan, Bp. David Jones, will be helping out with visita-
of this calendar year. Because he has been serving in tions until the new bishop is elected and consecrated.
this post for seven years, this announcement was not Consequently, he will be with us for confirmation next
unexpected, though our diocese will certainly miss year on Sunday, June 10th at the 10:00 am service.
the many gifts Bp. Gulick has offered in his ministry Beyond the resolution mentioned above (R-4), as
among us. Accordingly, we will be honoring his ser- of this writing, there are four other resolutions that
vice at this convention.
What was unexpected, however, was Bp. Shannons Continued on page 2
Page 2 November 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

From the Rector:

continued from page 1 Senior Wardens Report
convention delegates will be considering: T. E. Fuzzy Thurston, Senior Warden
R-1: A resolution encouraging diocesan church
members to oppose wage theft (i.e., the withholding Wow, 2017 is flying by and Pohick is settling into
of due pay, including overtime, from workers). its normal somewhat hectic fall pace. Leading off the
R-2a: A resolution asking Diocesan Convention month will be the diocesan convention on November
to submit the liturgy The Way of Light (essentially a 4, followed closely by the Veterans Day dedication of
Stations of the Resurrection) to next years General a new plaque recognizing Pohicks cemetery as the fi-
Convention for potential inclusion in the next edition nal resting place of General William Brown, MD, who
of The Book of Occasional Services. (Both the resolution served as General George Washingtons Physician
and the liturgy were written by yours truly and subse- General during the Revolutionary War.
quently endorsed by the Clercius of Region VI.) On November 16, Pohick will host its annual
R-3: A resolution asking Diocesan Convention Christmas Mart and the following Sunday, Novem-
to call upon General Convention to request that the ber 19, will be the stewardship ingathering at all three
Church Pension Fund explore the inclusion of a pa- services. Advent wreath making is slated for Novem-
rental leave benefit in its insurance coverage in the fu- ber 19 at 5:00 pm and, of course, Thanksgiving falls on
ture. November 23. Try not to blink or something will be
R-5: A resolution asking Diocesan Convention missed! Please be aware that in addition to the normal
to call upon General Convention to appoint a task Monday closings, the church office will be closed on
force for fuller implementation of the national canon November 10 for Veterans Day and on November 23
calling all baptized persons to be involved in Christian and 24 for Thanksgiving.
mission and ministry. Speaking of stewardship, the budget was one of the
In addition to debating these, convention del- topics discussed at the October Vestry meeting. Plate
egates will be asked to approve the 2018 budget rec- and pledge is falling behind and from personal observa-
ommended by the Diocesan Executive Board. As of tion, church service attendance is down. Unfortunately,
this writing, that draft has not yet been posted online, bills and salaries keep coming so please take a look at
though I suspect it should not be much different than individual pledges, and, consider charting a course to
this years budget, at least on the bottom line. By the bringing giving up to date. This may also be a good
time you read this, the document should be posted time to consider electronic giving.
at; you may also read there the Other matters discussed at the October Vestry
precise wording of the resolutions that I have briefly meeting, and not covered by the Junior Wardens re-
summarized above. port elsewhere in this issue, include the following: The
If you have any questions or comments about Vestry wants to thank Doug Smith and all the won-
this second Diocesan Convention of 2017, please feel derful volunteers who made the Country Fair such a
free to speak to me or Ruth Correll, Pohicks clerical big success this year. For those interested, financials for
delegates, or to our lay delegates, Rita Stankwitz and the Fair are posted on the bulletin board at the bottom
Don Brownlee (our first alternate, filling in for John of the stairs in the Parish Hall. Father Don reported
Pasour, who will be out of the country). In the mean- that in 2018, Pohick will be visited by Bishop Jones on
time, please keep the convention and our diocese in June 10. The Bishops visitation is traditionally a time
your prayers! for baptisms and confirmations.

Visit the Golden Dove Gift Shop

Find special gifts, Pohick items, Fall and Christmas decorative items, cross jewelry, and more.
Be sure to stop by to shop for Christmas gifts during the annual Christmas Mart
on November 16 and on December 10 for a sale in the Common Room.
Hours: Between Sunday Services, First Saturdays during Docent Tours & during special events.
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2017 Page 3

It was encouraging this year to learn that CVJI has

From The Assistant Rector widened its impact with a slogan Kids are not for Sale
The Reverend in Virginia. Now they are working with first respond-
Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D. ers such as the police for crisis care at all hours as well
as state representatives for legislation addressing this
issue. They cooperate with other nationwide Chris-
ECW Aids Local Trafficking Victims tian intervention providers such as Teen Challenge
On Thursday, October 12, two Pohick women and the Salvation Army. Volunteers receive training
along with myself attended the annual meeting of to discover and deal with the triggers connected with
the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) held outside the traumas these youngsters have experienced.
Richmond. Edwardene Pitcock serves as our regional CVJI has opened shelters (Samaritan House on
representative for the ECW. Helen Parker combined the eastern shore and Safe Harbor in Richmond)
the trip with reunions with long time friends from where victims may stay as long as eighteen months.
the Richmond area where she lived for many years. Another shelter is now in the planning stages for
Bishop Shannon Johnston, diocesan bishop, spent the northern Virginia. During their stay, victims receive
day with us. He thanked the outgoing president, Jodie help with counseling for PTSD, recovering from ad-
Pully, for her leadership during her three year term dictions, planning nutritional meals, bonding with
and installed his newly appointed president, Cindy their children, and becoming aware of the dangerous
Helton. Pohick Church participated with its contri- ploys and pornography used by traffickers on the In-
bution to the annual United Church Offering spon- ternet.
sored by the ECW. The day concluded with Communion celebrated
It is enriching to have a change from Pohicks by the Rev. Melanie Mullen from Richmond who
scenery and worship style from time to time. Christ works under Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on ra-
Church, Glen Allen, features contemporary worship cial reconciliation and community organizing. The
with space for a praise band. With a microphone at the preacher was the host Rector, the Rev. Shirley Smith
grand piano, the worship leader directed our singing, Graham. Thank you to Christ Church for its warm
including one selection he had arranged. Through the welcome to women in the Diocese of Virginia.
clear glass wall behind the altar, we watched breezes
in the trees on a moist, chilly, fall day. Chairs in the Jackson-Feild Homes
round surrounded the altar for our business meet- Jackson-Feild Homes in Jarrat, Virginia, began
ings and worship. At lunch, we sat at tables behind in 1855 as an Episcopal orphanage for girls. Now
the chairs. The two wall mounted screens served well it is a residential adolescent psychiatric program
for the various reports of charities supported by the for both girls and boys. More than 90% of the
ECW. residents suffer from moderate to severe levels of
One such charity is the Central Virginia Justice trauma. Deficient prenatal care, maternal alcohol
Initiative (CVJI), which began just four years ago. and drug exposure, abandonment, and sustained
CVJI is a Christian faith-based 501c3 charity con- emotional, physical, and sexual abuse result in be-
cerned with justice for children entrapped by human havioral problems.
trafficking. The average age of entering human traf- For more than 20 years, the Ann Mason Guild,
ficking lies between 11 and 14 years old, and even with the support of the Pohick congregation, has
Fairfax County is a prime spot on the routes taken by raised funds to brighten Christmas celebrations
traffickers in recruitment of victims. At my first ECW for these children. Please consider supporting this
meeting in 2014, I learned about this charity in a con- project again by writing a check to Ann Mason
versation with Michelle Trampe, the Executive Direc- Guild with Jackson-Feild Homes on the memo
tor, at her display table. At that time, CVJI focused line and putting it in the alms bag or in the Ann
on raising community awareness of this problem in Mason box in the office. These young people will
schools and churches, but they had little direct contact be very grateful!
with victims of the vile trade.
Page 4 November 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Junior Wardens Report Save the Date February 10, 2018

Fred Crawford, Junior Warden The Docent Guild will hold a Mar-
di Gras celebration on February
Thanks: To everyone who came out for the Fall 10, 2018 from 4:00 pm until 7:00
Work Day, Saturday, October 14. For this work day, pm. Stay tuned for more details!
there were 30 parish members providing their time and
talent in addressing the list of work that Sexton John
Sessums had planned. Over ten routine annual tasks Coat Collection for LCAC
were accomplished - ten additional tasks that support During the month of November Martha Guild will
the continuing repair of the beautiful parish area were be collecting coats (all ages/sizes) for Lorton Com-
completed. In addition, 12 members of the Fairfax munity Action Center. Please donate any coats chil-
County Chapter, NSDAR were present to clean head- dren have outgrown, and adult coats. Hang on to
stones in the courtyard area as well as other selected them until November. More details in the Sunday
stones in the cemetery area. Pohick is fortunate to have bulletin.
their support in maintaining the historic treasures.
What has been done: Christmas Mart Jewelry Table
The selected paint contractor planning is com- Please consider donating un-
plete and work started on Monday, October 23. The wanted jewelry to the Christmas
majority of the pew boxes have been painted. There are Mart Jewelry Table for the Pohick
only a few remaining items to complete. Christmas Mart on November 16.
The contract with Dominion Electric to bring Profits from the Jewelry Table have been very sub-
separate power to the Sanctuary has been let. They are stantial for the past few years, thanks to all the do-
working to get the necessary permits and easements nations received.
from VDOT to bring power to the Sanctuary NW Jewelry in any condition is useful. Broken jew-
corner for the HVAC upgrade effort. Planning has elry is either mended or put in bags and sold to
started and work will begin when all preparations are crafters. These bags are among the first items sold.
complete. Jewelry can be left in the Church Office.
A walkdown with Dominion Electric and the
Electrical Contractor was done on Monday, Octo-
ber 16. The purpose was to ensure the interfaces and Music Schedule November 2017
various requirements to bring the new power into the Sunday, November 5 All Saints Sunday
Sancturary goes smoothly. 9:00 am Choir of Pohick, St. Cecelia
During the workday, addressed the leak in the #1 St. Alban Choir
Trailer, repaired the handicap ramp outside the Com- 11:15 am Gloria Jackson, soprano
mon Room, and repaired the lights (again) on the steps
to the Colchester parking lot. Sunday, November 12 Pentecost 23 Proper 27
What is planned: 9:00 am Choir of Pohick, St. Francis Choir
11:15 am Early Church Music Ensemble
Dominion will start work to bring the new power
to the Sanctuary as soon as all the permissions from
Sunday, November 19 Pentecost 24 Proper 28
VDOT are obtained. The route will be from the pow-
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, Pohick Pickers
er pole at the corner of Old Colchester and Route 1,
11:15 am St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir
underground parallel to Route 1, then under the wall
to the Northwest corner of the Sanctuary. That is the Sunday, November 28 The Last Sunday after
point of interface with the electrical contractor who Pentecost: The Realm of Christ
will bring the upgraded power into the Sanctuary. 9:00 am Choir of Pohick
Planning for the HVAC installation continues and 11:15 am Soloist
is nearing the final configuration.
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2017 Page 5

2017 Christmas Mart Thursday, November 16

It is Christmas Mart month! The annual Pohick needed. The main setup, which is moving the heavy
Church Christmas Mart, sponsored by the Women furniture, takes place Tuesday evening, November 14.
of the Church, Ann Mason Guild, and Martha Guild Cleanup, which places things back to normal, begins
will take place on Thursday, November 16 from 10:00 right after the 2:00 pm closing time on Mart Day.
am until 2:00 pm. Mini-Mart - on November 19, the Sunday fol-
There are MANY opportunities for the congrega- lowing the Mart, a mini-mart is setup in the Common
tion, women and men, to participate in making this Room offering items that remain. This gives those un-
another successful Mart. A list of the various catego- able to attend the Mart on Thursday an opportunity
ries and the respective chairmen is presented below. to purchase remaining crafts, baked goods, or Pantry
Find a place to volunteer time and talents! shelf items.
Attic Treasures ( Jane Goeller) - clean out closets Please see the Christmas Mart Newsstand in the
and bring in unwanted items. Please make sure items Common Room. There will be sign-up sheets and in-
are clean and in useable/working condition. Also formation on the event.
looking for Christmas decorations - old/unwanted There are MANY ways to get involved with the
lights, ornaments, knick-knacks, etc. Christmas Mart. It is a great way to meet new friends
Baked Goods/Pantry Shelf ( Judy Schmid & Ed- and share hours of fun. Come join the fun! The pro-
wardene Pitcock) - donate homemade cakes, pies, ceeds raised from the Christmas Mart are divided
cookies, candy, fudge, breads, homemade jams, jellies, among the Ann Mason Guild, the Martha Guild,
preserves, relishes, vinegars, etc. and the Women of the Church. Funds will be used
Pohickery (Ann Mason Guild, Wendy Remaly & by these groups in various outreach programs. There
Angela Edgemon) - Pohick cookbooks, notecards, will be many announcements and requests for help.
raffle baskets, pantry shelf items. Hopefully, there will be a volunteer opportunity for
Consignment & Art Show (Lori Buckius) - fine all. Please contact the names listed above or in further
china, glass, silver, and crafts are sold on consignment. announcements, or contact Connie Myers at 703-
Decorations - help transform the buildings into a 455-4652,
beautiful Christmasy atmosphere.
Frozen Casseroles (Carol Heintze & Helen Parker)
- donate homemade frozen main dishes, soups, sauces, 2017
casseroles, etc.
Jewelry (Anne Poad, Pat Osisek, Cammie Liddle)
- contribute old jewelry, both fine and costume. Mart
Luncheon (Connie Myers) - help in the kitchen
November 16
preparing the delicious lunch served on Mart day.
Waitresses (Anita Stribling, Susan Pehrsson) - vol- 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
unteer to be one of the lovely waitresses dressed in
colonial costume to serve the delicious luncheon.
Outside Crafters (Connie Myers) - there will be a
few tables that are rented to outside crafters, who add
to the affair and help draw the crowds.
Docents (Docent Guild, Nancy Sage) - the Church
will be open for tours during the Mart.
Greeters (Ruth Correll, Marsh Tonkin) - to greet
the guests at the front door of the Parish House and
handout the Mart Booklet.
Set-up & Cleanup (Kathy Kirkland) - this is where
the MEN of the Church are encouraged to get in-
volved! The assistance of their muscle-power is
Page 6 November 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion

Don Brownlee, Member of Policy and Planning Commission
This monthly report is part of the Vestrys ongoing effort to inform indeed been followed through.
and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies within The I went through what we have done and they were satis-
Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Communion. These fied, he said. I think I can show very clearly that everything
controversies largely involve the blessing of same-sex unions, or- that was decided that could be carried out was carried out.
dination of non-celibate homosexuals, interpretation of Scripture, Describing the discussions two days into the meeting, he
and breakdown of traditional boundary lines between Provinces. said, We talked about things this afternoon of huge impor-
Thirty-three Primates of the Anglican Communion met tance. People were disappointed. They were angry. But it was
for five days at Canterbury Cathedral early in October, a a very different mood to many previous Primates Meetings.
meeting that was largely devoid of apparent drama and ended It was more of a family that is having to face the fact that
with them making a renewed commitment to walk together something has happened that is causing grief than a club that
while acknowledging the distance that exists in our relation- doesnt like one of its members.
ships due to deep differences in understanding on same sex We were quite clear - people were very clear about how
marriage. disappointed they were. But I think the mood in the room -
and how I will feel - is just grieved that one has to do things
that no one likes - that I dont like - doing. You want people to
be united, joyful, celebrating together.
The communique was notable for two other forthright
statements again, presumably reflecting the organizers in-
terpretation of consensus rather than any votes. It said the
primates confirmed that the Anglican Church in North
America [ACNA] is not a province of the Anglican Com-
munion. Many of the theologically conservatives provinces in
the Africa and elsewhere do recognize ACNA as an Anglican
Sixteen of those primates were attending for the first time. And it said the primates discussed the difficulties that
Primates from three provinces did not attend because of, as arise from cross-border interventions - steps by those theo-
the official communique put it, a combination of personal logically-conservative provinces to send bishops into the U.S.,
circumstances and difficulties within their Provinces. Three and now Scotland and England, where they think the church-
others, the primates of Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda, boycot- es have strayed from essential biblical principles. The primates
ted the meeting over, again in the words of the communi- said this violates principles that were clearly stated from the
que, what they believed to be a lack of good order within the Council of Nicaea [in 325 A.D.] onwards and in the 1998
Communion - meaning they felt The Episcopal Church had Lambeth Conference.
not been sufficiently punished for our decision to allow same- Courtesy and love should be extended to all Provinces at
sex marriages, and the sanctions that had been imposed were all times, they said. We recognized that persistent and de-
not followed through. liberate non-consensual cross-border activity breaks trust and
As expected, the primates agreed that the Scottish Epis- weakens our communion.
copal Church would face similar sanctions, or consequences, They also recognized the need for a season of repen-
as Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby prefers to say, for tance and renewal, including where interventions may have
its decision earlier this year to follow The Episcopal Church happened without prior permission having being sought
in allowing same-sex marriages. Bp. Mark Strange, its newly- [emphasis added].
elected primus, briefed the primates on the decision to change Abp. Justins concerns about this have been heightened
the marriage canon, and said it was taken with the expectation by consecration of a missionary bishop to care for those [in
and acceptance that this would happen. The primates took no England and Scotland] who seek to remain faithful to the
actual vote; rather, Abp. Justin said, there was a consensus on scriptures and Jesus teaching on marriage.
the matter, and it is left in my hands to follow that through This represents the strongest statement from either the
and it will be followed through as I did after the Primates primates or an Archbishop of Canterbury on the issue since
Meeting of 2016. tensions over human sexuality began to arise in the 1990s.
Abp. Justin said in a press briefing that some primates
had raised the question on whether those consequences had Continued on page 7
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2017 Page 7

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, brothers and sisters unchurched by leaders who have rejected
continued from page 6 Gods Word, he said.
Let me humbly advise Canterbury here to take urgent
Both the statement on ACNA and the statement of border steps to recognise ACNA as an authentic Province of the An-
crossings clearly touched a nerve with theological conserva- glican Communion before new realignments make that need
tives. unnecessary.
*** ***
Abp. Gregory Venables, primate of the The primates opened their meeting just as news was
Province of South America and a found- breaking of the mass shooting in Law Vegas. They sent a mes-
ing member of the theologically-conserva- sage of prayer, support and condolences to the Bishop of Ne-
tive Global Anglican Futures Conference vada, and at their first evensong, Presiding Bishop Michael led
[GAFCON] questioned who wrote that them in prayer for the victims:
communique, saying it was never discussed We come before you asking you Lord, receive the souls of those
that he knew of prior to being released. It who have died, that they may rest in your love and rise in
does not reflect what I experienced and your glory.
heard in the meeting. Thats fine, it might be somebodys per- We come before you now asking you to comfort and heal their
ception, but it wasnt my perception and that leads me to ask loved ones who weep.
more serious questions. We ask you, Lord, to take those who are
What was identified clearly in the meeting is that some wounded and afflicted and bind up their
arent walking together, some are walking together but at a wounds and heal them.
distance, and some are walking together, he said. But even But Lord we ask you to heal us; to heal your
those three ways of grouping that situation dont deal with the human children; to help us to find a better way;
issue. The issue is, why arent people walking together? And to teach us to love and not to count the cost.
we arent walking together because the situation has not been Heal your human family.
dealt with. Heal your creation.
Maybe the message [coming out of meeting] is, you And then make us instruments of your peace.
have to either be a relativist, pluralist or theres no place for The Rev. Canon Andrew Gross, ACNAs canon for com-
youIn that sense, one of the messages from the Primates munications, said at a news conference the next day that the
Meeting was its business as usual. Things havent changed. decision to invite Bp. Michael to lead the congregation in
This is how its going to be, and that saddens me deeply. prayer put the GAFCON primates in a difficult spot. He
Other theological conservatives were much harsher in said that they were forced to look like they are walking to-
their criticism. The Anglican Ink blog, which reflects their gether when they are not walking together.
thinking, called the meeting stage managed by Abp. Justin Abp. Justin said he was taken aback by those statements.
and his staff. ***
Abp. Nicholas Okoh, primate of the Anglican Church Elsewhere:
of Nigeria and GAFCON chairman, said We cannot walk The saga of St. James Episcopal Church in Newport
together with those who have abandoned Beach, California continues to take its strange turns. The orig-
the teaching of the Bible, but that is what the inal congregation attempted to leave The Episcopal Church
Communiqu issued from the meeting en- but retain the property. Courts ruled that the property be-
courages us to do. The painful truth is that longed to the Diocese of Los Angeles. A new congregation
the authority of Scripture is being replaced which wanted to be part of The Episcopal Church formed, but
by the authority of Canterbury. Bp. Jon Bruno locked them out and secretly signed an agree-
He repeated previous assertions that ment to sell the property to a developer. A church disciplinary
we are a global Communion with a colonial board suspended him from active ministry for three years for
structure, and added, The appearance of a his conduct in the case. But the new bishop said it was too late,
few African faces in those structures does not mean that any- and a binding sales contract had been signed.
thing has changed. The Communiqushould embarrass all Now the developer has backed out of that contract. In
Anglicans who seek to live under the authority of the Word of a very brief statement, Bp. John Taylor and the president of
God. the Standing Committee said the latest development gives
Same-sex marriage is referred to merely as a difference our diocesan community a renewed opportunity for careful
of understanding while the only call to repentance is to those
who have crossed provincial boundaries to support orthodox Continued on page 8
Page 8 November 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion,

continued from page 7 Christian Education
discernment about our mission and ministry in south Orange Frances Sessums, Director of Christian Education
County. We again pledge to do all we can pastorally, logistical-
ly, and financially to assist the St. James congregation should it During the month of November, the church school
wish to regain mission status in the diocese. classes will be preparing for the Christmas Pageant.
At last word the Episcopal congregation remained locked Mike Elston has volunteered to direct the pageant
out of the church. again this year. The Christmas Pageant will be held in
The two groups contending to be the legitimate Epis- the Church on December 17 directly after the 10:00
copal Diocese of South Carolina have agreed to mediation in
am service followed by a reception in the Common
their long-running legal battle. The cases involves church and
diocesan properties and trademarks; the state supreme court
Room. The dress rehearsal will be Saturday, December
ruled in August that most of the properties belonged to the 16 from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. This rehearsal is for
group which wanted to remain with The Episcopal Church, Kindergarteners through 8th grade students.
rather than the group that broke away in 2012. The break- Beginning November 12, the 3rd through 6th
away group, led by Bp. Mark Lawrence, continued to file legal grade students will rehearse during class time. It is very
motions attacking the state courts decision, and in particular important that students who are musicians, stable ani-
the objectivity of one of the justices. The group that wants to mals, or have speaking parts be present every Sunday. If
remain with The Episcopal Church said the aim of the media- your child must miss a rehearsal, please be sure to tell
tion is not to change the Supreme Court decision, but to seek Mike or Frances. The preschool through second grade
an agreement about how best to implement it. students will continue with their Godly Play studies
It is important to remember that despite all these controversies, the and practice their parts during part of class time.
work of the Church - globally, nationally, and locally - goes on.
Through youth mission trips, food donations to LCAC, donations of Advent Wreath Making and Potluck Dinner
school supplies and backpacks, the Community of Hope and other out- Pohicks annual Advent Wreath making will take
reach efforts, Pohick continues to leak the love of God to neighbors in
place on Sunday, November 19 at 5:00 pm in the Com-
need. As the Sr. Warden recently noted, While human lives are limited
in duration, the church continues from generation to generation and
mon Room. The potluck dinner will follow at 6:00 pm.
age to ageThe fruit of our work with homeless children at Christmas There will be a sign up sheet for the materials of the
time may be realized 40 years into the future when Pohicks new rector Advent Wreaths in the Common Room during cof-
tells her parishioners how the love she felt at that 2017 party inspired fee hour. The cost will be $9 per wreath. There will be
her to overcome her poverty, and to be the first in her family to gradu- a sample wreath on display, as well as a handout for
ate from college then from seminary. the use of the Advent Wreath at home. These are easy
to make and are a meaningful addition to the home
Consignment Room Christmas Mart 2017 for the observance of the Advent season. The price in-
No longer valued items may be someone elses trea- cludes everything to make a wreath. It would be appre-
sure. Review collectibles, vintage items, crafts and ciated if parishioners could bring additional greenery
accessories that can be passed on to others. Through for the wreaths. This promises to be a wonderful time
the Consignment Room at the annual Christmas for fellowship. Please direct any questions to Frances
Mart, items can be sold on consignment or simply Sessums at 703-472-5180.
donated with the profits going to the Women of Po-
hick. Consignors receive 75% of the sale price with Nursery Volunteers Needed
25% going to the Women of Pohick. In addition, Nursery volunteers are needed for the 9:00 am ser-
new crafters are welcome to exhibit their products vice. Anyone interested in helping once every couple
for sale. Be sure to tell others that of months, please call the church office or Frances
may create interesting gifts or crafts Sessums at 703-472-5180. This is a great opportuni-
or have treasures to sell, and provide ty to hold and nourish babies and toddlers! The ages
them with contact info, Lori Buckius, are newborns to 3 years of age. Please consider this
703-250-4590 or important ministry!
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2017 Page 9

Pohick Church Activities November 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
OCT 29 30 31 NOV 1 2 3 4
Jr/Sr High Girls Retreat 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 1p Belvoir Co-op PYM Sr Diocesian Conv/
Proper XXVa 6p St. Cecelia St. 6:15p Bell Choir High/ Richmond; PYM Sr
7:45a HE I 7p Boy Scouts
Alban Choir ShrineMont High/ShrineMont
9a HE II 6p St. Francis Choir 7:30p Choir of 8a Brotherhood
10:15a Alpha Film 7:30p Martha Guild Mtg Pohick of St. Andrew
11:15a HE I 9:30a BSA Province
7:30p Healing Service
12:30p Jr/Sr High/5- III Annual Mtg
6 grade boys 10a Yoga
1p 1st Sat
Docent Tour
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
All Saints Sunday, Year A 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 1p Belvoir Co-op Office Closed Veterans Day
End of Daylight Savings 6p St. Cecelia St. 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood of
PYM Sr High/ShrineMont Alban Choir 7p Boy Scouts St. Andrew
7:45a HE I 6p St. Francis Choir 7:30p Choir of 9a Veterans Day
9a HE II Pohick Event
7:30p Healing Service
10:15a Alpha Film 10a Yoga
11:15a HE I 11a Plaque Dedication
6:30p Jr High/5th &
6th grade Dinner
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Proper XXVIIa 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 10a Christmas Alpha Weekend
7:45a HE I 9:30a Ann Ma- 6p St. Cecelia St. Mart 8a Brotherhood
9a HE II son Guild Mtg Alban Choir 6:15p Bell Choir of St. Andrew
11:15a HE II 7:30p Vestry Mtg 6p St. Francis Choir 7p Boy Scouts 9:30a Docent
6:30p EYC 7:30p Healing Service 7:30p Choir of Training
Pohick 10a Yoga
Pohick Post Deadline

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Stewardship Ingathering 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax Thanksgiving Day Office Closed 8a Brotherhood
Proper XXVIIIa 7:30p Healing Service Office Closed of St. Andrew
7:45a HE I 7p Boy Scouts 10a Yoga
9a HE II 12p Book Club
11:15a HE I
5p Advent Wreath/
26 27 28 29 30 DEC 1 2
Last Pentecost, Year A 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 1p Belvoir Co-op 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I 6p St. Cecelia St. 6:15p Bell Choir of St. Andrew
9a HE II Alban Choir 7p Boy Scouts 10a Yoga
11:15a HE II 6p St. Francis Choir 7:30p Choir of 1p 1st Sat
7:30p Healing Service Pohick Docent Tour

Contact the Parish Secretary, Susan Hayward-Costa, to list group meetings or events on the calendar,

Food Pantry
The first Sunday of each month, Pohick collects non-perishable food items to be contributed to the Lorton
Community Action Center (LCAC) food pantry. Please consider bringing in an item or two November 5
to include as a part of the alms giving. Non-perishables can be brought to the church service on Sunday or
dropped off any time and left in the common room for delivery to LCAC.
Page 10 November 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church


7:45 Mike Zane Stew Remaly Don Cooke Rodger Jones Mike Zane
Rodger Jones Becky Wagner Mike Vaughn Tony Marsico Stew Remaly
9:00 Dan Derbes Matt Gurrola Pehr Pehrsson Beth Altman Dru Hodges
Brent Goeller Tom Goeller Tom Bland Chris Brown Brent Goeller
Dru Hodges Bill Patton John Pasour Dan Derbes Dennis Myers
Dennis Myers Edwardene Pitcock Fuzzy Thurston Hal Yarwood Greg Wilson
11:15 Steve Edgemon Bill Bland Hank Foresman Rick Nelson Kathy Kirkland
Angela Edgemon Paul Walden Mike Wooten Rita Smith Ed McGovern
AM J. Wells BJ McPherson BJ McPherson J. Sunderland J. Sunderland
N. Sage A. Powell, J. Schmid A. Powell, J. Schmid B. Altman B. Altman
C. Foster M. Tonkin M. Tonkin N. Bireley N. Bireley
J. Geschickter S. Caesar S. Caesar V. Jones V. Jones
J. Mullins E. Pitcock E. Pitcock J. MacDonald J. MacDonald
H. Parker A. Marsico A. Marsico R. Teale R. Teale
R. Stankwitz M. Yezek M. Yezek B. Wagner B. Wagner
7:45 M/M Bryant M/M Jones M/M Sunderland M/M Stankwitz TBD
9:00 M/M Yarwood Turner/Derbes M/M Wise M/M Myers M/M McHargue
11:15 S. Caesar M/M Thurston M/M Nelson K. Kirkland S. Caesar
7:45 B. Wagner T. Look M/M Rodger Jones E. Bartlett D. Smith
9:00 M/M Yarwood P. Moyers M/M Edmond R. Lamin Stribling/Brimmer
11:15 D. Sebastian B. Atkinson A. Poad C. Hodge L. Aqueron
9:00 T. Bland N. Sage J. Bartholomew C. Knipling P. Kind
11:15 D. Hamly H. Foresman C. Darling J. Egan D. McHugh
7:45 Sunderland (R) Sunderland (P) Thorson (P) Pasour (R) Foresman (R)
Booth (P) Thorson (R) Booth (R) Booth (P) Sunderland (P)
9:00 M. Harding (P) Elston (P) Egan (P) Elston (R) Pasour (P)
S. Harding (R) Faber (R) Prior (R) Prior (P) Sage (R)
11:15 Nelson (P) Arning (P) Cockroft (P) M. Harding (R) Cockroft (R)
Walden (R) Sage (R) Ayorinde (R) S. Harding (P) Walden (P)
The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Churchs website,, under Ministries.
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2017 Page 11

General Browns Scalpel

By Lawrence M (Larry) Nelson, MD, MBA
Stewardship Corner
Then God spoke all these words, saying, I am the LORD your God,
who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
You shall have no other Gods before Me. (Exodus 20:2-3)
Stewardship Sunday and the ingathering of the
commitment cards will be November 19. That is just
November brings Veterans Day. This year historic around the corner. Stewardship packets will be arriv-
Pohick Church is reaching out to the surrounding ing in the mail soon. As discussed in Septembers Po-
community to help the congregation celebrate the hick Post, the stewardship theme this year, coming from
memory of a Revolutionary War hero who is buried Luke 5:5-7, is: Getting More Hands on the Nets.
in Pohick Cemetery. This theme is not just about increasing the number
Physician General William Brown, MD, served of parishioners who take part in the 75+ ministries and
in the Revolutionary War commanding all the Army activities that define Pohick. It is also about our treasure
hospitals between the Hudson and Potomac Rivers. and increasing the number of parishioners who com-
David Nelson, DDS, one of his descendants who now mit to a level of giving over the coming year. Yes, we
lives in Alabama, will join in the festivities. love those parishioners who give from their wallets from
Please attend this special Veterans Day event. At week to week, but our ministry depends most heavily
9:00 am, Pohick Church will host a Veteran Health on those who commit to a level of giving across all 12
Symposium. Guest speaker, Professor David Hufford, months. And, because the spiritual wellbeing of all Po-
PhD, will provide a keynote address entitled, Life hickians is also part of our concern, we encourage all
after Military Combat: Finding a Place of Peace. to consider practicing what we have termed sacrificial
At 10:15 am, there will be a Veterans Day Colonial giving - putting God first in our lives, demonstrating
Prayer service. Then at 11:00 am, the historic highway through our gifts of time, talent, and treasure, that we
marker honoring General Brown, MD will be dedi- are not slaves of the vain worlds golden store.
cated and unveiled. Afterwards, attend a reception So this year, as you fill out your commitment card,
with refreshments served at 11:30 am. There will be remember the words of 1 Kings 19:11-12: and a great
an opportunity to meet the guests, enjoy classical mu- and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the
sic by the Apollo Quartet, take in an art show focused rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind.
on the art and science of relationships, and close out And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not
the events by tapping along with contemporary music in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the
by Ken Smith and the General Brown Band. Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low
The National Brotherhood of Saint Andrew has whisper. God is in that low whisper - a whisper easily
an initiative to develop veteran friendly congregations. drowned out by the turmoil of our day-to-day lives. It
This effort is particularly relevant to Pohick Church, is within that low whisper that prayerful consideration
the church of General George Washington. can be found. Ask God: Would you have me do more?
The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew is a worldwide
ministry founded in 1883 by a group of workingmen
EYC Upcoming Events
at Saint James Episcopal Church in Chicago. The
focus is to bring men, boys and youth to Christ. A The Diocese of Virginias Sr. High weekend is No-
vember 3-5. Cost is $75. Information and forms are avail-
muscular form of Christianity is envisioned with a
able in the church school classrooms and on the EYC
source of strength for dealing with adversity. The Po-
bulletin board in the Common Room.
hick Chapter meets every Saturday morning at 8:00 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes! The parish
am for a hearty mans breakfast, prayer, service, and will be participating in the 7th annual Operation Christ-
study. New members are welcomed with open arms. mas Child project. Please visit the table in the Common
The logo above is Saint Andrews cross. As their Room on November 5 to learn more. Questions?
patron saint, his cross comprises the flag of Scotland Contact Rusty at 703-339-6572,
and is also part of the Episcopal flag.
The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christs love is experienced and taken beyond its walls.
Non-Profit Org.

Permit No. 2
U.S. Postage

Lorton, VA

Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________

To: The Vestry
Pohick Church Staff Pohick Church Vestry
Rector: The Revd Donald Sr. Warden: Fuzzy Thurston
Binder, PhD Jr. Warden: Fred Crawford
Assistant: The Revd Dr. Ruth Treasurer: Doug Smith
E. Correll, Ed.D. Register: Susan Pehrsson
Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519

Seminarian: Wesley Arning Members: Beth Altman, Amanda Choi,

9301 Richmond Highway

Minister of Music: Linda Egan Caroline Cockroft,

Return Service Requested

Director of Anne Derbes, Emily Elston,

Christian Ed: Frances Sessums Kathy Kirkland,
Pohick Church

Youth Minister: Rusty Booth Carney McCullough,

Parish Secretary: Susan Hayward-Costa Jane Rolander,
Finance Admin: Mike Morgan Eric Thorson
Sexton: John Sessums
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884
Church Office Email: Web Site:

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