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Tapan Dutta
Panskura Banamali College
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"If you educate a boy, you
educate one individual,
If you educate a girl, you
educate a teacher.
If you educate a teacher,
you educate a community"
the overall quality in education
depends on the quality of
"all formal and informal activities
and experiences that help to
qualify a person to assume the
responsibility as a member of the
educational profession or to
discharge his responsibility most
"The total education experiences which
contribute to the preparation of a person
but the term is completely employed to
designate the program for the courses
and other experiences offered by an
educational institute for the announced
purposes of preparing persons for
teaching and other educational service
and for contributing to their growth in
competency for such service" .
The Educational Commission (1964-1966)
said, "a sound program of professional
education of teachers is essential for the
qualitative improvement of education.
Investment in teacher education can yield
very rich dividends because the financial
resources required are small when
measured against the resulting
improvement in the education of
According to PASSI (1997), "Teacher
education means programs of education,
research or training of persons for
equipping them to teach at primary,
secondary, and senior secondary stages in
schools and includes non-formal
education, part time education, adult
education and correspondence education.
To develop in prospective teacher
educators necessary skills and
competencies needful for the
preparation of the teacher
To impart the latest knowledge of the
relevant disciplines
To upgrade their knowledge and
develop a critical awareness.
To develop the capacity of elaboration,
examination, interpretation and
communication of ideas
To enable them to undertake
meaningful educational research for
improving the condition of education
and society.
To develop among them the desire for
life long learning for removing
anachronism from them.
This is self explanatory; it refers to the
education a teacher receives when he has
entered the teaching profession after he
has had his education or training in a
teaching institute or college. It includes
all the fields i.e. the refresher courses etc
that he receives at different institutions.
Better understanding of the students
Building confidence
Methodology of teaching
Building a favorable attitude
Familiarizing with school organization
Creating social insight
Improving standards
Training for democracy
Training school for elementary teachers
Pre-primary schools or Nursing institutions
Secondary training schools
Training colleges or colleges of education
Institutes of advanced studies in education
Training colleges for special education. example:-
handicaps, deaf and dumb etc.
Training colleges for special subjects. Example:-preparing
teachers in certain subjects like physical education, home
science, craft etc.
Regional colleges of education
Comprehensive colleges
Summer schools -cum correspondence course.
Good physique
Linguistic ability and communication skills
A fair degree of general mental ability
General awareness of the world
A positive outlook on life
The capacity for good human relations
Recruitment first and training afterwards
Internship in place of practice teaching
Right tools for evaluation of pupil teacher performance . example:-self-
assessment and pre -lessons and post -lesson discussion
Miscellaneous :-
*Modifications in teacher and education curriculum.
*Teacher education cadres
*Adequate staff for teacher training colleges
*Teacher education to be well-verse in educational technology
*Well planned programs
*Training to pupil teachers in organizing co- curricular activities.
*Teacher training colleges to remain their isolation.
Faulty methods of selection because of political, social and personal
Lop-sided curriculum
Irrelevant methodology of teaching
Neglect of study of education as a discipline
Inadequate training in practical skills
Insufficient time and attention paid to the actual practice teaching
Isolation between the colleges of education and the schools
Insufficient training in the art of communicating with the community
Ineffective supervision of the teaching practice by the supervisors
Faulty methods of assessment of trainee's work
Under qualified teacher educators
Lack of physical facilities
Shorter working hours

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