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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr.



Munteanu Stolojanu Victoria-Ileana Munteanu Stolojanu Victoria-Ileana
Doctorand Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Ph.D candidate University of Craiova, Faculty of
tiine Economice, Romania, Economic Sciences, Romania,

Rezumat:Scopul principal al articolului l reprezint Abstract: In oeder to elaborate a cycle of setting the
prezentarea unei viziuni simple i suple asupra proiectrii i objectives an effort is needed oriented towards a
folosirii sistemului informaional al organizaiei n condiiile common list of expectations regarding the way in which
stabilirii dar i planificrii, implementrii, urmririi, the team should work and focusing to the clear
mbuntirii, revizuirii, asigurrii ndeplinirii obiectivelor definition and accomplishment of the objectives (the
organizaiilor n condiiile folosirii managementului prin emergence of the actions and the emergence of solution
obiective. in order to carry out an entrepreneurial thinking).
Subsistemul informaional al organizaiei trebuie s Under the circumstances of the economic and financial
serveasc astfel i aceste atribute. crisis in organizations, the is behavior of concentrating
n condiiile n care obiectivele organizaiilor au the functional departaments on their own goals,
fost bine stabilite i s-a ales obiectivul prioritar al unei neclecting the general interests of the organizations,
anumite perioade, metoda propus de stabilire a obiectivelor producing a real functional deviationism.
nu ncorseteaz aciunea managerilor funcionali, dndu-le
o mare libertatea este mare n sensul conceperii
coninutului acestor documente. Keywords: overall system configuration information,
detailed system configuration information, action
Cuvinte-cheie: configuraie de ansamblu a programs, calendars timelines,
sistemului informaional, configuraie de detaliu a sistemului
informaional, strategii funcionale, contract de management,
sistem categorial de obiective, programe de aciune, Introduction:
calendare de termene, repertoare de metode, instruciuni. The main purpose of the article is to present a simple
and flexible vision of the projection and use of
Introducere information systems organization and planning in terms
of establishing, implementing, monitoring,
Partizani ai profesionalizrii managementului n improvement, revision, ensuring organizations meet the
Romnia, subscriem ideii de management tiin i art i objectives of using management by objective
pledm pentru ridicarea continu a standardelor acestei conditions
profesii, recunoscnd la fel de valabile att practicile de Information subsystem of the organization has to have
incubare local din organizaiile bazate pe cunoatere such attributes too. Since the organization objectives
(generaia a V-a de practici manageriale) ct i practicile were well established and was chosen the focus of a
manageriale ale generaiei I, orientat ctre tehnologie; ale certain period, the method of targeting doesnt have to
generaiei a II-a, orientat ctre proiecte; ale generaiei a III- trouble the functional managers actions, giving them a
a, orientat ctre organizaie i ale generaiei a IV-a, greater freedom. Managers freedom is high in the
orientat ctre clientel. sense of realizing the content of these documents.
Dup un proces complex de planificare prin After a comprehensive planning process by establishing
stabilirea obiectivelor organizaiei, n condiiile n care organizational objectives, while the manager has not set
managerul nu le are stabilite prin contractul de management, in the contract management,the managerial team is
echipa managerial se focalizeaz pe modul n care trebuie focused on how to organize their work and achieving
s-i organizeze activitatea i pe realizarea obiectivelor objectives (actions and the emergence of the emergence
(emergena aciunilor i emergena soluiilor n scopul of solutions To achieve the objectives of the
realizrii obiectivelor organizaiei). organization). The whole management system of the
ntreg sistemul de management al organizaiei, cu organization, with organizational subsystem, the
subsistemul organizatoric, subsistemul informaional, subsystem information, decision-making subsystem and
subsistemul decizional i cel metodologic, dau ntietate method, give preference objectives.
obiectivelor The article proposes to the managers categories of
Lucrarea propune managerilor sistemul categorial objects of the organization system as the main

Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr.3/2011

de obiective al organizaiei att ca instrument principal al instrument of planning both short term and as
planificrii pe termen scurt, ct i ca soluie a organizrii, a organization solution, the use, with maximum
folosirii, cu maximum de randament, a resurselor efficiency, resource-limited organizations stress
organizaiilor limitate n condiii de criz. i sistemul conditions. And information system, streamlining and
informaional, eficientizarea, si raionalizarea acestuia, se rationalizing it, taking into account all of what means
alctuiete innd seama tot de cerinele informaionale, data requirements from managerial and economic
manageriale i economice pornind de la obiectivele stabilite. objectives.

Coninut Content
Sistemul informaional este nemijlocit subordonat atingerii The information content is directly subordinate to
obiectivelor previzionate ale organizaiei, constituind un the expected goals of the organization, constituting an
mijloc esenial pentru realizarea lor. (Burlea chiopoiu, A. essential means to achieve them. (Burlea chiopoiu, A.
,2002, 28 ). ,2002, 28 )
S-a previzionat sistemul de obiective, acestea fiind System was planned targets, such as quantitative
caracterizri cantitative i calitative ale scopurilor urmrite and qualitative characterization of the goals pursued by
de organizaie. the organization.
Propunem o procedur de introducere a We propose a procedure of introducing the
managementului prin obiective, din care reiese foarte clar management by objectives. The idea that the
configuraiade ansamblu a sistemului informaional. Din organizational structure was projected as required
stabilirea obiectivelor organizaiei rezult sistemul organizational objectives.
informaional propriu managementului prin obiective.
n ceea ce privete modalitatea de introducere a We do not recognize the need for the
managementului prin obiective, ne alturm establishment of profit centers, as recommended by
,,partizanilor organizaiilor birocratice, stabile i authors such as Daniel Froisart Ovidiu Nicolescu Ion
recunoatem avantajele rutinei n obinerea rezultatelor. Verboncu, Practically without knowledge of the long
Pornim de la ideea c structura organizatoric a organizaiei (4-5 years) that needs the organizational changes. In
a fost proiectat potrivit cerintelor obiectivelor organizaiei. case of the realization of the the profit center there is a
Nu recunoatem necesitatea constituirii centrelor de profit, dilution of responsibility introduced by the method of
recomandate de autori precum Daniel Froisart, Ovidiu distribution on distribution keys based on the
Nicolescu i Ion Verboncu, cunoscnd din practic timpul allocation of indirect costs direct (Stolojanu Munteanu
lung (4-5 ani ) pe care l necesit schimbrile organizatorice. Victoria-Ileana, 2011, 399) .
n cazul constituirii centrelor de profit are loc o diluare de This document is not a truth but an amorphous
responsabilitate pe care o introduce cunoscuta metod de organizational tool for both the holder and the Head
,,repartizare pe baza de chei de repartizare a cheltuielilor superior, job descriptions can be attached: action
indirecte(Stolojanu Munteanu Victoria-Ileana, 2011, 399) programs, schedules and deadlines repertoarele
asupra celor directe. Fia postului este cea care, dac poart methods and instructions issued by superiors. We
i obiectivele postului, fiecare cheltuial i fiecare indicator propose in this respect, they do not place this
va aparine unui responsabil. Ca anexe utile, aceasta modification of the organizational subsystem by adding
devenind nu un document organizatoric amorf ci un adevrat of organizational links. The only contention-needed
instrument de lucru att pentru titularul acesteia ct i pentru involvement of functional managers, cuantified the
eful ierarhic suoerior, fiele posturilor pot avea anexate: objectives (indicators) of management contracts and
programele de aciune, calendarele de termene dar i Improvement (dynamic) documents organizational
repertoarele de metode i instrucgiunile formulate de work.
superiori. Framework procedure for bringing the management by
Propunem ,n acest sens, s nu aib loc aceast objectives:
modificare a subsistemul organizatoric al organizaiei prin 1 the procedure presents a model for establishing and
adugarea de verigi organizatorice. Este necesar doar mult reviewing the organizations objectives
implicare a managerilor funcionali , cuatificat n 2: the procedure is applied by all departments, in the
ndeplinirea obiectivelor (indicatorilor) din contractele de organizations
management i imbuntirea (dinamizarea ) lucrului cu
documentele organizatorice.
Procedura cadru de introducere a managementului
prin obiective 3.1 Definitions
1.Scop: procedura prezint un model de stabilire i
revizuire a obiectivelor organizaiei. 3.1.1 Management by objectives - a management
2 Domeniu de aplicare : procedura se aplic la system based on strict targets to determine the
organizaii de ctre toate compartimentele executors, who participate directly in establishing their
close correlation and that rewards and sanctions to
3.1 Definiii achieve the predetermined objectives.

Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr.3/2011

3.1.2 System categories of objects - fundamental

3.1.1 Managementul prin obiective - un sistem de objectives, derived 1a derived 2 specific and individual,
management, bazat pe determinarea riguroas a obiectivelor as defined by a concrete and operational manner, thus
pn la nivelul executanilor, care particip nemijlocit la facilitating their implementation. The fundamental
stabilirea lor si pe corelarea strans a recompenselor i objectives express the main goals pursued by the
respectiv sanciunilor cu nivelul realizrii obiectivelor organization as a whole. They have a synthetic and
prestabilite. integrative nature. The derived objectives of first
3.1.2 Sistem categorial de obiective - obiectivele degree are deducted directly from the fundamental
fundamentale, derivate 1, derivate 2, specifice i individuale, objectives whose achievement involves a considerable
definite de o manier ct mai concret i operaional, part of the work processes in the organization. Second
facilitnd astfel realizarea lor. grade derived objectives are deducted directly from
Obiectivele fundamentale exprim principalele scopuri objectives derived of first degree, consisting of concrete
urmrite de organizaie n ansamblul su. Au caracter sintetic and defined work processes restricted to the same
i integrator. essential characteristics. The specific objectives are to
Obiectivele derivate de gradul I se deduc nemijlocit din summarize the motives or utility works or actions that
obiectivele fundamentale, a cror realizare implic o parte contribute to the achievement thereof.
apreciabil din procesele de munc desfurate n 3.1.3 Programs of Action - a statement of each
organizaie. department of human resources, financial and material
Obiectivele derivate de gradul II se deduc direct din related to achieving the objectives planned.
obiectivele derivate de gradul I, sunt definite concret i 3.1.4. Calendars of time - timing objectives.
constau n procese de munc restrnse, cu aceleai 3.1.5 Directories of methods - most appropriate
caracteristici eseniale. methods and techniques since the characteristics of
Obiectivele specifice, ce sintetizeaz mobilurile sau utilitatea objectives and work processes involved.
unor lucrri sau aciuni care contribuie la realizarea 3.1.6. Instructions on how-driver design for achieving
obiectivelor derivate. law and you had to reflect and summarize the
Obiective individuale sunt cele care concretizeaz obiectivele experience of the past.
specifice la nivelul persoanelor. 3.1.7. Management through budgets - is a management
3.1.2 Programe de aciuni - precizarea pe fiecare system that provides forecasting, monitoring and
compartiment a resurselor umane, materiale i financiare evaluation organization with activities and the main
aferente realizrii obiectivelor previzionate. procedural and structural components
3.1.3 Calendare de termene - planificarea calendaristic a 3.2 MBO - Management by objectives ,
obiectivelor. SCO System - categories of objects,
3.1.4 Repertoare de metode - cele mai adecvate metode i PA - Action Programs
tehnici innd cont de caracteristicile obiectivelor stabilite i RM Repertoire methods,
ale proceselor de munc implicate. CT-terms Calendars
3.1.5 Instruciuni- concepia conductorului asupra modului MD - Directories methods
de realizare a obiectivelor i care trebuie s reflecte legislaia
i s sintetizeze experiena organizaiei din trecut. 4. PROCEDURE
3.1.6 Managementul prin bugete - este un sistem de 4.1 Establishing the goals of the organization
management ce asigur previzionarea, controlul i evaluarea 4.1.1 MPO is linked to strategies and policies
activitilor organizaiei i ale principalelor componente (Nistorescu T., 2010,12). However, all activity is
procesuale i structurale cu ajutorul bugetelor. subordinated to touch the projected goals of the
3.2 Prescurtri organization, being vital to their achievement.
MPO - Management prin obiective 4.1.2 The objectives of the MPO are possible with
SCO - Sistem categorial de obiective short-term objectives, usually one year, which can be
PA - Programe de aciuni checked and corrected periodically. They are specific to
CT - Calendare de termene each organization.
RM - Repertoare de metode 4.1.3 All the goals established by the organization are
4. PROCEDURA important, but every period may be more important
4.1 Stabilirea obiectivelor fundamentale ale than another one, requiring a constant review.
organizaiei 4.2. Choosing the priority objective for some time, the
4.1.1MPO al organizaiei trebuie racordat la general manager.
strategiile (Nistorescu T., 2010,12) i politicile acesteia. 4.2.1 The main objective is subject to discussion and
Totodat, ntreaga desfurare a activitii este subordonat approval of the Board of Directors of reasoning
atingerii obiectivelor previzionate ale organizaiei, correctly. 4.2.2 General Manager executive managers
constituind mijlocul esenial pentru realizarea lor. communicate and ensure that this objective has been
4.1.2 Obiectivele posibil de atins cu MPO sunt fully understood in all its aspects.
obiective pe termen scurt, de regul un an, care pot fi 4.3 Establishment of SCO derivate1, derivate2 specific
controlate i corectate periodic. Acestea sunt proprii fiecrei individual and PA, CT, RM.

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organizaii. 4.3.1 The working procedure of the two hierarchical

4.1.3 Toate obiectivele pe care le stabilete organizaia sunt levels (Dijmrescu I 2009.) - beginning to work
importante, dar n fiecare perioad poate s fie mai important separately, then jointly as follows: each of them down
unul dect altul, necesitnd o continu revizuire. on paper SO, ways they deem most appropriate. They
4.2. Alegerea obiectivului prioritar pentru o anumit are given budgets. - The two rulers meet, discuss and
perioad, de ctre managerul general. agree on the most important objectives. They are
4.2.1 Obiectivul prioritar este supus dezbaterii i aprobrii n specified in documents which contain: SCO, PA, CT,
Consiliul de Administratie cu motivri corespunztoare. RM, performance standards.
4.2.2 Managerul general comunic managerilor 4.3.2 Performance Standards can be of value (budgets)
executivi obiectivul i se asigur c and physical (physical units, percentages of
acesta a fost deplin neles sub toate aspectele. achievement). There are compartments which can set
4.3 Stabilirea SCO derivate1, derivate2, specifice i standards are not measurable and can be controlled,
individuale a PA,CT,RM. verified or reviewed by observation and reasoning.
4.3.1 Procedura de lucru dintre dou nivele ierarhice 4.3.3 After the leadership of the organization has
: negotiated with all the subdivisions of these
- la nceput se lucreaz separat, apoi n comun organizational objectives in correlation with the overall
astfel: fiecare din ei aterne pe hrtie SO, cile i mijloacele objectives of the organization, they become binding
pe care le consider cele mai adecvate. Acestea sunt date de targets for all hierarchical levels.
buget. 4.4 Getting the results
- cei doi conductori se ntlnesc, dezbat i cad de 4.4.1 The head-level results occur in the lower level
acord asupra celor mai importante obiective. Ele se scriu n driver activity in the following situations:
documente specifice care i conin : SCO, PA, CT, RM, - When such contacts are provided in the PA (decade,
standarde de performan. monthly, quarterly) - where requested by higher level -
4.3.2 Standardele de performana pot fi valorice (bugete) i if it finds that SCO is going to reach bottom.
fizice(uniti fizice, procente de realizare). Exist 4.5 Analysis of results and review the objectives
compartimente crora nu li se pot stabili standarde 4.5.1 Analysis of results
msurabile, ele putnd fi controlate, verificate sau analizate The emphasis is on achieving performance
prin observri i raionamente. stands (budgets) and the performance achieved by
4.3.3 Dup ce conducerea organizaiei a negociat cu toate organizing and coordinating the work of leaders,
subdiviziunile organizatorice obiectivele propuse de acestea officials of the SCO.
n strns corelaie cu obiectivele generale ale organizaiei, 4.5.2 Review objectives
acestea devin obiective obligatorii pentru toate nivelurile In analyzing the results is found:
ierarhice. Initially set unrealistic goals
4.4 Obinerea rezultatelor - Lack of units of appropriate performance measure
4.4.1 Conductorul de nivel superior intervine n activitatea chosen;
conductorului de nivel inferior n urmtoarele situaii: -Lack of adequate information;-unrealized goals due to
- cnd sunt prevzute n PA asemenea contacte (decadal inaction or delayed action on that if they intervene at
,lunar, trimestrial); the right time targets would be achieved. They will be
- cnd este solicitat de nivelul superior; made with new content, revised and improved.
- cnd constat c mersul spre atingerea SCO este inferior.
4.5 Analiza rezultatelor i revizuirea obiectivelor
4.5.1 Analiza rezultatelor 5. RESPONSABILITIES Accentul se pune pe atingerea standelor de 5.1 General Manager
performan(bugete), ct i pe performanele atinse n munca 5.1.1 Establish the priority of the objectives initially
de organizare i coordonare a conductorilor, responsabili de determined for each period and submit it by executive
SCO. managers with instructions.
4.5.2 Revizuirea obiectivelor 5.1.2 Establish agreement with the executive managers Cu ocazia analizei rezultatelor se constat : (as they have proposed SO and performance standards
- obiective nerealiste stabilite iniial; for its own post), SCO, CT, PA and RM.
- lipsa unor uniti de msur corespunztoare pentru 5.1.3 At the end goal is a meeting with executive
performanele alese; managers to evaluate and reward staff achievement.
- lipsa de informaii adecvate; 5.2 Executive Managers
-obiective nerealizate datorit lipsei de aciuni sau aciuni 5.2.1 SCO propose and performance of their job, the
intrziate asupra crora dac se intervenea la timpul potrivit priority objective for the achievement.
obiectivele s-ar fi realizat. Ele vor fi formulate cu un nou 5.2.2 Agreement with General Manager for the SCO
coninut, revizuit i mbuntit. they have to realize.
5.RESPONABILITATI 5.2.3 Deduct their goals and objectives derived.
5.1 Manager general 5.2.4 Communicate to subordinates (chief of
5.1.1 Stabilete obiectivul prioritar din obiectivele department, service) each Sub-objectives.

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hotrte iniial pentru fiecare perioad i l transmite 5.2.5 Get from subordinates proposed targets for their
ctre managerii executivi, cu instruciuni. posts.
5.1.2 Stabilete de comun acord cu managerii 5.2.6 Establish agreement with SCO subordinates, PA,
executivi (dup ce acetia au propus SO i standarde de CT, and RM.
performan pentru propriul post), SCO, CT, PA i RM. 5.2.7 Plan, organize, and coordinate (in order to make
5.1.3 La ncheierea obiectivului face o sedint cu decisions as preventive or corrective) and involve all
managerii executivi pentru a evalua realizarea the resources (material, working force) to achieve the
obiectivelor i a recompensa personalul . SCO.
5.2 Managerii executivi 5.2.8 Evaluate the objectives by sending their proposals
5.2.1 Propun SCO i performane pentru propriul of rewarding to the general manager.
post, n sensul realizrii obiectivului prioritar. 5.3 Heads of departments and services
5.2.2 Stabilesc de comun acord cu Managerul 5.3.1 Suggest SCO and performance for their own post
General SCO ce le revin. for the achievement of the priority objective.
5.2.3 Defalc obiectivele lor pe subobiective i 5.3.2 Establish with the executive managers their SCO.
obiective derivate. 5.3.3 Deduct their objectives.
5.2.4 Comunic subalternilor (efi de secie,de 5.3.4 Communicate to subordinates (chief of workshops
servicii) subobiectivele fiecruia. / offices, heads of band) each Sub-objective.
5.2.5 Primete de la subalterni propunerile de 5.3.5 Get proposals of objectives for their
obiective pentru posturile lor. posts from subordinates
5.2.6 Stabilete de comun acord cu subalternii 5.3.6 Establish agreement with SCO subordinates, PA,
5.2.7 Planific, organizeaz, coordoneaz (pentru a 5.3.7 Plan, organize, coordinate (in order to make
putea lua decizii cu caracter profilactic sau corectiv) i decisions as preventive or corrective) and involve all
antreneaz toate resursele(materiale, fora de munc) the resources (material, labor) to achieve the SCO.
pentru realizarea SCO. 5.3.8 Evaluate the objectives of transmitting executive
5.2.8 Evalueaz realizarea obiectivelor transmind managers reward their proposals.
managerului general propunerile lor de recompens. 5.4. Heads of workshop / offices, the band heads
5.3 efi de secii i servicii 5.4.1 Propose SCO performance for their job, the
5.3.1 Propun SCO i performane pentru propriul priority objective for the achievement.
post, n sensul realizrii obiectivului prioritar. 5.4.2 Agree with the heads of departments, heads of
5.3.2 Stabilesc de comun acord cu managerii service, the SCO they have to achieve
executivi SCO ce le revin. 5.4.2 Agree with the heads of departments, heads of
5.3.3 Defalc obiectivele lor pe subobiective. service, the SCO they have to achieve.
5.3.4 Comunic subalternilor (efi de ateliere 5.4.3 Deduct their objectives.
/birouri, efi de formaie) subobiectivele fiecruia. 5.4.4 Communicate to subordinates (workers) each
5.3.5 Primete de la subalterni propunerile de Sub-objective.
obiective pentru posturile lor. 5.4.5 Get from subordinates proposed targets for their
5.3.6 Stabilete de comun acord cu subalternii posts.
SCO,PA,CT,RM. 5.4.6 Establish agreement with SCO subordinates, PA,
5.3.7 Planific, oganizeaz, coordoneaz (pentru a CT, and RM.
putea lua decizii cu caracter profilactic sau corectiv) i 5.4.7 Plan, organize, coordinate (in order to make
antreneaz toate resursele (materiale,fora de munc) decisions as preventive or corrective) and involve all
pentru realizarea SCO. the resources (material, labor) to achieve the SCO.
5.3.8 Evalueaz realizarea obiectivelor transmiind 5.4.8 Evaluate the objectives of the heads of
managerilor executivi propunerile lor de recompens. departments and services by sending their proposals for
5.4. efi de atelier /birouri ,efi de formaie reward.
5.4.1 Propun SCO i performane pentru propriul 5.5 Performers
post, n sensul realizrii obiectivului prioritar. 5.5.1 Propose SCO performances to their own post for
5.4.2 Stabilesc de comun acord cu efii de secii,sefi the achievement of the priority objective.
de serviciu, SCO ce le revin. 5.5.2 Agree with the heads of workshop / office, heads
5.4.3 Defalc obiectivele lor pe subobiective. the band, their respective SCO.
5.4.4 Comunic subalternilor (muncitorilor) 5.5.3 Deduct their objectives.
subobiectivele fiecruia. 5.6 Service-Management Strategies
5.4.5 Primete de la subalterni propunerile de 5.6.1 Provide adequate temporary synchronization in
obiective pentru posturile lor. developing CT, from the fundamental objectives and
5.4.6 Stabilete de comun acord cu subalternii deadlines for derivate1 using reverse counting
SCO,PA,CT,RM. principle.
5.4.7 Planific, organizeaz, coordoneaz (pentru a 5.6.2 Follow the procedure, after running the simulation
putea lua decizii cu caracter profilactic sau corectiv) i objectives, how to achieve them, then managing the

Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr.3/2011

antreneaz toate resursele (materiale, fora de munc) database in the sense of methods and means to put into
pentru realizarea SCO. action when an object or other obligations of
5.4.8 Evalueaz realizarea obiectivelor transmind importance in the organization
sefilor de secii i servicii propunerile lor de 5.6.3 Give to the Quality Management Service the
recompens. procedures after they become complete
5.5 Executanii 5.7 Service budgets, provided that management by
5.5.1 Propun SCO i performane pentru propriul objectives and budgets is applied
post, n sensul realizrii obiectivului prioritar. 5.7.1 Every Phase of implementing the objectives
5.5.2 Stabilesc de comun acord cu efii de communicate the possible budget to use as a
atelier/birou, efi de formaie, SCO ce le revin. restriction and performance standard.
5.5.3 Defalc obiectivele lor pe subobiective. 6. REGISTRATION
5.6 Serviciul PLOP Strategii-Management 6.1. SCO PA.CT.RM and performance standards are
5.6.1 Asigur o sincronizare temporar adecvat n records management. In terms of setting goals Edwin
elaborarea CT, pornind de la termenele finale pentru Locke,1968, demonstrated that an individual
obiectivele fundamentale i derivate1, utiliznd performance and behavior are influenced by the
principiul numrrii inverse. objectives which they set. Other authors opinion is
5.6.2 Procedureaz, dup simularea derulrii different. Some experiments have shown that
obiectivelor, modul de realizare a acestora, gestionnd employees should not be involved in planning
apoi baza de date n sensul de metode i ci de pus n objectives because participants can contaminate the
aciune atunci cnd un obiectiv sau altul revin ca lenses with human relations hygiene (Herzberg),
importan n activitatea organizaiei. employees are not considered competent to re-describe
5.6.3 Pred serviciului Managementul calitii, own posts or because the job description is seen as a
procedurile dup ce acestea devin complete si dup management function. Observations made by Steers
alctuirea repertoarelor de metode. and Porter have shown that employee participation in
5.7 Serviciul Bugete-n condiiile n care se aplic these projects to boost the process of change. Their
managementul prin obiective i bugete ideas of objectives focused on improving the mobility
5.7.1 n fiecare faz de implementare a obiectivelor of border posts and hygienic factors but they are subject
comunic bugetul posibil de folosit ,ca restricie i to future developments.
standard de performan . It starts from the formulation of objectives which will
6. INREGISTRARI be operational managers with freedom in formulating
6.1. SCO, PA.CT.RM i standardele de performan functional strategies. Define objectives and can only
reprezint nregistrri ale managementului start by defining the duties and functions driving
Definirea obiectivelor poate porni i numai de la definirea responsabilitiesof the persons who will have the
atribuiilor i responsabilitilor persoanelor din funcii de responsibility of planning, implementation, monitoring,
conducere care vor avea i responsabilitatea planificrii, improvement, revision, to ensure achievement of
implementrii, urmririi, mbuntirii, revizuirii, asigurrii objectives. They can establish functional strategies
ndeplinirii obiectivelor. Subsistemul informaional al starting right from their job, proposing.standards of
organizaiei trebuie s serveasc astfel i aceste atribute. n performance for their own activity.
acest sens libertatea managerilor funcionali este mare n In the files of these stations, to make the connection to
sensul conceperii coninutului acestor documente.Urmrirea the common objectives to subordinate staff, willappear
diferenelor, a ecarturilor rezultate din compararea cu first the attributes and the efficiency concerns (which
obiectivele stabilite, masurile corective ce se impun si are summarized into the categories of objects). But
revizuirea obiectivelor sunt n competena i managers alone can not achieve functional goals.
responsabilitatea acestora. Functional managers are promoters of functional
n fiele acestor posturi, pentru a face conexiunea strategies. They have to know the organigrame and
personalului subordonat la obiective comune, vor fi puse pe what items they have to bring for the contribution to
primul loc atributele i preocuprile de eficien (care sunt achieving these functional strategies.
sintetizate n sistemul categorial de obiective). They also will pursuit the actions set in the action to
Dar managerii funcionali nu vor putea realiza have them done at the time set by schedules and
singuri obiectivele propuse. deadlines at all levels to achieve the objectives. For this
Managerii funcionali sunt promotorii strategiilor stage of targeting and establishing positions in the chart
funcionale. Acetia trebuie s cunoasc exact care posturi should start from the signal of the organization need to
din organigram i ce contribuie trebuie s aduc acestea la activities. Specialization increases too much the
realizarea strategiilor funcionale i care sunt documentele cu number of hierarchical levels. Some steps have to be
care lucreaz. De asemenea, acetia, pentru realizarea taken (Dijmrescu I 2009.148)
obiectivelor, vor urmri ca aciunile stabilite n programele -the necesity of station identification,
de aciune s se realizeze la termenele stabilite prin - job-setting goals, establishing the rationale of the
calendarele de termene i la toate nivelurile de realizare a results expected of the jobholder that if the quantitative
obiectivelor. results is possible, what controls are on the results, the

Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr.3/2011

Pentru aceasta, n etapa de stabilire a obiectivelor advocacy and direct personal jobholder may have on
dar i de nfiinare a posturilor n organigrame trebuie pornit quantitative results (what indicators are in attention for
de la semnalul din organizaie de necesitatea unei activiti. every job: production, consumption quantitative )
O abordare a stabilirii obiectivelor ntregii -resources allocated to stations (depending on the
organizaii trebuie s creeze o cascad a obiectivelor prin control or execution): technical, human, material made
ierarhia organizaional. Etapele implicate n aceast available on the job holder on which he can act to
abordare (Dijmrescu I 2009.148) sunt urmtoarele: achieve its objectives,
-procesul de stabilire a obiectivelor ncepe la vrful - the position held by the post holder expenses, direct
organizaiei cu expunerea misiunii ; staff,
-sunt stabilite apoi obiectivele pe termen lung ; - the main actions and expected results
-obiectivele pe termen lung conduc la stabilirea intelor de -main actions of the holder and the expected results,
performan ( obiective pe termen scurt) pentru toat - organizational documents, their record.
organizaia ; We take the option that these elements are reported in
-obiectivele pe termen lung i scurt sunt apoi stabilite pentru the job description. We also have the option for
fiecare funciune (direcie) ; improving organizational system by the introduction of
-obiectivele pe termen lung i scurt sunt apoi stabilite pentru management by objectives by enriching and ;widening
domeniile funcionale ; marketing, finane, producie, of positions and inserting these modifications in the
cercetare-dezvoltare ; organizational documents: the regulation of
Abordarea n cascad a stabilirii obiectivelor, organization and operation,
asigur ca obiectivele individuale din cadrul organizaiei s Also Romanian organizations present situation requires
fie n concordan cu obiectivele majore ale organizaiei i ca the establishment of functional and operational
ntregul proces de stabilire a obiectivelor s fie departments as a recommendation, departments;
coordonat(Drucker P, 2007, 52). planning; organization, because if you do not plan
Optm pentru simplitatea sistemului informaional ori care ar means you do not succeed to organize, and what to
fi organizarea. organize if you did not plan?
Without the involving of functional managers in the
CONCLUZII implementation of operational strategies in the
Noutatea lucrrii este aceea c d organization is ruled a focusing behaviour on
managementului prin obiective perspectiva pe care functional compartments of their targets, neglecting the
cercetrile actuale din domeniul managerial i mai ales din general interests of the organization, causing
domeniul managementului strategic au adus-o: programele deviationism is a real functional(Drucker P, 2007,
de aciune, parte component i instrument al 52).Information system for its simplicity whatever the
managementului prin obiective, sunt adevrate strategii organization is our option.
funcionale. Considerm c aceast perspectiv va aduce CONCLUSIONS
soluia pentru problema deviaionismului funcional pe care The novelty of the paper is that it gives to the
lipsa obiectivelor a adus-o n organizaiile romneti i nu management by objective perspective on current
numai. O considerm una din cauzele crizei economice research in the managerial field and especially in the
actuale. Aceast direcionare improprie a resurselor field of strategic management , action programs, part
societii, spre obiective false ne apropie de realitatea zilelor and tool of management by objectives to the rank of
noastre, cnd sunt ,,importate diverse structuri sociale i functional strategies.
economice inadecvate n societatea romneasc i care, Applied with the involvement of functional managers,
pentru a fi meninute irosesc resursele, reducnd eficiena. cuantificate the objectives (indicators) management
Aveam i este nevoie de nelegerea realitii c contracts, we believe that this perspective action-
neglijarea funciilor de planificare (previziune) i organizare, strategy functional programs will bring the solution to
ca atribute ale managementului a adus i aduce prejudicii the problem that lack functional deviationism brought
majore organizaiilor romneti. to the objectives of the Romanian organizations and
Managementul prin obiective deine instrumentele others
de lucru necesare i care nu cost. Managerii din vrful Organizations top managers in formulating strategies
organizaiei arat obiectivele de care sunt interesai, iar and show the objectives in which they are interested
planurile sunt ntocmite de managerii de pe nivelele care and plans are made by managers on levels that are
sunt mai aproape de problemele operaionale. Acestea se closer to operational problems.
constituie n elementele ce configureaz sistemul The only condition for successful implementation of
informaional al organizaiei ce folosete managementul prin the proposed methodology is the well knowledge of
obiective. procedural and organizational structural organization
and a clear vision on organizingi functional manager,
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