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Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

By R. M . C a s h m a n , ~ Member

The author discusses the various functions that marine machinery foundations may be
called upon to perform ,and develops theoretical considerations involved in their design.
In addition, specific examples of foundations for the more important ship components are
discussed and illustrated. A section on the attachment of components to foundations
is included. A bibliography of pertinent material available from other sources is attached.

THIS paper was prompted by an apparent lack Recent years have seen rapid evolution of power
of general information on the design of marine plants, with the introduction of entirely new fam-
machinery foundations in teclhnical literature. ilies of machinery components requiring new
Although there are extensive published treat- methods of mounting. Increased emphasis has
ments of specific problems in foundation design, been placed on space and weight saving, to the
no generalized discussion seems to be available. point of rendering post-trial adjustments to ma-
These notes are offered in the hope that they will chinery or structure difficult and expensive.
prove useful in stating typical problems and fur- There is every expectation that this trend u.ill con-
nishing some clues toward their solution. To tinue. Also, there is under way at least one pro-
this end, all additions and revisions reflecting the posed design basis for components which calls for
experience of others in the field will be most wel- some knowledge of the foundation characteristics in
come. advance [1]. 2 Thus it appears that more em-
In practice, the structural designer is usually phasis will be placed in the future on a rational
presented with a machinery arrangement which or analytical approach to foundation design rather
shows the plant components floating in space at than a comparative or rule-of-thumb treatment.
various locations dictated by the needs of machin- It is proposed to outline first the general and
ery contiguity, shaft lines, suction heads, access, specific requirements of machinery foundations.
piping, and so on. I t then becomes his responsi- This will be followed by a discussion of design
bility to tie these objects to the nearest suitable methods and criteria, from both theoretical and
structure in such a manner that they will perform empirical standpoints, to meet these requirements.
their intended functions under all expected operat- Some specific structures will be iIlustrated, with
ing conditions. comments on their design, to show the application
History proves a powerful ally in m a n y of these of these principles. Some of the related theory,
problems. By reference to a previous ship, a solu- which m a y also be found useful in other structural
tion which worked is adapted to the case in hand problems, will be found in Appendixes 1 through 4.
and often works again. Where no precedent can
be found, a solution is invented. In either
Functions of Machinery Foundations
case, the trial trip usually furnishes at least a
partial proof of the design. If excessive vibra- Any structure which supports something has an
tion, thermal misalignment or overstressing is obvious duty to carry the static load, with some
observed, revisions are undertaken at post-trial factor of safety taken from experience. In the
availability. Unfortunately, a single trial m a y case of a shoreside installation it is sometimes
not disclose the effects of fatigue or shock. sufficient to stop there; in mobile platforms
such as ships, however, other factors must be con-
Stress Analyst, Antenna Systems, Inc., Manchester, sidered. If, in addition, the item to be supported
N. H., formerly Assistant Naval Architect (Technical), provides its own thrust or excitation independ-
Hull Engineering Department, Bethlehem Steel Company,
Shipbuilding Division, Quincy, Mass.
Presented at the January 1962 meeting of the New
England Section of THE SOCII~TY Ola'Naval ARCHITECTS 2 N u m b e r s in b r a c k e t s d e s i g n a t e R e fe re nc e s a t end of

ently of the mobile platform, a further order of of foundations would result, other important
difficulty is introduced. gains being better protection against casualties
For purposes of this discussion, the loads im- and smoother operation of the machinery plant.
pressed on any machinery foundation m a y be T h e subsequent discussion, accordingly, will
divided into two classes; i.e., dynamic and static. take up the dynamic effects first and in the order
For further simplification, the "static" group will of the foregoing listing.
include periodic loadings which can be treated b y
static theory because their periods are so long Designing For Dynamic Loading
t h a t little or no dynamic response will be evoked
in the system. This leads to the following sum- Vibration of Ship Structure
mary, in which the term loads m a y include forces, Practically all of the difficulties in this respect
m o m e n t s or both : arise from resonance of the foundation-component
system with vibrations impressed upon the ship
Factors Causing Dynamic Loads
by the propellers. Since damping in welded
(a) Vibration of ship structure. structures is very small, it is possible to experience
(b) Vibration of mounted unit. a motion in the mounted component of 20 to 30
(c) . Variable thrust or torque. times the amplitude of the neighboring hull struc-
(d) Shock. ture, if a natural frequency of the local system
Factors Causing Static Loads should happen to coincide with the impressed
frequency. The situation in its simplest form
(a) Deadweight of component.
approaches the resonance diagram for a displace-
(b) Ship motionsin a seaway.
m e n t excitation shown in reference [:3] (page 46).
(c) Gyroscopic reactions of rotating machin-
Resonance is a very unsatisfactory condition
when precise alignment of machinery is essential,
(d) Thermal deflections.
and m a y induce structural failures through fa-
(e) Steady-state reactions.
tigue, since stress is proportional to the strain
Some past practice in foundation design indi- amplitude of vibration, in this case the relative
cates that, where design criteria have been used motion of the component with respect to the base
at all, they have been based largely on the static of the foundation.
effects, especially in merchant work where classifi- The most common form of propeller-induced
cation society rules contain only brief references to vibration occurs at the so-called blade frequency,
the subject and these are confined largely to main which is the product of R P M and number of
engine and boiler supports. I t is understandable blades. Each blade, as it rotates, passes through
t h a t this should be so, since the static approach is a field of variable wake behind the ship. This
simple in concept and in m a n y cases has produced results in variable forces on the blade, the radial
designs which have given no trouble under dy- components being fed into the ship through the
namic loadings. Furthermore, it has been pos- stern bearings or struts and the longitudinal com-
sible to correct the occasional unsatisfactory de- ponents through the line shafting and thrust bear-
sign after service experience, and the implication ings. In addition, each blade carries with it a
of malfunctions at some later stage of ship life pressure field which impinges upon a given point
are perhaps less important than they would be in of the hull at this same frequency. As would be
naval service. expected, the total effect is more pronounced at
A more rational approach would be to design the immediate stern. However. when the thrust
first for the dynamic factors involved, since any bearing is located on the same foundation as the
one of these m a y surpass the entire list of static main propelling unit, as it is in most current
factors as a design criterion. Some recognition practice, p a r t of this excitation is brought into the
is given to this thought in naval work [2] where midst of the machinery plant. The longitudinal
the design is required to be suitable for all of the pulses are transmitted to the hull through the
dynamic aspects mentioned. I t will not be con- thrust girders directly but also m a y appear as
tended t h a t this approach would eliminate en- vertical disturbances because of tilting of the
tirely the need for post-trial adjustments; how- foundation under the variable thrust.
ever, it should minimize such instances. A In addition to the fundamental blade frequency,
further possible div-idend would be the elimination higher harmonics are sometimes experienced.
of redundant structure and unnecessary weight This is because the wave form of propeller-im-
from certain foundations formerly drawn up pressed vibration is not a pure sine wave and gives
with little or no design analysis. Overall, it rise to Fourier components [31. These are likely
is believed t h a t some decrease in the total weight to be more pronounced in single-screw installa-

724 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

tions, particularly where the propeller works in an
enclosed aperture, since the wave form shows max-
imum distortion under such conditions. With
multiple screws turning in a relatively open field of
water flow, irregularities in the wave form are
An occasional case of R P M frequency will occur
if a propeller is unbalanced as a result of damage
or if a tailshaft is bent. Also, in multiple-screw
installations, a "beat" frequency m a y appear PLAN VI EW
when two shafts are turning at slightly different i / \,,
speeds, this being the difference between the two + 1 (, G --)-~-
blade frequencies. Neither R P M nor beat fre-
quencies would be expected to give much trouble i
since each is quite low compared to the natural --/
frequency of most foundation structures, and is L

therefore well removed from local resonance.

However, both can occur in the range of natural
modes of the ship girder and are capable of excit-
ing "springing" motions of the entire hull and
oscillations of slender structures such as masts.
Thus to summarize, it is good practice to design SNELL
foundations clear of resonance with fundamental !
blade frequencies at full power in all cases. In
single-screw plants, it is well to stay away from Gr-cT1ON ~,-,a. ~ECTIM I5-~
double or even triple blade frequency, if possible, Fig. 1 Typical pedestal foundation
to avoid the effect of higher harmonics. Funda-
mental blade frequencies at full-power operation
m a y vary from three to 30 cps, depending upon factors are responsible for this situation; the
ship type. Fortunately, the lower values are assumed versus the actual stiffness of the ship,
associated generally with single screws, so that and the fact that some of the water outside of the
it is usuaUy possible to keep clear of higher har- hull moves with the vibrating system and appears
monies in these installations with little or no ad- to increase its effective mass. In calculating the
ditional effort as compared to the fundamental stiffness of any supporting structure, it is neces-
frequencies of multiple-screw plants. sary to establish some ultimate fixed base, such as
I t is preferable in most cases to design the a bulkhead or the shell, which can be considered
foundation for a natural frequeney above the full- infinitely stiff in the direction of freedom being
power exciting frequency; i.e., the tuning ratio considered. Any actual movement of this refer-
(impressed frequency)/(natural frequency) in ence member will then decrease the apparent stiff-
the resonance diagram should be less than one. ness of the system, and it is evident t h a t the
If the opposite were true, a transient resonance "fixed" members of a ship really do move. I t
would be experienced in building up or coming can be appreciated that the problem is intensified
down from full power, and if the ship were re- in very heavy components with extensive support
quired to operate at reduced power for extended structure, since more of the primary ship structure
periods, the possibility of steady-state resonance comes into play and the entrained water mass is
would exist. larger and less susceptible to analysis.
The assignment of a quantitative criterion for For small components such as pumps, motors,
any ship is perhaps the most difficult part of the and the like, resembling discrete masses and sup-
problem. This is due chiefly to the inaccuracies ported by simple pedestal-type foundations, it is
inherent in any calculation of natural frequency usually adequate to use a single-degree-of-freedom
of a shipboard installation, which in the last treatment where the natural frequency is,
analysis is no better than the assumptions which
go into it. The experience of the author in this 2rr \ m / cps,
respect is that assumptions which appear reason- m being the mass of the component and k
able and even conservative in the beginning m a y the stiffness constant of the foundation, or the
give a calculated frequency higher than the actual force required to produce unit deflection in the
by 50 percent or more. I t is probable that two direction of motion being considered, both in

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 725

pound-inch-second units. Damping can be ig- factors m a y be applied to both webs and flanges
nored, since it is slight and its effect on natural and the inertias of these members m a y be added
frequency is entirely negligible. I t is usually ade- directly to obtain the inertia of an equivalent
quate to limit the investigation to linear modes in section of constant dimensions.
the three principal planes; namely, vertical, In short, stubby pedestals the lateral deflection
athwartships, and longitudinal, although rota- due to shear deformation m a y be an appreciable
tional modes about one or more of these axes are portion of the total and should be added to the
sometimes significant. If the base of the founda- bending deflection. I t is sufficient to consider
tion is attached to comparatively rigid structure, only the material in the plane parallel to the ap-
and no entrained water is assumed, it seems in plied load in this calculation, and the same depths
order to design for a natural frequency of about obtained for the equivalent beam in bending m a y
twice the highest anticipated impressed frequency. be used.
Then the calculated frequency can turn out to be Having established k in each direction, it re-
some 70 percent greater than the actual and the mains to verify that the natural frequency in all
tuning ratio (impressed frequency)/(natural fre- modes is about twice the blade frequency of the
quency) will be about 0.85, corresponding to a propellers, or to modify the proposed design as
"magnification factor" of two or less in the necessary.
resonance diagram. This means that the strain Where heavier and more complex components
amplitude in the foundation will be limited to are to be supported, it m a y be desirable to con-
twice the local amplitude of the ship's structure, sider the system as composed of two or more
and for most cases this will be a satisfactory solu- masses for each direction of motion, one being the
tion. mass of the component and another the mass of
A type of foundation quite commonly used entrained water and ship-bottom structure. If
for supporting small auxiliaries is the built-up n discrete masses are assumed, n natural frequen-
tapered pedestal, Fig. 1; it m a y be instructive to cies will result; since the effort still is to get all of
go through a design procedure for this model. these above the known impressed frequency, only
Assuming that the bottom structure of the ship is the fundamental or lowest mode is significant.
several times as stiff as the pedestal, which is Even so, it m a y prove difficult to get enough stiff-
usually the case, the system m a y be idealized as a ness into the supporting structure to raise this
simple mass and spri~lg. first-mode frequency to an acceptable value. The
The mass of the mounted unit should be aug- usual procedure is to stiffen as much as possible
merited by about one third of the pedestal mass and hope for the best; the excitation delivered
in recognition of the fact that there are no really to the area in question m a y be so small that, even
"weightless" springs. Its location is taken to be with a very large magnification factor, resultant
the center of gravity of the unit, and the assump.- strain amplitudes will still be acceptable. Some
tion is made that the characteristics of the pedestal ships have operated with large machinery units
extend upward to that point. It then remains to which are close to or under full-power blade reso-
calculate k in each of the principal directions. nance, and vibration has not been considered se-
For the vertical mode, the stiffness constant for rious. Occasionally, however, very large am-
the pedestal is that of a tapered column axially plitudes m a y develop from this cause, requiring
loaded. This presents no particular difficulty and a change of propellers or other costly measures for
is usually of little interest since most structures of resolution of the problem.
this type are amply stiff in the axial direction. I t would seem advisable, where calculations
In the athwartship and longitudinal modes, forecast such a possibility and no further struc-
however, the deflection of a tapered cantilever tural reinforcement is feasible, to consider some
under a load at the free end is wanted. The exact kind of damping device or undamped absorber as
solution of this problem can be tedious and is a cure for the condition. In other applications,
hardly justified by the degree of accuracy needed notably electric transmission lines and shafting
for this case. Appendix I develops the concept systems subject to torsional vibrations, suitably
of an equivalent beam of constant section which designed dampers have long been accepted as a
will have the same end deflection as the tapered means of smoothing out a resonant condition. Al-
beam under the same load. This shows that, for though the energy absorption requirements would
structures of these proportions, the equivalent probably be higher than in most current applica-
depth of web or width of flange m a y be called tions, it should not be too difficult to design a
0.7D + 0.3d, where D and d are the web depths or slip-joint or dashpot which would effect a marked
flange widths at the built-in and free ends, re- reduction in linear amplitudes at resonant fre-
spectively. In the case of built-up sections these quencies.

726 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

For the more complicated case involving several FOR bOLT
degrees of freedom, there is no ready method

which will suit all conditions. The underlying
theory is available in [3]; the principal difficulty,
however, lies in assigning values to the masses and
"springs" which make up the system. In con-
nection with the mass of entrained water, /4]
m a y be found useful. Incidentally, one should
not be surprised at the magnitude of water mass
which seems to attach itself to the vibrating sys-
tem; where an appreciable area of ship's bottom TO FOUNDATION
is considered to be in motion, 100 tons is not an i
exceptional figure.
When calculations cannot forecast the natural
frequency within desired limits, or become so in- SYNTHETIC R U B B E R ~
\ , < ,~'
volved as to create manpower problems, it m a y ~ONDED TOALLFAC,E~~,~
be preferable to run a "buml)" test or a forced-
vibration survey on a particular component.
Both procedures have been used with success by
the author's company, the former on small con>
ponents and the latter on larger and more com-
plicated installations. I t has been found that a
portable-mechanical oscillator, weighing consid-
erably less than 1(1(Ilb and driven by a 1-hp motor
with variable-speed control, will supply all the Fig. 2 Typical bonded s p o o l mount
excitation that is needed to identify natural fre-
quencies of the largest components up to 50
cps. The usual procedure is to ,scan slowly over pressure variations ("organ-pipe" resonance) a
the speed range of the oscillator, feeding the pickup potentially destructive situation can exist. Un-
voltages to tape through suitable amplifiers fortunately, the chances of such local resonance
and filters. Resonant frequencies are imme- are difficult to assess in adwmee of installation
diately apparent at the end of each run as salients and totally unexpecte d modes sometimes appear
on the tape record and, if pickups are properly (in one case a fluid system was strongly excited
phased at the beginning of the test, 1node shapes by a three-cylinder redprocating pump at a fre-
can be determined from these records. quency of nine times pump R P M ) .
As in the case of propeller-excited vibrations
Vibration of Mounted Unit delivered by the supporting structure, it is de-
This becomes a problem only where the com- sirable that the natural frequency of the system
ponent supplies an excitation from its own moving be kept away from resonance. In this instance,
parts, either rotational or translational. where the excitation is fed irlto the other end of
Modern balancing techniques dispose of prac- the system, there is additional incentive to do so.
tically all of the eccentricity in rotating electrical The "translnissibility" of tile foundation should
machinery and steam turbines. Where such be kept low so that the vibratory forces from the
a driving unit is coupled to a centrifugal pump, component will not be transmitted, at full value
however, an appreciable excitation m a y exist or better, to the surrounding areas.
because of nonuniform forces on the impeller work- Since the classic method of reducing transmis-
ing in the pumped fluid. sibility is to soften the foundation (which de-
Reciprocating drives of every" kind will bear creases the natural frequency of the system), and
watching because of the inherent periodic forces since it is usually desirable to avoid propeller-
and moments which arise from the inertias of blade frequency by stiffening the foundation,
the various moving parts and the fluctuations in an impasse m a y result front trying to satisfy both
pressure of the driving medium (steam, air or conditions in the conventional way.
gas). Also, if a fluid is being pumped by a re- A solution which has been adopted, notably in
ciprocating piston, fluctuations in both suction the case of submarines where it is of vital impor-
and discharge pressure have been known to cause tance to isolate noise-generating equipment from
serious vibrations. If the configuration of the the hull, is the flexible mount. This takes var-
piping is such as to magfiify the effect of such ious forms, perhaps the most common being the

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 727

bonded rubber spool m o u n t illustrated in Fig. 2. in the wake variation at the propeller, previously
These, and other devices of similar effect, are discussed in connection with vibrations of ship
available in a wide range of flexibilities and load structure. The shafting carries both variable
capacities. Their common denominator is a low thrust and torque. Where the thrust bearing is
stiffness characteristic (as compared with a steel isolated on its own support, the thrust variations
foundation) which reduces the natural frequency show up there and the torque variations at the
of the system to a very low value. This nmkes propulsion-unit foundation; in an integral ar-
the transmissibility of the foundation practically rangement, they are fed into the ship structure at
nil, provides good shock resistance, and removes essentially the same location.
the natural frequency far from blade frequency. Torque variations are transmitted to the struc-
Although it has been remarked earlier t h a t blade ture through reactions at the gear and pinion
frequency should be escaped on the high side, bearings in geared rotary drives, and through reac-
the natural frequencies of flexibly mounted equip- tions at journal and crosshead or piston bearings
m e n t can be made so low t h a t a meeting of the in reciprocating drives. In the latter, torque
two is improbable at a n y conceivable propeller variations arising from variable steam or gas pres-
R P M in the operating range. sure and the inertia of moving parts are usually
Flexible mounts have disadvantages in certain of a much higher order than those induced by wake
situations, especially where aligmnent of the variations.
mounted machinery is critical. Where a driving Because of the m a n y considerations involved in
and driven unit are coupled, as in the case of the design of foundations for main propulsion
motor-driven centrifugal pumps, it is usual to units, this subject is treated under a separate
provide a common bedplate and insert the flex- heading. I t m a y be noted here, however, t h a t
ibility between this and the p r i m a r y ship struc- the characteristics of such foundations play a
ture. Also, these mounts are more expensive and p a r t in determining the response of a rather com-
m a y require some added degree of maintenance as plicated mass-elastic system consisting of propel-
compared with conventional structure. Where a ler, line shafting, thrust bearing, main propulsion
serious self-excited vibration is known or sus- unit and structure. The effects of longitudinal
pected, however, they m a y offer an entirely satis- thrust excitation upon such systems have been
factory solution. treated extensively in [7]; torsional excitation
When this type of mounting is introduced, the is similarly well covered in [8].
structural portion of the foundation usually has Another application where variable input load-
minor influence on the frequency of the system and ings could be a problem is the rudder-support
m a y be considered a "spring" of infinite stiffness system. Since rudders usually work behind pro-
for most practical purposes. T h e selection of pellers for m a x i m u m steering effect, they are sub-
proper mounts to provide a given natural fre- ject to large variations in hydrodynamic forces.
quency, however, is a function of several variai~les In single-screw vessels where the rudder is of
and usually requires more than a casual investiga- necessity directly in line with the propeller shaft,
tion. This is one subject for which specialized an even number of propeller blades can impress
theory and criteria have been developed, as upon the rudder a considerable m o m e n t variation
exemplified by references [5] and [6]. in the transverse plane. This occurs at blade
frequency and is due to the passage of diametric-
Variable Thrust or Torque ally opposite blades ahead of the rudder at the
This category is intended to include fluctuating same instant, the " u p " blade throwing water to
loadings impressed upon the mounted component starboard and the "down" blade to port. With
b y reason of its physical connection with some an odd number of propeller blades, only one at a
separate source through shafting, piping, and time can be lined up with the rudder. The
so on, as distinct from a self-contained excitation. wake-induced m o m e n t variation is less severe in
T h e outstanding example, of course, occurs in this case, but occurs at twice the blade frequency.
the main thrust-bearing foundation, which in A significant postwar contribution in this area has
most modern steam plants is an integral part of been the so-called "clearwater" stern in which
the reduction gear and turbine supports. Usually the rudder assembly is hung from the stock
in reciprocating drives, and occasionally in steam- and the b o t t o m shoe of the stern frame is elim-
turbine practice, the thrust bearing is separately inated.
mounted at some distance from the main propul- Since rudderstock bearings are customarily
sion unit. supported by a h e a v y web structure which is well
The variable loads are delivered to the thrust bedded into the hull, the chances are t h a t the
bearing by the line shafting and have their origin natural frequency of the system is high in corn-

728 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

parison with the known exciting frequencies. possible to state that opportunities do exist for
However, it is advisable that a routine check of providing improved shock resistance in merchant
this aspect be made in the design stage. It vessels through design, at very little additional
is at least conceivable that "roughness" experi- cost in construction. This applies to foundations
enced at the stern in some vessels, and dismissed as much as to any other element of ship structure.
as inevitable, m a y be due in part to local reso- For purposes of the following discussion, shock
nance of ship structure under this; type of loading. is defined as the motion of the shell, bulkhead or
Observation of a peak in roughness at some R P M other structure to which the foundation is at-
less than that corresponding to ful! power could tached. This motion can be stated in terms
be taken as an indication of such a condition. of displacement or either of its two succeeding
Rudders have been known also to vibrate at time derivatives; velocity or acceleration. If
frequencies unrelated to shaft ',speeds, and the any of these three quantities is available as a func-
same presumably could apply to other appendages tion of time, the other two can be derived by dif-
such as diving planes of submarines or the fins ferentiation or integration, the latter process be-
of roll-stabilizing devices. In one case [9] the ing preferred as more accurate. Accelerations
vibration impressed upon the hull was of such have a direct relationship to the forces acting in
magnitude that an extensive research program was any system and a shock input expressed in such
undertaken to determine the cause and cure. terms is in useful form for the calculation of
These instances fall in the category of self-excited stresses and strains.
vibrations, where the flowing water supplies the The primary cause of shock excitation is, of
energy to keep the 1notion going, and are less course, the underwater explosion previously men-
easy to predict than propeller-excited vibrations. tioned. Other mishaps such as collisions or
T h e y are mentioned here only to ',suggest that part groundings produce only low-order inputs at
of their solution m a y lie in analysis of foundation points remote from the damage, the. accelerations
characteristics. being of the order of a few gravities at most
as compared with 100 g or more from near-miss
explosions. Current naval requirements for ma-
Practically all of the available data on this chinery colnponents [2] relate the shock accelera-
subject are of recent vintage, and their application tions inversely to the weight of the assembly sup-
has been confined almost exclusively to naval ves- ported, since theory and practice agree that rela-
sels. The problem was first a t t a c k e d seriously tively large masses act to reduce the shock motion.
in the early stages of World War II, and research The acceleraticn criterion (shock design number)
since the end of the war continues to improve is also a function of the direction of shock motion,
knowledge of the subject. While this chapter is recognizing the directional differences in response
far from closed, the present state of the art per- of a ship hull to a given incident. Testing
mits some valid conclusions to be drawn. For machines have been devised for subjecting com-
a historical sunmmry and a discussion of funda- ponents to comparable loadings before actual
mental principles, the reader is referred to the shipboard installation. There are indications
first four chapters of [10]; a later and more de- that these criteria m a y be increased as the result
tailed treatment of design problems appears in of experience from recent nuclear test explosions
[11]. Both references deal primarily with the and in order to promote shock resistance in com-
effect of shock on machinery components, which ponents which lnore closely approach the resist-
is outside the scope of this paper; however, the ance of nawd ship hulls.
role of the foundation can be recognized and the In comlnon with other design standards which
given data can be interpreted to suit it. seek to establish uniform treatment of nonuniform
The interest of naval activities in shock is of and sometimes urlpredictable input, loadings, the
course prompted by the desire to achieve con- N a v y shock curves share the fate of continual
tinuous plant operation in vessels of the fleet reappraisal. I t has been objected that they are
despite underwater explosions near the hull, and, too high and too low, too general and too specific,
more recently, nuclear explosions at some dis- too complex and too simple. T h e y represent
tance. As far as is known, there is no organized but one of several approaches which might be
effort to make shock resistance a criterion for used, the most serious competitor being the cal-
merchant vessels. However, reference [12] dis- culation of actual system response to a given
cusses possible improvements in merchant hull "starting velocity." Also, they make no dis-
design and concludes that the need for such meas- tinction with respect to location in the ship,
ures is equivalent to the need for Civil Defense. whereas units mounted on a platform m a y "see"
Without taking a position in this matter, it is only a fraction of the shock input generated at

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 729

shell and inner-bottom locations. The natural quency is low and the load p a t h through the
frequency of the shocked system does not appear structure is short; a mounting which takes the
as a variable; this is a fundamental feature load in direct tension or compression is easily
of competitive proposals such as [1] and has much handled but a cantilever mounting m a y be difficult
to recommend it. Despite such obvious short- to design for this purpose. Appendix 2 illustrates
comings, the N a v y shock curves do have the these principles for a few elementary foundation
virtures of uniformity and ease of application, and types and offers some coefficients b y which the
if properly applied will provide the foundation efficiency of a proposal m a y be judged in advance
designer with some relative measure of the effi- of actual design.
ciency of his foundations. This is an appropriate place to point out that
I t will be pointed out here t h a t structural foundations are scarcely ever built of anything
foundations should not necessarily be designed to but mild steel. Since the modulus of elasticity is
support, within their elastic limit, the full force practically independent of composition, there
represented by the product of component weight would be no gain in stiffness from using high-
and shock-design number as read from the N a v y tensile materials. And, since the ratio of strength
curves. In the usual case the ship hull is capable to stiffness in a given geometry varies directly
of surviving a relatively high degree of shock with the yield point, a high-strength steel might
without failure; the components are designed or actually defeat a suitable compromise between
tested to shock accelerations roughly equivalent to vibration and shock resistance.
those shown on the N a v y curves; and the bolting
strength at elastic limit is of a similar order. I t Designing for Static Loads
thus appears proper to provide a foundation Having assessed the foregoing list of dynamic
which, b y entering the plastic range just below the criteria, or having elected to wait for the trial trip
failure point of the component, will act as a me- to bring to light a n y shortcomings which it is
chanical fuse, absorbing energy and thereby pro- capable of disclosing, the designer m a y turn his
tecting the component. This principle is recog- attention to static-type loadings which are more
nized in [2] which implies t h a t foundations should certain to occur and easier to predict.
absorb some of the shock energy by buckling or
stretching rather than by fully elastic deforma- Dead Weight of Component
tion. Thus if the survival limit of a component Since gravity is always present, the weight of
and its bolting can be stated in terms of a 20-g any component represents a constant reaction on
acceleration, the ideal foundation is one which will the foundation which supports it. This is axio-
reach yield point at a loading; of, say, 19 times the matic and hardly needs recording, but should not
weight of the component and will show a large be overlooked in process of designing for other
plastic deformation immediately thereafter. I t loadings. Dead weight b y itself is a poor criterion
should be noted also t h a t the yield point in this for design unless the vessel in question is without
case is likely to be higher than under static con- propulsive power and is to be moored forever in
ditions; provided brittle failure is not a considera- protected waters.
tion, most structural materials show i m p r o v e m e n t
in this property under impact loading. Of Ship Motions in a Seaway
course, if there is good reason to believe that the Inertia forces due to motion in a seaway are
shock resistance of the component is considerably certain to occur during the life of the ship and can
higher than the N a v y curves require, the bolting be evaluated beforehand with reasonable ac-
and foundation strength m a y be suitably in- curacy. Sometimes they are dictated b y specifi-
creased above the curve value. cations; where they are not, Appendix 3 derives
I t m a y occur to the reader at this point t h a t them for the general case and offers some advice on
resistance to vibration and resistance to shock are estimation of periods and amplitudes of ship
basically at odds; for the former, it is desired to motions.
provide a foundation which is relatively stiff, Since a ship is a free body it can experience
while the latter requirement places some limita- three angular and three linear modes of motion;
tion on strength. Although stiffness and strength but only rolling, pitching and heaving are of any
are related, they are not the same thing. significance to this discussion. I t is sufficient for
T h e ability to provide suitable vibration and this purpose to assume t h a t each of these is a
shock characteristics in the same foundation de- harmonic motion. Their natural periods are so
pends upon the shock-design number used and the long, however, t h a t no dynamic response in a
geometry of the structure. The task is easier machinery-support system is conceivable. T h u s
when the S D N is high, the required natural fre- the m a x i m u m value of the inertia force m a y be

730 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

thought of as a static loading on the system. This the bearings and bolting pads. However, this
maximum occurs always at the time of maximum practice m a y admit of a second look in cases where
amplitude of motion and the resulting force is a transverse orientation would be preferred for
therefore applied in a direction appropriate to the space saving or other reasons. In high-speed
inclined position of the ship. Since roll, pitch and equipment, gyro reactions will generally be larger
heave m a y all be in phase, all three forces should than inertia reactions due to roll and pitch, but
be vectored together with the dead weight of the will reach their maximum value when the others
component to obtain the resultant load on the are zero and the two will not be additive. Naval
foundation. shock requirements, however, lead to instan-
Rolling and pitching are relatively easy to taneous bearing h)ads m a n y orders of magnitude
visualize and deal with, and both usually occur higher than either, and it is difficult to visualize
in the natural period of the ship. Heaving, on the trouble from gyro reactions on such ruggedly
other hand, is largely a result of coupling from designed bearings.
roll or pitch motions and is greatly influenced by As an example, consider the case of a large
the period of wave encounter. For these reasons marine geared turbogenerator set recently in-
it does not have a well-defined period or amplitude stalled. For the turbine end, running at 6950
and inertia forces from this cause are usually rpm, the quantity W R 2 was about 300 lb-ft2; for
assigned somewhat arbitrarily. A "recent design the low-speed gear and generator, operating at
specification called for a value of 30 percent of 1200 rpln, [/VR 2 was about 19,0011 lb-fU. If this
dead load in a ship of 8000 tons displacement. set had been installed with its axis athwartships,
Only in rare cases will the total inertia force it could have been subjected to a maximum angu-
due to ship motion approach the dead weight of a lar velocity, due to roll, of about }.~ radian per
component. Accordingly, if a rough cut is desired see (assuming the severe case of a total roll period
for design purposes, the weight m a y be applied of 10 sec and a roll amplitude of 30 deg each side).
twice; once as a gravity load and once as an The resisting couples would amount to 2260 and
inertia load in an appropriate direction, and the 24,700 lb-ft for the turbine and generator ends,
resultant applied to the foundation. The working respectively, for a total of about 27,000 lb-ft.
stress to be used m a y be established by specifica- The bedplate of this unit is mounted on a three-
tion or by the policy of the individual design point bolted support, which would be subjected
activity; a common value is half the yield point. to horizontal shear from the gyro couple induced
as just described. The geometry of the bolting
Gyroscopic Reactions from Rotating ,Machinery pattern is such that the maximum shear load on
When any rotating element is forced to change any one pad would be 2400 lb, hardly a cause for
its plane of rotation, as by rolling or pitching concern.
motions of a ship, it resists the change by exerting Considering the bearing reactions, also directed
a couple in a plane containing the axis of rotation, horizontally in the case described, the distances
but perpendicular to the plan(: of the forcing between main bearings for the turbine end and the
couple. This is the familiar characteristic of the generator end, respectively, are 3.7 and 6.S ft.
gyroscope. The strength of the resisting couple Thus the gyro reactions would be 610 lb on each
is directly proportional to the angular velocity of turbine bearing and 3630 lb on each generator
the forced motion and is given by bearing. The same bearings would be subjected
to vertical forces of 73 lb and 910 lb, respectively,
d1~ = ( ~ - e ) ( ~ ) O = O.OO3251'VR2NO from inertia loading under precisely the same
storm conditions, but are supposed to be capable
where of surviving shock loadings, in the same direction,
3I = resisting couple, lb-ft of 510() lb and 64,(/()0 lb. The gyroscopic reactions
which would result from an athwartships mount-
W = weight of rotating element, lb
ing of this lnachine, therefore, are not the govern-
J2 = radius of gyration of rotating element, ft
ing consideration.
N = speed of rotation, R P M
I t is interesting to note that, as far as gyroscopic
0 = angular velocity of force([ lnotion, rad/sec
reactions are concerned, the location of a com-
g = acceleration of gravity, fl./sec ~
ponent with respect to the ship's axis of roll is
Traditionally, high-speed rotating machinery immaterial, since the maximum angular velocity
has been mounted with its axis fore and aft, be- of roll is the same everywhere. Also, mounting on
cause the maximum angular velocity of pitch is a vertical axis will result in exactly the same gyro
only a fraction of the maximum roll velocity and forces from ship's roll as mounting on a horizontal
the same ratio holds for gyroscopic reactions at athwartships axis. In the vertical case, however,

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 731

an additional component will result from pitching. should be repaid out of installation and opera-
If it is desired to estimate gyro reactions, tional savings.
Appendix 3 leads to an expression for velocity The usual method of providing the necessary
also. Remembering that the maximum angular displacement in a flexing foundation is to take it
velocity in a "vibration" such as rolling or pitch- as a bending deflection, which allows considerable
ing is the single amplitude times the "circular movement without unduly high stress. For such
frequency," familiar components as turbines and condensers,
this is usually accomplished by fixing one end of
0 = 0 ls0/\7/ o.ll the unit and supporting the other end on a flat
plate, mounted in a plane perpendicular to the
where direction of principal thermal growth, which
0 = maximum angular velocity, rad/sec bends about an axis at some distance from the
point of attachment. Where the depth of the
0 = maximum assumed inclination of roll or
pitch, measured on one side of vertical, deg plate is so small as to require no stiffening, stresses
at the root m a y be calculated by simple cantilever
T = period for a complete cycle, see
theory. In large installations, however, it be-
The other factors in the expression for the gyro comes necessary to stiffen most of the plate area to
couple, given at the beginning of this section, are provide stability under loading in the plane of the
of course functions of the component in question. plate. In such cases the bending deflection is
confined mostly to a narrow strip at the b o t t o m
Thermal Deflections end. Appendix 4 shows a typical installation of
Whenever the operating temperature of a com- this kind and derives an approximate expression
ponent is different from the shutdown tempera- for the maxinmm stress in the bent portion.
ture, the tendency to thermal movement must be In merchant work, loading in the plane of the
dealt with. Solutions of this problem m a y use flex plate usually consists of that portion of the
any one or a combination of three fundamental dead weight of the component borne by the flexing
principles, as follows : end of the support, suitably augmented by roll and
pitch factors. In naval work shock loading must
1 Rigid mounting, resulting in thermal stresses
in the component itself as well as in the founda- be considered and here the colunm load will be
some multiple of the dead weight. Full-scale and
2 Flexible mounting, wherein the unit is es- model-scale shock tests conducted against naval
vessels in the recent past have led to closer scru-
sentially free to expand while the foundation
tiny of the flex-plate design.
deforms, and
Cylindrical components, which are becoming
;3 Sliding mounts, wherein the unit is es-
sentially free to expand without intposing loads on increasingly common, m a y be mounted to good
advantage on a three-dimensional version of the
the foundation.
flex plate. Since such units move equally in all
The rigid-mounting concept is feasible only radial directions under temperature differential or
where the temperature difference is small. In internal pressure, the "flex plate" becomes a
the case of mild steel, for example, a bar restrained cylinder or frustum of a cone. The analysis of
in a perfectly rigid manner at both ends will reach such support skirts, as they are called, is somewhat
yield point at an increment of about 1S0 F, so more involved than for the flat plate, but various
that the use of this solution is just about limited methods are available for solution of stresses.
to vessels containing saturated steam or water at Reference [1:~] derives an approximate expression
atmospheric pressure or less. for stresses in the support-skirt attachment re-
As between flexible and sliding mounts, the sulting from internal pressure, and appears to be
former are gaining favor, partly as a result of the suitable for use in obtaining temperature stresses
increased use of welding but also because of in- also. An interesting application of the theory of
herent advantages. Among these m a y be men- beams on elastic foundations to the case of cylin-
tioned the minimization of field machining work, drical or slightly conical shells is discussed in
elimination of any maintenance except ordinary reference [14] and is pertinent to this problem. At
structural preservation, and freedom from oper- least one computer program, based on a finite-
ating problems such as corrosion, galling and difference method, is known to be in use by a
seizing of sliding parts. Thus, while the provision design activity in this field.
of sliding keys or slotted bolt holes is quite simple Some flex plates are designed for "self-spring-
from the design viewpoint, a few extra hours or ing" or initially inelastic cycling. If the nominal
days spent on the design of a flexing foundation design stress at full flexure is set at about twice the

732 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

yield point, then the first warm-up excursion will sufficient resistance to lateral shock loading and
take place along the stress-strain path OAB in pendulmn-type vibration. I t has been found
Fig. 3, OP being the strain at full flexure. Return expedient in such cases to add an auxiliary sway
to the cooled-down state will take place along BC brace in the form of an axial pin on the free end
of the vessel, working in a socket attached to the
ship structure or welded to a diaphragm plate
(+) / perpendicular to the pin. This permits longitu-
dinal growth but inhibits lateral motion.
/ In general, flexibility requirements will dictate
light plating because of linfitations on bending
A, 15 stresses or, in the case of delicate components,
unwanted "feedback" loading from flexure of the
foundation. When it becomes difficult to satisfy
both flexure and strength requirements, a system
of two or more flexing elements in parallel is some-
p times used. For example, a given flat plate if
(-.~ 5TI2AIN (+) doubled in thickness would feel twice the flexural
stress and would be eight times as stiff in flexure
but only twice as strong in shear or compression,
neglecting buckling tendencies. By dividing the
D_ c _ ___-_sx_ - same material between two independent plates,
however, a comparable increase in strength will
result but the flexnral stress will remain the same
Fig.3 Stress-strain paths in "self-springing" and the flexural stiffness will only double.
Sliding mounts for small components such as
heat exchangers usually take the form of bolts
and all later cycles will follow this line. If it is working in slotted holes. For more important
desired to avoid the initial plastic strain repre- equipment such as main propulsion nmehinery
sented by AB, the flex plate m a y be "cold-set" or and condensers, a system of keys and keyways is
backed off about half of the given amount in a usually used to develop the requisite shear
direction opposite to that of the thermal growth. strength for expected loadings in directions other
The first and all subsequent cycles will then follow than that of the thermal moveme.nt. ~rhile both
DOAOD which is elastic all the way. Ordinarily types of arrangement have given satisfactory
there will be no fatigue problem implied in either service, there is always the possibility that seizing
case, since the number of hot-cold cycles to be or galling of the moving parts will load the equip-
expected over the life of a ship is not large in ment or structure in a manner not intended. Ac-
terms of endurance limit and mild steel is reason- cordingly it is important that these connections
ably ductile. With design stress approaching the be so located that they are easily accessible for
yield point, however, one should pay close atten- lubrication and maintenance.
tion to possible stress concentrations and quality
of welding. Steady-State Thrust or Torque
Flexing supports, whether flat or cylindrical, A situation arises occasionally where the char-
should of course be checked as circumstances m a y acteristics of a machinery component itself have
require for dynamic conditions such as vibration very little to do with the design of the foundation
or shock. The flat flex plate, having very little which supports it. Such is the case when a rela-
stiffness in the direction of therlnal growth, is tively small item, such as a pmnp or valve, is
usually considered ineffective in this direction, the connected to a run of piping subject to thermal
load being assumed entirely by the fixed end of stresses. As the size or stiffness of the piping
the foundation. Since the plate is quite stiff in increases, the loads imposed on the foundation
its own plane, however, it is called upon to assume through the unit become increasingly large as
loads so applied. The cylindrical or conical skirt, compared with other criteria. For example, pipe
o n t h e other hand, m a y be the sole support of the reactions may amount to several times the shock
component and should be able to develop the re- loading. Since it is always better to discover such
quired strength and stiffness in each plane. In cases before the plant is put together, a careful
some cases, particularly where it is necessary to check by the foundation designer should include a
locate the skirt near the end of a long cylindrical survey of the important piping and its points of
vessel, it m a y be difficult to design a skirt with attachnlent.

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 733

Major shipyards now "stress out" the larger condenser foundation and just about dictates the
sizes of hot piping almost as a matter of course, to use of sliding feet.
arrive at the minimunl use of material within The condenser and low-pressure turbine easing
allowable thermal-stress limits for the piping can stand a certain amount of restraint in the
itself. Digital computers have provided the eco- transverse direction, but very little movement of
nomic justification for this kind of analysis and the rotor centerline in this direction can be toler-
machine programs are available which will give ated because of ~ear on the flexible couplings.
stresses at any desired point in the system quickly For this reason the support walls are designed for
and with a precision limited only by the accuracy approximately equal transverse stiffness and the
of the input information. These programs also bottom of the condenser is sometimes pinned. In
yield, or can be easily modified to yield, the re- the longitudinal direction, however, free thermal
actions at points of attachment to various com- expansion is essential to prevent possible "bow-
ponents considered as "anchors." In the general ing" of the turbine casing and consequent internal
case, the output for an anchor point consists of a damage. In this type of arrangement this is
set of six figures, comprising a force in each of achieved by rigidly bolting the after end to the
three mutually perpendicular directions and a foundation and providing slotted bolt holes and a
moment about each of these axes. Armed with longitudinal keyway at the forward end.
this information, the structural analyst can deter- With the axis of the condenser athwartships, it
mine quickly whether pipe reactions should govern wiU usually be very difficult to provide effective
the design of a foundation for a particular com- continuations of the longitudinal girders beyond
ponent. the forward end of tjae reduction-gear table be-
cause the condenser with its heads and circulating
water piping will occupy much of the needed
Main Propulsion Unit Foundations space. Thus the effective depth of the foundation
Unfortunately this, one of the most important will be sharply reduced under the condenser,
foundations in the ship, is usually the least ame- leaving little more than the ship's bottom struc-
nable to theoretical analysis. There are two basic ture in this area. This condition can lead to un-
reasons for this: (a) The loads to be imposed desirable "rocking" motions of the gear table, as
upon it are not fully predicfable. (b) I t ex- discussed in reference [7], if compensating meas-
tends over such a large area and is so intimately ures are not taken.
allied with basic ship structure that its response, The best way out of this situation is to "bed in"
even to a known input, can be difficult to deter- the gear table as firmly as possible at the after
mine. As a result of these circumstances an end, making it in effect a stiff cantilever which
empirical approach, strongly flavored with con- will deflect very little under the moment created
servatism, has prevailed in most designs and is by the thrust loads, regardless of the relative
not lightly to be discounted. softness of the bottom structure. To accomplish
The arrangement of the main propulsion com- this end, it is highly desirable to line up the top
ponents is affected by m a n y considerations, of plate of the gear table with a continuous deck or
which the method of structural support is not the platform on the other side of the engine room
least. Among these m a y be mentioned the power bulkhead if at all possible. If this cannot be
rating, the space available for the main unit, the achieved within acceptable rearrangements of the
number of screws, arrangement of injection and ship, the shaft-alley bulkheads often can be lined
discharge piping, and so on. As in most complex up with the thrust girders or side girders under the
installations, the resulting arrangement is usually gear table by a minor rearrangement. In mul-
a compromise among several factors. The most tiple-screw installations where engines are well
important of these in considering the arrangement outboard, the possibility of an additional shear tie
of structure is the condenser orientation. between the bedplate and the shell or inner bottom
With a longitudinal condenser, it is usually should not be overlooked.
possible to use extensions of one or more of the A favorable aspect of the athwartship condenser
longitudinal girders of the reduction-gear founda- arrangement is the ability to anchor the after sup-
tion as supports without seriously restricting ac- port flange of the turbine or condenser and mount
cess beneath the condenser. This adds ap- the forward flange on a flex plate, eliminating the
preciably to the longitudinal stiffness of the whole need for a sliding joint.
arrangement by providing an additional shear In this arrangement there exists a choice of
path for getting thrust loads into the ship's bottom mounting the turbine directly on the foundation
structure. However, this arrangement makes it with a "hung" condenser or mounting the con-
awkward to use a flexing type of support in the denser directly with the turbine superimposed.

734 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

The former alternative is the usual preference of throughout the industry. A co~scious effort to
the author's company for the following reasons: soften a foundation system would seem always to
1 Vertical movement of the LP rotor coupling be attended by doubts as to the accuracy of the
stiffness calculation and the possibility that low-
with respect to its pinion is minimized because the
frequency excitations might prove more numerous
distance between the rotor centerline and the
bolting plane, and the consequent thermal ex- and more troublesome than the designer would
reasonably expect.
pansion, is smaller. Also, thermal changes in the
Reference [7] was perhaps the tirst suggestion
condenser do not affect the support.
that stiffness rates of such foundations could be
2 The gear case and L P turbine girders can be
calculated, if only for the purpose of deciding
combined into a common structure of great stiff-
which of the structural members were meaningful
ness, minimizing relative motion of these elements.
and which redundant. The same paper offered
3 The condenser cross section can be widened
some representative values of the longitudinal
in the longitudinal direction and shortened in
height, allowing minimum elevation of the turbine stiffness rate for various ship types. On the
and consequently stiffer support. strength of these suggestions, and in response to a
request from shafting designers who needed an
The location and method of support of the estimate of foundation stiffness in order to pre-
thrust bearing should be considered carefully, dict longitudinal criticals, such an estimate was
since the ship is literally being driven through the made from preliminary design plans of a recent.
structure in this immediate area. Where the main unit foundation.
bearing is separate from the gear case it is usually The first figure obtained from this analysis was'.
elevated above the plane of the gear table and is almost at the upper limit suggested by reference.
mounted on vertical extensions of the thrust [7], and was therefore looked upon with some
girders. While structural provisions can be made suspicion. A recheck, modifying certain assump-
to suit this condition, a nester and more satis- tions in the direction of conservatism, gave a
factory arrangement can be achieved when the lower figure and though this was ',still considered
bearing is built into the gear case immediately high, it was released for purposes of shaft critical
aft of the bull gear. An integral thrust bearing is calculations. When the foundation had been
sometimes found forward of the gear, and while completed and all the machinery in,stalled, the line
such an arrangement has the advantage of re- shafting was uncoupled and the assembly was
ducing the size of the bearing, it is not commonly given a forced-vibration test with. a mechanical
used in high-powered installations. The reason oscillator. Knowing the mass of the machinery,
for this is t h a t the cutouts for the gear well and the it was a simple matter to deternline from the
condenser leave only an isolated pedestal on resonant frequency, which was cle~,My evident on
which to m o u n t the thrust bearing and the amount the tape, the stiffness rate of the foundation. This
of thrust which can be imposed on such a founda- turned out to be higher than the original estimate.
tion is limited. Further verification was obtained on the trial trip,
.The stiffness of the thrust foundation in a where the longitudinal natural frequencies showed
longitudinal direction influences the natural up within one R P M of the values predicted from
frequencies of longitudinal vibrations of the main this experimentally determined stiffness rate.
propulsion system. The effect of increasing This experience is cited for two purposes:
stiffness is to move resonant frequencies ("criti- (a) To record that an attempt tr~ calculate the
cals") to a higher R P M . The aspect of the stiff- stiffness properties of a main unit foundation was
ness-critical R P M curve, however, is rather flat, not an entire waste of time, in thi.s one instance
particularly for the fundamental mode. Oc- at least; and (b), to show that extra dividends in
casionally theory indicates a gain for "softening" stiffness can repay a conscious effort to integrate
the foundation. This can occur where a critical the foundation with every usable element of
already exists below full-power R P M and it ap- ship structure in its vicinity.
pears advantageous to move the critical still
lower. A condition which must be satisfied, of Attachment of Components to Foundations
course, is that such action would not have adverse Because of the myriad of possible shapes and
effect on the criticals in other modes of the same sizes of components, it would not be practical here
system. In spite of such theoretical indications, to discuss "typical" cases. There are, however,
it has always been the practice in the author's some fundamental characteristics of attachments
company at least to make main unit foundations which m a y be usefully explored.
as stiff as reasonably possible in all directions, and Some years ago, nearly all components were
it is believed that this approach is quite general bolted to their supporting structures. With the

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 735

widespread use of welding, however, a change to with SAE 1020 bolt material under shock indicate
welded a t t a c h m e n t s has made some headway a 30 percent ilnprovement over static yield
although their full potentiality is still far from strength. I t was also a conclusion of this s t u d y
being realized. In view of the savings in weight t h a t long bolts have better shock resistance in
and installation cost, it seems strange t h a t this tension if the shank portions are turned down
method is not more commonly used for certain approximately to the root diameter of the threads.
classes of equipment. Of course, bolting still The reason for this is t h a t plastic yielding is then
m a y have the a d v a n t a g e where precise alignment forced to occur in the long shank section, which b y
is a factor or when it is likely that the entire com- reason of its greater length can supply more
ponent will be unshipped and replaced at inter- strain energy than the threaded portion.
vals. Sometimes, as a result of physical limitations on
At this writing, the N a v y has under advisement number and size of bolts, it becomes necessary to
an addition to its General Specifications which will consider high-strength bolt material. While this
prescribe the character of welded a t t a c h m e n t s m a y provide a perfectly good engineering solution,
where contractors m a y elect to use them. Al- the designer should have in mind the chances of
though there is nothing in the present specifica- his scheme being aborted in the material control
tions to prohibit welding, all of the requirements organization and should take corresponding pre-
for a t t a c h m e n t s are based on bolting. cautions. Also, during the life of the plant, the
In the design of attachments, whether bolted component in question m a y be unshipped and re-
or welded, it is first necessary to establish the placed (with standard bolts) a number of times.
magnitude, direction and points of application of This is to say t h a t high-strength bolt material
the loading to be transmitted to the foundation. should be specified for shipboard use only after
This m a y seem axiomatic, but occasionally a case the most careful consideration.
arises where an early definition of the problem by Where a bolted a t t a c h m e n t is likely to be
the shipbuilder can save some grief b y pointing subjected to severe vibration or is designed for a
out to the component vendor a design requirement sliding joint as for thermal expansion, it is good
of which he is otherwise unaware, or vice versa. practice to provide captive features to prevent
In any case, the design of a t t a c h m e n t s is an area loosening. In the past such measures as cotter
where b o t h should work closely together. pins, lock nuts, wires, peened ends and similar
Ordinarily, the foundation a t t a c h m e n t s will mechanical devices have been employed for this
feel some kind of bilateral loading, such as shear purpose. There is now oll the m a r k e t a viscous
due to transverse thrust combined with tension or fluid which can be applied to the threads of bolts
compression due to overturning moment. Under or studs and which hardens in the absence of air,
these conditions it would seem advisable to deter- providing great resistance to backing off. This is
mine the principal stresses and the m a x i m u m shear available in several grades of viscosity depending
stresses in bolts from a M o h r ' s circle analysis, upon the film shear strength desired.
applying a suitable factor of safety on each.
Where the m o m e n t is large, as in the case of References
switchboards and other vertical components, it 1 "Shock Design of Shipboard Equipment,
will p a y to dispose the bolting (or welding) pattern D y n a m i c Design-Analysis Method," N A V S H I P S
in such a manner t h a t its section modulus is 250-423-30.
greatest about the axis of the m a x i m u m expected 2 General Specifications for Building Ships
inonlent. of the U. S. N a v y .
T h e shock requirements associated with naval 3 Den Hartog, "Mechanical Vibrations,"
vessels usually govern the design of a t t a c h m e n t s in fourth edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
t h a t class of work. If anything fails under shock, Inc., New York, N. ., 1956.
it should not be the foundation attachment, since 4 " H y d r o d y n a m i c Masses and H y d r o d y -
the component could then become a missile namic Moments of Inertia," David Taylor Model
capable of inflicting injury on personnel and plant. Basin Translation No. 260, July 1956.
However, insurance against such a casualty can 5 "A Guide for the Selection and Application
be bought fairly inexpensively b y careful and of Resilient 5lounts to Shipboard Equipment,"
conservative design, which seems here very much D a v i d Taylor Model Basin Report 880, 1958.
in order. 6 Wright and Hagg, "Practical Calculation
Fortunately, the well-known tendency of ductile and Control of Vibration Transmission Through
materials to show i m p r o v e m e n t in physical proper- Resilient Mounts and Basic Foundation Struc-
ties under impact loading is a hidden bonus if a tures," Bureau of Ships Index No. NS-713-212,
"static" design method is used. Experiments [15] December 1959.

736 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

7 J . R . K a n e and R. T. McGoldrick, "Longi- ?
tudinal Vibrations of Marine Propulsion Shafting
Systems," TRANS. S N A M E , vol. 57, 1949, pp.
8 Powell and Bassett, "Practical Aspects of
Torsional Vibration in Marine Geared-Turbine
Propulsion Units," TRANS. S N A M E , 1944.
9 R . T . McGoldriek, "Rudder-Excited Hull E / E VA-II ON
Vibration on USS Forrest Sherman," TRANS.
S N A M E , vol. 67, 1959, pp. 341-385.
10 "Mechanical Shock in N a v a l Vessels,"
N A V S H I P S 250-660-26, 1946.
11 "A Guide for Design of Shock Resistant
N a v a l E q u i p m e n t , " N A V S H I P S 250-660-30,
12 Hollyer, "Direct Shock-Wave D a m a g e to
Fig. 4
Merchant Ships from Non-contact Underwater
Explosions," H a m p t o n Roads Section, S N A M E ,
April 1959. b e a m of uniform section and of length L, whose
13 Wojeieszak, "Stress Analysis of the June- bending deflection at the free end under the load
tion Between a Support Skirt and Pressure Ves- P will be the same as t h a t of the b e a m illustrated
sel," A S M E Nuclear Engineering and Science in Fig. 4. Let the depth taper be: designated b y
Conference, April 1959, published by Engineers' a, so t h a t
Joint Council, New York, N. Y. D--d
14 Den Hartog, "Advanced Strength of a - andd~ = d + a x
Materials," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
New York, N. Y., 1952. T h e inertia of the actual b e a m at a n y point,
15 Forkois, Conrad, and Vigness, "Properties [~, = t(d + ax) a~ (1)
of Bolts Under Shock Loading," Society for Ex- 12
perimental Stress Analysis, 1952.
16 A. H. Keil, " T h e Resi)onse of Ships to and the m o m e n t at any point,
Underwater Explosions," TRANS. S N A M E , vol.
M~, = P x = E [ d'2y
69, 1961, pp. 366-410. ~dx=i (2)
F r o m (1) and (2) the differential equation for the
Appendix 1 defected shape is
Development of "Equivalent Beam" Concept for a d2y _ 12Px
Tapered Cantilever
dx 2 E t ( d + ax) 3
The essence of tlfis concept is that, for any Performing two successive integrations, and
cantilever b e a m of tapering section, there can be solving for the constants of integration b y putting
found a fictitious b e a m of constant section and d y / d x and y = 0 when x = L, leads to an expres-
equal length which will have the same bending sion for the deflection y. Putting x = 0 into
deflection at the free end under the same concen- this, the deflection at the free end under the load
trated load. For the purpose at handl the fact P turns out to be
t h a t the shapes of the two deflection curves are
different is immaterial.
(y)o E t ( D -- d) :~
Since the types of such beams encountered in
machinery foundations are usually composite (D-- d)(3D-- d)]
structures consisting of webs and flanges, either
or b o t h of which m a y be tapered, it is convenient
- 2c,2 ..1 (~)
to make use of one concept at a time and assemble The end deflection of the fictitious b e a m of con-
the results later. stant depth & is
Consider first a beam consisting of a platte web
4PL a
only, which is inefficient b u t conceivable in prac- (Yl) o - (5)
tice, Fig. 4. ]~lA 3
Problem: Find A, the d e p t h of a cantilever Equating (Y)0 and (Yl)o and solving for &,

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 737


~'Y- N


=====~ ~ :_I
Fig. 5
(.Scc.-b,on sirnhar Co Fit. 5)
Fig. 6
A= I31oge(d) 3 ( D - d ) (23DD2- d ) ] %

Consider next a cantilever beam, Fig. 5, com- 2PL 3

(Yr)o - (11)
posed only of flanges, of constant area, and tapered 3EA A2
in depth in the same manner as in the previous
example. The flanges work together by fiat. from which
This of course is an abstraction but it is a useful
one for the purpose of this study.
Let the (constant) area of one flange be A and A = .3(D + d ) ( D - - d) -- 6dlog,
let the depth taper be designated b y a, so that D

g --
D--d Finally, consider a cantilever beam of constant
L depth, Fig. 6, composed only of flanges which
taper in breadth. This, like the previous exam-
and ple, has no physical counterpart but is a useful
fiction. While the notation is slightly different
dx = d + a x
for this case, the approach is the same.
B y a process exactly similar to that used in the Let the breadth taper be designated by a, so
previous example, that
Ad, 2 a --
5 - (7) L
P~ = E r x ~,d~ (s) dx = d + a x
dx 2

dey _ 2P~ (9) Using the same technique as before,

dx 2 E A ( d + ax) 2 5 = d~tH~" (13)
The bending deflection of the illustrated beam 2
at the free end is
P x = E I ~ dx- (l 4)
2PL 3
(y) o -
E A (D -- d) a
d2y _ 2Px (15)
dx 2 EtH2(d -Fax)
[2dlog~(;) -F (D -- d)(DD -4-d) 1 (10)
The bending deflection of the illustrated beam
and for the fictitious beam it is at the free end is

738 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

10 the fictitious cantilever, of constant section and
of length equal to the length of the real beam, it
will be substantially the same as the free-end
deflection of the real b e a m under a concentrated
load applied at this point.
_ _ -- . . . . . . .

S Appendix2
D Relations Between Natural Frequency and Shock
//\. ~IG. 5, _~ '~2.
Design Number for Elementary Foundation Types

0.<a / ~ [:LANGESONLY- Dll2ECTIO~4

F~G. 6, EQ (18) OF- $~oc~

0,4 I ~ i ~ r r i

0.7 (24 OCo Q8 i.O

d Fig. 8

Fig. 7
Column Mounting (Fig. 8)
2PL 3 Let
(y)o = EtH2(D _ d) 3
W= weight of mounted unit
N = shock design number
I d 2 l o g ~ ( D ) 4- ( D - - d ) ( D 2 - - 3 d ) ] (16) A = sectional area of column
L = length of column as shown in Fig. 8
And for the fictitious b e a m it is &= yield stress of column material
2PL 3 E = modulus of elasticity
(Yl)o -- (17) F . = natural frequency of system in direction
3EtH2A of shock
F r o m which k = stiffness constant of column
(O -- d) 3
A= In an "ideal" foundation, assuming column
3I(D--d)-(D--3d)-k-2 d2 l g ~ ( d ) l stability,
(18) - - = q, (20)
Each of the results (6), (12) and (1S) is plotted
in Fig. 7. For tapered cantilevers of all usual where q is slightly greater t h a n uni.ty
proportions, and without violating the limits of Also
accuracy wanted in the solution of the problem at
F, = = -~--. ~- , (21)
hand, a n y of these rather cumbersome expressions
m a y be represented b y the linear function shown
Replacing A in equation (21) b y its value from
on the diagram, whose equation is
equation (20), the weight drops out and
A = 0.7D -t- 0.3d (19) 1 {NEg'y/'
F,, = ~ \ ~ / (22)
A = d e p t h (or flange breadth) of a fictitious Putting everything into pound-inch-second units
cantilever b e a m and assuming mild steel, the natural frequency in
D = same p r o p e r t y of real cantilever at cycles per second is
built-in end
d = same p r o p e r t y of real cantilever at free F, = 90 , approx (23)
When the free-end deflection is calculated for This puts a numerical value on the product of

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 739

intuitive reasoning, which would predict increas- cal section in a form similar to (23)
ing difficulty in staying above a given natural
f ' , , = 110 ( N ) I / : ( D ) 1/2 (;28)
frequency with :
(a) Lower shock design numbers. Experimenting with different values of D/L
(b) Longer load paths. (the depth to length ratio of the cantilever) leads
For the case pictured, however, one would to the conclusion t h a t v e r y short, s t u b b y can-
seldom expect to be in difficulty; the lowest tilevers will be necessary to achieve a suitable
possible 5DN is 6, and the highest designed balance between shock and vibration require-
natural frequency, following the criterion of the ments at the lower end of the SDN scale: i.e.,
section, "Vibration of Ship Structures," would for h e a v y components. The D in equation
nearly always be under 50. Equation (2:3) says (28) m a y be taken as the equivalent depth in the
t h a t even in this extreme combination, foundation case of a tapered cantilever, as developed in
lengths up to 20 in. are acceptable. Further, in Appendix 1.
the event t h a t a columnar support proves too
Beam Mounting
stiff under shock loading, it is theoretically pos-
sible to design deliberately for buckling in this T h e two cases illustrated will bracket m a n y of
condition. the support systems to be found in practice. By
similar processes it can be verified t h a t in the case
Cantilever Mounting (Fig. 9) of a component at mid-span of a simply-supported
beam of length L,

oF s n o o t ~.
and at mid-span of a fixed-ended beam,

An interesting and convenient property of these

relationships is that, provided the b e a m is
Fig. 9
symmetrical, the geometry of its cross section
does not appear in any of them. Thus, the
In addition to the symbols used previously, let designer can estimate the suitability of proposed
foundations b y a quick look at length, transverse
= inertia of cantilever dimension, and shock design number only.
c = distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber This entire analysis, of course, rests on the
By processes similar to those of the previous assumption t h a t the foundation is so designed
example, t h a t it will go into yield just before it sees the
prescribed value of shock loading, NW. Once
WNL - q&. (24) this has been done, equations (23), (28), (29)
I/c and (30) m a y limit the ability to achieve at the
same time a satisfactory natural frequency. If
1 (k'y/'~ -
1 (3EIw)V2 (25) an impasse is reached, it would seem t h a t the
vibration aspect should be given priority over
Replacing I in equation (25) b y its value from shock requirements for nonvital equipment. For
(24), the weight again drops out and vital equipment, the conventional approach m a y
have to be discarded in favor of unusual measures
1 (3NEgc~ 1/' such as flexible mounts.
F~ = ~ \ ~ / (26)
and numerically, Appendix3
F~ = 156 (No)i~2 (27) Inertia Forces Due to Ship Motions in a S e a w a y
In Fig. 10, the center of oscillation: At static
F r o m which it is seen t h a t the transverse dimen- waterline for small angles of roll, approaches cen-
sion of the cantilever is also significant. ter of gravity of ship for large angles. For pitch-
Equation (27) can be rewritten for a symmetri- ing, at center of flotation.

740 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

/ 150
- - L~"


S T I F: !: E bl ~.~.




Fig. 10
DEgLEGT~N DI/k G ~ A ~

Fig. 11
TR = rolling period for a complete cycle, port to starboard
and back to port again, sec
OR = nmximum inclination reached by ship, measured on where y is as before b u t x now has the m e a n i n g of
one side of vertical, deg
x = distance of component off eenterline of ship, ft the l o n g i t u d i n a l distance from the center of oscil-
y = distance of conlpol]ent above or below assumed lation.
center of oscillation, ft I n this case H is directed l o n g i t u d i n a l l y b u t V
W = weight of component, lb
R = maximum vector inertia force, lb is vertical as before. H will be small except a t
H = maximum horizontal inertia force, lb high elevations (gun directors, m a s t h e a d radars,
V = maximum vertical inertia force, lb a n d so on) a n d V will be small except for u n i t s at
g = acceleration of gravity, 32.2 feet/see -~
considerable distances from the center of p i t c h i n g
I t is c o n v e n i e n t for, this case to t h i n k of t h e oscillation, which is very near the l o n g i t u d i n a l
rolling m o t i o n as a v i b r a t i o n whose "circular center of flotation in the w a t e r plane.
f r e q u e n c y " is 27r/T~. T h e m a x i n m m a n g u l a r W h e r e periods a n d a m p l i t u d e s are n o t specified,
acceleration will t h e n be the single a m p l i t u d e in the former can be e s t i m a t e d from t h e g e o m e t r y
r a d i a n s t i m e s t h e square of circular frequency, or a n d loading c o n d i t i o n of the ship b u t the l a t t e r
7r 47K-' are u s u a l l y t a k e n a r b i t r a r i l y . T h i r t y degrees of
0~ X - - - - roll and five degrees of p i t c h are c o m m o n l y as-
IS() Tte 2
signed as l i m i t i n g values on the supposition t h a t
a n d J~, the vector i n e r t i a force, will be the nmss of the m a s t e r would be sufficiently concerned b y
the c o m p o n e n t times linear acceleration : t h a t s t a t e of affairs to alter course or take other
action to relieve his ship.
R = lJ~ X O~ 4~r 3 (x'-' + y~.)v.., T h e f u n d a m e n t a l expression for the n a t u r a l
g 180 TR ~ period of a n g u l a r m o t i o n is
0.0214WOR 0 7 + y~),/~ (a.,~i.) v,
~R 2
where T is the full period in seconds, k is the ra-
R e s o l v i n g this force into its c o m p o n e n t s parallel dius of g y r a t i o n a n d G M is m e t a c e n t r i c height,
to the p r i n c i p a l planes of t h e ship, b o t h in feet; these q u a n t i t i e s r e l a t i n g to r o t a t i o n
a b o u t a t r a n s v e r s e or l o n g i t u d i n a l axis as the case
H - 0.0214W0ey a n d K - O.()2141'VOpx
m a y be.
lit[" 1"j
F o r ships of n o r m a l form a n d p r o p o r t i o n s the
T h e d e r i v a t i o n of i n e r t i a forces due to p i t c h i n g t r a n s v e r s e r a d i u s of g y r a t i o n is n e v e r far from 40
is exactly similar; if T a n d Op represent, respec- p e r c e n t of the beam, so t h a t for rolling m o t i o n s
tively, the full period of p i t c h in seconds and the
single a m p l i t u d e of p i t c h in degrees, (G_/I/I) ,/~ approx
f[ = ().l)214WO,y a n d K = (LO214I,VORx
T p" "F . ~ T h e m a x i m u m GA,[ for a n y of the a n t i c i p a t e d load-

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 741

ing conditions should be used, and this is usually Since w and e are small compared to h in the
known by the time foundation design is under diagram, the bending m o m e n t in the unstiffened
way. In cargo vessels and tankers maximum section is virtually constant over the length A/3
Gel,/ usually occurs in light condition, while and the elastic curve of this section approaches a
passenger liners and c o m b a t a n t naval vessels circular arc, the slope of the tangent at B ap-
experience higher values with full liquids on board. proaching e/h. if the m o m e n t in A B on account
Because the distribution of load over the length of the deformation e is AJ, then
of a ship is subject to somewhat greater variation
than over its width, the radius of gyration in this e/h = M - w / E I and 21,/ = e E [ / w h
direction is less of a constant. The calculation
of this quantity is tedious and will hardly be war- and we have for the bending stress in a unit strip
of AI3 on account of the deformation e:
ranted b y the needs of foundation design alone.
Accordingly, the pitching period is usually de- Mc/_,r = e E t / 2 w h
rived from comparisons with similar ships of
known periods, or if a quick and conservative The moment imposed oi1 the same unit strip
estimate is wanted, one half the rolling period m a y by the eccentric unit loading, P, is P e and the
be taken. corresponding stress is

Appendix4 J)ec/I -
Stiffened Flex Plate
The column stress due to P is P / t , and combin-
An exact analysis of stresses in the flex plate ing all these terms, the maximum stress in the
shown in Fig. 11 would be tedious and would bent portion A B is
still rest on assumptions such as fit of bolts, degree
of rotation of flanges, and so on. The load and e E t / 2 w h -t- dPe q_ P_
deflection diagram idealizes the case for the pur- t2 t
pose of an approximate solution and makes the
following broad assmnptions, which are on oppo- where
site sides of the t r u t h and so tend to neutralize
e = total thermalmovement, in.
each other :
E = modulus of elasticity, psi
(a) All of the bending deflection takes place t = thickness of flex plate, in.
in the unstiffened strip at the bottom. w = width of unstiffened portion, in.
(b) The bolting flange at the top is free to ro- h = height of flex plate, in.
tate. P = vertical unit loading on flex plate, lb/in.


L. K. Losee, a Visitor: At the Bureau of Ships we a given range of frequencies, the internal and
are currently making an intensive study of foun- external energies can be equated. The former,
dations and how their design influences the re- under elastic conditions, is proportional to stress
sistance of a ship to the effects of underwater times strain, and hence to stress squared. I t
explosions. is necessary, therefore, to know only the distribu-
M a n y ship structures can hardly be said to be tion of stresses under loadings in the various direc-
designed at all. To design against shock, then, tions. Such a distribution must usually be known
requires first the relationships between loads and or assumed in order to make the static stress cal-
stresses be determined by some reasonably re- culation, so this kind of dynamic loading requires
liable analytical procedure. Once stress calcula- little additional work.
tions replace sheer guesswork as a basis for scant- Unfortunately, the most elementary stress cal-
lings, it is relatively easy to proceed from static culation often presents formidable obstacles.
to dynamic loads. For example, if a step velocity Foundations especially have annoying tendencies
change is used as a measure of the loading, within to be unsymmetrical and atypical. Their design
defies attack by handbook formulas and high-
a Scientific and Research Section (Code 442), Bureau speed computers alike.
of Ships, Washington, D. C. Possibly the most powerful weapon in the

742 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

foundation designers' arsenal is limit design. structure, should not give the reader an impres-
Limit design obviates m a n y of the difficulties sion that machinery location is accomplished with-
associated with the determination of stresses in out consideration of foundation problems. Struc-
a highly redundant structure. And although tural design must receive proper consideration
shock loadings m a y involve reversals of direction simultaneously with shaft lines, heads, piping,
of the inertia forces, the limit loads are probably and so on, so that the final arrangement will
better measures of shock resistance than are loads represent the optinmrn combination and com-
based on purely elastic conditions. promise of all factors.
Within the limits of shock intensity under In connection with the use of a variable-fre-
which it is feasible to avoid any considerable de- quency oscillator to induce vibration, it may be
formation of the fotmdation, the designer is con- well to caution that 1he point of application of
cerned with making his structure strong enough the excitation will affect the performance of
or resilient enough. (Such limits will be influ- complex structures and, therefore, requires
enced greatly by tile need for preserving align- considerable thought and judgment to obtain
ment of the equipment supported.) Beyond realistic results.
those limits, he is very properly concerned, as the The calculation methods referred to in reference
author indicates, with avoiding excessive strength. [5] of the paper have some limitation in that
Under extreme conditions something has to give. they assume planes of vibrational sym.metry which
I t is important that the weakest link in the chain do not always exist in actual practice. This
be one which can deform a large a m o u n t without assumption has been made in order to perform the
disastrous results. The formation of a plastic calculations manually. Design organizations ac-
hinge in a beam is greatly preferable to reaching tive in this field use a more general approach with
yield stress in a bolt. The beam has a vast re- the aid of electronic computers.
serve of plastic energy. If it is not too strong, it The author states that if bearing,; nlust with-
limits the loads on more vulnerable parts. stand shock, they will probably not be affected
In considering loads from ship motion, the au- adversely by gyroscopic forces which are usually
thor suggests that the pitching period be taken of lower magnitude. Possibly some consideration
about half the rolling period. A more rational should be given to the time intervals involved.
formula which requires only readily available data Shock loadings are of extremely short duration.
is They will probably not cause loss of hTdrodynamic
Natural period of pitch (see) film lubrication. The longer loading times as-
sociated with gyroscopic forces m a y result in
disolacement (tons) loss of the oil film for suflhcient time to cause
= 0..5
tons per inch innnersion damage or failure in some borderline cases.
A more precise formula would include the ratio The author mentions that the aspect of the
of the radii of gyration of mass and water-plane stiffness-critical R P M curve is rather fiat for the
area, but this is a refinement hardly worth mak- fundamental mode. A recent case showed 10
ing, unless by adjusting the coefficient to reflect percent change in critical R P M for a 50 percent
measured periods on similar ships. In any case, change in stiffness. The relationship of spring
loads based on simple harmonic pitching motion constants and masses for this particular system
cannot be considered conservative. The pos- appeared to result in a steeper slope than is nor-
sibility of slamming must not be forgotten. In real. Although in m a n y cases, this steeper slope
comparison with shock loadings from underwater would not be significant, the subject design was
explosions, all ship motion forces generally pale close to the acceptable limit and failure to ac-
into insignificance. count properly for the actual sti:einess of the
foundation was of concern.
W. I. H. Budd, Member: It is surprising that a The author states that it is not customary to
general paper on the subject of foundation design, soften a foundation in an effort to reduce the
which is important to satisfactory operation of critical frequency. In addition to the reasons
marine power plants, has not been published pre- mentioned by the author, it will generally be
vious!y. The author's paper is a wLluable con- found that an increase in the flexibility of the
tribntion to fill this gap. foundation will result in an increased amplitude
The author's reference to the structural de- of vibration at the main unit.
signer, who is presented with a machinery arrange- Appendix 4 furnishes information in connection
ment that shows the plant components floating in with a stiffened flex-plate arrangement. This
space and the designer faced with the responsi- arrangement has often been used when the length
bility of tying these objects to the most suitable is large relative to the deflection. In cases where

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 743

the length is short relative to the deflection, the other equipment or piping systems. These
stiffener has been snipped at the top as well as at requirements will present complex problems if the
the bottom. This arrangement is often used at foundation is designed for dynamic forces and
one end of a high-pressure turbine. T h e stress consideration is given to saving of weight and
for such an arrangement, assuming an unstiffened space.
length w at top and bottom, m a y be found b y T h e increased demand for remote operation of
multiplying the bending stress of a completely valves and equipment has necessitated an in-
unstiffened plate; crease in small regulating equipment, such as,
solenoid valves, differential pressure transmitters
and water-level indicators. The mounting of
these units is as i m p o r t a n t as the equipment they
by a factor K having the following values : serve. If these small units are located any dis-
tance from the ship's structure and foundations
h - 2w
are designed to shock-design numbers, the sup-
h k
porting members become h e a v y and space-con-
0.5 1.6
0.6 1.9 suming. The author's suggestion of a compro-
0.8 3.5 mise and designing the supports to yield before
0.9 6.9 the units become missiles is well taken. Equip-
ment such as pressure transmitters are very
W. E. Pray, Member: T h e author states t h a t the sensitive. T h e y should be mounted on rigid
structural designer is usually presented with an machined surfaces so t h a t they are not put out of
arrangement t h a t has components floating in alignment when bolted-up. Small units such as
space. However, the piping designer, who lo- these deserve more attention from the structural
cates the machinery, is concerned with how equip- designer.
m e n t is going to be supported. M a n y times, Another small unit t h a t n m s t be considered
when he is making preliminary layouts, he m u s t as a structural support is the lifting pad. These
develop design concepts of the structure t h a t will units probably cause more rework than any other
support .the components. Granted, "rule-of- item in the ship. T h e y are usually scheduled for
t h u m b " methods and experience have been the installation early in construction because of their
basis for his designs but, m a n y times, the original location and to allow for the insulation of the
configuration, which ties into the existing struc- underside of decks. As piping, ventilation, and
ture, closely approximates the final foundations. wireways are installed, direct leads between pad
As more emphasis is placed or rational and ana- and units are obstructed and the pads have to be
lytical approaches to foundation design, the pip- relocated. A possible answer to this problem is
ing designer m u s t be more aware of the static and the development of hanger strips instead of single
dynamic problems confronting the structural en- pads. These strips would provide a series of
gineer and to consider them when locating equip- a t t a c h m e n t s which would give alternate locations
m e n t and piping. This paper makes available compared to one location with a single pad.
to the piping designer information developed b y T h e y should be designed with large factors of
structural specialists which will enable him to safety and in some eases welds should be non-
take a more rational approach. destructively tested.
Seeing t h a t the structural design of foundations Supports for small piping and wireways, called
has been so adequately covered in this paper some "chair hangers," present problems when they have
of the other aspects of good foundations should to be installed after insulation is in place. The
be discussed. square "nelson stud" was developed to provide a
~.As the author states, there has been a rapid good welding surface to support pipe and cable
evolution of power plants and equipment. hangers under insulated decks. However, orien-
Equally i m p o r t a n t are the requirements t h a t go tation of square studs is difl~eult and hanger in-
with these power plants. T h e potential to stallations have lost their professional look.
operate for long periods at full power has em- A possible solution is the return to the round stud
phasized the importance of reliability. To im- and stamping the chair hanger extensions to a
plement this reliability, the maintenance and semi-circular shape.
repair of equipment m u s t also be considered in the More consideration should be given to com-
design of machinery foundations. T h e y must bining foundations. F r o m observation, it is
be designed for accessibility to vital parts of equip- apparent t h a t in m a n y instances adjacent foun-
m e n t and provisions made for the removal of these dations have been developed as single problems
parts, under all sea conditions, without disturbing where they could have been combined into one

744 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

unit. Foundations t h a t are added late in plan ity, ease of operation and maintenance of equip-
development, such as piping anchor supports, ment, and the saving of weight and space. To
should be factored into existing foundations paraphrase an old expression, "satisfactory ship
wherever possible. Granted, this will create arrangements are only as good as their founda-
structural problems; however, time spent in the tion."
design stage will provide savings in weight and
space and improve the esthetics of shipboard B. Siegel, Member: Vibration of ship structure,
arrangements. when it occurs, is sometimes, at first glance, as-
Structural considerations for the main machin- signed to unbalance in machinery, or to weakness
ery units are v e r y well covered. The piping de- in machinery scantlings. Therefore, to the
signer, however, has m a n y problems t h a t should machinery designer it appears praiseworthy t h a t
be discussed. Here again, space limitations have this paper discusses the stiffness of the founda-
crowded the lube-oil pumps, the main circulating tion necessary to avoid resonances.
water pump, and the main machinery units into I t has been demonstrated, and with several
a complex t h a t leaves little room for the neces- assumptions, calculated, that for existing designs,
sary valves and piping. Cooperation b y the including submarines, the natural frequency of
structural and piping designers is m a n d a t o r y to main turbine and gear structures does not exceed
provide adequate foundation strength and the 30 cps. I t appears t h a t stiffer designs are not ob-
necessary access for installation, operation, and tainable or feasible. In fact, the majority of
maintenance. Some design activities develop foundations are resouant at less than 20 to 25
full-size mock-ups in this area to resolve installa- cps. I t is then a p p a r e n t t h a t even the funda-
tion problems. Usually, the reduction-gear mental of propeller-blade frequency could excite
foundation provides a volume for the lubricating foundations, on some ships.
oil. Access into this sump is nlost important for I t has been the recommendation of the writer's
inspection, cleaning, and repairs. Consideration c o m p a n y for a number of years t h a t propulsion
should be given to providing definite flow paths for turbine support beams (HP girders or L P turbine
the oil from the various drain lines to the lube-oil- beams or condenser.,; which support turbines)
p u m p suctions. These paths should be circuitous should, as a maximmn, deflect no more than 0.0l I)
to increase the "dwell" time and allow any en- in. under static load. One reason for this criterion
trained air to be liberated, thus avoiding cavita- is to obtain a reasonably high natural frequency of
tion in p u m p suctions. Limber holes should be these units, assuming the foundaLion is also
provided to allow flow from all points to purifier reasonably stiff.
suction to avoid pockets of emulsified oil. Some The author describes well the advantages of the
consideration should be given to incorporating " h u n g " condenser over the supported turbine.
large drain lines into the basic structure to provide The writer's c o m p a n y has built m a n y turbines for
adequate slope under roll conditions and save both arrangements. For most conventional
space, although this might not be possible with an athwartship condenser designs, it reec,mmends the
athwartship condenser. Some high pressure-high supported turbine. To the writer's knowledge,
t e m p e r a t u r e industrial installations have run oil longitudinal condensers always support the tur-
supply lines under structural drain trunks to save bine.
space and to minimize the possibility of spraying After World War II, it became evident t h a t
oil on hot surfaces. some difficulties were encountered in service with
T h e author points out t h a t the use of digital hung condensers owing to improper setting of
computers has simplified the analysis of stress the then widely used sway braces and similar
in large piping. This has made available accurate devices, i t also became apparent tkLat, as larger
forces and m o v e m e n t s for the design of anchor powers were used, the condenser weights to be
supports and sway braces. Critical analysis is c~/rried by turbines would and did increase more
also being m a d e of small piping. Supporting quickly than the size (and, therefore, strength)
of these lines, which in the past has been left to of the turbines since, the latter supported the
the installing trades m u s t have the attention of weight from the simple exhaust flange. The
the engineers. Special chair-type hangers ~nust author's and the writer's companies were deeply
be designed to support the weight of pipe and involved in a design which evolved and resulted
liquid, to prevent vibration, b u t to allow limited in shifting the center of gravity of tile hung con-
m o v e m e n t to avoid stress concentrations denser aft closer to the. ship's beams and providing
From these comments, the structural engineer an additional flexible support from the condenser
should be aware t h a t small equipment will need shell to the L P turbine beams.
more attention, with emphasis placed on reliabil- Although this change is a great stride, it did

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 745

not relieve the turbine (a high-efficiency, high- with ideal theory have to be accepted. He en-
speed, close-clearance machine subject to large dorsed the preference stated in the paper for flex
thermal swings) from the problem of supporting plates over sliding mounts in submarines for an
a dead load of up to 3 times its own weight nor- additional reason; namely, t h a t sliding con-
anally and lnuch more during various transients. nections have been known to squeak, which is
For instance, it is not uncommon, in present undesirabIe from the point of view of noise emis-
large ships to encounter 200,()00 lb or heavier sion. He noted an exception to the rule t h a t foun-
condensers working in conjunction with a 65,000- dations are hardly ever built of anything but
lb turbine. I t appears quite reasonable to provide mild steel, stating t h a t high-tensile alloy has been
a very large static structure with the relatively used for certain flexing applications in submarines
small changes necessary to support a turbine. where thermal stresses are high.
I t is our feeling, borne out b y very successful
operation of m a n y m e r c h a n t and N a v y ships t h a t F. W. Wood, Associate Member, added to the list
the thermal m o v e m e n t s mentioned b y the author of static loadings experienced by foundations in
are easily compensated for in alignment and t h a t submarines the following: (a) Forces due to
sufficient stiffness is relatively easily provided in deformation of the hull under submergence pres-
the supported turbine design. Further, the sup- sure, noting t h a t the transverse bulkheads are
ported condenser design permits lower foundation about the only elements of submarine structure
supports, closer to the vertical center of gravity of which retain their shape and location, and (5)
the combined turbine-condenser unit. axial thrust on the line shafting due to the same
Although it is agreed t h a t the high-strength bolt cause. He cautioned against the use of shock
and structural materials should be used with mounts as a cure-all for a potentially resonant
discretion, it appears t h a t wider use could be condition, noting t h a t in some cases the shock
made of them since, in m a n y cases, a better design input to the component can conceivably increase
and, sometimes, a reduction in cost could result. over t h a t which would be experienced in a rigid
The control of replacement bolts for these ap- mounting system.
plications should be as careful, and should be no
more difficult than for high-temperature steam S. Curtis Powell, Member, smnmarized the vari-
bolting. ous approaches to the shock problem which are
now being studied and emphasized that, regardless
Discussion Al:stracts
of the forms of a t t a c k being advanced b y the
In addition to the foregoing discussions, which separate activities concerned, all are attempting
were submitted in advance and read at the meet- to describe the same phenomenon. He felt t h a t
ing, there were several verbal discussions, which perhaps the fundamental problem was being mag-
are abstracted as follows : nified b y such duplication of effort.
C. L. Wright, Member, referred to the Bureau of
E. H. McCallig, Member, deplored the circum-
Ships program for analytical design of foundations
stances which limited the author to describing
under shock loading, noting t h a t the Bureau in-
certain well-known types of apparatus only as
tended to establish a project for extensive study
"cylindrical components." He considered this an
of the subject including full-scale trials. He
outstanding example of a policy which, b y iso-
added t h a t recent studies of discrepancies between
lating certain activities from our profession,
actual displacements of ships and estimated
worked to the detriment of all. He noted that
weights have indicated t h a t foundations are con-
digital computers could hardly be justified b y the
tributing far more to the total weight of the ship savings in piping length coming from use of a
than was realized. machine program, and considered t h a t the value
of such eompnters was being over-rated in some
H. G a l l e , 4 Visitor, presented a composite discus-
sion representing his comments and those of his
associates. While conceding t h a t the analytical
approach to foundation design is not only desirable Author's Closure
but necessary i.n submarine practice, he pointed The volume and quality of the discussion has
out t h a t the designer is oKen so circumscribed, b y fully justified the hope, expressed early in the
such factors as potential interferences and lack of paper, t h a t we would hear from others who have
suitable p r i m a r y structure in the immediate had experience in some of the specialized prob-
vicinity of the foundation, t h a t m a n y compromises lems which could only be hinted at in a paper of
4 Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, N . I-I. this tyFe. The author's thanks go to each and

746 Design of Marine Machinery Fcun:lations

every one who took the time to contribute his My description of machinery "floatirLg in space"
thoughts. was a gravity-defying metaphor, used without
As to the timeliness of this paper, the author qualification to describe an extreme situation
was completely and blissfully unaware until a few which is sometimes faced even in the best-man-
weeks ago t h a t the Bureau of Ships was mounting aged design oflSces.
a formidable program for improvement of founda- I agree with all of Mr. Budd's comments and
tion criteria, specifically in the area of shock adnfit to some degree of oversimplification of the
design. Mr. Losee modestly omitted to mention section on gyroscopic loading. The intent of this
that he has been a heavy contributor to this section was merely to suggest that one should
program. The restllt has been an extremely not follow blindly any traditional approach if a
interesting and informative design data sheet rational look at the problem offers a chance of
which is now being circulated to ship-design im provement.
activities for comment. I feel sure that those of Both of these discussers have helped to fill out
us who are concerned with shock design will want the paper from the plant engineer's viewpoint,
to add it to the bibliography. Its title is "Design where it was a little bit light as a result of having
of Foundations to R e g s t Shock Loadings," been written by a hull man, and their contribu-
number DDS-9110-7. Along the same lines, Dr. tions are much apt;reeiated.
Keil's paper, reference [16] will be found helpful. Mr. Pray reminds us of something too often
The press of events diq not permit a careful study overlooked; namely, that the mere size of an
of this paper for application to the present one, object is not necessarily a measure of the care
so a sharp eye will notice that it appears only as that should be taken in its placement and support.
the last item in the bibliography. The plant m a y be just as dead, from shock failure
The major part of Mr. Losee's discussiou is of a little black box, as from a mait:c propulsion
concerned with behavior of the foundatiol~ mate- unit casualty.
rial beyond the elastic limit, -which is something The subject of pipe hangers is a special case
that most designers ordinarily shy away from if which requires examination both from static
they think of it at all. Nevertheless, if we are (thermal) and dynamic (vibration) loading. The
going to fulfill the concept of the foundation as a locations and stiffness characteristics of such
mechanical fuse, we shall have to enter this dark hangers must nearly always be a compromise
territory, and Mr. Losee's work lights a path. between the conflicting requirements of piping
I t would appear that the effect of limit design on flexibility and the suppression of vibration.
the cantilever and beam relations developed in Another paper could ahnost be written on this
Appendix 2 is to make a given beam effectively subject alone, and it is hoped that this meeting
stronger, but no stiffer, so that all the numerical has helped to stinmlate interest in this sometimes
coet~eients will decrease. On the surface this neglected area.
looks like a further handicap in finding a suitable Mr. Siegel's comments, as do those of Mr. Budd
compromise between shock and vibration re- and Mr. Pray, afford a view of the foundation
sistance, but an offsetting advantage is the energy from the machinery designer's eye, which is
absorption represented by the plastic flow. necessary to complete the picture.
Mr. Losee's suggested formula for the period of The numbers offered by Mr. Siegel for natural
pitch is indeed more rational than the simple frequencies of large masses such as turbines and
approach suggested in the paper, but looks like a gears on their support structures, are in complete
heaving period with a nmnerical coefficient which a ~ e e m e n t with the author's experience. This
includes a mass of entrained water somewhat much is conceded in the paper, with the suggestion
greater than the displacement. The point is not that some means of damping be cousidered for the
worth any further laboring, however, since pitch- purpose of reducing resonant amplitudes. In the
ing is unlikely ever to be a problem in foundation case of one heavy mass recently installed in a
work. large vessel, the low-frequency problem was
I answer Mr. Budd and Mr. Pray together. recognized at an early stage of the de.qgn, but the
They both make the point that power-plant assembly defied all efforts to raise the fundamental
engineers, as well as structural anal-vsts, cus- frequency above 2II cps. A damping device was
tomarily give thought to foundations when considered, but was not used because time did not
arranging machinery and piping. I have known allow a developmental program.
both men for more years than they would wish to The criterion of I)./)lt3 in. maximum allowable
have mentioned and am sure that neither of them static deflection for turbine and cortdenser sup-
has ever been personally guilty of ignoring struc- ports seems reasonable in light of the fact that this
tural problems in the plaeew, ent of components. can be translated into a natural frequency of 1S811

Design of Marine Machinery Foundations 747

cpm or about 31.3 cps, which should be proof t h a t the author's c o m p a n y is now embarked upon
against most propeller-excited vibrations. a submarine building job which will require an
The brief review of this discusser's position on extensive learning process.
L P turbine and condenser support is interesting Mr. Powell's comments on any paper are always
and merits consideration. When the paper was illuminating and these were no exception. The
being prepared, the author and others who helped author recognizes and agrees t h a t the separate
him were fully aware t h a t this was a controversial paths being followed by shock analysts lead, or
topic. T h e variety of opinions held on this subject should lead, to similar design concepts. This is
almost indicates t h a t a colloquium, including not to say, however, t h a t the value of any given
machinery and structural representatives from approach should be discounted. I t is quite
various activities, would be a useful means of probable t h a t we shall hear more, rather than
defining objectives and solutions in this area. less, of shock design in future naval applications,
Mr. Wright's reinforcement of Mr. Losee's as evidenced b y the N a v y ' s current policy of
interest, and t h a t of the Bureau of Ships, on the conducting full-scale shock trials on new vessels at
subject of foundation design is encouraging to the considerable expense.
author. Perhaps the discovery of a weight prob- Mr. McCallig points the finger at a situation
lem associated with foundations was in part which is a source of distress to m a n y in the engi-
responsible for the a t t e m p t to refine their design. neering professions. While admitting the need
There is little doubt t h a t closer attention to design for certain security restrictions, one can still see
would produce weight-saving dividends in this m a n y areas where a free exchange of information
area as it has in m a n y others. and ideas would be an advantage far outweighing
Mr. Galle's and Mr. Wood's discussions are the real or fancied risk of disclosure to unau-
valuable additions in t h a t they reveal some of the thorized persons.
specialized problems encountered in submarine As to digital computers, the author's reference
practice. This is an area where the author had to their use in piping design problems presupposed
little but hearsay evidence to work on, and such that they would already be available in a large
contributions are appreciated in view of the fact design activity for other reasons.

748 Design of Marine Machinery Foundations

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