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Case 1:17-cv-01155-EGS Document 10-3 Filed 10/16/17 Page 1 of 5

Richmond VA Medical Center 17-04031-F FOIA#

Index of Withholdings
Document Document Type Request item # Bates Pages # Pages Exemption/Reason for Description of Withheld Information Statement of Harm
# Withholding
USDA record of 1 001 1 B6 personal information of seller or donor inability to adequately
disposition of dogs including name and address, dealer's protect these individuals
and cats license number, name and address of from potential attack,
company or firm, name and address of harassment or
truck driver, ORD number and customer threatening behavior.
PO number Expectation to work in a
safe environment.

USDA record of 1 001 1 B7F address of McGuire Research Facility proactive steps to
disposition of dogs maintain security
and cats
USDA record of 1 002 1 B6 personal information of seller or donor inability to adequately
disposition of dogs including name and address, dealer's protect these individuals
and cats license number, name and address of from potential attack,
company or firm, name and address of harassment or
truck driver, name, ORD number and threatening behavior.
customer PO number Expectation to work in a
safe environment.

USDA record of 1 002 1 B7F address of McGuire Research Facility proactive steps to
disposition of dogs maintain security
and cats
USDA record of 1 003 1 B6 personal information of seller or donor inability to adequately
disposition of dogs including name and address, dealer's protect these individuals
and cats license number, name and address of from potential attack,
company or firm, name and address of harassment or
truck driver, name, signature and title of threatening behavior.
individual who received the shipment, Expectation to work in a
ORD number and customer PO number safe environment.

USDA record of 1 003 1 B7F address of McGuire Research Facility proactive steps to
disposition of dogs maintain security
and cats
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Richmond VA Medical Center 17-04031-F FOIA#
Index of Withholdings
Record of sale of 1 004 1 B6 personal information of seller or donor inability to adequately
dogs including name and address, dealer's protect these individuals
license number, name and address of from potential attack,
company or firm, name and address of harassment or
truck driver, name, ORD number and threatening behavior.
customer Expectation to work in a
safe environment.

Record of sale of 1 004 1 B7F address of McGuire Research Facility proactive steps to
dogs maintain security
Record of sale of 1 005 1 B6 personal information of seller or donor inability to adequately
dogs including name and address, dealer's protect these individuals
license number, ORD #, customer PO # from potential attack,
harassment or
threatening behavior.
Expectation to work in a
safe environment.

Record of sale of 1 005 1 B7F address of McGuire Research Facility proactive steps to
dogs maintain security
ACORP #02002 3 006-080 75 B6 full name of the principal investigator, inability to adequately
protocol title, funding source, the name of protect these individuals
the company providing the device, from potential attack,
publication reference that includes the harassment or
Principal Investigators name, name of the threatening behavior.
company providing a programmer, names Expectation to work in a
of all research personnel involved with safe environment.
the study, details pertaining to the
experience of research personnel, name
of vendor, name of veterinarian, name of
insititutional affiliation of veterinatian,
phone number of the veterinarian, date of
consultation, name of PIs staff and
contact information

ACORP #02002 3 006-080 75 B7F building location, room number and proactive steps to
vendor of materials maintain security
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Richmond VA Medical Center 17-04031-F FOIA#
Index of Withholdings
ACORP #02232 3 081-144 64 B6 inability to adequately
protect these individuals
the full name of the principal investigator, from potential attack,
protocol title, funding source, the name of harassment or
the companies providing the devices, threatening behavior.
names of all research personnel involved Expectation to work in a
with the study, details pertaining to the safe environment.
experience of research personnel and
dates in which they have been involved in
animal research, name of vendor, name of
veterinarian, name of institutional
affiliation of veterinarian, phone number
of the veterinarian, date of consultation,
name of PIs staff and contact information
ACORP #02232 3 081-144 64 B7F building location, room number and proactive steps to
vendor of materials maintain security
ACORP #02243 3 145-202 86 B6 the full name of the principal investigator, inability to adequately
protocol title, the name of the companies protect these individuals
providing the devices, names of all from potential attack,
research personnel involved with the harassment or
study, details pertaining to the experience threatening behavior.
of research personnel and dates in which Expectation to work in a
they have been involved in animal safe environment.
research, name of vendor, name of
veterinarian, name of institutional
affiliation of the veterinarian, phone
number of the veterinarian, date of
consultation, name of PIs staff and
contact information, vendor names

ACORP #02243 3 145-202 86 B7F building location, room number and proactive steps to
vendor of materials maintain security
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Richmond VA Medical Center 17-04031-F FOIA#
Index of Withholdings
ACORP #02235 3 203-288 56 B6 inability to adequately
the full name of the principal investigator, protect these individuals
protocol title, funding source, the name of from potential attack,
the company providing the device, harassment or
publication reference that includes a threatening behavior.
member of the research teams name, Expectation to work in a
names of all research personnel involved safe environment.
with the study, details pertaining to the
experience of research personnel and
dates in which they have been involved in
animal research, name of vendor, name of
veterinarian, name of institutional
affiliation of the veterinarian, phone
number of the veterinarian, date of
consultation, name of PIs staff and phone
and email address, vendor information
related to procurement of drugs
ACORP #02235 3 203-288 56 B7F building location, room number and proactive steps to
vendor of materials maintain security
ACORP #02235 3 203-288 56 B3 patented information and information 35 U.S.C. 205 which
contained in the CRADA protected by 15 protects the
U.S.C. section 3710a Confidentiality of Patents
and 15 U.S.C. 3710a the
Federal Technology
Transfer Act (FTTA).
ACORP # 02235 contains
information that is
confidential and
privledged as well as
information that is
patented. There is a
cooperative research and
development agreement
(CRADA) in place for this
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Richmond VA Medical Center 17-04031-F FOIA#
Index of Withholdings

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