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Ho trovato il gioco dei 68  secondi (17 sec.

per 4 volte consecutive)di

Abraham Hicks..

secondo luiLa durata della visualizzazione, per attivare il meccanismo di

Manifesting, deve essere non inferiore ai 17 secondi.

La qualit della visualizzazione, che deve essere arricchita di particolari:

colori, suoni, etc ossia deve sembrare quasi reale, per poter convincere la vostra
mente subconscia che state "vivendo" quella realt (ricordate che la mente
subconscia non riconosce la differenza tra qualcosa di reale e qualcosa di
immaginato siamo noi, con che aggiungiamo, con la parte cosciente, letichetta
"questo un sogno!")

Il coinvolgimento emotivo; percepire delle forti emozioni, durante la

visualizzazione, fondamentale; emozioni quali: gioia, entusiasmo, apprezzamento,
felicit, pace interiore etc sono in grado di amplificare le vibrazioni
energetiche, necessarie ad allineare il vostro desiderio con lalegge dell

La combinazione di: un pensiero focalizzato, una vibrazione emozionale positiva e

la certezza del risultato sono i mix perfetto che consente lattivazione del
meccanismo universale, che porta, nella vostra realt, ci che desiderate.
Rimanete sintonizzati

ll gioco dei 17 secondi: Un modo per testare la Legge di Attrazione

Ecco come funziona:

1) Prendete 3 oggetti diversi o anche persone che non sono tanto importanti o
indispensabili per voi, cio' serve per eliminare eventuali blocchi inconsci creati
dalla paura o pregiudizi che si provano quando si desidera ardentemente qualcosa.

Per es.:

- una farfalla
- una piuma bianca
- un vecchio professore

2) Ora concentratevi su ognuno di loro, nei minimi dettagli (colore, suono,

aspetto, forma, dimensione, voce etc....). Dedicate 68 secondi ad ogni oggetto
(cio  4 ripetizioni da 17 sec. l'una)

3) Vivete le sensazioni che provereste se toccaste, aveste, vedeste, riceveste ogni

oggetto elencato. Inoltre vivete il piacere, il divertimento e la meraviglia che
sentireste e provereste qualora la cosa visualizzata si dovesse manifestare.

4) Credete che vedrete, troverete, entrerete in contatto con queste cose o persone
in giornata. Prendete consapevolezza che vedrete questi oggetti o persone e
lasciate andare il pensiero.
5) Non ossessionatevi col pensiero di vederle (quindi allontanate dubbi e abbiate
certezza della materializzazione), ma non dimenticate di notarle quando vi
appariranno davanti.

6) Quando appariranno, perch andr cos, vivete la meraviglia e provate

gratitudine in tutta la sua profondit. Questo vi aiuter ad allenare il cervello
affinch possa permettere la manifestazione di tante altre cose.

We encourage you to play with spending 17 seconds on any topic. If you hold any
thought, positive or negative, wanted or not wanted, if you hold a thought purely
for 17 seconds, that at the 17 second point, another thought just like it joins it.
And as these two thoughts coalesce, there is a combustion. And as these two
thoughts combust, they are parlayed into one more evolved, faster vibrating
thought. And when it happens, you feel it. It feels like heightened interest or

If you hold that, now more evolved, thought for another 17 seconds, then when you
cross that 34 second mark, the same thing happens. Another thought like the more
evolved thought now joins it, and theres another combustion point. Only this time,
it moves much further than it did the first time, because the two thoughts that
combined were bigger to begin with. Purely hold a thought for 17 seconds until it
combusts and another thought joins it, and the Energy in that combustion is
equivalent to 2,000 action hours!!! If you work a normal 40 hour a week job, thats
about what you work in a year!

17 seconds of pure thought, allowing the combustion, gives you that much Energy.
Your action is not very important by comparison. Cross the 34 second mark, and you
can multiply your action by ten. Thats 20,000 action hours. Cross the 51 second
mark, and you can multiply by ten again. Thats 200,000 action hours. If you can
hold a thought, purely, without contradicting it, until you cross the 68 second
mark thats just four times 17 you can multiply by ten again. Thats over
2,000,000 action hour equivalent.

Were talking about accessing the Energy that Creates worlds. And the reason that
it is not fathomable to most of you, is that most of you dont make it past the
eight second mark without contradicting your desire.

Excerpted from G-10/17/96 Syracuse, NY

To simplify it:

17 seconds is worth 2,000 manhours (or about 1 year of action)

34 seconds is worth 20,000 manhours (or about 10 years of action)
51 seconds is worth 200,000 manhours (or about 100 years of action)
68 seconds is worth 2,000,000 manhours (or about 1000 years of action)
If you can hold a thought, just a simple thought, for 17 seconds, without
contradicting it, another thought like it same shape, same size, same vibration,
same tone, by law of attraction another thought like it will come to it. And at
precisely the 17 second point, these two thoughts will join one another, they
coalesce and when they do that there is an energy that is expended, it is like a
combustion point. And when these two thoughts join and combust, you can feel a
measure of enthusiasm or interest bubbling within you. And in that moment of 17
seconds, these two thoughts that were same become one bigger,more evolved, faster
vibrating thought.
Now, if you can stay focused on this subject that you have chosen for another 17
seconds, at the moment that you cross the 34 second mark that is just two times 17
this now more evolved thought will attract unto it and - in other words, the
thoughts attract each other. Your thought draws another and the other thought draws
it, thoughts that are same in nature come together. And at the 34 second mark these
two more evolved thoughts do the same thing, they coalesce and there is another
combustion point. At that point, these two thoughts become one, higher and faster
in vibration. If you can maintain you attention to that now more evolved thought,
at the 51 second mark which is just 3 times 17 there is another coaleascing,
another joining of thought and another combustion point. If you can hold that more
evolved thought for another 17 seconds, the same thing happens and when you cross
the 68 second mark, you have a combustion big enough to affect physical
Just to get your attention we want to give you some physical comparison;17 seconds
of pure thought is equivalent to 2000 hours of action. If you are working a regular
40 hour a week job, that is about what you work in a year. 17 seconds equals 2000
action hours. If you can cross the 34 second mark, you can multiply your action by
ten, 20.000 action hours. If you can cross the 51 second mark 3 times 17 you can
multiply by ten again, a 200.000 action hour equivalent. If you can cross the 68
second mark - now that is just over a minute of pure con-contradicted, non-diluted
thought it is equivalent to over 2 million action hours.

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