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Curs 4.

Inegalitate i colarizare
Lect. dr. Cristina Ra
coal, reproducere social i
reproducere cultural

n ce msur coal (instituiile formale

de educaie) constituie prghii de
atingere a unui status social dezirabil
pentru individ?
Prin procesul de educaie formal,
diferenele sociale dintre indivizi se
reduc, se menin sau se accentueaz?
Educaie formal i
procese de mobilitate social:

Schimbri sociale care influeneaz fiecare variabil n parte,
ct i relaiile dintre variabile
Traian Rotariu. 2004. Cteva consideraii asupra rolului colii n mobilitatea social n
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Sociologica, Nr. 2/2004.
Studiul PISA:
Program for International Student Assessment

Datele cele mai recente sunt bazate pe studiul din 2012 i pot
fi consultate on-line:
Studiul PISA
Who takes the PISA tests?
Schools in each country are randomly selected by the international contractor for
participation in PISA. At these schools, the test is given to students who are between age
15 years 3 months and age 16 years 2 months at the time of the test, rather than to
students in a specific year of school. This average age of 15 was chosen because at this
age young people in most OECD countries are nearing the end of compulsory education.
The selection of schools and students is kept as inclusive as possible, so that the sample
of students comes from a broad range of backgrounds and abilities.
What does PISA test?
Every PISA survey tests reading, mathematical and scientific literacy in terms of general
competencies, that is, how well students can apply the knowledge and skills they have
learned at school to real-life challenges. PISA does not test how well a student has
mastered a schools specific curriculum.
How does PISA test this?
To date, PISA has used pencil-and-paper tests. The tests are made up of both multiple-
choice questions and questions requiring students to construct their own responses. The
material is organised around texts and sometimes includes pictures, graphs or tables
setting out real-life situations. Each PISA survey includes about seven hours of test
material. From this, each student takes a two-hour test, with the actual combination of
test materials different for every student. In 2009 and 2012, some countries chose to
devote additional testing time to a computer-based assessment. In 2015 the default
mode of testing will be computer.
Studiul PISA, 2010. Datele se refer la anul 2009.
Studiul PISA, 2010. Datele se refer la anul 2009.
Studiul PISA, 2010, pag. 41.
Datele se refer la anul 2009.
Indicatori de inegalitate a anselor

ATENIE! n studiile de mobilitate social ansele se refer la

probabiliti statistice. Nu putem face inferene de la configurarea
general a probabilitilor (anselor) statistice la ansele individuale
ale persoanelor din societatea respectiv.

Aceti indicatori se refer la gradul de inegalitate existent n societate

n ansamblul su, nu la situaiile particulare experimentate de
persoane diferite din societatea respectiv.
Scolarizarea respondentului
Generatia istorica = ucenici Tot
1955-1966 Fara Prima Gimn Postlic Univer al
sau Liceu
scoala ra aziu eala sitate
Fara scoala 7 4 4 11 2 2 0 30
Primara 0 7 55 122 75 18 15 292
Gimnaziu 0 0 31 134 119 36 43 363
Scolarizarea Scoala ucenici
tatalui 0 1 7 22 39 18 23 110
sau treapta I
Liceu 0 0 0 4 18 6 27 55
Postliceala 0 0 0 0 11 3 10 24
Universitate 0 0 3 4 1 3 22 33
Total 7 12 100 297 265 86 140 907

Dintre respondenii acestei generaii ai cror tat a finalizat studii liceale, 49% (29/55)
ajung s dein studii universitare, iar 32.7% se opresc la nivelul studiilor liceale.

Spre comparaie, dintre ce ai cror tai au finalizat studii universitare, 66% (22/33) ajung s
dein studii universitare, iar doar 3% (1/33) se opresc la studii liceale.

Prin urmare, n cazul acestei generaii, probabilitatea relativ de a deine studii

universitare este de 1.34 ori mai mare (66%/49%) n cazul celor ai cror tai au
avut studii universitare, comparativ cu cei ai cror tai au avut studii liceale.
Scolarizarea respondentului
Generatia istorica = ucenici Tot
1967-1976 Fara Prima Gimn Postlic Univer al
sau Liceu
scoala ra aziu eala sitate
Fara scoala 3 1 3 4 3 0 0 14
Primara 1 2 20 81 49 8 7 168
Gimnaziu 0 0 20 109 105 15 30 279
Scolarizarea Scoala ucenici
tatalui 0 0 6 54 76 18 48 202
sau treapta I
Liceu 0 0 2 10 28 10 56 106
Postliceala 0 0 0 1 8 6 22 37
Universitate 0 0 1 2 6 6 44 59
Total 4 3 52 261 275 63 52 865
Scolarizarea respondentului
Generatia istorica = ucenici Tot
1977-1985 Fara Prima Gimn Postlic Univer al
sau Liceu
scoala ra aziu eala sitate
Fara scoala 7 2 2 0 1 0 0 12
Primara 0 6 25 12 7 2 1 53
Gimnaziu 0 3 40 34 36 1 22 136
Scolarizarea Scoala ucenici
tatalui 1 0 12 50 95 12 74 244
sau treapta I
Liceu 0 1 6 7 33 14 121 182
Postliceala 0 0 1 3 14 2 48 68
Universitate 0 0 1 3 9 3 75 91
Total 8 12 87 109 195 34 341 786
Lectur obligatorie:
* Rotariu, T. (2004): Cteva consideraii asupra rolului colii n
mobilitatea social n Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria
Sociologica, Nr. 2/2004.

Lecturi recomandate:
Goldthorpe, J. H.: Outline of a Theory of Social Mobility in On Sociology.
2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Savage, Mike (2000): Mobilitate Social i Paradigma Nuffield in Class
Analysis and Social Transformation, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Nunn, Alex (2011): Draft report on social mobility and social cohesion., pp.
5-49 (Published in 2012 as Fostering social mobility as a contribution to
social cohesion, Brussels: Council of Europe Publishing).
Hatos, Adrian (2011): "Educaie" n L. Vlsceanu (ed.) Sociologie. Iai:
Polirom, pp. 596-644. (la bibliotec)
Val Gillies (2005).Raising the 'Meritocracy': Parenting and the
individualization of social class. Sociology, Volume 39(5): 835853.
Jessica McCrory Calarco (2014). Coached for the Classroom: Parents'
Cultural Transmission and Children's Reproduction of Educational
Inequalities. American Sociological Review, Vol.79(5): 10151037.

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