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[Numerieat Heat Transfer, vl. 6, pp. 245-261, 1983 A CONTROL VOLUME FINITE-ELEMENT METHOD FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER B.R. Baliga Department of Mechanica! Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2K6, Canada S. V. Patankar Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, ‘Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 ‘The formiletion of a general numeral method for two-dimensional incompressible {flow and heat transfer im iregulershaped domain is presented. The calculation do- ‘main fs fizt divided into sixnode macroclemenis. Then eoch macroelement is divided Into four three:node angular subelements. Pelygonal control volumes are ossocioted Wh the modes of these elements. AU dependent veriebles other than pressure are FHored at the nodes of the subelements, end they ere interpolated by functions Phat ‘respond appropriately element Peclet rumber andthe direction ofan element. averaged velocity vector. The pressure is stored only at the vertices of the mgero- ‘elements and ts interpolated linearly in these elements. The diseretization equations are obwained by deriving clgebrec approximations 10 integral consenstion equations ‘applied 10 the polygonal control volumes. Am iterative procedure okin fo SIMPLER ltd 10 solve the disereization equations INTRODUCTION ‘The formulation of a general numerical method for two-dimensional incompressible uid How and heat transfer problems involving itregularshaped domains is presented. ‘The method is of the finite-element variety and enhances the available repertoire of such methods for Muid flow [1-8 In fluid flow and heat transfer problems, scalar quantities such asthe enthalpy are convected with the flow while their gradients cause diffusional transport. The com: ponents of the velocity vector are also strongly influenced by convection and diffusion A capability to solve convection-diffusion problems is therefore prerequisite for the formulation of a general numerical method for fluid flow and heat transfer, Standard Galerkin finite-element methods for convection-diffusion problems arc limited to low Peeclet numbers; at higher Peclet numbers their results are prone to Spurious, physically “unrealistic, oscillations. To overcome these problems, several upwind.type finite-element ‘methods have been formulated [9-14]. In the method presented here, the convection- McGill graduate students Ms, Barbara LeDain and Mr, TicTeang Pham assisted in the conclud- ing phase ofthis work Financial support from the Natural Sdences and Engineering Revearch Covneil of Cansda, in ‘the form of an operating grant to B. R. Baliga, i gratefully acknowiedgea, Copyright © 1983 by Hemisphere Publishing Corporation ms (0149-$720/83/030245-1752.75 26 BR. BALIGA ANDS. V. PATANKAR NOMENCLATURE tutndy ——coeficiensin diserezation x,y soba Cartesian coordinatee equation fore (Ea. 9] XY floworiented Cartesian co- fof, coefficients in diseretiation ‘ondintesfor a subslement ‘equation fore (Eq. 28) a3) al.e8, bY coefficients in disretaation ‘underselaxaton parameter equation fore (£0.29) ‘fusion coeficient abe covificientsin interpolation ff coefficients of pressure in function for resure [Ea Aliseretized momentum equa- an) sions (Eqs (24) and (25)) ABC coviticiensin interpolation dynamic viscosity of uid foneton for [E9.(11)]—* @ mas density of Maid de macroslement area é senera calar dependent Gitemd; ——_ coelicients in discretization vanable Scuanfep an 3) and ¢ a disferenti element of control Suberete volume surface 90 a,b,c,0,7.8,4 ales at patios feations ii Unit vetors in X and ¥ dizee- pica subelement tions respectively in.3) : combined convecson-ifusion ay clementaveraged value fux vector (4. (6)] e pertaining 19 a macrosiement Jay componentsof Jin XandY —f falue at node ‘icections, respectively . neighbor node values a Dnitoutwird normal todo value at macroslement cen ’ pressure troids ° Pressure correction “we pertaining to velocity co S,SySy source terms for @, and oy Tonentsu and v respectively respectively 1,2,3,4,5,6 values at nodes ofa typical SoSp ‘coefficients in tncarized mmacrodlement and its ub source term (Ea. (10)), cements (Fis. 22) we velocity components in xand 01,02,03 valves at outer veties of 1 directions, respectively shociated macroelements wy ‘elocity eomponents in X and ind) ¥ diceedons, respectively ny velocity vector ao pseudovelocities (Eqs. (26) SuPererinne and 2)] ‘ suessed value of value from wv velocity corrections previous iteration v.30 Control volume and contol ‘aleulted vals volume surface diffusion formulation is based on the control volume finite-element procedure recently proposed by Baliga and Patankar [14] In incompressible flow problems, there is no explicit equation that governs the pressure distribution. It is indirectly specified via the continuity equation; when the correct pressure field is substituted into the momentum equations, the resulting velocity field also satisfies the continuity equation (15). One way to handle this indirect specifi cation of pressure is to attempt a direct simultaneous solution of the whole set of dis- cretized momentum and continuity equations, as is done in most current finite-element methods for fluid flow [6-8]. In practical problems, however, this technique would re quire 2 very large amount of computer storage and time, even when specialized sparse ‘CONTROL VOLUME FINITE-ELEMENT METHOD a7 matrix solvers [16,17] are employed. Another possibility is elimination of the pressure via the penalty-function formulation [18-20]; however, this approach also has some disadvantages and limitations [19]. Furthermore, methods that eliminate pressure from the overall formulation cannot be easly extended to compressible flow situations, end they are not well suited for problems in which boundary conditions ae prescribed on the pressure, It is therefore desirable to use iterative solution techniques in which the velocity components and pressure are calculated in a sequential manner. Several such procedures have been critically examined by Raithby and Schneider [21]. These procedures are ‘widely used in finite-difference methods for fuid flow, but they have remained relatively ‘unused in finite-element methods. In this paper, a sequential solution technique akin to the SIMPLER procedure of Patankar [15] is used. In numerical methods based on the velocity-pressure formulation, if the velocity components and pressure are stored at the same grid points and interpolated by similar Funetions, the resulting discretization equations could admit physically unrealistic checkerboard-type pressure fields as solutions [15, 22-24]. In finite-difference methods, this dificuty is overcome by using different grid for the velocity components and pres sure and suitably displacing or staggering them relative to each other [15]. Equivalent ‘grid-staggering schemes cannot be devised in finite-element methods because the lines joining the grid points do not necessarily lie along coordinate directions. The standard procedure for avoiding checkerboard-'ype pressure fields in finite-element methods is to use mixed interpolation; the pressure is interpolated by a lower-order function than that used to interpolate the velocity components (22, 23]. In this paper the velocity components and pressure are interpolated by a scheme akin to the mixed interpolation procedure [At this stage, a clarification of the use of the label “finite-element method” for the proposed procedure is in order. In common usage, this label can be considered to imply (1) discretization of the calculation domain into elements of certain geometric shape; 2) use of element-based interpolation functions; (3) derivation of the discretization equations by using a variational principle or the Galerkin technique; and (4) an element- by-lement compilation of the coefficients in the discretization equations, The method proposed in this paper has characteristics (1), (2), and (4), but employs a control volume procedure {15] to derive the discretization equations. It therefore seems appropriate to tefer to the proposed method asa finite-element method with the term “control volume” included as a qualifier. ‘The proposed method is described here in the context of steady two-dimensional problems, but it has no intrinsic limitations that would prevent its extension to steady or unsteady three-dimensional problems. Many test problems have been successfully solved by the proposed method [25]. The results of several such problems are presented ina companion paper [26] GOVERNING EQUATIONS With reference to the Cartesian coordinate system (x. y), steady, two-dimensional, liptic uid flow and heat transfer problems are governed by the following differential ‘equations [15] 8 1B, R.BALIGA ANDS. V. PATANKAR xe-momentum equation: a a Romy + 2 ow) = a) _yenomentim equsiion: a a Xm) 3 m= @ Continuity equation: a a Zon+Z wn-0 ) Other conservation equations (general form): a a a ag" a a Zow+ 2 o= 2 (r 3) +2 (r x) a5, ® In Eqs. (1)-(4), p is the mass density of the fluid, p is the pressure, u is the dynamic viscosity, w and v are the velocity components in the x and y directions, respectively, and S,, and Sy are the corresponding volumetric generation rates or source terms. The symbol @ in Eq, (4) can be used to represent any scalar dependent variable; Pg is then the corre- sponding diffusion coefficient and Sg is the appropriate volumetric generation rate or source term. PROPOSED METHOD. ‘The building blocks of the proposed control volume finite-element method are described in this section Dom Diseretization ‘The discretization of the calculation domain involves the four stages illustrated in Fig. 1. First, the domain is divided into six-node triangular clements; then each six-node element is divided into four three-node triangular elements by joining the midpoints of its sides; after that all nodes of the threenode triangular elements are associated with polygonal control volumes: finally, the vertices of the six-node triangular elements are associated with a separate set of polygonal control yolumes. In the remainder of this paper, the six-node triangular elements will be referted to as mactoclements and the three-node triangular elements as subelements. If the domain boundary involves curved lines, it is approximated by piecewisestraight lines, and the resulting polygonal region Js assumed to be the calculation domain. A triangulation using macroelements and sub- clements is then possible A typical six-node macroclement and its four subelements are shown in Fig. 22 ‘All dependent variables other than the pressure are stored at al six nodes of each macro element; the pressure is stored only at the vertices of the macroclements. Thus the pressure field is discretized by a coarser grid than the other dependent variables. This ‘CONTROL VOLUME FINITE-FLEMENT METHOD 249 we te Fig. 1 An istegularshaped caleulation domain and its discre- tization into (e) sixnode triangular macroelements, (b) three- rode triangular subelements, (2) subelement control volumes, and (d) macroelement contol volumes unequal-order pressure-velocity discretization scheme is one way of avoiding checker- board-type pressure fields in finite-element methods for fluid flow [22-24] ‘The polygonal control volumes illustrated in Fig. le are generated by joining the centroids of the subelements to the midpoints of the corresponding sides. A similar procedure is applied to the macroelements to generate the larger control volumes shown in Fig. 1d. This method of generating control volumes can be used with any triangulation, including those involving obtuse triangles. Note that the subelement control volumes in Fig. le do not overlap, their boundaries do not involve interelement edges, and collec- tively they fill the calculation domain completely, These features provide considerable convenience in ensuring that the proposed method satisfies overall conservation. The ‘macroclement contiol volumes in Fig. 1d also have these desirable features. {In computer implementation of general finite-lement methods, automatic or semiautomatic schemes are required to discretize the ealculation domain [27-29]. The description of such schemes is not within the scope of this paper. A semiautomatic scheme incorporating the domain discretization procedure mentioned above is described in [25] for singly connected irregular shaped domains. Control Volume Conservation Equations Integral equations corresponding to Eqs. (1)-(4) can be obtained by applying the appropriate conservation principles to suitably chosen control volumes. In the proposed 250 B. R. BALIGA ANDS. V.PATANKAR sane (0) (b) Fig. 2 Douils of the discretization and related nomenclature: (2) 4 typical macroelerent and its four subelement, (b) an interns! rode and its subelement control volume, and (c) an intemal node and its macroelement contol volume, method, integral conservation equations for the general scalar dependent variable ¢ are applied to subelement control volumes such as those shown in Fig. le, Consider the typical subelement 165 shown in Fig. 2b. When applied to the subelement contsol volume associated with node 1, the integral conservation equation for g can be written as follows (fre me [2 + (similar contributions from other subelements associated with node 1) + (boundary conteibutions, if applicable) = 0 o where J is the combined convection and diffusion flux of ¢ I= pve—Pg V0 © Momentum conservation equations are also iinposed on the subelement control volumes. Thus the integral equation that expresses the conservation of xdirection mo: CONTROL VOLUME FINITE-ELEMENT METHOD 251 ‘mentum can be obtained from Eqs. (5) and (6) with the following interpretation of ¢, Po,and S: ou Tyan of rmf game f Similarly, the y-direction momentum conservation equation can be obtained from Eqs. (5) and (6) by setting: au m and -= w @) ‘The integral mass conservation equation is imposed on the macroelement control volumes shown in Fig. Id. With reference to node 1 of the typical macroelement dis- cretization shown in Fig. 2c, this equation can be written as follows ( [ * praaet [ * wna) + (Gimiar contributions from other macroelements sociated with node 1) + (boundary contributions, i applicable) = 0 0°) ‘The forms of Eqs. (5) and (9) emphasize that they can be assembled by an element: by-element procedure Interpolation Functions Derivation of algebraic approximations 10 the control volume conservation equa- tions discussed in the last section requires the specification of element interpolation functions for all dependent variables, the corresponding diffusion coefficients and source terms, and the mass density, Interpolation functions for diffusion coefficients, sources, and density. The values of mass density p and the diffusion coefficients Py and w are stored at the centroids of the three-node triangular subelements, and these centroidal values are assumed to prevail over the corresponding subelements ‘The source term S can be expressed in the general form [15] S=Sct Spo a0) Similar general expressions can also be written for the momentum source terms S,, and Sy. If a source term of interest varies nonlinearly with the corresponding dependent 282 R.BALIGA ANDS. V. PATANKAR variable, it can be linearized and cast into the form of Eq. (10). Subelement centroidal values of Se and Sp are stored, and they, too, are assumed to prevail over the corre- sponding subelements Interpolation function for ¢. In conductiontype problems, ¢ is interpolated linearly in each subelement. In the presence of fluid ow, however, the use of linear Interpolation functions could lead to physically unrealistic oscillatory solutions and cause interative solution methods to diverge [9-14]. To overcome this difficulty, an inter- polation function that responds to the relative strengths of convection and diffusion and, also takes into account the direction of the element-average velocity vector is employed. Consider subelement 165 shown in Fig. 3. A new coordinate system (X, ¥) par- ticular to this clement is also shown. The origin of this coordinate system is located at the centroid 0, and the X axis is aligned with the clement-average velocity vector Vuy Let i and j denote unit vectors in the X and ¥ directions, respectively. Then the velocity in subelement 165 can be written as V= Ui + Vj, and the element-average velocity is Vay = Uy. The variable ¢ is interpolated in this subelement by a function that is expo- nential in the X direction and linear in the ¥ direction. vw (He2) earec on i ‘The interpolation function in Eq, (11) allows the formulation of an upwind-type method without incorporating the false diffusion that commonly afflicts such methods (13, 14}. Further information about the desirable features of this interpolation function, its exact mathernatical form, and its implications is given in [14] ‘The subelement interpolation function given in Eq. (11) is used only in the integral yi} ig. 3A typical subelement, the global (x,y) and flow. oriented local (X,Y) coordinate systems, and related nomenclature. CONTROL VOLUME FINITE-ELEMENT METHOD. 253 terms that involve the convection-diffusion flux J. In the integral involving the source term 5, the nodal values of @ ate assumed to prevail over their associated subelement control volumes. Interpolation functions for u and v. Velocity components u and v ae stored at all nodes, and interpolation functions for these variables are prescribed for each sub: element in the calculation domain. In the derivation of algebraic approximations to the convection-diffusion transport terms in the integral momentum conservation equa: tions, w and v are interpolated by functions similar to the interpolation function given in Eq, (11). In the calculation of mass flow rates, however, the velocity components ae assumed to vary linealy inthe subelements Pressure interpolation. Pressure is stored orly at the vertices of the sixnode rmacroelements, and itis interpolated linearly paaxtbyte a2 Im each macroelement, the constants a, b, and ¢ in Eq. (12) can be uniquely determined in terms of the coordinates of the three vertices and the corresponding values of the pressure Diseretization Equations Discretization equations are algebraic approximations to the control volume conse vation equations. They are obtained by first deriving such approximations to the corte sponding element contributions and the boundary contributions, if applicable, and then assembling these contributions appropriately Diseretization equations for ¢. The following discussion pertains to node } of subelement 165 shown in Figs. 2 and 3; diseretization equations associated with other subelement nodes ae obtained analogously ‘Simpson's rule [29] is sed to approximate the integrals in Eq (S) that represent convection and diffusion transport of @. Thus, in terms of the notation in Fig. 3, the following equations are obtained: [oe and fo Im these equations, Jy and Jy are the components of the convection diffusion lux 3 22 (dye y+ Oxdel #22 vo +40), Oval (03) Ele +4s)e + Unde] -¥E [Ore HOY AU Ve — 08) : a a sndeivnrin (suo-38)i+ (oven 38) a5 258 BR BALIGA ANDS. V. PATANKAR The interpolation function given in Eq. (11) is used to approximate the flux components ye and Jy in Eqs. (13) and (14), ‘The source term integral in Eq. (5) is approximated as Ace Ae f save At 50+ 4 sep, 08) ‘Adding up Eqs. (13), (14), and (16), the total contribution of subelement 165 to the integral conservation equation for the control volume surrounding node I is obtained ‘This may be expressed concisely as follows [25] (f raat f rear [ sin) =co. tee tae ta, an ‘The control volumes associated with boundary nodes have portions of their bound: coinciding with the domain boundary (14, 25]. To complete the conservation ‘equations for such control volumes, information about the flux of ¢ crossing the domain boundaries is required, Such information is usually available from the boundary condi tions of the problem of interest. Thus, at an impermeable boundary, the heat flux or a heat transfer coefficient and the ambient Muid temperature may be specified. At portions where the fluid flow leaves the calculation domain, however, usually no boundary flux information is available. This difficulty can be resolved by assuming that the diffusion flux at outflow boundaries is negligible compared to the corresponding convection flux (15). Thus ttow = PVE (as) The derivation of algebraic approximations to the integrals that give the transport of ¢ across segments of the domain boundary is similar to that used to obtain Eqs. (13) and (14); the detail are available in [25] In the above manner, algebraic approximations can be obtained for all internal subelement contributions and boundary contributions associated with a node i. Such expressions, when substituted into the corsesponding integral conservation equation, ve the complete discretization equation for ¢ This equation ean be cast in the general form inn +B as) where the summation is taken over all nodes belonging to subelements associated with node i. If the value of @ is specified at node i, the corresponding discretization equation takes the trivial form 91> Oepecties (20) ‘CONTROL VOLUME FINITE-ELEMENT METHOD ass Diseretization equations for u and v. The x- and y-direction momentum conserva- tion equations can be obtained from Eq. (5) by using the specializations given in Eqs. (7) and (8), respectively. Thus the integrals representing convection-diffusion transport and volumetric generation of u and v are very similar to those in the conservation equa tion for ¢; the derivation of algebraic approximations to such integrals was presented in the last section. The only difference between momentum and ¢ conservation equations fs the presence of pressure-gradient integrals in the momentum equations. The pressure is stored at the vertices of the macroelements and assumed to vary linearly in these elements. Thus in each macroelement, the partial derivatives 8p/3x and apfay are constant. Using Eq, (12), itis easily established that e, ® ee o Qi) Thus, with reference to Fig. 2, the contributions of macroelement 123 to the pressure sradient integrals for the subelement control volume surrounding node 1 can be expressed as follows [25] f 2) av= 48 «= Dip, + Dips + Dips @ and f. (22) a0= Similar contributions from other macroelements associated with node 1 ean be approxi- ‘mated analogously. Discretization analogs of the portions of the integral momentum equations that do not involve the pressure gradients are assembled by using the procedure described in the last section, The pressure gradient integrals are assembled on a macroelement-by- ‘macroelement basis, using Eqs. (22) and (23). The resulting w and v discretization equa- tions for a node can be cast in the following general forms [25] = Dip, + Dips + Dips 3) tay Sooty +08 + ity o and aty= Jchon +65 + Mb; es) The summations involving the velocity neighbors are done over all nodes belonging to the subelements associated with node i. The summations involving the pressures, how- ever, pertain to the vertices of the macroelements associated with node i Representation in Terns of Pseudovelocities. Equations (24) and (25) can be expressed compactly in terms of pscudovelocities fi and i defined as follows: Dahuy oe = 26) a 256 B.R.BALIGA ANDS. V. PATANKAR and Qn It is to be noted that these pseudovelocities are defined in terms of neighboring velocities, but they do not depend directly on the pressure. Thus, given a velocity field, these peudovelacities can be calculated without explicit knowledge of the pressure distribu- tion, Using the pseudovelocities defined in Eqs. (26) and (27), Eqs. (24) and (25) can be rewritten as follows: +t it ~~ (28) Mey oo and 29) ‘These compact representations of the discretized momentum equations are used in the derivation of a discretization equation for pressure. If the velocity is specified at 2 node i, the momentum discretization equations associated with that node reduce to uj = y= Uypecited U6 = B= Vepeities G0) Diseretization equation for pressure. A discretization equation for pressure can be derived by substituting Eqs. (28) and (29) into a discretized mass conservation equation. The key ideas of this derivation are presented concisely in this section; the details are available in [25]. Consider the macroelements and control volume surrounding node 1 in Fig. 2c. In the calculation of mass flow rates, the velocity is assumed to vary linearly in each macro- element. Thus the contribution of macroelement 123 to the integral mass conservation ‘equation associated with node 1 can be approximated as follows: (f pvends + { ovat) = [Ge x00 +s + 404) — We — vous + us + dug) + Ws —Yo Xs + dus + ug) = tes ~ aon #444 +001 (2) en Its to be noted that only the velocities at the midside nodes 4, 5, and 6 of macro- element 123 appear in Eq, (31). The momentum control volumes associated with these midside nodes lie totally within the area enclosed by macroelement 123 and a maximum of three associated macroetements; this is illustrated in Fig. 4. Furthermore, the dis- cretized momentum equations associated with the midside nodes involved a maximum CONTROL VOLUME FINITE-ELEMENT METHOD 27 01 x (b) Fig. 4 Disereunaton details: (a) an internal acro- and its asociated macroelements, and (b) ‘momentum control volumes associated with the Imidside nodes ofan internal macroclement of only four nodal pressure values. For example, only pressures py, Pa, Pa, and Pos appear in the discretized momentum equations associated with node 4. Collectively, therefore, the velocity components at midside nodes 4, S, and 6 have a maximum of six nodal pressures, Py ,P2,P3 ,Po1»Po2,and Po3, associated with them. At this stage, the w and v discretization equations, in the compact forms given by Eqs. (28) and (29), are substituted into Eq. 31). The result isan algebraic expression that involves pseudovelocities i and 9 at midside nodes 4, 5, and 6 and the six nodal pressures associated with them [25] (foosrs fee) ho ste te fon + EoaPor + FoPos + Fi G2) where Fy is a linear function of pseudovelocities @ and 6. Algebraic approximations 10 other macroclement contributions to the mass conservation equation for node I can be obtained analogously. These algebraic approximations, when substituted into Eq. (9), yield the complete diseretization equation for pressure. A compact representation of this equation for pressure node iis 258 BR. BALIGA ANDS. V. PATANKAR eari= YeaPa +4 (3) ‘The summation in this equation is over the vertices of all macroelements and associated macroelements connected with pressure node i. Collectively, these neighbor pressure nodes form the starlike cluster shown in Fig. 5. Solution of the Discretization Equati ‘An iterative method is used to solve the nonlinear and coupled sets of discretization equations encountered in problems of interest. Starting with a guessed velocity field u* and v*, the coefficients in the discretized momentum equations are calculated, Then Eqs. (26) and (27) are used to calculate the pseudovelocities @ and 3. Following that, Eq. (33) is constructed and solved to obtain the pressure fle; this calculated pressure field is denoted by p™. Using p®, Eqs. (24) and (25) are solved to obtain the corresponding velocities u® and v". At’this stage, the discretization equations for other dependent variables @ are solved sequentially, and the entire procedure is repeated until convergence is achieved. To ensure the convergence of this iterative solution procedure, however, it is desirable, and often essential, to (1) start each iteration with an estimated velocity field u* and v* that satisfies continuity, and (2) slow down the changes in the coefficients VAY —* Fig. 5 An intemal pressure node 4 and its cluster of neighbor pressure nodes, CONTROL VOLUME FINITE-ELEMENT METHOD 289 of the discretization equations ftom iteration to iteration by use of under-elaxation ‘These matters will now be discussed very briefly; details are available in [25] One way to ensure that the calculated velocities u* and v® satisfy mass conserva- tionis to correct them by a suitable pressure correction p', Thus pape tp! G4) This corrected pressure field can be substituted into Eqs. (24) and (25) to obiain equa tions for the corresponding velocity corrections u' and v'. These equations can be simpli fied if the contributions of the neighbor-point velocity corrections Eau, and Eau, are considered negligible (15, 25]. The resulting velocity comeetion equations are upnup + ye 6s) wnat DE and wets Sa 6) 7 Equations (35) and (36) can be substituted into Eq. (9) to obtain a pressure correc tion equation, The derivation of this equation is identical to that of the discretization ‘equation for pressure presented in the last section. The result can be expressed as Piz Dear tay en ‘The coefficients in this equation ate the same as those in Fa, (33). However, the term dy in Eq. (33)is a function of the pseudovelocities @ and 0, but in Eq. (37) tis a function of the caleulated velocities u® and u". When the calculated velocity field satisfies mass conservation, a5 is the case when the overal solution procedure converges, the pressure correction p’ reduces to 210. Inthe proposed method, the discretization equations for u, vp, and 9 are under- relaxed by using the implicit underselaxation technique proposed in [15]. The pressure correction p' should not be underrelaxed; otherwise, the resulting corrected velocity field wil not satisfy mass conservation [15] ‘Summary ‘The overall solution strategy described in the last section is borrowed from the SIMPLER procedure of Patankar [15]. A summary of the various steps of this procedure is given below. 1. Guess a velocity field w* and v* 2. Calculate the coefficients in the discretized momentum equations, nd caleulate the pseudovelocities @ and 3, using Eqs. (26) and (27). 3. Calculate the coefficients in Eq. (33), and solve it to obtain p* 4. Substitute the calculated pressure p* in Eqs. (24) and (25), and solve them to obtain u® and uf, 260 BR. BALIGA ANDS. V, PATANKAR 5S. Use the calculated velocities ué and v® to obtain d; in Eq. (37), and calculate the pressure correction p’ 66. Using the p' field, correct the calculated velocities with Eqs. (35) and (36) 7. Solve the discretization equation for other g's, if necessary, 8. Retum to step 2 with the corrected velocity field, and repeat the procedure ‘until convergence {In each iteration of this overall solution procedure, the discretization equations for P, u,v, and 6 have to be solved sequentially. Any suitable method for simultaneous linear algebraic equations may be employed to solve these discretization equations. A line-by-line iterative method for the solution of such equations in singly connected, irregular-shaped, two-dimensional calculation domains is described in [25] CONCLUDING REMARKS ‘The formulation of a control volume based finite-element method for steady, two-dimensional, incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems has been pre sented. Extensions of this method to three-dimensional parabolic and elliptic situations are being undertaken. 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