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Git City known a the Town of GREENFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS eames” OFFICE OF THE MAYOR WILLIAM F. MARTIN Mayer TownFll © 14 Coun oune © Gres, MA 01301 Phoceslirntsed s Faxaiicn2319 Mayorarectldemgoy © woe pentaonagoy November 3, 2017 Mr. Brickett Allis President Greenfield City Council Mr. President, 1am deeply disappointed to author this letter of concern, Your unprofessional, unsolicited verbal attack on a municipal department leader and degrading, hateful ‘comments forthe employees in that department by you, an elected official and President of the City ‘Council s demeaning not only to your offce and positon but to all Councilors and to our community image as well. The deplorable language you used in your attack, laced with expletives and an ‘uncontrollable display of anger is troublesome in several aspects, From the report that I received from Police Chief Haigh, the catalyst for your reaction was that you received a ticket fora vehicle parking violation. You called him directly, complained in loud voice ‘with bullying and intimidating comments and threats of retribution, ‘You are well aware that I, as Mayor, have issued an Executive Order eatlier this year related to expected departmental communication with City Councilors whereby Couneil request are to be delivered via the Council Presidents office to the Mayor's Office. We have all agreed in the past that multiple requests and demands from multiple Councilors places an undue hardship on departmens and their leaders. It also creates disorder with the broken chain of communication that omits the chief executive officer. Even though Council leadership has requested that I withdraw the Executive Onde, intend to maintain ‘his emphasis of formal lines of communication to protect the accuracy of repoating and departmental protocol (most recently the Assessor provided information requested by Councilor Mass prematurely Without review ofthe Finance department and the Mayor) ‘This direct verbal assault, by you, on the Chief of Police and supervised municipal employees violates the intent of the Executive Order. —=—=S=™ cm fn on mn ten a Orin ie But there are more serious offenses. That is, to abuse the position of City Couneilor, and that of President, by expecting special treatment or privilege due tothe elected position, The bullying behavior by way of cursing with loud speech and delivering denigrating insults sets a poor example forall and

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