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variante cervecera
Traduccin: Ana Leal y Alejandro Gonzlez
Febrero de 1999

Esta segunda versin fue denominada "un clsico cum mica salis" por sus traductores.
Se efectu en eneaslabos y heptaslabos (mtrica del original, tetrmetros y trmetros
ymbicos), y no respet el esquema de rimas original, pero s mantuvo una caracterstica
sorprendente: los versos son en su mayora agudos.

Al Hombre de la Luna
se le hizo un rato tarde
(The Man in the Moon
Stayed Up Too Late)
There is an inn, a merry old inn Hay un viejo, alegre mesn
beneath an old grey hill, al pie de un monte gris;
And there they brew a beer so brown cerveza all tan negra dan
That the Man in the Moon himself came down que el mismo Hombre Lunar baj
one night to drink his fill. para un traguillo echar.

The ostler has a tipsy cat Tienen un gato borrachn

that plays a five-stringed fiddle; que le daba al violn
And up and down he runs his bow, y mueve el arco aqu y all
Now squeaking high, now purring low, agudo miau, grave runrn
now sawing in the middle. y al medio un aserrn.

The landlord keeps a little dog Al perro chico del patrn

that is mighty fond of jokes; las bromas le fascinan;
When there's good cheer among the guests, cuando el ambiente est fetn,
He cocks an ear at all the jests la oreja arrima sin pudor
and laughs until he chokes. y re que se mea.

They also keep a hornd cow Hay una vaca all tambin
as proud as any queen; fina como una reina;
But music turns her head like ale, mas cuando le da el subidn
And makes her wave her tufted tail menea el rabo con pasin
and dance upon the green. y danza por la yerba.

And O! the rows of silver dishes Los platos plateados son,

and the store of silver spoons! de plata las cucharas!
For Sunday there's a special pair, Tienen un par dominical
And these they polish up with care que lavan con esmero gran-
on Saturday afternoons. de el sbado a la cena.

The Man in the Moon was drinking deep, Mucho bebi el Hombre Lunar;
and the cat began to wail; el gato da un taido,
A dish and a spoon on the table danced, plato y cuchara danzan ya
The cow in the garden madly pranced, la vaca mil cabriolas da,
and the little dog chased his tail. se muerde el rabo el perro.

The Man in the Moon took another mug, Otro traguillo el Hombre ech,
and rolled beneath his chair; cay al suelo redondo.
And there he dozed and dreamed of ale, So con otra pinta ms
Till in the sky the stars were pale, hasta que el alba ya dej
and dawn was in the air. plidas las estrellas.

Then the ostler said to his tipsy cat: Al gato djole el patrn:
"The white horses of the Moon, "Las yeguas de la Luna
They neigh and champ their silver bits; las bridas se van a comer;
But their master's been and drowned his wits, su dueo tiene un colocn
and the Sun'll be rising soon!" y el sol va a levantarse!"

So the cat on his fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle, El gato toca un trantrantrn

a jig that would wake the dead: que a los muertos levanta;
He squeaked and sawed and quickened the tune, maulla y rasca muy veloz,
While the landlord shook the Man in the Moon: sacude al Hombre ya el patrn,
"It's after three!" he said. "las tres," dice, "han pasado".

They rolled the Man slowly up the hill Colina arriba hacen rodar
and bundled him into the Moon, al Hombre hasta la Luna
While his horses galloped up in rear, sus yeguas galopan detrs
And the cow came capering like a deer, la vaca brinca sin parar,
and a dish ran up with the spoon. corren plato y cuchara.

Now quicker the fiddle went deedle-dum-diddle; Ms presto an canta el violn,

the dog began to roar, el perro ladra fuerte;
The cow and the horses stood on their heads; la vaca de cabeza va,
The guests all bounded from their beds saltan las gentes del divn
and danced upon the floor. y bailan por el suelo.

With a ping and a pang the fiddle-strings broke! Cuando las cuerdas saltan -plong-,
the cow jumped over the Moon, a la luna la vaca
And the little dog laughed to see such fun, brinc y el perro se mond!
And the Saturday dish went off at a run La vajilla dominical
with the silver Sunday spoon. huy con la del sbado.

The round Moon rolled behind the hill, La luna redonda se hundi
as the Sun raised up her head. y doa Sol asoma.
She hardly believed her fiery eyes; Dar crdito a sus ojos no
For though it was day, to her suprise lograba, que de da es
they all went back to bed. y todos se acostaban!

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