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Science and Public Policy, volume 22, number 1, February 1995, pages 9-18, Beech Tree Publishing, 10 Watford

Close, Guildford, Surrey GUI 2EP, England.


The 'uncertain quest': mobilising science and

technology for development

Jean-Jacques Salomon

The Uncertain Quest ainlS to present up-to date

DITING A BOOK of this nature was in itself
infornwtion on the knowledge, controversies, an uncertain endeavour: to bring together 16
experiences and problenlS related to the inter- contributors, from all around the world; to
actions anwng science, technology and devel- reach a consensus about what needs to be known,
opment The world is divided into two reviewed and evaluated in a field that is essentially
civilisations that interact strongly, albeit in a multidisciplinary, without clear-cut frontiers, and in
which views sometimes differ radically and ideolo-
one-sided way. One civilisation is based on the gies can easily intrude.
growth ofscientific knowledge, the other den,- What was our aim in preparing this volume? First,
onstrates a more or less passive acceptance of we wanted to produce a source book in every sense
results generated by the first Science is no ofthe term - the most up-to-date information on the
longer seen as the answer to every prayer: cu- knowledge, controversies, experiences and problems
riosity nlUst be acconlpanied by conlpassion. related to the interactions among science, technology
and development, including the most pertinent and
important bibliographical references. We intended
the book not only for students at any level in a wide
range of disciplines, but also for researchers, admin-
istrators and (why not) policy-makers and even poli-
ticians - assuming that such people still have the
time and are willing to learn by reading.
Secondly, in this time of considerable change,
questioning and reappraisal, we wanted to stress that
science and technology do matter, and nowadays
Professor Jean-Jacques Salomon is at the Conservatoire National matter more and more. This should be self-evident,
des Arts et Metiers, Centre Science Teclmologie et Societe, 2 rue and yet we all know that in many developing
Conte, 75003 Paris, France. This is based on a lecture at the
countries, it is still so little appreciated, by both
United Nations University, Tokyo, given by the author on 11 July
1994, on the occasion of the publication in English of The decision-makers and the general public, that people
Uncertain Quest: Science, Technology and Development, edited either do not know or do not realise the benefits that
by Jean-Jacques Salomon, Francisco R Sagasti and Celine a deliberate and consistent development strategy can
Sachs-Jeantet (United Nations University Press, Tokyo, New derive from scientific and technical resources.
York and Paris, 1994, ISBN 92-808-0835-4). It was simultane- Thirdly, we felt it essential to place the 'defence
ously published in French (Economica, Paris) and Spanish
(Fundo de Cultura Economica, Mexico). and illustration' of the role that science and technol-
The author is grateful to the United Nations University and in ogy can play in the process of development in a
particular the Rector, Professor Gurgulino de Souza, for the critical context, namely that these benefits can never
support they gave to the project. be taken as given and cannot be understood or as-

Science and Public Policy February 1995 0302-3427/95/10009-10 US$08.00 Beech Tree Publishing 9
Mobilising S&Tfor development

sessed in a simple-minded positivist manner. Too

often people underestimate the fact that science and The means to modernise are partly
technology function successfully only within a larger
social, political and economic environment which economic, but institutional, social,
provides an effective combination of non-technical political and cultural factors also
incentives and complementary inputs in the innova- count: the success of the development
tion process. Science and technology are not exoge-
nous factors that determine a society's evolution process depends on many different
independently from its historical, social, political, elements in combinations that cannot
cultural or religious background. be determined by economic indicators
To stress this point from the very outset of our
endeavour meant that we would dispel any illusions alone
that there was a linear and predictable relationship
between science and technology and the development
process. We had to take into account the variety of are countries which are not developing. Besides, it
situations facing the developing countries, especially gives no indication of whether a country wants to
as regards their endowment in terms of science and develop or is taking practical steps to foster its devel-
technology, and thus the fact that there is no single opment. In this sense, the first requirement - not just
model for defining and implementing strategies. in terms ofchronology, but above all ofprinciples -
Moreover, we had to acknowledge the contradictory, can be summed up in this determination to try to
ifnot disappointing, results achieved by development develop, not so much with a view to breaking with the
economics, and stress the effort that must be made past (or at least not with all earlier traditions) as to
in order to integrate science and technology policy acquiring the means 10 modernise.
into an overall policy for economic and social These means are partly but not entirely economic;
development. institutional, social, political and cultural factors also
Let me now review some clear lessons that have count. The development process is a package in which
emerged from our quest. success depends on many different elements in com-
binations that can never be determined by economic
indicators alone.
Development is a journey The most general lesson is that technical change
does not transform societies independently of other
Whatever its pace and level, development is a journey factors unrelated to technology as such. The social
between tradition and modernity. In this dynamic and cultural factors - the attitudes and the beliefs
process, quantitative indicators are always relative: attached to economic, political and social organisa-
development never stops and certainly is never tion - influence the role that science and technology
achieved once and for all, nor can progress be meas- play in a given society. In their tunl the spread ofnew
ured merely in quantitative terms. Neither 'take-off knowledge, products and processes derived from sci-
nor increasing industrialisation can ever be a reliable entific and technological progress, transform social
guarantee against slipping back, as Eastern Europe structures, modes of behaviour and attitudes of mind.
has shown recently. The role of teclmical change in the process of
In addition, although the data available provide economic growth is recognised by all theories of
points of comparison, we are not dealing with a scale development. But what precisely is that role? In par-
of values derived from a single theoretical pattern. ticular, what part did science and technology play in
The journey takes time, incurs costs, requires choices the eC'onomic and social transfoffilations that accom-
to be made, and so demands a resolute collective panied the Industrial Revolution from its beginnings?
determination not simply to cope with the risks arising Answers to these questions can be neither easy nor,
from change, but to try in a long-term perspective to consequently, swift, requiring as they do a subtle
guide change in a particular direction. analysis, a long-term historical perspective, and ref-
As Gunnar Myrdal has emphasised, the terminol- erence to examples drawn from nlanY different social
ogy used by the social sciences is not neutral. l We SCIences.
now talk about 'developing countries' rather than One thing is sure: the ways in which technical
'underdeveloped countries' because we want to play change transfornls attitudes, institutions and societies
down the realities of structural imbalance, and stress cannot be reduced to a simple linear relationship that
instead the chances of catching up. The courteous is automatic, that is, detenninistic. And the rapid
language of diplomacy suggests that there is merely spread of a new teclmology never of itself implies
a short time-lag separating the industrialised coun- rapid social change. Other factors are involved, such
tries from those that are not there yet: all that is needed as economic, social and educational policies, the ne-
to bridge the gap is to adopt the 'right' economic gotiations and agreements between interest groups,
policy. the well-established customs of daily life and social
The term 'developing country' is illogical, accord- institutions, the society's values and traditions.
ing to Myrdal, because it conveys the idea that there Science and technology are not independent vari-

10 Science and Public Policy Feb11.lwy J995

Mobilising S& Tfor development

abIes in the process of development: they are part of The process was extremely complex, as David Landes
a human, economic, social and cultural setting shaped stressed in the conclusion to his history of the Indus-
by history. It is this setting above all which determines trial Revolution: 2
the chances of applying scientific knowledge that
meets the real needs of a country. There are not two "There is a wide range of links, direct and
systems - science and technology on one side and indirect, tight and loose, exclusive and partial,
society on the other - held together by some magic and each industrialising society develops its
formula. Rather, science and technology exist in a own combination ofelements to fit its traditions,
given society as a system that is more or less capable possibilities, and circumstances. The fact that
of osmosis, assimilation and innovation, but also of there is this play ofstructure, however, does not
rejection, according to realities that are simultane- mean that there is no structure."
ously material, historical, cultural and political.
All in all, there is no inevitability in technical In this delicate and uncertain "play of structure",
change: neither its pace nor its direction is predeter- which is affected by the historical and cultural back-
mined (even though the strength of certain industrial ground ofeach country, the institutional and political
and national lobbies in imposing their factories or prerequisites for making good use ofthe scientific and
products cannot be underestimated), and the success technical resources available mainly relate to these
of an innovation is never certain. Technology influ- non-economic factors. The growing interdependence
ences economics and history, but it is itself the prod- of nations and the emergence of the world economy
uct and the expression ofculture. In brief, science and have not abolished the individuality of cultures and
technology are a social process among others. societies.
It is from this angle that the links between science, The journey from tradition to modernity raises the
technology and society in developing countries same question for all developing countries, but they
should be addressed. Beyond a certain threshold of are the only ones in a position to reply, in line with
resources, capital accumulation is never by itself a the decisions that they take themselves, about science
guarantee of growth. On the contrary, it is first and and technology as about everything else. This ques-
foremost the organisation of society, which in turn tion is double-edged: how to modernise without sac-
determines the organisation ofproduction, that allows rificing tradition? How to preserve tradition without
a country to create and exploit its scientific and tech- compromising modernisation? More than ever, the
nical resources. These factors define the extent to hurly-burly of politics that we are witnessing as we
which science and technology can operate to initiate approach the 21st century warns any developing
and stimulate the process of development, and not country to be sensitive to the implications of this
vice versa. question.
If science and technology are not external to this
process, it is because they cannot themselves be either
developed or used other than in a given economic and Sea of change
social framework. Extreme underdevelopment is in
this sense the stage of development that puts no If a book like ours had been prepared a quarter of a
pressure on the social structure to become involved in century ago, the editors and contributors would have
scientific and technical research. Even countries been less hesitant to celebrate the marvels of what
above this level may find themselves unable to take science and technology can offer to mankind. The title
advantage of science and technology if they lack a and the contents would have been more optimistic
favourable economic and social structure. The lesson with regard to their potential positive influence.
to be learned from history, and especially the history Tfi'is does not mean that, in this turbulent sea of
of science, is that the routes and institutions by which change, the unprecedented opportunities for improve-
knowledge develops and is transmitted across a soci- ments in living standards offered by scientific and
ety, as much as across cultural frontiers, are neither technological progress should be minimised. No civ-
linear nor mechanistic. ilisation has produced in so short a time so much new
The Industrial Revolution witnessed the start of a knowledge and technical know-how, all of which
new type of growth, which was connected with a have permitted human beings to extend their under-
succession of technical innovations that speeded up standing of Nature and themselves, and to increase
the pace of change, although their origins and devel- the wealth of nations. As Christopher Freeman once
opment depended on a wide range of non-technical put it,3
factors. In Europe, capitalistic competition encour-
aged technical developments geared to increasing "not only in the narrow sense of increased pros-
labour productivity. These changes happened and perity, but also in the more fundamental sense
were able to spread only because the economic, insti- ofbeing able to do things which have never been
tutional and social circumstances were favourable. In done before at all. "
their turn, these circumstances were altered by the
progress of science and technology and then influ- Modem science and technology have become such an
enced the rate and direction of technical innovation. indispensable ingredient of the development process

Science and Public Policy Febrowy 1995 11

Mobilising S& Tfor development

half-century. The world is in transition to a 'post-

The current political, economic, bipolar' political and economic order, whose nature
is in the process of being defined, but which requires
social, cultural, environmental, a profound re-examination ofthe means ofproviding
scientific and technological changes national, regional and international security as a pre-
are continuously altering the ways in condition for development. Some of the elements of
this new order include:
which the processes of knowledge
generation and utilisation interact the potential elimination of the threat of an all-out
with other spheres of human activity nuclear war;
an increase in the number and intensity of regional
the likelihood of a more co-operative approach to
that nothing can be built for the future without making conflict resolution among key political and eco-
the best of this ingredient. nomic players; and
Today, however, the uncertain quest ofmobilising an emerging larger role for international institu-
science and technology for development appears tions in fostering and maintaining international
more elusive. Again we must admit that our knowl- security.
edge of the interactions among science, technology
and development is fragmentary. The fundamental Ethnic and religious tensions within and between
changes these concepts are now experiencing make it countries destabilise an order that the major military
all the more difficult to derive authoritative and un- powers may no longer keep under their influence.
ambiguous conclusions from advances in the field. Despite diminished global superpower rivalry, there
This task is further complicated by the constella- is no evidence of a decline in regional disputes, or in
tion of political, economic, social, cultural, environ- organised violence by ethnic groups, independence
mental, scientific and technological changes now movements, terrorists, or drug traffickers. At the same
occurring, for they are continuously altering the ways time, the nation-state is becoming less important as a
in which the processes of knowledge generation and political unit, in the sense of being able to control
utilisation interact with other spheres ofhuman activ- whatever phenomena - economic, social, environ-
ity. More important, the sidetracks, the adverse ef- mental or technological - take place in the world at
fects and the costs of change resulting from scientific present.
and technical advances mean that progress as such can This is hard to get used to, for political systems are
no longer be taken for granted. After Minamata, geared to focus on states as the locus of power and
Bhopal and Chernobyl, we know that the spectre of decision-making. The pre-eminence and sovereignty
technological catastrophe is no longer a science- of states is being eroded in many aspects of foreign
fiction fantasy.The dangers of nuclear weapons and and economic policy~ as is highlighted by the renewed
energy and the damage to the environment from in- importance of the United Nations in conflict preven-
dustrial activity put Reason and Rationality on trial tion and resolution, the proliferation of regional trade
- and this is also part of the new uncertainty of the and economic agreements, the growing economic
quest. power of international corporations, and the condi-
We have listed in the volume some of the most tions established by international financial institu-
important changes in this constellation. Although tions for obtaining access to resources under their
they are common knowledge, they still deserve to be control.
stressed if we want to understand and overcome the Political pluralism, popular participation and
challenges ahead. The uncertain world in which we democratic movements are becoming a fact of life
live has many dimensions: a rapidly shifting political everywhere: East, West, North and South. It is now
setting, changes in the patterns of world economic almost unthinkable to accept, at least without outrage,
interdependence, growth and diversification ofsocial loud protest and international sanctions, any govern-
demands, emergence ofenvironmental concerns, and ment's imposition of a repressive regime on its citi-
major transformations in the cultural landscape. Let zens. By the early 1990s, East European countries had
me just evoke some ofthese changes to illustrate how their first open elections in half a century, a majority
little we are prepared, in spite of the historically of the countries of Latin America had democratic
unparalleled scientific and technological tools we en- regimes, a military coup failed in Russia, and the
joy, to face what is at stake in the transition to the 21 st Central Asian states ofthe former Soviet Union were
century. struggling to become modem nations. White rule has
ended in South Africa, and there were pressures to
Political setting abolish one-party rule in many countries of Africa.
However, as the civil wars in the fonner Yugoslavia,
The end of the Cold War has undermined the ideo- Somalia or Rwanda show, advances towards democ-
logical, military and political foundations ofthe inter- racy and peaceful coexistence are by no means
national order that prevailed during the last guaranteed.

12 Science and Public Policy FebnwlJ' 1995

Mobilising S& T for development

International economy the world economy significantly, such as the fact that
the United States became a net debtor, Japan has
The majortransfonnations taking place in the patterns become a dominant economic and financial actor in
ofworld economic interdependence include the rapid the international scene, the USSR has dissolved and
growth and globalisation of financial markets, its republics are undergoing a painful transition to-
changes in trade patterns, new situations in key wards market economies - a path followed earlier
countries that affect the world economy. International by Central and East European countries. Growing
financial markets now comprise a tight web of trans- interdependence has created an international eco-
actions involving global securities trading, arbitrage nomic environment which transmits disturbances and
in multiple markets and currencies, portfolio invest- magnifies disruptions. Technological advances in
ments through a bewildering array of international telecommunications and infonnation sciences have
funds, and massive transborder capital movements. contributed to this, while the absence of effective
Financial transactions have acquired a life of their international rules and institutions to regulate finan-
own and are becoming separate from the production cial and trade flows, and the limitations of economic
and distribution of goods and services. policy co-ordination among the world's leading
So far, few developing countries have been able to economies, have helped to increase uncertainty.
benefit from the rapidly expanding flows of foreign
direct investment, only five developing economies - Social demands
China, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt and Malaysia - ac-
counting for about 80%. The reasons why most ofthe The explosive growth in social demands in the devel-
poor countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the oping regions has been triggered largely by popula-
Middle East have not been able to attract direct for- tion increases during the last 30 years. Coupled with
eign investment include their remote geographic lo- a significant slowdown in population growth in the
cation in relation to main export markets; the industrialised nations, this has led to a highly skewed
relatively small size of their domestic markets; defi- world-wide distribution of social needs and of the
ciencies in physical and institutional infrastructure; capabilities to satisfy them.
lack of a skilled workforce; inadequate investment The dynamics of population growth strongly con-
incentives; but also - too often - stupid and selfish dition the demand for food, education, employment,
behaviour of leaders only interested in seizing for housing and other social goods. Although total world
themselves the scarce resources of their people. food production is sufficient to provide each and
The most important changes in the direction and every human being with adequate nourishment, exist-
content ofinternational trade are the emergence ofthe ing political, social and institutional arrangements, at
North Pacific as the world's largest trading area, the both the national and international levels, have proved
movement towards world-wide trade liberalisation, incapable of doing so. Anned conflicts, added to
the rise of regional trading blocs (Europe after 1992 droughts and natural disasters, have conspired to
and the North American Free Trade Agreement), and make it even more difficult to ensure access to food
the shift in the content of international trade against in many developing countries.
primary commodities (exported mainly by develop- Demand for basic health care and elementary edu-
ing countries) and in favour of high technology serv- cation has expanded rapidly during the last three
ices and manufactured products (typically decades, as developing countries made efforts to im-
industrialised nations' exports). A new web of com- prove the provision ofthese services to growing popu-
mercial linkages between transnational corporations lations. Migration and accelerated urbanisation
(covering manufacturing, finance, trade and services) created huge demands for housing, sanitation, trans-
has now emerged, of which strategic alliances in portation and energy supply - a situation that adds
pre-competitive research and development are a unmet urban needs and widespread urban poverty to
prime example. the deprivation typical of rural populations through-
In addition, we have seen completely new situ- out the developing world.
ations in several key countries and regions that affect Unemployment has emerged as perhaps the most
troublesome and persistent problem everywhere. This
is a growing issue in industrialised countries, where
technical change seems now to depend so heavily on
The spread of new technologies is capital that unemployment appears to have become
transforming the nature of work and one of the new structural characteristics of economic
leisure, creating jobs that are less like growth for the foreseeable future, ifnot for ever.
Ifthere are reasons to be anxious about the outlook
traditional tasks, yet it is these for employment in the industrialised countries, there
traditional tasks which still offer the are few grounds for optimism about most developing
largest number of employment countries. Here the jobs created by the new 'techno-
economic paradigm' resulting from computer and
opportunities in developing countries infornlation sciences, biotechnologies, new materi-
als, new telecommunications and media networks are

Science and Public Policy February 1995 13

Mobilising S& T for development

generated against a background of non-employment, during the next decade will be increasingly linked to
and the promises of a production system that will be attaining environmental objectives.
more and more based on robots and fully automated Another result is that some industrialised countries
factories may increasingly conflict, in view ofdemo- are positioning themselves to compete in what will be
graphic trends, with the demand for jobs in develop- one of the most dynamic markets of the future -
ing countries. environmentally sound technologies. Being able to
The spread of the new technologies is already deliver 'green' technologies is already a source of
transforming the very nature of work and leisure, competitive advantage in the global search for new
creating jobs that are less and less like traditional markets.
tasks, although it is precisely these traditional tasks
which still offer the largest number of employment Cultural transformations
opportunities in developing countries. Develop-
ing countries face the difficult challenge of raising Three powerful cultural forces are shaping the inter-
labour productivity while at the same time absorb- national scene in the transition to the 21st century:
ing the growing number of entrants into the work
force. the growing importance of religious values and the
Population imbalances could pose the problem of rise of fundamentalism as a driving force of eco-
uncontrolled mass migration from developing to in- nomic and political actions in many parts of the
dustrialised countries, threatening social cohesion world;
and international solidarity. In some West European the tensions between pressures towards cultural
countries there is already a backlash against 'foreign- homogeneity brought about by the pervasive influ-
ers' , although the fear of massive inflows of workers ence of mass media, and the desire to preserve
from the East or the South has failed, as yet, to cultural identity; and
materialise. The role ofhuman capital and technologi- the development of ethical issues at the forefront
cal capabilities will become even more important as of choices in relation to the environment, to the
a major determinant of long-term growth in the next new technologies and even to scientific research.
In the developing countries, the level and quality We have entered a technological world that will pro-
of investments in human resources will have to rise vide mankind with more and more artificial parts and
significantly during and after the end of this century manipulation which raise new issues and challenge
in order to deal with the rapid rise in the number of traditional values. The 'genetic person', as much as
young people - the largest segment ofthe population the 'computer person', now being developed by the
- while aging in industrialised nations will have a progress of science and teclmology, involves threats
major impact on demand for social services as well as that go far beyond the fantasies of Orwell or Huxley.
important consequences for the patterns of consump- The mastery of human reproduction and the increas-
tion, savings and even the direction of technical ing commercial use ofproducts from the human body
change. lead to enormous ethical problems whose novelty
leaves lawyers, representatives of religions, philoso-
Concern about the environment phers and (even more) politicians uncertain as to what
is to be allowed or forbidden through scientific
There is now greater awareness of the limits that the research.
ability ofnatural ecosystems to regenerate themselves For instance, it will be difficult to impose a world-
impose on human activities, as well as ofthe dangers wide ban on any intervention on the human genome,
of the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, although more and more biologists denowlce the risk
and from overloading the Earth's capacity to absorb ofeugenics and abuses involved in the progress ofthe
waste. We have witnessed the emergence of truly most advanced bio-medical research. Sonle even sug-
global environmental threats, which underscored the gest a moratorium in this field, such as Professor
possibility that unforeseen ecological instabilities Pierre Chanlbon, who argued recently, in his inaugu-
could cause irreversible environmental damage. Ma- ral lecture at the College de France, that "a world
jor changes in life-styles will be essential around the moratorium for fifty years would seem to nle an
world ifwe are to tackle the problem ofenvironmental extremely wise decision". 4
sustainability as we move into the 21 st century. It is not a coincidence that, in most industrialised
The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro endorsed and in some developing countries, special Commis-
"Agenda 21", a wide-ranging world programme of sions have been set up, often at the level of the
action to promote sustainable development, but the legislative branch, but also in the framework ofadvi-
negotiations exposed the divergence of perspectives sory bodies independent from the executive, to antici-
between industrialised and developing nations, and pate and assess the impact of technical change and
the few items that were adopted in the Agenda are far sometimes even that of scientific discoveries: Offices
from being taken seriously, much less implemented. of Technology Assessment, Commissions on Bio-
Still, the greater importance of environmental con- medical Ethics, on Freedom and Infonnation Sci-
cerns implies that access to development assistance ences, on the Prevention ofTechnological Risks, and

14 Science and Public Policy February 1995

Mobilising S& Tfor development

so on. An increasing numberoffields call formechan-

isms of regulation so as to correct, limit, and, if
possible, avoid the negative or unforeseen effects of
When we reflect on the political and
scientific and technological activities. military impetus behind this
Against this background of fundamental changes century's conflicts, and come full
in the international context, the single item which
does not appear as uncertain is that North/South co-
circle back to Sarajevo, it is hardly
operation will remain a peripheral concern of indus- surprising that Reason comes under
trialised countries, especially as they focus their suspicion
attention on their own internal problems, on
co-ordinating economic policies, on improving their
competitiveness, and on easing the transition of the
former Soviet Union and East Europe towards market What have we learned in this century, beguiled by
economies. As prospects for greater resource flows to Utopian dreams of perfect social order, of the possi-
developing countries appear doubtful, policy reform, bility of creating new human beings fit for a brave
structural adjustment, and the mobilisation ofscience new world? Pierre Hassner's answer is that we have
and technology for development objectives will take discovered the fragility of human life in two senses:
place in a resource-constrained environment. This first, that the whole of civilisation could be destroyed
will test the political will of their governments to by nuclear weapons; second, that moral codes and
embark on the uncertain and long-term enterprise of standards of behaviour can easily be shattered when
building science and technology capabilities, challenged by the most primitive forms ofsavagery.5
particularly when facing a multiplicity of urgent Science itself cheerfully lends its support to this
short-term needs. savagery, and Hannah Arendt6 thought this was an
aberration typical ofour century: one can in the same
breath "laud the natural sciences for having prompted
Threat to survival? a demonstrable and increasingly rapid growth of
knowledge and capability", and "blame them for
For all these reasons, nobody today can share the having increased in scarcely less demonstrable fash-
positivist optimism ofthe Enlightenment's concept of ion, instruments of death, despair and nihilism". The
progress: by the same token, the straight road to most significant aspect of this nihilism and despair,
greater knowledge and material progress does not she added, is that
necessarily lead to the less direct road to 'happiness'
and 'moral progress'. During this century there have "the natural sciences no longer spare the scien-
been so many dark sides in the balance sheet of tists, whose well-founded optimism could still,
scientific and technical progress that even the benefi- during the 19th century, be contrasted with the
cial results are now under suspicion: is the price to be equally well-founded pessimism ofthe thinkers
paid too high? and poets. "
Let us be unequivocal: from its very outset modem
science has been an uncertain activity, but the cultural Another side of this aberrant behaviour has recently
context in which it developed from the 17th to the 19th been commented upon by Albert Hirschman: the
century never really treated its promises as threats to logic of the connections between political advance
the survival of mankind. Nor did it lead to controver- and economic development. Hirschman encapsulates
sies that became the subject of public debate and the range of viewpoints in a few key phrases:
concerns in the media and for the laYman. The very
uncertainty of the quest stems from this change, 1. First, "All good things go together": economic
whose roots lie in what happened in the course ofthis development gives rise to political progress and
century. Since science, no less than technology, was vice versa, so that the two move ahead haononi-
deeply implicated in what happened, it is legitimate ously, in parallel.
to ask how far the rationality they reflect is adding to 2. Then by contrast there is the pessimistic view-
the problems mankind now has to face. point that "Everything has its cost", or "There's
For instance, totalitarian regimes were built on no such thing as a free lunch", meaning that
philosophies that claimed to have a sense of history, economic development automatically carries
and this historical necessity, which took the place of with it some political costs or vice versa: any
religion among people who proclaimed their lack of political progress is likely to haml economic
religion, was presented as a scientific fact. We have development.
watched the collapse of these regimes, which man- 3. Between these extremes there is a third and
aged to do enormous damage in a remarkably short slightly more complex position, which could be
time. But when we reflect on the political and military labelled "perasperaadastra": economic growth
impetus behind this century's conflicts, and come full is all that matters initially, while political progress
circle back to Sarajevo, it is hardly surprising that must be held back or even reversed, that is, sac-
Reason comes under suspicion. rificed in the name of economic gains; later, this

Science and Public Policy February 1995 15

Mobilising S& Tfor development

temporary sacrifice will be made good. The op- History's revenge on economics
posite can also be considered worthwhile: to sac-
rifice economic development in the short term in Thus the lesson is as simple as it is clear: history
order to achieve political progress. 7 always gets its revenge on economics. A development
policy that neglects the problem of income distribu-
Albert Hirschman comments ironically on these tion inevitably lays itself open to social upheavals
views, noting that they must delight economists who later on and consequently to the repercussions when
believe in savings and deferred consumption, as well the authorities are forced to become tougher and more
as psychologists used to the general notion ofdelayed arbitrary. To reconcile the anlbition for economic
satisfaction of desires. The fact is that the most rapid growth with greater distributive justice is undoubt-
growth in the third world has occurred under ex- edly the surest way not only to avoid social upheavals,
tremely repressive regimes, although some repressive but also to guarantee continuing growth. None of the
regimes also missed out completely on industrial technical solutions offered by science and technology
growth. There can be no doubt that an interventionist can act as a substitute for this political and social
modernisation policy based on the most advanced imperative.
technologies does not allow opposition or, even less, R&D is merely a tool used toward goals other than
anarchy; and democracy does not foster decision- science in the strict sense - those are the objectives
making or planning by a small group of technocrats that shape the future of a society, not the other way
or senior army officers, who choose to target one around. Thus, even more than in the industrialised
sector of development at the expense of all the rest. countries, the progranlmes of scientific research and
However much supporters ofdemocracy may wish technical education cannot be separated from the type
to see better links between political and economic of development path each country hopes to follow. In
progress, it appears that the two are more often quite other words, what a country wants to do with science
separate. Economists, says Hirschman, have been and technology is ultimately linked to what it cares
reticent about making generalisations or conjectures about.
in this area. But is the interpretation that he offers The concept of the third world emerged as both a
instead, in terms of "on and off connections", be- third element and a buffer more or less manipulated
tween independence and interdependence, really any by, and manipulating, the two rival blocs, commu-
improvement? Only in the long term is it possible to nism and capitalism, that confronted each other after
see a logic in the "repertory of historical ruses" that the Second World War. Now that communism has
he suggests drawing up, but then in the long term, as collapsed, the notion of the third world is all the more
Keynes would point out, the losers will be forgotten. meaningless in that most of the former communist
Personally, I am afraid that the relationship is, like countries have created a new category, that of indus-
the famous residual factor fashionable in the 1960s, trialised countries which have become in their tum
more a measure of our own ignorance than anything newly developing countries. Moreover, developing
else. countries do not constitute a homogeneous category
Nevertheless, there is a lesson to be learned from and the need to distinguish various levels ofdevelop-
this debate. Impatience to catch up, and the mirage of ment and even underdevelopment is more pertinent
western science as the magic formula required to do than ever.
so, cause people to think that the process of modem-
isation mainly involved finding technical solutions.
The scientism - or the lack of awareness - that Two civilisations
inspires this approach ignores the time factor and
assumes that the elasticity of tolerance for the spurts What.. .is certain is that the world will continue to
of change is infinite. The success of the strategies of remain divided into two civilisations that interact
industrialisation by forced marches is similar to cav- strongly, although the interaction is one-sided: the
alry charges that gain ground but put offthe real battle second civilisation is dependent on, and deeply af-
- in this case, development.
The inevitable inequalities of economic growth
generate pressures that can act as stimulants in the Now that communism has collapsed,
short tenn, yet can become so unbearable in the
medium term that they ultimately bring the whole the notion of the third world is fairly
process to a halt. Very few countries, so far, have been meaningless in that most of the
able to make these inequalities work in favour of the former communist countries have
development of the whole of society - that is, with-
out going too fast or too far in exploiting profitable created a new category of
opportunities. What is the elasticity of tolerahce of industrialised countries which have
growing income inequalities? The question is put in become in their turn newly
economists' jargon; in simpler political language it
might be rephrased: At what point does pursuit of developing countries
growth cause social unrest or even civil war?

16 Science and Public Policy February 1995

Mobilising S& Tfor development

fected by, the first, and lacks the capacity to influence opment is not a neutral process with no impact on the
the first to the same degree in return. The first civili- social structures that are involved; science and tech-
sation is based on the growth of science as the main nology do not always bring about improvements to
knowledge-generating activity, the rapid evolution of those areas that they affect.
science-related technologies, the incorporation of Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution,
these technologies into productive and social pro- economic progress has meant upheavals - what
cesses, and on the emergence of new fonns of work- Schumpeter called "creative destruction" leading to
ing and living deeply influenced by the the renewal ofeconomic and social structures. This is
Weltanschauung (ideology) of modem science and what is involved in innovation, and now that innova-
science-related technologies. tion is worshipped as the driving force ofinternational
The second civilisation is characterised by its in- competitiveness, we need to remember that it always
ability to generate scientific knowledge on a large has a price attached: technical change is accompanied
scale and by a more or less passive acceptance of by social change and hence social costs.
scientific results generated in the first; by a techno- What is at stake for the next century is to reconcile
logical base that comprises a substantive component the two civilisations in a context offair, but also lucid
of traditional techniques and a veneer of imported and critical, co-operation. To my mind, this is pre-
techniques; by a productive system whose modern cisely the vocation of the United Nations University.
segment is dependent on the expansion ofproduction The developing world has forced the industrialised
in industrialised nations and on the absorption of countries to recognise not only that their cultures are
imported technology. extremely diverse, but that this diversity is perfectly
The first civilisation, corresponding to the devel- legitimate. Both sides have leanled, too, that develop-
oped or highly industrialised countries, has an endo- ment cannot take place without dialogue between
genous scientific and technological base. This base is cultural heritage and instrumental rationality, even if
still present, in spite of its current difficulties and there are tensions on both sides.
disruptions, in the fornler communist countries of In the upheavals marking the end of this century,
East Europe, and one of the most important agree- especially after the collapse of totalitarian ideologies
ments signed in 1992 between the United States, the and regimes, the whole world is searching for new
European Community and Japan was precisely in- paths and alternatives leading to a better social order.
tended to help these countries keep this base alive. Just as the developing countries are having to take on
This comes down to helping somebody not to sink board some ofthe aspects ofmodenlity that they used
when he or she already knows how to swim. to criticise, so the industrialised countries are having
The second civilisation is not swimming, but strug- to restore some aspects of tradition that they used to
gling for survival, with the exception of a handful of challenge.
countries that have recently succeeded in catching up Science and technology can contribute a great deal
with some of the best swimmers in the first civilisa- to development, but cannot do evel)'thing: above all
tion. The great majority ofthe countries in the second they do not offer a ready-made solution to the problem
civilisation not only lag behind, but above all lack of values that is raised by the clash between tradition
most of the basic ingredients (in tenns of resources, and modernity. In this time of uncertainty, the editors
institutions, manpower and cultural background) in- and the contributors to The Uncertain Quest may
dispensable if they are to benefit from scientific claim some degree of success if at least this lesson,
knowledge and new technological innovations. although modest, is conveyed to the students, re-
In our volume, we stress that the historical reasons searchers, administrators, policy-makers and even
for this situation deserve to be carefully studied in politicians they intended to address. On the one hand,
these countries by local scholars, and should be part nobody can believe any longer that growth necessar-
of the science studies research programmes that can ily brings with it greater democracy and happiness;
help policy-makers and society at large to become on the other hand, we all know now that development
more aware of the internal and external conditions requires growth and a certain degree of rationality.
that have jeopardised, and still jeopardise, the devel-
opment, if not the emergence, of a scientific and
technological capacity. Hopefully this source book Conclusion
will contribute to a better understanding and thus
greater mastery of all these conditions. There is no better conclusion than to repeat the quo-
Development is an uncertain quest in which the tation which introduces our volume and which the
seekers are doomed to rely more and more on science three co-editors felt expressed exactly what we had in
and technology. The quest is uncertain not only be- mind - and, let me add, in our hearts - when we
cause there is no prior guarantee of success (or that it started to discuss and plan this book. It is from the
will be lasting), but above all because it raises ques- physicist Victor ('Vicky') Weisskopfwho, after hav-
tions about the price of modernity: what benefits can ing dealt with highly scientific matters - particle
a country expect to derive from it, in political, eco- physics, of which he was one of the world's leading
nomic, social and cultural temls? and what sacrifices specialists - went on to become more philosophical
is that country prepared to make on its behalf? Devel- and wrote: 8

Science and Public Policy Februaty 1995 17

Mobilising S& T for development

"All parts and all aspects of science belong References

together. Science cannot develop unless it is
pursued for the sake of pure knowledge and 1. Gunnar Myrdal, Asian Drama: an Inquiry into the Poverty of
Nations (Pantheon Books, New York, 1969).
insight. It will not survive unless it is used 2. David S Landes, The Unbound Prometheus: Technological
intensely and wisely for the bettennent of hu- Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from
manity, and not as an instrument of domination 1750 to the Present (Cambridge University Press, 1969).
3. Christopher Freeman, The Economics oflndustriallnnovation
by one group over another. Human existence (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1974).
depends upon compassion and curiosity. Curi- 4. Pierre Chambon, "Les obligations de I'homme genetique", Le
osity without compassion is inhuman; compas- Monde, 30 June 1994, page 2.
5. Pierre Hassner, "Le XXe siecle, la guerre et la paix", La
sion without curiosity is ineffectual." Pensee Politique, Ecrire I'histoire du XXe siede: La politique
et la raison (Gallimard/Le Seuil, Paris, 1994).
6. Hannah Arendt, La Condition de I'Homme Moderne
Science has become an uncertain venture not only (Calmann-Levy, Paris, 1961) page 294. (The quotation is
because, by their very nature, discovering and inno- translated from the French version). On the issue of techno-
logical risks and the democratic control of technical change,
vating are not givens - they never were - but also see Jean-Jacques Salomon, Le Destin Technologique (Bal-
and above all because the sense of what is involved land, 1993, Gallimard/Folio 1994).
in searching seems to be more and more lost in the 7. Albert Hirschman, "The on-and-off connection between Politi-
cal and economic progress", American Economic Review,
torrent of applications and resulting problems that Papers and Proceedings, May 1994. The French version is
surround humanity. The alliance between curiosity more developed than the original: "Des liens accidentes entre
and compassion is all the more what both scientists progres politique et progres economique", La Pensee Poli-
tique (Gallimard/Le Seuil, Paris, 1994).
and any other man or woman needs to celebrate as the 8. Victor Weisskopf, Physics in the Twentieth Century: Selected
most urgent and obvious imperative. Essays (MIT Press, Cambridge/London, 1972) page 364.

18 Science and Public Policy Febnwty 1995

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