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ES AC030 Fundamentals of Arctic Engineering Homework 2 Solution

University of Alaska Anchorage

This quiz covers material presented in Module 2 regarding units of measure and basics of
heat transfer. Choose the most correct answer from the options. Pay special attention to
correct units of measure.

Question 1, Multiple Choice, 10 points

The specific gravity of substance is 1.9. What is its specific weight in SI units?
1 x 103 N/m3
9.81 x 103 N/m3
1.9 x 103 N/m3
9.807 m2/sec
1.863 x 104 N/m3
1,000 kg/m3
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Question 2, Multiple Choice, 10 points

What is the weight of 2 m3 of Helium at 1 standard atmosphere and 20C? The ideal gas
constant for Helium is 2.077 x 103 J/kg-K.
0.17 kg/m3
3.3 N
2.4 N
47.8 N
2.4 kg/m3
3.265 N/m3
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Question 3, True/False, 10 points

A block of freshwater ice weighing 20 pound at 32F absorbs 3,000 BTU of heat energy.
Will it melt?
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Question 4, Multiple Choice, 10 points

"Emissivity" refers to
Emissions of greenhouse gas fumes
Amount of sunlight reflected from a surface
Heat transfer by convection
Heat transfer by conduction
Heat transfer by radiation

ES AC030 Fundamentals of Arctic Engineering Homework 2 Solution
University of Alaska Anchorage

Question 5, Multiple Choice, 10 points

What is the heat energy transfer per unit area in BTU/hr, given a two-layer wall of the
following characteristics? Inside temperature = 75F; outside temperature = -20F; inner
layer thickness = in.; inner k = 0.06 BTU/hr*ft*F; inner h = 0; outer layer thickness =
in.; outer k = 0.017 BTU/hr*ft*F; outer h = 4.1 BTU/hr*ft2*F.
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Question 6, Multiple Choice, 10 points

Wind chill charts are based primarily on:

convective heat transfer
conductive heat transfer
radiative heat transfer
conductive and radiative heat transfer
conductive and convective heat transfer
convective and radiative heat transfer

Question 7, Multiple Choice, 10 points

What is the thermal resistance of an 0.5-cm-thick pane of glass?

6.4 x 10-9
0.004 W
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Question 8, Multiple Choice, 10 points

A mass of 10 kg is cooled from 2C to -7C, changing from liquid to solid in the process.
The heat capacity of the liquid and solid phase is 1800 J/kg-C and the latent heat of
fusion is 320 kJ/kg. What was the transfer of heat energy?
3.362 x 106 J
3.2 x 106 J
-1.62 x 106 J
-3.36 x 106J
3.34 x 106 J
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ES AC030 Fundamentals of Arctic Engineering Homework 2 Solution
University of Alaska Anchorage

Question 9, True/False, 10 points

Thermal resistance is independent of material thickness.


Thickness is integral to this paramater.

Question 10, True/False, 10 points

Earth radiates at a higher frequency than the Sun.


Earth's longer infrared radiation wavelength corresponds to a lower frequency.

A block of freshwater ice weighing 20 pound at 32 deg F absorbs 3,000 BTU of heat
energy. Will it melt?

kJ J 10

latent heat of fusion: Lf := 144

W := 20 lbf Emelt := W Lf Emelt = 2.88 10 BTU

Yes, it will melt, since the heat absorption exceed the latent heat of fusion and the temperature
is already at the melting point (32 def F).
The specific gravity of substance is 1.9. What is its specific weight in SI units?

kg 3 kg
SG := 1.9 H2O := 1000 := H2O SG = 1.9 10
3 3
m m

m 3 N
H2O := H2O g g = 9.807 H2O = 9.807 10
2 3
s m

4 N
:= g = 1.863 10
What is the heat energy transfer per unit area in BTU/hr, given a two-layer wall of
the following characteristics? Inside temperature = 75 F; outside temperature =
-20 F; inner layer thickness = in.; inner k = 0.06 BTU/hr*ft*F; inner h = 0 ; outer
layer thickness = in.; outer k = 0.017 BTU/hr*ft*F; outer h = 4.1 BTU/hr*ft^2*F.

degF 1 A := 1 ft (per square foot)

Ti := 75 degF To := 20 degF

thi := 0.25 in tho := 0.25 in

ki := 0.06 ko := 0.017
hr ft degF hr ft degF

hi := 0 ho := 4.1
2 2
hr ft degF hr ft degF

thi tho 1 hr degF

Rtotal := + + Rtotal = 1.817
ki A ko A ho A BTU

q := q = 52.295 (constant rate through both layers, from warm
Rtotal hr side to cold side)

Determine the interface temperature by Fourier's Law across the inner layer:

dT q thi
Fourier's Law: q = k A or dT := dT = 18.158 degF
dn ki A

Tinterface := Ti dT Tinterface = 56.842 degF

Check heat transfer across outer layer by conduction and convection to see if the
temperature matches the problem statement:

q tho
dTo := dTo = 64.087 degF
ko A

Tosfc := Tinterface dTo Tosfc = 7.245 qconv = h A T

dTinner := dTinner = 12.755 Tinner := Tosfc dTinner
ho A

Tinner = 20 degF (checks with

problem statement)
What is the themal resistance of an 0.5-cm-thick pane of glass? degC 1

x := 0.5 cm from table on slide: k := 0.78
m degC

T T A T x 3 degC m
R= q= q = k A R := R = 6.41 10
q R x k W
What is the weight of 2 m3 of Helium (mol. wt. = 4.003) at 1 standard
atmosphere and 20 deg C? The ideal gas constant for Helium is
2.077 x 103 J/kg-K.
K 1 kPa Pa 10 T := ( 20 + 273) K T = 293 K

3 J
RHe := 2.077 10
kg K

p := 101.3 kPa V := 2 m

p kg
:= = 0.166
RHe T 3

W := g V W = 3.265 N
A mass of 10 kg is cooled from 2 deg C to -7 deg C, changing from liquid to solid
in the process. What was the transfer of heat energy? The heat capacity of the
liquid and solid phase is 1800 J/kg-degC.

M := 10 kg degC 1 T2 := 7 degC T1 := 2 degC C := 1800
kg degC
3 kJ
kJ := J 10 Lf := 320 T := T2 T1 T = 9 degC

6 3
Q := C M T Lf M Q = 3.362 10 J Q = 3.362 10 kJ

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