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Drd. Ancua Ignat, Prof. Dr. Marin Burlea, Dr. Valeriu V. Lupu,
Drd. Nicoleta Gimiga, Dr. Gabriela Pduraru
Disciplina Pediatrie, Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie Gr. T. Popa, Iai

Rolul bacteriei Helicobacter pylori n patogeneza bolilor digestive este foarte bine stabilit i cunoscut n prezent,
ns ultimele cercetri argumenteaz implicarea Helicobacter pylori n producerea unor afeciuni extradigestive.
Prevalena infeciei difer de la o zon geografic la alta, fiind n declin n rile dezvoltate i meninndu-se
nc ridicat la populaia din rile n curs de dezvoltare. H. pylori determin din partea gazdei un rspuns imun
care implic imunitatea umoral i celular. Infecia este localizat la nivelul mucoasei gastrice, dar s-a de-
monstrat c anumite boli alergice sunt consecina, cel puin la o parte din bolnavi, a infeciei cronice cu H. pylori.
Suferinele gastrointestinale manifestate prin greuri, vrsturi, inapeten, dureri epigastrice, pot fi asociate i
cu tulburri nutriionale. Infecia cu H. pylori se asociaz cu anemie, scdere ponderal i statural. Bacteria a
fost identificat i la majoritatea pacienilor diabetici cu neuropatie autoimun producnd tulburri electrice
gastrice, ntrzierea evacurii stomacului, manifestri responsabile de simptomele dispeptice. Conduita tera-
peutic corect realizat n cazul pacienilor cu afeciuni extradigestive i o eventual infecie cu H. pylori
trebuie s vizeze att tratamentul bolii de baz ct i eradicarea eficient a infeciei.

Cuvinte cheie: Helicobacter pylori, manifestri extradigestive, copil

Helicobacter pylori, ca orice alt bacterie sau toxici din clasa IgG, care, prin activarea leucocitelor
virus, determin din partea gazdei un rspuns imun polimorfonucleare neutrofile de ctre complexele
care implic imunitatea celular i umoral. Infecia imune, realizeaz leziuni epiteliale acute. Celulele
este localizat la nivelul stomacului, iar modificrile sistemului imun prezent n mucoas sunt repre-
inflamatorii i imunologice sunt circumscrise aces- zentate de: Th, Ts i limfocite B prezente n lamina
tui segment al tubului digestiv. n ultimii ani s-au proprie a mucoasei. n cursul inflamaiei cronice
adus dovezi privind implicarea bacteriei n suferine cresc limfocitele intraepiteliale. n vitro, H. pylori
extragastrice. Manifestrile extradigestive ntlnite
activeaz celulele NK, induce activarea i maturarea
n cazurile diagnosticate cu gastrite cu H. pylori
monocitelor derivate din celule dendritice (2). Dei
demonstreaz c infecia are rsunet nu numai lo-
cal, ci i sistemic. fa de bacterie, organismul produce anticorpi,
aceasta nu poate fi eliminat datorit unor structuri
Rspunsul imun al gazdei n cursul infeciei cu ce-i asigur supravieuirea i i permite s evadeze
H. pylori din reeaua sistemului imun al tubului digestiv.
Celulele sistemului imun gastric sunt adaptate H. pylori induce sinteza local de interferon i
unei interaciuni cu un numr mare de antigeni. n TNF (3). n cursul inflamaiei se exprim molecule
condiii experimentale s-a demonstrat c sub in- de histocompatibilitate clasa II cu rolul n prezen-
fluena H. pylori agregatele foliculare din mucoasa tarea local a antigenului.
gastric cresc numeric (1). Rspunsul imun celular local este cheia sintezei
n cursul infeciei cu H. pylori, celule mononu- de anticorpi, generrii de citokine i inducerii lezi-
cleare din mucoasa gastric produc anticorpi cito- unilor epiteliale. Cauza direct a leziunilor epite-

Adresa de coresponden:
Dr. Valeriu V. Lupu, Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie Gr. T. Popa, Str. Universitii, Nr. 16, Iai



liului gastric sunt limfocitele T citotoxice i NK ob, sintetizat n esutul osos i care regleaz in-
activate. Un alt argument al rspunsului imun local gestia de alimente. Leptina a fost gsit i n glan-
l reprezint creterea numrului foliculilor limfoizi dele gastrice din zona fundic a stomacului i pare
din mucoasa gastric n cursul infeciei cronice. a fi implicat n medierea efectului CCK ce regleaz
n cursul infeciei cu H. pylori, IgA i IgG ating ingestia de alimente i senzaia de saietate. Infla-
niveluri crescute la pacienii care dezvolt gastrit maia cronic i citokinele pot stimula sinteza de
bacterian. Anticorpii anti H. pylori ca rspuns leptin ce induce astfel anorexia n cadrul inflamaiei
sistemic umoral al infeciei determin consecine cronice (8).
locale i extradigestive (cutanate, respiratorii, ne- Helicobacter pylori este principala cauz de in-
urologice, cardiovasculare). flamaie cronic la nivelul stomacului, bacteria
produce sintez de citokine, n mod special de IL-
Implicarea H. pylori n tulburrile nutriionale i 1. Dup eradicarea bacteriei, leptina scade conco-
dezvoltarea staturo-ponderal la vrsta pediatric mitent cu creterea indicelui de mas corporal. Nu
Suferinele gastrointestinale produse de infecia se tie totui prin ce mecanism apar tulburri de
cu H. pylori manifestate prin greuri, vrsturi, ina- digestie i absorbie a proteinelor la copiii infectai
peten, dureri epigastrice, pot fi asociate i cu tul- cu H. pylori.
burri nutriionale cronice care sunt frecvente n Apetitul este reglat i de un alt peptid format din
rile n curs de dezvoltare. 28 de aminoacizi cu o structur asemntoare mo-
Multe studii recente demonstreaz c infecia cu tilinei, produs n stomac, numit ghrelina. Ghrelina
H. pylori se asociaz cu anemie i hipotrofie staturo- este sintetizat de celulele enteroendocrine situate
ponderal. n glandele oxintice. Are rolul de a crete apetitul i
Infecia cu H. pylori este dobndit n copilrie. de a stimula eliberarea hormonului de cretere.
n rile dezvoltate prevalena la copii este de Concentraia sanguin a acestui peptid crete nainte
5-15%, iar n rile n curs de dezvoltare poate de prnz i scade postprandial (9).
ajunge la 70% (4). Sunt studii care demonstreaz c S-a demonstrat c exist o relaie direct propor-
H. pylori influeneaz creterea copilului nc din ional ntre aciditatea gastric i ghrelina plas-
viaa intrauterin (3). S-a observat c nou-nscuii matic. Se tie c dup eradicarea infeciei cu H.
din mame infectate au greutatea i talia la natere pylori secreia de HCl crete, ceea ce ar explica i
mai reduse dect cei nscui din mame H. pylori faptul c ghrelina crete semnificativ dup eradi-
negative (5). Unii autori arat c rata de cretere a care.
copiilor infectai este mai redus cu aproximativ Mecanismul prin care bacteria reduce sinteza de
0,5 cm/an fa de cei neinfectai (6). ghrelin nu este clar descifrat. Se discut dou
Pe un lot de 1.170 de pacieni diagnosticai cu posibiliti pe lng implicarea hipoclorhidriei din
diferite forme de gastrite, s-a urmrit existena cadrul inflamaiei cronice: aciunea direct a H.
tulburrilor de nutriie la pacienii infectai cu H. pylori asupra glandelor gastrice oxintice i hiper-
pylori comparativ cu lotul de pacieni neinfectai. gastrinemia din cursul infeciei.
Protocolul de lucru a constat n studierea la loturile Aportul alimentar poate fi reglat de raportul
H. pylori pozitiv/negativ a parametrilor biologici: ghrelin/leptin. Ambele peptide sunt influenate
proteine totale, glicemie, teste de citoliz hepatic, de infecia cu H. pylori (9).
teste renale, colesterol, trigliceride, lipide. S-au Tulburrile nutriionale datorate infeciei au o
obinut diferene semnificative doar la parametrul semnificaie important la vrsta pediatric deoarece
proteine serice totale. Modificrile dezvoltrii sta- n cursul creterii, copiii au nevoie de un aport pro-
turo-ponderale aprute ca o consecin a tulburrilor teic sporit.
de nutriie s-au corelat cu prezena infeciei bac- Astfel, n cursul infeciei cu H. pylori apar
teriene care a avut un impact asupra creterii pon- tulburri nutriionale cu scdere n greutate, urmnd
derale, dar nu i asupra creterii staturale. (7) ca dup eradicare aceste tulburri s dispar cu re-
Asocierea ntre infecia cronic cu H. pylori i venirea la normal a greutii.
anumite sindroame de malabsorbie nu a putut fi
Asocierea infeciei cu H. pylori cu anemia hipocrom
demonstrat, concluzie ce poate fi explicat i prin
faptul c muli copii din cei diagnosticai cu sindrom n practica pediatric, anemiile hipocrome feri-
de malabsorbie nu sunt investigai i pentru de- prive sunt cel mai frecvent ntlnite, iar stabilirea
tectarea infeciei cu H. pylori (7). diagnosticului etiologic se realizeaz de multe ori
n meninerea homeostaziei masei corporale un cu dificultate deoarece exist un segment de pacieni
rol major l are leptina, o protein produs de gena la care etiologia nu poate fi precizat cu exactitate.

Factorul infecios ca verig patogenetic n ascorbic este sczut. Bacteria are rolul de a mo-
anemia hipocrom feripriv a fost sugerat de mai difica cei doi factori importani n absorbia fierului
muli ani. Gastrita, n general, poate fi nsoit de (10).
anemie. Hipoclorhidria indus de antisecretoarele utili-
Din 1.170 de cazuri diagnosticate cu gastrit, zate n tratamentul gastritelor este diferit de cea
338 (28,88%) de pacieni au prezentat i anemie din gastrita cronic atrofic, acest lucru fiind sus-
hipocrom microcitar persistent, neinfluenat de inut de studiile care arat c pH-ul gastric la bol-
terapii mariale anterioare. S-a pus n discuie att navii tratai cu antisecretoare n doze farmacologice,
apariia unei gastrite acute postmedicamentoase rmne sub 3 mai mult de opt ore.
datorate efecului iritativ al fierului la nivelul mu- Hipoclorhidria indus de H. pylori este expresia
coasei gastrice, ct i urmrirea interaciunii cu in- gastritei cronice a corpului gastric. Nivelul secretor
fecia bacterian i dezvoltarea unei gastrite cronice. de HCl este constant, astfel nct hipoclorhidria se
Analiza statistic a demonstrat o asociere semni- menine pe tot parcursul zilei (11).
ficativ ntre infecia H. pylori i anemia feripriv. Hipoclorhidria indus farmacologic se nsoete
(7) de scderea acidului ascorbic numai la pacienii
Nu exist date semnificative ntre loturile de infectai cu H. pylori. Depleia de acid ascorbic se
pacieni diagnosticai cu anemie feripriv, privind datoreaz consumului n procesul de inactivare a
simptomatologia acut sau cronic de gastrite. radicalilor liberi de oxigen eliberai n mucoasa
Acest rezultat se explic prin faptul c, pe de o gastric inflamat. Acidul ascorbic este sczut i n
parte, pacienii care prezint anemie hipocrom i plasm probabil datorit creterii secreiei active la
urmeaz tratament cronic cu produse de fier, dez- nivelul mucoasei gastrice pentru meninerea n
volt o gastrit acut iritativ, iar pe de alt parte sucul gastric a unei concentraii adecvate (12).
pacienii la care are loc i suprainfecia bacterian S-a demonstrat c dup tratamentul cu antibiotice
dezvolt o gastrit cronic, care prin accentuarea i eradicarea bacteriei, nivelul acidului ascorbic din
simptomatologiei digestive i a leziunilor gastrice, stomac se normalizeaz numai la pacienii cu
ntreine i agraveaz forma de anemie. (7) gastrit cronic superficial, n timp ce la pacienii
Deficitul de fier apare ca o manifestare a unei cu gastric cronic atrofic, dup eradicarea infec-
balane negative a fierului, determinat de mai muli iei, acidul ascorbic nu mai revine la valorile nor-
factori: depozite de fier reduse la natere, alimentaie male (13).
srac n fier, nevoi crescute de fier, malabsorbie,
pierderi cronice de snge (10). Cu toate aceste cu- Impactul infeciei cu H. pylori asupra pacienilor
notine despre cauzele anemiei feriprive, exist un diabetici
numr relativ crescut de copii la care etiologia bolii Diabetul zaharat este cea mai frecvent boal
rmne necunoscut, iar afeciunea este refractar metabolic ce evolueaz pe termen lung cu com-
la tratament. plicaii severe cum ar fi nefropatia, retinopatia, an-
Cercetrile din ultimii ani aduc dovezi prin care giopatia. n prezent se fac eforturi de a clasifica
susin c infecia cronic cu H. pylori ar putea ex- diabetul dup mecanismele patogenetice care sunt
plica la copii rezistena la tratamentul cu preparate parial elucidate, implicai fiind factorii genetici i
orale de fier a anemiei feriprive. factorii de mediu. Infeciile intercurente, virale sau
Un studiu realizat pe un grup de 21 de adolesceni bacteriene, imprim o evoluie mai sever bolii, pot
cu anemie feripriv a demonstrat prezena infeciei duce la decompensare i creterea necesarului de
cu H. pylori la 61% din subieci, iar la trei luni dup insulin (14). Rata reinfeciei anuale este de 38% la
eradicarea bacteriei prin tripl terapie, valoarea diabetici i de numai 5% la populaia de control
hemoglobinei a crescut n medie cu 2 g% (10). (15).
Se tie c aproximativ 80% din fierul ingerat din H. pylori induce o inflamaie cronic ce ar putea
alimentaie este non-heminic (de origine vegetal) influena controlul metabolic. S-a observat c pa-
sub form de Fe3+ i doar 20% este sub forma Fe2+ cienii obezi cu diabet zaharat i infectai cu H.
(de origine animal), acesta din urm fiind inclus n pylori au glicemia bazal semnificativ mai sczut
structura porfirinic a hemului. Conversia formei dect la subiecii obezi H. pylori negativi (16).
trivalente n bivalent este facilitat la nivelul Acest rezultat ar putea sugera c bacteria poteneaz
stomacului de acidul clorhidric i acidul ascorbic. efectul hipoglicemiant al insulinei.
Pacienii infectai cu H. pylori i care prezint n Unele studii arat c eradicarea infeciei la
special forme de gastrit cronic atrofic corporeal pacienii diabetici s-a realizat numai la 50% fa de
au un pH gastric crescut, iar concentraia de acid 85% la non-diabetici (17). Rezultatele privind

infecia cu H. pylori i controlul metabolic al dia- nalt a tulpinilor cagA pozitive, inducerea de ctre
betului zaharat tip I sunt contradictorii, unele studii bacterie a unor substane proinflamatorii, creterea
artnd c nu s-au observat diferene semnificative titrului IgE la bolnavii infectai cu H. pylori cagA
ale prevalenei infeciei fa de pacienii non-dia- pozitive (21).
betici (17), altele argumentnd c prevalena este Din 1.170 de pacieni diagnosticai cu diferite
crescut la 80% fa de 37,5% la persoanele sn- forme de gastrit, 107 (9,14%) au asociat i afeciuni
toase. alergice, fr diferene statistice pe grupe de vrste.
Halena neplcut este manifestarea clinic ce Din analiza statistic rezult c pacienii infectai
domin la diabeticii infectai cu H. pylori. Tulpinile cu H. pylori au prezentat alergii mult mai frecvent
cagA pozitive sunt mai virulente i se asociaz cu o (14,58%) dect cei neinfectai (8,03%). (7)
producie crescut de cytokine (IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, Alte studii arat c prevalena infeciei cu H.
TNF) (9). Este posibil ca la aceti pacieni, con- pylori la copiii cu alergie alimentar nu este mai
trolul metabolic s fie perturbat. mare dect n populaia general, dar se remarc o
ntr-un alt studiu, H. pylori a fost identificat la cretere aproximativ de dou ori mai mare a frec-
toi pacienii diabetici cu neuropatie autoimun venei tulpinilor virulente cagA.
(18). Este posibil ca bacteria s joace un rol n pato- Prevalena infeciei cu H. pylori la un grup de 65
geneza neuropatiei autoimune, cu producerea tul- de bolnavi cu angioedem ereditar nu a fost mai
burrilor gastrice, ntrzierea evacurii stomacului, ridicat dect n populaia general, aceasta fiind de
manifestri responsabile de simptomele dispeptice 30%, din care 84% au fost cagA pozitivi (15).
Rolul florei intestinale n tolerana digestiv este
prezente la pacientul diabetic.
demonstrat prin evoluia clinic favorabil a pa-
La pacienii cu diabet zaharat tip I i infectai cu
cienilor cu boli alergice la care s-au administrat
H. pylori, evacuarea gastric este mai prelungit
probiotice (22). Studii recente arat faptul c sugarii
dect la cei neinfectai (19). Dup eradicarea infec-
alimentai natural de mame care primesc probiotice
iei, evacuaurea gastric se normalizeaz. Aceast
dezvolt mult mai rar boli alergice, n special der-
constatare este foarte important, trebuie cunoscut
matit atopic.
pentru ca doza de insulin nainte de mas s fie
Unii autori sugereaz c H. pylori poate fi un
administrat n corelaie cu timpul de evacuare a factor patogenic n diverse boli dermatologice ca
stomacului pentru a preveni hipoglicemia. urticaria, dermatita atopic i angioedemul. Pentru
explicarea mecanismului de aciune s-a postulat
Infecia H. pylori i alergiile alimentare
ipoteza c bacteria, prin potenialul proinflamator
Alergia alimentar reprezint un rspuns atipic pe care l are, constituie un trigger ce declaneaz o
al sistemului imun de la nivelul mucoasei gastro- succesiune de evenimente imune prin care se
intestinale aprut n urma interaciunii acestuia cu realizeaz depleia inhibitorului C1-esterazei (23).
antigenele ingerate. Prin alergie alimentar se S-a demonstrat corelaia ntre urticaria cronic
neleg toate reaciile adverse la alimente declanate i infecia cu H. pylori, n special cu tulpinile cagA
de mecanismul immunologic. pozitive (24, 25). Seroprevalena anticorpilor anti
La bolnavii infectai cu H. pylori, proteinele - H. pylori a fost constatat la 75% din bolnavii cu
bacteriene au efect chemotactic pentru bazofile i urticarie cronic idiopatic (24). La 88% din pa-
astfel mucoasa gastric este infiltrat cu aceste cienii cu urticarie cronic infectai cu H. pylori,
celule (20). dup eradicarea infeciei, simptomele s-au remis
Celulele dendritice sunt mediatori ntre sistemul total sau parial. Densitatea celulelor din mucoasa
imun nnscut i sistemul imun ctigat. Prin sti- gastric ce conin IgE a fost gsit semnificativ mai
mularea celulelor dendritice de ctre H. pylori, se mare la bolnavii cu gastrit cronic bacterian fa
elibereaz citokine ca IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 i IL-12. de cei neinfectai i fr boli cutanate (26).
Aceste citokine sunt considerate astzi factori pato- Un studiu realizat pe un grup de pacieni cu
genetici n diferite afeciuni, printre care i alergiile angioedem arat c bolnavii infectai cu H. pylori
alimentare. au avut n istoric episoade colicative abdominale,
Majoritatea cercetrilor aduc numeroase argu- n timp ce bolnavii neinfectai au prezentat aceste
mente care demonstreaz c H. pylori este un factor manifestri numai n procent de 23% (27). Dup
de risc n alergia alimentar la copil. Dintre acestea eradicarea infeciei, timp de peste doi ani nu au mai
cele mai importante sunt: inflamaia mucoasei gas- aprut episoadele dureroase abdominale.
trice prin care se realizeaz o cretere a permea- Relaia H. pylori astm bronic este discutat
bilitii pentru alergenii alimentari, prevalena cotradictoriu n literatur (28). La copii s-a observat

o corelaie invers ntre infecia gastric i astmul copiii cu alergie alimentar s-a remarcat o cretere
bronic. ntr-un alt studiu recent s-a observat o a titrului anticorpilor anti-cag A. (25)
reducere cu 30% a riscului de astm bronic la copiii
infectai cu H. pylori. Seroprevalena H. pylori nu CONCLUZII
difer semnificativ la astmatici fa de subiecii de
control (20). Infecia cu H. pylori poate induce tulburri n
Helicobacter pylori este cauza principal a gas- creterea ponderal i anemie feripriv prin mo-
tritei cronice la copil. Inflamaia cronic produs n dificarea mediului intragastric, creterea pH-ului la
aceast patologie afecteaz drastic integritatea nivelul stomacului, scderea concentraiei acidului
barierei mucoasei gastrice i astfel crete posi- ascorbic i sechestrarea fierului.
bilitatea ca alergenii alimentari s traverseze mu- Pacienii cu diabet zaharat refractar la tratament
coasa. Prin creterea permeabilitii mucoasei i cu manifestri digestive, trebuie investigai
tubului digestiv, antigenii alimentari traverseaz cu pentru infecia activ cu H. pylori, inndu-se cont
uurin i vin n contact cu sistemul imun (21). de faptul c rata de eradicare a infeciei cu H. pylori
La copiii alergici care au gastrit cronic i la diabetic este redus, rata de reinfecie este cres-
infecie cu H. pylori, inflamaia mucoasei gastrice cut, iar doza de insulin la pacienii infectai este
este mult mai sever dect la cei fr alergie ali- mai mare.
mentar. La pacienii infectai cu tulpini cagA Infecia cu H. pylori determin declanarea sis-
pozitive, leziunile de la nivelul mucoasei sunt mai temului imun, fiind astfel asociat cu alergiile
importante deoarece crete foarte mult permea- alimentare.
bilitatea epiteliului gastric i astfel este favorizat Manifestrile extradigestive ale infeciei cu H.
pasajul neselectiv al alergenilor cu stimularea pylori sunt determinate n special de tulpinile cagA
direct a rspunsului IgE. Unele studii arat c la pozitive.

Extradigestive manifestations of Helicobacter pylori infection in children

Ancua Ignat, Marin Burlea, Valeriu V. Lupu, Nicoleta Gimiga,
Gabriela Pduraru
Pediatrics Department, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi

The role of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the pathogenesis of the digestive diseases now, is very well established and
known, but recent research claims that Helicobacter pylori is involved in producing some extra-digestive diseases. The
prevalence of the infection differs from one geographical area to another, registering a descending trend in developed
countries and remaining at a constant level or even increasing in developing countries. Helicobacter pylori determines
an immune response of the host, which involves humor and cell immunity. The infection is located in the gastric mucosa,
but in recent years we have seen studies that try to explain some allergic diseases as the consequence, at least in some
patients, of the chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori. The gastro-intestinal sufferings caused by the infection with H.
pylori manifested by nausea, vomiting, anorexia, epigastric pains can be associated with nutritional disorders. Many
recent studies prove that the infection with H. pylori is associated with anemia, and weight loss. Helicobacter pylori was
identified in most diabetic patients with autoimmune neuropathy, causing electric gastric disorders, the delay of the
stomach evacuation, manifestations responsible of the dyspeptic symptoms in diabetic patients. The appropriate
therapeutic behavior in the case of patients with extra-digestive affections and an eventual infection with H. pylori should
concern both the basic disease treatment and the efficient eradication of the infection.

Key words: Helicobacter pylori, extradigestive manifestations, child.

Helicobacter pylori, like any other bacteria or tion is localized in the stomach and inflammatory
virus, causes an immune response from the host in- and immunological changes are circumscribed to
volving humoral and cellular immunity. The infec- this segment of the digestive tract. In the last few

years, it has provided evidence on the involvement epigastric pain, may be associated with chronic
of bacteria in extragastric diseases. Extradigestive nutritional disorders most common in developing
manifestations encountered in cases diagnosed with countries.
H. pylori gastritis demonstrates that infection has Many recent studies show that H. pylori infection
echo not only local but also systemic. is associated with anemia and weakness stature-
The host immune response during infection with H. pylori infection is acquired in childhood. In
H. pylori developed countries the prevalence in children is
Cells of the gastric immune system are adapted 5-15%, and in developing countries can reach 70%
to an interaction with a large number of antigens. In (4). This studies are showing that H. pylori
experimental conditions, it has demonstrated that influences the child from the womb (3). It was
under the influence of H. pylori, the follicular units observed that newborns of infected mothers have
of gastric mucosa numerically grow. (1). weight and size at birth lower than those born to
During H. pylori infection, mononuclear cells of mothers H. pylori negative (5). Some authors show
gastric mucosa produce cytotoxic antibodies of the that the growth rate of infected children is lower by
IgG class, which by activating polymorphonuclear about 0.5 cm / year to uninfected (6).
neutrophil leukocytes by immune complexes, acute In a group of 1170 patients diagnosed with
epithelial damage its done. Immune system cells various forms of gastritis, we have studied the
present in the mucosa are represented by: Th, Ts existence of eating disorders in patients infected
and B lymphocytes present in lamina propria of with H. pylori compared with uninfected patients
mucosa. Intraepithelial lymphocytes increased group. The working protocol was to study in H.
during chronic inflammation. In vitro, H. pylori pylori positive/negative batches the biological
activates NK cells, inducing the activation and parameters: total protein, glucose, hepatic cytolysis
maturation of monocytes derived from dendritic tests, kidney tests, cholesterol, triglycerides, lipids.
cells (2). In patients with H. pylori infection, gastric There were obtained significant differences only in
mucosa is infiltrated with macrophages. the parameter of total serum proteins. Changes in
Although, the body produces antibodies against stature-weight development occurred as a conse-
bacteria, it cannot be removed due to his structures quence of eating disorders correlate with the pre-
that ensure survival and allows him to escape from sence of bacterial infection that had an impact on
the immune system of digestive tract. weight gain, but not on growth stature. (7)
H. pylori induces local synthesis of interferon The association between H. pylori infection and
and TNF (3). During the inflammation, it is express certain chronic malabsorption could not be
class II histocompatibility molecules with his role demonstrated, this conclusion can be explained by
in local presentation of the antigen. the fact that many children diagnosed with malab-
Local cellular immune response is the key to the sorption are not investigated for H. pylori infection
synthesis of antibodies, the cytokines generation (7).
and the induce of epithelial lesions. The direct In maintaining the body weight homeostasis,
causes of gastric epithelial lesions are cytotoxic T leptin plays a major role. Leptin is a protein
lymphocytes and activated NK cells. Another produced by the ob gene, synthesized in the bone
argument of the local immune response is the tissue and she regulates food intake. Leptin was
increase of number of lymphoid follicles in the found in the gastric glands of fundus stomach and
gastric mucosa during chronic infection. seems to be involved in mediating the effect of
During infection with H. pylori, IgA and IgG CCK that regulates food intake and satiety. Chronic
reached high levels in patients who develop inflammation and cytokines can stimulate leptin
bacterial gastritis. Anti - H. pylori antibodies as synthesis inducing anorexia inside of chronic
systemic humoral response of infection cause local inflammation (8).
and extradigestive consequences (skin, respiratory, Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of chronic
neurological, cardiovascular). inflammation of the stomach, the bacteria produce
synthesis of cytokines, particularly IL-1. After
Involvement of H. pylori in nutritional disorders and
eradication of bacteria, leptin decreases while is
in the stature-weight development of pediatric
increasing body mass index. It is not known yet by
what mechanism is occurring disorders of digestion
Gastrointestinal sufferings caused by H. pylori and absorption of proteins from H. pylori-infected
infection manifested by nausea, vomiting, anorexia, children.

Appetite is controlled by another peptide symptoms of acute or chronic gastritis. This result
consisting of 28 amino acids with a motilin-like is explained by the fact that on the one hand the
structure produced in the stomach, called ghrelin. hypochromic anemia patients who are chronically
Ghrelin is synthesized by enteroendocrine cells iron-treatment, developed a severe gastric irritation,
located in oxintice glands. His role is to increase and on the other hand, patients develop bacterial
appetite and stimulate growth hormone release. infection occurs on chronic gastritis, which by
Blood levels of this peptide increase before lunch enhancing digestive symptoms and gastric lesions,
and are lowers after meals (9). maintain and worsens form of anemia. (7)
It has been shown that there is a directly Iron deficiency occurs as a manifestation of a
proportional relationship between gastric acidity negative iron balance, driven by several factors:
and plasma ghrelin. It is known that after the low iron stores at birth, poor nutrition iron increased
eradication of H. pylori infection increases the iron needs, malabsorption, chronic blood loss (10).
secretion of HCl, which would explain the fact that With all this knowledge about the causes of iron
ghrelin increases significantly after eradication. deficiency anemia, there is a relatively high number
The mechanism by which bacteria reduce ghrelin of children whose etiology remains unknown and
synthesis is not clearly deciphered. We discuss two the disease is refractory.
possibilities besides hypochlorhydria involvement Recent research provides evidence that chronic
in the chronic inflammation: direct action of H. infection with H. pylori in children may explain
pylori on gastric oxintice glands and hipergastrinemia resistance to treatment with oral preparations on
during infection. iron deficiency anemia.
Food intake can be adjusted by the ratio ghrelin A study conducted on a group of 21 adolescents
/ leptin. Both peptides are influenced by infection with iron deficiency anemia, demonstrated the
with H. pylori (9). presence of H. pylori infection in 61% of subjects,
Nutritional disorders due to infection have an and three months after bacterial eradication by
important significance in pediatric age as during triple therapy, the hemoglobin value has increased
growth, children need a high protein intake. by an average of 2 g% (10).
So, during H. pylori infection weight loss occur It is known that about 80% of ingested iron in
with nutritional disorders, followed by eradicating the diet is nonheminic (vegetable origin) as Fe 3 +
infection these problems to disappear with the and only 20% is in the form of Fe2 + (animal), the
return to normal weight. latter being included in the structure of the heme
porphyrin. Trivalent to divalent form conversion is
The association of H. pylori infection with facilitated in the stomach of hydrochloric acid and
hypochromic anemia ascorbic acid. Patients infected with H. pylori, and
In pediatric practice, hypochromic iron defi- which in particular forms of chronic atrophic
ciency anemia is the most common, and etiologic gastritis corporeal have increased gastric pH and
diagnosis is often made difficult because there is a the concentration of ascorbic acid is reduced. The
segment of patients whose etiology cannot be role of bacteria is to change the two important
determined accurately. factors in the absorption of iron (10).
Infectious factor like pathogenetic link in Hypochlorhydria induced by antisecretory drugs
hypochromic iron deficiency anemia has been used to treat gastritis is different from chronic
suggested for many years. Gastritis generally may atrophic gastritis, and this is supported by studies
be accompanied by anemia. showing that gastric pH in patients treated with
From 1170 cases diagnosed with gastritis, 338 pharmacological doses of antisecretory remains
(28.88%) patients presented persistent microcytic below 3 more than eight hours.
hypochromic anemia, influenced by previous Hypochlorhydria induced by H. pylori is the
martial therapies. We discussed both the emergence expression of chronic gastritis of gastric body. The
of acute gastritis due to drug reactions carried secretion of HCl is constant, so that hypochlorhydria
irritation of the gastric mucosa by iron and tracking is maintained throughout the day (11).
interactions with bacterial infection and the Pharmacologically induced hypochlorhydria is
development of chronic gastritis. Statistical analysis accompanied by decrease in ascorbic acid only in
demonstrated a significant association between H. patients infected with H. pylori. Ascorbic acid
pylori infection and iron deficiency anemia. (7) depletion is due to inactivation of the consumption
There are no significant data between groups of of oxygen free radicals in inflamed gastric mucosa.
patients diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, the Ascorbic acid is low probably due to an increase in

the plasma discharge current from the gastric mu- responsible for dyspeptic symptoms present to the
cosa in order to maintain an appropriate concentra- diabetic patient.
tion of gastric juice (12). In patients with diabetes mellitus type I and
It has been demonstrated that after treatment infected with H. pylori, gastric evacuation is more
with antibiotic and elimination of bacteria, the level prolonged than in uninfected (19). After eradication
of ascorbic acid in the stomach became normal only of the infection, gastric evacuation normalized.
in patients with chronic superficial gastritis, while This finding is very important to be known because
in patients with chronic gastric atrophy, after era- the insulin dose before meals should be taken in
dication of the infection, ascorbic acid does not conjunction with stomach evacuation time to
return to normal levels (13). prevent hypoglycemia.

The impact of H. pylori infection on patients with H. pylori infection and food allergies
diabetes Food allergy is an atypical immune system
Diabetes is the most common metabolic disease response from the gastrointestinal mucosa appeared
that develops severe long-term complications such after its interaction with ingested antigens. The
as nephropathy, retinopathy, angiopathy. Efforts are food allergy means all adverse reactions to food
currently made to classify diabetes as pathogenetic triggered by immunological mechanism.
mechanisms which are partially understood, being In patients infected with H. pylori, bacterial pro-
involved the genetic and environmental factors. teins have chemotactic effects for basophils and so
Intercurrent infections, viral or bacterial, print a the gastric mucosa is infiltrated with this cells (20).
much severe disease evolution which may lead to Dendritic cells are the mediators between the
decompensation and increased of insulin require- innate immune system and the won immune system.
Through the stimulation of dendritic cells by H.
ments (14). Annual re-infection rate is 38% in dia-
pylori, there are release cytokines such as IL-6,
betic patients and only 5% in the control population
IL-8, IL-10 and IL-12. These cytokines are con-
sidered today pathogenetic factor in various diseases
H. pylori induces a chronic inflammation that
including food allergies.
could influence metabolic control. It was observed
Most of the researches bring many arguments
that obese diabetic patients infected with H. pylori showing that H. pylori is a risk factor in food allergy
had significantly lower levels of glucose than obese in children. Of all of these the most important are:
subjects H. pylori negative (16). This result may inflammation of the gastric mucosa through which
suggest that bacteria potentiate the hypoglycemic increased permeability of food allergens, high
effect of insulin. prevalence of cagA positive strains, the bacteria in-
Some studies suggest that the eradication of the duce a proinflammatory substances, increased IgE
infection in diabetic patients has been achieved titers in patients infected with H. pylori cagA po-
only at 50% to 85% in non-diabetic (17). The results sitive (21).
for H. pylori infection and metabolic control of Of 1170 patients diagnosed with various forms
type I diabetes are contradictory, some studies of gastritis, 107 (9.14%) had allergies associated,
showing that there were no significant differences with no statistical differences by age group. A
in the prevalence of infection compared to non- statistical analysis shows that patients infected with
diabetic patients (17), and others arguing that the H. pylori had allergies more frequently (14.58%)
prevalence increased to 80% compared to 37.5% in than uninfected (8.03%). (7)
healthy individuals. Other studies show that the prevalence of H.
Unpleasant halitosis is dominating the clinical pylori infection in children with food allergy is not
manifestation in diabetic patients infected with H. higher than in the general population, but it is noted
pylori. CagA positive strains are more virulent and a grow approximately twice as large in the frequency
are associated with increased production of cyto- of virulent cagA strains.
kines (IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, TNF) (9). It is possible that The prevalence of H. pylori infection in a group
in these patients, metabolic control is disrupted. of 65 patients with hereditary angioedema was not
In another study, H. pylori was found in all higher than in the general population, it was 30%,
diabetic patients with autoimmune neuropathy (18). of which 84% were cagA positive (15).
It is possible that bacteria plays a role in the The role of the intestinal flora in the digestive
pathogenesis of autoimmune neuropathy producing tolerance is demonstrated by favorable clinical
gastric disorders, delayed gastric evacuation, events course of patients with allergic diseases which have

been administered probiotics (22). Recent studies Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of chronic
show that breast-fed infants of mothers receiving gastritis in children. Chronic inflammation in this
probiotics develops more slowly allergic diseases, pathology produced drastically affects on gastric
especially atopic dermatitis. mucosal barrier integrity and increase the possibility
Some authors suggest that H. pylori may be a that food allergens to cross the mucosa. By increa-
pathogenic factor in various skin diseases like sing the permeability of the digestive tract, the food
urticaria, atopic dermatitis and angioedema. In antigens penetrate easily and come in contact with
order to explain the mechanism of action has been the immune system (21).
postulated the hypothesis that the bacteria by Allergic children with chronic gastritis and H.
proinflammatory potential that it has, is a trigger pylori infection, the gastric inflammation is more
that starts a sequence of events by which it is severe than in those without food allergies. In
performed the immune depletion of C1-esterase patients infected with cagA positive strains, mucosal
inhibitor (23). lesions are very important because it increases
Correlation between chronic rash and infection gastric epithelial permeability and in this way
with H. pylori, has been demonstrated, especially permits the selective passage of allergens with
in cagA positive strains (24, 25). Seroprevalence of direct stimulation of IgE response. Some studies
anti - H. pylori was found in 75% of patients with show that children with food allergy noted an in-
chronic idiopathic rash (24). In 88% of patients crease in antibody titer cag A. (25)
with chronic rash, infected with H. pylori after era-
dication of the infection, the symptoms resolved CONCLUSIONS
completely or partially. The density of cells in the
gastric mucosa containing IgE was found signifi- Infection with H. pylori can induce disturbances
cantly higher in patients with chronic gastritis from on iron deficiency anemia and weight gain by
the bacterial infection and without skin disease altering intragastric environment, increasing the
(26). pH of the stomach, decreased concentrations of
A study on a group of patients with angioedema ascorbic acid and iron sequestration.
shows that H. pylori-infected patients had a history Patients with refractory diabetes and digestive
of colicky abdominal episodes, while uninfected symptoms should be investigated for active
patients have experienced these symptoms only in infection with H. pylori, taking into account the
23% (27). After eradication of the infection for fact that the rate of eradication of H. pylori infection
more than two years have not appeared abdominal in diabetics is low, reinfection rate is high, and the
pain episodes. insulin dose is higher than patients infected.
Relationship H. pylori asthma is contradictory Infection with H. pylori causes the trigger of
discussed in the literature (28). In children there immune system and this is associated with food
was an inverse correlation between gastric infection allergies.
and asthma. In another recent study showed a 30% Extradigestive manifestations of infection with
reduction in the risk of asthma in children infected H. pylori are determined mainly by cagA positive
with H. pylori. H. pylori seroprevalence did not strains.
differ significantly in asthmatics compared to con-
trols. (20)

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