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water to be 1000 kg/m3. 2

c03ElementaryFluidDynamicsTheBernoulliEquation.qxd 2/22/12 3:54 PM FIGURA P5-42E
Page 147 Figure
0.1 m P3
0.1 mm
s the conversion of flow,Flujo kinetic,
r without involving any pumps, Figure P3
Compilado Problemas de la 5-43 Ec. DUn
e Bpiezmetro
ernoulli yyun tubo de Pitot se fijan
Conservacin a tomas
de M asa: en un W
th large frictional losses, and thus 34 m tubo horizontal de agua de 3 cm de dimetro y se mide que las Fig. P3.52. Fo
2/27/12 7:39The
PM water
Page height
Cengel alturas
Munson de las columnas
White de Fagua
ox. son de 20 cm, en el piezme- determine the
oulli equation. Figure P3.48
1 Ing. tro,
de 35Lizcano
cm, en elGtubo
. de Pitot (las dos medidas desde la pipe,
3.52 D. W
umptions. The velocity inside the 2 Fig. P3.52. Fo
1 superficie superior del tubo de agua). Determine la velocidad en
Problems 147
take the burst section of the pipe
A) Altura de Chorros el centro de este tubo.
3.49 Water (assumed frictionless and incompressible) flows
determine the
Figure P3.48 pipe, D.
top of the water trajectorynegligible,
V2 = 0, determine the diameter, D(z), in terms of D5-44 steadily from a large tank andstop.
If through ayvertical, constant di-
Then the Bernoulli equation
FIGURA P5-38C 1 if theEl dimetro
pres- willde un
collapse tanque
and cilndrico
siphon will de agua es DTeffects
viscous su are negligible, de-
ameter pipe as shown in Fig.yP3.49. The laairatms-
in the the tank is stopping.
sure is to remain constant throughout PipeThat is,
1the pipe. altura p(z) es
! H. termineest
p1. El tanque the lleno minimum
2 con value
agua, of allowed
habierto a without siphon
Conocimiento General
ized to 50 kN/m . Determine (a) the height h, to which the water
fera. En el fondo3.49 Water
se abre (assumed
un orificio frictionless
de dimetro Do conanduna incompressible)
en- flows
rises, (b)from
steadily the water
a largevelocity
tank and in the
exitspipe, and (c)
through the pressure
a vertical, in the
constant di-
5-39 En climas fros, los tubos de agua pueden congelarseChapter y trada5 deMass,
horizontal and
part(sin Energy
prdidas). Equations
Desarrolle una rela- Q
P ameter pipe as of the
shown pipe.
in Fig. P3.49. The air in the tank is pressur-
sThe P Bernoulli
1 Patm Equation
reventarse si no se P
toman 1 P
atm precauciones 219apropiadas.
1, gage En uno cin para el tiempo necesario
2 50 para que el tanque a) se vace
m kN/m . Determine (a) the height h, to which the water a la 0.1 m
= esos+ sucesos,z2 = zde2 un = z2 el ized to 2

on gThedegage g pressurelainparte theexpuesta

water mains tuboa que
of 5g est
city at asobre particular mitad location se given.
y b) is vace totalmente.
rises, It isthetowater
(b) be determined
velocity in theifpipe, this and (c) the pressure in the
el floor
techo 3.35 Several holes are punched into a tin can as shown in Fig. horizontal part of the pipe. Q
an serve water to neighborhoods that are at a given elevation relative to this location.
suelo se rompe y el agua se dispara hacia arriba hasta 34 m. Es- Figure
0.1 m P3
nguera va P3.35.
time Which of
la presin the figures represents
manomtrica del agua enthe el variation
tubo. Enuncie of the suswater ve- 4m
ptions Water
manguera is incompressible
hiptesis asyitexplique
leaves the si Dla and
presin thus itsyour
real density
es choice.
mayor is constant.
o menor que el h
(z )
1 kPa
ba. Cul 3 valor que2 predijo. z
1 kN Figure P3
3.53 A
= 334 kPa
2 to be = 1000
00 Qu
ua? kg/m We )(9.81 takem/sthe)(density
34 m ) of water 2 kg/m . exit diameter pipe.
5-40 Se usa una sondaDde 1 kN/m
Pitot1000 kg m/s
y de presin esttica (tubo de Figure P3.60
1 carrying 0.12
is Noting thatpara
Prandtl) themedir
gage lapressure
velocidadatde a dept
un avinof hque in avuela
fluida is given by Pgage = water gh Pipe
3 000 , the height of a fluid 50 kN/m2 3.53 A
sifn por
ust be at leastm.334 Si lakPa above
lectura de lathe atmospheric
presin diferencial
(1) pressure.
es de 3 kPa, determine 3.61 Water exit is siphoned
h from the tank shown in Fig. P3.61. Deter- 3.54 diameter pipe
grave- to a
su velocidad. gage pressure of 400 kPa is determined to be mine the flowrate from the eter with negli
Airtank and the pressure at points (1), (2), carrying 0.12
ms alto? Q
m (3) if viscous effects are negligible. 50 kN/m2 sure and veloc
y the Bernoulli
Pgage5-41 equation Mientras 400represents
,000 N/mpor 2un a limit,
camino 1since
en mal
kg frictional
m/s 2
estado, ellosses
fondo are neglected, and the
3.54pressure anC
ells hus= that the = automvil
de un pressure Figure
cannot possibly
una roca filosa ybeesto less
= 40 .
causa 8 m un334 kPa (giving WaterusMain, a 400 kPa h
eter elevatio
with negl
Alguien g 3 2 1Si
N Air
pressure wateragujero
sobre un will be much ((1000
a)pequeo kg/m
higher. en el)(tanque
9.(81b) m/s )
de gasolina. de la ga-
(c)la altura 4m Water 2m sure and
*3.55 velof
Figure P3.35
solina que est en3.57el tanque es de 30 cm, determine la velocidad
The circular stream of water from a faucet is observed 2-in.-diameter 2 ft theshown
as pressure a
in Fi
is less than inicial50de m. Therefore,
to taper
la gasolina en from this main
a diameter
el agujero. cannot
of 20
Explique mm
BMAns.qxd to 102serve in water
cambiar aladistance to9:01 PM Pagehose
of 50 cm. ANS-2 higher elevati
ifn, so- thatvelocidad
orhoods are 50 mcon above Tanques Presurizados
tiempo the flowrate.
y cmo
this location. se afectara el flujo si el tapn Water
a function of d
m and 0Water
Figure P3.49 3 ft *3.55
sube a la del tanque estWater
3.36 cerrado con fuerza. Respuesta:from 2.43 m/s
3.58 flows GO from Watera ispressurized
siphoned tank, the through
tank shown a 6-in.-in Fig. P3.58. 8 ft
as shownassump
in F
1 PM Notediameter
e in-Page that h must
ANS-2 pipe, be
The much
exits from
water greater
a than
barometer 50 manozzle,
indicates for water
reading and
of to have
30.2 ft. 20 enough
Determine pressure
the to serve the water needs of the
a conditions
function of
es de te- 5-42I El agua para beber que se necesita en una oficina
ghborhood. above the nozzle se maximumas shown in Fig.
value of hP3.36.
deallowed Determine
without the pressure
cavitation in
uno occurring. Note Figure P3.49 m and 0 ! Q
in the closed end of the barometer
surte en garrafones agua. Se introduce 3.50 Water (assumed inviscid and incompressible) flows
that the pressurefrictionless,
of the vaporand sional assump
lostank if the flow
extremos de una is manguera
steady, de plstico de incompressible.
0.25 in de di- steadily with a speed of 10 ft/s(2)from the(1) large
3 tank shown in Fig.
ite como metro en el5-17
equals the vapor pressure.
garrafn que se coloca sobre un pedestal alto, en Miselnea
P3.50. Determine the depth, H, of the layer of light liquid the conditions
tra en la 1specific
3.50 weight 50 lb # ft3
2 that covers the water in the tank.
006 The McGraw-Hill tanto que el Companies,
otro extremo, Inc. ClosedLimited
con una vlvuladistribution
para abrir y permitted cerrar,
ANS-2 onlyAnswers
to Figure
to Selected
Water (assumed
" inviscid and incompressible) flows
with Even-Numbered Homework
the large Problems
se ve en end
aration. If youse mantiene
are a 2 ft abajo
student using delthis fondo del garrafn.
Manual, you are Si using
el nivel it del
without permission. steadily a speed of 10 ft/s from tank shown in Fig. 20 mm
o. Cul agua en el garrafn est a 1.5 ft cuando est lleno, determine P3.50. Determine
the depth, H, of the layer of light liquid
3.62 50 Redolb/ft Problem 3.61 if
weight " 50 lb #ft3 2 athat 1-in-diameter nozzleinisthe
cunto tiempo mnimo 20 ft se necesitar para llenar un vaso de 2.64
8 oz 0.304 ft 1specific
end of the tube.
10 ft/scovers the water 3.28 placed
tank. the
en kept attoa Selected
Answers Even-Numbered
3 Homework 3-in.
Problems 2 1!2
(! 0.00835 ft ) a) cuando el garrafn
minants can cuando est casi vaco. diameter acaba de abrirse2.66 y b) ! ! [d " 11.31 # 1d " 18.61d " 1282 ]!2 3.32 20.9 ft!s 20 mm
3.63 50Hlb/ft3A smooth plastic, 10-m-long garden hose with an in- d
ough cracks
30.2 ft
2.68 36,000 lb side diameter of 20 mm is used 10to
3.34 45.7 ft
drain a wading pool as is shown 2
2 in.
of water be- Air 3.28 46.5 m!s 2.70 p ! 0.416 u in Fig. P3.63. If viscous effects are neglected, what 3.36is the1248 lb!ft
2 1!26 ft
" 11.31 # 1d " 18.61d " 1282 ]!2
air enter the 3.32 20.9 ft!s 2.74 2.90 lb from theHpool? 5 ft 3.40 20.8 lb!s d
2 ft
lb 3.34 45.7 ft2.76 12.19 ft Water 4 ft 3.42 0.0119 ft !s 3 Figure P3
Chapter 5 Mass, Bernoulli, and Energy Equations
2 0.2 m
16 u can
P3.33 3.36 12482/15/12
BMAns.qxd lb!ft
2.78 9:017200PMlb Page ANS-2 3.44 15.4 m
5 ft 2 fl
on h 3.40 tank
timate theThe water height in an airtight pressurized 20.8islb!s
given. 665 lb pointing straight
A hose Water up is 4
connected to the 3.46 0.223 ft; 9.22 3.56 lb!ft
Figure P3
6 in. ft
to Figure P3.50 stant flowrate
of accom-
the tank. The maximum height to which the 1.53.42
water 0.01192.82
stream ft3!s rise
could 107 iskPa
to be determined. 3.48 2.45 & 10 kN!m ; 5
0.23 m
5 3
ons. Figure P3.36 Agua
2.84 7.11 m; No 3.50 3.19 ft
3.44 15.4 m
ptions 1 The flow is steady, incompressible, and irrotational with 2 2
3.56 Water f
3.46 0.223 2.86
ft; 9.22 Flb!ft 3
B ! $%R !4 Figure P3.50 3.52 0.0156 m3!s forflowrate
stant any D
ble frictional effects (so that the Bernoulli equation is applicable). 2 The3
3.37 An inviscid, incompressible liquid
3.48 2.45 flows 2.88
& 10 kN!m
5 from 9.00 ft; 1b2
; 5.50 & 10 m !s 11,200 Figure #6 lb; 3 P3.63 1c2 0 lb 3.54 6.59 ft; B above A
en thethe water largeand pressurized airisFigure negligible.
tank shown P3.58 in Fig. P.3.37. The velocity
3.50 33.19 ft 2.90
Answers to Selected Even-Numbered
at the33,900
exit lb 2 atm
Homework Problems
3.56 D ! D ![1 # 1p 2
No 1
ties del We is
take 40 ft
the / s. Determine
density of thewater specific to be gravity 1000 2 of
ft the
kg/m liquid
. in the tank. 3.64 3.58
%R !4 3
3.59 Water is siphoned from 3.52 a tank0.0156 2.64
as shown2.92 3
0.304 373
ft kN
any Deter- D 2 Water exits a pipe 3.28 as a free
46.5 jet
m!s and flows to 3.13
a ft
height h
Esperara 2.662.94 ! [d314 kN;
" 11.31 # 1d kN
497 "above 18.61d the"exit 1282plane 1!2
]!2as shown3.32 inhFig. 20.9 P3.64. ft!s The3.60 flow is 2.94
isft; 1b2 11,200
velocidad We take lb; point 1c2 0 lb 1 at mine the the free flowrate surface andof thewater 3.54
pressure in 6.59
tank, A,Ba!andabove
point A point. compressible, and frictionless. (a) Determine the height h. (b) De- 3
10 psi 2.68 36,000 lb 2 3.34 45.7 ft
D2.96 1680 lb 4 2 1!4 2 3.62 0.0758 ft !s; 499 lb!f
top of the water trajectory. Also, we take the 3.56reference
D !2.70 1![1
levelp !# at 1p
0.416thegD u 1 z!8Qtermine ]20 m the velocity and pressure 3.36 at1248 section lb!ft (1).
lugar de
of the tank. At the top of the water trajectory3.58 Air
0.04-m diameter
V2 = 0, 3.13and 2.100
2.74 2.90 lb3.63 ft 3.40 20.8 lb!s 3.64 1a2 3.98 ft; 1b2 36.0 ft!
kN Noting that zLiquid 3.60 2.762.102 12.19 1a2
ft 2.11 m; 1b2 941 kN 3.42 0.0119 ft3
!s 3.66 19.63 psi
1 = 20 m, P1,gage = 2 atm, P2 =2.94 Patm,mand that the
2.78 3.44 15.4 m 3.68
elocity at the free surface ofFIGURA
5 ft
the tank P5-42E is very low 3.62(V1 0),2.80
0.0758 2.104 37200599
theft Bernoulli
lb lb
!s; lb499 lb!ft ; 488 lb!ft h; #11.7 lb!ft 2 2
3.46 0.223 ft; 9.22 lb!ft2
6.26 m
on between these two points simplifies 3 mto 3.64 1a2 3.98 2.106
2.82 ft; 107
1b2kPa kN,
36.0 ft!s; #510 lb!ft2.46 m below 2 surface 3.48 2.45 & 10 kN!m ; 5.50 & 10#6 m3!s 5 3.70 3 1a2 1.06 & 10#3; 1b2 3.
2.108 2.34 ft V = 16 ft/s 3.72 29.5 Pa
m; 1b2each
upon 941 kN 2 10 ft 3.66 19.63 2.84 psi 7.11 m; No3 3.50 3.19 ft
P1 V5-43 Un piezmetro P2 AV 22 y un tubo de Pitot P1 se fijan aPtomas 2.862.110
en F $%R !4 P1 Patm
unB !0.146 P1,gage 3.52 0.0156 m3!s 3.74 for any D0 1gage2; 0.146 m
ligible and+ tubo+horizontal z1 = + agua+de z 23 cm de dimetro 3.68
+ z1y =se 6.26 atm m
+que z 2las
1a2 9.00 ft;z 21b2=11,200 lb; 0+ lb z1 = + 6-in. z1 diameter 3.54 6.59 ft; B above
g 2 g g de 2 g g mide
2.882.116 392
#3 kN; 437g kN;1c2#3 Yes g 3.76 A 1a2 0.0696 m3!s; 1b2 0.
, 2.46 m below alturas surface de las columnas de agua son de 20 3.70cm, en1a2el 1.06
2.90 &33,900
2.118 kN
10 lb; 1b2 3.02 & 10
581 lb; 0.289 psi
8 ft ; 0.118 3.56 D ! D1![1 # 1p2gD14 z!8Q2]1!4
3.78 H!H0 ! 1!11 " cx!L
tro, y de 35 cm,enFigure el tuboP3.59 de Pitot (las 3.72 dos medidas 29.52.92 Pa 373
desde la 3.58 3.13 ft
uting, 40 ft/s 2.942.120 314 7.77497&kN109 lb acting 406
kN; ft above base 3.60 2.94 m c ! 2$H2O dmax!rV02
superficie superior del tubo de agua). Determine 1gage2;
3.74 la0velocidad en
0.146 m (1)
plastic 2tube is used2.122 364.4
3 2 2
3.60 A 50-mm-diameter 2.96 1680
to siphon lb from the 3.62 0.0758 ft !s; 499 lb!ft
3.80 0.0132 m3;!s
; 488 lb!ft #11.7 lb!ft2
; 437 kN; Yes elcentro Figure de este P3.37 tubo. 2 3.76 1a2 0.0696
pressure !s; 1b2
moutside 0.574 m
2 atm large
101 tank, 325 shown N/m in Fig.
1 kg
P3.60. m/s If the 2.100
+ 20 = 40.7 m on 3.63
the ft
3360 of psi the tube 4-in. diameter 3.64 1a2 3.98 ft; 1b2 36.0 ft!s; #510 lb!ft2
= 1!2kN 3.82 2.50 in.
0.289(1000 psikg/m 5-44 3
)(9.El 81 dimetro m/s 2 )is more de un 1than atm tanque 30 kPacilndrico greater
1 3.78 than
N de the pressure

agua es2.102
D T! y 1!11
0 2.126 su 2.11
the m;cx!L2
1b2 941
kNthe tube
down , where Figure P3.64 3.66 19.63 psi
3.84 4
9 altura Section es H.above 3.6.2 El tanque Confined est lleno Flows con agua, (alsoy see Lab
abierto 2.104
a la 599
atms-d !rV lb 2 3.68 6.26 m
10 lb acting fera. 406
3.1LP ft eland
En fondo
3.3LP) base
se abre
c! 2$ 2.128 3370
Do con2.106una
H2O 426 max
en- kN, 2.46lb; 0 m 882belowlb
& 103.86#3
; 1b2 3.02 psi
& 10 #3
; 0.118
gelarse they water
1 Se
jet Sugiere can rise
de bordes hacer as 1 high
redondeados de esta asseccin 40.7 (sin prdidas).
m into 3.80 the sky0.0132
from the
una m 3ground.
!s 485
rela- ft kN 3 3.50 Superficie libre con Velocidad. 3.72 29.5 Pa 3.88 0.607 ft3!s; 1b2 21.3 ft
.i En uno 3.74 0 1gage2; 0.146 m
2 Se Sugiere hacer 1 de esta seccin 2.110
cin 3.38para Obtain el tiempo a photograph/image necesario para que of el a situation 3.82 a)2.50
tanque that involves
se vace2.132 0.146
a la a 46.8
con- lb!ft3 3.64 Recomendado
3.90 0.123 ft3!s
sobre el Themitad
down result
fined yflow obtained se for vace which by
totalmente. the theBernoulli Bernoulli equation and represents
continuity 2.116
equations thekN;
392 upper
are437ft;kN; Yes and should be interpreted 3.76 1a2 0.0696 m3!s; 1b2 0.574 m
b) 3.84 4 2.118 2.134 1.22 no change 3.78 H!H0 ! 1!113.92 " cx!L20.400
1!2 ft
, where
; 882 lb It tells important. us that thePrint waterthis cannot photopossibly and write rise a brief
3.86 more13.0paragraph
thanpsi 40.7581
2.136 mlb;
that de-0.289 psi
786,000 us
lb; an315,000
upper limit), lb and in all likelihood,
scribes the situation involved. 2.120 7.77 & 10 9
lb acting 406 ft above base c ! 2$ d 3.94 0 R ! 0.998 z1!4
!rV 2
will be much less because of frictional losses. 3
H2O max
%R !4 tween pipes (2) and (3).
3.52 0.0156 m !s7 for Q m any D 0.03-m diameter
Q Oil (SG
ft; 1b2 11,200 lb; 1c2 0 lb 3.54 6.592 ft; BFan above A 2 in. 0.15 in.
0.05-m diameter
Water Air = 0.9)
H(x) H0
h (ft) A [acres (1 acre ! 43,560 ft )] 2 4 Figure
2 1!4 P3.46
lb 2 in. 3.56 D ! D 1 ![1 # 1p gD 1 z!8Q ]
0 Inlet 0h
2 in.
3.58 3.13
Water ft
(1) 2/22/12 3:54 PM Page
; 497 kN
ion is formed 4 Figure
(3) Compilado
P3.74 3.60 2.94 m de la Ec. De Bernoulli
0.5 P roblemas 3.47 Natural y Conservacin
0.02-m gas (methane) flows
diameter de from
a 3-in.-diameter gas main,
0.20 ft Figure P3.104 through2 a 1-in.-diameter 2pipe, and into the burner of a furnace at a
0.1 in. remains
tially was 2c03ElementaryFluidDynamicsTheBernoulliEquation.qxd
0.3 ft8
0.8 Cengel
3.62 0.0758 ft !s; 499 lb!ft ; 488rate 3 M unson 2 W hite
lb!ftof 100
; #11.7 F ox.
ft /!ft
d 3
d the pressure in the gas main if the
0.9 2/22/12 3:54 PM Page 145
duce to 1 ft? 10 3.75 Air flows through 3.64 the1a2device
1.1 3.98 shown ft; 1b2 Ing.
in36.0 Waldo
Fig. P3.75.L
ft!s; Ifizcano
#510 the lb!ft
pressure Gin . 2 the 1-in. pipe is to be 6 in. of water greater than atmos-
m; 1b2 941 kNQ1 12 flowrate is large 1.5 3.66
enough, 19.63 the pressure psi within pheric pressure. Neglect viscousWater effects.
3.105 the Air,constriction
4 in.
14 1.8to draw the water up into assumed incompressible and inviscid, flows into the
B) Flujos 16 (1) will be low enough 3.68
the flowrate, Q, and the pressure needed shown
6.26 m at#3
(1) P3.105.
to draw

of 0.40-in. high-pressure
diameter as liquid jets can be used
in Fig. toIfcuta various
flowrate materials
40 in. 3 as shown in Fig. P3.48. If viscous effects
/s into the grill is re-
, 2.46 m below surface 18 Figure the water
P3.43 ft 3.70(2). 1a2
section Neglect1.06compressibility
& 10 ; 1b2
and viscous
to maintain
&the 10 146
; 0.118
correct cooking Chapter
estimate Elementary
3 the
conditions, pressure
determine neededFluid
the to DynamicsThe
produce a 0.10-mm- Bernoulli Equation
(2) 2/15/12 9:01 PM Page
Flujos Divididos 3.72 4 29.5 Pa
pressure within the grill near the holes.
3.74 0 1gage2; 0.146 m diameter water jet with a speed of 700 m!s. Determine the 3.51 Water flow
Figure P3.101 *3.79 Water flows from a large tank and through a pipe of variable
; 437 kN; Yes3.100 Water flows through a horizontal branching pipe as
shown in Fig. P3.100. Determine the pressure at section (3).
3.76 1a2 0.0696 m3!s; 1b2 0.574 m flowrate. area as shown in Fig. 3.79. The area of theProblems pipe is given by A 145
For the given 0.2
! flowrate as a fun
0.289 psi 3.78 H!H0 ! 1!11 " cx!L2 , whereA0[1 " x(1 " x/!)/2!], where A0 is the area at the beginning (x ! 0)
Free jet 2
109 lb acting 3.102 406 ftWater above 3.40 base
flows For the pipe
through enlargement
the branching 25 mm
pipeshownshown c! inin2$ Fig. O dmaxthe
Fig. !rVpressures
0 3.44and end (xflows
Water of the pipe.
! !) steadily Plot graphs
through the large of thetanks pressure shown within in the
V3 pipe as a function of distance along the pipe for water depths of
N P3.102. If at
viscous sections
effects (1)
are and (2)
negligible, are 56.3
3.80 and
the 58.2
0.0132 psi, mat respectively.
Q !s Deter- P3.44. Determine the water depth, h A.
A3 = 0.07 m2 Air h ! 1, 4, 10, and 25 m.
section (2) andmine the pressure
the weight at section
flowrate (3). (lb/s) (2) of the gasoline in the pipe.
i (1) ANS-2 3.82 2.50Answers in. to Selected Even-Numbered Homework Problems
down (3) 0.3 m 3.84 4 Q

;le882 lb
of diameter
50 mm 2.64
A3 = 0.035
3.86m2 13.0 psi ft 50 mm 3.28 46.5 m!s Q
2 9 holes, each
s atmospheric 3 V
z 3 2.66
= 10 Water
3.88 ! ! [d
0.607 " ft 11.31
!s; #
1b2 1d
21.3 " ft18.61d " 1282
0.40-in. diameter ]!2 3.32 20.9 ft!s 0.1 m
Q1 = 1 m /s 2 Q 0.1 mm
!ft 3 is quasi-
A1 = 0.1 m2 2.05 in. p2 = 350 kPa (3) 2.68
Figure P3.75 3.90 0.123 ft
36,000 lb 3!s 3.34
0.03m45.7 diameter ft
lly. Determine (2)
A2 = 0.02 m2 Gasoline 3.71 in. hA
no graphs
p1 = 300 kPa
V 2.70
= 14 m/s p ! 0.416 u h 3.36 1248 lb!ft2 Figure P3.5
plot of z1 = 0 2
A2 = 0.03 3.92m2 0.400 ft !; 315,000 Vlb
(1) 2.74 z2 = 0 2.90 lb
Figure P3.105 3.40 20.8 lb!s Free jet
1 = 4 m/s 3.94 R ! 0.998 z1!4 A
ationary row- p1 =(1) 400 kPa 3.76 Water 2.76 flows 12.19
steadilyftfrom the large open tank shown in 3.42 0.0119 ft3!s
lb A1 = 0.1 m2
3.100 404.5 kPa (2)
me it will take Figure P3.102 Fig. 3.76. If 2.78
viscous 7200
effects lb
are negligible, determine (a) the 3.44x 15.4 m 0.05m diameter Wat
l calculations. Figure P3.100 P3.40 Q, and (b)3.102
Figure flowrate, the manometer 252 kPa;reading, 1143.106 h.kPa An air cushion vehicle is supported by forcing
hB = 2air m into 2 Fig. P3.52. For t
2.80 665 lb #3the chamber created by a skirt around the periphery of the vehicle as 0.223 ft; 9.22 lb!ft
a; 0.208 m3 3.1041079.10 m3!s; determine the flo
2.82 kPa&310 shown 57.9P3.106.
in Fig. kPa The air escapes through
3Figure P3.48 3.48 2.45 & 105 kN!m3; 5.50 & 10#6
x = 0 the 3-in. clearance
pipe, m3D. !s
at 6.22 ft to right of A
3.103 Water flows through the horizontal 2.84 3.1067.11 branching
3120 m; No ftpipe!s; 2080 between
ftthe!s;lower2200 endftof!s Figure
the skirt andP3.79 the ground 3.50
B(or water). As-
3.19 ft
shown in Fig. 3.41 P3.103 atGOa rate A offire
ft3/s. nozzle
If2.86 3.108
viscous has a155diameter N!m 3 2of 1
FB ! $%R !4 shape, 30 by 65 ft. The
effects are neg-
8 in. the vehicle weighs
10,000 lb and is essentially rectangular in 3
of (assumed
the chamber 3.52is large0.0156
frictionless and m
enough !s for any D flows
s2 to some fire codes,
speed atthe nozzle must be capable sec-of delivering at least 6
3.112 a largeCambios de Seccin
ligible, determine the water section (2), the pressure 0.630 at ft; 4.48 so ft
250 gal!min.
tion (3), and the flowrate at section (4). If the nozzle 2.88
is attached1a2 9.00
to a ft; 1b2
3-in.-diameter 11,200 thathose, lb; 1c2
the kinetic
what0 lbenergy of thefrom
steadily air within thetank 3.54
and exits is6.59
through B a above
vertical,Aconstant di-
lb!ft ; 1b2 57.4 lb pressure must be maintained 2.90 3.116
upstream 6.10 lb&of10 #3 ble.
the nozzle
!sto4 deliver
m Determine m the flowrate, ameterWater
pipe needed
as to support
(assumed Fig.the
3.56 vehicle.
and The DIfair
1![1 # 1p gD
in the tank flows
is 1pressur-
z!8Q 2 1!4
steadily ]
lementaryFluidDynamicsTheBernoulliEquation.qxd h 2/22/12 3:54 PM
the ground clearance were Page 145
ized reduced
3.80 50 kN/m to 2If. in.,
2 what effects
viscous flowrate
(a) the
are would
neglected h, to andwhich
the the
tank water
is large,
this flowrate? 2.9223.118
m 3731.016 kN in. be needed? in the vertical variable-area 3.58 pipe 3.13 shown ft in Fig. P3.45. Determine
Chapter If the5vehicleMass, rises, Bernoulli,
determine the werewaterreduced
the andtoEnergy
flowrate 5000
fromin thethe Equations
lb pipe,
tank the
shown (c)intheFig. pressure
P3.80. in the
5-62 3.42
Water flowing 2.94 3.120 314 1.73
kN; m 4972
!skNground clearance outlet maintained
the flowrate
horizontal at part 3 ifin.,
the pressure
of the 3.60in each
pipe. 2.94ofm
would the
be gages reads 50 kPa. Q
A2 =from
0.07 ftthe 2 0.75-in.-diameter 0.1
needed?the outlet. 2 m
Solution shown
In a power plant, water in Video V8.15 and
enters0.08 2.96 3.122
Fig. = 1680
5.0 25.4
P3.42 lb
psirises m; 2.8 6.51
in. m;
above #9.59
them nozzles of a hydraulic turbine at a specified pressure. The maximum
p 2 Mercury m 3.62 0.0758 ft3
!s; 499 lb!ft 2
; 488 lb!ft ; #11.7 lb
velocity water can be accelerated to Determine the 0.10 flowrate.
by the nozzles is to be determined. 3.63 ft 3.64 1a2 3.98 ft; 1b2 36.0 ft!s; #510 lb!ft
Figure P3.76 Chapter
2.102 1a2 2.11 4 ft2 m; 1b2 941 kN 2m
3.66 19.63 psi Figure P3.5
a A3 = 0.2 Fan Q
Assumptions 1The (1) flow of water is steady, 2.104 incompressible,
4.2 3 19y " 12y " 682 ft!s
V599 = 20 lbft
/s and irrotational 1!2 with negligible frictional
Vehicle 3.68 effects
= 0.81
6.26(so mthat the
10 m p = 50SG kPa
Bernoulli equation is applicable). 23.77 Water enters Water 2.106 the anozzle
from 426
faucet x kN,
!fills with
" aym
a 16-oz
!2Skirt velocity.
glass (volume surface ! 28.9 2 m 3.70 1a2 1.06 & 10#3; 1b2 3.02 & 10#3 ; 0.118 A 0
Cengel A05.qxd 2 2/22/06 in. 6:29
) in 20 AM
s. If thePage
(3) 222
diameter 2.34 of ft
the jet leaving the faucet is 0.60 in.,
exit 3.72 29.5 Problems
Pa 145
1 = 1 ft
Q1We = 10 take
ft3/s the density
2.8 in.ofiswater to be 4.8 = 1000 x ! kg/m #2, y. ! 2 3 diameter pipe. D
what the diameter 2.110 of the
0.146 jet when it strikes the 2 water 2 surface in 3.74 0 1gage2; 0.146 m carrying 0.12 m3
kPa!m p 1 = 10 psi
the glass which is in 4.10 Everywhere;
positioned 14 in.the below thexfaucet? " y ! constant1 m 50 kN/m 2
3.40 For the points
pipe enlargement
1 and 2 atshown
(4) Fig. P3.40, pressures 3.44 Water flows steadily through
3 0.7
in. the 1a2 large = tanks mshown 3
!s; 1b2in0.574 Fig. m 3.54
the 2.116 h V1 3.76 z10.0696
392 kN; 437 kN; Yes m
psi!ft; 0.0292 We
psi!ft take inlet4.140.75
and in. xexit
! of
#h the1u nozzle,
!v 2 ln 11respectively.
# y!h2 Noting that 0 and z2, the Carb
Figure P3.103 (1) and (2) are
3.78 56.3 and 58.2 psi, respectively.
Air flows steadily through a convergingdiverging rec-
2.118 581 lb; 0.289
0 Deter-
psi Figure
0 P3.44.
P3.106 Determine the water depth, 3.78 h . H!H 1!11 cx!L2 1!2
, where eter with2/27/1negligib
2 2
a V 0 [1 # 1a!x2 of the
mine ]!x
2 Bernoulli
the weight flowrate equation between
(lb/s) channel
tangular points
of the gasoline 1
constantin and10, 2
width gives
as6, 4 ft!s in Fig. 3.78 and Video Air
c03ElementaryFluidDynamicsTheBernoulliEquation.qxd 0 ! "
2 3acting
sure and velocity
2.120 the 7.77 & 310 exit lb the 406 ft above are4base m 50-mm c ! 2$H2O dmax!rV02
2 V3.10. The height of channel 2 at
" rV 02 [1a!x2 2x ;the and exit velocity
2 4
# 21a!x2 !2] Q 4.20 2c 2c y ; x ! y ! 0 the pressure and
P1 V1 P2 V222 2 H0 and V0 respectively. P12.122 Patm 64.4
The VkN
2 is to be shaped so P1 the
Q Patmdis-) Q
3.80 0.0132 m3!s
a; #20.1 kPa + 3.104 + z1 = Water + flows +tance,
2 d, a large tank =4.22
through +4xia 5into
large "tubesyj "attached
pipe V
zk2 = to staticWater
3.107 flows from Figurethe pipe P3.80
shown in Fig. P3.107 as a
higher elevation
lb!ft ; 0.681 lb!ft
g splits3 into gtwo

Conocimiento General
2 g pipes as shown
smaller P3.42
taps along
DE MASA g2.124
is drawn

4.24 1a2 4ft!s ; 2 ft!s ; 1b2 negative
Fig. wall is linear viscous 2
with free
distance jet2 and strikes
a circular
the chan- Figure flat P3.45
plate. The flow 3.82
geometry 2.50 m in.
2shown *3.55 Water flo
2 5-62
effectsEn are una planta
negligible, generadora
nel. That theisflowrate
d! 2.126
(d from
/L) 203
x, kN
tank el down
L is the
the entra
channel 2alength 5-71I
is axisymmetrical. and d Determine
is una the
planta flowrate and
generadora3.84 4
the manometer
hidroelctrica, el agua fluye as shown in Fig.
!m pressure at point Q 2.1284.26
3370 10thelb;ft!s; 88210con lbft!sreading,
a function of dis
2.05 toberas
in. de la(1). turbina theamaximum
700 kPawater de depth
presin (atabsoluta, minimum channel
11 una H.
2 desde una x ! L).
3.46 altura
9 deAir 240is ftdrawn
0.03m 3.86
diameter 13.0
unaa turbina,
wind psi en donde
tunnel used for setesting
generaauto-m and 0 ! Q !
s Determine the height, 4.28
2.130 485 kN Gasoline
H(x), #1.65
as a function & 10
3.71 of xin. ft!s
and the ; #5.12
other impor- & 10
3.81hA Water P3.49 flows steadily downward 100 3kPa
in the pipe shown in Fig.
velocidad baja.
3.43Si las salidas de las
the toberas
(with estn expuestas
same properties as water)aflows la from Water
a mobiles elctrica. Para
as with
shown inuna150
Fig. 3.88
eficiencia 0.607
P3.46. Determine ft 3!s;
Chapter del 1b2
the21.3 ft Fluidread-
Elementary DynamicsThe
sional assumptioB
tant 3 P.3.81 negligible losses. the flowrate.
Substituting the presin atmosfrica
(1)given values, denozzle
exit 2.132
container la lb!ftthree
contains mxima
to be
holes as shown de in
83 por ing,ciento,
h, when the velocity
determine 3.90
el in the0.123
gasto testVsection
mnimo ft3!snecesario
is 60 mph. paraNotege- thatthe conditions of
Fig. P3.43
a la que se puede acelerar(seeelVideo
por The
1.22 deft;lasnooftoberas
each fluid
change an- stream is1 100 thereA is ade1-in.Turbine
column of3.92 oilRespuesta:
on the water in the manometer. (b) De-
nerar kW electricidad. 0.400 ft370 lbm/s
tes de chocar 0.15 in.,
contra and
los the
de la between
turbina. holes
786,000 is 2
lb; in. If
lb effects
termine the Water
difference between
the and incompressible)
stagnation pressure onflows
the front
) kPa 1000 N/m 1conditions
2 2 (2) 2 1!4
2(700 100 kg m/s are steadily with a speed 3.94
ft/s R
from ! 0.998
the large z
Oil tank shown in Fig.
V1 = Figure P3.40 and quasi-steady
are negligible
2.138 54,600
lb =assumed,
34.6 determine
m/s the of
5-72E Vuelva
the a considerar
automobile andh = 2 m
problema in the diameter
test Determine
SG = 0.7 el
1000dekg/m 3
time at which the 1 kPa
pop stops draining
1 Nfromthe top hole. Assumegasto P3.50. Determine the
the de agua si la prdida irreversible
B 3.100
depth, 404.5
H, of
the layer
carga del
of light

energa holelbwhen t ! 0. Compare your
1specific 2
surface is 2 in. above2.142 the top127
weight " 50 lb ft that covers
#3.102 252 kPa; 114 kPa the water in the tank.
pop tuberas entre las superficies libres de Wind
la fuente y el3sumidero es
3.104 9.10 & 10 1.5 mm !s;357.9 kPa 3 2.144 18.9 kPa; 0.208 m3
20 mm
theresults with the time you measure from the video. B
Discussion 5-63C This is
el flujonozzle exit velocity,
estacionario and
y adiabtico the actual
de un flui- de 36 ft.
3.41 A fire hose nozzle has a 2.146
diameter681of lb
1 1 at 6.22 ft to right of A
in. According 50 lb/ft3 3.106 3120 ft3
!s; 2080 ft !s; 2200 ft !s
velocity will do
be incompresible.
less because ofPuede
GO disminuir
friction betweenlawater
and thedelwalls
8 fluido the Figure P3.44
ofen 60 mph 10 ft/s
to some
el curso fire
del codes,
flujo? the nozzle must be2.148
Explquelo. capable89.5%
of delivering at least 5-73 Se debe seleccionar
3.108un155 ventilador
N!m 2 para renovar el
nozzle. 250 gal!min. If the nozzle is attached to a 3-in.-diameter 2 hose, what 1.2 m
aire de un cuarto de bao cuyas dimensiones son 2 2.150 8.63 ft!s H 3.112 0.630 ft; 4.48 ft d
pressure must
5-64C Considere be maintained el flujo estacionario just upstream 2.152yofadiabtico 1a2the68.9
1b2flui- 3.45
m !Water
3 m (assumed ! 3 m. La inviscid velocidad and incompressible) del6.10 aire&no10debe #3flows 3 steadily
lb!ft 57.4 lb 3.116Open msobrepasar
!s Fan 8
this incompresible.
do flowrate? Si la temperatura 2.154 fluido se mantiene in m/s
del 30' the para
vertical minimizar variable-area la vibracin pipe shown y el1.016 in Fig.La
ruido. P3.45. Determine
2eficiencia combi-
constante en el curso
Surface at t = 0
del flujo, from es 2.156 exacto decir que los efectos
the flowrate ifunidad the pressure in each h3.118 of 5the gages in. reads 50
3.42 Water flowing the 0.75-in.-diameter outlet nada de la ventilador-motor 1 ftin. que se usar puede
de la friccin son despreciables? h ! a!!g
como 50 por ciento.
Water Si el ventilador
4 ft 3.120 1.73 m !s
1 m(SG = 0.9)
Oil debe
reemplazar todo
Figure P3.55
shown in Video V8.15 and2 Fig. in. P3.42 0.152.158 rises
in. 2.8
6.04in. rad!s
above the outlet. 3.122 25.4 m; 6.51 m; m
Determine the flowrate. 2.160de 5.76 ft Cmo se re- el volumen Figure de aire P3.46 en 10 min, determine a) la potencia de la
5-65C Qu es la prdida in. irreversible carga?
laciona con la prdida de2 energa 2.162 28.8 kPa unidad
2m motor-ventilador que Chapter debe comprarse, 4 b) el dimetro 3.56 Water flow
mecnica? Figure P3.50 stant flowrate, Q
del ventilador y c) lagas diferencia deflows presin de uno a682
1!2 lado de

Energy Equation
2 in.

este ltimo.
10 m Tome
Natural p = 50 la kPa densidad
(methane) 4.2
del aire
19y 2
" 12y a 3-in.-diameter
" ft!s
kg/m3 y des-
gas main,
5-66C Qu es la carga til de la bomba? Cmo se relaciona
4 Se Recomienda seleccionar 1. Chapter 3 through a 1-in.-diameter Figure 4.4 pipe, and P3.81
x !into y" they1.25 2burner
!2 of a furnace at a
con la entrada
5 Aplicacin directa de Frmulas. Se Recomienda seleccionar 1. de potencia a la bomba?
3.2 13.7 m!s
carte rate
el of 100
efecto ft /hour.
de los Determine
3 factores de correccin de la energa cin-
x the
! pressure
y !infrom
2the gas main if the
NOTA: Flowrate 2.8 in.
= CAUDAL tica. 6 pressure
Se Recomienda in the 1-in. Seleccionar pipe is 1to. be flows 6 in. of water greater
a large open tank and discharge
2 than atmos-
5-67C Qu es el factor de correccin de la energa cintica? 3.4 #30.0 kPa!m pheric pressure. Neglect into 4.10 the
viscous atmosphereEverywhere;
effects. though x "
a y ! constant
3-in.-diameter pipe as shown i
4 in. 1m Fig. P3.82.xDetermine the diameter, d, in the narrowed section o
5-63C Es significativo? 3.6 #0.838 psi!ft; 0.0292 psi!ft 4.14 ! #h 1u 0!v 02 ln 11 # y!h2
0.75 in. 2 2 2 3.48 Small-diameter, the pipe high-pressure at A if the pressure liquidgages
jets can
at A be
B indicate the sam
Solution 5-68C We are to analyze whether 3.8 1a2 #2ra 0 [1 # 1a!x2
canmVdecrease ]!x3steady 4.18 10,in9,Fig. 6, 4P3.48. ft!s If viscous effects
El nivel del agua en un temperature tanque est 20 arriba
2 del
during 4
to adiabatic
cut various flow
8 m/s pressure.
materials of asan shown incompressible 2 3 2 3
csThe Bernoulli Equation 1.2 m
es la altura mxima hasta la que 8 ft podra llegar el agua? Qu Salt water
factores reduciran esta
A altura?
2.64 0.304 5-40 ft Se usaSGuna = 1.1 sonda de 3.6Pitot ft y1!2de presin 3.28 esttica 46.5 m!s de
econd floor 3.35 Several holes are punched into a tin can as 16shown
ft in Fig. 2.66 !Prandtl) ! [d " 11.31 para medir # 1d 2 "la18.61d velocidad " 1282 de un ]!2 avin que 3.32 20.9 ft!s
vuela a 3 000
2/12 3:54 PM Page 149
P3.35. Which5-34Cof the Enfiguresciertarepresentsaplicacin the variation
diameter debe of the water ve-
= d hacerse pasar un sifn por 2.68 36,000 lb 2m 3.34 45.7 ft
locity as it leaves the holes? Justify your choice. 2.70 p0.06-ft
m. Si diameter
! 0.416
la lectura de la presin diferencial es de 3.36 3 kPa,1248 determine lb!ft2

Cengel 05.qxd
arriba de un muro alto.
2/22/06 6:29
Es posible P
AM Page
agua o aceite
roblemas d e lcon
Chapter 5 Mass, E grave-
c. D e
B ernoulli
2.90su velocidad.
y u
C onservacin
and Energy Equations d e M asa: 3.40 20.8 lb!s
dad especfica de 0.8 pasen por arriba de un muro ms
Cengel Munson alto? White 1 Fmox.
-45 cen72367_ch05.qxd 2.76 12.19 5-41 ft Mientras circula por un camino en mal3.42 estado, 0.0119 el fondo ft3!s
Por qu? 10/29/04 2:25 PM Page 220
Solution Water discharges
Figure P3.82 to the atmosphere from the orifice Ing. Waldo Lizcano
at the bottom
2.78 of
7200 a
deFigure un Gautomvil
lb .
pressurized tank. Assuming 3.44 15.4 m
rictionless flow, the5-35C discharge Explique
rate of water cmofrom y por thequ tankfunciona un sifn. Alguien
is to be determined. 2.80 665 lb P3.85 choca contra una roca filosa3.46 y esto0.223 causa un Figu
ft; 9.22 lb!ft 2

2.82 107 agujero kPa pequeo 1 en el tanque de gasolina. Si la3.48 altura 2.45 de la 10ga-
kN!m 3
; 5.5
propone d hacer pasar agua fra, por accin de un sifn, sobre un &
AssumptionsC) 1VThe aciado
orificede 7has
e TWater
m de aanques
smooth flows from a large
alto. Esentrance, factible Problems andtank
esto? thus asthe
in Fig.losses
frictional P3.83. 2.84are 7.11 solina m; que No est en el tanque es de 30 cm, determine 3.50 la3.19 velocidadft
egligible. 2 The flow Atmospheric is steady, 220 pressure is 14.5
incompressible, andpsia, and the with
irrotational 149
pressure isfrictional 1.60
2.86 F3.86 inicial
B ! $%R The de3!4 Air, laP3.81
vent 300 onkPa
gasolina the tank en elshown agujero. Explique
in Fig. P3.86 cmo is3.52 closed cambiar
0.0156 and m the 3 la
!s for3.85 any D
ffects (so thatECUACIN 5-36C
the Bernoulli psia. If Una
equation estudiante
is pasa
applicable). agua,7 por
neglected, at accin
what de un
height, h, sifn,
will cavita-so-
2.88 1a2 velocidad
tank 9.00 pressurized
ft; 1b2 con 11,200 el totiempo
1c2 0 y lb cmothe se
flowrate.afectara What el 3.54 flujo
pressure, si
6.59 el p
,B isabove A ft3/
(b)Presurizados themar.
(a)bre tion
x un= Lbegin?
muro de To avoid
8.5 220 mcavitation,
de alto (ca) nivel should
x del value
3 x=0
of D1 besube
Despus increased a 2.90
la 3.82
del tanque
33,900 Water
lbto produce flows
est steadily
cerrado the
con from
fuerza. a large of thatopen
Respuesta: when tank3.56
the and
Dm/s is!open?D1![1 # 1p2gD14
Properties 5-45 We take
UnorP3.35the deldensity
decreased? presurizado
FLUID ofTo water
MECHANICS Lde tocavitation,
be 1000
agua tiene kg/m un .P the!value
should de 10ofkPa)cmD2 ebein- bordes
in- 373 redondeados,
into kNthe atmosphere de modo though que las prdidas por friccin son ft in
Figure cima Monte Shasta (altitud 4 390 atm 58.5 2.92 Water 3 ma 3-in.-diameter pipe 3.58 as 3.13 shown
de dimetro
545 elen el
A fondo,
pressurized donde
tank Explain.
of el
water agua
has a se descarga
10-cm-diameter V0 hacia
ori- la
the de despreciables.
frictional 314
Fig. kN; P3.82.
are Si
negligible. el
Tank El agua
Determine If the para
thetank beber
is al
initially que d, sethe
in necesita
a) determine
3.60 en una section
2.94 laoficina
m of
Analysis We take point 1 at the free surface of the tank, and point 2 at the exit of
atmsfera. El
fice nivel
at the del
bottom, agua
where est
water 3 m
discharges arriba to thede la salida.
atmosphere. La empty, altura
(a) mxima
determine the pipe
the a at
maximum la A que se
if surte
height pressure en
that el garrafones
the agua gages
water enwill el
at de
A and agua. B y Se
3.62 introduce
obtenga the
0.0758 sameftuno
!s; 499 lb!ft2
rifice, which 3.36 isQ alsoner taken xito.
Waterto beflowsthe reference
from level
a pressurized (z =
tank, 0). Noting
2 The tank air pressure a that
6-in.- the fluid velocity p 1 2
diameter del The
enfrom is
el tanque, 3
a 0)
m above
Air arriba del
the outlet.
nozzle, nivel and del
20 es de reach in 2.100
una tank 3.63
relacin pressure.
de los
and ft para
(b) extremos
obtain a
la altura de una
Vent z delmanguera
for water
agua, comoheight de plstico
z funcin del 3.64
de 0.25 tiempo1a2in de di-
3.98 ft; 1b2 36.0 ft!s
t the free surface is5-37C
very above low Se
the (V
water 1 level and
is 300 water
kPa discharges
(x) (absolute) de Hvidrio,
0 into theft aceite
the atmos- atmosphere as acomo function
2.102 (and of1a2 time.2.11 m; 1b2 941 kN 3.66 19.63 psi
metro en el garrafn que se coloca sobre un pedestal alto, en
hus P2 = Patm300 thekPa
),above the (presin
Bernoulli as
shown in Fig. enP3.36.
simplifies tantoto que la presin
Determine the pressure atmosfrica
5-49I Selbthrough
tiene agua que fluye
pipe atpor
conununa oftubo 1 Bhorizontal 3.68aabrir razn
fluido pheric pressure
trabajo is 100
alos kPa.
ducto Neglecting
de aire, frictional
se muestra en 2.104 laWater 599 6.26
esthede tank100 if thekPa. flow
determine isthe
discharge and
lawaterfriccinfrom thedetermine
549E flows
tanto 4 ft que ela horizontal
otro Air extremo, a rate
vlvula para ym
Chapter cerrar, 5 Mass, Ber
figura P5-37C. El aceite fluir en el manmetro como se
gal/ Thede
5-44 1
pipe gal/s.
426 kN, El tubo
of2.46two m consta
below de
ofsurface dos
diameters 10secciones
cm4 in and con dimetros 3.70 de
1a2 4 &del
1.06 10#3; 1b2 3.0
P1 la 2
V1 razn inicial Answer:
P2 V0.168 2
de descarga
m /s3
V 2
aguaP del
P tanque. Respuesta: 2 in with a smooth se mantiene
reducing section. 2 ft Theabajo pressure del fondo del garrafn. Si el nivel
+ + z1la= figura 2
+ P5-37Ca + zh2 o como 2
= se1 ve 2
in. en + zla 1 b? Explquelo. Cul 2.108 y 2 2.34
inSolution in,pipe ft Auna
con water seccin tank diameterdifference
ofreductora Dsuave.
o and height Se mide H open 3.72
la the29.5
todiferen-atmosphere Pa is initially
g 0.168 2g m
g 2 g 2 g D3 = 4gla between the twoagua en
sections elsmooth garrafn
is measured est(no bya a1.5 mercury ft atcuando estdrains lleno,
3.74 determine
dmax su respuesta si se Air invirtiera direccin del flujo?
cia de 0.146
presin with a
frictional las entrance
effects, secciones
9 ft losses)
determine necesitar del the
the dif- para3-in.
llenar diameter
un vaso
to0 the
1a2 0.0696 de 8 oz
m3!s; 1b2 0.5
ferential2.116 392 kN;for 437 kN; Yes
300 kPa time required the tank toDesprecie
empty and half-way.
height of10 de
(! 0.00835 mercurio. between 3 the
ft 0.289 psift ) a) cuando el garrafn acaba3.78two pipe los efectos
sections. de la friccin
de abrirse y
H!H0 !y 1!11
3.75. If for
the V2 and substituting, 20 ft the discharge velocity is determined to Answer: 2.118 0.52
determine in 581 lb;
Assumptions la 10 altura
19 The orifice diferencial has a del smooth mercurioentrance,entre and thus las dos sec-
the frictional
b) " cx!L21
losses are 2neg
ten kept at a 2.120 7.77cuando & est lb casi
acting vaco.
Water406 ft above 8baseft c ! 2$ dmax!rV0
onstriction Water
Aire incompressible,
ciones del kN tubo.and Respuesta: irrotational with 0.52negligiblein frictional effects (so that the Bernoulli H 2O
minants can 1 in. 1000 2
1 kg m/s 2 2.122
Determine 2( P1 P2 ) 2(300
300 kPa 100 D1)=kPa

D2N/m= 2 in.

64.4 2 A 3.80 0.0132 m3!s
rough cracks V 2 = Figure Flujo + 2
P3.78 1 2 in.gz = 3 Flujo 1 kPa + 2 (
2.124 9 . Q
81 m/s )( 3 m)
3360 psi We take point 1 at the free surface of the tank,3.82
16 ft
and point 2.502in. at the exit of orifi
(1) to draw
be- Air Figure P3.83 1000 kg/m 1N
of water
nd viscous 3m
at the 203 orifice kN(zdown
4 in 2 in diameter = d
2 = 0), and take the positive direction of z to be 3.84 upwards.4 Noting that0.06-ft the flud
air enter the
21.4 m/s 2 ft atmosphere
2.128 3370 lb; (and
882 thus lb P1 = P2 = Patm) and that the fluid velocity
P3.86 3.86 at 13.0
the free psi surface is ver
3.84 Water flows into the sink shown in Fig. P3.84 and equation
2.130 485between kN two points simplifies to 3.88 0.607 ft3!s; 1b2 21.3 ft
Then P3.33thecan *3.79
initial rate of Video discharge
Water flows V5.1 of
at aa rate largeof
10 cm
2 gal/min.
and through If the a pipedrain of is closed, the water P V 2
variable 2.132 46.8 lb!ft 3 h
4 2in 2 in 2 3.90 0.123 ft 3
Figure P2 V2 V
stimate the will eventually flow through 2 of the 2.134 1.22 1
+ no 1
+change 1 = + + z2 z1 = 2 = 20.400 Figu
area as shown D 6in2in.Fig. 3.79.
( 0 .The
10 m)area the overflow
pipe is given drain byholesA ! rather than g 2 g
g Flujo con Cavitacin
2g 2g
2 in Fig.
gz1 ft
r to accom- V = AAorifice V over
= the Vedge = of the sink. How
( 21 .4 3many
m 0.4-in.-diameter
= 0.168 m 3
/s drain 2.136
holes 3.87
786,000 lb; 315,000
Water lb
is siphoned from the tank 1.5 shown
ft 3.94 R ! P3.87.
0.998 z 1!4
[1 " x(1
2 " x/!)/2!], 2 where A
FIGURE is the
P545 area at the beginning b)(x ! 0)
0Figure 4 of thetoa)pipe.
ions. areP3.36 4 that 2.138 54,600FIGURElbwe
3.83 P549E
and end (x !needed
!) ensure Plot graphs the ofwater does not
the pressure overflow
within the the sink? For generality, Determine the Water
express flowrate flows
the water from
from Agua
height a large
the tank
in thetank
and atshown
the pressures
any 3.100
time in tFig.
404.5 points
kPa the discharge
pipe as
Note that a Neglect
FIGURA viscous
this isP5-37C
546 of distance
Reconsider effects. along
Prob. the
545. pipe
the maximum flow rate since the frictional effects Using for water
EES depths
(or other) of 2.142 127 (1), lb
(2), and (3) pressure
if viscous is 14.5
effects hpsia, are and the
negligible. vapor pressure
3.102 252 iskPa; 1.60 114 kPa 3.86 T
3.37 1, 4,ANS-2
10,Anand 25 m.
inviscid, incompressible
software, investigate 10 liquid
cm the effectflows of steadily
water height from in 550 are An thatignored.
2.144 water
airplane psia. isAlso,
If 0.208
flying inthe the
at mvelocity
an3tank moves
effects altitude anddown the
12,000 as m. the tank drains, and thus z is a variable
at what height, 3.104 h, will
9.10cavita- & 10#3 mtank 3 whos
!s; 57.9pr
low rate will decrease as beginning to 0 when the tank is emptied completely.
thethe tankwater thelevel in the tank decreases.
5/12 9:01 PM Page
the large pressurized ontank discharge
shown in Fig.velocity.
P.3.37.Let The thevelocity
water height vary
at the exit Determine 2.146 the 681 tionlbpressure
gage at 6.22To
begin? atft theto right
avoid stagnationof A point should
cavitation, on the the value of3.106 D1 be3120 increased ft3!s; 2080 ft3!s;
from 0 to the nose of 2.148 the plane 89.5% ifWethedenote
speed of thethe diameter
plane is of 200the km/h.orifice Howby D, and the 3.108 diameter 155 ofN!mthe 2tank by Do. T
is 40 ft /5-38C
s. Determine Se 5vamspecific ain medir
gravity ofof0.5
la velocidad them. Tabulate
liquid dein un theand plot the
fluido que fluye would you entank solveis8.63
or decreased?
thisft!s 2 by multiplying
if the speedthe
avoid were
1050 km/h?
should the value
velocity by the orifice cross-sectional
of D 2 be in-
results. 2.150 creased or decreased? Explain. 3.112 0.630 ft; 4.48 ft
un tubo mediante dos manmetros diferentes de mercurio, Explain. del 2 FIGURA D 2lb P5-49E 2 ft
547E A siphon FIGURA pumps P5-45water from a large reservoir to a 2.152 1a2 V 68.9 = Alb!ft ; 1b2=57.4
V 2 gz system is to 3.116 6.10 & 10#3 m3!s
tipolower de Pitot, 10 psicomo se muestra en la figura P5-38C. Esperara
551 2.154 30'
The air velocity inorifice
the 2
duct of 4 a heating
tank that is initially empty. The tank also has a rounded 3.118 1.016 in.
el lector
orifice que los manmetros predeciran la misma velocidad
Air 15 ft below the reservoir surface where the water
be measured Thenbythe
2.156 ha ! Pitot-static
a!!g ofprobe
amount waterinserted that flows into through
the duct the par-orifice during a differential 2time
3.120 1.73 m !s
paraleaves el agua the tank.queBoth fluye? Si noand
the siphon es theas,orifice
cul sera elaremsallel
diameters exacto? to flow. If the differential height between the water
interval 6.04 dt israd!s 3.122 25.4 m; 6.51 m; #9.59
-2 5-46
Answers 5toft Selected 2
Explquelo. Vuelva
in. Ignoring
a considerar
Cul sera losses, el problema
su respuesta
Homework Problems to 5-45.
what Use
si fluyera aire en lugar el
the Soft- columns5-50
2.160 Un
the twovuela
ft velocity D
outlets 2 a ofunathe altitud
probe is 2.4 de 12
cm, 000 m. Determine la 4 ft
waterware willde riseEES in the(o !tank cualquier
at equilibrium. otro programa de este ti- determine (a) the
presin manomtrica
dVkPa =Vdt = and en (b)el
2 gz thedt pressure
punto de rise at
estancamiento (1) sobre la na-
agua en el tubo? Free jet 2.162 28.8 Chapter 4
the tip of the probe. The air temperature h4 and pressure in the
po) e investigue 548 Water el efecto enters de a tank la ofaltura diameter del3.28Dagua
T steadily sobre
46.5 at
m!sa lamass veloci- duct areriz delandavin, sirespectively.
la velocidad de Dste 3 = 4es 200 km/h. Cmo 4.2 in the 19yre- 2
" 12y of " 6821!2 ft!
shownftin dad de descarga. 2flow rate of
m in. An 1!2
Suponga orifice
que at
la the bottom
altura del with diameter
agua vara Do de 0 which,
98 kPa,
of mass, must
la velocidad
be equal to the decrease
P5-42E fuera de 1 050 km/h?
4.4 xEx-
y " y 2
!! [dthe
(a)each" 11.31 10 #ft 1d allows " 18.61d water " 1282
to escape.
]!2 orifice has3.32
The a rounded 20.9 ft!s so
entrance, 552 The water water in the in atank,10-m-diameter, 2-m-high aboveground
36,000and lb hasta 5 m, en incrementos de 0.5 m. Elabore 3.34 una 45.7 tabla
ft y trace la swimming 3.2
pool13.7 is to m!s be emptied by unplugging D2 a 3-cm- 4.8 x ! #2, y ! 2 10 ft
p ! 0.416 ugrfica de los resultados. Flujo m 3.36 1248 lb!ft2 diameter, 3.425-m-long #30.0 =kPa!m
dVhorizontalAtank (pipe dz )attached= 0to dz the bottom of (2) Everywhere; x2 " y2 !
x=0 5-51 Se vatheapsi!ft; medir la discharge
velocidad 4 ratedel aire
waterenDel =ducto de unxsis- ! #h 1u0!v02 ln 11 #
the pool. 3.6 Determine#0.838 maximum 0.0292 psi!ft D1 =of1 in. in. 4.14
2.90 lb 5-47I
40 Figure
Un P3.79 sifn bombea agua desde un3.40 depsito 20.8 grande
hacia through3.8 where
the pipe.de1a2 5-43
dz is the
#2ra Un
explain 2 piezmetro
change [1 why
# in
2 water
]!x y3unaun
flow tubo
level rateinwill
sonda de thePitot
2 se
y fijan
4.18 dt.a (Note
10, 9,that
est- en
6, 4dz unft!sis Q a negati
12.19 ft un tanque ms abajo que est inicialmente 3.42 0.0119 ft !s direction of z is 0
upwards. Therefore, we used dz to get a positive quantity
2 3que 2for 3 the amoun
vaco. El tanque be less. tica (tubo 1b2 tubo
pFigure horizontal
0de Prandtl)
2 P3.83 2de agua4 de 3 cm de dimetro y se mide
introducida1a!x2 !2] en ese ducto, paralela al flujo. 4.20 2c ; 2c las ;
7200 lb Figure P3.37
tambin tiene un orificio de bordesDredondeados 3.44 15.4 m
a 15 ft hacia Eqs. (1)alturas
(2) de equal 0 [1a!x2
each other and de rearranging,
agua son de 20 cm, 4.22 en el
" yj
" zk
y ! 0
665 lb 3.46 0.223 ft; 9.22 lb!ft
2 Si la
Reconsider altura
1a2 diferencial
552. entre las
how columnas
long it will de agua conectadas a
Dy2 lb!ft D02 el3 tubo h (lasDdos
1 D02 2; 2laft!s 1 2 Figu
107 kPa Section 3.6.2 Confined Flows (also see 3.48
abajo de la superficie del depsito, 1 en donde el agua sale del take to empty 3.14
las the tro, 4.973 de2
3.84 353
pool cm,
dt0.681=sonda en
Water deAnswer:
flows intodecm,
the sink
= shown 0
in laFig. = 1a2
P3.84 desde and z 2 dz ; 1b2 ne
Lab 2.45 2& 105 kN!m3; 5.503.20
Problems & dos 103.21#6 salidas
m4N!m !s 2de gz esdz 2.4 determine
dt dzveloci-
m tanque. Tanto el dimetro del sifn como3.50
7.11 m; No 3.1LP and 3.3LP)
el del3.19 orificio
son de 2
Video V5.1
Prob. superior
553. a
dad del flujo y b) la elevacin de la presin en la punta de la rate 4del
Using of 2tubo
EES de
(or agua).
other)If the Determine
drain D 2
is 4.26
gzla velocidad10the D 2
water2 10
g en ft!s 2

3.80 Ignore lasIf prdidas viscous effects are neglected and thehasta tank is 3large,
Thesoftware, 203 elLa ft!s
centro investigate de be este the effect
tubo. ofeasily
the the discharge 4.28 9 Letting
#1.65 & 1011t ft!s 2
; #5
FB ! $%R3!4 in.
determine the flowrate from
por friccin,
z the tank shown
in Fig. 0.0156
m !s altura
for any
pipe D sonda.
temperatura Vaciado en funcin del tiempo
to y through
empty presin
the pool
since overflow
the variables
aire en drainducto holes
are separated.
ratherde than f be the di

1a2 9.00 ft; 1b2

llegar11,200 el lb;
Obtain agua 1c2 en
0 lbel tanque en
photograph/image of el equilibrio.
a situation
D o that involves
3.54 6.59 ft; B above A a con- pletely. 45C
from t
Let theydiameter
over0 when
98 kPa, the zedge = z =of
i H to
the t =
sink. tf whenHow z = z
many f gives0.4-in.-diameter drain holes 3.87
fined flow for which FIGURA the Bernoulli P5-38C and continuity equations are 5-44
are El
vary dimetro
1 to 10 cm uninthetanque watercilndrico
increments de agua estheDsink? T y su Determ
andneeded 2 the zto 2 does2 not overflow
1 zf
( )
2of 1 cm. 4 2 1!4
33,900 lb 5-48 Entra agua de manera estacionaria 3.56a un D
! D ![1
de dime-
# 1p gD z!8Q tf ]
plot results. 2
important. Print this photo and write. a brief paragraph that de- 1 1

5-52 Se va2 0es
aand vaciarH. Elz el

1tanque est lleno Dcon agua,
10y=mabierto2 D a zlaatms- D 0 (2), 2 zi

atdt 110=Neglect
kPa viscous agua
dz de tuna = - alberca 0 de de0 dime- z f = (1),
373 kN tro
scribesDT, theconsituation
un flujo de masa de m in. Un3.58
involved. orificio 3.13de ftdimetro D555 Air t = 0
tro y 2inclined fera. D
m de alto En 2 g el 50C
= z flows
se upward
abre un
f through
D 2 a
2 gde 1
dimetro D 2
D2 g con
una en- D 2
duct arriba at a ratedel of suelo
45 L/s.Se destapar 2 un tubo horizon-
o 1
314 kN; 497que kNest 5-39 en el fondo
En climas deja que
fros, el agua
los tubosse 3.60
de agua 2.94
El m
pueden tiene
y trada de bordes redondeados
Desarrolle una rela-
3.39 Air flows steadily through a horizontal 4-in.-diameter pipe 3and 2 talis de 3 reduced
cm de dimetro y 25 amreducer. de largo Thefijo al fondo de la al-
3.62 0.0758 ft !s; 499diameter lb!ft 488then
; Then lb!ft 2
; #11.7 to 4 cm2 through
1680 lb
exits into reventarse
the atmosphere si noOil, se toman
through aP548 las precauciones
3-in.-diameter nozzle. The apropiadas.
veloc- En uno
pressure change
berca. the cin
Determine 2 para
dischargingthe reducer ellb!ft
la tiempo
time is
razn necesario
mxima two cases by de aparabecomes
water que el
descarga follows: a) se vace a la
as tanque
del agua por el
0 3.63 ft isSG = 0.81 3.64 1a2 3.98 ft; 1b2 36.0 ft!s; #510 lb!ft
ity at the denozzle
esos exit sucesos, 150 la parte
ft/s. Determine expuesta de unintubo
the pressure queifest sobre tubo.
the pipe el Tambin, mitad y b) expliquese vacepor totalmente.
qu el gasto real ser menor.
2ume 1a2!2.11 m; 1b2 941 kN
28.9 viscous effects are negligible. 2 m 3.66 19.63 psi D2 2H H 0
m (a) The tank empties halfway: zi = H and zf = H/2: tf = 2
4 is599
0.60lbin., 3.68 6.26 m D g g
5-53 #3Vuelva a considerar el problema 5-52. Determine cun-
6r surface
426 kN,in2.46 m below surface 3.70 1a2 1.06 & 10 ; 1b2 3.02 & 10 ; 0.118
to tiempo transcurrir para que la alberca se vace. Respuesta: D2 2H
8 2.34 ft 3.72 29.5 Pa (b) The t f = 02
0.7 m 19.7 h tank empties completely: zi = H and zf = 0: g
0.146rec- 3.74 0 1gage2; 0.146 m D
68 and
kN; 437 kN; Yes 3.76 1a2 0.0696 m 3
!s; 1b2 0.574 m
is inversely

Water DT 5-54
Discussion Vuelva a considerar
8 La cavitacin se produce cuando debido al aumento de Velocidad existe el problema 5-52. Use el Soft-
proportional to the square of the o
8velocity 0.289 psi50-mm
581 lb;are 3.78 5-21
H!H0 ! 1!11 " cx!L21!2discharging
, where time ware cande be EES reduced (o tocualquier one-fourthotro by doubling programa the de
este of the orifice.
diameter una disminucin de presin que llega hasta la presin de vapor,
the & 109 lb acting
dis- MATERIAL 406 ft above . base 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, c ! 2$H2O dmax Inc.
po) distribution
e presentndose el efecto un cambio
onlydel ddimetro to
e fase indeseado. del tubo Se de descarga sso-
recomienda u estudio.
2tic64.4 and
pressure educators Figure for P3.80 course preparation. If you are a student using
3.80 0.0132 m !s 3 this Manual, you are using it without permission.
bre el tiempo necesario para vaciar la alberca. Suponga que el
4g 3360 psi
the chan- 3.82 2.50 in. 9 El caudal de vaciado depende de la velocidad de salida del fluido, y esta

6h and kN isdown
203dmax z Do 3.84 4
dimetro vara de 1 hasta 10 cm, en incrementos de 1 cm. Ela-
a su vez de la altura del fluido en el tanque ( que vara a medida que se
bore una tabla y trace!! la grfica de los resultados.
8ght: x !lb;
3370 L).882 lb 3.86 13.0 psi
ther impor-
0 485 kN
in the pipe shown 3in Fig.
3.88 0.607 ft !s; 1b2 21.3 ft 5-55
vaca), por lo que = !"# . Son problemas p5-20
Se tiene aire a110 kPa y 50C que fluye hacia
arribaInc. Limited distrib
7 Se recomienda el 3.80 y el 3.86 PROPRIETARY
diferencialmente MATERIAL p ara s er . i 2006
ntegrados. The McGraw-Hill
O pcionales. Companies,
2 46.8 lb!ft3 P.3.81 with negligible losses. Determine the3.90 flowrate.
0.123 ft3!s por un ducto
teachers and educators inclinado for de course 6 cm preparation. de dimetro, If youaare razn de 45
a student L/s.this Manual, you are
4 1.22 ft; no change 3.92 0.400 ft Entonces, mediante un reductor, el dimetro del ducto se reduce
6 786,000 lb; 315,000 lb 3.94 R ! 0.998 z1!4 hasta 4 cm. Se mide el cambio de presin de uno a otro
8 54,600 lb
Then the mass flow rate througha)the orifice for a water height of z b) becomes 5-51friction Se va between a medir water la and velocidad the tube del surface.
de 1 gal/s. El tubo consta de dos secciones con dimetros de 4 Agua aire en el ducto de un sis-
spuesta: 5-47I FIGURE Un P545
sifn bombea agua desde un depsito grande hacia Tank
in y 2 in,FIGURA con unaP5-37C seccin reductora suave. Se mide la diferen- FIGURE 2 P549Etema de calefaccin mediante Water una sonda de Pitot y presin est-
un de tanque msentre abajo que est D02 inicialmente vaco. 1 El 4mtanque
m out = VProb. out ma- tica (tubo de Prandtl) introducida en ese ducto, paralela al flujo.
out = (or other)
546 cia
Reconsider presin A Using
545. las dos
V 2 = EES secciones 2 gz del tubo z=mediante un 5-43 DT
tambin tiene unorificeorificio de bordes 2
software, de mercurio.
investigate the effectDesprecie of water 4 height losredondeados
in 550 de 2la ag 15
An ftDhacia
airplane 0 y is flying Si at laSolution
an altitude diferencial ofThe 12,000 static entre m. las
and stagnation columnas pressures de agua in a conectadas
horizontal pipe a are measured. T
he tank on the determine
discharge de
5-38C lala superficie
velocity. SeLet
altura va adel
the medir
diferencialwater Compilado
depsito, ladelvelocidad
height en donde
vary Problemas
de el agua
Determine fluido
lasthe dsale
dos e
a del
E c. De
pressure enlasBaternoulli
isthe to salidas stagnation
be determined. z y de Conservacin la sonda
point on the
es de d2.4 e M cm, asa: determine a) la veloci-
romSetting tanque.
z ciones
= max and
inhincrements Tanto m outofel0.5
= dimetro
m in (the
incoming sifn como
inflow therate) eldiferentes
delgives orificio
of the son
Cengel de 2unson
if M for
dad ofthe Wplane
del hite
flujoisy 200 Fb)ox. la flow elevacin How0 de la presin 2enftand
en laductopunta de la
0 to 5 m un
del tubo
tubo. mediante
Respuesta:Tabulate dos manmetros
and plot nose thede plane mercurio, the speed del the km/h.

maximum height tipo
esults. in. Ignore las
the water prdidas
de 146 will reach
Pitot, como por in friccin,
sethe tank,
muestra determine
en la figurawould hasta you qu
P5-38C.solve altura
this problem
Esperara sonda.if Assumptions
the Laspeed temperatura were The 1050 km/h? y
is steady, incompressible,
la presin del aire
irrotational with negligible fri
son de equation is applic
llegar el lector
Chapter 3 Elementary Fluid Ing. Waldo Lizcano
DynamicsThe Bernoulli
between the G. two pressure measurement
Equation locations (so that the Bernoulli
wateren el tanque en el equilibrio. Explain. 2 D0
547E A siphon pumps el que
from 2
a manmetros
large reservoir to predeciran
a la misma velocidad 45C y 98 kPa, respectivamente.
4elagua tank 551 sera The air velocity in the duct Analysis of a heatingWe system take ispoints to 1 and 2 along the centerline of the pipe, with point 1
ower tank that5-48 is initially para
1 empty.
Entra agua
in deque
The manera fluye?
jetSiwith no es
a rounded
estacionaria as,
a speed a uncul tanque
of 700 m!s. deeldime- msDetermine exacto? thepoint D) 3.51 2Sva atonda Water flows d e P
through itot the una Tpipe ubo contraction de Prandtl
shown in Fig. dime-
orifice 15 ft hbelow = the reservoir surface where the . water be measured by a Pitot-static 5-52
probe Se
inserted the a into entrance
vaciar the duct el ofagua the Pitot-static
par- de alberca probe (the
de stagnation
10 m de point).
maxD , Explquelo.
tro 2 con
g unD 2 Cul
flowrate. de masa seradesumrespuesta . Un orificio si fluyera
de aireIf en
dimetro Dlugar de This For is athe steady givenflow 0.2-m with difference straight and in manometer parallel level, determine
streamlines, and thusthe the
eaves the tank. Both the siphon T
en el 0 the orifice diameters are
and in allel to flow. the odifferential tro y Piezmetro
2 flowrate
height m de alto between
as aat arriba
the point del
water Fof lujo suelothe cSe
diameter on destapar M ofanmetros the small un tubopipe, horizon-
que est agua en el fondo tubo? deja que
4 in el agua 2 in se escape. El orificio tiene static pressure any is equal to the hydrostatic pressure at that
2 in.(b) The amount of water that flows through the orifice and the increase in
Ignoring frictional losses, determine to what height the columns connected
determine (a) the flow velocity
to the
the amount
two tal outlets
of water de
the pressure
probe dimetro
2.4 the2tank
rise at
y cm, 25
is a stagnation
m de largo
during a point and thus V = 0 and z = fijo al fondo
de la al-
berca. Determine laofrazn theinFIGURA mxima P5-42E de descarga between del agua por el
e 10 will rise bordes
cm intime
the tank interval at equilibrium.
redondeados, dt are de modo que las prdidas por friccin son z2, the application Bernoulli equation points 1 and 2 gives 20 cm
hacia Water la 2
the tip of the probe. The air temperature
tubo. Tambin, explique
and pressure
por qu
el gasto real 2 ser menor.
. despreciables. Si el Dtanque mest vaco al inicio, duct a) are determine
45C and 98lakPa, respectively.
548 enters a tank of diameter DT steadily at a mass 2 2
0 P V P V V P P 10
La of mdm An =orificem out dt a labottom
at =the 2 gz dtdiameter + 1Piezmetro y Tubo de Pitot
1 2
low rate
lida. in. out
altura mxima queFlujo with
llegar el agua h Den o el tanque y b) obtenga + z1 = 0.2 + 2 + z2
= 2 1 Water
allows water to escape. The orifice has4a rounded entrance, so 552 The water in a 10-m-diameter, 5-53 Vuelva 2-m-high g a 2considerar gaboveground g el2 gproblema 5-52. 2 g Determine g cun-
a, es de una relacin para la altura z del agua, como swimming funcin del tiempo 5-43 Un
to tiempo transcurrir thepiezmetro P1 andpara y unlatubo de Pitot se fijanRespuesta:
a tomas en un
DT2 pool is to be by unplugging a 3-cm-que alberca se vace.
Substituting P2 expressions give
osfrica dm tank = mA tank dz = dz diameter, 25-m-long horizontal 19.7 pipe h tubo attached horizontal to the bottom de agua of de 3 cm de dimetro y se mide que las
5-49I Se tiene agua que 4 fluye por unBMAns.qxd tubothe horizontal a razn V12 Qrate P2 P g (h + R ) g (hpiezo + R ) g (hpitot hpiezo )
etermine pool. 2/15/12
Determine 9:01 the PM maximum Page discharge
ANS-2 of 1 water pitot
The amount de of 1 water
gal/s. that El tubo consta
enters the de dos
tank during secciones
dt is con = dimetros (Recall de 4 that = constant). 0.1 mdeSubstituting = las columnas =
them intoproblema
de agua Dson de 20 =cm, en el piezme- = hpitot hpiezo
dm m dt m5-54 gthe elgSoft-
in y 2 in, con una seccin reductora 1 DT
suave.0.1 mm
Also, explain in why
tro, y Vuelva
the actual 2 g
de 35 cm, flow g a considerar
enwill el tuboelde Pitot (las5-52. dos Use medidas desde la
be less. 2
conservation of mass relation dm tank = dm in dm out gives Solving superficie forware V1 superior and desubstituting, EESdel (o tubo cualquier de agua). otro Determine programa de este ti- en
la velocidad
cia de presin entre las dos secciones del tubo 553 mediante Reconsider un ma- Prob. 552.po) e
Determine investigue how el long efecto it will del dimetro del tubo de descarga so-
DT elcentro Figure V1 = de 2P3.51 geste (hpitottubo. hpiezo = 2(9.81 m/s 2 )[(0.35 0.20) m] = 1.72 m/s
nmetro de mercurio. Desprecie los2 efectos takede
la friccin
to empty 2the swimming y bre
poolel completely. tiempo necesario Answer: 19.7 para h )vaciar la alberca. Suponga que el
el Soft- D D
dm5-50 Un avin
tank = m inla
determine mvuela
dt altura out FIGURA
a una altitud
dt P5-38C mercurio
del de dz = 554
T 12 000
m m. Determine
in las Reconsider
entre 0
dos 2sec-
gz la dt
dimetro 5-44 vara ElEES de dimetro 1 hasta de 10 un cm, tanque en incrementos cilndrico de
de agua
1 cm. esEla- DisTtoymeasure su
Prob. Discussion
553. Using Note (or that other) to determine the flow velocity, all we need the he
este ti- presin
ciones del manomtrica
tubo. Respuesta: zen el punto 0.52 de ino4estancamiento
D sobre 4 la na-
software, investigate borethe una
the alturaPitot-static tabla
effect es of y H. trace
the El tanque
discharge la grfica est de lleno los con resultados. agua, y abierto a la atms-
veloci- 3.52 Water flows through the pipe contraction shown in
riz del avin, si la velocidad de ste es de 200 km/h. Cmo re-
Do integrating it from z = 0 at t = 0 ANS-2
pipe Chapter
diameter 5 Mass,on the Bernoulli,
time required and
to Selected Energy empty EnEquations
P3.52. elthe
Even-Numbered fondo
Forpool these com-
given abre Homework
0.2-m un orificio difference Problems de in dimetro
the manometer Do conlevel, una en-
52 deSeparating
0 the zvariables,
solvera este problema and to Letz= z atdiameter
timeEx- t =vary t gives
5-39 En climassi fros, la velocidad los tubos fuera de de 1 050
agua pueden km/h?
the congelarse 5-55
y from trada Se
1determine to tiene 10 decm bordes aire
thein increments flowrate aredondeados 110 as kPa a function y (sin 50Cprdidas). ofque the fluye diameter hacia5-19
Desarrolleof the arriba una
trace la
olution The
plquelo.water in an above Figure the ground P3.48 swimming pool is1 of to be 1 cm.emptied Tabulate by unplugging
and plot the theresults.
por orifice
uncin ducto
pipe, of D. a inclinadohorizontal MATERIAL de necesario 6 cm. de 2006 dimetro, The McGraw-Hill
3.28Ifelayou razn de Companies,
a) 45 L/s. aInc. Limited d
DofT2 dz
1 reventarse si no maximum se tomandischarge lasz precauciones DT22.64 dzapropiadas. 0.304 t ft En uno para el tiempo para que tanque
46.5 m!s se vace la

pe attached to the bottom 4 the pool. The rate4 of water is to be determined. Entonces,teachers 2 mediante
and educators un for course
reductor, preparation.
el dimetro del are a student
ducto se reduce using this Manual, yo
en72367_ch05.qxd 10/29/04
de va esos sucesos, = dt
2:25 PM
la parte expuestaPage 220 de un tubo = dt = t
2 que !est [dsobre el #mitad
555 Air at 110 kPa and 50C flows upward through 1!2a
5-51 1 Se a 2medir la velocidad del z = 0aire en 1el ducto 2.66 !sis- " 11.31 1d " y18.61d b) se vace " 1282 totalmente. ]!2 3.32 20.9 ft!s
e hacia 1m in The 4orifice D02has gz
a smooth entrance, 4 in 2 and
in mallin frictional D2.68
6-cm-diameter 0losses2degzun are
inclined t = 0 ducthasta
negligible. at2 aThe 4 flow
rate cm. of 45 isSesteady, L/s. mide The el ductcambio de presin de uno a otro
3.34 45.7 ft
Cengel de calefaccin
05.qxd 3.49 Water
2/22/06 (assumed una sonda
6:29effects frictionless
AM (soPage
4 and
Pitot y220 presin 36,000
incompressible) est- lb flows 5-49E
compressible, and irrotational withFIGURA
negligible frictional
P5-48 that
diameterthe Bernoulli
is then equation
reduced is
to applicable).
4 cm through del reductor a reducer. mediante The un manmetro de agua. La dife-
tanque tica steadily from a large tank andducto,
exits through 2.70 a vertical,
alp flujo.
! constant
0.416 di- 3.36 1248 lb!ft 2
We take point 1 atameter
de Prandtl) the desired
the free
pipe as

of theinpool,
Fig. andP3.49.
2 at air
theinexit the
and is
the u reducer
t is obtained
take the reference level at
is measured to be by Water a water 0.2 mflows through a horizontal pipe that consists of two
ft hacia Si la altura diferencial entre las columnas de agua conectadas a 2.74 2.90 lb height of a mercury manometer placed 3.40 between 20.8the lb!s two pipe sections is to be
e pipedel
sale exit (z2 = 0).1Noting2 thatized the to fluid50 atkN/m 2
both .points Determine is open (a)tothe the atmosphere
height 2 h, to (and thus
which thePwater 1 = P2 = Patm) and that the
salidas la sonda es de 2.4 2.76 ft
12.19 3.42 0.0119 ft3!s
uid velocity at las dos de cm,in determine
a)(c) lagztheveloci-
the free 2 surface
DT isrises, 1 D 1 2 gz m ln
very (b)
low the(V
water 0), velocity
the hBernoulli m the pipe,
equation Dand between2 = tlb
these two in
points the simplifies Assumptions 1The flow through the to
3.44pipe15.4 is steady,
m incompressible, and ir
in 0
on de 2 dad del flujo y2 b) 4 la elevacin 0
of 2thedepipe. inla presin en la
2.78 punta7200 de la Q
alturaP1 V1 2sonda. ( 14 DP022 2Vg22 )horizontal part min that0.1the m Bernoulli equation is applicable). D 3.46 2 0.223 The losses in the reducing
ft; 9.22 lb!ft2
+ z2
+ + z1 = La+ temperatura yz1 la V
= presin 2 del
V2 =aire 2 gzen
ducto son 665 de lb
g 2 g45C y98 g kPa, 2220
g respectivamente. 2202 g 2.82 107 kPa Properties The densities of mercury 3.48 and2.45 water & are 10 kN!m
Hg = 847
; 5.50 lbm/ft &3 10
and #6
Discussion FLUID NoteECUACINthat thisDE
MECHANICS relation
CONSERVACINis implicit in DE z,MASA
and thus 2.84 we cant obtain a relation in the form z = f(t). Substituting a z
value in the discharge
5-52 left side Serate va occurs
aUn the
when elthe
time agua
it water
takes de height
for the
una in fluid
albercathe pool level
de is ain
10 mmaximum,
de tank
7.11 which
m; Nois the case
to$%R reach atFigure
3 that level. Equation solvers such as EES
the beginning P3.52We take points 1 and3.50 2 along 3.19the ftcenterline of the pipe over t
ndetrothus D z = h. Substituting, 5-45 the maximumtanque presurizado
flow velocity andde agua
discharge tienerate 2.86
unbecomeorificio F !de 10 !4
cm bordes = z , the redondeados, Bernoulli equation de modo between que 3.52
las points prdidas 0.0156
1 and por
2mgives !s
friccin for any D
troA pressurized
solve y 2implicit
m de altotank
arriba of waterlike
del this.
suelo has aSe 10-cm-diameter
destapar un tuboori- horizon- B the frictional losses2 are negligible. If the tank is initially
io tienefice at the de
bottom, dimetro
where en
water el fondo,
discharges donde to theel agua
atmosphere. se2.88 descarga 1a2 empty,
9.00 hacia ft; (a) 1b2
la 11,200
determine despreciables. lb; 1c2 the 0maximum lb Si el tanque height est that vaco
the 3.54 water al 6.59
will ft;a)Bdetermine
above A la
V 2,max tal = de 2 gh3atmsfera.
145 dimetro y =25 maguade largo 3fijo
m alpressurefondo
2.90dede33,900 lalareach al- lb La
/12 3:54 PM Page 2
P2 V22el 2 2 4
ay0.10-m- 1p2V
P A Va0.15-m-diameter D1![1 (V2obtenga 1 )1 z!8Q
2 1!4
9.81 m/s El )(nivel 2 m) 6.26 m/s
el Soft- The water 5-50level
berca. isavin
Un 3 m above la
razn the
exit una
mxima altitud The de
de tank
12 air
m.del agua
Determine por
la in the tank altura 3.53 andmxima (b) 1obtain + 1 la+aque 1 =
zrelation llegar + forpipe +water agua discharges en
height DPtanque
el !into
1 zP2 =
wb) # gD (1)]
presin del aire kPa en el tanque, arriba del atmos- 2.92 del373
nivel agua, kN es de ofuna diameter relacin g para
pipe. Determine
2 g la altura g z del
the velocity 2 g agua, head
3.58como in each
3.13 pipe
funcin if they
del tiempo are
2 11
este above
ti- the
presin water
is 300
D 2explique
(presin en el(0(absolute)
por qu
absoluta) m)el 2
en gasto while real
que serla menor.
2.94 sobre
presin 3 314
a function
497 kN
carrying Flujos con manmetros Diferenciales
0.12 m3#s of kerosene. 3.60 2.94 m
pheric = A V
pressure =
pipe 2, max is 100 2, kPa. V = Neglecting ( 6 . 26 m/s)
frictional = 0.00443
50 effects,
kN/m m
2 /s = 4.43 L/s We let the differential height of the mercury manometer be h and the distanc
veloci- max
riz del avin, 4si lakPa.
velocidad 4de ste es de 200 km/h. Cmo re- 5-49I Se tiene agua que fluye por un tubo horizontal a razn
5-53thees Vuelva de 100 adischarge
considerar Desprecie elh of los
problema efectos 5-52. dethe 2.96
la friccin
5-24 y 549E
cun- lb
determine Water flows 3.54 through Carbon a horizontal tetrachloride pipe flows at3.62
a rate aThen
pipe ofof1 variable
0.0758 3
ft !s; diam- 499 lb!ft2; 488 lb!
a de determine
0 solvera initial
este problema si rate
la velocidad water from
fuera de 1 050tank. km/h? Ex-
gal/s. The pipe de in1the
consists gal/s. tube of El where
two tubo sections mercury consta of isde raised
diameters dos seccionespoint A 1a2 in andthe pressure
con dimetros
1b2 pres-
de 4 P2 P1
Answer: to0.168tiempo lamMATERIAL
/s inicial. para de2006 descarga
queThe la alberca del
Air agua
McGraw-Hill se vace. 2.100
tanque. 3.63Respuesta:
Respuesta: Inc. ft Limited distribution eter with negligible permittedviscous only toeffects. At 3.64 in the
3.98pipe ft; the 36.0 ft!s; #510 lb
trace la plquelo. 2 in with a smooth in sure y 2 reducing
and in, velocitycon una
w g ( s +permission.
section. are seccin 20 h) = P2 + w gs
psi and reductora
pressure 30 ft/s, suave.
+ Hg19.63
respectively. Se mide
At locationla diferen-
B P1 P2 = ( Hg
teachers and 19.7 h 0.168 for
educators 3
m4 /smcourse preparation. 1 If you are a student 2.102using 1a2 2.11 this Manual, m; 1b2 941 youkN are usingP1it+without 3.66 gh psi
5-51 Se va a medir la velocidad del aire en el ducto2.104de 599 un lb
the two cia thede pressure
pipe presin sections andentre velocity islas measured are dos23secciones psi and by 3.68 14 a del ft/s.
mercury tubo
6.26 m mediante
point is atun thema-
5-54 Vuelva
Air Swimming
a considerar pool el problema 5-52. Use el Soft-
145 manometer.
kN, 2.46 m Neglecting nmetrohigher
Combining elevation defrictional mercurio.
Eqs. and (1)by and
effects, how (2)much?
Desprecie anddetermine solving los
3.70for efectos
the1a2 h,dif- de &la 10friccin ; 1b2 3.02 y & 10#3
de hacia tema de2calefaccin m
300 kPa mediante una sonda de Problems
Pitot presin 426 est- below surface 1.06
tica (tubo de Prandtl) introducida
ware de EES 10 m (o cualquier Waterotro 3 cm
2 m de
2.108 al2.34 este ti-
2 ft height determine
*3.55of mercury Water la altura
flows between from diferencial a the 20-mm-diameter two del pipe mercurio
3.72 29.5 Pa pipe
sections. entre
with a las
flowrate dos Q sec-
tanque 2
V12 Plot V 22 V12 )
po) e investigue el efecto del dimetro Aireen ese ducto, paralela
del tubo de2.110 descarga 0.146
so-m 0.52 in ciones
Answer: as shown delintubo. w (V 2P3.55.
Fig. Respuesta: ) the0.52
= ( Hgdiameter in 3.74 ) gh of the0 water 1gage2; stream,= d,
w (as
m =
( 1Hg w ) 2 g
hacia 3.44
Si laelalturaWater flows
diferencial steadily entre through las 300 the
kPa large tanks
de agua shown
conectadas in Fig. a a function of distance 2 below the faucet, h, for values of 0 !32hg!
ely. del breP3.44.
tiempo necesario para vaciar la alberca. Suponga que
2.116 392 kN; 437 kN; Yes el 3.76 1a2 0.0696 m !s; 1b2 0.574 m
dimetro dosDetermine
deFigure water depth,
1la hasta
sonda P3.4910es cm, de h2.4 A. cm, determine a) la veloci-
en incrementos de 1 cm. Ela- m and 0 ! Q ! 0.004 m3/s. Discuss the validity of the one-dimen-
e. de 2 dad del flujo y b) la elevacin de la presin en 2.118
25 mpunta 581 de lb; la 0.289 psi sional Calculating assumption the velocities used to calculate and substituting, d" 3.78 d(h), noting, H!H0 ! in 1!11
particular, " cx!L21!2, where
bore una tabla y trace la grfica de los resultados. 9
c ! 2$H2O dmax!rV02
altura La temperatura y la presin del aire en 2.120 ducto 7.77 & 10 lb actingthe406 ft aboveofbase
qxd 2/15/12 9:01 PM Page ANS-2 conditions small
Q son de 4 in 2 in h and small Q. 0.13368 m3!sft = 1.53 ft/s
2.122 64.4 kN flow rate will be less because V V 1 gal/s
3.80 0.0132
iscussion 5-55
The 45C resultySe 98abovetiene
kPa,3.50 aire
obtained a 110
is respectivamente. byWater kPa (assumed
disregarding 3ym50C que fluye
all frictional
inviscid hacia
and The arriba
incompressible) actual flows V1 = = 4 =
in 2 in
frictional effects
dime- por duringun ducto flowinclinado
and the resulting
steadily de a6 speed
with cm deofdimetro,
pressure 10drop.ft/s Also,
from the2.124
a razn
the flow
largederate 3360
tank L/s.
shown psigradually in Fig.decrease as the waterA1 D12 / 4 (4/12 3.82 ft) 2 / 2.50 4 in.1 gal

vel in the pipe Entonces, 5-52
decreases. Se mediante
va aP3.50.
agua dethe una
el dimetro alberca
depth, H,del de 10 m
2.126 de dime-
203 kN down Q
3.84 4
metro Do 3ofmducto
the layer se reduce of light liquid
tro y 24 mcm. de alto arriba 0.03m
1specific del
10 cm suelo 50 Se
"diameter ftdestapar
2 presin un tubo
de2.128 horizon-
3370 lb;tank. 882 lb V h V 13.86 gal/s 13.0 0.13368 ft 3
cio3.71tienein. hasta Se hA mideweight el cambio lb #de that covers the unowater a inotro the
V2 = = = psi = 6.13 ft/s
tal de 3 cm de dimetro y 25 m de largo fijo al fondo
2.130 La de 485 la al-
kN A2 D2 / 4 2
(2/12 h3.88 2
ft) /0.607
4 ft1 gal 3
!s; 1b2 21.3 ft
extremo del reductor mediante un manmetro de agua. dife- 20 mm
ANS-2 berca. Determine
Answers to Selected la razn mxima de
50 lb/ft3
10 cm Problems del 2.132 agua46.8 por lb!ft el 3 3.90 0.123 ft3!s
tubo. Tambin, A explique por qu el gasto 10 realft/s ser2.134 menor.1.22 ft; no change ( 6 . 13 h ft/s) 2 (1.53 ft/s ) 2
3.92 0.400 ft
FIGURE P545 = = 0.0435 ft = 0.52
(2)2.64 0.304 ft 3.282.136 46.5786,000m!s lb; 315,000 FIGURE lb
hP549E 1!4 in
5-53 Vuelva a considerar el problema 1!2 0.05m 5-52. Determine
diameter cun- d 2(32.2 ft/s 2 )(847 / 62.43.94 1) R ! 0.998 z
2.66 ! ! [d " 11.31 # 1d " H
546 to tiempo Reconsider
18.61dhB"= 1282
Prob.para 545.
2m ]!2 3.322.138 20.954,600 ft!s lb FIGURA P5-49E 3.100 404.5 kPa
2.68 36,000 lb transcurrir que Using
FIGURA la alberca
P5-45 EESse(or vace. other)
3.342.142 Respuesta:
45.7 ft lb Therefore,
software, investigate the effect of water height in 127 550 An airplane is flying the differential at an altitude height of of the
3.102 12,000 mercury 252m.kPa;column 114will kPabe 0.52 in.
2.70 p 19.7 ! 0.416 h u 3.36 1248 lb!ft 2
the tank B 2.144 18.9 kPa;
Determine 0.208 them gage pressure at the stagnation point 3.104 9.10 & 10 m3!s; 57.9 kPa
on the #3
2.74 2.90on lb the discharge velocity. Let the water 5 ftheight 3.40vary 20.8 lb!s Discussion In the reality, there are frictional losses3 in the pipe,3 and the press
5-54 Vuelva a considerar el problema 5-52. Use
2.146 el681 Soft-lb at 6.22 ft to right Figure of A P3.55 3.106 3120 !s; 2080 ft !s; ft3!
According Water 4 ft nose of the plane if the speed of plane is 200 km/h. 000 ft
How la 2200
from 12.19
2.76 0toFigure 5ft m 5-46 in P3.44
increments Vuelva of 0.5 a considerarm. Tabulate and 3.42
el problema plot the 5-45.
0.0119 Use ft !s el Soft- 5-50 Un avinhere, vuela atherefore una altitud debe 12larger m. Determine
ng at2.78 least
results. 7200 lb ware de EES (o cualquier otro programa3.442.148 de
mwould ti- you solve
this problem
if theen
speed werede
h will
1050 km/h?
than 2
155 N!m sobre la na-
that calculated here.
ware de EES (o cualquier otro programa de este 2 ti- 2 presin manomtrica el punto estancamiento
hose, 2.80 what 665 po)lbe investigue el efecto del dimetro del tubo3.46 de2.150 descarga 8.63 so- ft!s 3.112 0.630 ft;with
547E bre A po) e investigue el efecto ade la altura del agua 0.223
ft; 9.22
la 5veloci-23 lb!ft riz 3.56 del#6 Wateravin, flows si laupward velocidad through de ste a variable es dearea 200pipe km/h. Cmoa ft
con- re-
to deliver
2.82 107 3.45 kPa elsiphon
Water pumps
(assumed Figure
water para
from vaciar
and large reservoir
la alberca.
incompressible) Suponga
to 2.45
2.152 que
&vara 10el
68.9 kN!mlb!ft ;; 1b2
5.5057.4 & 10
stant lbflowrate, m3!s Q, as shown in Fig. P3.56. 3.116 If 6.10
viscous& 10 #3
effects m3are!s Ex-
lower tankin thethat dad is
de descarga.
initially empty.
pipe tank
quealso in
la has altura
Fig. a del
Determine 551 de The 0 air solvera
velocity este in the problema duct of si a la heating velocidad system fuera is deto 1 050 km/h?
2.84 7.11 dimetro
m; No vara de 1 hasta 10 cm, en incrementos de 13.19
3.502.154 cm. ft Ela-
30' 3.118
2.86 15
the hasta
! flowrate 3
5 m,
if thethe en
y trace
pressure in each
la grfica surface de
of los
thewhere m.
gages Elabore
resultados. the3.52
reads wateruna
50 kPa. tabla
be y 3 trace
!s for any D
la by
duct 1.016
par- in.
$%R 2.156 h !ma!!g 1.73 m2!s
eter outlet
2.88 9.00 tank. grfica
ft; 1b2Both de
11,200 theloslb; resultados.
1c2 0 lband the orifice diameters 3.542.158 are6.596.04 ft;allelBrad!s above to A flow. 10If Se the Recomienda differential escoger height 1 between3.120 the water
5-51 Se va a medir la velocidad del aire en elm; ducto de un sis-
the outlet. 5-55 Se tiene aire a 110 kPa y 50C que fluye hacia arriba
2.90 lb5-47I Un losses,
sifn bombea aguatodesde what un 3.56
depsito Dcolumns
grande 1![1 1p2connected
gD14 z!8Q
11 Se recomienda el 5.49I
2 to
]1!4 the two outlets of the probe3.122 is 2.425.4 cm, 6.51 m; #9.59 m
2 in. 33,900
Ignoring frictional determine height 2.160theD !5.76 ft #hacia tema Los pde roblemas calefaccin 3.69 , 5mediante -51, 5-61I, una 5-60 sonda de Pitot ySpresin
son semejantes. eleccionar est- 1
water373 porkN un ducto
m unintanque theinclinado
tankms de 6 cm
abajo quedeest dimetro, inicialmente a 3.58
raznvaco. de 45
3.13 L/s.tanque (a) the flow velocity and (b) the pressure rise at
ft determine
will 2rise at equilibrium. 2.162 28.8ElkPa tica (tubo de Prandtl) introducida en Chapter ese ducto, 4 paralela al flujo.
2.94 314 Entonces,
kN; 497 tambin mediante
kN un unreductor,
orificio el dimetroredondeados del3.60 ducto2.94 se areduce
m15 thefttip of the probe. The air temperature and pressure in the
548 1680
2.96 Water enters a tiene tank of diameter deDTbordes steadily at3.62 a mass 0.0758 ft3!s;are
hacia 2 Si la altura 2 diferencial lb!ft2 entre las columnas 4.2 de2 agua
19y " 12y " 6821!2 ft!s
conectadas a
flow rate
hasta lb 4
of m
abajo cm.
.10An m
deorifice mide
lap =superficie
50 at el cambio
kPathe bottom del depsito, de
presinen donde
D el agua a
duct sale dellb!ft ;and
lb!ft kPa,
; #11.7
de la sonda es de 2.4 4.4 cm, determine
x ! y " y 2
a) !2 la veloci-
2.100 3.63 ft in 3.64 1a2 o 3.98 ft; 1b2 36.0 ft!s; #510 lb!ft
ciones del tubo. Respuesta: 0.52 in Q 0.15-ft diameter 0.1-ft diameter inviscid a
Figure P3.87 (b) gasolin
1 in.
End of pipe
Figure P3.90
Mercury Q
3.88 Water
Compilado P roblemas d e l a E c. D e B Chaptery5 CMass,
ernoulli Bernoulli, and
onservacin de Energy Equations
5-51 4 inis siphoned
2 in from a large tank and discharges into Figure P3.65
atmosphere through a 2-in.-diameter
A Pitot-static Cengel
probe is inserted as shown M unson
the ductinofFig. W hite F ox.
an air heating system parallel to flow, and the differential
The Bernoulli EquationP3.88. heightThe
of end of thecolumn
the water tube is 3isftmeasured.
below theThe
tankflow Ing.
velocity Waldo
and viscous
and theLizcano
pressure G. at the
3.91 rise JP-4
tipfuel (SGPitot-static
of the ! 0.77) flows
are to bethe Venturi meter
effects are negligible. (a) Determine the volumeBMAns.qxd
determined. flowrate from the shown
2/15/12 3.66 inPMFig.Page
9:01Carbon P3.91ANS-2
dioxide with
flowsa velocity
at a rate of 15 ft/s
of 1.5 ft3/sinfromthe a6-in.
tank.the Determine the maximum pipe height, H, over which the water viscous effects are negligible, determine the elevation, of the
h, and fuel
theFlujos con Manmetros Diferenciales
k as shown 3.69 Determine Assumptions 1through h thethrough
The flow inthe
Fig. P3.69.
duct is steady, incompressible, in which
and the
irrotational pressure
with and temperature
negligible are
frictional 20
effects psi (gage)
(so 120 !F 1
can be siphoned without cavitation occurring. Atmospheric pres- into open tube connected to the throat of the Venturi meter.
s 1 in. and that the Bernoulli equation is applicable). 2 Air is an ideal gas. a 1.5-in. pipe. If viscous effects are neglected
12 and incompress-
e flowrate.
sure is 14.7 psia, and the water vapor pressure is 0.26 psia. ible conditions are assumed, Especiales
determine the pressure in the smaller
m = 900 kg/m3 Properties We take the density of water to be = 1000 kg/m3. The pipe. gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPam3/kgK.
face of the Figure
Analysis We take point 1 on the side of the probe where the entrance3.67 isOil
parallel to flowgravity
of specific and is connected
0.83 flowsto in
pipe shown in Fig.
2.5ofmthe Pitot-static probe, and point 2 at the tip of the probe where the
arm entrance is normal to flow
P3.67. If viscous effects are and is connected
neglected, what to
is the
the flowrate?
dynamic arm of the Pitot-static probe.
H Noting that point 2 isANS-2
a stagnation point and thus
Answers V2 = 0 and
to Selected z1 = z2, the application
Even-Numbered Homework Problems 3.71
of the Bernoulli equation between points 1 and 2 gives through th
6 ft
el Soft- 5-50WaterUn avin vuela Pa una 2 altitud deQ12 2 000 m. Determine 2 la 2.64 0.304 ft 3.28 46.5 m!s diameter s
1 0.08 V1 m P V2 P1 V1 P 2( P P )
e este ti- presin manomtrica en + punto
el + z1 =de 2estancamiento
+ + z2 sobre + la =na-2 2.66 V =! ! [d2 " 111.31 # 1d 2 " 18.61d " 12821!2]!2 6 in. 3.32 20.9 ft!swithin it b
g 2 g g 2 g g 2 g g air
a veloci- riz del avin,9sift la velocidad de ste es de 200
diameterCmo re- 2.68 36,000 lb 3.34 45.7 ft termine th
Figure P3.69 lapse of th
ra de 0 solvera este problema where the si pressure rise at the
la velocidad fuera tip ofde the1Pitot-static
050 km/h? probe Ex-is 2.70 p ! 0.416 u 3.36 1248 lb!ft2
trace la plquelo.
2.74 2.90 lb 8 in. 4 in.
JP-4 fuel
3.40 20.8 lb!s
3.70 The specific P2 gravity
P1 = wof gh the manometer
= (1000 kg/m 3 )(9fluid .81 m/sshown
)(0.024 inm) Fig.

1 N2.76 12.19 ft
4 in.
V 3.42 0.0119 ft3!s
P3.70 isSe1.07. va a Determine
medir la velocidad the volume del flowrate,
aire en elQ, ducto
if thedeflow un sis- is 2 Water
1 kg m/s 2.78 7200 lb h 1 3.44 15.4 m 4 ft
de hacia tema
inviscidde calefaccin
and incompressible mediante unathe
and sonda de Pitot (a) water,
fluidy ispresin est- 2.80 665 lb
= 235 N/m 2 = 235 3 flowing
ft Pa 3.46 0.223 ft; 9.22 lb!f
tanque (b) gasoline,
tica (tubo de or (c) air introducida
Prandtl) at standard conditions.en ese ducto, paralela al flujo. 2.82 107 kPa 6 in.
SG = 0.83 3.48 2.45 & 10 kN!m 5
ft hacia Si la altura diferencial entre P columnas de agua
las 98 kPaconectadas a 2.84 7.11 3 3 in. m; No 4 in. 3.50 3.19 ft
Also, air = = = 1.074 kg/m Q cm h
sale del las dos salidas de la sonda esRT de 2.4 cm,kPa determine
m 3 /kg Ka))(45la +veloci- 3 h=2.4
3.52 0.0156 m3!s for a
(0.287 273 K ) 2.86 FBV! = 15 $%R ft/s !4
son de 2 dadQ del flujo y b) la elevacin de la presin en la punta de la 2.88 1a29.00 ft; 1b2P3.91 11,200 lb; 1c2 0 lb 3.54 6.59 ft; B above A
0.09-m Figure
u altura sonda. La temperatura Substituting,
Figure P3.88 y diameter
la presin del aire en ducto son de 2.90 33,900 Figure lb P3.67 3.56 D ! D1![1 # 1p2
3.13 ft Figure
0.05 m
45C y 98 kPa, respectivamente. 2 2 2.92 373 kN 3.58
V1 =
2(235 N/m ) 1 kg m/s
= 20.9 m/s 2.94 314 kN; 497 kN 3.60 2.94 m
e dime- 3 N 10 m de dime-
in. pipe
metro Doin
5-52 Se va a vaciar el agua1.074 de una kg/m alberca 1de 2.96 1680 3.92
3.68lb Water Water, flows steadily considered through an inviscid, the variable incompressible
area pipe3.62 fluid,
shown 0.0758in ft3.723
!s; 499
tro y 2 m10demm 3.89
alto arriba del Determine
20 mm suelo Se thedestapar
manometer un reading,
tubo horizon- h, for the flow flows steadily as shown in Fig. P3.92. Determine h.
nd 120
cio tiene!F 2.100 3.63 Fig.ft P3.68 with negligible viscous effects. Determine the manome-
3.64 1a2 3.98 ft;
pipe 1b2with
shown in Fig. P3.89.
tal de 3 cm de dimetro y 25 m de largo fijo al fondo de la al- 2.102 1a2 ter 3
compress- Discussion Note that the flow velocity in a pipe or duct can be measured 2.11 reading, m; easily 1b2 H, 941
by a kN
if Pitot-staticthe flowrate probe
is 0.5 by
m /s andthethe density
inserting 3.66 of19.63
the psi a rate of 0
he smaller berca. Determine probe la into
raznthe mxima
pipe or duct deparallel
descarga del and
to flow, agua por elthe differential
reading 2.104 599 manometer
pressure lb height.
fluidAlso is 600 note
kg/m that
.this is the velocity at 3.68 6.26 m mine the p
Chapter 5 Mass, Bernoulli, and Energy Equations
tubo. Tambin,the explique
location por of the qu el Several
tube. gasto real ser atmenor.
readings several locations 2.106 426 kN, 2.46
in a cross-section may m be below required surface to determine the mean flow 3.70 1a2 1.06 incompres
& 10#3; 1
Figure P3.70
3.72 29.5 Pa 3.73
el problema 5-52. Determine cun- 2.108
Solution velocity. 2.34 and ft Air
wn in Fig. 5-53 VuelvaAaPitot-static considerar probe equipped with a water manometer is held parallel to
of the water column is measured. The flow velocity of air is to be determined.
air flow, the differential height
Density = 600 kg/m3
3.74 0 1gage2;rate
to tiempo transcurrir para que la alberca se vace. Respuesta:
ate? 2.110 0.146 0.146 of 10mf
Assumptions Water 1The flow flows steadily
of air is steady, with negligible
incompressible, viscous
and effects
irrotational with negligible2.116 392
frictional Q =kN; 4 effects ft3437 /s (so kN; that Yes the 3.76 1a2 0.0696 in m
the !s;
suct 1b
h equation is applicable). 2 The effect of air column
Bernoulli 0.37on the pressure change is negligible because of its low
through the pipe shown in Fig. h P3.71. It is known m that the 4-in.- 2.118 581 lb; 0.289 psidensity, Water 3.78 H!H0 !elevation1!11 " c6
and thus the air column in the manometer can be ignored. H
diameter section
5-54 Vuelva of thin-walled
a considerar tubing will collapse
el problema 5-52. if the
Usepressure 2.120 7.77 & 109 lb acting 406 ft above base
el Soft- c03ElementaryFluidDynamicsTheBernoulliEquation.qxd c ! 2$H2O dmax !r
Properties We take the density of water to be = 1000 kg/m 3
. The density of air is given to be 1.25 kg/m 3
. 2/22/12 3:54 3.74 PM Air
within it becomes wareless de EESthan 10 (o psi below atmospheric
cualquier otro programa pressure.
de este De- ti- 2.122 64.4 kN 0.5-ft diameter 3.80 0.0132 m
1-ft diameter in
Fig. P3.
termine the maximum value onthat h can have without thecausing col-
parallel 2.124 3 ft
po) e investigue We
el point 1 del thedimetro
side of the probetubo
del wherede entrance
descarga is
Free so-
to flow and 3360 is connected psi to the static 3.82 2.50 in. perature is
of the tubing.
the Pitot-static
probe, and point 2 at the tip of the probe where the entrance
jet is normal
el thus2.126
to flow
203 kN down and is connected to the
3.84 4 pressure at
dynamic arm of the Pitot-staticpara probe.vaciar
Noting la thatalberca.
point 2 is aSuponga
stagnation pointque and V2 = 0 and z1 = z2, the application
dimetro varaequation
of the Bernoulli de 1 hastabetween10 cm,1 en
points and incrementos
2 gives de 1 cm. Ela- 2.128 3370 Area
lb; 882 lb
Area = 0.07 m2
3.86 13.0 psi termine th
bore una Ptabla 2 y trace la grfica 2 de los 0.05-m diameter
2.130 485 kN= 0.05 m 3.88 0.607 ft3the !s;static
1b2 21p
V1 P V2 P1 V1 P 2( P2 P1 ) Figure
+ +Figure
z1 = 2 +P3.89 + z2 + = 2 V1 = 2.132 46.8
(1) lb!ft3 P3.68 3.90 0.123 ft3the !s air velo
5-554 ftSeg tiene 2g
airega 110
kPa y 50C
gtubing 2 g g
que fluye hacia arriba air
2.134 1.22 Figure ft; no change P3.92 3.92 0.400 ft
Theun ductoriseinclinado
pressure at the tip ofde the 6 cm de probe
Pitot-static dimetro, is simply a the
razn de change
pressure 45 L/s. indicated 2.136by the 786,000 148 lb;water
differential 315,000 Chapter columnlb 3 Elementary Fluid DynamicsThe Bernoulli
3.94 R ! 0.998 Equation
of the manometer,
Entonces, mediante un reductor, el dimetro
2.138 54,600 lb
3.90 Water flows steadily from thedel pipeducto
shownseinreduceFig. P3.90 with 3.65 Water flows steadily from a large, closed tank as
3.100 404.5 kPa
shown252 3.69 Determin
hasta h4 Pcm. 2 P 1Se
negligible mide
= water el cambio
ghviscous effects.6de Determine presinthede (2) uno a flowrate
maximum otro 2.142 if the 127 3.93 lb Determine the flowrate through the submerged 3.102orifice kPa; 114 kPa
in. 2.144 18.9 in Fig. kPa; P3.65. 0.208 The m 3deflection in the mercury manometer is 1 in. and
extremo del reductor
water is mediante
not to flow un
from manmetro
the open
Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) and substituting, the flow velocity is determined to be de
vertical agua.
tube La
at A. dife- shown in Fig.
viscous effects are negligible. (a) Determine the volumec flowrate. P3.93 if the contraction coefficient is C !3.104
0.63. 9.10 & 10 #3
2.146 681 lb at 6.22
(b) Determine the air pressure in the space above the surface ft to right of A 3.106
of the3120 ft
3= 900 kg/m
m !s; 2080 f

2 water gh 3
2(1000 kg/m )(9.81 m/s )(0.073 m) 2
2.148 89.5% water in the tank. 3.108 155 N!m 2
V1 =
Figure P3.71 = = 33.8 m/s
air 1.25 kg/m 3 2.150 8.63 ft!s2 3.112 0.630 ft; 4.48 ft
2.152 1a2 68.9 lb!ft2; 1b2 57.4 lb 3.116 6.10 & 10#3 m3!s
e shown in 3.72 Helium flows through a 0.30-m-diameter horizontal 2.154 30' 3.118 1.016 in.
manome- pipe with a temperature of 20 C and a pressure of 200 kPa (abs) at 5-27 2.156 h ! a!!g 3.120 1.73 m2Water !s
sity of the a rate of 0.30 kg/s. If the pipe reduces
to 0.25-m-diameter, deter- 2.158 6.04Inc.
Companies, rad!s Limited distribution permitted only to 3.122 25.4 m; 6.51 m; #
mine the pressure teachers and educators
Air between forthese
coursetwo preparation.
sections. IfAssumeyou are a student 2.160using 5.76this ft Manual, you 1-ft are using it without permission. Figure P3.6
Pitot diameter
incompressible, inviscid flow. tube
7.3 cm 2.162 28.8 kPa 3-in. diameter Chapter 4
1 8 ft
4.2 19y2 3.70
" 12y The 6821
" spec
3.73 Water is pumped 2 from a lake through an 8-in. pipe at a Chapter 3 2
rate of 10 ft "s. If viscous effects are negligible, what is the pressure 4.4 x ! y " y !2
P3.70 is 1.07.
in the suction pipe 1the pipe between the lake and the Manometer pump2 at an 3.2 13.7 m!s 4.8 x !inviscid
#2, y !and 2 in
3.4 #30.0 kPa!m 4.10 Everywhere;(b) gasoline, x2 " or
elevation 6 ft above the lake? 1 in.
Discussion Note that flow velocity in a pipe or duct can be measured easily by 3.6 a Pitot-static
#0.838 probepsi!ft; by inserting 0.0292 the psi!ft 4.14 x ! #h 1u0!v02 ln
pipe orinto ductaparallel
small toopen-circuit
flow, and reading wingthetunnel as shown
differential height. Also note that this is the
3.8 1a2 #2ra2V 02 [1
velocity at the 2
# 1a!x2 ]!x3 4.18 10, 9, 6, 4 ft!s
inlocation of the Atmospheric
Fig. P3.74. tube. Several readings pressure at several
is 98.7 locations in a cross-section
kPa (abs) and the tem- may be required to determine the
1b2 p " rV 2 Mercury
mean flow
[1a!x2 2
# 1a!x24!2] 4.20 2c2x3; Q2c2y3; x !
velocity. 0 0
perature is 27 !C. If viscous effects are negligible, determine the Figure P3.65kPa 4.22 4xi
pressure at the stagnation point on the nose of the airplane. Also de-
3.12 12.0 kPa; #20.1 " yj " zk 0
3.14 1a2 4.97 lb!ft3; 0.681 lb!ft3 4.24 1a2 4ft!s2; 2 ft!s2;
termine the manometer reading, h, for the manometer attached to
3.20 3.21 N!m2 4.26 10 ft!s; 10 ft!s2
the static pressure tap within the test section of the wind tunnel if
3.24 203
ft!s the pressure and temperature are 20 psi (gage) and4.28
a rate


ft3/s from a 3-in. pipe in 11
the air velocity within the test section is 50 m/s. 12which Se recomienda plantearlos todos 120 !F#1.65 & 1010 mm ft!s
into a 1.5-in. pipe. If viscous effects are neglected and incompress-
ible conditions are assumed, determine the pressure in the smaller
Figure P3.7
3 ft FIGURA P5-49E
FIGURA P5-45 6 in.
Problems 207
Compilado Problemas de la Ec. De Bernoulli y Conservacin de Masa:
V = 15 ft/s
5-46 Vuelva a considerar el problemaCengel
5-45. Use D 2M
Soft- W hite Un
5-50 If Fthe
avin vuelaatathe
altitud de 12
Figure P3.91
pressure Determine
at section 110 kPa, la
Figure P3.88 ware de EES (o cualquier otro programa de este ti-
Ing. Waldo Lizcano Gand
presin . losses are neglected,
manomtrica en el punto de estancamiento
estimate (a) the mass flowsobre
in kg/sla na-
po) e investigue el efecto de la altura 1
del agua sobre la veloci- riz del avin,
and (b)sithela height
H ofde theste esindethe
fluid 200 km/h. Cmo
stagnation tube. re-
dad de descarga. Suponga que la V1 del agua varaV de
altura , p2 =0 pa solvera
P3.165 este problema si la velocidad fuera de 1 050 km/h?
de- Ex-
2 A venturi meter, shown in Fig. P3.165, is a carefully
hasta 5 m, en incrementos de 0.5 m. Elabore una tabla y 3.92 trace la plquelo.
Water, signed constriction
considered whose
an inviscid, pressure difference
incompressible fluid, is a measure
grficaDetermine the manometer reading, h, for the flow flows steadily as shown
de los resultados. h of in
theFig. P3.92.
flow rate Determine
in a pipe. Using
h. Bernoullis equation for
shown in Fig. P3.89. 5-51 Se va aincompressible
medir la velocidad delnoaire en elshowducto dethe
un sis-
steady flow with losses, that
5-47I Un sifn bombea agua pdesde un depsito grande hacia tema deflow
a rate Q is mediante unamanometer
related to the sonda de reading
Pitot y hpresin
by est-
un tanque ms abajo que est inicialmente vaco. El tanque tica (tubo de Prandtl) introducida en ese ducto, paralela al flujo.
tambin tiene un orificio de bordes redondeados a 15 ft hacia Si la altura diferencial entre 2las Aircolumnas 2gh(de % $) conectadas a
$M agua
Water Q # "" ""
abajo de la superficie del depsito, en donde el agua sale del $ %
% %
( %
D % /%
D % )%
las dos salidas de la sonda es de 2.4 cm, determine a) la veloci-
2 1
tanque. Tanto el dimetro del sifn como el del orificio son de 32 dad delwhere
flujo $yM b) la elevacin de manometer
la presin fluid.
en la punta de la
P3.161 por friccin, determine hasta qu altura Q = 4 ft /s is the density of the
in. Ignore las prdidas 0.37 m sonda. La temperatura y la presin Water del aire en ducto son de
llegar el haguaequation
en el tanque enlosses,
with no el equilibrio.
derive an expression for the ve- 45C y 98 kPa, 1 respectivamente.
5-48 Entra agua de manera estacionaria a untotanque
V 1 which is just sufficient bring reservoir
de dime- fluid
0.5-ft diameter 2 1-ft diameter
5-523 ft Se va a vaciar el agua de una alberca de 10 m de dime-
into the throat. .
0.08-mtro DT, con un flujo de masa de m in. Un orificio de dimetro Do tro y 2 m de alto arriba del suelo Se destapar un tubo horizon-
P3.162 Suppose you are designingFree an air hockey table. The table
que est en el fondo deja que el agua sejetescape.
El orificio tiene tal de 3 cm de dimetro y 25 m de largo fijo al fondo de la al-
is 3.0 ! 6.0 ft in area, with 16 -in-diameter holes spaced
every 0.05-m a rectangular grid pattern (2592 holes total). berca. Determine la razn mxima de descarga del agua por el
inch indiameter
The required jet speed from each hole is estimated to be tubo. Tambin, explique hpor qu el gasto real ser menor.
Figure P3.89 m is to select an appropriate blower
50 ft/s. Your job Figure
which P3.92
will meet the requirements. Estimate the volumetric flow 5-53 Vuelva a considerar el problema 5-52. Determine cun-
rate (in ft /min) and pressure rise (in lb/in ) required of to tiempo transcurrir para que la alberca se vace. Respuesta:
3 2

3.90 Water flows steadily from theHint:

the blower. pipe Assume
shown inthatFig.the
P3.90 is stagnant in the 19.7 h P3.165
air with
Chapter 5 Mass, Bernoulli, an

negligible viscous effects. Determine the maximum flowrate if the

large volume of the manifold under the table Solution
3.93 Determine the flowrate through the submerged orifice
surface, and Air flows upward at a specified rate through an inclined pipe whose diameter
water is not to flow from the open
neglect any vertical
DT at A.
frictional 13
losses. shown in Fig. 5-54
P3.93 ifAn Vuelva a considerar
contraction wind tunnel
coefficient iselC problema
draws in sea-level
! 0.63. Use el Soft- is reduce
5-52. standard
P3.163 The liquid in Fig. P3.163 is kerosine at 20C. Estimate
The differential height betweenware
air and accelerates
EESof thecualquier
it (o
two arms of otroa water
a contraction
into a 1-mde by attached
este ti- across
flow rate from the tank for (a) no losses and (b) pipe losses
po) e investigue el efecto
1-m test section. del dimetro
A differential del tubo
transducer de descarga
mounted in the so-
Assumptions 1Flujos en ductos Inclinados con Manmetros
bre testthrough
tiempo the duct
section wall ispara
measures steady, a incompressible
vaciar la alberca.
pressure difference andSuponga
of 45 mm quewithelnegligible
hf ! 4.5V2/(2g). that the Bernoulli equation is applicable). 2theAir iscm,
ideal 14 3 Estimate
gas. The effect of air Ela-
column on the
z Do
dimetro of vara
water de 1
between Diferenciales
hasta 10inside en outside.
negligible because of its low density. 4 The air flow is parallel to the entrance of each arm of the man
de 1
test section velocity in mi/h and (b) the absolute pressure
Air: dynamic effects bore una tabla y trace la grfica de los resultados.
are involved.
on the front nose of a small model mounted in the test sec-
p = 20 lbf/in abs Properties We 5-55 Se
take the
tion. tiene aire
density of watera 110
to be kPa y 50C
= 1000 kg/m3que
. Thefluye haciaofarriba
gas constant air is R = 0.287
pa = 14.7 lbf/in 2 abs por
P3.167un ducto
In Fig. inclinado
P3.167 the de
fluid 6 iscm de dimetro,
gasoline at 20C a arazn
at weight deflux
45 L/s.
Analysis We take points 1 and 2 at the lower and upper connection points, respectively, of t
manometer, andEntonces,
take the of mediante
lower connectionun point
N/s. Assuming reductor, no the
as elreference
losses, estimate
level. del
theducto se reduce
gage that
Noting pres-
the effect of eleva
5 ft change of a gas is negligible, the application of the Bernoulli equation between pointsa1 otro
hasta 4 cm.
sure at Se mide
section 1. el cambio de presin de uno and 2 gives
FIGURA P5-48 D = 1 in extremo del reductor mediante un manmetro de agua. La dife-
P1 V12
P V2
+ z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2
2 2
P1 P2 = air
V 2 V1 5 cm
g 2 g
V g 2 g 2
P3.163 P 110 kPa Air 1
where air = = = 1.19 kg/m 3
RT (0.287 kPa m 3 /kg K )(50 + 273 K ) Open
P3.164 In Fig. P3.164 the open jet of water at 20C exits a noz-
V V 0.045 m3/s 1
p jet
zle into sea-level air and strikes a stagnation tube as shown.
V1 = = = = 15.9 m/s 12 m
A1 D12 / 4 (0.06 m)2 / 4 2
V V 0.045 m /s
4 cm V2 = = = = 35.8 m/s
Water H A2 D 22 / 4 (0.04 m) 2 / 4
Substituting, P3.167 8 cm
12 cm (1) Open jet
(35.8 m/s) 2 (15.9 m/s) 2 1N
= 612 N/m 2 = 612 Pa The dif
P1 P2 = (1.19 kg/m 3 )
P3.168 In Fig. P3.168 both2fluids are at20C. If V2 1 # 1.7 ft/s and
1 kg m/s
Sea-level air water in the manometer corresponding
losses are neglected, what should
to this pressure change the manometer
is determined reading
from P = water gh to be
P3.164 h ft be?
P1 P2 612 N/m 2 1 kg m/s 2
h= = = 0.0624 m = 6.24 cm
water g (1000 kg/m )(9.81 m/s ) 1 N
3 2

Discussion When the effect of air column on pressure change is considered, the pressure change bec
(V 2 V12 )
P1 P2 = air 2 + air g ( z 2 z1 )
(35.8 m/s) 2 (15.9 m/s) 2 1N
= (1.19 kg/m 3 ) + (9.81 m/s 2 )(0.2 m)
2 1 kg m/s 2

= (612 + 2) N/m 2 = 614 N/m 2 = 614 Pa
This difference between the two results (612 and 614 Pa) is less than 1%. Therefore, the effect of air
change is, indeed, negligible as assumed. In other words, the pressure change of air in the duct is al
velocity change, and the effect of elevation change is negligible. Also, if we were to account for the
would be more proper to account for the z of air in the manometer by using water - air instead of wate
The additional air column in the manometer tends to cancel out the change in pressure due to the elevat

flow in this case.
13 Se Recomienda seleccionar 1 14 Opcionales
Answer: 2.43 m/s (1) 3.61 W
FE3.5 sea A jetlevel. She then
of water 3 cmclimbs to the strikes
in diameter summitnormal of Mount to a Shasta
(elevation 4390 m, P ! 58.5 kPa) and attempts the same 542EFE3.5 The drinking water needs of an office are met mine th
as in Fig. FE3.5. If the atm force required to hold the plate is
3.57 QThe circular stream of water from a faucet is observed 2-in.-d
and (3)
experiment. Comment on her prospects for success. by large water bottles. One end of a 0.25-in- ho
23 N, what0.15-ftisdiameter
the jet velocity? toFigure
taper from a diameter of bottle
20 mm to 10on mm
537C A glass manometer
0.1-ft diameter
with oil as the working fluid is diameter plastic hose is P3.56
inserted into the placed a in a distance of 50 cm.
(a) 2.85 m/s, (b) 5.7 m/s, (c) 8.1 m/s, (d) 4.0 m/s, (e) 23 m/s Determine the flowrate.
FE3.6 connected
A fireboat to pumpan air ductCompilado
delivers aswater
shown to End Ppipe
of roblemas
Fig. P537C.
nozzleWill de
with theala Ec. De stand,
high Bernoulli
while theyother Conservacin
end with an on/off de valve
is main-
tained 2 ft below 3.58 the bottom (2) the
Water is bottle.
siphoned If the fromwater 4 level
d =the tank shown in Fig. P3.58.

Figure oil P3.90
in the manometer move as in Fig. P537Ca or b?
3:1 diameter ratio, as in Fig. FE3.6. If friction is neglected Cengel
Explain. Munson
in the bottle 3.57 W ishite
ft when F ox.
The circular
it is stream ofhow
determine water
of3it 30.2
longfrom a faucet is observed 2-in.-dia
What would your response be if the flow direction is The barometer a reading ft. Determine the hos
scharges into
and the
flow rate is 500 gal/min, how high will the Ing. Wwill
outlet aldo
takeLizcano to
at the minimumtaper G .
from p a diameter of
to fill an 8-oz glass70
atm 20 mm
maximum value of h allowed without cavitation occurring. Note 0.00835 ft ) a distance of 50 cm.
to 10 mm in
own in Fig. water jet rise? (a) when theDetermine bottle is first theopened
flowrate. and (b) when the bottle is
that the pressure of the vapor in the closed end of the barometer
, and viscous 3.91 (a) 2.0
JP-4m, (b)(SG
fuel 9.8!m, (c) flows
0.77) 32 m,through
(d) 64 the m, Venturi
(e) 98 m meter almost empty.
equals GO the vapor Waterpressure.siphoned from the dtank
is (1) = 12shown cm in Fig. P3.58.
ate from the FE3.7 shown inAFlowFig. P3.91pump
fireboat with adelivers
velocitywater of 15to ft/sa vertical
in the 6-in. pipe.with
nozzle If a
Flow The water barometer indicates a reading of 30.2 ft. Determine the
ch the water viscous effects are negligible, determine the elevation,
3:1 diameter ratio, as in Fig. FE3.6. If friction is neglected h, of the fuel
pheric pres- in the open maximum value Closedofend h allowed without cavitation occurring. Note Fig
andtube connected
the pump to the throat
increases of the Venturi
the pressure at sectionmeter.
1 to 51 kPa that the pressure of the vapor in the closed end of the barometer
(gage), what will be the resulting flow rate? equals the vapor pressure. 120 cm
Pump 3.62 R
(a) 187 gal/min, (b) 199 gal/min, (c) 214 gal/min,
3-in.1.5 ft end of
(d) 359 gal/min, (e) 141 gal/min Closed end Figu
(a) (b) Water diameter
FE3.8 A fireboat pump delivers water to a vertical nozzle with a 30.2 ft 3.63
3:1 diameter
FIGURE P537Cratio, as in Fig. FE3.6. If duct and nozzle fric- side di
3.62 R
tion are neglected and6 the ft pump provides 12.3 ft of head 6 ft
in Fig.
end of t
to the flow,
538C Thewhat will of
velocity be athe outlet
fluid flow
flowing 6 in. rate?
in a pipe is to be diameter Water from t
(a) 85 gal/min,
measured by two (b)different
120 gal/min, (c) 154
Pitot-type gal/min,
mercury manometers FE3.6 30.2 ft 2 ft
(d) 217ingal/min,
shown Fig. P538C.(e) 285Wouldgal/min you expect both manometers side
0.2 dia
FE3.9 to predict
Water the same
JP-4 fuel
in avelocity
smoothfor flowing 20 water?
6-cm-diameter If not,
pipe which
enters a FE3.10 Water flowing in6aft smooth 6-cm-diameter pipe enters a
in Fig.
8 in.
would 4 in. Explain. What would your response h from th
more accurate? with a throat diameter of 3 cm. Up- venturi contraction with a throat diameter of 4 cm. Up-
be if air were flowing in the pipe instead of water? stream pressure is 120 kPa. If the pressure in the throat is
stream pressureh
is 120 kPa. If cavitation occurs in the
0.2 m
throat at a flow rate of 155 gal/min, what is the esti- 50 kPa, what is the flow rate, assuming 5-in.-diameter ideal frictionless
6 in.
mated fluid vapor pressure, assuming ideal frictionless flow? FIGURE P542E h
(a) 7.5 gal/min, (b) 236 gal/min, (c) 263 gal/min,

V = 15 ft/s(a) 6 kPa, (b) 12 kPa, (c) 24 kPa, (d) 31 kPa, (e) 52 kPa 543 (d)
A piezometer and(e)aP3.58 1053 tube
Pitot gal/min
are tapped into a 3-cm-
Figure P3.91
diameter horizontal water pipe, and the height5-in.-diameter of the water
columns are measured to be 20 cm in the piezometer and 35
tubeWater is siphoned fromtheatop tank as shown of in Fig. P3.59. Deter-
Comprehensive Problems
2 cm in the Pitot (both measured from surface above
the pipe). Determine mine the the flowrate
velocity and
at thethe pressure
center of theatpipe.
point A, a stagnation point. compr
Figure P3.58
3.92 In aWater, certain industrialan process,
considered inviscid, oil of density fluid,
incompressible " flows pump is turned on and evacuates air at a constant volume
544 The diameter of a cylindrical water tank is Do and its termin
for the flow flows steadily through as the inclined pipe in Fig. C3.1. A h. U-tube manome-
FIGURE in Fig. P3.92.
P538C Determine height flowis H.rate TheQ
! 80
filled (regardless
is siphoned water,
of theispressure).
a tank asopen shown to As- in aFig. P3.59. Deter-
ter, with fluid density "m, measures the pressure difference sume an
the atmosphere. ideal
An gas
orifice and andiameter
of isothermal D process.
with a (a)
smoothSet up above t
between points 1 and 2, as shown. The pipe flow is steady, differential mine equation
the flowrate for and flow.
this the pressure
(b) Solve at this
point A, a stagnation point.
equation compre
539 In cold climates, water pipes may freeze and burst if entrance (i.e., no losses) is open at the bottom. Develop a
so that precautions
proper the fluids inare thenot
taken. In are such stationary. (a) Find
an occurrence, the forfor
relation t asthe a function
time required of ($, Q, p0).tank
for p,the (c) Compute
(a) to empty the time termine
an analytic
exposed partexpression
of a pipe for on pthe 1# p2 in terms
Air of theand
ruptures, system
water halfwayin andminutes (b) 0.04-m
pump diameter
m tank down to p ! 20 kPa. Hint:
parameters. (b) Discuss the conditions on h necessary for Your answer should lie between 15 and 25 min.
212 QChapter 3 Integral Relations for a Control Volume
= 4 ft3/sthere to be no flow in the pipe. (c) What about flow up, C3.3 Suppose the same steady
Chapter 5 Mass, waterBernoulli,
jet as in Prob. and3.40Energy
(jet ve- Equations
Water A
5-42E [
from 1 to 2? (d) What about flow down,
Also solved using EES on enclosed
from 2 to 1?
5 filled with
locity 8 m/s and jet diameter 10 cm) impinges instead on
3 m in Fig. C3.3. The water is turned
C3.2 A rigid tank of volume $ ! 1.0 m is initially BMAns.qxd 2/15/12a cup Vcavity
PM as shown 8 ft
el techo
Solution 0.5-ft diameter The drinking water needs
air at 20C and p ! 100 kPa. At time of
t ! an
1-ft diameter
0, aoffice
vacuum are
2/22/12 met by3:54
180 large
PMe water bottles with a plastic hose inserted in it. The
and Page
exits, 147
to friction, at lower velocity, Ve !
suelo se rompe 3yftel agua0 se dispara (2) hacia arriba hasta 34 m. Es-
Figure P3.59
guera va minimum filling time of an 8-oz glass is to be determined when the bottle
time la presin! manomtrica del agua en el tubo. Enuncie sus A is full and when it is near empty.
manguera Assumptions R h
hiptesis y explique
1 The si la presin real es mayor o menor que el
(1) flow is steady, incompressible, and irrotational with 3.60 negligible
A 50-mm-diameter plastic
frictional tube is(so
effects used to siphon
that water from the 8 ft
the Bernoulli
a. Cul valor que
equation is predijo.
applicable). 2 All losses are neglected to obtain the minimum large tank shown
filling time.
Figure P3.59
in Fig. P3.60. If the pressure on the outside of the tube
a? Qu is more than 30 kPa greater than the
F pressure within the tube, the tube Fig
5-40 Se P3.92
Figure usa una sonda de Pitot y de presin esttica (tubo de
s Vj

Analysis We take point 1 to be at the free surface of water in the3.60 bottle and point 2 atplastic
the exit of the to
tube so that
1 = the
Prandtl) para" medir la velocidad de un avin que vuela a 3 000 ANS-2 Answers Ato50-mm-diameter
Selected Even-Numbered tube is used
Homework siphon
ifn por P2 m. =P (the bottle is open
Si la lectura de la presin
atm to the atmosphere and water discharges
diferencial es de 3 kPa, determine into the
large atmosphere),
tank shown in Fig. V
1 0
If (the
the bottle
pressure onis large
the relative
outside of the tube
n. P3.90
withto the tube diameter), and z = 0 (we take point 2 as the reference level). Thenthan
2.64 0.304 ftis more the30Bernoulli
kPa greaterequation Problems
than the pressure 3.28tothe
within tube,
46.5 147
m!sthe tube Figu
owrate if the su velocidad.
s alto?
shown inP
Determine the flowrate through the submerged orifice
2 if the contraction
Fig. P3.93 2coefficient is C ! 0.63. 2
Chapter 52.66 Mass,!Bernoulli, and #
! [d " 11.31 Energy
1d 2 "Equations
18.61d " 12821!2]!2 3.32 20.9 ft!s
5-41 Mientras
5-42E [Also solved using VEES
1 circula P2"m un
on enclosed
1 negligible, determine V2camino
DVD the en
] diameter,mal
in V
estado, 2 el fondo
terms of D
C3.3if the
2.68 pres- Vwill collapse and siphon will stop. If viscous effects
ft de-
+ +z = + +z z = 1 V = 2 gz
36,000 lb
Solution de un drinking
g sure 2 g water to1 remain
ischoca contra
needs g of 2anuna
g office
constant 2 are met by
roca filosa the y1 large
esto water
That bottles
2 gcausa is,
un2.70 !2pp!
p(z) with 1a
. plastic
1 hosethe
u inserted
minimum in it. Theof h allowed without3.36
value the siphon
1248 stopping.
minimum filling time of an 8-oz glass is to be determined when the bottle is full and when it is near empty.
C3.1 pequeo en el tanqueL de gasolina. Si la altura de la ga- 2.74 2.90 lb
table impinge on the underside of the puck at various 3.40 20.8 lb!s
sobre un Substituting,
Assumptions solina
1 Thequeflow theisendischarge
est el tanque
steady, velocity
es de 30 cm,
incompressible, of determine
andwater and lathe
irrotational filling
with time
frictional fteffects A
as the
that Bernoulli
approximation is 3.42 0.0119 ft3!s
equation is inicial
4 m/s. de
applicable). la2
All losses en
are el agujero.
neglected toExplique
obtain the cmo
minimum cambiar
filling la2.78
time. 7200 lb 2 m
that at any given time, the gage pressure on the bottom 3.44 15.4 m
ifn, so- (a) Full bottle (z1from = 3.5 theft):
left, the exit jet is a circular an-
Analysis E) S ifn
nulus of 15
outer el tiempo
radius R and y cmo
thickness se afectara
h, flowing towardel flujo si el tapn 2.80puck665
of the
We take point 1 to be at the free surface of water in the bottle and point 2 at the exit of the tube so that P1 =
is halfway between zero (i.e., atmospheric 3.46 0.223 0.25 9.22 lb!ft2
ft; in
ube a la delbottle
the viewer.) est Thecerradocup has con 2 fuerza.
a radius of curvature
Respuesta:of 25 cm.2.43 m/s 2.82
pressure) 107
and kPa
the stagnation pressure of the impinging 3.48 2.45 & 10 kN!m3; 5.50 &
Pa)toe the
P2 = Patm (the
in-tube diameter), V =
is open 2to(32the.2atmosphere
ft/s )( 3 .5 and
Find (a)2the thickness h of the exit jet and (b) the force F =
15 . 0 discharges
ft/s into the atmosphere),
(StagnationV 1
7.11 m; 0
pressure(the bottle is large relative
No is defined as p0 # 2 "Vjet .) (a)
$ 2
3.50 3.19 ft
5-42I and zEl 2 =agua0 (wepara takeobject
point in
beber 2que
as the
se reference
necesita level).
en unaThen the Bernoulli
oficina equation simplifies
34 required
m to 3.52 0.0156 m3!s for any D
es de te- required to hold the cupped place. (c) Compare Find the jetFvelocity
2.86 B ! $%R !4
Vjet to support an air hockey
2 2 4 2 h
P1 Vpart 2
(b) Pz D / 4 =where
se V3.40,2
D (z) en(0garrafones
.F25!/ 12
500ft) 2
VN, de and = 3.a41
/ 4agua.
give Se 10
phys- ft uno2.88 1a2 9.00 ft; 1b2 11,200 lb; 1c2 0 lb
introduce puck of weight W and diameter d. Give your answer in 3.54 6.59 ft; B above A
+ 1 + z1 = 2 + 2 + z2 z1 = 2 V = 2 gz terms of W,33,900
d, and lb the density " of the air. (b) For W #
gde 2icallos extremos
g explanationg 2as de g touna
F has changed. 2deg plstico de2 0.25 in1 de di- 2.90 3.56 D ! D1![1 # 1p2gD14 z!8Q
te como C3.4 metro The air flow V underneath V an air hockey 0 . 00835
puck is ft 3
very com- 0.05 lbf and d # 2.5 in, estimate the required jet veloc- 1.5 ft
en 3.58 3.13 ft
ra Substituting,
en la the t el= garrafn
plex, especially =since
D1 of
se coloca
water andfrom
air jets
sobre time
un pedestal
the 2air hockey
= 1.6alto,
are determined sityen 2.92 373 kN Figure P3.60
ft/s. 314 kN; 497 kN

tanto que el V otro extremo, AV2 (con 3.41una 10vlvula ft )(15 paraft/sabrir
) y cerrar, 2.94 3.60 2.94 m
se (a)
ve Full
en bottle se (z 1 = 3.5 ft):2 ft abajo del fondo
mantiene (1) del garrafn. Si el nivel del2.96 1680 lb 3.61 Water is siphoned from the tank shown 3.62 3
in Fig. P3.61. Deter- lb!ft ; 48
0.0758 ft 499 2

o. Cul (b)agua Empty bottle (z = 2 ft): 0.25 in 3.64 1a2 1b2

en el garrafn 1 est a 1.5 ft cuando est lleno, determine2.100 3.63 ft mine the flowrate from the tank and the pressure at points (1), (2), 3.98 ft; 36.0 ft!s; #5
V2 = 2(32.2 ft/s 2 )(3.5 ft) = 15 Q .0 ft/s 2.102 1a2 2.11 m; 1b2 941 kN 3.66 19.63 psi
Design Project
cunto tiempo mnimo se 2necesitar para llenar un vaso de 8 oz and (3) if viscous effects are negligible.
V2 =ftFigure 32(32 .22 ft/s )(el
2 ft) = 11.3 ft/s acaba de abrirse y b)2.104 599 lb 3.68 6.262mft
D3.1 Let us =
A = 2
/ 4 (0.25)/ 12
generalize Probs. /P3.56
a)ft)cuando 4 = 3.and
104 ftin2 which
41 3.142, a pump where hp is426
the pump headm(ft), n is the shaft rotation rate
2.106 kN, 2.46 below surface 3.70 1a2 1.06 & 10#3; 1b2 3.02 &
cuando est casi vaco. 3 be-
performance V curve was used to3 determine the flow rate
V V 0.00835 V ft
(r/s), and D is the impeller diameter (ft). The 1.5 ftrange of va- 0.00835 ft 2.108
0 )2.34
p ft 1 3.72 29.5 Pa
t = tween = t ==3.57 =The particular
reservoirs. 4 The =2 circular pump = stream 1.6in 4Fig. s 2of
water isfrom =a faucet
s 2.110
is isobserved 2-in.-diameter
' ) 0.027. The pump of Fig. P3.142 had Dp2#
V AV2 (V 3.41 10 AV ft )( (15 3 . 41
ft/s ) 10 ft )( 11 . 3 ft/s ) 0.146 ft 3.74
2 0 1gage2; 0.146 m

(b) Empty 15


one of a family

(z1 = 2performance

of pumps

is the

2 of

as follows:
similar shape,

20 whose
mm dimen-
to 10 mm in a 2 ft 2.116
distance inof diameter
50 cm. and rotated
392 kN; 437 kN; at nYes
# 20 r/s (1200 r/min). The
solution to Prob. 3.142, namely, Q ! 2.57 ft /s and hp !3 (3) 3.76 1a2 0.0696 m3!s; 1b2 0.574 m
Se Recomienda Determine seleccionar flowrate.
1 2.118frictionless
581 lb; 0.289 flow,
psi 3.78 H!H0 ! 1!11 " cx!L21!2, w
Discussion The siphoning time is determined assuming 172 ft, corresponds to % ! 3.46, 'and 3 ft ( ! 0.75 (or
! 0.016,
V2 = Head: 2(32.2 ft/s3.58 2
)(2 ft) GO = 11.Water 3 ft/s is siphoned from the tank shown75 in 2.120
Fig. 7.77 & 109 lb acting 406 ft above
P3.58. base c ! 2$H2O dmax!rV02
thus this is the minimum time required. In reality, the timepercent), will be
power tobecause
the water #of"gQh2p ft! 27,500 ft * 8 ft
The water barometer indicates a reading of 30.2 ft. lbf/s 2.122 64.4
Determine the kN 3.80 0.0132 m3!s
friction (50 hp). Please check these numerical values before
V between V water 0.00835 andftthe gh htube
surface.Q 2.124 this 3360 psi 3.82
t = %=! 6.04=maximum & 161' value %#$
4 2 2 2
of $ allowed and= 2.2 ' #without
s$$3 cavitation occurring.
beginning Note project. 2.50 in.
5-45 Un tanque presurizado de agua tiene un orificio de 10 cm bordes redondeados, 5-58 de modo que las prdidas por friccin son
Solution A hand-held bicycle pump with a liquid reservoir is used as an at
de dimetro en el fondo, donde el agua se descarga hacia la despreciables. Si through el tanque est
a small hole.vaco al inicio,
The minimum speeda)that determine la be moved in the cyl
the piston must
(1) 3.37 An inviscid, incompressible liquid flows steadily from
atmsfera. El nivel del agua est 3 m arriba de la salida. La altura mxima a labeque llegar el agua
determined. en el tanque y b) obtenga
the large pressurized tank shown in Fig. P.3.37. The velocity at the exit
presin del aire en el tanque, arriba del nivel del agua, es de isuna 40 ftrelacin para the la altura del
z gravity como andfuncin del tiempo
/ s. Determine Assumptions specific flows of
of the air
liquid water
in thearetank.
steady, incompressible, and irrotati
300 kPa (presin absoluta) Compilado
en tanto que la Problemas de la Ec. De Bernoulli
presin atmosfrica
5-49I Se tiene agua
y Conservacin de Misasa:
that the Bernoulli equation
applicable). 2 Air is an ideal gas. 3 The liquid rese
is heldfluye por 5un
horizontal. Thetubo
velocity through a razn
the tube is low.
la razn inicial de descarga del agua del tanque.Cengel Munson
de 1 gal/s.
El tubo 10
es de 100 kPa. Desprecie los efectos de la friccin y determine
consta de We
Properties dostakesecciones
the density con
to be = de 4kg/m3. The
Ing. W aldo
in Lyizcano
2 in, G
con .
una seccin
gas constant reductora
of air is R = suave.
0.287 kPamSe3
/kgK. la diferen-
0.168 m3/s Air
cia de presin entre las dos secciones
Analysis We take point del1 attubo mediante
the exit unpoint
of the hole, ma-2 in air far
Chapter 5 Mass, Bernoulli, nmetro
5 ft
de mercurio.
and Energystream
from theDesprecie
Equations los
hole on a horizontal efectos
line, pointde3 atlathefriccin
exit of theytube in air
(so that points
del1 and 3 coincide), and las
4 at the free surface
5-47E F) CFigure
16 determine la altura diferencial mercurio entre sec-
of the liquid in the reservoir (P2 = P4 = Patm and P1 = P3). We also take
Solution Aire ciones del tubo.
A siphon pumps water from a large reservoir to a lower tank which is initially empty. Water leaves Respuesta:
the tank 0.52 in

hrough an orifice. The height the water will 300rise
kPain the tank at equilibrium is to be determined.
the level of the hole to be the reference level (so that z1 = z2 = z3 =0 and
z4 = -h). Noting that V2 V3 V4 0, the Bernoulli equation for the air
3.34 Streams of water from two tanks impinge upon each 10 ft and water streams becomes
Assumptions 1other The as shown
flow in Fig.incompressible,
is steady, P3.34. If viscousand effects are negligible and
with negligible point A is effects
frictional a stagnation point,
(so that the determine
Bernoulli the heightish.
equation P3 V 32 P V2 P1 Patm
Water (3-4): + + z3 = 4 + 4 + z4 = + (h ) P1
applicable). 2 Both the tank and the reservoir are open to the 1 g 2g g 2 g g g
atmosphere. 3 The water level of the reservoir remains constant. 40 ft/s 4 in 2 in
P1 V12 P V2 P1 V12 Patm 2( P
Air (1-2): + + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2 + = V =
Analysis We take the reference level to be at the bottom 3 m of the Figure P3.37 g 2 g g
g 2 g g 2 g
2/15/12 9:01 PM Page ANS-2
ank, and the water height in the tank at any time to be h. We take point Reservoir 2 in
1 to be at the free surface of reservoir, point 2 at the exit of the siphon, where
Section h
which is placed at the bottom of the tank, and hpoint 10 3 atcmthe free surface 15 ft3.6.2 Confined FlowsP(also see Lab95Problems kPa
3.1LP and 3.3LP) = = = 1.13 kg/m 3
of the tank, and point 4 at the exit of the orifice at the bottom of the air
RT (0.287 kPa m 3 /kg K )(20 + 273 K )
ank. Then z1 =Free 20 jets
ft, z2 = z4 = 0, z3 = h, P1 = P3 = P4 = Patm (the
eservoir is open to the atmosphere A and water discharges into the
3.38 Obtain a photograph/image 3 Eqs. of
a situation that involves a con-
(1) and (2) and substituting the numerical values,
lementaryFluidDynamicsTheBernoulliEquation.qxd p1 = 25 psi 2/22/12 3:54 PM fined
Pageflow149for whichFIGURA
the Bernoulli
P5-49E and continuity equations are
atmosphere) P2 = Patm+gh (the hydrostatic FIGURApressure
P5-45at the bottom of important.hPrint Waterthis photo and write 2( Patm a Pbrief paragraph
2 water gh that de-
kg/m 3 )(9.81 m/s 2 )(0.1 m )
1) 2(1000
he tank where the siphon discharges), and V1 Air V3 0 (the free Tank V1 = = =
ANS-2 Answers to Selected Even-Numbered Homework Problems scribes the situation involved.
2 air air 1.13 kg/m 3
urfaces of reservoir and the tank are large relative to the tube
20 ft 3.39 Air flows steadily through a horizontal 4-in.-diameter pipe and
diameter). Then the Bernoulli equation between 1-2eland 3-4 8simplifies Taking the flow of air to be steady and incompressible, the conservation of mass fo
5-46 Vuelva a considerar problema ft 5-45. Use el Soft- 5-50into Un avin vuela a una aaltitud
4 through de 12 000 m. Determine
The veloc- la
o2.64 0.304 ft 3.28 46.5 m!s exits the atmosphere 3-in.-diameter nozzle.
ware de EES (o cualquier otro programa de este ti- itypresin manomtrica
at the nozzle exit is 150enft/s.
Vel punto
Determinede estancamiento
the pressure sobre
Apiston =inV hole
the Apipe laifna- A
V piston = hole V hole =
2.66 !2! [d " 11.312 # 1d 2 " 18.61d " 12821!2]!2 2 3.32 20.9 ft!s piston =V hole V piston hole
P1 V1 po) e2 investigue
PFigure V2 P3.34 el efecto
Patm de laPatm
+ ghdelV2agua sobre la veloci- viscous riz deleffects
la velocidad de ste es de 200 km/h. Cmo re- Apiston
2.68 + 36,000
+ z1 =lb + + z2 + z1 = + 3.34
V2 = 245.7
gz1 ft2 gh = 2 g ( z1 h )
g 2 g dadgde 2descarga. g Suponga
g que lag altura2 gdel agua vara de 0 2 solvera este problema si laand
Simplifying velocidad
substituting,fuera de 1velocity
the piston 050 km/h? Ex- to be
is determined
2.70 p ! 0.416 u 3.36
hasta 5 m, en incrementos de 0.5 m. Elabore una tabla y trace la 1248 lb!ft Problems 149
P3 V2.902 lb P4 de V2 V2 3.40 20.8 lb!s 2
D 2
+ zgrfica + 4 los + z4resultados.
0.3 cm
+ 12.19 = h= 4 V4 = 2 gh V piston = hole V1 = (41.7de m/s) = 0.15 m/s
g 2 g
3 ft
g 2 g Test 2 g 3.42 0.0119 ft 3
!s 5-51 Se va a medir la velocidad D del aire
piston x
un sis-
5-47I Un sifn bombea agua desde un depsito grande hacia x=L x = 0
2.78 7200 lb Inlet nozzle section 3.44 15.4 m tema de calefaccin mediante L una sonda de Pitot y presin est-
2.80 that665thelbun tanqueofms
diameters abajo
the tube and que est Diffuser
the orifice inicialmente
are vaco.
the same, the flow El 0.223
3.46rates tanque
of water intotica
and out2 ofde
(tubo tankDiscussion
thePrandtl) be the In reality,
will introducida the piston velocity must be higher to overcome the losses
en ese ducto, paralela
ft; 9.22 lb!ft V0 al flujo.
tambin tiene un orificio de bordes
ame when the water velocities in the tube and the orifice are equal since redondeados a 15 ft hacia
5 Si la altura
if the diameter
3 las
of the hole is reduced.
columnas de agua conectadas a
2.82 107 kPa 3.48 2.45 & 10 kN!m ; 5.50 & 10 m !s #6

2.84 7.11V2 = Vm;

abajo de la superficie del depsito, enFandonde el agua sale del Q las dos
3.50 3.19 ft salidas de la sonda es de 2.4 cm, determine a) la veloci-
4 No AV 2 = AV V2 = V4 Air
tanque. Tanto el 4dimetro del sifn como el del orificio son de 2 3 dad del flujo y b) la elevacin Hde (x)
la presinH0en la punta de la
2.86 FB ! $%R3!4 3.52 0.0156 m !s for any D
Setting the twoin. Ignoreequal
velocities las prdidas
to each por
other friccin,
gives determine hasta qu altura sonda. La temperatura y la presin del aire en ducto son de
2.88 1a2 9.00 ft; 1b2el11,200
llegar agua enlb;el1c2tanque
h 0 lb Water
en el equilibrio. 3.54 6.59 ft; B above A

15 ft D ! D1![1 # 1p gD1 z!8Q ]45C 2 y 984 kPa, respectivamente.
2 1!4
= 1 =3.56 = 7.5
2.90 z
V2 = V33,900 lb2 g ( z h) = 2 gh z1 h = h ft
2.92 373 kN
4 Figure
5-48 Entra
1 P3.74
agua de manera estacionaria ah un 2tanque
3.582 de 3.13
dime- ft 5-52 Se va a vaciar el agua de una alberca de 10 m de dime-
tro D T, conkNinun flujo de masa de m in. Un orificio de dimetro D
2.94 314
Therefore, the kN;
water 497level the tank will stabilize when the water level3.60
rises to2.94 mo tro ydmax
2 m de alto darriba del suelo Se destapar un tubo horizon-
7.5 ft. 1680 lb
que est en el fondo deja que el agua se escape. El3.62
3.75 Air flows through the device shown in Fig. P3.75. If the
orificio tiene 3
0.0758 ft !s;tal499 de lb!ft
3 cm2; de lb!ft2; #11.7
488dimetro y 25 mlb!ft de 2largo fijo al fondo de la al-
2.100 3.63 ftflowrate
Discussion This resultisis large enough,
obtained thenegligible
assuming pressurefriction. the3.64
within The 1a2 3.98
result would be ft; 1b2 36.0 different
somewhat Determineif thelalb!ft
ft!s; #510 2
friction inmxima de descarga del agua por 5-34
2.102 1a2 2.11 be1b2low
will 941 kN to draw the
enough 3.66 19.63 psi tubo. Tambin,
PROPRIETARY por qu el gasto
. ser
2006 menor.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limi
he pipe and orifice considered. water up into the tube. Determine
2.104 599 lbthe flowrate, Q, and the pressure m 3.68
needed at section (1) to6.26
drawm 5-53 Figure P3.78 teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manu
the 2.46
waterminto section (2). Neglect compressibility and viscous #3 Vuelva a considerar el problema 5-52. Determine cun-
2.106 426 kN, below surface 3.70 1a2 1.06 & 10 to ; 1b2 3.02
tiempo & 10#3; 0.118
transcurrir para que la alberca se vace. Respuesta:
2.108 2.34 fteffects. 3.72 29.5 Pa
19.7 h
2.110 0.146 3.74 0 1gage2; 0.146 m
2.116 392 kN; 437 kN; Yes DT 3.76 1a2 0.0696 *3.79 m5-54
!s; Water
1b2 flowsm froma aconsiderar
Vuelva large tank and through a 5-52.
el problema pipe ofUse
el Soft-
3.78 H!H0 ! 1!11 " cx!L2 , where as shown 1!2in Fig.
ware 3.79.
de EES The
(o area of
cualquierthe pipe
otro is given
programa by
de Aeste
! ti-
2.118 581 lb; 0.289 psi
[1 "ex(1
A0po) investigue
2" x/!)/2!],
el where Adel
efecto 0 isdimetro
the area atdel
de (x ! 0) so-
2.120 7.77 & 10 lb acting 406 ft above base 9
Free jet c ! 2$ H2Oand d !rV
end el (xtiempo
max 0 ! !) of the pipe. Plot graphs of the pressure within the
2.122 64.4 kN
25 mm bre necesario para vaciar la alberca. Suponga que el
3.80 0.0132 m3pipe !s as a function of distance along the pipe for water depths of
dimetro vara de 1 hasta 10 cm, en incrementos de 1 cm. Ela-
2.124 3360 psi z
Air Do
Q 3.82 2.50 in. h ! 1, 4, 10, and 25 m.
(2) bore una tabla y trace la grfica de los resultados.
2.126 203 kN down(1) 3.84 4
2.128 3370 lb; 882 lb 0.3 m 3.86 13.0 psi 5-55 Se tiene aire a 110 kPa y 50C que fluye hacia arriba
2.130 485 kN50 mm 3.88 0.607 ft3!s; por un ducto
1b2 21.3 inclinado de 6 cm de dimetro, a razn de 45 L/s.
2.132 46.8 lb!ft3
50 mm
3 Entonces, ft mediante un reductor, el dimetro del ducto se reduce
Water 3.90 0.123 ft !s
2.134 1.22 ft; no change 3.92 0.400 ft hasta 4 cm. Se mide el cambio de presin de uno a otro
2.136 786,000 Figure P3.75 lb; 315,000 lb FIGURA P5-48 3.94 R ! 0.998 zextremo 1!4 del reductor mediante un manmetro de agua. La dife-
2.138 54,600 lb h
3.100 404.5 kPa ! Free jet
2.142 127 lb 5-23 3.102 252 kPa; 114 kPa
3.76MATERIAL . 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited & distribution
10 m !s;permitted 57.9 kPaonly to
2.144 18.9 kPa; 0.208 mWater flows steadily from the large open3.104 tank 9.10 in
#3 3
2.146 and
lbFig. at 6.22 for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
3.76.ft If to viscous right of A effects are negligible, determine 3.106 (a)3120theft3!s; 2080 ft3!s; 2200 ft3!s x
2.148 89.5%flowrate, Q, and (b) the manometer reading, h. 3.108 155 N!m2
3.112 0.630 ft; 4.48 ft
2.150 8.63 ft!s x=0
2.152 1a2 68.9 2 ; 1b2
lb 3.116 6.10 & 10 #3
m3!s P3.79
2.154 30' 16 Se recomiendan el 3.34 y el 3.75 (El 3.75 y el 5.58 son 3.118 1.016 in.
2.156 h ! a!!g 3.120 1.73 m2!s
2.158 6.04 rad!s 3.122 25.4 m; 6.51 m; #9.59 m
2.160 5.76 ft 4m

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