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Hay un Soplete para cada necesidad, de distintas calidades, tipos de combustible,

capacidades y tamaos, porttiles o semi-Estacionarios y estacionarios, para cada uso
especfico. Es decir qu, por ejemplo, no tiene la misma utilidad algn soplete sencillo para
soldar tuberas de cobre o quemar gas para cualquier cosa que se nos ocurra o de Cocina
(son de los ms simples qu hay) qu usar un soplete para soldar de gas acetileno, la
complejidad es totalmente distinta.

Por otro lado, Muchos modelos traen un regulador de entrada de aire (una simple lmina
alrededor del a boquilla) qu al solo tapar o destapar los orificios de entrada de aire, qu la
flama se puede ajustar a un grado fino o a un tamao irregular.

Sopletes para fuelle

Soplete punta lapiz

Soplete de 4 Boquillas

Soplete de cocina

Mini Soldador y Soplete a gas. Autonoma 120', Temperatura 1500C.

Soplete de bolsillo

Llama graduable. Cierre de seguridad. Empuadura metlica. Funciona con gas azul
Soplete de gasolina antiguo


Este modelo en especfico, no es muy apto para la plomera, ya qu genera una cantidad de
calor muy elevada, qu termina quemando las conexiones, su utilidad principal es para
soldar con soldadura 95/5 estao/plomo o de plata. Tanto por el costo, como por el
desperdicio de energia calorfica, riesgo de sobrecalentamiento del rea a soldar.

Soplete con encendido electrnico y lata de gas

Sopletes para garrafas de gas

Consideraciones al usar un soplete

Existen dos tipos de soldaduras, las blandas que se realizan por debajo de los 450C y las
fuertes que estn por encima de los 450 C. Con un soplete comn solo se puede llegar a las
soldaduras blandas que son las que no superan los 450C estas pueden llegar a derretir Cinc
que llega a los 420C pero por ejemplo el bronce no llegara a fundirse con uno de estos
sopletes, ya que deber llegar a la temperatura de los 880C o a 920 C.

Cualquier metal funde a una temperatura especfica. Lo que interesa es comprender cmo
se distribuye la energa calrica en el proceso de fundicin.

El soplete entrega calor, de manera que el metal se va calentando. Cuando el metal se va

calentando, entrega calor al medio ambiente, enfrindose el metal.

Entonces, para limitar la prdida de calor del metal, se utiliza un recipiente adecuado.

Las temperaturas de fusin de algunos metales son las siguientes:

Estao 240C
Plomo 340C
Cinc 420C
Aluminio 620-650C
Bronce 880-920C
Latn 930-980C
Plata 960C
Cobre 1050C
Hierro fundido 1220C
Metal monel 1340C
Acero de alto carbono 1370C
Acero de medio carbono 1430C
Acero inoxidable 1430C
Nquel 1450C
Acero de bajo carbono 1510C
Hierro forjado 1593C

Las temperaturas de las llamas no importan demasiado, por ejemplo una llama autgena (u
oxiacetilnica) provee 3200C, una llama de Oxgeno-Propano 2800C y una llama de
propano (membranera) 1000 a 1200C.

La diferencia radica en la velocidad de combustin de las llamas, que deriva en la potencia

de llama. La cantidad de calor en KiloJoules que recibe un centimtro cuadrado del
material a fundir. La autgena provee 16, Oxgeno-Propano: 2.5 y Propano por si solo 1 -

Diferencias entre boquillas

La boquilla de la izquierda es utilizada para plomera (soldar caos, por ejemplo) y la de la

derecha es la "membranera" (suele utilizarse para colocar la membrana de aluminio en los

Herramientas antiguas


Funciona con un principio basico de rotacion y contrapeso que se usaba desde el paleolitico
para taladrar piedras e incluso para hacer fuego, posteriormente Aquimedes lo perfecciona
dandole su nombre, en joyeria es muy ligero, practico y muy profesional ademas de no
utilizar corriente electrica, se pueden realizar hasta un centenar de barrenos diarios de
diferentes calibres sin afilar la broca que tambien hay que fabricar. Con el impresionante
desarrollo de la odontologia en Pforzheim, Alemania aparecen los primeros motores
mecanicos y despues electricos precursores del foredom.


El soplete de fuelle es una de las herramientas ms importantes del taller, funciona a base
de gasolina automotriz o bencina, su funcin es accionada pisando rtmicamente el fuelle
con el pie, que enva aire al depsito gasificando la bencina o gasolina que al llegar al
maneral o pistola proporciona una flama dulce y facil de controlar y dirigiendo la flama al
objetivo se suelda cmodamente e incluso puedes recocer, fundir, granular etc. Es muy
prctico, econmico se puede usar en cualquier parte con mnimos requerimientos y se
logran fundir hasta 50 grs de oro de 14k 100 grs de plata .925.

Temperatura de la flama adiabtica

En el estudio de la combustin, hay dos tipos de temperatura de llama adiabtica que

depende de cmo el proceso est completado, volumen constante y presin constante, esta
describe la temperatura de los productos de la combustin tericamente alcanzada si no se
pierde energa al ambiente exterior.

La temperatura de flama adiabtica a volumen constante es la temperatura que resulta de un

proceso de combustin completa que ocurre sin cualquier trabajo, transferencia de calor o
cambios en cintica o energa potencial. La temperatura de flama adiabtica a presin
constante es la temperatura que resulta de un proceso de combustin completa que ocurre
sin transferencia de calor o cambios en cintica o energa potencial. Su temperatura es ms
baja que el proceso de volumen constante porque parte de la energa se utiliza para cambiar
el volumen del sistema

Flamas comunes

En la vida diaria, la gran mayora de las flamas que encontramos son las de compuestos
orgnicos como la madera, cera, grasa, plsticos comunes, propano, gas y gasolina. La
flama adiabtica a presin constante de tales sustancias en el aire est en un rango
relativamente estrecho alrededor de 1950 C. Esto es debido a que, en trminos de la
estequiometria, la combustin de un compuesto orgnico con n tomos de carbono consiste
en romper aproximadamente 2n enlaces CH, n enlaces CC , y 1.5 n enlaces O2 para
formar aproximadamente n molculas de CO2 y n molculas de H2O.

Debido a que la mayora de los procesos de combustin que ocurren naturalmente en el aire
libre, no hay nada que limite al gas a un volumen determinado, como el cilindro en un
motor. Como resultado, estas sustancias se queman a una presin constante, permitiendo
que el gas se expanda durante el proceso.

Temperaturas de flama comunes

En la vida diaria, la gran mayora de las flamas que encontramos son las de compuestos
orgnicos como la madera, cera, grasa, plsticos comunes, propano, gas y gasolina. La
flama adiabtica a presin constante de tales sustancias en el aire est en un rango
relativamente estrecho alrededor de 1950 C. Esto es debido a que, en trminos de la
estequiometria, la combustin de un compuesto orgnico con n tomos de carbono consiste
en romper aproximadamente 2n enlaces CH, n enlaces CC , y 1.5 n enlaces O2 para
formar aproximadamente n molculas de CO2 y n molculas de H2O.

Debido a que la mayora de los procesos de combustin que ocurren naturalmente en el aire
libre, no hay nada que limite al gas a un volumen determinado, como el cilindro en un
motor. Como resultado, estas sustancias se queman a una presin constante, permitiendo
que el gas se expanda durante el proceso.

Temperatura de llama adiabtica (presin constante) de materiales de gases/comunes

Combustible Oxidante
(C) (F)

Dicianoacetileno (C4N2) Oxgeno 4990 9010

Ciangeno (C2N2) Oxgeno 4525 8177

Circonio Oxgeno 4005 72413

Aluminio Oxgeno 3732 67503

Acetileno (C2H2) Oxgeno 3480 6296

Hidrgeno (H2) Oxgeno 3200 57922

Fsforo (blanco) Oxgeno 2969 53763

Gas MAPP Metilacetileno (C3H4) Oxgeno 2927 5301

Temperatura de llama adiabtica (presin constante) de materiales de gases/comunes

Combustible Oxidante
(C) (F)

Antracita Oxgeno 2900see 1 5255

Propano (C3H8) Oxgeno 2526 4579

Acetileno (C2H2) Aire 2500 4532

Litio Oxgeno 2438 44203

Hidrgeno (H2) Aire 2254 40891

Antracita Aire 21806 3957

Hulla Aire 21726 3943

Gasolina Aire 2138 38801

Fueloil ligero Aire 21046 3820

Fueloil pesado Aire 21026 3817

Fueloil medio Aire 21016 3815

Queroseno Aire 20936 3801

Etanol (C2H5OH) Aire 2082 37791

Tolueno (C7H8) Aire 2071 37603

Gas MAPP Metilacetileno (C3H4) Aire 2010 3650

Propano (C3H8) Aire 1980 35965

Madera Aire 1980 3596

Pentano (C5H12 Aire 1977 35913

Butano (C4H10) Aire 1970 3578

Temperatura de llama adiabtica (presin constante) de materiales de gases/comunes

Combustible Oxidante
(C) (F)

Metano (CH4) Aire 1963 35653

Gas natural Aire 1960 35624

Etano (C2H6) Aire 1955 3551

Metanol (CH4O) Aire 1949 35403

Temperatures in flames and fires


It is unfortunately not too rare to find that fire investigators estimate flame
temperatures by looking up a handbook value, which turns out to the adiabatic
flame temperature. Statements are then made about whether some materials could
have melted, softened, lost strength, etc., based on comparing such a flame
temperature against the material's melting point, etc. The purpose of this short
paper is to point out the fallacies of doing this, and to present some more
appropriate information for a more realistic assessment.

First, we must point out that measuring of flame temperatures to a high degree of
precision is quite difficult, and many combustion research scientists have devoted
decades to studying the task. The difficulties come from two sources: (1)
intrusiveness of instrumentation; and (2) interpretation difficulties due to the time-
varying nature of the measurement. Non-intrusive (e.g., optical laser techniques)
methods are available, but these are difficult and expensive to make and are
generally not applied to the study of building fires. In most cases, thermocouples
are used for temperature measurement. These have a multitude of potential errors,
including surface reactions, radiation, stem loss, etc. A whole textbook is available
on the subject of instrumentation for studying flames [1]. As we see below, the
flames of most interest for unwanted fires are turbulent. This time fluctuation
presents tremendous difficulties in making measurements and in interpreting them
meaningfully. Such flames move about in little "packets." Thus, a measurement at
a single location returns a complicated average value of reacting and unreacting
packets flowing by. Some of these issues are elucidated in [2].

Even careful laboratory reconstructions of fires cannot bring in the kind of

painstaking temperature measuring technologies which are used by combustion
scientists doing fundamental research studies. Thus, it must be kept in mind that
fire temperatures, when applied to the context of measurement of building fires,
may be quite imprecise, and their errors not well characterized.

Flame types

Before we discuss details of flame temperatures, it is important to distinguish

between some of the major flame types. Flames can be divided into 4 categories:

laminar, premixed
laminar, diffusion
turbulent, premixed
turbulent, diffusion

An example of a laminar premixed flame is a Bunsen burner flame. Laminar

means that the flow streamlines are smooth and do not bounce around
significantly. Two photos taken a few seconds apart will show nearly identical
images. Premixed means that the fuel and the oxidizer are mixed before the
combustion zone occurs.

A laminar diffusion flame is a candle. The fuel comes from the wax vapor, while
the oxidizer is air; they do not mix before being introduced (by diffusion) into the
flame zone. A peak temperature of around 1400C is found in a candle flame [3].

Most turbulent premixed flames are from engineered combustion systems: boilers,
furnaces, etc. In such systems, the air and the fuel are premixed in some burner
device. Since the flames are turbulent, two sequential photos would show a greatly
different flame shape and location.

Most unwanted fires fall into the category of turbulent diffusion flames. Since no
burner or other mechanical device exists for mixing fuel and air, the flames are
diffusion type.

Adiabatic flame temperature

When one consults combustion textbooks for the topic of 'flame temperature,'
what one normally finds are tabulations of the adiabatic flame temperature.
'Adiabatic' means without losing heat. Thus, these temperatures would be
achieved in a (fictional) combustion system where there were no losses. Even
though real-world combustion systems are not adiabatic, the reason why such
tabulations are convenient is because these temperatures can be computed from
fundamental thermochemical considerations: a fire experiment is not necessary.
For methane burning in air, the adiabatic flame temperature is 1949C, while for
propane it is 1977C, for example. The value for wood is nearly identical to that
for propane. The adiabatic flame temperatures for most common organic
substances burned in air are, in fact, nearly indistinguishable. These temperatures
are vastly higher than what any thermocouple inserted into a building fire will

Flames temperatures of open flames

For convenience, we can subdivide the turbulent diffusion flames from unwanted
fires into two types: flames in the open, and room fires. First we will consider
open flames.

The starting point for discussing this topic can be the work of the late Dr.
McCaffrey, who made extensive measurements [4] of temperatures in turbulent
diffusion flames. He used gas burners in a "pool fire" mode (i.e., non-premixed)
and studied various characteristics of such fire plumes. He described three
different regimes in such a fire plume:

1. Slightly above the base of the fire begins the continuous flame region.
Here the temperatures are constant and are slightly below 900C.
2. Above the solid flame region is the intermittent flame region. Here the
temperatures are continuously dropping as one moves up the plume. The
visible flame tips correspond to a temperature of about 320C.
3. Finally, beyond the flame tips is the thermal plume region, where no more
flames are visible and temperature continually drop with height.

French researchers at the University of Poitiers recently made the same types of
measurements and reported numerical values [5] indistinguishable from
McCaffrey's. Cox and Chitty [6] measured similar plumes and obtained very
similar results: a temperature of 900C in the continuous flame region, and a
temperature of around 340C at the flame tips. The latter value does not appear to
be a universal constant. Cox and Chitty later measured slightly higher heat release
rate fires, and found a flame tip temperature of around 550C. In a later paper [7],
researchers from the same laboratory examined turbulent diffusion flames under
slightly different conditions, and found peak values of 1150-1250C for natural
gas flames, which is rather higher than 900C. The above results were from fires
of circular or square fuel shape. Yuan and Cox [8] measured line-source type fires.
They found a temperature of 898C in the continuous flame region, and a flame
tip temperature of around 340C. This suggests that such results are not dependent
on the shape of the fuel source.

In studying fires in a warehouse storage rack geometry, Ingason [9] found an

average solid-flame temperature of 870C. At the visible flame tips, the average
temperature was 450C, but the range was large, covering 300~600C. In a related
study, Ingason and de Ris [10] found typical flame tip temperatures of 400C for
burner flames of propane, propylene, and carbon monoxide fuels.

Sullivan et al. [14] cite Australian studies on wildfire flames, finding that flame tip
temperature corresponds to 300C, while peak values around 927C can be
Heskestad [11] adopts a criterion of 500C rise as defining the flame tip
temperature, i.e. an actual temperature of about 520C.

Taking all of the above information in account, it appears that flame tip
temperatures for turbulent diffusion flames should be estimated as being around
320~400C. For small flames (less than about 1 m base diameter), continuous
flame region temperatures of around 900C should be expected. For large pools,
the latter value can rise to 1100~1200C.

Flame temperatures in room fires

There is fairly broad agreement in the fire science community that flashover is
reached when the average upper gas temperature in the room exceeds about
600C. Prior to that point, no generalizations should be made: There will be zones
of 900C flame temperatures, but wide spatial variations will be seen. Of interest,
however, is the peak fire temperature normally associated with room fires. The
peak value is governed by ventilation and fuel supply characteristics [12] and so
such values will form a wide frequency distribution. Of interest is the maximum
value which is fairly regularly found. This value turns out to be around 1200C,
although a typical post-flashover room fire will more commonly be 900~1000C.
The time-temperature curve for the standard fire endurance test, ASTM E 119 [13]
goes up to 1260C, but this is reached only in 8 hr. In actual fact, no jurisdiction
demands fire endurance periods for over 4 hr, at which point the curve only
reaches 1093C.

The peak expected temperatures in room fires, then, are slightly greater than those
found in free-burning fire plumes. This is to be expected. The amount that the fire
plume's temperature drops below the adiabatic flame temperature is determined by
the heat losses from the flame. When a flame is far away from any walls and does
not heat up the enclosure, it radiates to surroundings which are essentially at 20C.
If the flame is big enough (or the room small enough) for the room walls to heat
up substantially, then the flame exchanges radiation with a body that is several
hundred C; the consequence is smaller heat losses, and, therefore, a higher flame

Temperatures of objects

It is common to find that investigators assume that an object next to a flame of a

certain temperature will also be of that same temperature. This is, of course,
untrue. If a flame is exchanging heat with a object which was initially at room
temperature, it will take a finite amount of time for that object to rise to a
temperature which is 'close' to that of the flame. Exactly how long it will take for
it to rise to a certain value is the subject for the study of heat transfer. Heat
transfer is usually presented to engineering students over several semesters of
university classes, so it should be clear that simple rules-of-thumb would not be
expected. Here, we will merely point out that the rate at which target objects heat
up is largely governed by their thermal conductivity, density, and size. Small, low-
density, low-conductivity objects will heat up much faster than massive, heavy-
weight ones.

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