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NodeID ParentID NodeName

1 7102599 Total Opex Expenses

2 1 7102505 Stores and Supplies
3 2 1 Deck Stores
4 3 011 Deck Consumables
5 3 012 Medicine
6 3 013 Sea charts and Nautical publications
7 3 014 Paint
8 2 2 Engine Stores
9 8 021 Engine Consumables
10 8 023 Chemicals
11 8 024 Tools
12 8 025 Electrical stores
13 2 3 Catering
14 13 031 Cabin Consumables
15 2 4 Administration
16 15 041 Office Consumables and fees for polestar, shipstar etc
17 1 7102515 Lubrication Oil
18 17 5 Lub Oil and test
19 18 051 Luboil oil for main and aux. Engine
20 18 052 Hydr Oil
21 18 053 Thermal Oil
22 18 054 Cylinder oil for 2-stroke main engine
23 18 055 Luboil test
24 1 7102517 Environmental Protection - Waste Oil and Garbage
25 24 6 Waste oil and Garbage
26 25 061 Waste & sludge oil and garbage
27 25 062 ECP
28 25 064 Fresh Water
29 1 7102518 Travelling and Transport
30 29 8 Travelling and Transport
31 30 081 Superintendent travel and hotel expenses
32 30 082 Transport and Forwarding expenses
33 30 083 Air Freight expenses
34 30 084 Postal & Courier
35 1 7102520 Survey Fees
36 35 97 Survey Fees
37 36 971 Class
38 36 972 Flagstate
NodeID ParentID NodeName
39 36 973 QA internal/external
40 36 974 ISPS
41 36 975 OPA-90
42 36 976 Oil Majors vettings/Inspections
43 1 7102525 Communications
44 43 7 Communication
45 44 071 Cost of communication
46 44 072 Ship / Shore
47 1 7102530 Repairs and Maintenance
48 47 17 Shiprepairs
49 48 176 Repair engineer
50 47 20 Hull Materials and general work Hull
51 50 201 Hull materials
52 47 25 Deck houses and superstructures
53 52 253 Superstructures
54 47 28 Material protection, internal
55 54 283 Cargo Holds
56 54 284 Cargo tanks
57 54 285 Ballast, sea water and stability tanks
58 47 30 Cargo hatches
59 58 301 Cargo hatch covers w/equipment for weather decks
60 47 33 Deck cranes for cargo
61 60 331 Rotating cranes w/crane pillars
62 47 35 Loading / discharging systems for liquid cargo
63 62 351 Discharging pumps
64 62 352 Loading / discharging systems on deck
65 62 354 Loading / discharging systems in cargo tanks
66 47 37 Gas / ventilation systems for cargo tanks
67 66 375 Pressure / vacuum valves
68 66 376 Inert gas systems w/conditioning plant
69 47 38 Auxillary systems and equipment for cargo
70 69 381 Sounding, surveillance and operating equipment for cargo systems
71 69 382 Tank cleaning systems for cargo holds
72 47 40 Manoeuvring machinery and components
73 72 401 Rudder
74 72 403 Steering gear
75 72 404 Side thrusters
76 47 41 Navigation and searching equipment
NodeID ParentID NodeName
77 76 411 Radar plants
78 76 413 Gyro plants, autopilots and compasses
79 76 414 Echo sounder and Speed log
80 76 416 ECDIS
81 76 417 Lights and signal equipment, lanterns and typhones
82 47 42 Communication equipment
83 82 421 Radio plant, GMDSS
84 82 424 VHF/UHF telephones
85 82 428 Satellite Communication equipment
86 47 43 Anchoring, mooring and towing equipment
87 86 431 Anchor w/chains and equipment
88 86 435 Mooring equipment - fixed
89 86 436 Mooring equipment - loose
90 47 44 Cleaning and Workshop equipment
91 90 445 Incinerator
92 47 50 Lifesaving, protection and medical equipment
93 92 501
94 92 502
95 92 503 Lifesaving, safety and emergency equipment
96 92 505
97 92 506 Personnel Protection equipment
98 47 54 Furniture, inventory and entertainment equipment
99 98 541 Accommodation Inventory - loose
100 98 542
101 98 546
102 47 55 Accommodation Inventory - loose
103 102 551 Galley machinery
104 102 554 Refrigerating systems for provisions
105 102 558 Laundry, ironing and drying equipment
106 47 56 Transport equipment for crew
107 106 563 Provision crane
108 106 564 Shore gangways
109 47 57 Ventilation, airconditioning and heating systems
110 109 571 Ventilation and airconditioning
111 47 58 Sanitary systems
112 111 581 Sewage system incl. Pumps
113 47 60 Diesel engines for propulsion
114 113 601 Main engine
NodeID ParentID NodeName
115 113 602 Turbocharger and air cooler for ME
116 47 63 Propellers and transmissions
117 116 631 Propeller - fixed pitch
118 116 634
119 116 637 Main reduction gears w/thrust bearing and couplings
120 47 64 Steam boilers
121 120 641 Main boilers
122 120 646 Exhaust gas boiler
123 47 65 Motor aggregates for main electric power production
124 123 651 Auxiliary engines
125 47 70 Fuel oil systems
126 125 701 Fuel oil transfer and drain system incl. Heaters
127 125 702 Fuel oil purifiers
128 47 71 Lubrication oil systems
129 128 711 Lubrication oil transfer and drain system
130 128 712 Lubrication oil purifiers
131 47 72 Cooling systems
132 131 721 Sea water cooling systems
133 131 722 Fresh water and other cooling systems
134 47 73 Compressed air systems
135 134 731 Starting air systems
136 47 75 Steam, condensate and feed water systems
137 136 751 Steam, condensate and feed water systems
138 47 76 Distilled and make up water systems
139 138 761 Distilled and make up water systems
140 47 78 Environmental Protection Equipment
141 140 781Equipment for Environmental Protection
142 140 784 ODME
143 140 786
144 47 79 Automation systems for machinery
145 144 792 Engine room alarm system
146 144 793 Automation equipment for propulsion equipment
147 144 797
148 47 80 Ballast and Bilge systems
149 148 803 Bilge water pumps and separator
150 47 85 Common EDB equipment
151 150 855 Computer equipment
152 47 86 Electric power supply
NodeID ParentID NodeName
153 152 861 Generators
154 47 87 Common electric distribution systems
155 154 871 Main switchboards
156 154 875 Distribution panels and boards
157 47 88 Electrical cable installation - Engine and boiler room
158 157 881 EL installations
159 1 7102535 Insurance
160 159 98 Insurance
161 160 9800 Delay risk
162 160 9810 Hull & Machinery
163 160 9820 Hull Interest
164 160 9830 Loss of Hire
165 160 9832 Drug xx
166 160 9840 War
167 160 9850 FDD
168 160 9860 P&I
169 160 9861 COFR's
170 160 9870 Stevedore Damages
171 160 9880 TBN
172 160 9881 TBN
173 160 9890 Franchise
174 160 9892 Non-recoverable
175 160 9891
176 160 9893 Income/expense on recovered amount (reimbursment)
177 1 7102540 Crew Cost
178 177 90 Wages - Officers
179 178 90001 WAGES
180 178 90002 WAGES TRAINING
181 178 90003 WAGES SICKNESS
184 178 90006 OVERTIME
185 178 90007 BONUS
186 178 90008 LEAVE PAY
187 178 90009 REJOINING
188 178 90010 PENSION
189 178 90011 ATP
NodeID ParentID NodeName
191 178 90013 SOCIAL SECURITY
192 178 90014 UNION DUES
193 178 90015 CADETS
194 178 90016 WAGES REFUSION
196 177 91 Wages - Crew
197 196 91001 WAGES
198 196 91002 WAGES SICKNESS
199 196 91003 OVERTIME
200 196 91004 BONUS
201 196 91005 LEAVE PAY
202 196 91006 PENSION
203 196 91007 SOCIAL SECURITY
204 196 91008 UNION DUES
205 196 91009 ALLOTMENT
206 177 92 Wages - Other
207 206 92001 WAGES PAINTERS
209 177 93 Misc. Crewing Expenses
210 209 93001 DOCTOR
211 209 93002 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING
212 209 93003 Uniform & Clothing
213 209 93004
214 209 93005
215 209 93006 WELFARE
218 209 93009 ITF FEE
221 209 93012 VARIOUS
222 209 93013 FILM CLUB
223 209 93014 STOCK OF SLOP CHEST
224 209 93015 CLUB ON SHIP
225 177 94 Crew Travel Expenses
226 225 94001 AIR FARES
227 225 94002 CREW JOINING
228 225 94003 CREW PORT EXPENSES
NodeID ParentID NodeName
229 177 95 Crew Training
230 229 95001 TRAINING - SHORE BASED
231 229 95002 TRAINING - ON BOARD
232 229 95003 SEMINARS
233 177 96 Crew victualling
234 233 96001 Victualling, basic crew
235 233 96002 Extra meals
236 233 96003 Bottled water
237 1 7102542 Operation
238 237 11 Operation
239 238 111 Fuel Oil
240 238 112 Port Expenses
241 238 113 Agency Fee and outlay commission
242 238 114 Expenses for Charterers Account
243 1 7102545 General Consumption Articles
244 1 7102550 SIS Expenses
245 244 991 SIS Cost
246 245 991 Vessel IT Costs
247 1 7102575 Other Expenses
248 1 7102580 Technical Management Fee
249 248 96 Technical Management Fee
250 249 961 Technical Management Fee
251 249 962 Commercial Management Fee
252 1 7102586 Take-over Expenses
253 252 992 Take-over Expenses
254 253 992 Take-over Expenses
255 1 7102590 Owners Expenses
256 255 999 D/A Desk
257 256 999 D/A Desk
258 2110010 Vessels at cost
259 258 2110010 Vessels at cost
260 2110030 Drydocking Cost
261 260 2110030 Drydocking Cost
262 2110050 Capex
263 262 2110050 Capex
264 9109999 Total Administration Expenses
265 264 9100000 Administration Expenses
NodeID ParentID NodeName
266 264 9100301 Travel and Representation
267 264 9100601 Audit Fees
268 264 9100602 Legal Fees
269 264 9100701 Project Development
270 264 9100901 Bank Charges
271 264 9100999 Other Adm. Expenses
272 9200999 Total Interest Income
273 272 9200000 Interest Income
274 272 9200100 Bank Interest
275 272 9200200 Related Company - Interest
276 272 9200500 Other Interest
277 9300999 Total Interest Expenses
278 277 9300000 Interest Expensew
279 277 9300100 Bank Interest
280 277 9300200 Related Company - Interest
281 277 9300500 Other Interest Expense
282 9400999 Total Gain & Loss on Currencies
283 282 9400000 Gain & Loss on Currencies
284 282 9400100 Rate of Exchange Adjustment
285 282 9400150 Rate Adj. For Bankers
286 9600799 Total Other Income / Expenses
287 286 9600000 Other Income / Expenses
288 286 9600600 Claim Settlements
289 286 9600610 Loss on Debtors
290 286 9600650 Income on Creditors
291 286 9600720 Misc. Income / Expense
NodeName NodeID
7102599 1
7102505 2
1 3
011 4
012 5
013 6
014 7
2 8
021 9
023 10
024 11
025 12
3 13
031 14
4 15
041 16
7102515 17
5 18
051 19
052 20
053 21
054 22
055 23
7102517 24
6 25
061 26
062 27
064 28
7102518 29
8 30
081 31
082 32
083 33
084 34
7102520 35
97 36
971 37
NodeName NodeID
972 38
973 39
974 40
975 41
976 42
7102525 43
7 44
071 45
072 46
7102530 47
17 48
176 49
20 50
201 51
25 52
253 53
28 54
283 55
284 56
285 57
30 58
301 59
33 60
331 61
35 62
351 63
352 64
354 65
37 66
375 67
376 68
38 69
381 70
382 71
40 72
401 73
403 74
404 75
NodeName NodeID
41 76
411 77
413 78
414 79
416 80
417 81
42 82
421 83
424 84
428 85
43 86
431 87
435 88
436 89
44 90
445 91
50 92
501 93
502 94
503 95
505 96
506 97
54 98
541 99
542 100
546 101
55 102
551 103
554 104
558 105
56 106
563 107
564 108
57 109
571 110
58 111
581 112
60 113
NodeName NodeID
601 114
602 115
63 116
631 117
634 118
637 119
64 120
641 121
646 122
65 123
651 124
70 125
701 126
702 127
71 128
711 129
712 130
72 131
721 132
722 133
73 134
731 135
75 136
751 137
76 138
761 139
78 140
781 141
784 142
786 143
79 144
792 145
793 146
797 147
80 148
803 149
85 150
855 151
NodeName NodeID
86 152
861 153
87 154
871 155
875 156
88 157
881 158
7102535 159
98 160
9800 161
9810 162
9820 163
9830 164
9832 165
9840 166
9850 167
9860 168
9861 169
9870 170
9880 171
9881 172
9890 173
9892 174
9891 175
9893 176
7102540 177
90 178
90001 179
90002 180
90003 181
90004 182
90005 183
90006 184
90007 185
90008 186
90009 187
90010 188
90011 189
NodeName NodeID
90012 190
90013 191
90014 192
90015 193
90016 194
90017 195
91 196
91001 197
91002 198
91003 199
91004 200
91005 201
91006 202
91007 203
91008 204
91009 205
92 206
92001 207
92002 208
93 209
93001 210
93002 211
93003 212
93004 213
93005 214
93006 215
93007 216
93008 217
93009 218
93010 219
93011 220
93012 221
93013 222
93014 223
93015 224
94 225
94001 226
94002 227
NodeName NodeID
94003 228
95 229
95001 230
95002 231
95003 232
96 233
96001 234
96002 235
96003 236
7102542 237
11 238
111 239
112 240
113 241
114 242
7102545 243
7102550 244
991 245
991 246
7102575 247
7102580 248
96 249
961 250
962 251
7102586 252
992 253
992 254
7102590 255
999 256
999 257
2110010 258
2110010 259
2110030 260
2110030 261
2110050 262
2110050 263
9109999 264
NodeName NodeID
9100000 265
9100301 266
9100601 267
9100602 268
9100701 269
9100901 270
9100999 271
9200999 272
9200000 273
9200100 274
9200200 275
9200500 276
9300999 277
9300000 278
9300100 279
9300200 280
9300500 281
9400999 282
9400000 283
9400100 284
9400150 285
9600799 286
9600000 287
9600600 288
9600610 289
9600650 290
9600720 291

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