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Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955

Leaching assessment of road materials containing primary lead

and zinc slags
R. Barna , P. Moszkowicz b, C. Gervais b

Ecole des Mines dAlbi, Campus Jarlard, 18013 Albi Cedex 9, France
LAEPSI, Institut Natonal des Sciences Appliquees Lyon, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

Accepted 29 July 2004


Characterisation of the leaching behaviour of waste-containing materials is a crucial step in the environmental assessment for
reuse scenarios. In our research we applied the multi-step European methodology ENV 12-920 to the leaching assessment of road
materials containing metallurgical slag. A Zn slag from an imperial smelting furnace (ISF) and a Pb slag from a lead blast furnace
(LBF) are investigated. The two slags contain up to 11.2wt% of lead and 3.5wt% of zinc and were introduced as a partial substitute
for sand in two road materials, namely sand-cement and sand-bitumen. At the laboratory scale, a leaching assessment was per-
formed rst through batch equilibrium leaching tests. Second, the release rate of the contaminants was evaluated using saturated
leaching tests on monolithic material. Third, laboratory tests were conducted on monolithic samples under intermittent wetting con-
ditions. Pilot-scale tests were conducted for eld testing of intermittent wetting conditions. The results show that the release of Pb
and Zn from the materials in a saturated scenario was controlled by the pH of the leachates. For the intermittent wetting conditions,
an additional factor, blocking of the pores by precipitation during the drying phase is proposed. Pilot-scale leaching behaviour only
partially matched with the laboratory-scale test results: new mass transfer mechanisms and adapted laboratory leaching tests are
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction nant release for specic chemical conditions, and

typically evaluate the eect of pH. Mass-transfer leach-
Increasing interest in the use of waste materials in ing tests, carried out on monolithic or granular materi-
roads has led to a need for improved knowledge of the als, aim to determine pollutant release rates by
long-term behaviour and eco-compatability of waste accounting for both chemical and physical properties
materials in roads. The European Committee for Stand- of the wastes and waste materials. Typically, the release
ardisation (CEN, 1997) has developed a four step meth- of inorganic contaminants from monolithic waste mate-
odology to assess leaching behaviour that is designed to rials is evaluated by tank leaching of continuously
take into account both material properties and specic water-saturated material with periodic leachant renewal
applications. The methodology provides advice on the (Kosson et al., 1996a; Cote et al., 1986).
use of specic leaching tests, selected with consideration However, materials in many eld or management sce-
for the application to be assessed. narios cannot be assumed to be continuously wetted.
Equilibrium leaching tests, which typically are con- Rather they experience cyclic wetting and drying under
ducted on crushed materials, aim to measure contami- varied environmental conditions (e.g., variable relative
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 5 63 493134; fax: +33 5 63
humidity, temperature, atmospheric CO2) (van der Sloot
493243. et al., 1997). Moisture loss during storage may be ex-
E-mail address: (R. Barna). pected to inuence precipitation and redistribution of

0956-053X/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
946 R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955

the contaminants within the pore structure. Another 2. Methodology, materials and methods
potential consequence of storage for alkaline cement-
based materials is the carbonation reaction between The methodology used is based on the European
portlandite and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere standard ENV 12-920 (CEN, 1997), for which four
(Lange et al., 1997; Macias et al., 1997). Only recently experimental steps have to be carried out to determine
has research been conducted to assess how the phenom- the leaching behaviour of a material in a specied sce-
ena of drying and carbonation inuence the release of nario. The application of the standard to this investiga-
inorganic contaminants from Portland cement-based tion is described in the following four steps.
materials during cyclic wetting and storage (Garrabants,
2003; Gervais et al., 1994, 1999b; Sanchez et al., 2003). 2.1. Description and characterisation of the wastes and
Thus, estimates based on a continuously saturated ma- waste materials
trix cannot adequately simulate eld conditions unless
adjusted to account for cyclic periods of leaching and Two primary smelting slags, generated from the
non-leaching. processing of lead and zinc ores, were studied. As lead
In the current diusion-based approach, this has and zinc ores are often mixed, the production of primary
been attempted by multiplying the contaminant release lead leads to the production of some primary zinc and
rate estimated under continuously saturated conditions vice versa. Therefore, the slags contain both lead and
by a wetting frequency term, which is related to the zinc but in dierent amounts. Our research uses a slag
fraction of the total assessment interval that the matrix produced in the smelting of zinc using an imperical
is saturated (Kosson et al., 1996b). This approach as- smelting furnace, termed the ISF slag, and a slag pro-
sumes that there are no signicant changes to the chem- duced in the smelting of lead using a lead blast furnace,
ical or physical composition of the solid matrix under termed the LBF slag. Both slags, provided by Metaleu-
variable wetting conditions. Therefore, specic tests rop Nord SA, France, were characterised physically and
have been developed to examine the eects of intermit- chemically. The slag oxide composition was measured
tent wetting on the release of inorganic contaminants by X-ray uorescence (XRF). Data on slag density
from waste. and particle size distribution are reported by Gervais
For this research, the environmental assessment of et al. (1994).
slag-containing roading materials was undertaken rst The slags were used as a substitute for 50% of the
through batch equilibrium leaching tests, which were weight of sand in two road materials: sand-cement
used to determine: (i) the acid neutralisation capacity (SC) and sand-bitumen (SB). Both sand-cement and
of the material, and (ii) the solubilisation of Pb and sand-bitumen, as shown in Fig. 1, constitute the base
Zn as a function of pH. The release rate of the contam- layer of the road, just below the surface layer and above
inants from the roading materials was evaluated using the foundation layer. The level of substitution was cho-
mass-transfer leaching tests on monolithic material for sen from results obtained during a preliminary study.
both saturated conditions and for conditions allowing Colas SA manufactured both types of SC and SB mate-
for wetting and drying cycles. In addition, eld tests rials, whose content is detailed in Table 1. For SC, the
were conducted. water/binding material ratio was 1.5. Three sand-

Fig. 1. Pilot scale test sections for control and ISF slag-containing sand-cements and sand-bitumens.

Table 1
Sand-cements and sand-bitumens composition
Components (wt%) SCcont SCisf SClbf Components (wt%) SBcont SBisf SBlbf
Calcareous sand 06 mm 94.5 46.5 46.5 Calcareous sand 04 mm 70 47 47
Calcareous sand 13 mm 30
Slags ISF/LBF 47 47 Calcareous ller 3 3
Binding material Slags ISF /LBF 50 50
5.5 5.5 5.5 Bitumen 20/30 4.5 4.5 4.5
R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955 947

Table 2
Main oxide composition of the raw materials (acid digestion coupled with ICP analysis)
Oxide (wt%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO CaO MgO K2O Na2O P2O5
Ligex 2R 30.95 8.9 1.8 0.2 49.5 6.84 0.87 0.86 0.08
Calcareous sand and ller 35.3 0.2 1.1 36.4 0.2 1.5 1.2

cements were prepared, a control sand-cement (SCcont), Aliquotes of nely crushed material (<300 lm) are con-
a sand-cement containing ISF slag (SCisf), and one with tacted either with nitric acid or sodium hydroxide solu-
LBF slag (SClbf). The oxide composition of the road tions of varying concentrations. After a contact time of
materials used (binding material, sand and ller) is given 48 h under agitation, the leachates are ltered through
in Table 2. Sand-cements were cast as cylinders of 9.5 0.45 lm pore size polypropylene membranes, the pH
cm diameter and 30 cm height, cured for 28 days in a of each ltrate measured and the composition analysed
humidity-saturated atmosphere and then stored indoors on an ICP-AES with a quantication limit of 10 lg/l.
for 4 months before testing. The same laboratory protocol for the leachate sampling
A control sand-bitumen (SBcont), a sand-bitumen and analysis is applied for all the reported experiments.
containing ISF slag (SBisf), and a sand-bitumen con-
taining LBF slag (SBlbf) were prepared. Mixing rates 2.1.2. Qualitative assessment of slag matrix alteration and
for the sand-bitumens are given in Table 1, and are ex- of the pollutants xation in the wastes matrix in various
pressed with bitumen provided in excess of 100% for chemical environments
the sand/slag required. Because the slag does not contain The release of lead and zinc from slag depends on the
enough ne particles, calcareous ller (<1 mm) was size of slag particles and how the slag reacts with alka-
added to the sand-bitumenslag mixtures (Table 1). line water from sand-cement mixes. Slag tends to be
Sand-bitumens were cast as blocks of 10 25 35 cm glassy, and its solubilisation is not dependant on pH
from which cylinders of 8 cm diameter were cut for for pHs between 4 and 9, but is known to be increased
the leaching tests (Gervais, 1999). in alkaline environments (Chou and Wollast, 1985; Bra-
The total lead and zinc contents in the materials were dy and Walther, 1989). To evaluate the release rate for
measured by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis the slag, a single extraction test was conducted on sam-
for the sand-cements and by X-ray uorescence for the ples prepared by mixing uncrushed slag with solutions
sand-bitumens after acid digestion (NF X 31-151; AF- simulating the pore water solution of sand-cement and
NOR, 1993). For the materials prepared with ISF slags, sand-bitumen. The simulated pore water of sand-cement
the permeability to water was measured and the porosity has a composition of 1 g/l Ca(OH)2, 2.2 g/l NaOH and
was determined by mercury porosimetry (Gervais, 1.6 g/l KOH and pH around 13 (Gervais, 1999), while
1999). The sand-bitumen samples had to be frozen be- the one for sand-bitumen was demineralised water.
fore being crushed down to 300 lm to prevent binding The liquid/solid ratio was 10 ml/g and the contact time
of the particles by overheating of the bitumen (Gervais, 72 h. The alteration of the slag was evaluated by meas-
1999). uring the release of silica and of the two contaminants of
interest, lead and zinc.
2.1.1. Measurement of acid neutralisation capacity and
constituent solubilisation as a function of pH 2.2. Description of the scenarios
The proposed standard test TC 292 (CEN, 2001a,b) is
used to test the pH-dependent solubilisation of the ma- The leaching behaviour of the sand-cements and
jor metallic pollutants under steady-state conditions. sand-bitumens was evaluated for two scenarios: rst,
The applied protocol, modied from the acid neutralisa- under saturated conditions, in which the material was
tion capacity test (Center, 1991; Stegemann and Shi, continuously in contact with water, and secondly, under
1997), aims to measure matrix alkalinity and constituent intermittent wetting conditions, in which the material, ex-
solubilisation as a function of pH. The test consists of a posed to rain, sun, wind, experiences cyclic wetting and
series of extractions with solutions of varying concentra- drying under variable environmental conditions. The
tions of acid or base at a liquidsolid ratio of 10 ml/g. materials were tested for all scenarios at the laboratory

Table 3
Main oxide composition and pollutant content of ISF and LBF slags (acid digestion coupled with ICP analysis)
Slags FeO CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Zn Pb S As
ISF 33.7 18.1 21.9 10.4 6.92 0.69 1.58 0.15
LBF 33.4 20.0 23 1.89 11.2 3.5 0.7 0.1
948 R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955

scale. Field verications were restricted to the ISF slag. non-leaching duration was based on the time required
Authorisation from the French Environmental Admin- to dry samples during preliminary experiments. During
istration for eld testing of the LBF slag was not the non-leaching periods, samples were stored in a
obtained. chamber containing silica gel to dry the atmosphere
and sodium hydroxide to limit the amount of carbon
2.3. Leaching behaviour at laboratory scale: parametric dioxide. The latter condition was to prevent the carbon-
tests ation reaction from occurring between the carbon diox-
ide of the atmosphere and the sand cement. The
Both continuous tank leaching (without a draining duration of the leaching interval for each cycle was iden-
and drying period) and intermittent tank leaching tical to the ones used for the continuous leaching tests.
(leaching with periods of draining and drying) were car-
ried out to assess the leaching behaviour of the materials 2.4. Field verication: large-scale test
in, respectively, saturated and intermittent wetting condi-
tions. Table 4 summarises the number of cycles and the The sand-cement and sand-bitumen prepared with
leaching period duration for each material/leaching test ISF slags were tested, along with control materials, at
combination. The material samples, pasted in cylindrical pilot scale for 16 months. The pilots, set up by Colas
leaching vessels, were contacted with the leachant only SA, were in Bethunes, France. The four test sections,
on the upper side, which had a diameter of 95 mm for each of which had a surface of approximately 160 m2,
the sand-cements and 80 mm for the sand-bitumens. are represented in Fig. 1. Each test section, from the
The sand-cement samples were cut (dry concrete cutting top to the bottom, is made of a 4-cm thick surface layer
equipment, diamond disk) just before the beginning of of bituminous concrete, a 24-cm layer of sand-bitumen
the leaching tests to ensure that the surface contacted or a 38-cm layer of sand-cement, a 5-cm draining
by the leachant was not carbonated. The drawback of layer of calcareous gravel and a 50-cm foundation layer
this preparation is that slags contained in the materials of red shale. To enhance the contact of the materials
were cut increasing the likelihood for leaching compared with the water, the surface layer was made highly porous
to eld situations. During leaching intervals, material (roughly 20% porosity), and no impermeable layer was
samples were contacted with a volume of leachant placed between the surface layer and the sand-bitumen
(demineralised water and synthetic pore water) at a liq- or sand-cement. Each test section, isolated by a geo-
uidsolid ratio of 2 ml of leachant per cm2 of exposed membrane (thick lines on the gure), had a slope of
surface. The test temperature was 23 2 C, and no stir- 2% to drain the water toward one corner equipped with
ring of the leachant occurred during the leaching inter- tanks. Two tanks per test section allowed separate col-
val. At the end of each leaching interval, eluates were lection of surcial water at the sand-cement or sand-
mixed, sampled and analysed. bitumen surface and the percolation that reached the
The continuous leaching schedule consisted of unin- geomembrane.
terrupted leaching of the monolithic sample with lea- Rainfall measurements were obtained from a local
chant exchange at designated intervals following a meteorological oce. Samples of surcial water and per-
progression typical of tank leaching tests (i.e., 8, 16 h, colation were collected following precipitation events
1, 2, 3 days, 1, 3 weeks and 1 month up to a cumulative and analysed.
time of 14 months). As for most tank leaching tests,
demineralised water was used as leachant for both
sand-cement and sand-bitumen materials which simu- 3. Results and discussion
lated the case of owing water. In addition, to simulate
a particular case, i.e., very low leachate renewal (in long 3.1. Characterisation of waste and waste materials
contact time with the material, stagnating water), a
continuous leaching test with synthetic pore water (com- 3.1.1. Characterisation of the lead and zinc primary
position described above) was conducted on the sand- smelting slags
cement materials. The intermittent wetting schedule Despite being the by-product of a lead production
consisted of multiple cycles of a single leaching interval system, LBF slags (11.2wt% Zn and 3.5wt% Pb) contain
followed by a xed storage interval of seven days. The twice the zinc of the ISF slags (6.9wt% Zn and 0.7wt%

Table 4
Number of cycles and cumulative leaching and drying times for intermittent wetting and continuous leaching tests
Tests Sand-cement Sand-bitumen
Continuous leaching test with demineralised water 14 cycles, 250 days leaching 20 cycles, 430 days leaching
Continuous leaching test with synthetic pore water 15 cycles, 265 days leaching
Intermittent wetting test 12 cycles, 170 days leaching + 75 days drying 10 cycles, 116 days leaching + 62 days drying
R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955 949

Pb). The oxide composition of the slags is presented in content of the ISF slag. The lines total content for ISF
Table 3. The particle size of the slag was between 0.1 and LBF in Fig. 3 represent the maximum concentration
and 4 mm, D50 = 0.6 mm. The slags density varies be- if the metal dissolved completely. Thus total contents
tween 3.6 and 3.9 kg/m3. limited the solubilisation of lead at pH greater than 12
The base/acid neutralisation capacity of the slags, for the ISF slag and limited the solubilisation of lead
presented in Fig. 2 was similar for both slags, except be- and zinc at pH lower than 4 for both slags.
tween 0.05 and 4 mol of acid per kilogram of slag, where The pH of the leachates obtained when in demineral-
LBF slag presented a higher buering capacity. The pH ised water was 10.6 for ISF slag and 9.9 for LBF slag.
of slag in demineralised water after 48 h was about 10, The increase in pH is likely due to the release of alk-
which was signicantly lowered or increased when in alines contained in slag. The release of silica was low
the presence of a small amount of nitric acid or sodium at 0.4 and 1 mg/l for ISF and LBF slags, respectively.
hydroxide (0.05 mol/kg slag), indicating that the studied In addition, the lead and zinc releases did not exceed
slags are mostly inert materials. The lead and zinc solu- 50 and 10 lg/l, respectively, for either slag. This result
bilisation behaviour as a function of pH exhibited a clas- indicated that demineralised water did not aect the slag
sic amphoteric behaviour for both slags with a minimum enough to release the contaminants.
of solubilisation reached between pH 8 and 10 (Fig. 3). When the slags were contacted with synthetic pore
For pH between 5 and 12, the zinc solubilisation of the water, a dierent behaviour was observed (Table 5).
LBF slag was up to one order of magnitude higher com- The release of silica from both slags was lower than
pared to the ISF slag. A similar trend was observed for when contacted with demineralised water. Because cal-
the solubilisation of lead for pH between 8.5 and 11. cium silicate precipitates and adsorbs to calcium
Conversely, for pH higher than 12, the solubilisation hydroxide surfaces when a large concentration of cal-
of lead was more important for the ISF slag than for cium is present at a pH above 11 (Bishop et al., 1986),
the LBF slag: at pH 13.2 it was 367 mg/l for the ISF the amount of silica in solution appeared to be limited
slags and 263 mg/l for the LBF slags. This result oc- by the calcium hydroxide in the pore water solution.
curred even though the LBF slag had ve times the lead This was veried by using a synthetic pore water without
Ca(OH)2. With the modied pore water the measured
silica in solution increased by a factor of 10.
14 The amount of silica release from LBF slag is higher
12 than from ISF slag. However, this result did not corre-
spond with a higher release of zinc and the highest lead
10 isf lbf
release was observed for the ISF slag. The mineralogical
results reported by Mandin et al. (1997) allow for con-

jecture on the behaviour of slags in this study. For both
slags, 90% (by mass) of the zinc is present in the silicate
4 phase and only 0.5% of the total zinc was leached. Al-
2 most 50% of the total lead from ISF slag was leached,
4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 which could be because most of the lead appears to be
in the form of metallic droplets (D50 of 100 lm) not
mol base/kg slags mol acid/kg slags
properly embedded in the glassy slag matrix. Con-
Fig. 2. Acid neutralizing capacity of ISF and LBF slags. versely, lead from the LBF slag seems to have been well

100000 100000
10000 10000
1000 1000
Zn [mg/L]

Pb [mg/L]

100 100
10 10
1 1
0,1 0,1
0,01 0,01
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(a) (b)
pH pH


Total content, ISF Total content,LBF Total content, ISF Total content,LBF

Fig. 3. Solubilisation as a function of pH of (a) zinc and (b) lead for ISF and LBF slags.
950 R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955

Table 5
Si, Pb and Zn solubilisation of the slags contacted with sand-cement synthetic pore water (pH . 13)
Element: Si (mg/l) Pb (mg/l) Zn (mg/l)
Type of slags: ISF LBF ISF LBF ISF LBF
Average of two tests 0.11 0.45 343 120 5.5 5
Standard deviation 0.01 0.02 7.07 0.00 0.21 0.21
% Solubilised from the total content 49.7 3.4 <0.1 <0.1

Table 6
Total Pb and Zn content in the sand-cements and sand-bitumens
Materials: Sand-cements Sand- bitumens
Elements (g/kg): Pb Zn Pb Zn
Control 0.02 0.05 <1 <1
SCisf 4.5 34.7 3.7 31.8
SClbf 10.7 45.0 14.6 52.9

embedded in the glass matrix, which would explain why a continuous leaching test with sequential renewal of
less of it leached. demineralised water. The three sand-cements presented
a similar pH trend: the pH increased with increasing
3.2. Composition and physical characterisation of the leaching time from pH 8.5 to pH 11.5 within the six rst
sand-cements and sand-bitumens cycles; from cycle 7 onwards, the pH only slightly varied
between 11.3 and 11.7. The cumulative amounts of zinc
The lead and zinc measured in the sand-cement and and lead released from the sand-cements are reported in
sand-bitumen agreed reasonably well with the calculated Table 7. Respectively, 30wt% and 43wt% of the zinc and
values. The very low contents of lead and zinc (trace lead released from the SCisf were leached during the rst
concentrations, 10 5 g/g) found in the control materials leaching period. It is likely that the freshly cut surfaces
were brought in with the binding material and sand (see led to an initial surface wash-o of more readily dissolv-
Table 6). able lead and zinc. Smaller amounts of lead and zinc
The open porosity for the SCisf was 10 times higher were leached from the SClbf compared to the SCisf (Ta-
compared to the SBisf, with measured values of 11.7 ble 7). In addition, for both materials (SCisf and SClbf),
and 1.8 vol%, respectively. In addition, the permeability the contaminant release took place within the six rst
of the SCisf (4 10 6 m/s) was two orders of magnitude cycles. For later cycles, the concentration in the leac-
higher compared to the SBisf (7 10 8 m/s). Details on hates was lower than the detection limit of the ICP-
these tests are reported in Gervais (1999). AES. Lead and zinc were leached when the pH was
increasing from 8.3 to 11.2, which is within the range
for the minimum solubilisation of lead and zinc (Fig.
4. Leaching behaviour of the sand-cements 3). Conversely when the pH increased above 11, where
the lead and zinc solubilisation is higher (approximately
4.1. Leaching behaviour at laboratory scale 0.05 mg/l), no more release was observed. This behav-
iour suggested that the observed release of the contam-
4.1.1. Leaching behaviour in saturated conditions with inants was mainly due to surface transfer
water renewal phenomenon, while the pH of the sand-cements for
The long-term leaching behaviour of the sand- the longest leaching periods was not alkaline enough
cements in saturated conditions was assessed through to promote further leaching of the contaminants.

Table 7
Cumulative zinc and lead released per unit area by the sand-cements for the saturated and intermittent wetting conditions (measured at laboratory
mg/m2 at the end of the test Saturated conditions Intermittent wetting conditions
Continuous leaching test with Continuous leaching test with Intermittent wetting test
demineralised water synthetic pore water
Sccont SCisf SClbf Sccont SCisf SClbf SCcont SCisf SClbf
Zn 1.0 27.7 5.8 4 50 123 0.1 2.9 1.7
Pb 0.7 24.0 3.9 38 920 343 0.1 1.4 0.2
R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955 951

4.1.2. Leaching behaviour in saturated conditions with pHs for the intermittent wetting test had a similar trend
synthetic pore water to the leachate pHs for the continuous leaching test but
A continuous leaching test with synthetic pore water were 0.5 pH unit lower. The dierence is probably due
was performed for 8 months to assess the leaching to specic physico-chemical processes like precipitation,
behaviour of the sand-cements in saturated conditions neo-formation or a slight carbonation of the materials
with pore water. Measured leachate pH varied between (Sanchez et al., 2002).
13 and 13.5. The total amount of zinc and lead leached The materials were much less carbonated than if
are presented in Table 7. The SClbf released more zinc dried in the open air. Indeed, a parallel test where the
and less lead than the SCisf. This behaviour was consist- sample was stored in open air during the non-leaching
ent with leachate pH and lead and zinc solubilisation. period was conducted for a sample of SCisf and showed
Indeed, at pH 13.2, the zinc solubilisation of the SClbf that the leachate pH decreased rapidly and reached a
and SCisf was, respectively, 8 and 5 mg/l, while the lead plateau at around 8.5 after three wetting/drying cycles,
solubilisation was, respectively, 56 and 40 mg/l. The dy- implying that carbonation by CO2 uptake from the
namic of the contaminants release, as shown Fig. 4, is atmosphere was likely.
important: e.g., the zinc cumulative release from SClbf, The amount of lead released from the sand-cement
even after 270 days of leaching. In this case, a small liq- prepared with LBF slag is similar to that observed for
uid/solid ratio, and the one-month duration of each the control material (Table 7). Ninety percent of the to-
leaching period allowed solid/liquid transfer to be close tal lead released from the SCisf was leached during the
to equilibrium. The pollutant concentrations in the leac- rst two wetting/drying cycles. Similarly, 95 wt% of
hates were therefore almost equal to the maximum level the zinc was leached from both materials within the rst
of solubilisation measured for similar pH during the sol- four cycles. Therefore, as for the continuous leaching
ubilisation test. The two leaching tests conducted to test with demineralised water, the contaminant release
evaluate the leaching behaviour of the sand-cement appears to be associated with initial surface reactions.
materials in saturated conditions showed that the con- For these tests, the cumulative amount of zinc and lead
taminants release is mainly controlled by the leachates released was low compared to the continuous leaching
pH. The contribution of the initial surface transfer tests with demineralised water, which can be explained
process also seems to be important. by the combined eects of lower leachate pH and a pos-
sible closing of the pores by precipitation (neoforma-
4.1.3. Leaching behaviour of the sand-cements in inter- tion) during the drying phases.
mittent wetting conditions
The leaching behaviour of the sand-cements in inter- 4.2. Leaching behaviour of the sand-cements at pilot scale
mittent wetting conditions was assessed through an
intermittent wetting test. The leachate pHs, measured The control sand-cement and the ISF slag (but not the
after each leaching interval, presented a similar trend LCF slag) containing sand-cement were tested at pilot
for the three sand-cements. Thus, the pH decreased by scale for 16 months. During that period the rainfall
one unit within the rst three cycles and then increased measured was 1400 l/m2. The relative amount of surcial
up to a plateau between pH 11 and 11.5. Compared to water and percolation were, respectively, estimated at 2%
the leachate pHs measured for the continuous leaching and 19% of the rainfall. The high ratio of percolation
test, pHs are higher for the rst cycle, which could not measured complied with the initial objective of enhanc-
be explained as the experimentation conditions were ing the contact between water and material and was
similar. However, from the third cycle, the leachate due to a high porosity and permeability of the sand-

160 1000
120 SCisf
Zn [mg/m2 ]

Pb [mg/m2 ]

SClbf 600
400 SCcont
40 SCisf
200 SClbf

0 0
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
(a) Leaching time[days] (b) Leaching time [days]

Fig. 4. (a) Zn and (b) Pb release from the sand-cement under leaching with synthetic sand-cement pore water.
952 R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955

Table 8 concentration of lead in both waters was similar and

Cumulative amount of lead and zinc released from the sand-cement was apparently controlled by the pH as shown in Fig.
pilots at 16 months
5, the diering amounts released through surcial water
mg/m2 at 16 months SCcont SCisf and percolation seems directly related to their relative
Surcial Percolation Surcial Percolation quantities (2% and 19%). While the lead concentration
water water in the surcial water and percolations decreased over
Zn 0.2 0.9 0.4 1.7 time from 2 mg/l down to 0.5 mg/l, the zinc concentra-
Pb 1 2 27 204 tion stayed at the same level. This behaviour is similar
to the one reported above for the continuous leaching
cement. During the rst 50 days, no surcial water or test with synthetic alkaline water where the lead release
percolation was collected. This phenomenon could be rate slowed down compared to the zinc one, which was
due to the water absorption capacity (WAC) of the attributed to a quicker depletion of lead near the inter-
sand-cement. This parameter was evaluated by contact- face water/material because of its higher solubilisation.
ing a sample of sand-cement with water until it reached The leaching behaviour observed at pilot scale dem-
a constant mass, and the WAC calculated equalled onstrated the importance of the fourth step of the Euro-
5.5% on a weight basis. Therefore, up to 7700 l of water pean methodology, which requires a eld verication of
could have been absorbed by each test section, which re- predicted behaviour. In this case, the leaching behaviour
ceived in that period 9600 l. The dierence could be evap- of the sand-cement on site could not have been predicted
orated water as the pilots were set up at the beginning of in any way by the results from the laboratory intermit-
the summer. tent wetting conditions test. Furthermore, the labora-
The pH of the surcial water and percolation collected tory test that most accurately described the leaching
for the two sand-cements mainly varied between 12.5 and behaviour and level of contaminants released on site
11.5. This level of pH was unexpectedly high considering was the continuously leaching test with alkaline water.
the leachates pH measured for intermittent wetting con- The gap between the predicted and observed behaviour
ditions at the laboratory scale. Indeed, the leachate pH is most probably due to the initial choice to enhance the
measured on site was between the values measured for contact between the water and material, which appar-
the continuous leaching test with demineralised water ently changed the system from an intermittent leaching
(pH 11.5) and for the pore water leaching test (pH be- system to a continuous percolating system with long
tween 13 and 13.5). This result suggests that the eld con- contact times.
ditions (percolation with long contact time) are close to
those of a steady-state transfer process where water has
time to chemically equilibrate with the road material. 5. Leaching behaviour of the sand-bitumens
The total amount of zinc released from the SCisf was
similar compared to the SCcont (Table 8), which was 5.1. Leaching behaviour at laboratory scale
consistent with leachate pH and zinc solubilisation
(Fig. 5). The zinc solubilisation from the sand-cement 5.1.1. Leaching behaviour of the sand-bitumen in satu-
prepared with ISF slags did not exceed 0.05 mg/l. The rated conditions
amount of lead released from the SCisf was signicantly Leachate pH patterns are similar for the three sand-
higher than that measured for the SCcont. Because the bitumens. Within the rst two days, pH increased from


Zn [mg/L]

Pb [mg/L]



0,01 0,01
10 11 12 13 14 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(a) pH (b) pH

Fig. 5. Comparison of (a) zinc and (b) lead concentration in the surcial () and percolating (s) waters from the SCisf test section to the
solubilisation curves ().
R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955 953

pH 8.5 to 9.2, then decreased, and from the seventh cy- 5.1.2. Leaching behaviour of the sand-bitumen in inter-
cle onward uctuated between 8 and 8.5. The pH for the mittent wetting conditions
control sand-bitumen was slightly higher than for the The leaching behaviour of the sand-bitumens in inter-
slag-containing sand-bitumens. The total amount of re- mittent wetting conditions was assessed through an
leased zinc and lead are presented in Table 9 and the intermittent wetting test. The pH of the leachates was
dynamics of the cumulative release in Fig. 6. The release similar for the three sand-bitumens and presented at
of zinc from the SCisf increased steadily over time, while equal leaching duration the same trend described above
release from the SClbf increased signicantly from the for the continuous leaching test. No lead was detected in
ninth cycle but reached a plateau after 350 days of leach- the leachates for the three materials and the maximum
ing. The concentration data compared to solubilisation amount of zinc released was 4.3 mg/m2 (Table 9). The
as a function of pH clearly shows that the zinc release zinc release from the slag-containing sand-bitumens in-
was controlled by the pH of the leachates. creased from the eighth wetting/drying cycle (112 days
The release of lead mainly happened within the rst or 63 days of leaching). Thus, the zinc release dynamic
14 days of leaching; beyond this period, the concentra- was similar to the one observed for the continuous
tion of lead in the leachates was lower than the detection leaching test but at a lower level. For an equal leaching
limit (10 lg/l) of the ICP-AES. There was no signicant duration (110 days), 6 wt% of the zinc released from the
dierence in the amount of lead released from the con- slag-containing sand-bitumens during the continuous
trol sand-bitumen compared to the slag-containing leaching test was released during the intermittent wet-
materials. Indeed, almost 50% of the total amount of ting test. This result could be due to a partial sealing
lead released by the latter was released during a single of the pores by ion precipitation during the drying
leaching period. This behaviour was consistent with phase.
the leachate pH and the lead solubilisation and indicated
that the lead released during the rst leaching periods 5.2. Leaching behaviour of the sand-bitumens at pilot
was due to surface transfer phenomenon. Furthermore, scale
some sort of algae was found growing on the sand-bitu-
men sample surface, yet it has not been possible to study The control sand-bitumen and the ISF slag-contain-
its impact on the leaching behaviour. Organic matter ing sand-bitumen (but not the LCF slag) were tested
can play a role in leaching, for example in modifying at pilot scale under similar eld conditions to the
the solubilisation (by complexing) and transport proper- sand-cement test sections. The low percentage of perco-
ties of heavy metals cations (van der Sloot et al., 1997). lation compared to the sand-cement was due to the

Table 9
Cumulative zinc and lead released per unit area by the sand-bitumens for the saturated and intermittent wetting conditions (measured at laboratory
scale; DL = detection limit)
mg/m2 at the end of the test Saturated conditions Intermittent wetting conditions
Continuous leaching test with demineralised Intermittent wetting test
SBcont SBisf SBlbf SBcont SBisf SBlbf
Zn 9.4 85 290 0.6 2.3 4.3
Pb 7.6 14 24 <DL <DL <DL

300 25

Zn [mg/m2]

Pb [mg/m2]


0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) Leaching Time [days] (b) Leaching Time [days]

Fig. 6. (a) Zinc and (b) lead release from the sand-bitumens, SBcont (control) (), SBisf (h), SBlbf (), under continuous leaching with
demineralised water.
954 R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955

1000 100


Pb [mg/L]
Zn [mg/L]



0,01 0,01
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12
(a) pH (b) pH

Fig. 7. Comparison of (a) zinc and (b) lead concentration in the surcial () and percolating (s) waters from the SBisf to the solubilisation curves
obtained for the ISF slags ().

Table 10
Cumulative amount of lead and zinc released from the sand-bitumen pilots at 16 months
mg/m2 at 16 months SBcont SBisf
Surcial water Percolation Surcial water Percolation
Zn 1.6 No data 4.5 0.63
Pb 1 No data 3.8 0.52

sand-bitumens lower permeability. In contrast to the the main parameter controlling the release of lead and
sand-cement test section, there was no delay before the zinc. Just as for the sand-cements, the design of the test
rst surcial water and percolation were collected. After section, which enhanced the contact between water and
one month, no more percolation was collected for the material, probably can explain the dierence.
control sand-bitumen probably as a result of a leak in
the geomembrane at the bottom of the test section.
Over the 16 months, the pH of the surcial water and 6. Conclusions
percolation collected for the two materials varied be-
tween 7.5 and 11.5 with a general trend going from The main outcomes of the experimental laboratory
pH 10 down to pH 8. The pH for the rst 250 days and pilot-scale testing of reuse of two metallurgical lead
was 0.52 higher than the pH measured during the lab- and zinc slags for road materials are:
oratory-scale tests. This behaviour indicated, just as for
the sand-cements, that the liquid/solid contact condi-  ISF and LBF slags have a small buering capacity.
tions were dierent (closer to steady-state transfer) com- The solubilisation of lead and zinc from the slags pre-
pared to the laboratory experimental conditions. sented an amphoteric behaviour with a minimum sol-
Indeed, the pH measured during the buering capacity ubilisation between pH 8 and 10.
test, when the SBisf was contacted with demineralised  Partial substitution of calcareous sand with slags in
water for 48 h was 10.4, which was also the pH meas- sand-cements decreased the buering capacity,
ured for the slag. The release of lead and zinc from between 10 and 22 mol of acid per kilogram of mate-
the SBisf was consistent with the pH and the contami- rials. Between pH 7 and 12, the lead and zinc solubi-
nants solubilisation as measured on the ISF slags lisation from the slag-containing sand-cements was
(Fig. 7). As the pH corresponded to the minimum of decreased compared to the slag alone. The ISF slag-
lead and zinc solubilisation, the amounts of contami- containing sand-bitumen had a small buering capac-
nants released over a period of 16 months were very ity similar to the ISF slags, while the lead and zinc
low (Table 10). solubilisation were similar to the lead and zinc solubi-
Considering the amount of contaminants released, lisation of the ISF slags.
the leaching behaviour on-site of the sand-bitumen pre-  The release of the studied contaminants from the
pared with ISF slags was fairly well described by the lab- sand-cements and sand-bitumens in a saturated sce-
oratory test used for intermittent wetting conditions. The nario, as evaluated at laboratory scale, was mainly
laboratory test did not predict accurately the pH of the controlled by the pH of the leachates. For the inter-
leachates measured on-site, although pH appears to be mittent wetting conditions, despite a similar level of
R. Barna et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 945955 955

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