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Anul colar 2017-2018

Disciplina - Limba englez

Clasa a V-a, L1

Numele i prenumele elevului:

Data susinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se

acord 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.

1. Complete with Present Simple of the verbs to be or to have: 20p

a. The children ............. in the classroom.
b. We ......... a big house.
c. I .......... in the 5th grade.
d. You ............ my best friend.

2. Write the negative forms: 30p

Example1. : I like dogs I dont like dogs
Example 2. :She lives here She doesnt live here.

a) They speak English -

b) She plays the piano. - ...

c) I help my friends. - ..

d) I watch TV.-.

e) We eat chocolate.-.

3. Write the plural of the nouns: 20p

Car- Horse-
Box- Man-
Child- Fish-
Class- Boy-
Table- Teacher-

4. Describe your family in 5 lines. 20p

Anul colar 2017-2018

Disciplina - Limba englez

Clasa a VI-a, L1

Numele i prenumele elevului:

Data susinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se

acord 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.

1. Answer the following questions: 20p

a. What is your favourite season?
b. Where do you usually spend your summer holiday?
c. When do you play with your friends?
d. What is your hobby?

2. Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple: 20p

a. They. ( play) cricket every summer.
b. We ( read) a book now.
c. The children (to be) in Spain last summer.
d. You . (watch) a film last night.

3. Translate the following sentences: 30p

a) My sister played tennis last week

b) The children are learning a new song-

c) Our classroom is very clean-

d) I will go to church tomorrow-

e) Tim always drinks coffee in the morning-

4.Write a dialogue between you and a friend. (16-20lines) 20p

Anul colar 2017-2018

Disciplina - Limba englez

Clasa a VII-a, L1

Numele i prenumele elevului:

Data susinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se

acord 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute

1. Put these words in the correct order: 20p

a) usually/ home / Sundays/ at / stay / on / I .

b) early/ gets up / Mr. Tidy / always.

c) hates/ room / tidying/ my/ sister/ her.

d) They/play/chess/sometimes/winter/in.

2. Find the Past Tense forms of these verbs: 30p

a) begin f) see
b) go g)eat
c) write h)come
d) do i) make
e) buy j) drink

3. Choose the correct form of the verb: 20p

a) She (carried/has carried) a gun last night.

b) At the moment I (follow/ am following) an enemy agent.
c) Kruger (wears/ is wearing) jeans every day.
d) McCann (used to run/runs) when he was 20..

4. Describe a day you liked or not, in your life.(50-70words) 20p

Anul colar 2017-2018

Disciplina - Limba englez

Clasa a VIII-a, L1

Numele i prenumele elevului:

Data susinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se

acord 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute

1. Answer the questions: 20p

1. Whats your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your favourite book? Why?
4. Describe your best friend!
5. Where did you spend your holiday?

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or Present Simple. 30p
1. The children _________________________ (play) football in the courtyard every weekend.
2. My friend __________________________ (work) in the office right now.
3. Listen! The baby ________________________ (cry).
4. They _______________________ (not read) a book at the moment.
5. John sometimes ____________________ (drive) to work.
6. Our parents _______________________ (not go) on holiday every summer.
7. You never ________________________ (drink) coffee.
8. We ____________________________ (swim) in the ocean now.
9. Many people ________________________ (visit) New York every year.
10. Mother ____________________________ (cook) dinner at the moment.

3. Write these words in pairs of opposites : 20p

question good big open

hot female east morning
cold yes bad male
no north close west
south small right wrong
evening answer

4. Write a letter to a friend. ( 80-100 words) 20p

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