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Week 1: 1 Sep

Do-it-yourself science & Bayesian reasoning

Optimizing macros: protein intake

Week 2: 8 Sep
Optimizing macros: carbohydrate intake
Dietary fiber
Optimizing macros: fat intake

Week 3: 15 Sep
Customizing the diet to an individual, including carb tolerance testing
Ketogenic dieting: a complete overview

Week 4: 22 Sep
Human metabolism
What is energy? Thermodyamics and energy balance
Determinants of energy expenditure, refeeds, set-point theory, metabolic damage,
adaptive thermogenesis, reverse dieting and the yo-yo effect

Week 5: 29 Sep
Optimizing caloric intake: cutting, bulking and body recomposition
Cut or bulk?
Tracking progres
Weight vs. body composition
How to measure body fat percentage
How to track your macros

Week 6: 6 Oct
Nutrient timing I
Intermittent fasting & alternate day fasting
Meal frequency
Circadian rhythm effects

Week 7: 13 Oct
Nutrient timing II
Fasted training
Workout nutrition and the anabolic window
Weeks 8: 20 Oct
Nutrition case studies and Q&As (reduced study load for the holiday period)

Week 9: 27 Oct
Understanding how muscle grows
Neural and morphological adaptations to strength training
Mechanisms of muscle growth
Strength vs. size
Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
Cardio for fat loss

Week 10: 3 Nov

Optimal training program design: volume, frequency and intensity

Week 11: 10 Nov

Interindividual variability: why theres no one-size-fits-all program
Autoregulation & muscle-specific hypertrophy
Work capacity
Gender specific programming: including contraception, pregnancy, the menstrual
cycle and other female specific topics
Age specific programming: the elderly and youth

Week 12: 17 Nov

The fitness lifestyle
Circadian rhythm control
Optimizing sleep quality
Stress management

Week 13: 24 Nov

Optimizing your exercise selection
Accommodating resistance: biomechanics, bands and chains
Exercise selection reference list
Counting volume: how much does a certain exercise stimulate a certain muscle?
Training in a home gym

Week 14: 1 Dec

Repetition tempo
Exercise technique
Internal vs. external cueing
The mind-muscle connection

Week 15: 8 Dec

Rest intervals
Active recovery
Optimizing your exercise ordering
Circuit training, (antagonistic) supersets and paired sets

Week 16: 15 Dec

Advanced training techniques for muscle hypertrophy
Training to failure, forced reps and drop sets
RPEs and autoregulation
Reverse pyramiding, cluster sets and myo-reps
Weighted stretching
Eccentric emphasized training/eccentric overloading
Post-activation potentiation
KAATSU/blood flow restriction training

Weeks 17-18: 22 Dec 4 Jan

Note: Reduced study load during the holiday period.

Periodization and progression

Cybernetic/autoregulatory, undulating and linear periodization
Benchmarking and autoregulation
What is fatigue?
Overtraining, overreaching and deloading
Autoregulatory Volume Training and Reactive Deloading

Week 19: 5 Jan

Training program case studies and Q&A

Week 20: 12 Jan

Injury management and flexibility training
Injury diagnosis, treatment and active recovery
Pain science
Ice vs. heat, NSAIDs and RICE
Rehabilitative equipment: braces, sleeves, tape, etc.
Foam rolling and massage
Warming up and cooling down
Common injuries of each body part

Week 21: 19 Jan

Client compliance and program adherence: the psychology of how to stick to your
diet and exercise program
Psychological effects of nutrition
Goal setting
Client empowerment
Cheat meals
Food cravings
Assessing client adherence and motivation

Week 22: 26 Jan

Ad libitum dieting: how to lose fat and gain muscle without tracking your macros
Hunger management

Week 23: 2 Feb

Training gear
Weightlifting belts
Footwear: what to wear in the gym
Knee wraps
Lifting straps

Week 24: 9 Feb

Health science and food choices
What makes a diet healthy?
Effects of food processing
Organic food
Saturated fat
Low calorie sweeteners, sugar and dietary fiber
Food choices for health and anabolism
Meat, fish and poultry
Dairy and eggs
Grains, wheat and gluten
Fruit and vegetables

Week 25: 16 Feb

Supplements: a complete guide
Beyond macros: micronutrition
How to fill in your micros
Micronutrients in detail: which
An objective look at anabolic androgenic steroids: costs and benefits
Understanding hormones

Week 26: 23 Feb

Contest prep and peak week protocols: how to perfect your physique for a contest or
Sodium and electrolyte manipulation
Diuretics and water cutting

Week 27-28: 2 15 Mar

Exam preparation time: Q&As
Ask Me Anything

16 March: Online exam

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