Sunteți pe pagina 1din 47


l '
Countries and
Welcome Page 4
and edrrcatrc be (questions) .
Orc' be (affirmattve)
o odorUr page 11
The rnoral
stPb1isl Describinq oble
2016 2015 Things in Your

Possessive adiectives
10987( 't',n",u
in a reftier
p page 19
de prlol
dhe sco?e
Unirersiq lobs
Yost Review A FamilY
this saoe
t Faq*rite p*p{* ?:[:3i}]I"uestions)
cootaioe pase2e
Plrotoc{ Nature
there is I there are
of Place
Places in a tt

i Favorl PrePositions

PeJrois! pase37
ISBN: 9 i
r -].-t:
tt'd' tOttttt tp"ttt* SPorts acti
B page 45
Review can (ability)
SPorts verl
Fun and garnes
,, lmPeratives
page 47
DailY rou
School su
simPre Present l1+i ffiXtffi]
(he I :r
SimPle Present

page 55

Review C
simpre p|.::::: Clothe:
\/e> t t''
h*s *s me SimPle Present

free tirne ','ff ,ii : :T"lyfi 5*' '. Leisur

Review D
Puzzles and
Magazine 5 page 83
Reading Listening Speaking Writing

Teen talk Giving personal Making introductions A profile

Who are they? information Pronunciation: Contractions Writing skills: Subject
Reading skills: Scanning pronouns

My favorite thing Describing your bedroom Asking about possessions Favorite things
Objects from the past Pronunciation: th sounds
Reading skills: Using
o i ctu res

Who is your favorite Talking about your family Talking about people and An email about your family
person? their jobs
Famous people quiz Pronunciation: lntonation in
Reading skills: predicting questions

lguazu Falls Describing your hometown Asking for directions A description of a place
Welcome to Manhattan - Pronunciation: o sounds Writing skills: Capital letters
ihe center of New York!

nternational Singing Star Describing someone's Talking about abilities Describing f riends' abilities
Extreme sports abilities Pronunciation: can Writing skills: and and but

Differentcountries, Describing your daily Talking about school An e-mail about your day
differentlives routine subjects Writing skills: then
\n extraordinary teenager Pronunciation: Simple
ieading skills: Predicting present -s
,vhat a text is about

All about me Describing your favorite Talking about habits My preferences

Graffiti slogans sports team Pronunciation: ea sounds Writing skills: because

Music Unlimited Asking about free time Talking about frequency My free time
Free time around the world activities Pronunciation: Silent letters Writing skills: too
Reading skills: Using
dictiona ries
Unit summary
The alphabet
Numbers 0-20
Colors: 'a., o . . a.v .J. p
o r a n g e, p i n k,' u t'p I e, re d, v,t h t t e, 1, e Ii ov,t Get started
Classroom objects:. ,
lp writ" you nu.".
r:en, pencti, penctlcase, pa\ter, ruler,
: a-a .Lt i qr
Days of the week tGl Y u
Months of the year lar w
Animals: bird, cat, dog, ltstt, hamste-r,
iorse, mouse, snke l3
Numbers 21-100 DI
Telling the time !
Classroom language: tti/hcit does Wrlte somi E-: ;-
"pencil" ntean?, Can you repeat that,
i:li.ase?, Ho',:i tjo you say this in Ertglish l,
ltt/hr,tt -.aqe qre v',,e onl, l-lo,, do speli ,ou
"pen"?; Iisten, Iook, ttatct, read, repea!, <) usten and repeat

)Ataft. 't,t t'ite

Subject pronouns

___r3_j gl




G j

,-.-*-'.i I

- -_J

6et started , -i.tOt_ ,,, lie,-

Aim Aims
Remind students they already know some 1,. : | :-"- -:::oetweendifferent
English :*i : :':-=: phabet @ 1.5
' : ::---rli,Olhe:r
1 Presentation of basc details 3 Presentation o :-
. Wrlte your first name and your last alphabet 3

f'dme. a-

a pr:;--
Over to you! - :".:: := :'thealphabet
4 Presentation arc l.-: ti t: -
- --: '- : - :- :='.OnalizatiOn
2 Vocabulary practice sounds ofthe alp.3' ' .i al]e:iioS r'
. Write some English words you know. . Lltai::-_ - -:
r, .

. ln palrs or small groups, students al-f:-i : : -.

compare words.
5 Presentation of , c .., =
sounds J '."-,'r'a::i(e
a |
. Ask students for their answers.
wetcome .
ffi, "
PIay CD to check.

Numbers 0-2O Colors Audioscript 1.9

"! ore, two, Ihree, 'ot,', f ve
(f < rvr"t.t the numbers with the words" (f < ruout the numbers wth the words below.
Then listen and repeat. Then listen, check, and repeat. E two, four, s x, eight

black b ue brown green orange

3 three, six, nine, twelve
Dink plrp e recl white ye low 4 five, ten, fifteen, twenty

2 olors

4.=., 16.,^, Aim
D'esenI ano prac. ice co ot
6 4 Present colors @ 1.10

. Write the colors next to the words.
. Listen, check, and repeat.

5 Oral practice of colors and review
10 of numbers
l,;:' . ln pairs, ask and answer about the
11 ,-*

12 tlrirteer nr.mLers rn exerc se 4.

- gi*
ver to you!
etr/ r,: l '' Vtlp -1
r**r*eteerr ) 6 Personalization
of colors
16 Complete the sentence with your
:, :r Ask and answer about the numbers.
favorite color.
Student A: What color is sixteen?

Student B: lts pink. . Read the sentence to the class.

19 zetro o Gver E o y*ecE

Complete the sentence. Then tell the class. Extra activity (all classes)
Relnforcemet nd oral practice of co ors
ff < t-irt"n and repeat the pairs of numbers. . Flold up a assroo'r objects or point to
.t | .4 'L o .. thlnqs roud the class fbr siudents to
.2 12 .5 15 .B 18 teL you the co or.
.3 .6 .e le
]3 16
Further practi(e
l <) Listen to the numbers. Write the next ! t1.':'r:.':lr paqeW2

number in the sequence.

1 il'.. 3 twelve
t eiqh:l 4 twenl!
() Now listen and check.


lumbers *2& 2 Practice the pronunciation of the

numbers @1.7
Aim . Play the CD.
Present and practice numbers 0 20 . Listen and repeat the pairs of numbers.

1 Presentation of numbers 'l.B

3 Practice numbers 0-2O @ and
0-2o @1.6 1.9
. Match the numbers with the words. . Before playing the CD, make sure
. Play the CD. Listen and repeat. students understand the word
Extra activity (all classes) . P ay the CD.
Practice of numbers 0 20 . Listen to the numbers and write the
. ln pairs, students take turns to hide the next number in the sequence.
words and point at a number, e.9.20.
. The second student says the number, Audioscript 1.8
e.g. twenty. I one, two, three, four, lbeep]
. Students then swap roles.
3 two, four, six, [beep]
B three, six, nine, [beep]
4 five, ten, fifteen, [beep]
1- Welcome
Aims Clasroom obiects Dars af ttre week
tire ( assroom objects
t and
Pres..f prac
O (, bbel theobiecswittrrtunE ft .r r-isr ild repat.

Enccuraq" t1'e' use of Eng :lr n tlre Then lsten, edc and rcnd' . :: r-":day lhursdaV
ciassroot _:::::
:.;i' :'
3a'a :::a :
1 Presentation of classroom n
U , :- r :-: ::,s. Writethe missing day'

objects @ l.ll : "i.lra)'l

. i,
Students bei the Plct!re!
. Llstetr, check, and reP-'at. : :':- :_: check

Over to You! Y':: ::.::NC,

2 Practice of classroom objects

. ldl.e.- 'ls,n a:rt,'lg a.d answerinq (
about obiects in the classroom' hfarths of the Year
@ rt *ermd rePeat.

Extra activitY (all classes)

- : .':.c Apil May
- l: SeDtember o'tober
Extra practlce ofclassroom objects; review
. Hold up different objects around the
class for students to tell you what it ls - ' -- i_::i(e

and what color lt is, e g.I: (holding up a tri'h

red pencit) What is tt? SS' lt's a red pencil'

ays of tke week


fl -, -. :-: :-: birthday


Present and practice days of the week

3 Presentation of daYs ofthe #E

Ask and ansr,:r
week @1.12
. Play the CD.
. Listen and repeat the days ofthe week

. ln English, we use capital first letters
Ior days of the weer' and ronrhs of
the year.

4Practice of daYs of the

week @ l.l3 and I 14 @EEE'
. Play the CD.
. Llsten nd vvrite ihe rrissing day of the
rve..k. Over to You!
. Ask students for their aswers' - ::'s'alization and Practice of
5 Practice of daYs of theweek * : -:- s of the Year
AudioscriPt 1.13 . Complete the sentence with the
T Mondar, Tuesda.v, lbeepl, ThLrrsda-v correct day.
; Fridav, SaturdaY, LbeePl, lVonday
3 Tuesday, Wednesday, lbeep], Frlda)
, - ..'. .11-

5 Sundav, lr,4onda,v, [beep], Wednesday Months of theYear

. Ask students for their answe[s I Rlrther Personalization and
. Ply tle CD to check.
oftire practke of months of the Year
Present and practice the months
. r-- s::il groups or as a class, students
AudioscriPt 1.14 es< rnen\ Your birthdaY?
1 Mlonday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday .
!t Frida,v, Satrrrday, Sunday, lVtonday 6 Presentation of months cf the S:-5enis write everyone's birthday in
i Tuesda.v, \Vednesday,Thursdav, Frldav year ire calendar.

4 Sunday, \4crrda.v, Tuesday, Wedrre-sday . Play the CD.

. Listen and repeat the months of the
I orioof w*3-1r4
4 Practice of numbers 21-100
llUelcome @ 1.18
. Listen and write the numbers you hear.
Animals Numbers 21-IOO . Play the CD again. Listen, check, and
fl < uu"t tfr" unimals wth the words below. l vtut.rr th. numbers wth the words. Then repeat.
Then Iisten, check, and repeat. listen and repeat.

brrd cat dog +sh hamster horse 21 Extra activity (stronger classes)
mouse snake Practice of the spe ling of numbers

. When students have written the
numbers in digits, ask them to write
them out in full.
. Get students to write answers on the
50 board, e.g. 9A ninety.
2 c?t
5 Practice and personalization of
numbers 21-100
. Read the phrases and write the
si*1-we numbers in words.
. Share your answers with the rest of the

Students'own answers.

Extra activity (weaker classes)

Further practrce of numbers 0 00
. Give students simple sums (addition,
subtractron, multiplication or division)
@ { lirt"n. write the numbers you hear. using numbers 0-100.
6 h4motet .. ... .. 90 , 25 , 52 , 3? ,.4"8. ,
100 67 84 79 Extra activity (stronger classes)
Further practice of numbers 0 100
write the number using words. . In pairs or sma I qroups, students write
I The number of days in January.
thitty one
their own sums using numbers 0 T O0
2 The number of classrooms rn your school.
and test other students.
9udents' own angwero
furttrer practice
3 The number of students in your c ass. ! E$+rkbo*k
5tudent')' own answerg t pasew4

G 4 The numberof boys in your class.

5!u dgnt ol 9;w t.4.n r.9.y17
Ask and answer questions about your favorite V"

animal. 5 The number of girls in your class.

Student A:What's your favorite animal? 5ludenls own answers
Student B:A horse.

Anmas Extra activity (all classes)

Reinforcement of animal vocabulary;
Aim 9ame
Present and practice animal vocabulary . in small groups or as a whole class, a
student chooses an animal and mimes
1 Presentation ofvocabulary set: it for the rest ofthe class to guess.
animals @ 1)6
. Match the words with the pictures.
Nurmhers 21*&
. Listen, check, and repeat.
&wer to 3rou Present and practice numbers 21
2 Practice and personalization of 3 Presentation of numbers 21-100
animals @ 1.11
. n pairs, as\ "d nswer q-e)tior's . Match the words with the numbers.
about your favorite animals. . Listen, check, and repeat.
. Tell the rest ofthe c ass.
IlVelcome 4 practice of numbers 21_1OO
Animals @ 1.18
Numbers 2l_l@ . Listen and wrjte the numbers
lf f LaOA the animats with
the words betow you hear
Then listen, check, and
repeat. {. tvt"t.f, ,u numbers with
the words. Then
. play the
CD again. Listen, check,
lsten and repeat. and

Extra activity (stronger


m Practce of the speiling

of numiers
When students have wrtten
numbers in digits, ask them
to wrte
them our in full.
. Get students to wrte answers
on the
board, e.g. 90 ninety.
2 c?t
5 Practce and personalization
numbers 21_1OO
. Read the phrases and
write the
numbers in words
. Share your answers with
the rest of the
cl a5s.
, fiouge
Students,own answers.

Extra activity (weaker

Further practice of numbers
. Give students sjrnple
sums (add jtion,
@ l lirt"n. write the numbers you hear. subtracton, multplicaton
or dvison)
?2^ 52 33
'u a4 48 using numbers 0_100.
1OO 67 79
Extra activity (stronger
Write the number using
words. r Urlhg 6r6;ap o rumoe.s O- ,00
I The number of clays in
lanury. . ln oajrs or srnall groups.
P-h.irfr:erc..... stuoe .l,s wr;,
Lr)elr OWn sU,s Usine
2 I]r1 nu-Op, oi cr5,oo., rr you. nU.nbers O I OO
sr and test other sludenls
9tudentg, own answers
7 holse, . g aq4ke
3 llle nurber oi ..uden1s ,n your Further practice
5tudents' own angwers
I FYorkfosok
*ve,s y{}E:f
4 The number of boys rn your
I pqewq
Ask and answer questions class
about your favorite 1tudents' own answerc
StLrdent A; 5 The number of girls in your
5tudent B: Students' own answers

ffirYtrffi 7

Extra activity (all classes)
Aim Reinforcement of an jmal vocabulary;
Present and practice game
animal vocabulary
. ln small groups or as a
whole ciass, a
1 Presentation of vocabulary student chooses an animal
set: and mimes
animals @ 1.16 it for the rest ofthe class
to guess.
. Mtcn rne words with
tl^e prcirrre..
. Listen, check, and repeat. \*rmbsrs 3T*"&&

Present and practice
numbers )1_lOO
and Personatization or
[ , .:rt;:tce i
3 Presentation of numbers
(") 1.17
,: oairs, ask and arswer quesrjons
| i .
I i aooul Your favorie animals. i
Match the words with the
. I i:len cneck, and ropoal.
i: Pll!:i:::lil!::tT: . *J
Yelimg t're time t Welcome
Telling the rne
Present and practice telling the time
lf < uu"r tr," ao*t -iut
1 Presentation of telling the
time @1.19
. Match the times with the clocks.
. Listen, check, and repeat.

2 Discriminate between different

a[ ^I
times @1.2A
. Play the CD. -1
. I ste.l Q ( rcre rhe t're yoL neat. -e/
3 Practice of telling the
time @ 1.21
rtl 3 n', w1.9hfve..... ..

. Play the CD,

. Listen and draw the times on the cLocks.
. Check answers.

! i.{at: What time is it?
Womasl: 'r's Lwo on five .

2 ff*l Whattime ls it?

5 tr.s
tffonan' lt's eighl th tty.

3 ffia: What time is it?

UJ+mam: r's'ou" fo ty-rive.

4 8,44n: What time is it?

fut**'sen: lt's seven twentY-flve.

Extra activity (all classes)

Extra practice of teLling the time
. Draw a series of clock faces on the
board with different times.
. Students write or call out the correct
sk :r: :-: .- ::.. -- - -
&trer to yau! r:.- :' :

4 Practice and personalization of

telling the time -r+
. ln pairs, ask and answer about the
ti rn e.

I Further practi(e
I Workhook pasews
Classroom language
I Complete the dialogues. Use the questons below.

2 fiow do ycu zay-tn;e l

- inEnqlieh?
] P^il
7- r** f
g& ,, g;-:-. i.,-; t3^.\ffi\
g_f*t= [G.-*
f=# ,1,*-,
\hat paoe
3 are
we on?

'*"i' v'lhtLaoes oencit'.

4 ca"vo.trepeatr\)t. f 5 {
-fu F$
i,ry .fu'
t ,.1,, i,# :F$a=
f .' _ a]
@ < fUut.t' the instructons wth the pctures. Then listen and repeat.

J) bag


#itiit 9

eassrsom amguage Extra activity (all classes)

Make a poster of ciassroom language
. Give each student a large strip of
Present and practice classroom language
paper and one olthe questions from
tncourage the use of English in the exercise 1.
. Students wlte the question in large
1 Presentation of classroom letters on their paper.
language . Stck the questions to a poster with the
. Complete the dialogues with the title "Classroom language'l Leave space
for more classroom language to be
missing questions.
. Check answers.
. When you introduce a new classroom
2 Presentation of classroom language word / sentence, ask a
instructions @ 1.22 student to add it to the poster.
. Match the rnstructions with the
. Remind students to use the language in
pictu res. the classroom by pointing to the poster
. t is.e^, chee L, oi^d repeat. further practice
! W0r,ib60k
I pagesW5-W

Subject Pronouns Welcome

Present and practice subject pronouns
Subject Pronoun I
lf Look atthe chart
1 Presentation ofsubject pronouns
. Look at the chart.
. ln English, we alwaYs use a subject
pronoun before verls, e.g lart Arta'
(NOT +r'-Arre)

. You might want to polnt out that / is

alrn;ays uPPer case

2 Practice of subject
pronouns @1)3
. fo-rplete the setences \rylih the
subject prorouns torm er"rclse 1 ' ::: a \SL . are cristiano and

\ _^
. Ll5ten, ch.'ck, nd rePet

Praattc.. nunrbers, davs of the week, colors,
nd motrths Bingo
3 Oral practice of numbers, daYs of
the week, colors, and months
. Students trirlte a t'vord in each srrlare
of the b,ingo crd accordin.-q to the
.atego r)'.

. Read out a word fron each

\\h-'n a studet hers lls ,r her word,
they .ross lt out.Ihe wlnner ls the flrst
student Io ht'e a the squres
oul" ad to shoL'lt "Brnqo''

furttrer Pra(ti(e
! page\{6 @
E- _=

10 OijE..,
Unit summary
Countries and national ities: .4irsrc/ia,
A r-t st ra I i a n; B rr-t zi l, B rc z i i t a n ; G t,1 te m a I a,
G u a t e r r a i o r, .i c. p a n, ) a p a n e s e ; i'',1 e x t c o.
lV e r i c o rt, Ru s : i a, R u ss t an ; 5 o t,tt h Af r t c,,

5or-rh .4iriccn, 5 pctin, 5cc.trtish,.he t,/niec

K.inqdon ;'the lt.K ), Briti:!;the United
b ,., .
5.re5 ahe U.5..), An:ncar
Feelings: anqry, boreC, cold, hopoy, hot,
L ' .'. o ^ r'.

Grmmar ' ", .'

be (affirmative)

ReaJing: ne or oo ,ryee1 or r
teenagers around the wcr cl; profiles
of teenagers from around the world;
S,of ^ I C
Listening: Grving p..rsonal information
SPeaking: N,o i^q ^,rod . .- o'
Writing: \/rltig proh e; srblect
F Countries and natlonalities Cross-curricula r
fif < rrrut.t the countres in exercise I with the
t [ .l fta" ttr" countries with the words nationalties below. Then listen, check, and Geography
below. Then listen, cherk, and repeat. repeat.
Austr ra Rus5 Amer (a ]pnese
Values and topics
Brz I South Afr ca Austra an t\,l,"x cn Society
Guatema a Sparn Brz I an
i Br t sh
South African
C,- ta Multiculturalism
Famous people
Complete the sentences with your country
Abbreviations and natonality.
the United States = the u.s.
the United Kingdom = the U.K.
I m lror
) 1'n


Introducing the topic i r"t" note!

3 Personalization; review of
countries and nationalities
| . *. use abbreviations lor rhe United I .
Vmeahuary Studelts compleie the se,tences,,ltlr
I States (the U.S.) United
and the i own .oLrntry and nationalitr
I Kingdom (the U.K.). Make sure i
Aim o a I t-. .- --,
sLudents can pronounce them !
Present and practice countries and I I
Extra activity (all classes)
nationa lties
2 Presentation of vocabulary set:
Extra practic.. coLtn|'les d nt ona tres
Warm-up nationalities @ t.Zs
. o n patrs, slldents tak.. turns to sy a
Look at a globe or a wall map. Point to a Students look at the map and the
aoLrntry io ech other, ri,la\iao.
country and ask Which country is thisT What countries in exercise J.
. . fhe secod studei sys the natio t)/,
do you know abou lr? Elicit responses. Students match the countries with the
el. lvletican.
1 Presentation of vocabulary set: . Check answers. Make sure students Extend your vocabulary
countries @1.24 pronounce them correctly. The word
. Look at the map and the flags. stress sometimes changes between
Canacla Eq,rpt Franr-e Per

. . pdge WB
Students match the numbers ln the country and nationality, e.g. Japon,
map with the countries in the box. Japanese.
. Play the CD. Listen, check, and repeat. . D'y lhe CD. L sler and 'epear. ti.sL I furttrer practice
chorally then individually. I .:'"".-l.'
Exploring the topic
ffi*m*lerg I

Aims Please Siqn in or Slgn up

Read and understand a text about

teenagers around the world
Present be questions in a reading text
about teenagers around the world

Ask studentsto look at the texts quickly
and ask them the following questions:
What is the date? Qantary 4'^); What time
it n the frst conversatton? (16.45); What

tme s it in the last conversation? (18:20),

and elicit answers.

1 ldentifying speakers (first

reading) @1.26
. Check students understand the
meaning of tnstant chat.
. Read and llsten tothe text.
. Write the name of the people in the

2 Detailed comprehension task

(second reading) Reada'd !:i--:--: - - :i-.: ::: -','::h thenameswiththe
. Read the texts again and then match the name of l-: c:-:: -
:- - ::

the names with the countrles. flr .:leU5.
r 5r.r'l
Chec< a.lswers d5 d clss.
B.o-' r [.]!5::
3 Detailed comprehension task i-r-.
*.- : :.: ::: - .', - :: V (Vera),

H (Harry),
(third reading) a *
. ,Y .-. :. ', lttadia).
Read the texts again and write the
*-# ::

correct person.
. t: b
Che.r answe's s a clss.

' lrf.r l"

Extra activity (all classes)
Fu rther text comprehension
. Books closed. Ask questions about the
people in the text, e.g. Where's Mikhail
from? What natronality is Vera? elc.

Extra activity (stronger classes)

Extra practice; dictation
. Choose one ofthe texts and use it as a
dctation passage with the class.
2 Practice of be questions:
ldentity recognition
. Match the questions to the correct
Grammar @ fitt in the blanks wth the correct words. answers.
t be (questions) o f ce ( dn5we's s a class.
I Askng about personal nformation

Look at the chart.

3 Controlled practice of questions
words: What, Where, How old
Questons Answers
. l ill in the questions with a question
What's your fame? 1'm Vera. i Mv me's Vera
word and comp ete Zac Efron's age
Where are you from? l'm from BIaz ,' 'm Brazll af.
based on the information about his
How old are you? 'm fcurteefi.
1 yout \4!ne ? . Cnec a..lswer ' ds a Lldsr.
rurt.h th" qrestons with the answers. .My- .. name ,s Adrjana Lima.
I Wl-".'s your ndme\/- I a lweiv
2 W-p e o e yor fromlTo |r Aer.
2 Where.all,9 YQU from? 4 Controlled practice of be
J How o o are yo t? -/ \ c I r t'or Spaie. l:'m from Brazil. questions
: ,HoW,_ .. . pV.......... ..... reyou? . Fill in the blanks with the correct
fB ritt in the blanks with where, what, ot t'm
How old. complete zac's age. questlon words and answers. Complete
ritt in tt'" utunks with the correct words. Adriana Lima's age based on tlre
information about her birthday.
. Checl. an)Wers d< a - d)s.
; . ln pairs, one student could ask the
questions and the other gives the
a nSwers.

5 Controlled practice of be
1 Whart yo,.!u. .. .,,..,. ... l:a!-e^,. ..... . .? . Fill in the questions wlth the correct
MY name' Daisuke lvlatsuzaka. words. Comp ete Daisuke Matsuzaka's
2 \'lhgre 4re you age based on the informatlon about
from ?
his birthday. Students can refer back to
!it4 .. from Japan. their completed questions and answers
3 How -o-!d,... -4r.e_. yp! in exercises 3 and 4.
. Cnecl f'qwe's s a clas,.
o n pairs, one student could ask the
questions and the other gives the
a nswers.
I What, s your name?
My name's Zac Efron. You are a famous person. Ask and answer in Extra activity (all classes)
z \lhcre are you from? class"
-urther pracr't e be qresr iors, qLes) .tq
StudentA: What's your name?
l'm f rom the U.S.
q)d Student B: lvly name's Taylor Swift. game
3 How are you?
StudentA: Where are you from?
. Students think ol a celebrity. ln pairs,
they ask and answer questions and
... 13 gues) u ho tl'e " pa"Lr e s.

lllr77ll PAGE 83
I Grammar chart: be (questions) n Fastfinishers can do Puzzle lAon
. Look Ji th-. . rrt.
page 83.
Aims fNITTIIfi

Present and practice be questions I Note: My name's Anna. What's your name?
Review subject pronouns

i . ln English, we use a subject

before verbs, e.g. lam Vera. (NOTAff- i #ver * *es
Ask about personal information
Vera) I'
ffi . We use be with age, e.g. lam thtrteen ] 6Personalization; oral practice
Zac Efron (born October l Bth, 1987) is an (NOT lhav*thirteen) i of be (questions), countries
American actor, singer, and dancer from . We often use question words to
. Choose a famous person.
5an Luis Obispo, California. He is best make question s, e.g. where fo . Take turns to ask and answer
known for his ro e as Troy Bo ton in the ask about a place, how old to ask l questions: What's your name?, Where
Hiqh School lVusi.a/ rov es. about age. These words go at the E, are you from?; and How old are you?
Adriana Lima (born June 12'h, 1981) is a beg nr'rg of a quesr or . E

Brazi lan model from SaLvador, Bahra. Her rarnl:t*rrefer**{e pA6Elv7

husband is a Serbian basketball p ayer. _l

Daisuke Matsuzaka (born September
1 3th, 1 980) is a Japanese baseball pitcher
lor the Boston Red Sox from Kanita, Japan.
Building the toPic

Present and prart c.^ adlect ves describ ng
leel i nq s

ir/odel alflrmative forr of be

Te students how voL-t feel todar, e q /ti
ttot l'nt thirsty How do students feel todayl
E s man,v adject ves as possible, e .-o
ttttnqry. thrrsty, happy, sad, /lor, .o/d et'

1 Presentation of vocabularY
set: adjectives describing
feelings @ 1)7
. Look at the peoPle in the Picture
. Label the PeoPle \,T ith the correcr
adject ','e
. Llsten, check, ancl rePeat.

Adjectives do not change form in

Eng lish.
Look at the examPle.
Lrp,air that we se be wiLl-
adjectives for feelings ln Enqlish, not VocabulatY the picture. Circle the
have, e.g. I am hungrY. (NOT lhve-
hgry) /qq4

Depending on Your class, You o6-iY cold

mlght want students to practice the qYlgy
difference in pronunciation between bored.
: and Pablo are@!$/ scared.
hunqry and angrY.
gmtences true or false for
rpw? Grcle T or F.
2 VocabularY Practice: exposure to .Bppy.T/F 4 l'mhungrY. T/F
be affirmative cold. llF 5l'mangry' 7/F
. Look t tl-re piLtL'e5 aL-lal ad J. r-l lhe tred. T/F 6l'mthirstY. T/F

. ( herk irll5wel !. 14

3 VocabularY Practice
. Read the six sentences.
. Students decide ifthe sentences are
true or false for them right now.
. Ask stuclents to tell the rest ofthe class
how they feel.

Extra activity (all classes)

Further practice of adjectives of feeling
. ln pairs or as a whole class, students
choose an ad.jective from this page'
They draw a face to describe th-'
adjective.The other students guess the
aojecrive f-o.o rre d'aw'ng

i Extend your vocabularY

{ busy excited slck sleePY wet
! Workbook pageWlt
Further otactice
,, ,: .."^
4 Controlled practice of be
Identity affirmative; review of adjectives
. Look at pictures 1-3 carefully.
Grammar fl writ" a sentence for each picture. Use the
be (affirmatlve)
. Use the words and write one sentence
for each picture using be affirmative
Talking about feelings
short form.
ll Look at the chart. . Check answers.
Loilg forrn
Extra activity (all classes)
Short form
I am happy. l'm happv. Extra practice be afflrmative
You are thirsty. You're th rsty. . Srudels w'ite the se.lre,tces t^ exe.cise
Heiscod He's cold. 4 using the full form of be affirmative
She is scared. 5he's scared
It is sad. It's sad. 1 We / scared
\'l-e-'ry scargl . Fast finishers can do Puzz e 1 B on
We are bored. We're bored.
2 She/angry page 83.
You are hot. You're hot
They are angry. They're;nqr,1 fllt{r,!lfiEl
1 She is tired.
ff Put the words in the correct order to make 2 They are bored.
sentences. 3 You?e scared.
t hungry / s / He He ls l119ry
2 are/happy/We Wpa.fehePpl......,.... .. #wcr * paam
3 llatqry/m lamangrY
3w*8" t* y${
4 are / Anna and Rao! / hof
Mime an adjective from page 14. Can the class
5 Personalization; oral practice
Anna and Taoul are hot
guess the adjective? of be affirmative + adjective
5is/sad/She theiss4d..
6 hungry / are / You You a1e.lungry
StudentA: (mimes "hot")
Student B: You're hot.
. Choose an adjective from page 14.
studentA: Yesl . Mime the adjective to the c ass.
t Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks
th correct short form of e.
l: !::1 1" :l::' ?'l1lil i!:ii iyll.. " I
I We re
ho.. 4 He'5 ^urg.y
2 I'm bored. 5 They lrq angry.
3 Ihey:I coid. 6 she 13 th rsry.



r*n'rman 2 Practice of be affirmative; review

of adjectives
Aims . R--d the eramp e \,vitlr rhe .1.tss.
Present and practice be affirmative . Loik t th-. ,,,rrrds, dertlii the srbjeci.
Review adjectives for feelinqs .1, L t,' O

Talk about feelings . Put the r,vorcls the corrr.I order

. IhCCk.]l.t-c1,'.1e[_!.
1 Grammar chart: be (affirmative)
. Look at the chart. 3 Controlled practice of be
affirmative; review of adjectives
i Note: j
. Lock t oi.t!-es I
i . Draw students'attention to the long

. Fl I n ech :et..rce r,',ilth the correci

I and short forms. L .. ,
,t. ,
I . Remind students that we use be with
. Check ns\,"/e[s.
] adjectives for feelings in English, not
t have, e.g. I am hungry. (NOT lhve-
: hEry.)
: Grammar referen(e p!h7 I
Living English English
nickc:: si:,li - -- i i-- :lrr,
I,m Ai:,'a:-. - -:,- "*:-* ";-':.r-,
- --.t,.: --:-

o tli. We're Andrei
and lvan. I'm fhirteen
and tvan is eleven. lUe're
Read personal information about
from Sf. Peferburg in
teenaqers around the world in short texts Rossia. Rishf no$
Reading skrll: scanning we're in Canada.
We're cofd!
Look at the photos. Ask Where are the
people from? Students read the texts
qulckly and see if they wer-o correct.
(Klmiko from Japan; Edwina is from the
U.S.; Andrei and lvan are from Russia; and

Conrad ls from South Africa.)

Nagasaki the largest cLty of Nagasaki
prefecture. lt is on the island of Kyushu,
Japan. Hi. I'm Kimiko' MY nic*:a:*
New Jersey is a state in the north-east of is Mickv. l'm foorten as #
the U.S. I'm from Nagasaki. tt's i }aos-
Rieht nou t'm tharstr.
5t Petersburg is the second largest city
in Russia.
Johannesburg !s the largest clty in South

Africa. lt is sometimes called Jo'burg, Jozi, Look at the Reao -! 1' ; :: I

or Egoll.

1 Reading skill: scanning; global

comprehension task (first reading)
. Read the Reading skllls box. Explain to I - ':
NOWsca"t.eP':':: -: -:
students rlat scanntng means reading How old is lvani fo" sPec,'ic ir'[ormr,or
'i.':i :::- :' ::- : ''*: .:. - a rcle T (True) or F (False)'
'l; Read the Prof Les -, '..:
. : : ::<m Ti F
: Reading skills: scanning and nationl iY
, TF
I . You can read the text quickly to find
: : . l"lfili T/F
i the correct informatlon. 2

.L eck students know the meaning of TI

oF riko's and lvan's Profiles.
; read them quicklY and answer
15WerS. . Ask

@ stat
Kimiko is fourteen years old. lvan is
and C
elenen years old.

Detailed comPrehension task Extra activitY (weaker classes

\ond reading)
\.^= isien to Lhe Proliles
\..rrn", and national'ries of the t'
qLe!:t:i, '-: :

.prehension task Extra activity (stronger classesi

. Choose one of the
dlctation Passage \ ith

I lurttrer practice .ilLfilIt

I tru*rt*hc*k pasetul2 flIm

l'-'t' \5
ri a...-
Making introductlons
Pronunciation: Contractions
* r Look at the photos and listen to the :'i, rir ,' Listen and read.
conversation. Match the people with the 1 First listening @ 1.30

corre(t flag.

L Nice to meet you, too.

l'm Becky. Nice to meet you
a Play the CD
L sten arcl read.

2 Presentation of pronunciation
point @1.31
. Play the CD.
. Llsten to the examples.

' Pronunciation: Contractions


. Verbs like be are often used in their
contracted form, especially when we
i speak

!. Uslng contractions will help students'

1 Dylan b
] speech sound more natural because
! it netps them to speak more easi y
E and quickly.

. Play the CD aqain,

.;; Look at the Pronunciaton box. Listen to . Listen again and repeat.
the examples.

! " - -,rd,+1"it 3 Pronunciation practice @ 1.32

. Play the CD.
I . We use short forms when we speak.
. Listen and circ e the sentence you hear.
I whafs your name?
I l'm Becky. / He's David.
4 Dialogue practice
Lsten agan and repeat.
7 Mr e . Practice the dialogue in exercise I with
.;i ,, Littun again. Circle the correct :;i , Litt"n. circle the sentence you hear. a partner.
inf ormation. 1 He's a student. / He is a student. . Listen to students'dialogues. Check the
I DVaf s I f s
D'!, 5he s Spanisa. 5l.e's Spar sh. use of contractions.
a 3 You are fourteen / You're fourteen.
hungry a i rtee l
We re lror RJssi. / We rp -ror
. Ask stronger students to act their
b anqry b fc11i.e Russid.
dialogues out in front of the class.
c haopy c i'tee:
ljr Practice the dialogue in exercse 1.
2 |',s rl l',4 5o.r.
'Saturday [.e\ .c C t!' Now change the words n . Write a new
5 Dialogue personalization and
;: practice
b Sunday ll lriorl,"rfeV dialogue. Then practice the dialogue in class.
. Monday a Llef ala . Change the words in blue and write a
new dialogue in pairs.
1a . Practice the dialogue with their
. Listen to students'dialogues. Check the
*r#*c6*8*r and it's my birthday. l'm thirteen. Here's
use of contractions.
my friend Maria. She's Mexican. She's from
o Ask stronqer students to read their
Aim Monterrey and she's lourteen. Hi, Maria.
dialoques out in front of the class.
listen to two teenagers giving personal ffiari*: He 1o, Dylan. Happy Birthdayl
information I Further Dracti(e
2 Detailed comprehension
I F-4*Eti*t)tul
1 Global comprehension of the listening task (second
of the listening task (first listening) @ 1.29
listening) @1.29 . Play the CD again.
. PIay the CD. . Circle the cor-ect :qforrdtion.
. Listen to Dylan and Marla talking about . Check answers.
themselves and where they come from
. Match the people with the correct flag.
Extra activity (stronger classes)
There is one flag that students don't Extension work on text; comprehension
need. . Give stronger students the following
. Check answers. gapped sentences for them to
comp ete wlth information from the
Audioscript fexl 1 Dylan is (Ameican).2Today is
ftylal:: Hi. My name's Dylan 1'm American. Dylan\ (birthday).3 Maria ts (A,4extcan).
Right now, 1'm happy, 1t's Saturday today 4 llaria is (fourteen) years old.
Writing :-+ .-:-
'r'ss / school. Fill
-- -::'ratonabouttheperson.

Aims A proflle
Write a profile ll Look at the Wring stils bc-
Writing skill: subject pronouns

1 Writing skill: subject pronouns

. Read the Writing skills box.

Writing skills: subject pronouns

. lhe llrst tlne r,ve te k about a perso :, .,. Now read the te\i a'a a': a --: :-: :.:
pronou ns.
in a text, r,re rse tlreir name. Then we
often rse sublect pronous to avoicl -: :-: :'cile of your person. Use
_ :
repeat nq peop e's ames e.o. Luke i,c '- i -: - :-: :-: :rartto helpyou.
f ron At.tstrttlta. He's f ifteer.

2 Detailed analysis of model

writing task
. Read the text and circle the subject

pronou n5.

Check answers.
Preparation for personalized i,r
. Read the inlormation in the chart about
Luke from the model writing text.
. Complete the chart with information
about a person in your class or school.
f students are interviewlng each other, : _ _-:::_<s
you might want to quickly review how :r::-c rBlzl
to make questions. Check students are Btrr7

not saying Age?, buf How old are you?, 5 tee

-:ee l
2 You: "Hi! Nt!'
. Check that students are completing the
:: : ::-:'--,cl:
:d d

chart correctly. bor-"d

4 Personalized writing
. Follow the model writing text. Use your
own information from the chart to
change the text.
. Write your profi e. Remember to use
subject pronouns correct y.

e*m "." a

Check understanding ol be (questions)
and be (srmple present) 2 Self-assessment of be s -; =
Self-assessment of own progress present)
al a
1 Self-assessment of be (questions)
. For items l 2, students read the io[raai.:' i - :

sentences and comp ete them with the . -l , /

correct anSwers.
fNBTTIfitl Ol-,-ltil'lt'i .' - t' -

2 Students'own answers.
. more prai a:
Students check (/) Yes, I can. if tey
. L.-r
think they understand the vocabulary
or grammar we , or check (/) I need l

more practce. if they think they need

more practice. Further practi(e ililu
i:!iillr:1-rai pages 108 '109

l*i Does 88-89: 104

on. Describingobjects: o J. ap
expensive, long, neru, old, shor, sttc.til

T Things in your bedroom:

qame console, lamp, macazine, srteakers,
i =c

=l T/, vctch, Furn ture: beci, bedside tabie,

-l boc-kcase, chatr, close[, desk

i Grammar
-__-]j Possessive adjectives
Possessive 3
Prepositions: o n / in / under
this / that / these / those

Skills ;r. 5-d:;8"1 , ",.

Reading: Prolr es about'vorite il:nqs;

abolt cblecis from tre pasi;
a art cle
using plctures
Listening: L stetrrng nd id..ntlrfuIrrq
spec fic rniormation in a acnv..rsticn
Speaking:: r
@re*;& sou nds

Writing:. rooo.,o. I ,,o

Vocabulary th nqs

e**r*bmg mfuelct*
<l) t-oot at ttre pictures. Fill in the blanks Cross-curricular
with the adiectives below. Then Iisten, check,
and repeat.
Compu!9r glence
b g rlrcal exp-r.s !e ion_q [ew
old srort sm
Values and topcs
<r) lirt"n. check (,/) the correct adjective.
Popular culture
1 Mark ord (V new C ffi fltt in the
exercse L
blanks with an adjective from

2 Lara bg l'
- small {Z 1 My penc case is
3 Julio rons g) short al 2 l\ly notebook is
3 My pens are
4 Me cheap {--l expensive L7l 4 N,4y cell phone is

lftl;ltl[rm!Eilrlr t9

lntroducing the topic . Wrte the correct adjective from the box 3 Personalization
in each sentence. . Complete the sentences with the
. P ay the CD. Listen, check, and repeat. adjectives from exercise 1 that are true
for you and your objects.
Aim 2 Vocabulary practice; exposure to . Check some answeTs. Ask students to
adjectives in sentences @ 1.34
Present and practice adjectives to describe read a sentence and then show the
. P ay the CD. oblect.
. Students listen to the descriptions and
Warm-up chect rre co'rect adjective. ! extend yourvocabulary :

Books closed. Write the adjectives on the . Check answeTs. c ear di ry heavy ighr tn.r k rn,r.
board. Check the meaning with students i Ecrkh+ok pasewl4 i
and give examples.Then, in pairs, students Audioscript L..__
think of as many things as possible that are 'l My name's Mark and my eraser is old.
- big, cheap, expensive, etc. Check answers 2 l'm Lara and my notebook is small. ! Furtherpractice
and wriie the objects on the board. 3 l'm -iulio and my pencil case ls ong. I ?CerErUsH pagewl4
4 lVy r-are's Me rd ny pen s ! ncuttimoru
1 Presentation of vocabulary expensive.
set: adjectives to describe
objects @1.33
. Look at the pairs of pictures.
Exploring the topic

Read and understand a text about favorite
Model possessive adjectives and
possessive 3 in a reading text about
favorite objects

Students look at the pictures quickly and
name the objects (a com puter, an lP3
player, a skateboard.

1 Matching (first reading) @ 1.35

. Read and listen to the profiles.
. Match the texts with the objects.
. Crect answe's as a Lla55.

2 Detailed comprehension task

(second reading)
. Read the texts agaln and then correct
the information in blue.
. Check answers as a cJass.

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading)
. Read the texts again and answerthe
q uestions. 3
. Check answers as a class. a'

Extra activity (all classes) : I a'.'a:-:stons.
Further text comprehens on ,l l
. Ask studentsto complete the following -+
statements with informatlon from d
the text: Zoe's favorite thing her is rh.
(skateboard).; Zoe's skateboard is (ok)., is his MP3 player?

Zoe is (happy) on it,; Kevin's favorite thing alE

: : : ._,r llc'trrl)
is his (lVPj player).,Dana's sster is (Tami).,
Their favoilte thing is a (computer).,The
computer is on Dana's (desk).

Extra activity (stronger classes)

Lurther practice; d,ctation
. Choose one of the profiles and use it as
a dictatlon passage.
4 Controlled practice of
My stuff possessive 3
. Look at the pictures in exercise 2 again.
Grammar Fq*c***w* 'g . Complete the sentences wlth the
Talk ng about possessions names in the pictures and the
--talkin possessive
g bout 1:orr"rl,on, 3.
Look at the chart.
. Check answers.
Look at the chart.

Subied pronoun
arr lo""
Possessive adiective
lvly ;k1cLr!ic'! !f ort =m 5fe
s Zoe. Her skareboard
Extra activity (weaker classes)
Reinforcement of possessive 3; review of

Zoe's 5kaleboard
You are Sara. Your tomilllef 5 1,"[. be affirmative
5 sorl
He is Kevif. Hs[,'P-]!ilr 5bu!. . Choose objects from different students.

She s Dna Her ae I phne s alreap.
Hold them up for students to teil you
It 5 romplter Its pr re 5 $40. who it belongs to, e.g. T: (holding up a
He 5Kevn.lls
We re frieds. Our llP3 i,ri,ers e sr l,ilP3paver sb!e pencil case) SS: /r3 /van3. etc.
Kevn's [,/P3 D;\rer
You are s sters. Your rcmpuler s iaftst a.

They are fr enis

sbue lIir:711 pAGE 83
Their phones are o ci.

* 1i1r.. . Fast finishers can do ?uzzle 2A on

fitt in ttre blanks with the correct possessve page 83.
@ Look at the pictures n exercise 2. Fill in the
notebook is smal old, expensive, short, cheap, new, long,
1 Rioky's pen is expensive.

qffi z tqllYl: . notebook is smalt.

3 Leon's and Joe's pencils are Missing adjective: big
-F"!u* a Heg!4r19 eraser is big. #wer *r ymu
,l\rt '1., 5 )en and Ge!1a'9 ruler is long
6 Adqm'a bag is old. 5 Personalization; oral practice
of objects, adjectives, possessve
pencils are short.
's, and be (positive)
. Think of someone's object in the

ffie .
Descrlbe the object using name +3 +

sdffi, .
noun e.g. Harry'sbag.
Describe the object e.g.
lt's old and

I th""
bag s old. lal.e ru'ns to .hinl oI objects.

M1;terstona ;-
V''1, il:+.-
(=q i ffiid
kvz_r f'rrv-
frqq al I Adrn


e!i&fYt&r 2 Controlled practice of possessive

Aims . Look at the pictures, read the sentences,
Present and practice possessive adjectives a1d w,;le.le co'rect posses.iv.
and possessive 3 adjective.
Review be (affirmative) . Check answers.
Talk about possessions
Extra activity (weaker classes)
1 Grammar chart: Possessive Rei nforcement of possessive adjectives
adjectives . Call out a sub.iect pronoun for students
. Look at the chart. to give yo,r the relev"nt po,.essive
adjective, e.g.T: he SS: hls, etc.
. The possesslve adjective for lr is lfJ
3 Grammar chart: Possessive 3
(wirho - a1 dpostrophe). . Lookatthechart.
. We do not use a deflnite article in
front of possessive adjectives, e.g.
. The possessive 3 is also added to
My computer is ner,rz
names To rdicate possessioa.
dva*u." ---r;l
Srammar refe'*r{,BaqrWt3
Building the topic Building the topic

Present and practice objects and furniture
in a bedroom
Preposrtions on, in, under
Model his / that / these / those
Ta k about things near and not near to us

Books closed. Ask students to write a list of
objects / furniture in their bedroom. Glve
them a minute to wrlte as manY words
as possible. Compare their lists in pairs.
Wrlte any new vocabulary on the board,
Students open their books and compare
their bedroom with .luan's.

1 Presentation ofvocabulary set:

things in your bedroom @ 1.36
. Look at the picture..
. Label the objects and furniture in the
picl Jtes.
,::, :''-: : ::ure again. Fill in the blanks
. Llsten, check, and repeat, -- '-: ::-'ict furniture.

. Point out the position of the mouse
in each picture to highlight the
prepositions of place. You cou d write . :: ::::_ !

the three sentences on the board,

e.g.The mouse is on the bed, etc. ,: :. :' :-: . (t!re again. Fill n the blanks

2 Vocabulary practice: exposure to ,-. r ,rl ,,,.o
prepositions -r r [] !f .lr(l nlt i-.
. Look at the picture again. 5\! ie
. Fill in the blanks with the correct ' : b ' ''
1. 5 Cl.rnce
f JrnitJre [tom ee'cise
. Check answers.

3 Vocabulary practice and

extension 22

. Look at the picture again.

. Fill in the blanks with the correct object
from exercise 1.
. Check answers.
Extra activity (all classes)
Personaiization; practice of things in your
. ln small groups or as a whol-^ class,
students draw objects from Juan's
bedroom. Students must guess as
qulckly as possible before the drawing
is comp ete what the object is. The
person who guesses correct y takes the
n-.xt turn. You can set a time limit for
th is.

Extend vour vocabulary i

I \evooa'd mo1;tor mouse mosepd

! orin
t:Wcrkb**k L-or

i.._----***,-i ;
3 Controlled practice of this / that /
these / those
Grammar . Look at the pictures.
*,. Complete the questions with 3 or are, and
ffi thls/that/th6e/those this, that, these, or those.
. Complete the sentences wifaThs,That,
tls / these
These, or Those.
- talking about thngs near to us
thal those - talking about thngs not near to us . Check answers.

I uok at the chart.

4 Controlled practice of this I
Siagular that I these / those (questions and
This s -T, f--) answers)
-E- I
. Look at the picture carefully.
That s a TV
. Read the firsttwo lines of the
..=5- conversaton and decide why the boy
uses What's rhlsi (He is asking about
Plural something singular that is close to
These are TVs. him the school bag).
. Complete the questions using the qirl's
answers and the picture.
. Check answers.

Boy: (1) What l9-911o .. ? Extra activity (all classes)

Girl: it's my school bag.
circle the correct word. Extra practice ths, that, these, those; revjew
Boy: (2)What Arethe?g ... ?
I(.) rn"r" is mv bed. vocabu a.y; review possessive
cirl: They're my school books. ,
z 1q-@r= their sra eboa'd'. .
(Ihese) Boy: (3)What areiho?e . ... ? As a whole class, nominate a student to
3 This re o-- wrche:.
4 ghat) Those ts Tia's bed Girl: They're my favorite magazines. pont to things near or far from them
5 These /Ohis)is vorrr oen Boy: (4) What 'o'that ? tor the other to reply, and the relevant
o f6-i) r}lt a.e r y ,vor .e s1ea.ers. Girl: lt's my lamp. classroom word, e.g. 51: (pointing to a
Boy: (5) What '5 -t-!al . . ? bag far away) What's that? 52. lt's Juan\
ritt in the btanks with This, That, These, or Girl: ltb my new camera.
Those. bag.51:Correct. efc.
Boy: Cooll
]T,M PAGE 83
"F fi:* puzzle 28 . Fast finishers can do Puzzle 28 on
1 lhli9.
page 83'
page 83.
is my 5y
ceil phone. qame consoie fNBilIiT

3 !!e?9. are ouT 4 -l_!ogp o,.
pM Ask and answer about things in the classroom.
Student A: What's this?
Student B: lt's a notebook.
Student A: What are those?
My{crysnten{e: The treasure is
your desk.


^y D, N A
MP3 players. magazines.
S \E e uln, tr
f I l


F H y' U R A D

za I D
M \ \ {e' 5

l X A
+E $

\/ o
I M \S

Note: r>
^b B X P

Aims . this / that + be + singular nouns S 4 KTA I t N s u B

Present and practice this / tnat / tlese / . these / those + be + plural nouns
tttose . this / these are for things near the
Review be (affirmative and qu..stions) speaker
Hevrew possessive adjectives . that / those are for things not near 5 Personalization of this / that /
the speaker these / fhose (questions and
Talk al-.out and ldentify ob;ects
. answers)
What's + this / that?
1 Grammar chart: thrs / that / . . Take turns to ask and aswer
What are + those / these?
these / those questions about oblects in ihe
&rammarrefere*{* pge}ytl
. Look at the chart.
. Use his,/ hese whe the oblectls)
2 Practice of this / that I these / is / are near to you and these i those
fhose and singular or plural verb - r,vhen the object(s) is / are far arlay
. Re.d the sei..ce: aird i1",.
( orreat woral.
. I heck s\,/e15. lL.L:*'ilI.;
3 Controlled practice of ths / that /
these / those
'_' "n"
. Look t tl-r-. p Ctures.
Complete the questons with 3 or are. and
this, that, these, or those.
. f omp ete the seiences witi Tttis,l hat,
. r5e t ko.irtoLrltt |1,t rttt!,ti ,rhese, or i-hose.
: itrcse 'i k g .troLtL tl q! ot f; ic Lt5
. f heCk aS\r\i!.1.5.

Look at the chart.

--. 4 Controlled practice of this I
This is a TV
that / these I those (questions and
. Look t the plature arel't ,.,.

That sa fV
. Red the lli'st tr,rc rei
o the
-...+ aov-.rsatio aird cide r,,h), tle bor,,
uses ir',/h;i! rnrsl (le is a:king about
Plural somethig singu ar tht ts c ose to
These re T!'s. him - the school
. Corrp ete the quesrions us ng tlre gir 's

d'r o o .Q ,
' .

. aswers.

Boy: r1)Wl'l'5thig Extra activity (all classes)

Girl: lt's my school bag.
Circle the correct word. Extra practice this, that, these, those; review
Boy: (2)Wh", arethese
I 6) rh"r" is mv bed. classroom vocabulary; review possessive 3
Girl: They're my school books.
2 That/qhose)'e thoi. ska .ooards.
zi--\.::-:- Boy: (3) What afq..!.ho?9 . As a whole class, nominate a student to
J- q nese,/ l hrs are our wt.hes
6ffirhor" Girl: They're my favorite magazlnes point to things near or far from them
sTa's bed.
- -l- z.-^\ Boy: {) Wlat e hat lor the other to reply, and the relevant
5 I nese /(l hts) s vour Den

o 6z r}t u* Ty tvorite sladkers Girl: lt's my lamp. classroom word, e.g. 51: (pointing to a
Boy: (5) Wtsl '5 that
bag far away) What's that? 52: lt's Juan\
Fill in the blanks with This, That, These, ot
Grl: lt's my new camera.
Those. 51 . Correct. etc.
Boy: Cooll
l.P"'l .n rh F= fifn]l pAGF 83

\F- \i=rl l"E

g=gE Paqe
a3' Puzzle
28 . Fast finishers can do Puzzle2S on
page 83
1 1-his is my Tha! is my
cell phone game console. fNHrlfi
.,4- Ask and answer about things in the classroom Mystery senl
\l t - *ffif al,- Studet Al your desk.
/IGt7 R vri \
3 These are our
4; :) ,a^- --.

4 lhgqg rp y
Siudent A:


a N
E u
MP: players. .E
S \L
o .l.l R, t 4
/5 4! t
S U. .s\Q IB D lz
!$a't( :a ( U R A D

.23 q e ffi q\ S K

I X Al ul l-l {r. \A M lf Z
_Yb) A M .s s. o
i Note: tt iLl R B X P
. S (R ,EIhIA t N S H i)
Aims 1
tht / that + be + singular nouns
Pres..nt and practice tttis / that / these / l.. these / those + be+ plural nouns
o5 E
this / these are for things near rhe i #!f*r'f;q} y*"{i
ierr erv be (aftirmat ve and questions) i speaker
5 Personalization of this / thot /

Revrew possess ve adject ves 1

. that / those are for things not near
ii the sneaker
j these I those (questions and
, k about ancl dent lr objects
t. What's+ths/that?
i! answers)
1 Grammar chart: fhrs I that / E

. What are + those

. Tuk. turns to ask and answer
E / these?

these I those z-
. {mrfiar refelefiEe ! questions about oblects in the
. Look at the .hrt. L_-_*-..,.
. Use rhis/ rhese the objectls)
2 Practice of this I thot I these / ' a'e nedr to you ard these / those
is r
those and singular or plural verb - E when the object(s) is / are far away.
. Read the sentences and circle the It...
Further Dradi(e
correct word. I W0lH00i{ pgeWl7

. Check answers. I murtinorue

Living English

@1.37 I
Read descriptions of objects from the past
Readrng skill: using pictures

A,sk What are your favorite possessions? Why
do you like them? Can you descnbe them
using adjectives you know?

Motorola DynaTAC 800X was one of the
first commercially avai able cell phones
that was manufactured on a large scale
in Lhe lo8os. r has become an iLon s d
piece of telecommunications equipment.
The Apple ll was an B-bit home computer
that was manufactured in the ate 1970s
and was one of the firsi computers to be
sold lor use in the home.

1 Reading skill: using pictures;

global comprehension task (first :
' :
CI This is oe c; i': :

reading) ItsAmeri.''i-r -: :

. Read the Reading skills box.

Reading skills: using pictures 1

i. Pictures can he o to understand what i

LookattheRe:c-;;' ;::
:-l ,l :r the pictures 1-4

a terL is bot. j

i -_**-**-**i l

. Look at the pictures and read the - C .cle the correct words.
articles quickly. What is the text about? ii.: ::: --: : : -* rBritlsh
. Check answer. - : - c eck and lvhite f\,/5
Now iook at tia : a:-':! :-:
.. ' :- 1911 i 1983
articles quick'Y !\'':: :-: --:
2 Detaled comprehension task : :-. Dig
(second reading) : : rlapaneseiAmerican
I lll-:: : :
. Read and listen to the articles. :::^c.t long
. ,.r . . old, new
. Match the articles (A-D) with the
pictures (1-4).
. Check answers.

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading) Extra activity (stronger ciass;s
. Read the articles again.
. l-urther p
. Circle the correct words
. Lhoose o'le ol [e d'- c:,
dictation passage.
. Check answers.

Exa activity (all classbs)

Further text comprehension
. Ask students the foLLowing questions
about the lext: What color are the old
filsi (They're brown.); What color are the
TV screens? (fhey're white and green.);
What color is the screen on the personal
computer? (lr's black.); What year ts the
first cell phone fromi (lt's from 1 983.);
Whatyear are the game consoles from?
(They're from the 1970s.).
. Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the
words in the box,
. Check answers.

Lsten to Lu(ia. What is her favorte thng

Extra activity (all classes)
Listen and read.
in her bedroom? Extra practice of things in a bedroom

Listen again. Draw the objects in the

Whdt'! that, ? . Students look at the picture for a few
corre(t place in Lucia,s bedroom. m in utes.
That's I .
. Books closed. Students to wrte down
as many things in Lucia,s bedroom as

#@Ww .:-.:

k'q Speaking
they can remember.

what are those?

Talk about possessions
They're my
Pronunciation: rh sounds
Those are
1 First istening @f 1.39
. Play the CD.
. Listen and read.

2 Presentation of pronunciation
Look at the pronunciation box. Lsten
the examples.
to point @1.40
. Piay the CD.
.r ;iiatU; . Listen to the example.
has two different souncls.
! Pronunciation: f sound
j ln English there are two ways of
Lsten again and repeat"
] pronouncing the fh sounci.
! . 1,1! asin that
t] column. j ' i*,'as tn thing
L****-**__ __ _, .._._ _-_-. *%_._-.
Listen again_ Fll n the blanks with +hffi
the thtrteen
words below.
. Play the CD again.
,i). ,0r . Listen agarn and repeat. First chorally,
etpenstve coo lrclv btq
lhoee thirteen then individually.
I Lucia's bedroor is they lhirsty
2 lier bed s very bic-
3 Pronuncia tion practice @ .41 1

3 Her MP3 p ayer ts I Practce the dialogue in exercise 1. . Play the CD.
4 Her snekers te n
Now change the words n
. Listen and write the words in the
. Write a new
dialogue. Then prctice the dialogue in correct column.

4 Dialogue practice
. Practjce the dialogue in 1 with a
pa rtne r.

Iistening Ah, those are my new sneakers. Thev,re n Listen to students,dialogues. Check the
under my bedside table. pronunciaton of it1,r unO,,*,,.
fnFllnir . Stronger students read their dialogues
Listen to the description of a room and
Lucia's favorite thing in her bedroom lront oirre cla,s.
o..ri ,n
draw items in the correct places is
her bed.
5 Dialogue personalization and
1 Global comprehension of the practice
listening text (first listening) 2 Detailedcomprehension
. Play the CD.
@ t 38 of the listening text (second . Change the words in blue and write a
listening) @ 138 new dialogue in pairs.
o Ljsten to Lucia describing her room. .
. Piay the CD again. Practice the dialogue with their
. What is her favorite thing in her room?
o Lrsten again. Draw the things rn the
pa rtners.

Audioscript correct place in Luciat bedroom. . Listen to students,dialogues. Check the

lueia: This is my bedroom. lt,s cool.That,s . Check answers by getting students to pronunciation of the rh sounds.
my desk over there. lt,s very small. And make full sentences, e.g. Lucia,s lamp is . Ask stronger students to read ther
that! my old lamp on rhe desk. lt,s pink on the desk, etc. dialogues out in front olthe class.
and purple. My books are on my desk,
too, Furtherpractice
not on my bookcase.This is mv bed. ltls 3 Detailedcomprehension ! Mnir'ft#Fd
very oi9 dno ;ts rr.V favor,le rning of the listening text (third I
My Mo3
piayer is on it. ltt expensrve. What listening) @1.38
Round-up Round-up
tii f ll'{" i }* {t
Aim --
..:_ Readthetext.Ccmc::::-.-:'- --:-:: ': :- '
Write a description of your and your
friend's favorte thlngs

1 Global comprehension of model

writing text
. Read the text and fill in the blank with
one of the words in the box.
. There is one word you do npt need.
. Check the answer. -:-:
Fill inthechali':- -':'-:-: t::---::-: :-:
2 Detailed analysis of model fa,.:ri:: :: ::- :: : :c:tion right now
writing text )eW
. Complete the chart with information

about Leah and her friend. herfriend lcas lU l-rP lalet/rsk

. Check answers.

3 Preparation for personalized

. Complete the chart with information
about you and a friend. tlow filt in the chart with irfio*ir p d yorr friend.
. Check that students are completing the l write about your favaite irgs -d F H! ffi rfings.
chart correctly. use the text and dlart b help FL

4 Personalized writing
. Follow the model wrrting text. Use your
own informatlon from the chart to i

change the text. t

. Write your description.


Chec understano nq of possess ve
pronouns and this / that / these / those
Self-assessment of own progress

1 Self-assessment of possessive
. For iterns 1 -4, students read the
sentences and complete them with the
correct answers.
. Students check (/) Yes, I can. \f fley
thrnk they understand the vocabulary : -. :

or grammar well, or check (/) I need

more practice. if they think they need Further practi(e
more practice. i';::-=+:i.: pqes 1i 1 i l

. need more
l+:: pages 90-91 l0l
lf students have chosen I

practice., encoLrdge tlen

.o rev ew
these sectlons and to do more practice.

2 Self-assessment of this I thot I

these I those
. For items T 4, students read the
sentences and circle the correct
. Students check (/) Yes, I can. tf tey
think they understand the vocabulary
or grammar we!1, or check (/) I need
morc practce. ilthey think they need
more practlce.
Unit summary

Describing objects
Things in your bedroom
eoltr"ies ars *ratsnaties ;j fitt ln the blanks with the words below.

fitt in tfre blanks with the correct country or blq cheap expens ve lonq new o d
nationality. short 5m
1 Natalia is from Russ a.
5-s,s Russian be (affirmative)
) laro ' I ot JaPan
Possessive adjectives
Hpi l.pdne.e.
3 Kim is from South Afr ca.
Possessive 3
s", 5out'h African this I that I these / those
4 Rob is'ror Ayetyalia
He's Australian.
1 is 2 Study Skills
5 Geri is from the U.K. Your skateboard Hs dog is

\he! E|ltieh tons . .......... ?-:ig Recording vocabulary

b . rdd i5 -rom the U.5. l\ily skateboard is My dog
shorL gmall
He's American.

Fee!ngs Write a profile of a famous person

Qf Look at the pictures. Unscramble the


3_ @... @.^ @^ @

ffiffiffi&@ 3 Yoursneakersare 4 ThisMP3playeris

My sneakers are
That MP3 player is


Things in your bedroom

@ finA t"n things in your bedroom in the word
l rdtei !-e1". . " snake.

A,\ f,z

2 oth l"o-t
3 nrguyh lvwrv- ,, ,,,, ,

4 hirtyst tbf?!v
5 ads
6 ragyn
7 odcl

EP qgff"'
ea \il
oop \\ a\,,p
8 bdeor bgrqd
9 cdser ?94!ed
10 phyap .h1Pw" .."" ..

QffiWl 27

Veahuary . ( her-k an!lrers

Aim 3 Review of vocabulary set:

Review and practice countries and describing objects
nationalities; feelings; describing objects; . i'ok at senter'raas I ,+, t re ,.',rorJs ir'r t e
things in your bedroom bo:r, nd the plciures.
o f'p1.... the seirteries "d wrlte :ie
1 Review of vocabulary set: a o r r.. I t .] d t.. ar- i v.. s.
countries and nationalities . -lrerk 5\,v!. 5.
. Read sentences 1-6. 4 Review of vocabulary set: things
. Write the correct country or nationality. in your bedroom
. Check answers. . I
" I ..o
2 Review of vocabulary set: . lelk r'rs\,!eis.
. Look at the pictures and the jumb ed
II' Further oradi(e
. Unscramble the adjectlves and write
them correctly.
llevie,rv and prctlce be (questions);
be (alllrrtirre ); possessive adject ves;
e (questions)
dtb M'ile/those
n I U- U-,ts with tls, that, these, or
possessive ':; tlis / thot / these / those ll write the questions.
You: ..llhatl,gyptytarc
1 Review be (questions) Nelly: My names Nelly.
. Read the nsr,r,ers. You: Vhelp4!ey%-!tr-r?
. o^Qo .q
. Check as\\'ers.
Nel y:
l'm from the United 5tat6-
1 :,-r,-..
2 Review be (affirmative)
. Dood ser er e I o. * Fll n the blanks w th r-e cc. :: ': -- : -: .

. Fi l the b anks \ /lth the .orre.t form

2 !",1e -aa , -'
of be alflrmative.
. Check answers. J:::
5 Yar! :: - cz fe5
3 Review possessive adjectives 6llrer - : -: il l0'-!
. Read I 6. :a ia 5
. F in the b anks v/lth the correct Fill in theblanks\r'r- r-: ::--.::' ::
' :
: :
possessrve adlective. adjectve.
. Check answeTs. L
2 Tl: :'.. '.: : ,
sttion for new words in your
4 Review possessive's f;a(|ria: t:
Flidur6, and write example sentences
. Read sentences I 5.
I " lll'lr:_ . For adjectivet write opposites.

" l'.1.' --_:: : l

o Do r't L '. .' I O r
-: :, :: :-: notes.Which Words does
:-: :--::-: ,,ant to remember?
5e te n ce.
. Check ansv/ers.
the tj ?bot eis s&at!.

5 Review this / that / these / those : '"'

. Read l -5 and ook at the .-
_- Rewritethein'o.*::- ::--
p res.
Ill-" j:: . :

. Fi the blanks r,rrrth hls, thot,these, ar B

. Check as\,\/ers.

Add the words to your vocabulary section. For

*rxdy skts eadr mrd, draw a picture. Wrte an example
stsce and a translation.
Recording vocabulary
Hi bedside table expensive hot
. Recording vocabulary is a great
way to get students to check the
meanings of words.
28 :.
1 Awareness of recording
vocabulary in a notebook
. Look at the notes and the pictures Project 1 :: : 3 Freparation for writing (second
and answer the question.
Aims .I :
fNEiNITitl -:',curfamousperson
Read a profile of a famous person . ' -'.'mation about them.
cell phone; big; small _ I .r. pof-<<O-.
Find out information about a famous

2 Making a personal record of person : : . : = --':'.^,websrte,natlona

new vocabulary in a notebook Write a profile of a famous person
-1 \'v'riting
. Make"modei"vocabulary section
1 Reading . t -----l:text.
on the board for the words.
. Look at the photo and read the profiie" . - : L.O..O -rO
nvite students to make suggestions.
. Match the words *th the information.
. Students look at the words and add
. Check answers.
them to their vocabulary section, Project extension
drawing a picture for each word, an fTillrltl . - 'r : -- iecilities, ask students
example sentence, and a translation. 2 Nickname / Professional name - - : - :: t- :s onto a class or scl:
ffiriitr 3 Dateof birth 4 Nationality :::
Students'own answers
5 Website . I r - -:-:' siudents to oo or-
2 Preparation for writing (first task)
: . .- i -i lo read aC comc. .

Further f raaice . Choose a famous person (from the
Unit summary
Jobs: co,., o rti st, attt iete, dcncei,
:1oc, loJi, ,r irtger, si.atebcardet ,

soccer pllyet,\ilriter
Family: b rath e r, fat h e r, q ra rt dfath e r,
q ra n d m other, q ra nd pa re nts, rnat h er,
parents, sster

be (negative)

- Tony Hawk

Reading: A bloq about far.orlte

oeople; a qL;iz about famous people;
preciict t-ro

Listening: Listerlng to a te-ona!r

. ."bo
Speaking:t-ail<ing about lam ly
', :, .d O O ":' 'oi
: Dr Magdi Yacoub
dgg1or ....."...,..,.
I (l!anc
Writing:Wrlting about your f:m t,,,

1 0 Takshi N,4urakmi

fook at the pictures. Write the correct job. Values and topics
Vocabulary ffi
& e' labet the photos with the words below.
3 , oliu, e, 4 ?@t..
Famous people
Then listen, check. and repeat.
Q z 4:ie-r_ I s *tere)t_usr Popular culture
Personal and family relationships
actor artlst th et-^ daNCer doctor
mode s nger skteboarder soarer p ayer _ L-) r aocrq
.-- FF O eKaegoaraer
Complete the sentences with a name.
1 sasoccerplayer
a/n 2 i. a sieqe.
She's a
3 is an actor
He's an actor
4 is an ath ete.

lntroducing the topic Extra activity (all classes)

Extra practice a / an and jobs
I . *. use a before consonants, on
Vexemfurlary before vowels, and no article with
. Call out a job from exercise 1 and
plurals. students say a or an.
Present and practice jobs Extra activity (weaker classes)
Reinforcement ofjobs vocabulary; mime
Warm-up game
Lool. I r le p.lot os. As. Do vou rec ognrze 2 Vocabulary practice; exposure to . ln small groups or as a whole class,
any of the people? What do you know about jobs students choose a job and mime it for
them? . iook t pl.rtures l-. ne res. o"tne class to g;ess.

1 Presentation of vocabulary set: . \rltc :he corec1 .job from ererc s-. l.
Extend vour vocabularv
jobs @t.+z . lheCli S\,\ra.S.
. Look at the words in the box and
] builder guitarist police officers
photos 1 10
3 Personalization ] taxi driver TV reporter
a [-ompl..te the sertences with the f .me Sj*rkfoeck pagrWfl !
a Label each photo with the correct job. -j I
of a famous person.
P ay the CD. Listen, check, and repeat.
ftlrlfltr .::i::i"'i:I';
Students'own answers.
Exploring the topic Exploring the
Read and understand a text about famous
peopre I
Present be negatrve in a reading text about
famous people and their jobs

Books closed. Ask students Who is your
favorite person? What is therr job? licit

Cristiano Ronaldo (born February 5'h, F
1985) is a Portuguese soccer player who
plays for the Spanish team Real Madrid,
and is captain ofthe Portuguese national
team. Ronaldo has also modeled for
fashion companies such as EmPorio
Scarlett Johansson (born November 22nd, tt
984) is an American actor and singer. She
has appeared in many Hollywood movles,
many directed by Woody Allen. She has
also released two albums (Anywhere I Lay
My Head and BreakUp).
Lily Cole (born May 19'h, 198B) is a.British
l3 roott the o-:-:'
What are the r *:
,', -: .'' ": :' . :
- : :: -
Q t=:::=: - Answerthequestions.
r - : l!' o of Ro do7
model and actor. She has modeled for
many famous lashion houses and also <. Gr"rtwh::':' ::-:. ::: :': .':: :
: :i'
fromthe.obsb:. --:- .-': -:
appeared ln the movie The lmaginaium of
and check your rs,',:':
Doctor Parnassus. : -' :ri L:i!rr'l;)

1 Predicting from photos

: : :-' fel:ilcld.:b,ll:
. Look at the photos.
&Readaqr - c: .: - -- :

. Students guess who the people are and . ::: l -. :

: .: . af lFmovel

what their jobs are.

. Do not accept or reject any answers at : : :::.:::lldelil
this staqe.

Cristiano Ronaldo - soccer PlaYer
scarlett Johansson - actor
Lily Cole - model

2 Matching (first reading) @ 1.43

. 4 Detailed comprehension task
Students lookatthejobs in the box and (third reading)
guess the otherjobs the people have.
. Read the texts again and ans\t'erl.E
. Read and listen to the text.
q uestions.
. Check answers. . Check answers.
Cristiano Ronaldo - model Extra activity (weaker classes)
Scarlett Johansson - singer Fxtra corrprehension pracice
Lily Cole - actor (and student) . Ask students the following

comprehension questons on the

3 Detailed comprehension task texls. Where is Cristiono Ronoldo from?
(second reading) (Portuga l); Where is Scarlex Johansson
. Read the texts again and circleT (True) from? he U.S.); Whot nationoliy s Lly
or F (False). Cole? (She's British.); etc.
. Check answers.
Extra activity (stronger classes)
Extension work on text; dictation
. Choose one ofthe texts and use it as a
Favorite people . Fast finishers can do Puzzle 3A on
page 85.
Grmmar (! Make these sentences true for you.
&e {megave} I tlve ve.
l'm not a skateboarder. l'm an athlete.
flklng about jobs and personal information 2 [,yteacher fromAustra .

3 neghthgade.
S r-oot at the chart. 4 My fr ends from the Ll K.

IMM 5We nanEngshcass

6 Brazrlin
5 Personalization; written and
oral practice of be (affirmative
am not a actol i'm not af actor
and negative)
are not an art Yo! aren't an drllsi.
You st.

r 5he r lt is not l[ta5i]r i i t isn't fnast r.

. Think of four people (friends, famous j

We are not models.



aren't mode
people). I

Yo! are not s fgers. You aren't


s gers.
to . Write four sentences, one for each i

They are not ath etes Iire!/ aren't th:ete5.

Write three false sentences and one true
sentence about people. Use the affirmative.
person - three false and one true. i
Can the class correct the false sentence? . Take turns to read the sentences I

ff circle the correct words. StudentA: Kak is an actor aLoud.

Student B: No! Kak isn't an actol He's a soccer
player . Take turns to guess the false

sentences and respond appropriately, E

is not ltaiian.
s1g be f'rrralive or negaiive.
are not a wr ter.
Extra activity (weaker classes)
i foot at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the Extra be ineqat ve)
affirmative and negative short form of be. . C out ihe f ull orm lor strdents to

r.revou the shcrt lbrr nd v a!' v!rsa,
e.q. T. cre nol 55: arerii.

ffi* ffiffi#e
I lmnqI
- anartst.
a writer
2 we \lp!l'l
We lf-e . ,.
3 He
a singer
a model.
Extra activity (stronger classes)
Erteslc be (eqatlve); puzzle

5tudents wrlte another pL-izz
Puzz e 3A rd test a partner.

Further pra(ti(e
.;:'1'-'.-.. paqe\!21
e ke

I "" '"'


4 lhev fe a1ors 5 She i flt . an athlete. 6 You 'ra an athlete.

They af"gnl-t-.. . soccer players. She lp a doctor You e.f9..q1i- .... an artist.


ffirarxmar . Check answers.

Aims 3 Controlled practice of be

(affi rmative and negative)
Present and practice be (negative)
Review be qai'nar've;
. Look at the pictures.

Ta k about jobs and personal information

. Complete the sentences with the
affirmative and negative short forms
1 Grammar chart: be (negative) - of be.
long and short forms . Check answers.
. Look at the chart.
4 Personalization; practice of be
Note: (affirmative and negative)
. Use be + a / an + singular noun . Read the sentences.

rammar referen{e i8+s$tir'

. Fill in the sentences with the correct
lorm of be, affirmative or negative, to
make true sentences.
2 Practice of be (negative): . Check answers.
. Red the seterres d chcose the
NtrrTE:$ optlor. Students'own answers.
Building the topic I topic
a :::r'io the story. Then
:;:ut Laura's family.
Present and practice family members l! r rtrt in the btanks n the
words below. Then Iisten, \9y gr31df1uh9y
Review possessive adjectives and
D-? herbrolhes
possessive 3 brother ir
!1e_l9l:?f_eJ .
Warm-up .l_e1faNhg
Draw a slmple version of your famlly tree
on the board. Elicit / Present your family tr :'a names of people in your
:: :hree words from exercise 1.
members. Leave your family tree on the
board during the lesson so you can quickly
review vocabulary by saying the name of
a member of your famiiy, e.q. yau r mather,
and asking students the correct word in
Eng lish. -
Z No. she
isn't. she's my
I Presentation of vocabulary set: \ mother -
family @ 1.44
Look at the family tree.
f=ill in the family tree with the family
members in the box.
. Listen, check, and repeat.

2 Vocabulary practice; review

of possessive adjectives and be
(questions) @ 1.45
. Play the CD Read and listen to Laura!
. Answertl-e ouesiions L,sirg a
possessive adjective and a fami y
. Check answers.
Yes, he is :*
Hrs name's Dave
Extra activity (weaker classes) L hes an actor

Oral practice; telling a story OK, {

. Students practice readinq Laura's story
Laura. ls he your
in pairs.

Extra activity (stronger classes)

Further oral practice; telling a story lrom
Temoty 32 +*;-=*=*+
. Give students a few minutes to
memorize Laura's story. Books closed. n
pairs, they take turns to tell her story. . Students take turns to describe Further pra(tice
family trees to each other while ti- 'l - :a:'ii22
3 Personalization: review of second studeni draws iheir partnr
possessive 's and be (affirmative) family tree, e.g. My mothers nome
. Students choose three members of . Students compare their drawings.
their family and write a sentence about
each. Extra activity (stronger classes,
. Students read out their sentences to Further practice of family members;
the class. personalization; review of ages and jr
fnBIITrE| . Students do the same actvity but
Students'own answers.
in the ages and jobs of family mer
Extra activity (weaker classes) to tell their partner.
Further practice of family members;
I Extend your vocabulary
persona lization
. I aunt children cousin daughters s
ln pairs, students draw their farnly tree
u ncle
br oo r of show ir Lo lhe;r 0rrn-or ,.pselryi
4 Controlled practice of be $es I no
Favorite O""pf" @ questons)i review jobs
. Lookatthe photos. AskDoyou
Grammar Look at the pi(tures. Wrte short answers for recognize any of the peoPle?
the questions.
be Ues,/ no questlons) . Read the questions and write short
Asking and answering about people and things anSwers.

Look at the chart.

. Check answers.
mirr,,lr,fl hoitfori @ PAGE Bs
Am I a dncer? Yes. I am r No, l'm not . Fast finishers can do Puzzle 3B on
Are you a sirger? Yes, you are. i No, you aren't. page 85.
ls he
ls she
your father?

your motherl

he i5. / No, he isn't.
she is / N0, she sn't
His is Delia. His father is Jim. His
t11 lt ryil:!'!?- Y:1il!'-:/*"rlll'.il l brother is Tom. His sister is Carol.
li:,Y: rygn- -I9:'-Y-" "11 "!l't
Are you brothers? Yes, you are I No, yor
ll:l t I #ver to vou!
Are they 100"1 . .p.. they are. \o they aren't. !

E 5 Personalization; oral practice

, Complete the questions about Laura's family. I of be (yes I no questions) and
#- -{
] short answers; review of familY
,1- I . .oLLd-T)ToLe' I members
4\g# i
n . minf of four people in your family
ls -La-5b, hr' ! and wnte therr names on a piece of

-y- I. PaPer'
{'- "f
ls sh
I ln pa "s, show yo,r'r'dnes to yotr"
? h-, s ,er'
{t 1 Are you an actor? Ng, lLn ! ot-- f. Puttne' by asking Yes / no questions
2 ts he a skateboars7 N9* he- 9n t i
;-'l Ij'
,JJ a Are t-r o'or er.. 3 Are they soccer players? !99,!h9y 4|-9

] and answer with short answers.

o:l Lhe

i -'t
4 Are we afli5 s? No, we aren't I ' Swap roles.
,lHi 5 .' she a singer? Yeo,sheie
5b he her grndfarher? 6 A'e yoJ an ani\|1 Ye1,lafr Extra activity (weaker classes)

Extra pract ce be yes i no q!estlonst;
6 l5 1ne ner let' PXAA*A paee85'Puzzre38 ? quessir.rg,ame

- . l palrs, studeis choose famous

Sl uatch the questons in
answers below.
exercise 2 with the
l:- gvsi:gvqtr- , .
perscn from tnls paqe or the Read rrg
i Write the names of four people in your family. Qa9-'
a is.
Yes, he 5 Ask and answer in class. o ihsr,, do ot tell thelr partner r'ho lt is.
b No, she sn't. 3 Student A: ls Marco your brother?
iP r[ ,,rtl
[o,LJ.Oo .

c Yes, they are. 4 Student B: No, he isn'1.

StudentA: ls he your father? oeyes / no qJestiors to guess \,'ho it is
cl No, he isn't. ?
Student B: Yes, he is.
e Yes, she s. 6
Extra activity (stronger classes)
f No. L'm not. -i
Extr irractlae l:e (yr:s / nc ques: cns);
gre:sing game
d&*1,i4r&*it;ii, 33
'r l' JO : 'ote
classes (:ee above) v'rlth books
c osed.
Grarnman 2 Controlled practice of yes /
no questions; review of family I further practice
Aims member vocabulary pqew2l

I :.:r1;i':-r.r'
Present and practlce be (yes / no questions) Look at the plciures rrd red the
Review family members and jobs al uest o5.

Ask and answer about people and things . f ornp ete tlre questiors using ihe
correct for' of ire frorn the chrt i'r

1 Grammar chart: be (Stes I no exerclse L

questions) . Check asweTs. I

. Look at the chart. !
3 Controlled practice of be (Yes I t

Note: no questions) - short answers -

i. Wu swap the verb and subject recognition
! ptonoun in bequestions . Look t th- pl.tures d lh,. cctp eted

i. ln at'rmative shor. answers, we do q. o r -
nor use conlracied forms. . Matr-h the 5lrcit sfiers v,rltI the
I Grammar referen{e :pse,}1fl9:, comp eteC quest o5.
. f hecii r-Ls'ers.
Living English

Read a quiz about famous people
Readlng skil : predicting

MILEY CYRUS is alt American ;:NLoPE cuz is an aqtor
Look at the photos. AskDoyou know any singe songwriter, and actor' Her :r.r Spain. Her siste! Mnica is
of the peoplel Why are they famous?; What fether's ilame is BiilY RaY LYrus
a"rxous, too. Is she '.. ?
ls he ... ?
do they do? Check students u ndersta nd
a an atist : a dancer
songwriter, band, and tennis player. b a singer, songwritei ani a'l::
: adancerandactof
c a dancer
r a dancer, actoa and odel

= : --::-.;-,.:-!!E*sss"fff"fis*:::
Miley Cyrus (born November 23'd,1992)
is an American actor and singer. She is
famous lor her role as Hannah Montana.
Her father is Billy Ray Cyrus, an American
country singer.
Frankie Jonas (born September 2B'h,
2000) is an Amerlcan actor. He is in a TV
show called Jonas L.A. His three brothers
are singers ln a band called The Jonas
Penlope Cruz (born April 2B'h, 1974) is
a Spanish actor. Her most recent movie is
Pirates of the Caribbean'. On StrangerTdes.
Her sister, Mnica, is a so an actor. r-ook at the Reading sk,;:5 !r i .::: :ga n. Write the names.

Fbio and Rafael da Silva (born July 9'h,

1990) are Brazilian soccer players who are
. Yo! ca pre::: .::::,:- ' a : - a. a- :
twin brothers. They signed for Manchester read. r -: : .:-ii{thh5brotirer5
United in 2007.
Venus Williams (born June T 7'h, 1 980) is Now look at the names - :-: :- : ," -'.: _
, I o'
what you krow abo"r r-E ci:: i rd
an American tennis player, who is a former
World No. 1 champion, She ls the sister of
. .:-:-::'.amih."U5
tennis player, Serena Williams. \'l: - .--: - i -.

Angelina Jolie (born June 4'h, 1975) is . --'- lt aT

an American actor. Her partner rs Brad
@ oo ttre quiz. Check your :rs/'.- :: :-.
Pitt. She is also a United Nations Goodwi I
19 qE P' 16 l ql Sra^:-
bottom of the page.
Brad Pitt (born December I B'h, l963) is an 34 riri-
American actor. He is the voice of Krill #2 ln
the movie Happy Feet 2.

1 Reading skill: predicting;

2 Quiz (first reading) brtra activity (weaker students)
pre-reading task
. Read thequizand answerthe ir:a oractice of be
. questions. . Si;dents find out one more fact about
Read the Reading skills box.
. Check your answers with ihe key ai ie each person in the quiz on page 34
Reading skills: predicting bottom ofthe page. a:d exchange the information with a

Predicting vocabulary can help

. Compare lnformation in the quiz lvil'r paftner.

stud ents: your predictions in exercise '1 .

Extra activi (stronger classes)
. become more interested in the
3 Detailed comprehension task Extra practice of be (questions);
content of a text; (second reading) personalization
. become more active readers and . . ln pairs, students wriLe thei'own
Read the quiz again.
. Read the statements and write the famous people quiz using the quz on
page 34 as a model.
. Look at the names and the photos in correct nam.6.
the quiz. . Check answers.
. Groups swap questions and try to
answer the questlons.
. Without reading, write what you know
about the people, e.g. their job, their Further practice
I Workbook
family, their nationality. I pepia+

See Backoround informotion above.
2 Detailed comprehension
Favorite oeopte of the listening text (second
@ listening) @1.47
Listening Speaking . Look at the chart.
"it.' . Play the CD again.

ffi . Listen. Fill in the chart With the words in

the box.
. Check answers.


Talk about people and their jobs
Pronunciation: ntonation in questions

1 Firstlistening @1aB
a P ay the CD
a Lrsten and read.

2 Presentation of pronunciation
@T point @ 149
. Play the CD
. Listen to the examp es.

# <t; Look at the Pronunciaton box. Listen to Pronunciation: lntonation in

the examples.
tt {ll Look at the photo and lsten to ihe
r- *r
conversation, Answer the questions about
lnronation in qurllions
ln Eng lsh, lntotion goes up et the
Anna. .
end olyesr no quest ons and down at
i * lntonation goes up (r) at the end of yes / ,o
I AL" L. ob. qLPs On( the end of L,i'h quest ons
2l-o^od .he' . lr goes clown al thp prd o, lfh q-e..s5.
3 Where s she from? IJ . lsthatyourDrother?
r L:t!:tr9!rq':1{rylt!l:]lTl
di {rl Listen again. Fill in the chart about Anna's Listen agan and repeat. ol/
family with the words below.
ffi .{, Listen. Put r or 1.
do.tor Davrd He e ['1r . Pla), tle f D again.
yei wfter 1 How old is she?
socrer p
. Listen again and repeat.
2 Are theyyour prents?
Fl'iiril ob
3 sheadoclor? ,1.50
3 Pronunciation practce @
fathe r David doctor 4 Where are you from?
P a),the CD.
Maria ||rilr L L .
Practice the dilogue in exercse 1.
- le. oi, :,
moth er
Now change the words in . Write a new
wlt up or a do,,rrn arrotv.
sister Helena soccer player
dialogue. Then practice the dialogue in class. f heck s'''rer's.

&:nUrf* :s 4 Dialogue practice

. Prctrc.. tlre d a oque exerclse I wltlr
you r p rir'ler.
nna: No, l'm not. l'm thirteen. . Lrsten l-o stucl..nts'dia ogues. Check
i*terviewer: Rlghtl And where are you the,rr us ng correct lntoation.
Aim trom?
. Ask stroger strd-.nts to reaC their
Llsten tc a te,aaq-or t kLn.r :bout her lfe Avaaa: l'm from Canada.
dia ogu..s our i frot of the class.
;nd her fami y Irterview*r; Now, your family is here, too.
What's your father's name? 5 Dialogue personalization and
1 Global comprehension of the A*na: His name ls David. practice
listening text (first listening) @ l.+t- lnterviewe* What's his job?
. Cha!e the words rn blu.. and r,r,rlte a
. Look . ,. photo nd read the &*l*; He's a doctor.
nev,r dialogue ln palrs.
q uestlo l}tesiewer: And your rnother? ls she a
doctor, too?
. Pract .e the di oque 'i ith their
. P a),the CD. pa rters.
Anna; No, she isn't. Her name is Maria.
. Listen to Aa t: kinq ad nswer the
She's a writer. . L ste to studets'dla o,,tres. Check th..
q uestlo s.
use of lntonation loryes,,'no and
lnerviewer: WowlThat's cool. And what's
. Check asv,/ers. your sister's name? yih questions.
Amna: Her name is Helena. She's a soccer . Ask stroger studets to their
Audioscript player. dia ogues out ln front ofthe c ass.
l*i*i'r,i*,ir:]r: 'm ta k nq to An Sanchez,
!nterviewer: Well, your family is very
the,vorng tennis pr aver. Hl, Artr.t.
interesting !
II' Further Dradi(e
,,1+*a: Hl. I 'r1:;'l'l-r:\:
;i:l'1ri++i*: Are , lburtee, Ana?
trrtmg &qrrta:gp ff ru in +* c*rt with information about \
chri/s fdmly.
#B Read the e-mail. Who is Megan? Who 5

Write an e-marl about your famiiY Holly?

1 Global comprehension of model

writing text
. Read the e mail and answer the i!: T!'itili
. Check answers.
I i :


Megan ls Chrissy's mom. iire :- !'3:: ,'. a: a,a a - a -

i','r ia r:a,rar'l
Holly is Chrissy's sister. a n r:.i:i

2 Detaled analysis of model

writing text
. Read the e-mai again.
. F!ll in the chart with information about
Chrissy's family. t-
nf ir chart wth information about
. Check answers. tErf.lly.

3 Preparation for personalized fie a e-mail about your family. Use the
E nd the drart to help you"
. Thlnk about your own family.
. l-ill in the chart with information about
your family.
. Check that students are completing the
chart correctLy.
j j-: --t,',.. ihe questions.
ffi Completethesentenc=s i.:-
ate / aren't.
4 Personalized writing :

. Follow the mode e-marl. Use your own

information from the chart to change atci j - : : ': :' :: socceT p ayer Lronel lVess ]
the text. ,,],
. Write your e-mail. J Peraarrr:: .aa a - :
: : .: ::- i:.t!rri, ii:._:rl i:-ysiii
... o-Po(-::e
9eml* .."

Check understanding of be (affirmative
and negative) and be (yes / no quesiions)
Self-assessment of own progress

1 Self-assessment of be
(affi rmative and negative) Students check (/) Yes, I con. t rhey
. For items 1-4, students read the thlnk they understand the vocabulary
sentences and complete them with the or grammar well, or check (/) lneed
correct answers. more practce. if they think they need
. Students check (/) Yes, lcan. tf they more practce.
think they understand the vocabulary lf students have chosen I need more
or grar-nrnar well, or check (/) I need practice., encourage them to review
more practtce. if they thlnk they need these sections and to do more praciice
more practice.
Further practice
. lf students have chosen I need more Pairwork .:.@:
practice., encourage them to review Test :pg**li,=.*.:*= =1
these sections and to do more practlce.

2 Self-assessment of be (yes I no
. For items 1 4, students read the
questions and complete the answers.

tudcnts' owr answer.
Um*& LsrterlerY

Nature: Places: beach, forest, loke,
mou nta 1n, river, waterfall ; Animals: blrd,
a. tQtti) O". -O, l, .

Places in a town: bookstore,

bus stop, clathes store, cYbercaf,
iast food restaurnt, rnove theater,
rest roa m s, s port, Siore

3 + hitd
"ffi.:,:,] Grammar
there is I there are
rae:\)!tain, Prepositions of place.' ocross lrom,
'p iO Up' APo .. I Ot OI

buttert"l.y. Skills
Reading: - o Pl ilr ' I -oo lo ,olJ
lalls; a brochure about Ner,ar York City

Listening: I eo ool lorr 'lo or oL L

7 w""qlnfall
'..1o re-o.t'r
Speaking: Asking lor dlrections; o
Vocabulary 6 loreot or d
Writing: Writing a iescrtPtlon of a
Label the photos with the I ';o r."o5
words below. Then listen, check, and repeat.

Places: beach forest Lake mountarf Cross-curricular

r ver lvaterfa I
Animals: blrd butterf Y fox monkey
Take note! Sports
I Plural nouns
I a lake lakes a fox foxes
complete the sentenes with words from
i a beach beaches a butterfly butterflies l \llue5' rrd,,top-i{s
exercise 1.
1 N,4ount Everest is a lllonfain in Asla. Consumerism
Complete the sentences with the plural of
2 A capuchin is a kind of mqkey ftt'liit un citizenship
the words in parentheses.
3 The Nile is a riyq"f.. in Africa.
The molkeye are sma l. (monkey)
4 The Niagara Falls are walerfal.lg
the b\tf.1e_rt\leg are blue and yellow
5 A rouca. ,r <ind o'bird
z the wq:ef-?.!ls are big. (waterfall) @ writ" sent"nces about nature n your
4 rhe Ue49h?p- are in the U.S. (beach) country.
5 The foe ,.... are in the forest. (fox) fhe Amazonig a riverinbrazil.

3 Controlled practice of nature

lntroducing the topic ,
#*- 6!UtE
. Complete the sentences with the
Frgl sh.
nature words from exercise 1.
. We add'eo lor wotds IndL end ."1 -s,
. Check answers.
Aim -rh, -t(h, o -)
ss, .

Preset and practtce places and aninra s

4 Personalization
Warm-up 2 Vocabulary practice; revew of be . Write sentences about nature in their
(affirmative) cou ntry. I
Look at the photos. an stude.ts narne
o-, Ll .,r^or O,Oo. r'] . Complete the sentences with
. Ask stronger students to read out their i

the correct plural of the words in sentences to the rest of the class.
1 Presentation of vocabularY set: pa rentheses.

nature @ l.5l .1'Extend your vocabularY

. Check answers.
. Look at the photos I cd. cnic(en cow dog goat

. corre.t
V\irlte the ,,^,,ord frorn the box o Extra activity (weaker classes) i tff*rkbcek

ea.h photo. Extra practice of plural nouns; speliinq

. Pl-v th.^ CD. !lst..n, check, arrd r.'peat. . Books closed Call out the singular Further pract(e
I l+?*tkbo*k
nouns from this page and ask students ! paseWzr

to give you the plural form, checking I nuttlno+a

Exploring the toPic

a text about nature
Read rd uLnderstancl
Present there ts I there
itre (affi-nrattve arlo ::
:z"'-:'' I '
qlestions) liiflrar ;lfa !iL
R-.view ad practic" naturF \'ords
Wil: 2it ra::ii'i : ': :' :':" " -"

,ooi.,,f,. title of the texr Ask Llo !"ou
l|,t are? iiasatryont'r"isrti:ri
ir",."ru.ra "t
ltlttazu Faltsl
@ a systenr of-r1;1erfatls
The lguazu Falls ar"

nn th tqu.'u River in South Amertca'
-oa v'raterfalls in totai ancl
o 'o- i ooo


De .' o' , I ' ^

is ln Brzli This is a semt
u,, oun of whlch
t"vhich ls 700
.,,.,5"it"t""e 'iateriai1s
f onq ard 82 m'"ters hlqh'
1 Choosing a title incredib!el
reading) @ 15)
. ( heck studets unclerstand the
nretitrq of b/oq'
. Read ad llsten to
the bloq Readlng
'" listentothehlo+(Iet*
o O .'l
a' f) neaA and
a Famous rivers in the
' Chel[ the anster' world
b Animals around the
task f.'
2 Detailed comPrehension Circle T (True) or F (False)'
(second reading) and ilrc :': -:-:: "z . .
"1' .. , . ire Ll 5
j Read the blog again

. n.. the bio!l aqli:in and tlen i'ind the J it aolri f erli . :i : a :^ zu Rl!"I
2llel , i -:aa-a.:iefjl:lftlle
nal-ne5' T-
, ,o
( leck ans\rers'
' ' :
:r'li r !tro'olilrtrlc:
: : ::rl::l;troDcal forer
3 Detailed comPrehension task 4waieiial
5 tlo l rl . . ' -' ta l11i-'i1e! lf i1
(third reading)
Ret, oo -" '

. Ct,cle T (l rue) or F (Flse)

Ask sironqe r siuCents
' Cleck,oans\'\iers
t '

Extra activitY (all classes)

"i'O Oro '
- o .O oDtJ' r'
F " 'l
from the text
-. Choose a f ature word
il;; it on lhe board Give
manv other
I il*
,.n,nu"t to write as
that word' e q'
,uo, ut they can from
i'"ater fall eat' te' oil' etc)'
Extra activity (stronger
f L.l.o,
,o'r O-' rher 'Or
a few minutes to
-. Give students
-s informt on as they
;;;;;t much
...lf."tt the text Books closed
the text' eq
,iuO"ntt questions about
i""-or; '*'' erfalls are: there? (There
.l=-:ll il/hct ls the nante of
' , -, :1'titt taterfall? (The "Devil's
- '-; (1t's 700 meters
i: ili
3 Grammar chart: there / there is
Favorite places
ffi are (questions and short answers)

Grammar ffi Look at the chart. Note:

there is / therc are . ls there + a / an+ singular noun + I
Questions and short answers
Talking about wht exists in a place
. Arethere + p ural noun + ?

ll look at the chart. ls there a fiaterfl ] Are there ar\, b rcs? . We do not use short forms /
Yes, there s Y-"s, there are contractions in affirmative short
No, tlrere sn't. No, there aren't a nSwers.

There s molrtir. There are molit ns

Grarmar ref*ren{e,p4gq!!f5
[l Complete the questions and answers about
There's r,"'er There are thee r lers
the animal park in exercse 2.
1 A: Are there any penguins? 4 Controlled practice of there is /
Look at the pcture of the animal park. Fill in B: Ye\, rhe e (1) are there are (questions and short
the blanks with There is or There are.
2 A:Are there anytigers? answers)
B: Ye\, the e (2) re . Look at the picture in exercise 1 again.
3 A: ls there a panda?
B: Yes, (3) thare i5
. Complete the questions and answers
4 A:(4) Are thete any about the park with the correct form of
buttedl ies? there is / there are.
B: No, (5) !!qrq alen't o fheek df-(Wpr..
5 A:(6) !6 thgrq a whaLe?
R.Ya< t1\ i5 Extra activity (weaker classes)
6 A:(B) Ar,e ., , . .. IhPr-q.. .. . .. any
Extra practice of there s / there are
(questions and short answers)
B: No, (9) the! 4rq\lt .
. Give students a few mlnutes to
nernorize as much as they can about
FgggmW paeeEs'Puzzre44 S the animal park picture.
. Books closed. Ask students there is /
there are questions and see how much
Think of a favorite place. Write three sentences they can remember.
about the place. Use words from page 37.
]T,M PAGE 85
Now tell the class. can they guess the place?
. Fast finishers can do ?zzle 4A on
page 85.
two trqers.
1 f-her"e.are
2 thge io a panda.
1!9e.4r9 two do phins 'l There is one river.
4 here ig a whale. ? There are two lakes.
5 lherg 4r9 three pengu ns 3 There are three waterfalls.
lhere is
6 a bear. 4 There are four beaches.
5 There are five monkeys.
6 There are six birds.
7 There are seven butterflies.

.., 39

5 Personalizaton; written and

2 Controlled practce of there is I oral practice of there is / there
there are (affirmative) are (affirmative); review of be
(questions and short answers)
Aims . Look : the p .ture ofthe an mal park.
Present and practice there is / there are . Fi l tl'e senteces \illth l-here ts /lhere . Th k of a fa,,,orlte p a.e, e.q. !'our .lt)',
(affirmative, questions, and short answers) p.: r'k, beach.
Review plural nouns . . Wrlte three se bcut the
Remld strdents to ook at the ror
p a.e start q Ther ts / There,rre. Use
Talk about what exists in a place using ln tle seterces ad to use Ihere I,c fo
word-s fro'r pag-. 37.
there is / there are (affirmative) s ngu ar nouns d There cre ior p ura
. Bead te senteaes oLrd.
1 Grammar chart:there is lthere . Check answers.
. Tke trrs to guess the p:ct .rs n
are (affirmative) irii. ,
. Look at the chart. o_

Further practice
i Note: lt*r*:r++L pageW27
i ln Enqlish we use therers / therearelo ii+i:I*i
say that something exists. We use:
E. theres+ a/an + singularnoun
. there are + plural noun

the short lorm for there is - there's

: ,-*,--..^t--^*.^
Building the topic
Match the photos,{ith the rrc:Cs e :.'
Present and practlce stores and places in Then lsten, check, and repeat rbtu
a town frpdt"srarrt
Model prepositions ocross from, between, t: rGtEurg
next to, n front *di
Review rhere ls / there are (affirmative) :
d f e symbols. Complete the sentences
Warm-up q-
q aa&.& ;S&,
Ask students Do you go to the shopping
mall? When do you go7 Who do you go with?
Where do you go in the mall?
1 Presentation of vocabulary set:
town @ 1.53
places in
. Look at photos 1-B and the words in
th-^ box.
. Write the correct number next to the
words. i#
. Play the CD. oLil tr" --e'e s o (1)
. Listen, check, and repeat.
::ross from o bookstore.
2 Vocabulary practice; listening --e'e
practice @ 1.54
s o (?)

. Play the CD. Listen, and decide where :ei..I]een the movie [heoter ond o
people are.
. Write the place from exercise T.

. --e:e s o (4)
Check answers.
.exl [o the fost food restouront. L
3 Vocabulary practice; exposure
to prepositions of place; review of -:ele Ofe " :, (5)
there is I there are (affirmative)
cioss lrom the fost food
. Read .Jake's project about his ideal
shopping mall. resloufont.
. Look at the icons in each sentence ;hefe s o (6)
and complete the sentences with the
in Front oF the shoppng moll.
missing places.
. Check answers. I
Extra activity (weaker classes) 40
. Give students the first half of the places
in town and ask them to give you the
other half e.g.T: resrSS: rool'ls, etc.

Extra activity (stronger classes)

. Students write their own short text
about their ideal shopping mall usrng
Jake's text as a mode . Encourage them
.o ddo vo6aoLtry oI Lhei. own.
Extend your vocabulary

police statlon school E

Workbosli pqeW28


Extra activity (all classes)
Favorite places . ln parrs, students choose one ofthe
people from exercrse 3. They then take
Grammar IEI wh"r" are these people? Find them in the turns to ask and answer questions to
Preposltlons of place picture and answer the questions.

work out who they are, e.g. Are you next
Talking about position ta the clothes stare? elc.
1 Where is Kathy?

Look at the chart. . K1-ty.i?.4e9. io rh e c1 b e c al (

@ Extra activity (stronger classes)
2 Where are Liz and Ronaldo?
Questions and short answers

Where the sports store?


It's across from the bookstore. 3

movie aheawr
Where is Anita?
4r9!!f?gnt gtLhg
ss . Students imaqine they are somewhere
in Busy Street. They take turns to ask
and answer questions and guess where
Anij;.a is in f ront of t he last f ood
Where are the resttoom5? they are.
They're next to the bookstore. 4 Where is Chris?
%w ]1J71]1 PAGE 85
Where is the cybercaf? Chris is ne*to the alotheE store
t's between the sports store
and the movie theater
5 Where is Maria?
w Fast finishers can
page 85,
do Pzzle 43 on

.pl 4y1i4 !9- b

qtygen l! e ay ;l q,ry4f
& Where's the bookstore?
6 Where are Sasha and JavierT It's across from the bus stop.
Dl loot at the picture of Busy Street below.
Write complete sentences.
1 bookstore / cybercf
5asha and Javier are
hp ?polvs s99le
in front oi
The bookstore is rylt!.q the cybercaf.
4 Personalization; oral practice
2 bus stop / cybercaf
of prepositions of place; review
T1e oJ. \top , infrontol -he cyberra-e.
3 sports store / bookstore
of there is I there are (questions
Th e sp o rts sto re i9 4 e r,99".9.!':r,9.n lhp lot o r9 .
and short answers); review of
"b-,9-o. Draw your ideal shopping mall. Ask and answer
4 movie theater/ bookstore in class, position questions (Where is ...?)
he m9yi9 tll|l,pt ? t r! w,1b3 bg9k?rotc StudentA: ls there a cybercaf? . Drr,r a slmo e p an of r,,clr lde.:
5 sports store / fast food restaurant / clothes store
Student B: Yet there is.
StudentA: Where s it?
shcp!inr: n: .

The 5P2lpP.?" k.1"p..!;!.w 991 9 f1?t.t_9

.139ta !4nL a! rhg clof,_\g?. sto.l_p.,...
Student B: lt's next to the sports store. .l-
. ke trns rc ask and sr,..r!T
q u estro.5.
. Drr,ri loLrr prter'5 dea shopp;rr.r
. Compare

Further pradi(e
yo;" drawings.
'f.l*ii.=**ii page!!29



{reffi$Y}*r 2 Controlled practice of

prepositions of place
Aims . o .--L' c L.. D

Present and practice prepostions of piace . p i t ^t-

Review be (affirmative and questions) . f heck answers.
Review places in town
Talk about positon Extra activity (weaker classes)
Extra praci ce. preposltions of p ace
1 Grammar chart: Prepositions of . Choose a strdent and ask hir ,'her
place \Lro'oo ro - d. ]
. Look at the chart. \nnol

yhere':; 55: 5het'/teri o Phri.
Note: 3 Controlled practice of
. We use /! + preposittor-l of place for prepositions of place; review of
{i singuiar nouns places in town
i. We use They're + preposirion of place . i d t. o -
ii for plural nouns. Street.

I Grammar referefi(e pagW2s o the qiresrios us nq f,r

L*-* ___- _ , ___; .- sentences wlth prepcsrt cns oi p :-:.
Living English
ffi*eda*g (c
Madison Square Garden
@1.s5 is a sports arena. lt is
the home of the New
York Knicks basketball
Aim team. There is a women s
basketbal team, too - the
Read a description of New York City New York Liberty. There
are 20,000 seats in the
Ask Which cities have you visited? Drd you
like it / them? What did you do? Where dtd
you go? What's your favarite city?

Manhattan is an is and which is the

center of lr.lew York City. t is most
dense y populated area oI the U.S., rrith
a population of over m llion people
about 26,000 people per ki ometer
square. t aontalns malry farnous streets
and bui dinqs including Broadway, Filth
Central Park is in
Avenue,The Emp re State Buiding lsee Manhattan, too. lt isn i
a small park- 't's four
below), and St. Patrlck's Cathedra kilometers long. There :,
lakes, cafs, and theat
Macy's is a chain of American department in the park. There's als.
stores. lt \\ias started n 1851 in Central Park Zoo - tlre,:
are pcnguins, bears. a''
N/assachusetts and there are now over monkeys in the center a
1000 Macv's stores in tl^e U S \4a.y's store New Yorkl

O -..-1 , heoq. Oe
the world. Read again. Answer the questions.
The Empire State Building s a 102 story o r: A '
bui ding in Ner,v York City lt ws bui t l

I 93'1 and ils current v the ta est butlding . :1are,,,5 Te there r te bu dra-q-
ln the city. King Kong famously c lmbs the
':: :'r Squre Garclen?
Empire State Build ng at the end of the & r-ook at the photos and the brochure. ls it
about places in ... ?
" -eo".\ 6 " i, r' : a -mes o IWo bsi<,"tbal Ie-
Central Park ls a aroe public park tn
iVnhatta, New York Clty lt ls 3.41 ffi nead the brochure. Match the places with

kl ometers square. The park s comp etely the numbers.

: : :,r oi<e!,s I Lanltattan?
1 .->-
The Emp re State
man made. t took flfteen \ears to make
Buldns /) '.':a!
and it cost over 514 mi ion (about 5200 ) Cefita Patl---// r

ml lion today). 3 MacY's-/

The NewYork Knicks is a rnen's basketball 4 Madison Square Garden

team based in Nerr York Citv Their first

game \ /es in 19116. 42

The New York Liberty rs a women's

basketba team based in NewYork Clty.
Extra activity (all classes) Extra activity (stronger classes)
Their flrst qarne was in 1997.
Perscna zatlon; oral cract:e ci p .: L . oo
1 Pre-reading task: using pictures to\r, n
and headings to predict content . ln pairs or small groups, students . Choose one of the paragraphs of the
. Check students know the realnq of discuss which places they would like text and use it as a dictation.
brochure. to visit if they visited New York City.
. Look at the photos and the tert. lf students have already visited the
. Without reading, answer the question. city, they can te I the class about iheir l:11i*':,'fi1:
favorite places.
. Check the answer.
3 Detailed comprehension task
2 Comprehension task (first (second reading)
. Read the questions and then read the
. Look at the umbers n the exercise.
text again.
. Read the text quick y, looking for the
. Answer the questlons.
. Check answers.
. l,/ttch the attractlons in the text to the
num bers.
. CheCk anS\,/eTs.
Favorite places ff45*
I Listening
Asking lor d rectrons
Prounclation: o sounds

Listen and read.
Excuse me. Where's th,"
Firstlistening @157
P a.v the CD
Llsten acl recl.

2 Presentation of pronunciation
point @ 1.58
. P y the CD.
. Listen to the examp ...
Exruse me. Where's
It's over there.
the )
: Pronunciation: o sounds
: Thanks

, ln Eng sh, there are two ways of
. pronouncrng the o sound.
. r_, aS in rop
I t:
. - as i lore
*'. *" i
ri_ Plar f CD aqain.
I {, Look at the Pronunciation box. Lsten to
Lrsten aqa r and repeat.
= the examples.

Pronunciation 3 Pronunciation practice @ 1 59

igr {) Listen to the conversation. Circle the *nd: a P ay the CD
correct word. tnere are IWo 0 trerent o sounos.

1 Leo's hometown is called Tallville 16 I o ,f,i Llsten d write the n,orcls l the
stf p st, rp
correct colum.
2 lt's veryGl/ big.
3 Leo's favuite p u." i, u@l bookstore. Listen again and repet. f heck
4 His house is across from /6eaiit.
,( Listen. Put the words in the correct
Extra activity (all classes)
$ { t-irt"n aqain. What
there in Leo's town?
s column-
Check (/) or put an X (X) by the places. Write Further practice of o sounds
the number if there is more than one. delphin fox from short sports your . Students look back through the

movie thealer /
ffiffire Welcome unit and Units T-4 and find
other examples of words with the '*l
dolphin ahort
clothes(tore / Z *, and ,: sounds.
fox 5?orts
qports store

from youf alEBlrntnErrtfiR

__ X
- /o/: model, soccer, hot
-EI: last lood resrau,ant
-.vb.""f /_ 3 gl Practice the dialogue n exercise l. lcl: orange, four, bored
I / T-I ! Now change the words in blue. Write.a new 4 Dialogue practice
dialogue. The practice the dialogue in class.
. Practice the dialogue in exercise 1 with
your partner.
. Listen to students'dialogues. Check the
pronunciation of ,',:i and iil.
B"ee: No, it isn't. lt's very small! r Ask stronger students to read their
*!arta: there a movie theater?
ls dialogues out in front of the c ass.
Aim Lec: No, there isn't.
Listen to a teenaqer talk nq abolt thelr lVtarta: Are there any clothes stores? 5 Dialogue personalization and
hometoltr l*e: Yes, there are two, There's a sports practice
store, too. But there isn't a bookstore. . Change the words in b ue and write a
1 Detailed comprehension of the f*larta: Are there any restaurants? new diaiogue ln pairs.
listening text (first listening) @ 1.56 Lea: There are three fast food restaurants. . Practice the dialogue with their
. Read the senteces. Oh yeah, and there's a cybercaf.That's my partners.
. Ply the CD
favorite place in Smallville . Listen to students'dialogues. Check the
!tar*a: Really?
. Listen to Leo descrlbing h s lrometown pronunciation of i*l and r1.
[*el Yes, and my house is next to it!
and circle the correct word.
Eslarta: That's coo
. Ask stronger students to read their
. I

Check slvers. dialogues out in front of the c ass.

2 Detailed comprehension IT'Further Dractce
Audioscript of the listening text (second
l*+ri*; lli 'rn [.4arta.
listening) @1.56
I tolulti#fl
i*+: Nice to lneet rou. 'm L.^o.
. Play the CD again.
L*ri,r Where are,vou from, LeoT
L+*: 'm lrom Smallvi e. . Listen. Check (/) the things in Leo's
i:i+r*: Smal villeT ls that a cltv? town and write how many there are.
Writing Writing hb
! tfre sentences wth capital letters.
,ri ,#;:;.::'ii:i+r+ +i- : :: I rrilcl lll't
Aims = =i=re
$ root at the wrting sklls bol
Write a description of your favorite place . : : :t ter i i'! 5 !,!l! i
Writing skill: Capital letters
( fob
1 Writing skill: Capital letters Countr es rzi ) _ --::;: a special place and fill in the chart.
Cites( exi orkl
Read the Writing skllls box. Look at the N.rmcsofplces .:': :
examples. Buiid ngs ( mp re r::r : :

Writing skills: Capital letters fi! Now read the text and cirde tfe rilG
. g la DtF'

for ihe names of countrles, tor,rrns,

p aces, buiidlnqs, and monun-ets.

2 ldentification of capital letters in

a model writing text
. Read the text. Circle the capital letters.
. Check answers.

3 Controlled practice of using

capital letters
. Rewrite the sentences using capltal
etters where necessary.
@ *tt", d"r.ription of your place. Use the
. Check answers by getting students to 00 Ext and rhart to help you.
write the sentences on the board.

4 Preparation for personalized

writing Compietethes-::':.: - :re blanks with the correct words.
there are the'a : '-. -
. Think of a favorite place, e.g. city, hotel,
il rlf !i :, ' tire shopp rq ma
beach, park.
. Complete the chart with informatlon : the i51 lood rest!lrri
about your place. : -.:::-:tsl ihc
. Check that students are completing the : r ::: .:rC ie aotr!5 sturr
- :i:l!ft: f '
chart correctly. \'!r, , a:r.
- : tlre schoo .

5 Personalized writing
. Follow the model wrlting text. Use your . _ea
nlte ilrtI (e

own information from the chart to

change the text.
. Write your description. Remember to
use capital etters where appropriate.

$*es':.,- o I lud . -. .-

Aims Llre e

Check understanding of lhere is / there are,

there isn't / there aren't and prepositions of
2 Self-assessment of prepos : o -.
p ace of place
. . i.l
Self assessment of own progress
ele , e
1 Self-assessmeht of there is I are, correct preira: - ,

there isn't / oren't . .,Ce - ,/

. Students read the sentences and
complete them with the correct Orgren-lnlar\,',a .- ---- / -

a nswers. ,.a. .'

more pract cr.
fNBITIfitl I de' Lr..
Students'owr answers
a r.o.
. Students check (/) Yes, I can.if they
e e.L. or '. ,
think they understand the vocabulary
o'grammar well, or checl. l/ t I need
I Further practice
mare practtce. if they thlnk they need
Unit summary
1f*<ahraarg* Nature Places in a town
Unscramble the words. Then write
A (Animal) or P (Place).
S! Look t the pictures. Fil in the blanks with a
1 fex A Grammar
or an and the correct job.
Mffi 2ridb be (negative)
,6), 3irrev liY* | be $res / no questions)

ffi \
toy 4 nyoke* morleY
5 hebac
6 tsrofe
there is / there are
Prepositions of place
)\ l 7 awltfu"1 q7-terf3lf ?

I She's ,i .': j 2 5he's

8 urbflt,"v h!rLI-u-,S.y.. A

Places in a town Spelling
@ l"u"t ttr" pictures wth the names of the
places in a town.
Write a webpage profile of a

4 C 5 ,f- country

/ t,4 )
7 cyozrcaia

5 Hel el4f-i9.-b 6 !r-"5

f,Fl*) ffi* -8,5'
tamlly 3 s?9rn?_5-to:ry .... ... .....

B Look at victor's family tree. Fill in the blanks

with the words below

b'orier'at'e' gtrdfs+r g'drdTolrer

mo.her ,5le'

5 bys sto? 6 f ast f ood restau1aryt

(1) gran4ia:llq Bruno + Anqela (2) gl?ldfi9.ther

I 1Hdr-ikd

cabriel + Nl rian (4) l4othel

15 bothe| Alberro Victor Pau a (6) 9i lel g booketope

qre! 45

Vocahuary 3 Review of vocabulary set: nature

. Unscramble words l-B and then write
Aim A (Animal) or P (Place).
Review and practice jobs, family, nature, . Check answers.
places in a town
4 Review of vocabulary set: places
1 Review of vocabulary set: jobs in a town
. Look at pictures 1 6. . Look at pictures 1 -8. Label the pictures
. Fill in the blanks wtrh a / an and the with the names of places in a town.
correct job. . Check answers.
. Checkthe answers.
II Further oractice
_. . .*_..'
2 Review of vocabulary set: family I F,4#tlti{Ul!!

. Look at the lamily tree and the words in

the box.
. Fi in the b anks with the words from
the box.
. Check answers.
Grammar Review
Review and practice be (negative), be
(yes / no questions), there is / there are,
* -::, :: :-: : :1!re. Fill in the blanks wth
'-. ..'-a-.- :-:tts tion.
prepositions of place Fll n the blanks with the c:'-i:: ':::' :
form of be.
1 Review be (negative) il l'"'1r, .:".: I :ll ::
Red the text
't-'Srt: . a
Flll ln the b nks r,,lth the correct
neqative fornr of be.
Cleck ansrrvers.
.: ilr:r, ': :
2 Review be (yes / no questions)
R,.ad questlons I 5.
,*- Complete the qu:5: :-s
Comp ete the questlos wlth th.'
correct form of bd.
f heck nsrn;ers. t'c lllo, i

3 Review there is / there are

a Look at the picture. :
a Comp ete th.' Lluestlons and ansvr,.'rs Lookaltheo::- : -:-: .-- --i :-.
wrth the .orrect form of there is / ar. and answers.
in tronL ot
Check ansn,

4 Review prepositions of place

Look t the pictur.. and ll ir the blnks
witl the .oilect preposition of p ace. ' : :-: .,:rds in your notebook.

Check anstvers.
a : ':l!

r; :-:::'.^rords from unit

- - :::kes
3. Correct the f;
tudy skis

Encouraging good spelling wi help
students to remember difficult words,
and the diflerences between English lslheg :b
a bag? Y5! -::. :: ::-..s 37 and 40. Choosefive difficult
and their own language. lsthere n MP3 daFr? lb : :: - rr :em to your list and practice
herei't, : :: - :-:m Ask a friend to
1 Awareness of common spelling lstherc alamp?Ya,tfti
mistakes Arethereany ffi?
. Read through the box and do the Ye,,lscalc
exerclses. 5 Arei'herearfy marysl
. No , tlweaait
Students correct the spel ing
. a6 Q,i
Check answers by getting students
to write the words on the board.
NT{ETIitr Project 2 = *: 3 Preparation for writing (second
2 writer task)
3 model Aims . iind a photo ofyour country and
4 athlete Read a webpage ,tnd out information about it. lnclude:
5 grandmother Find out about another country locaiion, capital, nature, famous people,
2 Spelling practice Write a webpage about a country
Students choose five difficult words 4 Writing
from pages 37 and 40.
1 Reading
. Make a "model" notebook entry on
. Look at the photo and read the
a Follow the model text.

webpage. a Write a webpage about the country,

the board for a difficult words page.
. Students make a page in their
. Match the words with the information.
Project extension
notebook for difficult words.
. Check answers. . lf you have the facilities, ask students to
. They write them tn their lists and flltlllTr!| create their own webpage online and
practice spel ing them. 2 Capital city 3 Nature (places) post the pages as part ofyour class or
. ln pairs, students check each other's 4 Nature (animals) 5 Famous PeoPle school website.
words and their spelling orally.
2 Preparation for writing (first task)
. Choose a country (trom a map or an

l[:',:x;[,"u'* atlas or from personal experlence).

S-ar putea să vă placă și