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INTRODUCTION: One of Jesus' most well-known miracles is the episode of the woman who had a stream of
blood. In the days of His Land Ministry, always accompanied by a great multitude, there was what we call the
touch of faith of an anonymous woman, excluded from the religious community for being sick, poor for having
spent all her goods seeking healing for her illness and excluded from Community because of the disease. In a
moment of deep despair, unable to reach the Lord, she resolved to make her last gesture of hope: to touch
Jesus anonymously and silently. The story of this woman brings to our hearts precious lessons that we can
apply to our lives.


1. PROLONGED SUFFERING - v. That woman sought healing for twelve years. It was a time of searching,
frustrated hope and constant weakening. Today thousands have been suffering for a long time despite having
sought solutions in every way.

2. SUFFERING THAT GENERATES HOPELESSNESS - v. 26. She sought healing and spent everything she had with
several doctors. But despite all his efforts, he lost not only his money but also his health. It got worse and
worse. His illness was chronic and severe. The doctors could not help her.

3. SUFFERING THAT DESTROYED YOUR DREAMS - v. That woman was losing blood every day. She had deep
anemia and constant weakness; Would die little by little. It was in the midst of so much despair and
unhappiness that she heard of Jesus.

4. SUFFERING THAT PRODUCED TERRIBLE SEGREGATION - v. 25. This sick woman faced segregation in the
family area (she could not touch anyone); In the social area (could not relate to anyone); In the religious area
(could not worship in the Temple). Because of illness, she had no life.


1. Our troubles not only afflict us, they also drag us to Jesus' feet. 27. The sick woman, after seeking several
doctors, without finding a solution, sought Jesus. She had heard of Jesus and the wonders he had wrought (v.
27). Faith cometh by hearing (Rom. 10:17). What she heard produced such a spirit of faith that she said to
herself: "If I touch only his cloak, I will be healed" (v. 28). Not only did she say that she would be healed if she
touched Jesus' garment, but she touched and was healed. Many are brought to Christ because of suffering,
sickness, a broken marriage, a pain that afflicts them. This woman broke all barriers and went to touch the
robes of Jesus.

2. When our problems seem unsolvable, we can still hope - v. 27, 28. The woman heard about Jesus, about his
ministry of deliverance and healing (5.27). When everything seems to be lost, there is still a way out, with
Christ. Jesus was attending to an urgent need: going to the house of Jairus, an important man, to heal his
daughter who was dying (v.23,24). But He stopped to take care of this woman. She could have no value or
priority for the crowd, but for Jesus she had all the value of the world. She was a woman of faith (Heb. 11: 6)

3. When we touch the robes of Jesus with faith, we can be sure of the cure - v. 28, 29. In the midst of the
multitude that pressed Jesus, the woman touched his garments and he asked, "Who touched me in the
garments?" (5:30). What was so special about this woman's touch? Why did the Lord identify that it was not
an occasional touch caused by the crowd? The Lord identified as a touch of faith because:

A) It was an intentional touch. She did not accidentally touch Jesus; She intended to touch him.
B) It was a deliberate touch. She wants to be cured of her evil that had plagued her for twelve years.

C) It was a confident touch. It was moved by faith.

D) It was an effective touch. When she touched Jesus, she was immediately free from her evil. His healing is
complete and complete. She received the three-dimensional healing of her life:

Physical healing. The blood flow was stagnant.

Emotional healing. Jesus did not despise her, but he called her a daughter (5:34) and said to him, "Be of good
cheer" (Mt 9:22).

Spiritual healing. Jesus said to him, "Your faith has saved you" (5:34).

Some come to pray, but they do not touch Jesus by faith. Others sit around the Lord's table, but they have
no fellowship with Christ. They eat bread and drink wine, but they do not feed on Christ. They sing, they pray,
they kneel, they listen, but that's all; They do not touch the Lord nor go home in peace. Perhaps this is the
greatest number in the church: it is like the crowd that compresses Jesus, but does not touch him by faith.
They come to church, but they do not meet Jesus. My advice to the members and leaders of our Church is that
you should not give up touching today on the garments of Jesus. Do not just be content to pray mechanically,
touch Jesus by faith. Do not be content to just listen to this study, touch today the clothes of Jesus.

The woman who had a flow of blood was not only in the crowd that pressed Jesus, she touched Jesus by faith
and was healed! His touch happened differently from the crowd:

A) She touched Jesus under great difficulty. There was a large crowd embarrassing his way. She was in the
crowd despite being sick, weak, impure and rejected.

B) She secretly touched Jesus. Go to Jesus, even if the crowd does not realize it, for it can free you from your

C) She touched Jesus under a sense of unworthiness. Being ceremonially impure, she was covered with shame
and fear. According to Jewish teaching, this woman's touch should have made Jesus unclean, but it was Jesus
who purified her.

D) She touched Jesus humbly. She touched him from behind, silently. She fell prostrate at his feet. When we
humble ourselves, God exalts us. She was delivered from her evil.

2. Those who touch Jesus by faith are fully healed - 34. Two facts can be highlighted about the healing of this

A) The cure was immediate. The cure she sought in vain was accomplished instantly and instantly. Many people
for several years run from place to place, walk from church to church, seeking peace with God, but are even
more desperate. But in Christ there is immediate healing for all our physical, emotional, and spiritual
infirmities. That's how Jesus healed that woman.

B) The cure was complete. Although her case was chronic, she was completely healed. There is complete
healing for the greatest sinner, for that person rejected or sunk in the swamp of sin. Even if a person is
possessed of demons, there is a cure for it. Although the mind is full of doubts, they can be dispelled when one
touches Jesus.

3. Those who touch Jesus are known by him - v. 32, 3. Jesus asked, "Who touched my garment?" (5:30). You
may be a stranger to the crowd, but not to Jesus. Your name may just be "someone" and Jesus will know who
you are. If you touch it there will be two people who will know you and Jesus. Luke records: "Someone touched
me because I felt that power came out of me" (Luke 8:46). The Bible says that God knows those who are His
(2 Tim. 2:19). If you touch Jesus, the power of healing will touch you and you will be known in heaven.

4. Those who touch Jesus should make this known to others - v. 33.You must tell others everything that Christ
did for you. Jesus wants you to make known to others what he did in you and for you. Do not be anonymous
anymore in the crowd. Do not shut up. Do not cower after it has been cured. Maybe you've known the Lord
for years and have not made it known to others yet. Break the silence and witness! Go and tell the world what
Jesus did for you.

CONCLUSION: Jesus said to the woman: "Go in peace, and be freed from your evil" (v.34). The blessing with
which Jesus dismissed the woman is a promise to all who live in fear, anguish, and an existential hemorrhage.
Everyone who touches Jesus can return home free, healed, forgiven, saved. Let us minister to those in need,
to the sick of body and soul: Go in peace and be freed from your evil!

Rev Dionildo Dantas, Th D

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