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Qualities of A Great Partner…

1. A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD – A must for a marriage partner. Look

for someone who is spiritually sensitive and willing to follow God’s word. A spirit-filled
life is one filled with love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and
temperance. A Christian foundation is partnering with God in your relationship 24 hours
a day.

2. A HAPPY DISPOSITION - look for a happy optimistic person. Find someone who has
a sense of humor and can laugh at himself/herself… for true happiness springs from a
content heart. Beware of the person who is only happy when you are around. You’re
going to get tired of being responsible for another person’s happiness.

3. THOUGHTFULNESS - How does your partner treat his/her parents and yours?
Chances are you’ll get treated very much the same way. Does he/she see things that need
to be done and offer help? Does he/she surprise you once in awhile?

4. NOT EASILY ANGERED - Temper outburst… can be the symptoms of internal

hostility. This hostility is often repressed during courtship as a person is trying hard to be
on his best behavior…Take seriously any outburst you observe, and check with others
who have known this person in different situations to see if they have noticed this trait.
Be leery of the person who has not learned to express his anger in words and instead
merely harbors angry feelings in his heart. Be sure you date a person long enough to
observe how easily he or she becomes angry and how these feelings are expressed.

5. WILLING TO SOLVE PROBLEMS - It’s almost impossible to solve relationship

problems by yourself. Marry someone who will be honest enough to admit being wrong,
who doesn’t have a habit of blaming others.

6. PURITY - Purity is not just an old-fashioned virtue…it’s just safer to date someone
who hasn’t played around… At the same time, he/she should not hold it against a person
for past sexual involvements. You cannot always judge a person’s true purity by virginity
alone… mind purity is equally important. Is your partner pure in his thoughts and speech,
as well as behavior? What jokes does he/she tell? What movies does he/she enjoy
watching? Mind pollution can lead to disrespect of the opposite sex.

7. TRUTHFUL - Too often couple play games when they are being acquainted… playing
games in a relationship is a form of dishonesty… marriage isn’t a game. It’s a serious
lifetime commitment. Search your own feelings and share honestly during your courtship.
Be You.

8. GOOD HEALTH HABITS - No one wants to marry a slob - a few do… bad health
habits are difficult to break. That is why it’s best to look for a person who has already
established positive health practices.

9. ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY - Here are some questions that may detect

irresponsibility…Does he/she see things that need to be done and do them? Does he/she
volunteer to help? Does he/she make lame excuses to get out of responsibilities? Does
he/she take her talents seriously and work to improve her skills? Think about it Just how
responsible is the person you are dating?

10. GOOD SENSE OF SELF-WORTH - Often in a dating relationship, individuals with

a poor self-esteem glean a sense of value from the person they are with. They become
dependent on them to make them feel good.

11. LIKES CHILDREN - Before marriage you may discuss children, but unless you’re
around a lot of children and can observe your date interacting with them in a wide variety
of situations, you really don’t have any idea about how he or she may discipline your
children in the future. Seldom do both parents totally agree on how a child should be
raised. Finding someone who at least likes children is an advantage.

12. ACCEPTS JUST THE WAY YOU ARE - True love is unconditional love…The
important question to ask is, "Do I love her faults?" Only when you can truly love the
total person, including all the points and bad habits can you accept your mate for who he
is not secretly wish you could change them.

13. WILLING TO GROW - Good marriage partners grow together. They encourage each
other to maximize their knowledge, skills and potential… make sure the person you date
seriously is the kind of person who is open to learning and will make changes need to be
made. This is in connection with number 12.

14. AFFECTIONATE - The ability to express love through words and actions is vital for
an intimate love relationship…look for tender words, acts and touches that are given
naturally and "appropriately" throughout the day, and not just in private. It is good to
express your love not in words alone but as well as in actions.

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