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Frequency Lists with Definitions,

Pronunaation Guide, and Index

Larry AMitchel

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Larry AMitcfiel

A Academie
Books SPIC)S
Zondervan Publishing House
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Requests for information should be addressed to:

Zondervan Publishing House
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Mitchel, Larry A.
A students vocabulary for biblical Hebrew and Aramaic.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.

1 . Hebrew language Word frequency. 2. Hebrew language

Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. 3. Aramaic language
Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. 4. Bible. O.T.
Language, style. I. Title.
PJ4845.M5 1984 221 .44 84-5219
ISBN 0-310-45461-1

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored

in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means

electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for
brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the

Printed in the United States of America

98 97 96 95 94 RRD (H) 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

To Leona Glidden Running for whom

Semitic languages are a consuming and

contagious interest.

koa I














. ,~v -
Purpose of this Student's Vocabulary
In light of the availability of a number of Hebrew vocabulary lists, it is
proper to ask why another such list should be put in print. The volumes that
first come to mind each make a real contribution. George M. Landess A
Students Vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew has an obvious advantage in its
grouping of Hebrew words by root, a helpful aid in learning vocabulary. The
Hebrew Vocabularies of J. Barton Payne present the Hebrew particles in a
particularly helpful way. And the small volume by John D. W. Watts (Lists
of Words Occurring Frequently in the Hebrew Bible.), which like Paynes is
based on William Rainey Harpers Hebrew Vocabularies (published in 1890),
presents Hebrew vocabulary down to 25 occurrences in a very compact form.
However, in my experience in teaching biblical Hebrew on the undergrade
ate level, I have felt that each of the above excellent works have presented two
fundamental problems for entry-level Hebrew students: (1) each volume incor-
porates a number of separate lists, requiring reference to various parts of the
book in order to find all Hebrew words of a given frequency; and (2) the lists
themselves are apparently set by somewhat arbitrary word-frequency limits,
resulting in lists of greatly variable length. The present work seeks to remedy
both of those basic problems.
The lexicon of Old Testament Hebrew contains some 10,000 words in all.
Of these, approximately 740 occur fifty times or more. A full 490 occur as
hapax legomena by Harold R. Cohens definition (see volume in Bibliography;
pages xv and 6-7). Many more words in the MT occur only once, though other
occurrences of that same Hebrew root may also appear.
The Aramaic lexicon consists of approximately 650 words. Since the
amount of Aramaic text in the OT is so much less than that of Hebrew text,
the number of occurrences of Aramaic words is lower.
For the Hebrew vocabulary sections (Sections 1-5) an attempt has been
made to include every word that occurs ten times or more. The one exception
to this inclusive statement has to do with proper nouns: only those personal
and place names that are used fifty times or more are included. The primary
reason for including proper nouns at all is that while some Hebrew place names
and personal names are reasonably transparent to students familiar with the
OT in English translation, many are rather opaque. This is the case because
the English transliteration that the student knows often reflects Greek forms
more than the original Hebrew name. For examples of the latter, see Isaac
(Section 3.F), or Solomon (2.C).
x Preface

A section containing Hebrew words occurring less than ten times was
prepared for this project. Simply for considerations of length it has not been
included in this volume. (It was twice as long as Sections 1-4, both in number
of entries and estimated page length!) Most Hebrew students would probably
find little use for this section of Hebrew vocabulary.
In the case of the Aramaic vocabulary (Section 6), the effort has been made
to include every Aramaic word, except for proper nouns. (No personal or place
names have been included, except for a few that occur more than fifty times
in Aramaic and Hebrew and thus are listed in Sections 1-4 with a note
regarding the number of occurrences in Aramaic.)
A glance at the Table of Contents and the first few vocabulary lists should
be enough to clarify the arrangement of this volume. Instead of juggling two
or three (or more) different frequency lists, all words of a given frequency
range have been gathered into one list. By learning one list (or series of lists)

not two or three a student can master all Hebrew (or Aramaic) words in that
frequency range. Vocabulary learning effort can thus be better focused.
Furthermore, instead of setting arbitrary frequency ranges, this Students
Vocabulary has had as its priority the production of consistently short, man-
ageable lists. In general, this means lists not in excess of thirty words. This
ideal holds true until sheer numbers of words of identical frequency make
smaller lists impossible, short of artificially breaking up longer lists alphabeti-
cally. (You cant have words that occur between 1 .5 and 1.2 times in the MT!)
By these two devices then, combining all MT vocabulary into one sequence
of lists containing less and less frequently-occurring words, and adjusting
frequency ranges to keep lists reasonably short, this Students Vocabulary has
sought to meet the pedagogical shortcomings of other available Hebrew
Resources for the Preparation of A Students Vocabulary
A number of reference works have been used in the determination of word
frequencies. Trial lists were prepared based on frequencies given by Landes
and Payne. However, all the words included in this vocabulary have been

independently checked except where the number of occurrences obviously
exceed 5000 by an actual count. The primary reference works have been
the concordances by Lisowsky and Mandelkem. Additionally, occasional
reference has been made to Wigrams Englishmans Hebrew and Chaldee
Concordance. Consult the Bibliography for publication details.
Without the help and encouragement of a large number of people this
volume would not have been produced. In particular 1 think of two of my
students at Pacific Union College, Larry Errett and Cathemae Cecchin. Larry
Errett, an able linguist, did some of the earliest work on word counts, espe-
dally in the highest frequencies. And Cathe Cecchin, who worked as my
Preface xi
secretary for three years during her undergraduate study, has nearly single-
handedly accomplished the staggering task of entering encoded text destined
to be translated by computer into printed and pointed Hebrew script and (at
the cost of even more effort) phonetic spellings.
W. Larry Richards, Religion Department chairman during the more critical
stages of research for this volume, provided much-needed encouragement, but
also the sorts of scheduling concessions without which this entire project might
well have foundered. Small academic institutions seldom have adequate re-
search-support resources. However, the administration of Pacific Union Col-
lege has been most helpful and cooperative, supplying both the funds for
student assistants and the resources and expertise of the College computer
For computer aid and expertise, Harold E. Hunt and Bernard Maron of
Autographies, Inc. , in Monterey Park, California, richly deserve praise. It was
their work that helped turn a concept into reality, and this even though all too
often my idea of how to reach reality represented rather different ways of doing
things. And here at Pacific Union College, our work of data entry was made
immeasurably easier, and therefore more accurate and less time-consuming,
by the efforts of Dr. Gilbert Muth, chairman of the Biology Department, a man
who writes elegant computer programs that work (no mean feat!).
And finally, to my wife Carola, and to Carmie and Jason, I owe a large debt
for constant support and understanding. Work on this project has consumed
time that would have otherwise been theirs.
While every reasonable effort has been made to reduce errors to an absolute
minimum, it is virtually certain a few such will remain. I would welcome any
notices for corrections or improvements. Send these either directly to me or
to the publisher.
Learning Hebrew vocabulary requires a lot of time and effort. I hope this
volume will help both instructors and students of biblical Hebrew and Aramaic
to make the most efficient use possible of their vocabulary study time.
Larry A. Mitchel
Pacific Union College
Angwin, California 94508
December 1983

General Orientation
The purpose of vocabulary study is to leam the correct spelling, pronuncia-
tion, and meaning of a set of new (foreign or native) words. Since correct
pronunciation of Hebrew words is an integral part of effective vocabulary
learning, the student should from the beginning take seriously the matter of
consonant and vowel values in Hebrew. For convenience a Table of Values
has been provided for reference. However, these values will simply have to
be committed to memory before efficient study of Hebrew vocabulary can
Beyond the phonetic value of the Hebrew consonants and vowels them-
selves, Hebrew pronunciation is also determined by several other interrelated
(1) Syllable division. Hebrew syllables may be either open (consisting
of a consonant followed by a vowel) or closed (a consonant, a vowel, and

a consonant in that order). For the rules governing the use of long or short
vowels (and non-vowels) in a Hebrew word, the student should consult his/
her grammar. (The half-open syllables are discussed below under Phonet-
ic Spelling.)
(2) Use of sowa. Pronunciation of Hebrew words also depends upon a
determination as to whether the non-vowel sawa is vocal (stands under
the opening consonant of a syllable) or silent (under the closing consonant
of a syllable).
(3) Accent. The placement of the stress in a Hebrew word can materially
affect its pronunciation. This is especially obvious when the form of a word
changes, for example in the formation of a plural or the addition of suffixes.
In this vocabulary, accent marks are only used for multi-syllable Hebrew
words that are stressed on other than the final syllable. The mark' is used.
(4) Furtive patah. Some Hebrew words that end in guttural-letters (especially
and )must be treated uniquely in pronunciation. Though the final consonant
has a patah under it, the vowel is pronounced before the consonant. Note that
furtive patah is written in phonetic spelling as a raised a (*) The common
practice, observed herein, is not to show a syllable division in phonetic spelling
for furtive patah. Contrary to the practice of some grammars and lexicons, in
this vocabulary the Hebrew forms show the accent mark. (Example: ,
Because of these and other variables, it was decided to include in this
How to Use This Students Vocabulary xiv

vocabulary a phonetic rendition (transliteration) of each form presented. In

cases where more than one Semitic form is involved, transliterations are given
in the same order as the Hebrew (or Aramaic) words. Syllable divisions and
stress accents are also indicated.
Beyond proper spelling and pronunciation, the student needs to learn the
meaning of the Hebrew words he/she is studying. The definitions that have
been provided in this volume are basically correct, and have been chosen in
consultation with standard Hebrew lexicons (particularly William L. Holla-
days A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament.). These
meanings are in no sense full and exhaustive. For the meanings of nouns in
various contexts, or of verbs in different contexts or in derived conjugation
stems, the student must consult a trustworthy dictionary or lexicon. See the
Bibliography for a number of helpful and reliable lexicons and dictionaries.
Individual language teachers may wish for whatever reason to supplement or
emphasize (and even in some cases supplant) given definitions. But in general
the meanings given for the Hebrew words in this vocabulary have been chosen
with the beginning student in mind, and do provide base meanings that will
serve those needs.
This Students Vocabulary can be used to great advantage along with A
Readers Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Armstrong, Busby,
and Carr. By simply learning the Hebrew vocabulary down to fifty occur-
rences, about 739 words in all, a student should be able to read plain Hebrew
text by following along in the appropriate section of the Readers Lexicon, and
referring there for all forms which occur less than fifty times (assuming a
minimum knowledge of grammar and syntax).
Sample Entry and Explanation
Perhaps the best way to explain how the individual vocabulary entries in this
volume are presented is to give examples and provide some detailed explana-
tions. The following entries are in no way complete and exhaustive, but what
they do not contain can be easily described.
* (Pi)2 seek3 [ba/qaS*]4 225
(II)6 ( prep)2 with, beside [et] 50005
1 Hebrew/Aramaic Words. An
attempt has been made to use forms and
spellings that are favored today. In making such choices, personal judgments
are inevitable. Not all decisions may seem to every trained reader to be the
best ones. Hopefully no decision will mislead the beginning student. One such
judgment relates to Hebrew and Aramaic words spelled with a long o. In
very many cases the word appears in the MT spelled with both defective
hblem ( , 6) and with full holem 0, 6). This vocabulary has not achieved
consistency on the matter: if you can not find a word under one spelling, try
the alternate spelling before giving up! (The same goes for full and defective

spellings with and without y3d.)
xv How to Use This Students Vocabulary

a. Verbs: unpronounceable words are more difficult to to learn at least if
the ear helps at all in vocabulary study. For this reason all verb roots have been
provided with vowels. In the case of verbs that only occur in non-Qal stems
(and are thus left unpointed in most lexicons), this Student's Vocabulary gives
to the root those vowels that pertain to the (missing) Qal form. Since this form
is hypothetical, an asterisk (*) is placed after the entry. This practice has also
been observed for the so-called hollow verbs (verbs with a yod or waw in the
second position), even though the verb may in fact appear in just that form.
(This has been done because there is often uncertainty, and some disagree-
ment, regarding the appropriate vowel.) Furthermore, in many cases the verb,
though used in the Qal, may not occur in the third masculine singular even
though the asterisk is missing.
b. Nouns, adjectives, prepositions: an asterisk after these forms signals that
while this is the dictionary form of the word, for one reason or another the
word never appears just this way in the MT. (As a rule, simple changes in
form, such as the addition of a suffixed pronoun or the construct state have
not been listed in this vocabulary with an asterisk.) An explanation of the
reason for the asterisk is provided in the definition section.
c. General comments: the names of ancient Near Eastern countries and their
respective gentilic (people-naming) nouns have been combined in single en-
tries, and listed according to total number of occurrences.
Numerals have also been gathered into single entries, corresponding words
for multiples of ten (twenty, thirty, etc.) being given under the Hebrew
word for that number. Numbers from three to ten are identified by the gender
of the form. (In that range Hebrew uses feminine numerals for masculine

nouns, and vice versa a device called chiastic concord in some gram-
Occasionally, particularly for words of low frequency, there is considerable
uncertainty even regarding a hypothetical vowel-point assignment. In such
cases the Semitic word is followed by a question mark in parentheses (?).
Defective holem can be located in a variety of places over a Hebrew word.
The practice of placing this vowel point toward the left margin of wider
Hebrew consonants has been followed herein, as well as the practice of not
double-dotting sin when it is preceeded by defective holem. Defective holem
preceeding alep is commonly written over the right margin of the latter, and
has been written that way in this volume.
2 Grammar/Morphology: information of importance or convenience about

a words part of speech, conjugation stem, or person/gender/number is given

in abbreviated form preceding the definitions. The meaning of these abbrevia-
tions may be found in the list of Abbreviations and Symbols.
In the case of verbs that do not appear in the MT in the Qal stem, the Hebrew
form appears in this vocabulary with an asterisk (as mentioned above). The
note in parentheses at the beginning of the definition section then indicates the
How to Use This Students Vocabulary xvi

most commonly-used (or the simplest) derived-conjugation stem in which that

verb does occur.
In the case of nouns, adjectives, prepositions, and such, the note in paren-
theses identifies the part of speech and/or the reason why the asterisk has been
3 Word Meaning: levels of difference in the meanings for a given
word have
been indicated by separating punctuation marks: a comma divides words which
are more or less synonymous, whereas a semicolon sets off extended meanings
or rather different definitions. Roman numerals in parentheses refer to one of
two or more roots with an identical spelling in Hebrew/ Aramaic. These desig-
nations follow Holladays lexicon. Definitions are of the Semitic word as given
(not, for example, in plural, even if the asterisk means that this word only
occurs in the plural form).
Cross references in the vocabulary are identified by Section number and
Subsection letter (Example: Cf l.D).
4 Phonetic Spelling: as an aid to
self-study, each entry includes a phonetic
spelling. Beginning students should find this feature to be helpful as they begin
to learn Semitic vocabulary, since it will aid in correct pronunciation of
Hebrew/Aramaic words, thus enlisting the ear as well in vocabulary learning.
It will be necessary to learn the proper values for each symbol from the Table
of Values. Syllables are separated by slashes (/). Accented syllables have been
indicated, except for mono-syllabic words.
Half-open syllables are neither open nor closed. Such syllables appear
to defy syfiable-formation rules in that they contain a short vowel, are unac-
cented, but stand without a closing consonant. Printed Hebrew Bibles com-
monly use a meteg to mark these syllables (a short verticle mark just to the
left of the vowel point). Lexicons vary in their treatment of half-open syllables.
In this volume those few such syllables are not marked in the Hebrew word.
Rather, in the phonetic spelling the syllable is followed by an exclamation
point (Example: , ma!/ ara/ka).
5 Number of Occurrences: counts for Hebrew words are inclusive and for

that reason somewhat overlapping. This means, for example, that a Qal active
participle may be counted among the occurrences of the verb, and counted
again when used as a noun. Such situations are limited primarily to words
which occur often enough as substantives to justify also treating them as a
vocabulary entry in their own right. In the case of Qal participles, only those
occuring ten times or more have been listed in their own entries.
Commonly, word counts include forms of the word that have been prefixed
(by the article or prepositions), pluralized, and/or suffixed (by pronouns). In
some situations in which such forms have become standardized (and are
numerous), prefixed or suffixed forms are listed in separate entries. For verbs,
the indicated count includes not only the implied or indicated verbal stems
{Qal, Hipil, etc.), but all stems in which that verb appears.
xvii How to Use This Students Vocabulary
Word counts from Lisowskys concordance include Qare readings as well
as normal occurrences. With proper nouns (where given), all occurrences of
a given name are included, even though in many cases more than one referent
is intended.
In cases where Mandelkem and Lisowsky disagree as to number of occur-
rences, the general practice has been to enter the higher of the counts, unless
further work (sometimes including entry-by-entry comparisons) has made it
clear the lower number is to be preferred.
Words identified as occurring 5000 times occur more than 5000 times; no
attempt has been made to precisely establish the occurrences of these twelve
Hebrew words.
6 Root Number: as indicated earlier, root designations follow Holladays

lexicon. In some cases several roots have been combined, for one reason or
another, into one entry. In such situations the meanings of the various roots
have been designated within the definition section.

Suggestions for Using this Students Vocabulary

As has been widely acknowledged, learning vocabulary and retaining it are
probably the most challenging aspects of learning Hebrew or Aramaic. In my
experience the principal reason for this fact is that, in contrast to New Testa-
ment Greek, Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic have virtually no cognate
words in English. This requires much more rote memorization, or the forma-
tion of idiosyncratic memory devices. While each student must determine what
works best for vocabulary study, here are a few common sense suggestions:
(1) Flash cards. While not all language students use them, home-made flash
cards provide several advantages in vocabulary learning. First, you must go
through the motions of writing the foreign word and its definition. Second,
punched and carded on a ring holder, flash cards are very transportable for
study at odd times and in many places. Third, flash cards can be (and probably
should be) rearranged as you learn words, so that less time is spent on words
that only need to be reviewed while more effort is concentrated on new or
recalcitrant forms.
(2) Oral repetition. Repeating Hebrew and Aramaic words and their mean-
ings out loud over and over (correctly!) introduces two critical factors into your

vocabulary learning pronunciation and hearing.
(3) Repeated writing. Used alone and in connection with oral repetition,
repeated writing of OT vocabulary helps to establish a memory pattern.
Given the descending-frequency scheme with which this volume is pre-
pared, a student can develop a Hebrew or Aramaic vocabulary as far as is
necessary or desired (within the limits of this vocabulary volume). Within the
ranges covered herein, by using the Index and referring to the appropriate
Section/ Subsection location, the number of times a given word occurs in the
OT can be determined.

Armstrong, Terry A.; Busby, Douglas S.; and Carr, Cyril F. A Readers
Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament. Vol. I: Genesis-
Deuteronomy. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980.
Vol, II: Joshua - 2 Kings (1982).
Vol. Ill: Announced.
Brown, Francis; Driver, S. R.; and Briggs, Charles A. A Hebrew and English

Lexicon of the Old Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907.
Cohen, Harold R. (Chaim). Biblical Hapax Legomena in the Light of Akkadian
and Ugaritic. SBL Dissertation Series, 37. Missoula: Scholars Press,
Feyerabend, Karl. Langenscheidts Pocket Hebrew Dictionary to the Old
Testament. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1961.
Fohrer, Georg. Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament. Trans.
by W. Johnstone. Berlin: Walter de Gryter, 1971.
Holladay, William L. A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old
Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1971; sixth impression, January
Koehler, Ludwig and Baumgartner, Walter, editors. Lexicon in Veteris Tes-
tamenti Libros. One volume with Supplement. Leiden: Brill, 1958.
Hebraisches und aramaisches Lexicon zum alten Testament.
Third edition. Parts I and II. Leiden: Brill, 1967, 1974.
Lambdin, Thomas. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. New York: Scribners,
Landes, George M. A Students Vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew. Listed Ac-
cording to Frequency and Cognate. New York: Scribners, 1961.
Lisowsky, Gerhard. Konkordanz zum Hebraischen alten Testament. Second

edition. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1958.
Mandelkem, Solomon. Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae atque
Chaldaicae. Third edition. Jerusalem: Schocken, 1967.
Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae atque Chal-
daicae. Seventh edition, augmented and revised by F. Margolin and M.
Gottstein. Jerusalem: Shocken, 1967.
Payne, J. Barton. Hebrew Vocabularies. Based on Harpers Hebrew Vocabu-
laries. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1956.
Watts, John D. W. Lists of Words Occurring Frequently in the Hebrew Bible.
Second edition. Leiden: Brill, 1967
xix Bibliography
Wigram, George V. The Englishmans Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of
the Old Testament. Fourth edition. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons,
Young, Robert. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. New York: Funk &
Wagnalls, n.d.



NOTE: Protocols adopted here are essentially those of Thomas Lambdin

( Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. New York: Scribners, 1971; pages XXII-
XXIII.) See also G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, eds. Theolog-
ical Dictionary of the Old Testament. Vol. I. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974;
page XX.
Transliteration Pronunciation
Symbol (Name) Value Guidelines
( alep)
( bet) b

(glottal stop none)
b as in best
b v as in vest
( gfmel) g g as in give
g throaty gh
( dale[) d d as in day
d th as in the one
( he) h h as in hay
(waw) w w as in well
T (zayin) z z as in zero
( het) h ch as in Scots loch
or German buch
( tet) t t as in time
(ydd) y y as in yes
( kap) k k as in key
k ch as in German Bach
( final form) k ch as in German Bach
( lamed) 1 /as in look
( mem) m m as in more
(final form) m m as in more
( nun) n n as in now
( final form) n as in now
0 (stimek) s s as in say
( ayiri)
( peh ) P p as in pay

(glottal stop none)
Table of Values xxii
P /as in face
( final form) P /as in face
( yadth) s ts as in sits
( final form) $ ts as in sits
P (W) q harder than c in cool
( res) r r as in ran
( sin) S s as in say
( sin) sh as in show
( taw) t t as in try
n t th as in thin
Vowels and Diphthongs
a a as in father
. (hfreq-ydd) i i as in machine
(stre-ydd) e ey as in they
(full hblem)
(defective hblem)
o as in note
o as in note
1 (sureq) u u as in flute
(qhmes) a a as in father
.. (&re) e ey as in they
. (hireq) i i as in pin
. . (ssgot)
. (patah)
e as in let
a as in that
(q&mes-hatup) o o as in top
._. (qibbuf)
(furtive patah)
u u as in bull
raised a a as in account
(simple S3wa) 3 a as in about
(hatep-pdtah) a a as in about
(hdtip-szgdt) 6 a as in about

(hatep-qtimesi) 6 a as in about
ai ay as in say
ai i as in sigh
ey ey as in they
.. oy, oy
oy as in toy
uey as in gluey
'\r aw ow as in how
aw ow as in prow
1w ue as in hue
.., .. ew, ew av as in save

abs absolute Hithpal Hitpalpel

act active Hithpol Hitpo'lel
adj adjective Ho Hopal
adv adverb idiom idiom; idiomatic
advs adversative (conjunction) expression
alw always imprec imprecative
c common (gender) impv imperative
cf compare, see also; see inf infinitive
instead interj interjection
ej conjecture; conjectural interr interrogative
coll collective intrans intransitive
comp comparison; comparative irr irregular
conj conjunction K Katjb (what is written in
cons consonant MT)
cstr construct m masculine
ctxt context(ual); in context MT Masoretic Text
def definite met metaphorically)
dem demonstrative n noun
den denominative neg negative
ditt dittography Ni Nipal
du dual ord ordinal (number)
emph emphatic (Aramaic) Pa Pa el (Aramaic)
ext by extension; extended part participle
meaning pass passive
f feminine pers person(al)
fract fractional (number) Pe Pe'al (Aramaic)
gent gentilic (noun) Pi Pi'el
Ha Hap el (Aramaic) Pil Pi'lel
Hi Hipil Pilp Pilpel
Hisht Histapel Pi plural
Hith Hitpa'el (Hebrew); Po Po el
Hitpe'el (Aramaic) poet poetic; in poetry
Hithpa Hitpa'al (Aramaic) Pol Po' lei, Po'ld
Abbreviations and Symbols xxiv
poss possible * hypothetical form (as
pr pronoun such does not occur in
pred predicate MT)
pref prefix(ed) ! indicates half-open
prep preposition syllable
prob probable ? indicates uncertainty
Pul Pulal regarding definition
Q Qsre (what should be (?) indicates uncertainty
read in MT) regarding Semitic
rel relative vowel(s)
s singular t indicates Aramaic
stat stative cognate spelled like a
trad traditional(ly) Hebrew word
txt corr
text(ual) corrupt( ion)
* indicates Aramaic
cognate with different
unc uncertain vowels from Hebrew
unex unexplained indicates Aramaic
v verb cognate spelled
voc vocative differently but
wp word play recognizably
1 l.A-B


TIMES (106)
A. Words Occurring More Than 2200 Times (25)
( prep) unto, toward ,( ; full; short form) The
[el] 5000 Lord [K Yahweh
(11) God [,eio/hrm] 2706 ?; Q ado/nai; ya ]
(I) say fa/mir] 5000
earth Ie/res] 2498 day [yom] 2241
( rel pr) who, which, Israel [yis/ra/l] 2513
that faSdr] 5000 '3 (pref prep) as, like
(I) ( accusative particle;
definite object (II) ( conj) because, for,
marker; not trans- that, when, but;
lated) [ et] 5000 indeed, truly [ki]
(II) ( prep) with, beside , all, every [kol, kol]
[ et] 5000
(pref prep) in 5000 ' (pref prep) to, toward
go in, enter, come (I); (voc) Do! Yes!
[bo ] 2530 (II) 5000
(I) son [ben] 4887 ( neg) no, not [16]
'0 (pref def art) the 4973
(with doges in (I) king [md/lek] 2522
following cons) 5000
(II) ( prep) on, upon,
* (pref interr particle) against, over fal]
7 be, happen, become
[ha/yiT] 3514
do, make; (Pi) press,
squeeze (II?) ['a/sa]
') (pref conj) and, also, 2573
even 5000

B. Words Occurring between 2199 and 1000 Times (27)

father [*fib] 1568 ( ; pers pr c) I [ini;
(I) :( s; pi) man [15; a/no/ki] 1316
ana/Sim] 2149 (I) house [ba/yit] 2039
( conj) if, then [im] (II) * (Pi) speak [da/bar*]
1046 1130
l.B-C 2
word, thing, matter ( prep) from, out of,
[da/b&r] !426 part of, because of;
David [da/wid] 1031 (comp) than [min]
( pers pr) he [hu] 1533
go, walk [ha/lak] 1504 give [na/tan] 1994
3( ; pers pr pi m; f) they (II) ( prep) to, unto, as far
[h6m/ma; h6n/na] as (spacial); until,
1553 while (temporal)
( dem interj) behold! [ad] 1246
lo! (cf I ,
3.G) 3.G) (1) ( ; f; irr pi) city fir;
[hin/nh] 1037 'a/rim] 1080
( ; dem pr, s m; f) this (II) people fam] 1827
[zeh; zot] 1752 ( prep) with fim] 1076
T hand [yad] 1580 face [pa/nfm] 2120
)go (come) out, go see [ra/'a] 1294
(come) forth [ya/s(il
* tum, return [Sub*]
sit, dwell, inhabit hear, give ear to,
[ya/Sab] 1078
obey [sa/ma] 1136
( prep) before [lip/ne]

C. Words Occurring from 999 Times to 730 Times (28)

; lord, master; the Lord
fa/don; ado/nai] 770
(I) ; Judah; (gent adj,
Judean, Judahite

( ; s m; o one fe/hlid; [yohu/da; yahu/dr]

a!/hat] 959 889
(I) ( ; abs; cstr) there is/are priest [ko/hen] 749
not (non-existence) ; heart [leb; le/bdb] 844
fa/yin; *fin] 773 take [la/qah] 964
eat, devour fa/kal] , ,( interr pr) what?
795 how? [ma, meh,
(I) no, not fal] 738 mah] 760
( dem pr; c pi) these * die [ihut*] 737
[61/leh] 738 Moses [mo/seh] 763
( ; s; irr pi) woman life, self; throat [ne/-
fiS/5a; na/Sfm] 779 peS] 753
; (s o
m; you fat/ta;
(I) servant fe/bed] 800
at] 893
( adv, conj) also, eye; fountain [ a/yin]
indeed [gam] 812
VV know, notice [ya/da ]
go up fa/la] 879
3 l.C-D

( ; s m; c pi) ten (plus ( adv) there [5am] 817

num. = 11-19); (I) name [5em] 862
twenty ['a/sAr;
'e5/nm] 819 year [5a/na] 871
(I) call, meet; read ( ?! du m; o two [53na/-
(aloud) [qa/rSj 730 yim; s3ta/yim] 739
stretch out, let go,
send [5a/lAh] 839

D. Words Occurring between 729 and 500 Times (26)

(I) man [a/dAm] 553 (adv) thus, so (II)
(II) brother [ah] 626 [ken] 707
behind, after [a!/hr] (I) hundred; (du) two
713 hundred [me/ a] 577
(1) daughter [bat] 582 water [ma/yim] 574
( adj) great [ga/dol] : Egypt; (gent)
yim; mis/rf] 708
people, nation [goy] * (Ni) be hit; (Hi)
smite [na/ka*] 504
way, road, journey;
(ext) custom [de/rek] lift up, bear, carry
[na/55] 651
( pers pr) she [hi] 541 (I) pass over, transgress
mountain, range [har] [a/bar] 539
554 stand ['a/mdd] 519
(I) ( v) be good; (adj) * rise, stand [qOm*] 624
good; (n) goodness head [ro 5] 593
[fob] 612 ; ,( s m; f; adj, n) evil
(Q) Jerusalem (26 [ra', ra'; ra/'a] 661
times in Aramaic) (I) * set, place [sim*] 584
ly3ru/5a/la/im] 667
,( s
; m, f; pi) three;
(corn) as [ka!/a5er]
504 " thirty [5a/165, 5316/-
sa; 5310/5nn] 586
( adv) thus, so [koh]
( adv, adj, n) rightly,
upright, right (I);
2.A-B 4


200 TIMES (136)
A. Words Occurring between 500 and 400 Times (28)
thousand (II?); tribe, , ; mouth; (conj)
clan (III?) [6/lep] according to [peh;
494 kopf, lopf] 492
, (s m, f; pi) four; (I) service in war; host,
; forty [ar/bS, ar/- army [a/bd] 485
(I) ba/ a; ,ar/ba/Tm] 444 * (Pi) command [a/-
)cf wa*] 494
; ,( s m, f; pi) five; fifty ( adj, n) holy (thing)
[ ha/m6S, hami5/5a; [q6/de] 430
hamiS/Sirn] 478 voice, sound [qol] 499
sword [he/reb] 407 ( adj) much, many
(I?); (ctxt) captain,
bring forth, bear [ya/- chief (II?) [rab] 475
lad] 488
altar [miz/b6ah] 401 official, leader, prince
[Sar] 412
( interr) who? [mi] 406 Saul [5a/ ul] 406
find; (Hi) present ;
[ma/s] 451 .3( s m, f; pi) seven;
(I) seventy [5e/ba ,
judgment, custom, ib/'a; Sib/Tm] 492
justice [mi5/pdt] 425
(I) ( particle of entreaty) heavens, sky
[a/ma/yim] 416
pray, now; please
[na] 401
keep watch, guard
[Sii/mar] 465
? fall [na/pal] 433
midst, middle; (prep)
yet, still, again [ od] within, through
481 [tti/wek; botok] 416
, remote time; forever, (I) ( prep) beneath,
eternity [ o/l&m;
o/ISm] 434 under, instead of
[ti/hat] 490
now [at/ta] 432

B. Words Occurring 399 through 310 Times (29)

(I) tent [6/hel] 342 ( conj) or [ o] 311
Aaron [al/haro'n] 347 (I) fire [ e] 375
5 2.B-C
( ; pi m; o you [ at/tem; silver [k6/sep] 399
at/ten] 330 Levi (4 times in
; (cstr prep) between; Aramaic) [le/wf] 353
(n) interval [ben; ba/- war, battle [mil/ha/-
yin] 396 miT] 319
build [ba/na] 373 (I) reign, be king
(II) bless [ba/rak] 328 [ma/lak] 347
blood [dam] 356 place [ma/q6m] 399
gold [za/h4b] 383 utterance, declaration
( ; n) life (1), (adj) [no' um] 378
living (II); (pi) prophet [na/bf] 313
lifetime (I) [hai; * (Hi) make known,
hay/yim] 386 report, tell [na/gad*]
sea; (ext) west lyam] 369
392 (I) answer ['a/naf] 314
Jacob [ya!/'Sqdb] 348 ( also coll) tree [ e$]
(I)( stat) fear, be afraid 330
[ya/re| 377 spirit, wind [ruh] 376
go down [ya/rad] 380 ; open field [sa/deh;
Sa/dSi] 332
vessel, utensil [kali]
(I) gate [5a/'ar] 368

C. Words Occurring 309 through 270 Times (26)

, enemy [ o/ydb; cut off, fell,
o/yfib] 281 exterminate; make (a
covenant) [ka/rat] 287
(II) nose, nostril; (ext)
anger [ap] 279 bread [le/hem] 296
; Babylon (Babel); (n) force, might;
(gent) Babylonians (adv) very, ex-
[ba/bdl; bab/lAi] 288 ceedingly [mobd]
covenant [barft] 287
(I) pasturage, wilderness,
flesh [ba/4r] 270
steppe [mid/bir] 271
(I) new moon, month
( extended) family;
[h6/de] 278
clan [mi5/pa/ha] 300
pin be(come) strong; (Hi)
seize, grasp [ha/zaq] ( n) circuit; (adv) all
around, round about,
surrounding [sa/blb]
sin, sin-offering, 309
expiation [hat/{St] * turn aside; (Hi) take
away, remove [sur*]
live, be (stay) alive 298
[ha/yaT] 281
2.C-D 6

serve ['a/bad] 289 Pharaoh [par/'6h] 273

(I) burnt offering [ o/la] ; flock [son; so/neh]
288 275
time [et] 282 draw near [qa/rab] 291
(gent n) Philistine(s); Solomon [S316/m6h]
Philistia [paliS/tf; 293
pale/iiet] 294 ;
; ,( s m, f; pi) six; sixty
?visit, number, ap- (1) [ e, i/a; si/rm]
point; miss; take 272
care of; muster
[pa/qad] 301

D. Words Occurring 269 through 220 Times (31)

( 0 stone | e/ben] 268 write [ka/tdb] 222
; Abraham; Abram :( m) night [la/yala; la/-
|ab/ra/ham; ab/ram] yil] 231
235 ( prep) for the sake
(I) ground fada/ma] 225 of, on account of;
(conj) in order that
(V) Mighty One, God [lama/ an] 269
(god) [el] 236
appointed place or
(I) forearm, cubit time; season
[am/ma'] 226 [mo/'dd] 223
* (Pi) seek [ba/qa*] 225 rod, staff; (ext) tribe
boundary, territory [mat/teh] 252
[gabul] 241 ( stat) be full; (Pi) fill,
remember [za/kar] 230 fulfill [ma/le] 250
seed [ze/ra'] 228 work |ma!/ asdh] 235
miss (a mark), sin (I) inheritance [na!/ha1T]
[haM] 237 223
strength; wealth; lad, youth [na/'ar] 240
army [ha/yil] 246 transgression, iniq-
(II) loyalty, kindness, uity ['a/w6n] 231
devotion, steadfast ?: inward part, midst;
love [he/sed] 250 (prep) in (the midst
; Joshua [yaho/Su3; of) [qe/reb; baqe/-
ye/5ua'] 247 reb] 227
subdue, possess, (I) be(come) numerous,
dispossess (I?); tread be great; (Hi)
(II?) [ya/rdS] 231 multiply, make
( Qal part) inhabitant many [ra/biT] 226
[yo/6b] 260
7 2.D-E
foot [re/gel] 252 peace, health [3a/10m]
( ! s m;f; adj) guilty; (n) 242
(one) [ra/si';
wicked teaching, law [to/ra]
raSa/'S'] 264 220

E. Words Occurring 219 through 200 Times (22)

love, like [ a/hab] 205 messenger [mal/Ak]
mother [em] 219 213
gather, take in gift; offering [min/ha]
fa/sap] 203 211
ark, chest [aron] 202 turn, stretch out
[na/(a] 215
(II) garment [be/ged] 214 * (Ni) be delivered;
(II) morning [b6/qer] 200 (Hi) snatch away
Joseph [yo/sp] 214 [na/sal*] 208
;add lya/sap] 212 (I) leave, abandon ['a/-
* (Ni) be saved; (Hi) zab] 212
save [ya/5a *] 205 ( adj) righteous, just
possessions, honor, [sad/drq] 206
glory [ka/bo'd] 200 lie down; have sexual
*3 (Ni) be firm, intercourse [sa/kab]
established; (Pol) 211
establish; (Hi) judge, enter into
prepare [kun*] 219 controversy; (Ni)
(I) cease, come to an plead [a/pat] 203
end, finish, complete (II) ( V) drink [a/ta] 217
[ka/la] 204
camp, army
[ma!/haneh] 219
3.A-B 8


100 TIMES (185)
A. Words Occurring 199 through 175 Times (24)
perish; (Pi) destroy; ( stat) be able [ya/kbl]
(Hi) exterminate 194
[ a/bdd] 183 jTV Jordan [yar/ddn] 181
ear [6/zen] 187 hand, palm [kap] 192
; )?Ephraim; (gent) IPj (adv) therefore [la/-
Ephraimite (ep/ra/- kn] 196
yim; ep/ra/tf] 182 ; Moab; (gent)
; cattle, animals; (pi of Moabite(s) [mo/Sb;
ext) crocodile? mo/a/bf] 199
[bahe/ma; bahe/mo't] commandment [mis/-
wal 181
; Benjamin; (gent) scroll [s6/per] 185
Benjamites [bin/ya/-
mfn; ben-yami/nr! ( ord) first [ri/Son] 182
* be(come) high,
exalted [rum*] 195
(I) owner, husband;
Baal [bS/'al] 198 (II) friend, fellow,
companion [r6a'] 195
( coll) cows, herd(s),
cattle [ba/q/ir] 183 lip; (ext) shore
reveal, uncover (I?);
depart, go into cap-
[5a/pa] 178
rod, staff; (ext) tribe
tivity (II?) [ga/ir] [56/be[] 190
187 * (Ni, Hi) swear
( adj) old; (n) old [Sa/ba *] 186
man, elder [za/q6n] oil [Se/rnen] 193
permanent settlement,
court, enclosure
[ha/$6rj 193

B. Words Occurring 174 through 160 Times (27)

(I) ( adj) another [a!/hr] ( adv) only; surely
166 fak] 160
(I) ram [,S/yil] 161 (I) choose [ba/hir] 173
9 3.B-C
* understand, perceive work [mala/ka] 167
[bin*] 171 * flee [nus*] 160
warrior, mighty man turn around [sa/bAb]
[gib/bor] 161 162
(II) generation, lifetime, write, count, number;
life-span [dor] 169 (Pi) recount, report,
seek [da/rA5] 163 enumerate [sa/par]
kill [ha/rAg] 168
(I) ( n) sacrifice |ze/bah] ( ; group of)['e/ser;
162 'a/sara] 173
(II) * (Hisht) bow down |gate, opening,
[ha/wa*] 174 entrance [p6/tah] 163
(n) place outside the ?[be holy; (Pi) conse-
house, street; (prep, crate [ qa/clag] 172
adv) outside,
without [hu$] 165 (I) feed, graze, tend
(cattle) [ra/'a] 171
( stat) be unclean ( for), demand
|ta/m] 161
[5a/ al] 173
?;? Canaan;
;? (gent)
see (11) *
* 174
Canaanite [kona/'an;
kona!/ anil 163 *( Ni) be corrupt,
spoiled; (Pi) spoil,
(I) ( Ni) fight [la/hAm] 171 ruin; (Hi) destroy
,( interr pr) why? [Sa/hat*] 161
[lAm/ma, la/ma] 173

C. Words Occurring 159 through 144 Times (26)

( pers pr c) we ; Jeremiah [yir/moya;
[anah/nu] 156 yir/moyS/hu] 147
; Aram, Syria; (gent) * (Pi) cover, conceal
Aramean(s), [ka/sa*] 157
Syrian(s) [arAm; ( adv) alone; (prep)
,aram/mr] 155 [labad] 155
Assyria, (as gent) death [mA/wet] 159
Assyrian [a5/5u'r] 152 Manasseh
(II) * (Pi) praise; (Hith) [mana5/56h] 150
boast [ha/lal*] 145 . (n, prep, adv) oppo-
experience, shrewd- site, before [ne/ged|
ness, wisdom 151
[hok/ma] 152 touch, reach; come to
Joab [y6/Ab] 146 [na/ga'] 150
3.C-D 10

5 depart [na/sa ] 146 rejoice; (Pi) gladden

[Aa/mAh] 156
(I) congregation [e/da]
149 hate; (Qal and Pi
part) adversary,
( ; m; 0 young bull; enemy [sa/n6] 148
cow [par; pa/ra] 159
(I) open; (Pi) loosen,
(I) break [a/br] 149
free [pa/tah] 144 ;&
;&,( s m, f; pi) eight;
righteousness [soda/- eighty [Somo/nAh,
qal 157 Somo/na; Somo/nim]
Zion [siy/yoTn] 154 ( ord) second [Se/ni]
(I) north Ua/pon] 153 156
multitude, abundance
[rob] 153

D. Words Occurring 143 through 134 Times (26)

( ; adv) then; formerly, (I)
(n) number [mis/pAr]
since [az; me/Az] 134
141 (II) ( adj) upwards; (prep)
slaughter, sacrifice; above [ma/'al] 138
(Pi) sacrifice dwelling, tabernacle
[za/bah] 136 [miS/kan] 139
(adj) wise [ha/kAm]
(I) (v) rest, settle down,
make quiet; (Hi) lay,
(I) * (Ni) be defiled; (Pi) deposit [niPh] 143
pollute, profane; (I) torrent valley, wadi
(Hi) begin [ha/lil*]
[nA/ljal] 138
(I) encamp [ha/na] 143 (I) copper, bronze
[noh<V5et] 139
] : (n) community; (adv)
together, at the same (I) ( ; m; f) horse; mare
time [yA/had; yah/- [sfls; sfl/sa] 139
dSw] 142 7 service [abo/dn 143
!wine [yA/yin] 141 (11) evening [6/reb] 134
(I) ;right hand/side; south turn about, tum aside
[ya/mfn] 139 [pa/na] 134
.there is/are [ye] 139 (II) happen; (inf cstr as
(rel particle) just like prep) against [qa/rA]
[komo] 139 139
@seat, throne [kis/sA] pursue, persecute
136 (ra/dApj 143
11 3.D-F

'( pref rel particle) Samuel [53mu/61] 139

who, which; that 5 sun [56/me5] 134
(with dciges in
following cons) 139

E. Words Occurring 133 through 121 Times (28)

light [6r] 125 (I) strength, power
trustworthiness, [k6ah] 125
stability, truth ; cf ( ?k6/eb; kis/-
[ emet] 127
(I) ( conj) also, even, the seize, capture [la/kad]
more so [ap] 130 121

(I) be ashamed [bo] 126

draw near, approach
[na/ga5] 125
, firstborn [bakor, (I) prince [na/5f] 133
bakor] 122
be(come) strong, ; Ammon; (gent) Am-
great; (Pi) bring up, monites ['am/mon;
'am/mo/nt] 122
let grow, nourish
[ga/dal] 122 (I) (s, coll) bone ['6/em]
(city) wall [ho/ma] 123
133 " (conj) lest [pen-] 133
; Hezekiah [hiz/qiy/ya; ?[assemble, gather
hiz/qiy/yi/hu] 131 together [qa/bas] 127
heat; rage, wrath; bury [qa/bar] 132
poison [he/ma] 126 assembly, congre-
half [hasil 123 gation [qa/hil] 123
prescription, rule remain; (Ni, Hi) be
[hoq] 128 left over [sa/ar] 133
( v) account, regard, tent, dwell, settle
value [ha/sab] 124 [a/kdn] 130
Jonathan * (Hi) throw, cast [5a/
[yoho/na/tan] 124 lik*] 125
?; 0 young ram;
ewe-lamb [ke/bes;
kib/Sa] 129

F. Words Occurring 120 through 112 Times (27)

; Edom; (gent) (I) trust; fall to the
Edomite(s) [edo'm; ground? be reckless
,ado/mr] 112 (II?) [ba/fah] 119
sister [ a/hot] 114 weep [ba/ka] 114
3.F-G 12
(II) * (Pi) throw, cast; (Hi, *IS fruit; offspring [pari]
Hith) thank, praise, 119
confess [ya/da*] 115 righteousness; what is
be good (cf , right, just [se/deq]
4.B; (1) ,
1.D) 1.D) 116
[ya/tab] 120 ( adj) holy [qa/doS] 115
Isaac [yis/hdq] 112 * (Pi) send an offering
( adj) straight, right, up in smoke; (Hi)
upright [ya/SAr] 119 make smoke
( stat) be heavy, [qa/|ar*] 116
honored [k a/bed] 114 chariot, chariotry
put on, clothe [la/ba] [re/keb] 120
113 bum [Sa/rdp] 117
( inf cstr as prep) over (stat) be whole, com-
against, opposite plete; (Pi) repay;
[liq/rat] 120 (Hi) make peace
tongue [la/Sffn] 117 with [5a/lm] 117
pasture, untilled Samaria (2 times in
ground; produce Aramaic) [Sdm/ro'n]
[mig/rd5] 115 112
kingdom [mam/la/ka] ?pour out [5a/pak] 1 16
117 lie, falsehood, de-
* (Ni, Hith) prophesy ception [56/qer] 113
[na/bd*] 115 abomination [to/ e/ba]
river, stream [na/hdr] 118

G. Words Occurring 111 through 100 Times (27)

Absalom [ab/$a/Iom] (I) redeem [ga/al] 104
107 : Gilead; (gent)
(I) * (Ni) be steady, firm, Gileadites [gil/'dd;
trustworthy, faithful; gil/'a/dn 108
(Hi) believe (I) ( dem interj) behold!;
[a/mdn*] 100 (conj) if (cf ,
(n) non-existence; l.B) [hen] 100
(adv) not; (prep) statute, prescription
except [bil/ti] ill [huq/qi] 104
high place, funerary Jeroboam [ya/rob/-
installation [ba/ma] 'dm] 104
* (Ni, Hi) be left,
(I) ?:( n) distance; (prep) remain [ya/tar*] 106
behind, through, for
(the benefit of) wing [ka/ndp] 110
[ba/'ad] 101
13 3.G
cover; (Pi ext) expiate * run [rus*] 103
[ka/par] 102 breadth [rd/hab] 101
sight, appearance hunger, famine [ra/-
[mar/6h] 103 '4b] 103
the dry country; (II) ( adv) only [raq] 108
south, Negev
[ne/geb] 110 sabbath, rest [5ab/b4t]
* (Ni) be sorry, repent;
(Pi) comfort, forget (5a/kh] 102
console [na/ham*] ( ord) third; (fract)
108 one-third [311/Sr] 107

pillar, column ( n) continuance; (adv)

[am/mu'd] 111 continually,
regularly [ta/mid] 104
dry earth, dust ['a/-
p4r] 110
foot, step; time
Ipa/'am] ill
4.A-B 14


50 TIMES (313)
A. Words Occurring 99 through 93 Times (26)
Ahab [ah/ 4b] 93 (I) * (Ni) escape; (Pi)
length |6/rek] 95 save, deliver
stranger [ger] 93 [ma/lat*] 95
?turn, overturn (adj) (a) few; (n) a
[ha/pak] 95 little [m3'at] 96
commit fornication; skin, leather ['or] 99
play the harlot [za/- , strength, power,
na] 95 might [ oz, 'az] 94
(I) ( s or pi coll) animals Esau [ e/s4w] 96
[hay/ya] 97 rebellion, revolt,
(n, adj) slain, struck transgression [pe/5a']
dead [ha/141] 94
(I) ( male) ass [hamo'r] 97 (I) be wicked, evil
[ra/'a ] 99
(I) be(come) hot, satisfy, be satiated
burning, angry [sa/ba ] 97
[ha/ra] 94
( adj) clean, pure joy, rejoicing
[$im/ha] 94
[[a/hor] 95
be clean, pure [ta/h6r] (ord) seventh [iabi/T]
( stat) be astonished;
( prep) on account of; be desolate [sa/mim]
(conj) because 95
[ya/'an] 93 * (Pi) minister to, serve
(I) remainder [ye/ter] 96 [5a/ rat*] 98
(I) vineyard [ke/rem] 93

B. Words Occurring 92 through 86 Times (31)

( gent) Amorite(s) tumult, turmoil, mul-
[emo/rf] 86 titude [ha/mo'n] 86
consume, bum (I?); arm, forearm
graze (II?) [ba/ ar] 87 [z3rov] 91
[ de/let] 87
door (I) fat [h4/leb] 92
knowledge [da/'at] 91
15 4.B-C
(I) please, delight, take (I) clouds ['a/ndn] 86
pleasure [ha/ps] 86 (I) advice, counsel
* be good, pleasant (cf [ e/sa] 89
3.F; 3.F;(I) ,
, side, rim, comer;
l.D) [tob*] 90 piece? (11?); luxury?
;( adj, m; 0 unclean
[ta/md; tome/ if 1 88
(111?) [pe/a] 86
; in front, east;
Jehoshaphat east(ward) [qe/dem;
[yoho/sa/p4t] 86 q/dem] 87
: ;( s m; f) male child, end, border, extre-
boy; girl [ye/led; mity [qa/seh] 90
yal/daf] 92 ; Reuben; (gent)
(I) cherub [korub] 92 Reubenite (rau/bfin;
rou/be/nf] 87
(I) Chaldea; (gent)
(9 times * sing [Sir*] 88
Chaldean in
Aramaic) [kas/dirn] ( ; m; f) song |5!r;
89 1/rn 91

dominion; kingdom * put, place !Sit*] 87
Imal/kut] 91 final (or peace)
Nebuchadnezzar offering I5e/lem] 87
(spelled 5 ways in * (Ni) be destroyed,
MT; 3 lx Aramaic) exterminated; (Hi)
(nobu/kad/nes/sar ! exterminate
91 [5a/mad*] 90
shut, close; (Hi) shekel (unit of
deliver up, give in weight) [Se/qel] 88
ones power [sa/gar] ( adj) whole, entire;
90 blameless [ta/mim]
(I) side, region; opposite 91
side ['6/ber] 91

C. Words Occurring 85 through 79 Times (27)

wickedness, iniquity Daniel (52 times in
[4/ wen] 80 Aramaic section of
supply, store-house, Daniel) [da/niy/y6l]
treasure [o/sfer] 79 81

(I) sign [ot] 79

palace, temple [he/
kal] 80
( ; m; m and f) lion man; male (animal)
Iarf; ar/eh] 83 [za/kdr] 82
; Gad; (gent) Gadites darkness [h6/sek] 82
[gad; ga/df] 85 give counsel, advice
(I) * sojourn |gur*] 81 [ya/ a5] 82
4.C-D It

learn; (Pi) teach (II) * (Hith) pray [pa/lal*]

[la/mad] 85 80

(I) * (Pi) hasten Ima/har*] be slight, trifling,

83 swift; (Pi) declare
cursed; (Hi) make
sell [mii/kar] 81 light [qa/lal] 82
(II) rule, govern [ma/sal] offering, gift
82 [qor/bdn] 80
* (Ni, intrans) conceal,
( adj) far, distant; (n)
hide; (Hi, trans) hide distance [ra/hoq] 85
(someone) [sa/tdr*]
( Qal part) shepherd
[ro/ eh] 84
(III) ; warning sign, 1 bull(ock), steer [sor]
reminder; precept, 79
[e/du't; e/da] 83 (I) slaughter, kill [Sa/ht]
help, assist ['a/zar] 82
* (Hi) give to drink
(II) bend down, be [a/qa*] 79
afflicted, humble;
(Pi) oppress,
humiliate fa/na] 79

D. Words Occurring 78 through 75 Times (28)

iron [bar/zel] 76 ( n) guard, obligation,
lot; (ext) allotment service [mi5/me/ret]
[go/ril] 78 78
; Dan; (gent) Danites blow, assault; plague
[dan; da/nf] 78 [ne/ga'] 78
Hebron [heb/roh] 77 * (Ni) take ones stand,
be stationed (I?);
be(come) weak, sick
wretched? (II?) [na/-
[ha/la] 77
sab*] 75
(I) be gracious to, favor;
(III) * arouse, awake [ur*]
(Hith) implore favor
or compassion
[ha/nan] 77 ( adj) afflicted, poor
['a/nf] 76
deliverance, salvation
[y3Su/ af] 78 arrange, set in order
[ a/rak] 75
(I) reject [ma/as] 75
( du) two hundred (I) boulder, (large) rock
[sur] 75
[ma/ta/yim] 77
possession (of land, (II) adversary, foe [sar] 76
cattle) [miq/neh] 76
17 4.D-E

(I) acquire, buy [qa/naj plunder, booty [a/lAl]

78 76
( ; adj m; 0 near, prayer [t3pil/la] 78
imminent [qa/rob; tribute, contribution,
qoro/baf] 78 heave-offering
horn [qe/ren] 76 [toru/ma ] 77
bow (weapon); (met) ;
,( s m, f; pi) nine;
rainbow [q6/5et] 76 ninety [t4/Sa\ tiS/a;
[ ra/kab] 78
ride tiS/Tm] 77
(I) have success; (Hi)
understand [a/kal]

E. Words Occurring 74 through 71 Times (28)

, Elijah [ e/liy/ya, ( interr adv)
e/liy/y4/hu] 71 wherefore? why?
Eleazar [el/ a/zdr] 72 [mad/duv] 72
bind; (Ni, Pu) be sunrise, east [miz/rih]
fettered, imprisoned 74
[a/sar] 71 sanctuary [miq/d4S] 74
(trad) cedar [ e/rez] 73 ( adj) dead [met] 72
belly, womb [be/ten] selah (unexplained
72 technical term of
music or recitation)
(I) blessing [bara/ka] 71 [se/lah] 74
( stat) be high o
(II) ( ; m; witness [ ed;
[ga/bah] 74
e/da] 72
(I) breath; vanity, idol(s) (coll) flying creatures;
[he/bel] 73 fowl, insects ['op] 71
cry out; (Ni) called to goat; goathair ['ez] 74
arms (cf ,4.1)
[za/ aq] 73 (I) * (Ni) be extraordinary,
wonderful [pa/14*]
( adj) strange, diffe- 71
rent; illicit [zar] 71
see, perceive [ha/za] (I) distress [8a/rSl 72
72 (I) wall [qir] 74
reproach, disgrace wash (oneself)
[her/pa] 73 [ra/has] 72
Lebanon [laba/non] 71 cease, rest [5a/bat] 71
* spend the night, rams horn, trumpet
lodge [ltn*] 71 [50/p4r] 72
4.F-G 18

F. Words Occurring 70 through 66 Times (28)

?Abimelech [ abi/- cf
me/lek] 67 ; Midian; (gent) Midi-
landed property anite (II) [mid/ydn;
[ ahuz/za] 66 mid/ya/ni] 67
(adj) familiar; (n) ( adj, n, pred adj) full
confidant (I); tribal [ma/le] 67
chief (II) (al/lup) 69 anoint [ma/Sah) 70
cistern [bdr] 69 * (Pi, Hi) look at,
)( Bethel [bet(-)el] 70 regard [na/bat*] 70
(neg) not; surely? valley 1'e/meq] 68
(II?) [bal] 66 ; ; here [poh; po; po] 68
(I) young man; strong ( trans) spread out;
man [ge/ber] 66 (met) flaunt [pa/ras]
dream [halom] 66 67
charm, favor; grace grave [qe/ber] 67
[hen] 68 east side, east
loaf of bread; talent; [qa/dim] 69
environs (all cir- end; limit, boundary
cular) [kik/kdr] 67 [qes] 67
(I) ( adj) insolent (spiri- heal (someone)
tual); stupid, dull [ra/pdJ 67
(practical things) remainder [s9e/nt] 66
[kasil] 70 table [sul/hdn] 70
( ; ?conj) according to, drive, thrust; strike
as; so that [kopf; [ta/qd'] 67
lopil 67
[ka/tdp] 67

G. Words Occurring 65 through 63 Times (24)

Abner [ab/nirj 63 ( great) river (Nile,
(I) seize, hold fast Euphrates) [ysor] 64
[,a/haz] 63 Joash [yo/ds] 64
offering by fire form, shape, fashion
[is/seh] 65 [ya/sar] 64
(I) Balaam [bil/'dm] 64 stumble, totter
[ka/Sal] 63
(1) hill; (cuitic) high , Micah [mi/ka, mi/kd;
place [gib/'ST] 63
(II) part, portion [hd/leq]
mi/ka/yahul 63

19 4.G-H

(I) young girl, maid sheol, underworld

[nal/'Sra] 63 [5361] 65
* (Pi) lead;supervise *? (den; Hi) rise early
[na/sah*] 65 [Sa/kSm*] 65
watch, guard [na/sar] (II) Shechem [Sskem] 64
63 female slave [5ip/ha]
* (intrans) scatter, 63
disperse [pus*] 65 be complete [ta/mam]
; Zedekiah [sid/qiy/ya; 64
Sid/qiy/yi/hu] 63 seize, take hold of
( be) strong, effective;
succeed [a/lah] 65
[ta/pas] 64

* contend, plead (a
case) [rib*] 64

H. Words Occurring 62 through 58 Times (31)

( adj) poor, oppressed Jehu [ye/hu'J 58
[eb/yo'n] 61 (I) shield [ma/gn] 59
end, outcome
Mordecai [mor/ddkai]
[,al/harft] 61 60
Job [iy/yob] 58 , vow [ne/der, nfe/der]
( interr) how? (cf 60
5.V) 5.V)[ek] 60
obtain, receive
Elisha [*611/54*] 58 property [na/hal] 59
Asa [ a/s] 58 (I) , libation [ne/sek, n6/-
( n) side; (prep) beside sek] 60
[6/sel] 61
curse [a/rar] 59
(II) desert, plain ['ara/ba]
(I) run away, flee wrap up (I); be
[baMh] 62 hostile toward (II)
Bashan [ba/SAn] 60 (cf (I) ,
5.J) 5.J)
strength [gabu/riT] 62 [sa/rar] 61
111 beloved, lover [dod] smoke (of sacrifice);
59 incense [qa(6/ret] 61
tread; (Hi) stamp firm (measuring) reed,
tube [qa/neh] 62
[da/rak] 61
: procession; feast, tear up, away [qa/rS']
festival [hag; hag] 60 62

violence, wrong ;( m; f pi) contention,

[ha/mis] 60 suit; legal speech
[rib; ri/ba*] 62
; Heth; (gent) Hittite(s)
[het; hit/tl] 62 odor, scent [reh] 59
4.H-J 20

( ?n, Qal part act) glory, praise [tahil/la]

judge [o/p6t] 58 58

I, Words Occurring 57 through 55 Times (34)

* (pi) pedestal, socket psalm [miz/mor] 57
[6/den*] 55 thought [ma!/haSa/ba]
widow fal/ma/na] 55 56
female slave [a/ma] conductor? (Pi part of
56 [ )manas/sdah] 57
?Esther [es/tdr] 55 ( v) plant [na/ta ] 57
way, path [6/rah] 57 rock [s6/la] 57

vine [g6/pen] 55 scribe, writer [so/per]
sow [zaM] 56 55
( adj) hard, strong (I) distress, trouble;
[ha/z&q] 56 effort ['a/mdl] 55
(I) * be in labor [hil*] 57 ( off), ransom
[pa/da] 56
(II) divide, apportion; (Pi)
scatter (III?) [ha/laq]
make, do [pa/ al] 57
56 horsemen; horse
[paMs] 57
;( neg) not yet; (conj ,
prep) before [te/rem;
bate/rem] 56
( ord) fourth;[rabi/T[
; (stat) be dry; (in-
be(come) far (away),
trans) dry up
[ya/b6] 55 distant [ra/haq] 57
; Jehoiada [yaho/ya/- (II) Ramah [ra/ma] 57
dd'] 56 pleasure; favor
*? (Ni) dispute; (Hi) [ra/son] 56
reprove [ya/kah*] 56 ( n) he-goat (II); (adj)
(I) [sa/Tr]
(I) thicket [ya/'ar] 57 hairy 55

Jericho [yari/ho] 57 devastate, lay waste

[sa/dad] 56
; Ishmael; (gent) Ish-
maelite [yiS/ma/'dl;
horror, desolation
[Sama/ma] 56
yi5/ma e/ir] 56

J. Words Occurring 54 and 53 Times (29)

accede, accept [a'ba] stick, cling to
54 [da/baq] 54
steadiness [emu/na] honey [dabas] 54
53 Haman [ha/mdn] 54
camel [ga/mdl] 54
21 4.J-K
(I) cease, desist [ha/dal] (I) unleavened bread
53 [mas/sa] 53
( adj) new, fresh
[ha/ddS] 53

height [ma/rom] 54
fine wheat flour
1 arrow [hes] 54 [s6/let] 53
be shattered; (ext) upper; Most High
filled with terror [el/yon] 53
[ha/tat] 53 nakedness fer/wa] 53
dish up (food); pour Zadok [sa/doq] 53
out (liquid) [ya/saq]

shadow, shade [sel]
(III) *HT (Hi) instruct, teach cry out (cf ,
4.E) 4.E)
[ya/ra*] 54 [5a/ aq] 54
curtain, tent (fabric) ( adj) small, insigni-
[yori/'a] 54 ficant [qa/t6n] 54
; Cush; (gent) Cushite left (side); left hand
[kuS; ku/sf] 54 [samo 1[ 54
( be) irritated, angry (II) ; Sarah; Sarai [Sa/r2;
[ka/ as] 54 Sa/rai] 53
(II) Laban [la/b4n] 54 tooth; (ext) crag [Sen]
(I) ( n) measure [mid/da] 53

K. Words Occurring 52 through 50 Times (27)

( adj) behind; (adv) chastening, correction
last [al/haron] 50 [mu/sclr] 50
(interr) where? tomorrow [ma/hSr] 52
[ay/y6h] 52 (I) * (Ni) be scattered
; vestibule [ e/ISm; [na/dah*] 51
u/lam] 50 * (Ni) pretend; (Hi)
(v) split [ba/qa ] 51 investigate,
virgin [batu/la] 51 recognize [na/kar*]
(I) devote to the ban
[ha/ram] 51 Naphtali [nap/ta/1n 50
, Josiah [yo/siy/yr, * (Hi) overtake
[na/sag*] 50
yo/siy/yd/hu] 51
in the daytime ; Amalek; (gent)
[yo/mim] 51 Amalekite ['ama/leq;
'ama/le/qf] 51
full (cloth); (Pi) wash
[ka/bas] 51 make a breach; burst
out [pa/ras] 50
(v) measure [ma/dad]
4.K 22
* (Hi) break out, burst (I) be pleased with; like
forth; shake (II?) [ra/sa] 50
[pa/rar*] 50 ( adj, n) worthless-
plank [qe/re5] 51 (ness); (adv) in vain
beginning, first [Saw ] 52
[re/Sit] 51 wander off, stagger
Rehoboam [ta/'a] 50
[rohab/'im] 50 (f) ornament, decora-
shout (for joy) tion [tip/ e/ret] 51
[ra/nan] 52
23 5. A


10 TIMES (1248)

A. Words Occurring 49 and 48 Times (30)

(I) saying, word [6/mer] stand (firm); appear,
49 arTive [ya/sab*] 48
(I) &ephod (priestly gar- (I) tower [mig/d41] 49
ment; cult object) blow, wound
[ e/p6d] 49 [mak/ka] 48
treat faithlessly weight [mi!>/q41] 49
[ba/gad] 49 corpse [n3be/la] 48
on account of, for the injure, strike [na/gap]
sake of, because of, 49
in order that
[bai/'abur] 49 support [sa/mak] 48
(I) * (alw with pref )Cf
(I) create [ba/rdj 48
loftiness; pride [ abur*] 49
[ga/on] 49 (I) eternity, always ['ad]
* (pi) idols [gil/lul*] 48 48

(I) ( bubonic) plague

(I) ?trembling, terror
[de/ber] 49
Ipa/had] 49
(II) ( adj) mean, scanty;
|Passover (festival,
sacrifice) [pe/sah] 49
(n) poor [dal] 48
( interj) alas! woe! (I) crop, harvest [qa/sir]
[hoy] 48
goathair cloth, sack-
(I) ( adv; spacial) hither, cloth; sack [Saq] 48
here; (temporal)
until now |hdn/na] 49
( those who are/that
which is) taken
(adv) great number, captive [3bi] 48
many, much ,W (adj) Almighty
[har/bdh] 49
[Sad/dai] 48
(II) rope; (ext) measure,
plot [hd/bel] 49
purple wool [tak6/let]
ring, signet-ring
[[ab/ba/'at] 49
* (Hith) take ones
stand, position,
5.B-C 24
B. Words Occurring 47 and 46 Times (26)
guilt, wrong; guilt forgive [sa/lah] 46
offering fa/i&m] 46 (l) ( ; s m; f) support,
redeemer (go/61] 46 help, (ext or coll)
valley [gay] 47 helper(s) ['6/zer;
banish, divorce, drive 'ez/ra] 47
out (I?); toss up restrain, detain
(II?) [ga/r4] 47 ['a/sar] 46
spear [hamt] 47 encounter, meet;
entreat [pa/ga ] 46
(II) ( stat) be deaf; (Hi) be
silent [ha/rS ] 47 (II) arrange; (Pi) overlay
[sa/pa] 46
hall [li5/ka] 47
* (Pi) refuse, refuse to (I) wait, await [qa/wa] 47
[ma/ an*] 46 height, stature
ascent [ma!/ala] 47 [qo/ma] 46
(I) ( adj) small, young
couch, bed [miS/kab] (-er, -est) [qa/tSn] 47
( drinking-) feast be sharp, attentive
[mi5/teh] 46 [qa/ab] 46
* (Pi) show love for
( du) loins [mot/na/- [ra?ham*] 47
yim] 47
, (adj) foreign, strange; kill [ra/sah] 47
(n) foreigner [nok/ri] take captive [$a/ba] 47
youth [na'u/rim] 47

C. Words Occurring 45 and 44 Times (27)

(II) ( adv) perhaps fu/lai] take off; (Qal part
45 pass) ready for battle
food |6/kel] 45 [ha/ld$] 44
* (pi) fortune; happi- : (adj) fearing, afraid
of [ya/r'] 45
ness [ e/ser*] 45
(I) young man [ba/hh'r] ( n) fear, reverence
[yir/a] 45
* shriek ecstatically, province, district
[modi/na] 45
shout with joy [gil*]
45 dwelling place
[m6/S4b] 44
gird, put on a belt
[ha/gar] 44 be rebellious, obsti-
nate [ma/ra] 45
milk [ha/lAb] 44
25 5.C-D

chariot [mer/ka/ba] 44 tie44 up, bind [qa/5ar]

(I) carrying, burden
[mas/Sd] 45 * (Hi) shout [ruv*] 44
chief, leader [na/gfd] become slack; sink
44 down [ra/pa] 45
awe-inspiring [no/rd] :( s m; o wrong, in-
justice, guilt
[re/Sa; riS/'a] 45
(I) lamp [ner] 45 lamb, kid [Seh] 44
eunuch, court official (I) , breaking, fracture;
[sa/rfs] 45
* (Pi) surround ['ud*]
[Se/bcr, sd/'ber] 44
* (alw with suffix;
prep) with (cf ,
l.B) [1im/mad*] 45

D. Words Occurring 43 and 42 Times (40)

* shine [or*] 43 (I) scatter [za/ra] 42
(I) men [Sn65] 42 desert, waste [hor/ba]
( n) end, nothingness;
(particle of neg; adv) children [tap] 42
without [ e/pes] 42 * (Pi, Hi) wait
[ya/hdl*] 42
(II) *? (pi) poles; shoots
[bad*] 42 (I) found, lay the foun-
* (Ni) separate oneself dations of [ya/sad] 43
[ba/dal*] 42 (I) * (Qal part) teach; (Ni)
despise [ba/za] 43 teach oneself, take
advice [ya/sar*] 42
( !v) plunder [ba/zaz] orphan [ya/to'm] 42
(I) safety; (adv) securely lyre [kin/n6'r] 42
[be/tah] 43 tablet; board, plank
[luffi] 43
moisten; confuse,
confound [ba/lal] 43 portion, share
exiles; deportation, [ma!/hal6/qet] 42
exile [go/ la] 42 lampstand [mono/ra]
conceive, become * (pi) deed, act
pregnant [ha/ra] 43
demolish [ha/ras] 43 [ma!/'aldl*] 42
* (v) flow; suffer a (I) cave [ms'a/ra] 42
discharge [zub*] 42 ( interr) when? [ma/-
(I) * (Pi) sing [za/mar*] 43 tai] 43
5.D-E 26

pasturage, abode (I?); neck [saw/war] 42

praiseworthy?, passion [qin/a] 43
comely? (II?)
[na/weh] 42 (I) , broad open place,
plaza [rehob, rehobj
( adj) soothing, 43
[ni/hoh] 43 (I) crimson, scarlet
[Sa/n7] 42
(I) luster, glory [n/ah] ( n) produce, yield
[tabu/ S'] 43
( adj) free from, ex-
empt [na/qi] 43 intelligence, skill
[tabu/na) 42
tear down, demolish
[na/tas] 42
take off [pa/at] 43

E. Words Occurring 41 and 40 Times (30)

(I) love [a!/haba] 40 (I) ( n; adj) heavy,
(I) * (Hi) listen (to) weighty; rich
' [a/zan*] 41 [ka/bd] 40
* waver, reel, totter
back; (adv) behind Imut*] 41
[ a/hor] 41
* (v) shake, totter
(I) be strong [a/mas] 41 [nuv*] 41
lie in ambush [a/rab] ( v) lead [na/haH 40
41 leave, abandon
Asherah; cult-post [na/tas|40
[&e/ra] 40 * (Ni) be free [na/qS"*]
(I) ( v) swallow [ba/ld'] 40 41
bar [barPh] 41 yoke [01] 40
high [ga/b6ah] 40 ( v) revolt, rebel
[pa/a ] 41
garden [gan] 41
be in the right, have
grain [da/gan] 40 a just case [sa/daq]
sufficiency; enough 41
[dai] 40 (I) ( coll) birds [sip/por]
feel compassion for 40
[ha/mal] 41 ( intrans) shake, quake
anger [ha/ro'n] 41 [ra/gaz] 41
(II) (v) taunt, reproach enemy [so/n6] 41
[ha/rap] 40 have peace, be at
(adj) handsome,
beautiful [ya/peh] 41
peace [Sa/qa(] 41
worm [to/le/'a] 41
27 5.F-G

F. Words Occurring 39 and 38 Times (29)

mourn [a/bal] 39 (I) ( adj) bitter; (adv)
ephah (grain mea- bitterly [mar] 39
sure) [e/paQ 38 (I) deceit, fraud
( ; interr) where? from [mir/ma] 39
where? [an; 4/na] 38 anointed (one) [ma/Sf-
purple [ar/ga/m4n] 39 ah] 39
* (Ni) be terrified (1) saying, proverb [mai-
[ba/hal*] 39 541] 39
steal [ga/n4b] 39 deed, work [po/ al] 38
olive (fruit and (I) rib [se/14]
tree) [za/yit] 38
*( Ni, intrans) assemble
( dark) room, bedroom [qa/hal*] 39
[he/der] 38
lap, bosom [heq] 38
[ra!/hamfm] 39
delight, joy [hd/pes] (I) astonishment, horror
[5am/ma] 39
tremble, shudder (III) ( Egyptian) linen [ses]
[ha/rad] 39
craftsman [ha/r45] 38
* (Ni) be shamed, dis- fig (-tree) [toe/na] 39
graced [ka/lam*] 38 descendants, genera-
tions [to/le/do't] 39
rain [ma/tdr] 38
fulness, what fills wine [ti/ro'g] 38
l mold] 38
word, message
[mil/KT] 38

G. Words Occurring 37 and 36 Times (38)

(I) coast, region fi] 36 (I) ( stat) be dry [ha/r6b]
( n) curse [a/la] 37 36

word, utterance ( state of cultic) un-

[im/ra] 37 cleanness [turn/ a] 37
be(come) guilty [a/- ( adj) rare, costly;
sam] 36 noble [ya/qdr] 36
(I) well, pit [bodr] 37 salvation, liberation
lyd/5a'] 36
insight [bi/na] 37 star [ko/k4b] 37
finish; (Ni) be * seize; (Hi) contain;
weaned [ga/mal] 37
(Pilp) clasp [kul*] 37
seek refuge [ha/sa] 37
5.G-H 28
* (Ni) be subdued, (I) flock, herd [6/der] 37
humbled [ka/na'*] 36 misery, affliction
bend the knee, kneel ['om] 36
[ka/ra ] 36 oppress, do wrong
gather (up), glean ['a/Jaq] 37
[la/qat] 37 riches ['A/Ser] 37
(I) fortress, fortified city
[mib/$4r] 37
|; concubine [pi!/16/ge;
pl/16/geS] 37
( n) front; (as prep) (I) keep guard, watch
front of, towards [a/pa] 37
[mul] 36 ( adj) hard, severe
sign, omen [mo/p6t] [qa/seh| 36
36 play (act) clumsy;
fortress [ma/ o'z] 36 laugh [sa/haq] 36
pillar [mas/se/ba] 36 gatekeeper [50/6r] 37
seize, pull [ma/5ak] 36 continent(s) [te/bl] 36
(I) * (Hi) move back and ( n) deep, ocean
forth [nup*] 37 depths [taho'm] 36
foreign land [ne/k&r] shout (of alarm, joy)
36 [taru/'a] 36
*? (Pi) (put someone to
the) test [na/sa*] 36

H. Words Occurring 35 and 34 Times (41)

wheel [o/pan] 35 vision [ha/zo'n] 35
be long [a/r4k] 34 fault, sin [hen 35
she-ass [a/ton] 34 ( one who is) faithful,
threshing floor devout [ha/siid] 35
[g6/ren] 34 ( impv) give; (interj)
(I) rain [ge/Sem] 35 come on! [ya/hab] 34
( ; m; f coil) fish [dag; 3 suck(le), nurse
da/gS] 34 [ya/naq] 34
(I) Cf :,5.H 5.H[hab]
upper thigh [ ya/'rSkJ
make noise, roar ( adv) so, thus [kS/ka]
[ha/ma] 34 35
( female) prostitute daughter-in-law; bride
[zo/na] 35 [kal/la] 34
(I) scatter [za/raq] 34 people [13 om] 35
* (Ni) hide (oneself),
be hidden [ha/b(f*]
(I) wipe off; wipe out
[ma/ha] 34

29 5.H-I

queen [mal/ka"| 35 smelt, refine [sa/rap]

be unfaithful [ma/ al] 34
35 * (Pi) be envious of;
arouse jealousy
double [mi5/-
35 [qa/na*] 34
take vengeance end, border [qa/sa] 35
[na/qam] 35 be(come) angry
hiding place; garment [qa/sap] 34
[s/ter] 35 (I) reap, harvest [qa/sar]
arrogance [ eb/ra] 34 35
(bull-) calf [*6/gel] 35 be(come) guilty
[ra/Sa ] 35
(I) kinsman, relative barley [so'6/ra] 34
['am] 34
( adj) uncircumcised (II) expectation, hope
['a/rdl] 35 [tiq/wa] 34
( v) hide; treasure up
[sa/pan] 34
salvation [tsSu/'a] 34

skin disease (not

leprosy) [$a/ra/'at] 35

1. Words Occurring 33 and 32 Times (38)

palace far/mon] 33 * (Ni) be hidden
[ka/hSd*] 32
(II) raiding party [godud]
33 dog [ke/leb] 32
bind, bind on; saddle garment; (coll)
[ha/baS] 33 clothes [labhS] 32
(adv) without com- anything (at all)
pensation; in vain [mau/ma] 32
[hin/n&m] 32 (I) * circumcise [mul*] 32
become related by sprinkling basin
marriage; (Qal part) [miz/rSq] 32
father- (mother-) ( n) the following day;
in-law [ha/tan] 33 (adv) on the next
butcher, cook day [mo!/hor4t] 32
[tab/bdh] 32 * (du cstr) bowels,
( n) goodness, the best abdomen [me/eh*]
[tub] 32 32
(I) dove [yo/na] 33 tithe [ma!/ ar] 32
right (hand); southern (I) kiss [na/5aq] 32
[yama/m] 33
wickedness ['aw/la]
(I) throw; shoot [ya/ra] 32
5.I-K 30

(I) * (alw pref with '; curse [qala/la] 33
adv) just like; (prep) ()
close t, at
[ um/ma*] 32
nn womb [r6/hem>
ri/ham] 32

?!laver row acces-
[rim/mffn] 32
neck, nape [6/rep] 33 (!) shout of joy [rin/na]
( coll) green plants,

herbs l'6/seb] 33 ( ; carrying off to) cap-

tivity, imprisonment
?? (adj) inner [pani/mi]
[5abut; Jabit] 32
appointment, service root [6/res] 33
[paqud/da] 33 (song, sacrifice of)
thanksgiving [to/da]
(I) sprout; break out [pa/- 32
rdh] 32
( ; adj) lower, lowest;
(I) side [$ad] 33 (n) the lowest
( v) sprout [sa/mah] 33 [tah/tf; tah/to'n] 32

J. Words Occurring 31 Times (26)

( interr) where? [ e] ??young lion [kapir]
ship [6niy/ya] kind, species [min]
finger [es/ba ] commit adultery
weeping [bakf] [na/ap]
roof [gag] make a vow [na/dar]
(I) be (a)like [da/ma] (I) serpent [na/hd]
window (-opening) thicket; hut [suk/ka']
[hal/16'n] (II) cloud(s) [ ab]
dew, light rain [tal] ( adj) mighty, vast
hide; set up secretly |'a/su'm]
[ta/man] idol [pe/sel]
* (Hi) howl, wail (I) * tie up, gather [sur*]
[ya/lal*] mantle, wrapper (cf
(I) ( drinking) cup [kos] .
5.V) 5.V)[sim/la]
lie, falsehood oath ISabu/ 'a]
[ka/z6b] wash away, wash off
* (pi) kidney [kil/yS*] [a/tap]

K. Words Occurring 30 and 29 Times (41)

test [ba/han] 30 lbam/ma, bam/meh]
,( interr pr) how? 29
31 5.K-L
hail [ba/rAd] 29 (I) drive, lead [na/hag] 30
; balsam shrub [b6/- ( cooking-) pot [sir] 30
sem; be/sem] 30 7DD mourn, sound a
shame [b6/Set] 30 lament [sa/pad] 30
tear off, pull off, ( Qal part) secret
seize [ga/zal] 30 (faults); (Ni) be
ornament [ha/dAr] 30 hidden fa/lam] 29
(I) plan; infamy tenth part ['is/5a/ro'n]
[zim/ma] 29
* (pi) ram, he-goat;
wheat [hit/ta] 30 (met) leader
be(come) warm, hot [at/tu'd*] 29
[ha/mam] 29
3 corner [pin/na] 30
trumpet [hasd/sora] 29
(I) ban, (what is) banned
bear fruit [pa/ra] 29
(I) anger, rage [qe/sep]
[hA/rem] 29
restrain, withhold city, town [qir/ya] 30
[ha/sak] 29

designate [ya/ ad] 29 lie down, crouch
[ra/bas] 30
? (n) disgrace, insult
(I) quake, shake [ra/'SS]
[kolim/ma] 30
tunic [kut/ to/net] 29
(I) ( adj) white [la/bAn] 29
( coll) hair [se/'Ar] 29
(I) survivor [Sa/rfd] 29
food; fodder
[ma!/ akAI] 30 ( ord) eighth
[53mi/nt] 30
bed, couch [mit/(a] 29
( stat) be low, sink
( v) count [ma/na] 29
[5a/p61] 29
[ ma/na']withhold
abominable idol; abo-
mination [Siq/qu's] 29
(I) unfaithfulness [ma/'al] waving, shaking;
29 (ext) wave-offering
; menstrual flow; [tonu/pa] 30
excretion [nid/da; ni/-
da] 30

L. Words Occurring 28 and 27 Times (54)

( adj) mighty; (n, pi) (I) ( adj) foolish; (n) fool,
nobles fad/dif] 27 simpleton [6wtl] 27
* (Ni?) be beautiful, ( n) plunder (act and
lovely; (Pi) want, objects of) [baz] 27
crave [ a/wa*] 27
5.L 32

wickedness helper, deliverer

[baliy/ya/'al] 27 [m6/5ra'] 27
ripen, cook; (Pi) (II) salt [me/lah] 28
cook, boil [ba/al] 28 road, highway
Ipt (stat) be old lm3sil/1r] 27
|za/q6n] 27 robe [ma'il] 28
(II) become allies, unite (II) , harp? [nd/bel,
[ha/bar] 28 ne/bel] 27
be(come) wise free will; voluntary
[ha/kam] 27 gift [nada/ba) 27
be(come) strong; flee, wander [na/dad]
(Qal, Hi) dream 27
[ha/lam] 28 willing; (one who is)
(I) pass by, follow each noble [na/dib] 27
other [ha/lap] 27 * wander [nud*] 27
(ord) fifth; (fract) vengeance, revenge
one-fifth [hami/51] 27 [noqa/ma] 27
spy out, investigate tear away, draw (one)
[ha/qar] 27 away [na/taq] 27
seal up, confirm (I) * fly; (Po'l) soar;
[ha/tam] 27 (Hithpo'l) fly off
ram; year of jubilee [up*] 27
[yo/b61] 27 ( ;ord) tenth; (fract)
one-tenth ['asi/rf] 28
kindle, bum up governor [pe!/ha] 28
[ya/?at] 27
moon [ya/rfiah] 27 escape [pa/lat] 27
rear, back side ( ?n) escape [p31e/ta] 28
[yare/ka] 28 (I) be inexperienced,

be (go) straight naive [pa/ta] 28
[ya/Sar] 27 happen, come about
( ?performance of) re- [qa/ra] 27
conciliation; (trad) be hard, heavy
cover, lid [qa/sa] 28
[kap/p6/ret] 27 property, goods
* boast; (Hi) mock, be [rakuS] 28
a spokesman (inter- * rejoice [Sus*] 27
preter) [li*] 28 accuser, adversary;
; entrance [ma/bo'; the Satan [saMn] 27
mo/bS1 27 (1) wages, reward
(I) outlet; what comes [sa/kr] 28
out [mo/sij 27 acacia (tree, wood)
trap [mo/q65] 27 [Sit/ta] 28
33 5.L-M
(I) ( adj) uninjured, safe; ark, chest [te/ba] 28
complete [5a/16m] 28 hang [ta/la] 27
news, report integrity, complete-
[Somfl/af] 27 ness [tom] 28
( ord) sixth; (fract)
one-sixth [sis/5f] 27

M. Words Occurring 26 and 25 Times (53)

foolishness (I) go to sleep; sleep
[iw/we/let] 25 [ya/5an] 25
( &interr) where? ?, irritation, anger
[ e/p6h] 25 [ka/'as, ka/'as] 25
(interj) amen! surely! plague, torment
[ a/m6n] 25 [mag/ge/pa] 26
bake [a/pa] 25 place, abode; stand
( adv) then, so [ e/po"] [mako/na] 25
25 covering, curtain
( Qal part pass) im- [ma/sak] 25
pregnable [ba/sttf] 25 (I) cast image; drink of-
knee [be/rek] 25 fering [mas/se/ka] 26
excel; (Hi) be strong affliction (I?);
[ga/bar] 25 fortification (II?)
likeness [domut] 25 [ma/sor] 25
(I) mutter, growl [ha/ga] ( V) rebel [ma/rad] 25
25 consecration (of the
Nazirite) [nfi/zer] 25
wealth [hon] 26 ( prep) in front of,
( adj) outer [hi/$on] 25 opposite; (n) what
quarry, hew (out), lies opposite
stir? (II?) [ha/sdb] 25 [n6/kah] 25
(I) plow; engrave eagle, vulture [ne/ser]
[ha/ras] 25 26
breast-plate (of the ( ; s m; f) path [na/tib;
high priest) [h6/5en] nati/ba] 26
(I) * deviate, be disloyal
row, course (of [stig*] 25
building stone) [tur]
26 (III) threshold [sap] 25
tear in pieces [ta/rap] wagon, cart faga/la]
25 25

grow weary [ya/ga'] ( adj) blind ('iw/w6r[

26 26
5.M-N 34

deed, action fali/la] (I) tread (winepress);

25 rule [ra/da'] 25
(I) smoke [ a/SAn] 25 open wide, broaden
[ra/hab] 25
(I) HD bird trap [pah] 25
remainder, remnant
tremble [pa/had] 25 [Soar] 26
( Qal part pass) (II) violence, destruction
outspread; (Ni) [Sod] 25
divide, (intrans)
separate [pa/rad] 26
officer, record-
keeper [so/tdr] 25
curtain [pa/r6/ket] 25 draw (sword); take
( adv) suddenly off [sa/lap] 25
[pit/6m] 25 ( idiom) three (days
( act, time of) fasting ago, day before
[som] 25 yesterday) [sil/Som]
*[? (Pi) be in front, walk 25
at the head * go about, explore;
[qa/dam*] 26 (ext) spy out [tur*]
slander; (Pi) spy out; 25
(Tifel) teach (I) supplication (for
(someone) to walk mercy); pardon,
[ra/gal] 26 mercy [tohin/na] 25

N. Words Occurring 24 Times (30)

( rites of) mourning (II) piece of land, plot of
[d/bel] ground [hel/qa]
( interj) woe!; (n) woe peg, tent-peg [ya/td]
I oy] be extinguished
disaster, calamity [ka/baf]
fed] ( column-) capital
locust far/beh] [ko/te/ret]
* ( Pi) bring news kingship [molu/ka]
[ba/sar*] reject, disdain lna/A$]
expire, die, perish be sprinkled; (intrans)
[ga/wa] spatter [na/za]
* (v) judge; bring (I) pour out [na/sak]
justice [din*]
blowing; breath
(I) height,
majesty [hod] [naSa/ma]
reminder [zik/ka/ro'n] ( ; ?s m; f) gale,
* pity, be troubled windstorm [sd/'ar;
about [hus*] so'a/ra]
illness, suffering , fugitive(s) [pa/1n,
[hdli] pa/le|]
35 5.N-P
directions, orders ( stat) be bereaved (of
[piq/qQ/dfm] children) [$a/k61]
(I) be(come) great, $ (v) change; repeat
much, numerous [Sa/ntT]

[ra/bdb] reprimand [to/ki/hat]

* be poor [ru5*] (I) south; southern area
dawn [Sd/har] [te/mdn]

0. Words Occurring 23 Times (35)

, strong, powerful compulsory labor,
[ a/bir, ab/bir] corvee [mas]
(III) linen [bad] spring [ma'/ydn]
a piece cut off convocation [miq/rd]
[b6/$a] obstinacy [man]
* (Pi) shave [ga/ldfi*] beat, drive [na/gd$]
(S coll) tears [dim/'f] pierce; designate
mention, remem- [na/qdb]
brance [z6/ker] (I) 1 isolate, cover
(I) sand, mud [hoi]
Ty (adj) defiant,
( stat) lack, be shameless [,az]
lacking; diminish
[ha/s6r] (I) wreath, crown
(1) dig [ha/pdr] ( adj) wealthy, rich
search out, check [a/5fr]
[ha/piS] * (pi) idols [pa/sfl*]
* (Hi) help, be of use ( du) midday, noon
[ya/dl*] [$o!/h6rd/yim]
(I) olive oil [yi$/hdr] gift; bribe [56/had]
* (Pi) perform the pit(-fall), grave
duties of priest [5d/hat]
[ka/hdn*] intoxicating drink,
( wash-) basin, pot beer? [Se/kdr]
[kiy/yor] sleep [Se/nd]
(I) ; quarrel, dispute [ma/-
don; mid/ydn]
( pi)pointexits; starting
level ground, plain beginning [tahil/ldn
[mi/Sor] yesterday [tamol]
P. Words Occurring 22 Times (37)
(III) gatepost? [d/yil] doe) [ay/ydl;
: fallow deer (buck; ay/ya/la]
5.P-Q 36
ashes, dust [6/per] ( v) stone [sa/qal]
cut off [ga/da ] ?rope [ abot]
(I) stand (keep) still corpse [pe/ger]
[da/mdm] ( v) spread [pa/sa]
regulation, law [dat] (I) small (-er, -est);
hin (liquid measure) young (-er, -est)
Ihin] [$a/'1f]
(II) * (Ni) be warned; (Hi) * spend the summer
warn [za/hdr*] [q5*]
( !n) curse [za/'am] tranquillity; moment
prey; food [!e/rep] [re/ga]
counsellor [yo/'6s] ( ?bird) net [rd/Set]
become lean; (Pi) joy [sa/son]
deny, deceive * (Pi) cry for help
[ka/haS] [Ja/wa *]
* (Ho part) twisted
destruction, anni-
hilation [ka/la] [sa/zar*]
( imprec) if only; O (I) shoulder(s) [Sokem]
that... might [Id, lu] * (Ni) lean (against);
descendants, kindred (met) depend (on)
[mo/ld/det] [5a/'dn*]
fire-pan [mah/ta] weigh (out) [sa/qdl]
be(come) few [ma/ at] * (Ni, Hi) look down
sandal [nd/al] [$a/qap*]
smash; scatter (II?); obscene manner
(Ni) break up [taz/nut]
[na/pas] * (Ni) be loathed,
( n, adj) female abhorrent [ta/ab*]

Q. Words Occurring 21 Times (40)

come [ a/tafl desire, crave
while yet, as long as [ha/mad]
(cf ,2.2.
A) father-in-law |ho/ten]
[bo'od] , frankincense [la/bo/-
(I) lightning [ba/rSq] na, 13bo/na]

(I) shave; diminish (I) chin, jawbone [13hi]

[ga/ra] scroll [mogil/la]
(II) reject [za/nah] , blemish [mum,
(I) * hurry [hflS*]
37 5.Q-R

rest, resting place ( K; adj) humble

[manu/ha] [ a/nAw]
courage; (Ni)
lose ( v) open [paqah|
dissolve [rna/sas]
(II) utterance [mas/sd]
( divided)

(I) anointing [miS/ha]

* (v) fast [sum*]
cup-bearer; well-irri- ( n) cry, call for help
gated land [maS/qeh]
(?) * (pi) men [mot*] (I) ( adj) wide, broad
signal pole; banner
[nes] ( adj) joyful, glad
gush forth, be poured ( v) roar [5a/$g]
out [na/tak]
uproot, tear out (II) buy (food) [Sa/bar]
[na/taS] stray, go astray
)confidential conver- [SS/gff]
sation [sod] * (du) breast [Sad*]
pdss through, wander ( coll) dust; clouds of
around [sa/har] dust? [S4/haq]
take away [sa/pa ] longing, desire
(II) * (pi) prince [se/ren*] [ta!/3wa]
wrong, injustice grasp [ta/mak]

R. Words Occurring 20 Times (33)

worthless; (ext) pagan *; be violent, oppress;
gods [6111] (Hi) oppress
plain, broad valley [ya/na*]
[biq/'a] foundation(-wall),
( Phoenician) juniper base [yasod]
[baroS] ( n) speed, haste;
(adv) quickly
(I) heap [gal]
(I) take (something) in
(II) * withdraw; (Hi) re-
pledge [ha/bal]
move [muS*]
(II) ( neg interj) be it far doorpost [mazCt/za]
from [ha/1n]
refuge [mah/sdh]
son-in-law; bride- refuge, asylum
groom [haMn]
*; (Hith) be enrolled (in guard [mi5/mdr]
genealogical regis-
try) [ya/has*]
5.R-S 38
upper room, roof- practice divination
chamber ['Sliy/ya] [qa/sdm]
labor, exert oneself be (too) high; be
[a/m41] fortified [Sa/g4b]
( adj) violent, mighty; ; old age [seb; se/ba]
(n) master ['a/rf$] be(come) concerned,
(I) pray; (Ni) be moved consider [Si*h]
by entreaties ('a/t4r] week [5a/bQv]
(II) ?
shield [in/na] inhabitant, neighbor
(I) ( adj) narrow; (n) dis-
tress [$ar] the lowland(s)
* (Qal, Pu part) suf-
fering from a skin shape, form; pattern
disease [$a/ra'*]
summer; summer fruit wasteland, formless-
ness; nothingness

S. Words Occurring 19 Times (41)

(I) ( advs) on the other flame [le!/ha/ba]
hand, however [u/- crowd, press; oppress
14m] [la/h4s]
(I) stream-channel luminary [ma/or]
[a/pfq] plan, plot [mazim/-
guilt [a5/ma] ma]
purge out, sort; straightness, fairness
sharpen? (II?) [me/Sa/rfm]
[ba/rar] ascent, steep path
loftiness; haughtiness [ma!/'S16h]
[ga!/ awa] row; battle line
doings; recompense [ma!/'4ra/ka]
[gamul] (I) wither [na/bAl]
lawsuit [din]
(I) brightness, shining
beard [za/q4n] [n6/gah]
sinner; sinful [ha]/t4] leaves, leaf [ a/16h]
hew out; engrave grape (cluster)
[ha/qdq] [e/n4b]
(II) * (Hi) make a ( f) eleven(th) [a5/te]
beginning [ya/41*]
beauty [y6p1]
(I) breach, gap [pA/re$]
(I) ( adj) young, naive
be(come) weary
[laTX) [pd/ti]
39 5.S-T
* (v) empty out, draw draw (water) [sa/ ab]
(sword); muster error, inadvertence
[riq*] [Saga/gif]
trample, tread pW thigh; (ext) leg [oq]
?be(come) drunk(en)
bad quality [r6a] [5a/kar]
( adj) hungry [ra/b] (1) snow [5e/leg]
( adj) luxuriant ( adj) deep, low;
[ra!/ anan] humble [Sa/pSl]
smash up; abuse, ornament of palm tree
[ra/sas] |ti!/mo/ra]
hire [sa/kar]
T. Words Occurring 18 Times (43)
(I) power, strength, (I) * (Ni) murmur,
wealth [on] grumble [lun*]
delay, keep back
(v) ridicule [la/ ag]
[a/har] ( adv) below, beneath
food [ok/la] [mat/ta]
( interj) truly! indeed! 1 lair; dwelling
[a/kn] [ma/ on]
ambush [ 0/r6b] (II) mountain stronghold
citadel ]bi/ra] [mosu/da]

live coals [ga!/- spring, source
he/let] [ma/qo'r]
* (Ni part) oppressed; shoot, twig [maq/qCl]
(Pi) crush [da/k4*] distance [mer/haq]
]cry, cal) for help (I) ( adj) foolish [na/bil]
[zo'a/qa ]
trickle, flow; (Qal
go forth, shine part act) brook,
[za/rah] watercourse [na/zal]
palate [hek] drip |na/tap]
( one who) lacks * (Hi) lead astray,
[ha/s6r] seduce [sut*]
(I) grass [ha/$1f] be stubborn (I?)
be (grow) dark Isa/rar]
[ha/5ak] ( v) wrap, cover
*5 (Hi) bring [ya/bal*] ['a/tT]
jar [kad] (I) * (Po) treat, deal with
(I) restrain [ka/14] ['a/lal*]
(II) knob [kap/tor]
5.T-U 40

(I) be mighty; numerous (n) hired laborer,

['a/sam] mercenary [sa/kir]
(I) ornament; glory stoop, crouch
[$3bi] [Sa/hah]
darkness [sal/mA/wct] (I) be awake, watch [Sa/-
(I) dirge,lament [qi/na]
*3 (Qal part) trader, * supplication
merchant [ra/kal*]
( adj) rented, hired; examine [ta/kan]

U. Words Occurring 17 Times (64)

native, citizen potter, founder [yo/-
[ez/rAh] sCrl
terror, dread [e/ma] preciousness;
; prisoner [ a/sir; honoring, esteeming
as/sir] [yoqir]
stink [bay 45] stand, base; place
(IV?); (ext) position
first fruits [bik/ku/- (V?) [ken]
pond, pool [b3re/ka]
( n) document; register
height [g6/bah] beat fine, pound up
;( s m) lord, master; (f) [ka/tdt]
lady, mistress * reel, melt [mug*]
[gobfr; gabi/ra]
* (Ni) be rained on;
thief [gan/nib] (Hi) have (make)
(II) come to rest, end; rain fall [mayfar*]
(Ni ext?) be silent, place; support
destroyed (III?) [ma/kon]
dominion [mem/5a/la]
south; south wind
dungeon [mis/ge/ret]
high spot, refuge
vision [ho/zeh]
riddle [hi/da]
joy [ma/SoS]
(II) mortar, cement; clay (I) make up (say) a
(mocking-) verse
(II) ( stat) be ashamed [ma/5al]
[ha/p6r] ;
,( m; 0 support [mis/-
( adj) freed, free , 'An, maS/'en; maS/-
e/nr, mi5/e/net]
clay, pottery [he/res]
41 5.U-V
(I) gift, present ( n) thirst [$a/m]
[mat/ta/nS! grow dark, turbid
urge on, prompt; [qa/dar]
(Hithp) volunteer shame [qa/16'n]
[na/dab] dish [qo'a/ra]
DU ring [ne/zem] swarm, teem [ra/mas]
( human) revenge; ( col!) small animals,
(divine) recompense reptiles [re/mes]
quaking, commotion
(II) make a (yearly) round [rd/'aS]
[na/qap] plate; (met) firma-
* (pi) temple slave; ment [ra/qp']
bondsman [na/tfn*] net; lattice, grille
*,*( pi) governor, prefect [soba/ka]
[se/gen*, sa/gdn*] hate, hatred [sin/ a']
do wrong fa/wa] (II) din, uproar [5a/ on]
( adj) weary, faint flesh, food; blood-
relation [53er]
exult [a/liz]
( adj) deep; (ext) (I) lily, lotus [5u/5an]
impenetrable (III) third man in chariot;
['a/m6q] (ext) adjutant [5a/113]
* (pi) images, idols hearsay, report
['a/sib*] [56/ma']
(I) stand (as) surety (for) straw, chaff [te/ben]
['a/rab] timbrel, tambourine
be(come) rich; (Hi) [top]
make someone rich 1( ord) ninth [taSi/T]
bud, flower [pe/rah]

V. Words Occurring 16 Times (64)

(II) spirit (of the dead) ,
;( adv) truly, surely;
[ob] ( with interr) really?
[om/na; 0m/n4m,
put on, gird [a/zar] um/n&m]
( interr) how? in what * thumb; big toe
way? (cf ,
4.H) 4.H)
become old and worn
(I) mighty tree [ e/la] out [ba/la]
(I) * (Pul) dry up [ a/mal*] *? (prep) apart from, ex-
cept for [bal/ ade*]
5.V 42
(I) rule, own; marry ; lifting up [ma$/$a/a;;
[ba/al] mas/6t]
* (Ni) be terrified ( adj) dedicated; (n)
[ba/ at*] Nazirite [na/zir]
cut off [ba/sa'l (I) lend, make a loan
kid (goat) [godi] [na/54]
(II) * (pi) wave [gal*] (II) * (Ni) be deceived
garden [gan/mf] [na/S4*]
(I) holy of holies [dabir] (II) Cf (1)
* trample; thresh [du5*] (I) ( storm-) wind [su/pa j
( adj) pregnant 1 trader, merchant
[ha/reh] [so/hSr]
( prep) except, be- *DO (pi coll) perfume
sides; (conj) except [sam*]
that [zfi/12] (IV) sing [ a/na]
celebrate [ha/gag] ( adj) naked ['a/ro'm]
something desirable, foreskin ['or/ltT]
excellent [hem/da] let (hang) loose
dryness, drought; [pa/ra ]
desolation [h6/reb] flax, linen [p6/et]
be quiet [ha/Sa] * hunt [ud*]
dip [ta/bal] dry country, desert
labor, work; gain [siy/y]
[y3gra1 wool [6/mer]
* (Hi) set (down),
(II) * (pi) curtain [qe/la'*]
stubble [qa]
wine-vat; winepress
[yd/qeb] very great multitude;
ten thousand
lie; (Ni) prove to be a [roba/ba]
liar [ka/zab]
( )'(Assyrian office?)
( adj) clothed, dressed cupbearer
[la/bu's] [rab(-/)a/q6h]
babbler, scoffer [le] ( v) stone (someone)
?half [ma!/hasit] [ra/gam]

target; (men on) ( adv) emptily
guard [mat/fa/ra] [re/qam]

pain [mak/6b] (adj) tender, frail

cover(ing) [mik/seh] Irak]

mourning (rites) [mis/- laughter [sohoq]
p6d] , insight, understanding
be bitter [ma/rar] [Se/kel, Sg/kel]
43 5.V-W

(I) mantle, wrapper (cf * (pi) judgment; (ext)

5.J) 5.J)[al/ma] punishment [S6/pet*]
(1) be(come) like, equal

W. Words Occurring 15 Times (48)

sack; load? acquisition [miq/nif]
[am/ta/hat] ( Qal part) musician,
; (abs; cstr) slow, long string-player; (Pi)
[ a/r6k; e/rek] play a stringed
TU shear (sheep), cut instrument [na/gan )
(hair) [ga/zaz] basket [sal]
basin [gul/laf] (II) find fault with, hurt
exile, deportation; [a/sab]
exiles [ga/lu't] ( to the) end; reward;
(I) roll [ga/lal] (conj) because (of)
( n) rebuke; threat
[g3a/ra] darkness, gloom
* (Pi) go to law ['ara/pel]
" [ga/ra*] be afraid, alarmed
fat; fatty ashes ( group of) ten
(III) be deluded [ha/lal] oppression [6/5eq]
divide [ha/sSl ( v) blow, blast
straightness, up- [puah]
rightness [y<Ver]
subdue, subject
open up [pa/sa]
( ; s m; f) blossom (I);
(artificial) flower (II)
(adj) entire, whole; [si; si/sa]
(n) entirety [ka/lfl]
( du) scales, balance (I) image [?6/lem]
[md/zana/yim] yoke, team; (ext) acre
trust, confidence
[mib/tdh] ( v) silence; (Ni) be
* (Ni, intrans) change; silenced [sa/mat]
(Hi) exchange bow down, kneel
[mur*] down [qa/dad]
(I) equivalent value, (II) be (too) short [qa/sar]
market price drink ones fill
[mshir] [ra/wa]
consecration, ordina-
tion [mil/lu!/Tm]
* (pi) lances [r6/mah*]
5.W-X 44

slackness (I?); deceit form, shape [t6/ar]

(II?) [ramiy/ya] ( adj) complete, right,
(I) ear (of grain), bunch peaceful [tarn]
of twigs [ib/b6/let] oven, furnace
(I) * gaze on, regard
[5ur*] ! sea monster [tan/mn;
look, gaze [5a/a] idols, household gods
( coll) swarming [tora/pim]
things, swarm

X. Words Occurring 14 Times (68)

waistcloth, loincloth !dry land [yab/ba/sa]
[e/zo'r] torment, grief
(I) ( adj, n) perennial; [ya/gon]
(met) constant property [yaru5/5a]
[e/t4n] (II) liver; (liver-) divi-
be angry [a/nap] nation [ka/'bed]
show contempt for, ?priesthood [kahun/-
despise [buz]
(HI) grain [bar] (I) excavate, dig [ka/ra]
fat [ba/ri] (I) orchard [kar/mel]
right (duty) of re- (II) borrow; (Hi) lend to
demption [gaul/lal [la/w
( drinking) bowl, cup
torch; (ext) lightning
[ga/bfa'] [lap/pid]
( v) reproach [ga/ar] dash, beat to pieces
banner [d6/gel] [ma/has]
( adj) scanty, fine offense, obstacle
[daq] [mik/sol]
grass [de/5e] (I) manna [man]
(I) confuse, disturb (II) sunset, west
[ha/mam] [ma!/'arSb]
( dem and rel pr; c) ;* (pi) bell; (du) cym-
this [zu]
(I) ( n) seal [ho/t4m] bals [masil/1r*;
await [ha/ka] pluck (hair) |ma/rat]
( ring-shaped) bread ( type of) psalm
[hal/la] [mas/kH]
* (Hi) throw [tul*]
45 5.X-Y
string music (I) game; hunting
[n3gi/na] |$a/yid]
a skin disease [ne/teq] walking; (pi) steps
plug up, stop up Ua/ad]
[sa/tam] burial, grave
(I) heifer ['eg/la] [qobu/ra]
flour |qe/mah]
( s and coll) orna-
ment(s) [ 'adl ] cut off. trim [qa/$a$]
( make) trouble; make conspiracy [qe/ser]
(someone) taboo? feel relieved; (Hi)
['a/kar] smell, enjoy the
( adj) slow, sluggish smell of [ra/wah]
[a/561] , (adj) empty [req, req]
heel [ a/q6b] (stat) be hungry
* (Ni) be poured out; [ra/'6b]
(Pi) empty out (II) ( object of) concern,
['a/ra*] interest [5rah]
meet [pa/gas] request [s3e/la]
( adj) lame [pis/sah] gasp, pant (for)
work, deeds; reward, [5a/ ap]
wages [p3'ul/la] swarm, teem [5a/ras]
mule [pe/red] (II) turtledove [tor]
break [pa/rds] sojourner, alien
bit, morsel [pat] [to/5db]
go to war, serve (I) porpoise? dolphin?
[sa/bd] [ta/has]
(II) gazelle (species) * (pi) jackal [tan*]

Y. Words Occurring 13 Times (63)

( |imprec) please! 1 body [g3wiy/yn
pray! [an/nd] crush [da/qdq]
weave; (Qal part) (II) ( n) ruin [haw/w
weaver fa/rag]
( adj) chosen, elect ( adv) out there,
onward [ha/13'a]
*(pi) nail [waw*]
(II) bath (liquid measure) ( adj) arrogant [zed]
greatness [g6/del] 1( mucous or blood)
discharge [zob]
( stone) wall think, plan [za/mam]
5.Y 46

prostitution (II) *| (Pi) glorify [pa/ ar*]

[zanu/nfrn] ( n) marvel [p6le]
embrace [ha/baq] ( adv) into, inside
chest (of animal) [pani/ma]
!ha/zehj officer [pa/qid]
( adj) gracious, laugh; (Pi) joke, play
friendly [han/nun] [?a/haq]
( adj) godless [ha/nep] ( coil) frogs
(I) * (pi) noble [hor*] [s3par/dfia'a]
( cuitic) purity curse [qa/bab]
[tol/horal * (Pi) accept, receive
wet clay, mud (tit] [qa/bal*]
(n) taste [ta/'am] (I) ( ; measuring-) cord
[qaw; qaw]
( n) produce [yobul] ( adj) light, quick
son; one bom a slave [qal]
desert, wilderness nest; (pi) compart-
ments [qen]
(IV) bribe [k6/per]
( intrans) crust over,
come to rest [ra/ga ]
;( conj) if not [lu/16; ( adj) compassionate
lu/le] [ra!/hum]

loops [lu!/la/6t] ( place of) burning,
flood [mab/bul] conflagration
9 foundation (-wall), [s3re/pa]
base [mo/sid] ( trad) ruin, storm;
( something) desirable (better) pit
[mah/m4d] (I) * roam about, rove

(n) want, need [5u(*]
[mah/sor] boil, ulcer [3h1n]
portion, part, share (II) be intent on; (Pi)
seek [Sa/har]
(II) track, rut [ma'/gSl] ( adj) drunk(en)
forehead [mS/sah] [Sik/kor]
pasture [mir/ eh] ( v) plunder, spoil
(I) healing [mar/p6] guardroom [ta ]
stupidity [n3ba/la] razor, knife [ta/'ar]
( adj) pleasant, lovely
(II) grow weak, faint
47 5.Z
Z. Words Occurring 12 Times (78)
splendor; robe (I) slaughtering [!6/bah]
[,ad/de/ret] * (v) plaster, overlay
(II) ( interr) (from) where? [tuh*]
[S/yin] suckling; infant
* (Ni) sigh, groan [yo/n6q]
[a/nah*] ( adj) only [ya/hfd]
baker [ o/peh] (I) ( lunar) month [ye/rah]
white patch of skin ,( interr pr) how much?
[ba!/he/ret] how many? [kam/-
(I) contempt [buz] mSf, kam/meh]
* trample down [bus*] (I) ram; battering-ram
( formula to open [kar]
conversation with brick; paving-stone
superiors; lit on [labe/na]
me) [bi] flame [la/hab]
(I) something arched; (I) accompany; (Ni) be
torus, boss [gab]
joined, join [la/wa]
(1) greatness [gadul/la]
oppression, affliction
(III) * be afraid (of) [gur*] [Ia/ha]
(I) cut; decide [ga/zar] (I) ( the) choicest, best
skull [gul/g6/let]
( n; c) bear [dob] yield of fruit; (f pi)
( v) curse, scold precious gifts
[za/'am] [mc/'ged]
(m) clothing, garment
[ha/b6r] [mad]
(II) life; greed, appetite confusion, panic
[hay/ya] [mahu/ma]
change, relief yoke, collar; carrying
[haii/pa] poles? [mo/ta]
( adj) smooth [ha/liq] fetter(s), chain(s)
(III) homer (dry measure) 1 fear, terror [mo/rS]
( V) cover, veil breaking (camp),
departure [mas/sa ]
having pleasure in; deep, depths
willing [ha/p6s]
searching [h6/qer] headband, turban
weaver, technician corner [miq/so'a']
5.Z-AA 48
myrrh [mor] ( coll) growth, what
vision |mar/a] sprouts [se/mah]
* defection [m05u/ba*] crown of head
sweet [ma/to'q] [qod/q6d]
dedicate oneself (to a thorn bush [qo$]
deity) [na/zar] leader [qa/sm]
( v) blow [na/pah] seer; (seeing) visions
(I) pillar; garrison (II) poisonous plant; (ext)
poison [ro5]
(I) bite [na/dk] (II) ( den; Qal part pass)
interest (on debt) squared [ra/ba']
twilight, darkness foot soldier [rag/lf]
(nd/Sep] ( n) emptiness; (adj)
empty, worthless
piece (of meat) [nq]
support, sustain fabric (of varied
colors) [riq/mS'l
(?) pervert; (Pi) make ( v) plunder; (Qal
crooked, falsify (I part) plunderer
( v) whistle [a/raq]
?fellow, comrade
['a/mrtj success (tu/5iy/ya'l
( adj) barren [ a/qdr] (adj) the middle
(I) raven [o/rdb] (I) date palm [ta/mSr]
; firstborn [pe/ter;

AA. Words Occurring 11 Times (64)

( interj) truly; (advs (II) * (Ni) become polluted
conj) but, however [ga/al*]
[abal] hewn stone, ashlar
( n) sigh, groan [ga/zft]
[ ana/hal (1) cud [ge/rr]
vow of abstinence pierce [da/qar]
* (Pi, Pu) become
( stat) become fat
engaged [a/ras*]
gift [et/nan] shove [ha/dap]
solitude; (adv) alone
( adv) (to) here

( adj) pure [zak]

arrogance [za/do'n]
*,hUCESOS '%
/ i

(II) shake [na/'ar]

siege mound, rampart

tail; (met) end [so/lala]

[za/n4b] lapis lazuli [sap/pir]
(I) thorn bush, thorn child [0/161]
strong, prevail

[ha/mo't] labor, exert oneself

something leavened
[ha/m6s] * (Pi) cause to appear,
(I) be godless, defiled conjure up ['a/nan*]

[ha/nap] ; festive assembly

soothsayer-priest [ a$a/ra; ase/ret]
[har/t6m] (I) ( adj) perverted
( v) love [ha/5aq] [iq/q]
( v) slaughter [ta/bah] ( adj) subtle, crafty
['a/ rum]
taste, eat []a/ am] engraving [pit/tuah]
spirit of the dead;
soothsayer thread, cord [pa/tfl]
[yid/da'6/nr] * (pi) offspring
( intrans) awake, wake [se!/6$S*]
up [ya/qa] (I) * (Hi) press hard,
be difficult; be oppress [suq*]
valued; be precious,
rare [ya/qar]
(I) ( adj) consecrated; (n)
cult prostitute
( extra) lobes of (ani- [qa/d6s>]
mal) liver; (met)
DO[? divination [q6sem]
what is redundant
[yo/te/ret] ( adj) approaching
9 gather, collect baldness [qor/haT]
( poet) lioness [la/br] ; countless; ten
thousand [rib/ bo';
consume, bum (I?); rib/bo]
(Pi) devour (II?)
[la/hat] (I) ( v) storm, thunder
(II) * (pi) sojourning; alien
citizenship [ma/go'r*] stamp; (Pi) hammer
out [ra/qa ]
terror [mohit/ta]
stronghold [masad] ( adj) at ease, tranquil
[5a!/ an6n]
(I) ( storage-) jar [nfi/bel] sabbath feast
( v) bubble (brook) [5ab/ba/to'n]
5.AA-BB 50
(I) onyx? camelian? lapis ( cultic) abomination
lazuli? [50/hdm] [Se/qes]
* (pi) flowing skirt; plant, transplant
hem of skirt [Sul*] [Sa/tal]
cry for help [Saw/ af|

BB. Words Occurring 10 Times (67)

( official, commercial) ( ; dem pr, m and f; m)
letter [ig/ge/ret] this [hal/liz;
( prep) on account of; hal/la/zeh]
(conj) be >. LIUC ( ; s m; 0 killing,
[o/dot] murder; slaughter
be red; (Pu part) dyed [he/reg; hare/ga]
red [a/dam] *] treat insolently [zid*]
* urge, be in a hurry; molding [zer]
(Hi) urge [us*] (II) treat badly [ha/bal]
hyssop? [e/zob] * (Pi) make new,
(VI) ( dem pr) these [el] restore [ha/daS*]
(I) terebinth, tall tree (du) loins
fe/lon] [hSla/sd/yim]
darkness [ape/la] curdled milk [hem/a]
on account of, for the ( adj) dry, waste
sake of [big/lal]
(I) ( idiom) threaten;
chink; leak (in ship) settle, determine
[be/deq] [ha/ra?]
plunder (act and ob- sink in [ta/ba']
jects of) [biz/za]
right of firstborn outcome, profit
[boko/ra ]
strong, powerful
sudden terror

( prep) in, by [bomo] confinement; prison

virginity; evidence of terrace? (construe-
virginity [batu/lirn] tion) fill? [mil/10]
boundary, territory selling, sale
[g3bu/la] [mim/kar]

erect a wall [ga/dar]
hiding place [mis/tar]
(II) Cf post (of duty)
abhor [ga/'dl] [mas/$4b]
shake [ga/'S5] * (Ni) rot [ma/qaq*]
51 5.BB
happening, occur- dispersed; (Pi)
rence [miq/reh] disperse, scatter
head place
pit [pa/hat]
pasturage [mar/Tt] (I) |canal [pe/leg]
( v) gore [na/gh] |wild ass, onager?
* (Ni) flow, gush forth zebra? [pe/re]
[na/gar*] tear away [pa/rdq]
* (Pi) lead, guide ( stat) be thirsty
[na/hal*] [sa/m6 ]
copper, bronze (I) ( adj) eastern
[n3hu/a] [qad/mo/nrj
, armor, weaponry standing grain
[n$/Seq, ne/seq] [qa/mSl
( adj) naked; (n) * (pi) hook [qe/res*]
nakedness ['e/r6mj
* (Pu part) pampered,
( adj) full, satisfied
spoiled; (Hith)
pamper oneself ( adj) fat [sa/mfin]
[a/nag*] (I) barrenness, baldness
( du) eyelids?; rays; [S3pf]
flashing glance of hardness, stubborn-
the eye ['ap/'ap/- ness [3ri/ru't]
pa/yim] * (pi) perversity [tah/-
?heap 1 are/ma] pu/ka*]
bedstead, couch form, image
( e/res] [tamu/na]
( Qal part pass)
6.A-B 52


A. Words Occurring More Than 50 Times (15)
( adv) then [eda/yin] + (pref prep) like, as 70
57 + all, whole [kol] 82
god; God [ elah] 95 |' (pref prep) for, to 70
| say; command famar] |
|;( adv) not [la; la] 70
73 1? king [me/lek] 178
t'5 (pref prep) in, kingship; kingdom
through, by (means [mal/ku] 57
of), for 50
t]l? (prep) from, out of
"7 ; (rel particle) what, [min] 100
that which [di] 292 + (prep) on, upon;
be, happen, exist against; toward;
[hawa] 70 concerning ['al] 98
f'] (pref conj) and, also,
even 50

B. Words Occurring 50 through 20 Times (27)

( sg def coll) mankind know [yoda'] 47
[ enaS] 25 $ give [yohab] 28
(the) earth; (ext) + word [mil/la] 24
inferior para'] 21 ! do, make fabad] 28
tIV? house; (ext) temple 1 (prep) up to, until;
[ba/yit] 44 (conj) until fad] 34
! build [bona] 22 1 (prep) with fim] 22
$ man [gobar] 21 ?answer; (ext) begin to
gold [dohab] 23 speak ['ana] 30
( dem pr m; adj) this iron [par/zel] 20
[dona] 42 | interpretation [poSar]
tmr) see, perceive [haza] 31
31 ( prep) before, in front
beast, animal [he/wa] of lq6bel] 29
| (prep) before, in front
dream [hd/lem] 22 of [qodam] 42
| understanding, good |* stand (rise) up
sense; report [[o'em] [qum*] 35
53 6.B-D
1 (adj) great; chief [rab] [Sami/yin] 38
23 * be different, diverse
*]set, lay, put [Sim*] 26 [Sana] 21
heaven, sky
C. Words Occurring 19 through 13 Times (34)
existence; there is now [ka'an] 13
(are) [1/tai] 17 ( *; interr pr) what?;
(dem pr) these (rel pr) what, that
[il/16k] 14 which [mi; ma ] 14
(pers pr) I [ana] 16 * stream, river [nahar]
( pers pr, m s) you 15
[an/ta] 15 fire [nOr] 17
* come fita] 16 * the opposite bank
* , interior [gaw, g6] 13 (i.e. , west of the
, (dem adj, s m; f) that Euphrates) fibar] 14

[dek, dak] 13 * go in ['ilal] 14
* decree; state law, law remote time, eternity
[dat] 14 fa/lim] 19
* (pers pr) he; (dem * (coll) people [am] 15
adj) that [hu ] 14 * statue [$31em] 17
* palace; temple (adj) holy [qad/dfS] 13
[he/kil] 13 * horn [qe/ren] 14
tin (conj) if; whether * head; beginning [re5]
[hen] 15 14
one [had] 14 * (adj) great; much,
** (Pa, Ha) make known many; (adv) very
[hiwa*] 15 [sag/gf] 13
(adj) wise (man) ** (Ha) find [Sakah*] 18
[hak/kim] 14 * send [Salah] 14
* hand; (ext) power lordship, dominion
[yad] 17 [Sol/Jin] 14
* day [yom] 15 ( ; m) three; (pi) thirty
*5 silver [kasap] 13 [talat; tala/tm] 13

D. Words Occurring 12 through 10 Times (29)

( ; s m; f) another ** (pi) son (cf 11 ,
[a/horin; a/hon] 11 6.E) [ben*] 11
* lion [ ar/y6h] 10 * seek, request [ba'a] 12
furnace [at/tfi'n] 10 * pit [gob] 10
** (Pa) frighten; (Hith-
pe) hurry [bahal*] 11
6.D-E 54
break into pieces !UP pay homage (to)
[daqaq] 10 [sagid] 12
;( pers pr m) they, time I'id/dSn] 12
them [him/mo'; superior, highest;
him/mo'n] 12 (ext) most high
! time [zaman] 11 God fil/lii] 10
vision; appearance +? governor [pe!/ha] 10
[hezu] 12 serve (God) [palah] 10
(stat) be able; over-
power [yakil] 12
long to, desire to
[saba] 10
! writing, inscription; * shout; read [qara] 11
document; rule + wind; spirit [ruah] 11
[katab] 12 $ throw; place; impose
province [madi/na] 1 1 [rama] 12
IIP (interr pr) who? (rel + remainder, rest [Saar]
pr) whoever [man] 12
10 ! (adj) mighty, power-
fall (down) [napal] 11 ful [Sal/lft] 10
go out [napaq] 1 1 name [um] 12

E. Words Occurring 9 and 8 Times (29)

* father fab] 9 (adv) extremely
! stone fe/ben] 8 [yat/tir] 8
( pi) satrap [,ahas/- $ priest [ka/hn] 8
dar/pan*] 9 |5 (adv) thus, so [ken] 8
! nation(s) fum?ma] 8 ?Chaldean(s); (ext) as-
1*1 (f) four [*ar/ba *] 8 trologers [kas/dai] 9
! )(trace, place; (prep) in write [katab] 8
place (o0, after ;1 heart [leb; labab] 8
[ atar; ba()/tdr] 8 extend, reach [mata]
(I) 1 field l bar] 8 8

(II) son (cf ,

6.D) 6.D)[bar] copper, bronze
[nahaS] 9
! reveal; (Ha) deport go (come) up [saliq] 8
[gala] 9 go (away) [ ada] 9
wisdom 8 approach, step up to
[hasap] [qareb] 9
9 1 town, city [qir/ya] 9
bum [yaqad] 8 * (pi) lord, noble
( adj) extraordinary; [rab/rabSn*] 8
55 6.E-G
n secret [raz] 9 * hear; (Hithpa) obey
(loanword) rescue, [Sama'] 9
save [51/zfb] 9 * return [tub*] 8

F. Words Occurring 7 Times (27)

]: go to ruin, perish (advs) but, but
[abad] rather [la/h6n]
]: go (away) [3zal] tongue; (ext) lan-
]: eat [ akal] guage [li/dn]
( adv) exactly, eagerly hundred [ma'i]
[os/par/na] * (pi) vessel [man*]
$1 interdict [gsar] ]: give [natan]
1* live, dwell [dGr*] 5 servant [abed]
+ (pers pr) she [hH ]; :( m) ten; (pi) twenty
]: go [halak] [ aSar; es/nn]
tn (adj) living, alive; !kill [qatal]
(pi) life [hai] voice; sound [qal]
1 strength; army ]:* (du) foot [ragal*]
[hS/yil] ]: write [raSam]
honor, majesty $ rule; overpower
[yaqar] [Jale[]
]:* (Shaphel) finish (I) ]: year [Sana]
[kalal*] * (pi) bull, ox, steer
]* (pi) colleague [tor*]
(II) (conj) unless, except;

G. Words Occurring 6 Times (22)

tree [*i/14n] *:0 (V) live [haya]
$? conjurer [ a/5Sp] ]: wine [hamar]
(intrans) stop; be
discontinued [batel]
]: bed, couch
*!? (part pi) astrologers; ]: come down [nahat]
(Hith) be cut out clerk, secretary
[gazar] [sa/pdr]
*1 (part) fear, fright- work; administration
ening [dahal*] [abi/da]
fq (pref interr particle) mouth; (ext) entrance
brightness [ziw] [pum]
]:* (Pa) hurt, injure ] word; decree
[hSbal*] [pit/gam]
6.G-I 56
(: become great, grow :(: ask,desire, require
up [raba] [Sael]
(: fourth [rabi/'ii] ( ?seven [Saba]
* (pi) thought [ra'/yon*] (: loosen [Sara]

H. Words Occurring 5 Times (35)

( interj) behold! [dlu] (:*]JO (pi) prefect, governor
( dem pr) these [sagan*]
[il/leTn] end [s6p]
wood [a ] (: book [sapar]
(inteij) behold! [aril] * (pi) official [sa/rik*]
( eye [d/yin]
(:* (Pa) search [baqar*]
( advs adv) but, yet, ( grass; (coll) greens
only [baram] [dSab]
? body [gaSem] * (Pa) wet, moisten
( dem pr f) this [da ] [?aba'*]
( (n) right, judgment; ( greatness [rabu]
council of judges ( height [rum]
[din] * (pi) elders [sab*]
( magician [har/]6m] (* (Pa) praise [Sabah*]
( dew [tal] ?leave [Sabaq]
. (adj) reliable ?moment [Sa/'S]
[ya?/?rb] ( ; m) six; (pi) sixty
sit down; dwell [Set; Sit/trn]
[yatib] ( drink [Sata]
( adv) thus, so (prep) under [tahot]
[kan6/ma ]
( (adj) strong, mighty
night [le/le] [taq/qlp*]
(:* (Pa) speak [malal*] ( (stat) be(come) strong
(: count, number [taqip]

I. Words Occurring 4 Times (40)

( (neg) not [al] (II) ( bless [barak]
(* (pi) cubit [am/ma*] exile [ga/lu]
( pers pr) they * (pi) royal official
[1in/nun] [had/da/bar*]
(pers pr) we ( string-) music
[ ana/hana] [zamar]
57 6.I-J

!*1? (pi) kind, sort [zan*] !* (pi) the Most High

;!*( pi m; f) companion [el/yon*]
[habar*; hab/ra*] * (pi) branch, bough
! pass by (over) [halap] [ anap*]
dedication !* (Pa) mix I'arab*]
[hanuk/ka] harp [pasan/te/rih]
drive away [tarad] copy [par/5e/gen]
( stat) be able [kahel] !* (Ha) cause to prosper;
make progress
( adv) and now
[ka' e/net] Ualah*]
be bound, tied up *? (pi) bird [5ip/p4r*]
[kapat] (?) kithara (kind of lyre
tax, tribute [mid/dal or lute) [qai/tar6s]
!* raise oneself; (Pol)
dwelling [mador] praise [rum*]
strike [maha ] lyre? [sab/k4]
understanding ! ; negligence [(Q) Sa/IOT;
lord [ma/rS] well-being, good
pipe (musical instru- health, welfare
ment) [rhaS/ro/qf]
! prophet [nabil !* (Ha) bring low, hum-
!* (Hithpa) bestow; be ble [Sapel*]
willing; (part) dis-
posed, willing
( adv) there [tam/ma]
[nadab*] o
( ; S m; two [taren;
(part) suffer loss; (Ha
part, inf) wrong,
injure [nazaq]

. Words Occurring 3 Times (66)

(abs;(abs;emph) fruit feb; * (pi) (sacrificial) lamb
in/b4] [im/mar*]
; letter (correspon- ! bond(s), fetter(s); (pi,
dence) [ig/gara; ext) imprisonment
,ig/gari] [esur]
light a fire, heat ! (conj) also [ap]
[Sza] !* finger; toe [e$/ba'*]
(adv(advpi) after purple (garment)
[a!/har*] [ar/gawin]
(dem(dempi) these [el*;
*!; * (pi def) foundation
61/leh] [65*]
(Ha)(Ha)trust in [aman*]
!* *( pi) sign [at*]
6.J 56
after [ba/tlr] + decree [niS/taw4n]
tribute [balo] &bagpipe? (musical in-
$ owner, master, lord strument) [sum/po/-
[ba'el] nayaH
* flesh [baSar] watcher; (ext) angel
$* (pi) treasure [ganaz*] m
* (pi) wing [gap*] pretext J'il/la]
( dem pr c) that foliage, leaves ['dpi]
root(stock) ['iq/qSr]
* (pi) ram [dakar*] ( adj) old, aged
(Pa) glorify [hadar*]
$ neck [saw/wir]
$ (n) splendor, majesty
[hadar] ** (Pa) receive [qabal*]

toll duty [halak] first [qad/mii]
(?) necklace * (pi) knot, joint
[ham/mu/nSk] [qatar*]
hurt, injury [h5bal] $ end; part [qasat]
portion, lot [h&laq] $* (Ha) storm in?
$* (Pa) feed [(a'am*]
(Ha) bring [yabal*]
grow, become great
advise; (part) coun-
insight [Sok/lata/nu]
selor; (Ithpaal) delib-
erate [ya'at] hair [sa'ar]
assemble [kanaS] * (pi) concubine
seat, throne [kor/s6]
be clothed with
( *pi) wall [ur*]
[labaS] ( part pass) corrupt;
(n) mischief [Saliat]
(I) + (adv) therefore $ (stat) be finished
[la/hdn] [Salim]
* (pi) concubine t*]# (du) tooth [Sen*]
* please, seem good
$ salt [malah] [Sapar]
mitia (unit of weight) |* (pi) root [SaroS*]
[mane ]
triumvir? third part?
$*? (pi) gift [mat/tana*] [tal/ti]
garbage heap; dung- * (pi) wonder, miracle
hill [nawa/lCf] [tamah*]
* (Ha) deliver, rescue
take, carry away
59 6.K

K. Words Occurring 2 Times (88)

(pi(pionly) counselor ![)!hama]
rage, fury
[adar/ga/zdr*] *
(pi)(pi)(grains of) wheat
(adj(adjf?) promulgated [hin/tr*]
[az/dd] [hanan]
show mercy
thousand (Ha)(Ha)take possession
$* [,Snap*]
(du)face of, possess

(pi;(pi;unc) title of offi- ! might, wealth?
cial? [
apar/sakdi*] [hSsen]
!* arah*]
(pi)(pi)way [
arah*] (Ha(Hapart f) harsh,
length(ening), pro-
longation [ar/ka]
[ar/ka] [tab]
(?) timber? panelling? [fflr]
roof scaffolding? ([in]
[iS/rdn] (pi)(pi)(finger-) nail,
revolt [eS/tad/dur] [tapar*]
(prep)between !* [yada*]
(Ha)(Ha) praise
petition, prayer ![yam]
(adj)(adj)difficult; noble
(pi)(pi)bath (liquid [yaq/qir]
[gabu/ra] [bat*] [yarah]
(pi)(pi)treasurer ![labuS]
[gada/bdr*] ! word, order
cut down [me/mar]
[goze/ra] [ma/zo'n]
(coll)(coll)blocks of stone
[ golal] ! fill [mala ]
! affair, matter
! queen (-mother)
*( pi)minutes, memo-
(pi) ![min/haf]
randum ( adj)rebellious
resemble [ma/rdd]
generation ?!(anointing-)oil
[de/te] (anointing-)
(pi(pin) judge present, gift
[data/bdr*] [nabiz/baf]
(pi)(pi)member, limb course (of stones,
[had/ddm*] timber) [nid/bdk]
!* [zu]*
tremble illumination, insight
6.K-L 60
| lift up [natal] ( ] adj) enduring
* (pi) incense [qay/yam]
[ni/ho'ah*] * (pi) piece; (in idiom)
*? (pi) treasure, treasury; slander [qara$*]
fine [nakas*] 1: truth [qa56(]
cost [nip/qa] great number, ten
eagle [nasar] thousand [rib/bo']
$* be fulfilled; (Ha) an- appearance [rew]
nihilate [sup*] will, decision [ra'u]
* (pi) trousers? tunic? ]; shatter [ra'a]
cloak? [sar/b&l*] :]: trample down [rapas]
+ bird; (coll) birds [op] $ flame [Sabib]
signet-ring ['iz/qa'] $ be like [Sawa]
DD hand [pas] $ live, dwell [Sakan]
half(-shekel)\ half $* (pi) high official
(-/m'na)? [pares] [5il/ton*]
interpret [paSar] fair, lovely [Sap/pir]
( Pe pass) open(ed) duration [tadir]
[patah] * (pi) police officer?
width [patai] magistrate? [tip/t&i*]
]side [sad] shekel (unit of mea-
* (Pa) pray [sala*] sure and weight)
$ former times [taqel]
[qad/ma] door, opening; court
statute, decree [tara]

L. Words Occurring 1 Time (236)

* (pi) threshing-floor $ (part) distress [anas]
fid/dar*] ( pers pr, m pi) you
( adv) diligently, zeal- [an/tun]
ously [ad/raz/dd] *, (pi; unc) gent? title of
arm; (met) force official? [ apa/ras&i*]
[ed/rcf] * (pi) title of officials
** (pi) brother [ah*] [apar/sat/'kSi*]
* (pi) riddle [ ahi/da*] treasury? [ap/pat6m]
0 end [ahari] fitting [ arik]
(?) (adv) at last * (pi) knee
( adj) frightful bottom [ ar/r]
[e/matin] ( the) earth [araq]
61 6.L

fire [eS/$r] *
(pi)(pi)food? diversion?
*(f(f def) evil, bad [da!/h3wa*]
[baiS*] [din*]
!*I? (v) judge
(stat) [baeS]
![ baeS]
(stat)be bad !* [din*]
(pi(pin) judge
*? [badar*]
(Pa)(Pa)scatter [day/ySn*]
hurry, haste [di/na/yd*]
! insight, discernment minutes, memoran-
[bi/nif] dum [dik/ron]
citadel, fortress ![dalaq]
[bi/ra] *
(pi)(pi)arm [dara *]
pass the night
heart; (ext) mind
just as [he
(Pa)(Pa)wear (someone)
!* *
[bala*] [har/hAr*]
[bin/y4n] [zaban]
become angry
[banas] *(pi(piadj) cautious,
- plain [biq/'a] (Ha)[zahir*]
!* (Ha)act insolently
(I) $[barak]
kneel down [zud*]
(pi)knee *( Hith)feed on, live
(pi)(pi)back? side? on
[gab*] [za/ku]
(pi)(pi)strong man !*
[gib/bSr*] [zaman*]
[ge/wtT] *
* (Ha)stir up
[gu'ah*] [zam/m&r*]
(pi)(pi)treasurer [za'er]
[giz/bdr*] ![za'iq]
cry out, shout
(n)(n)plaster !|
(part(partpass) impaled
[gal/gfil*] [zaqap]
(part(partpass) finished (coll)
!( coll)seed; (ext) de-
bear * [hSdeh*]
(V)sacrifice ![hedywa]
(pi(pin) sacrifice new
[dabah*] (?) * repair? inspect?
stick (hold) together [hu(*]
[dabaq] [hiw/wdr]
(text(textcorr?) that is [hatai]
|* [du*]
trample down [hat/ta/ya]
6.L 62
(adj) defective, of object marker; not
poor quality [has/sir] translated) [yat]
* (Ho) be devastated, a lie (falsehood)
destroyed [harab*] [kid/btT]
* (Hithpa) be singed $ (adv) here, hitherto
(by fire) [harak*] [ka]
hip [haras] *? (pi) window
$ reckon, regard [kaw/wa*]
[haSab] ]:* (pi) talent (weight)
1 darkness [haSok] [kak/kar*]
( v) need [haah] *
* ,*( pi) kor (dry measure)
* (pi n) need |ha5/ha*] [kor*, kor*]

(n) need [ha5/hu1 *? (pi) cap [kar/bala*]

* (Ithpeel) be anxious
crush, pulverize [kara*]
| (v) seal [hatam] herald [ka/ro'z]
*? (Ha) proclaim
( stat) be good [taeb] [karaz*]
+* (pi) executioner,
* (prep) near, beside
]: bread; (ext) meal,
( n) fasting; (adv) in feast [lahem]
fasting [tawat]
* (Ha) make a nest balance (scales)
+ scroll [magil/1r]
* (pi) class of offi-
cials? [[ar/palii*] ]:* (Pa) overthrow
$: dry land; (def) the [magar*]
earth [yab/b35a] altar [mad/bah]
heap of stones ]: death [mot]
[vogar] * (pi) division (of
it suits, pleases Levites) [mah/laqa*]
[yotab] eat (the) salt; (idiom)
* (Ho) be added be under obligation
[yasap*] of loyalty [malah]
* (Shaphel) finish ( n) counsel [malak]
[ya$a *] ] (n) number
]:* (Pa) make certain (of) [min/yin]
[yaab*| +* (pi) work
burning [yaqe/diT] [ma!/ abad*]
* (pi) upper thigh *?? (pi) belly [ma'eh*]
[yar/ka*] * (pi) sunset [me!/'(ll*]
( accusative particle; ]: rebellion [marad]
63 6.L
(?) } (stat) be plucked out [natar*]
[marit] }* (Poel part) be pre-
} dwelling, abode served? erect?
[miS/kan] [sabal*]
} (drinking-) feast seek, strive [sabar]
[miS/ti] shut [sagar]
}* (Hithpa) prophesy }* (Pa) support [sa'ad*]
(I) }* (Pa part pass) hidden
} prophecy, proph- things [satar*]
esying [nabu/a]
(II) destroy, demolish
lampstand [neb/ra&T] [satar]
} (v) flow [nagad] } (adv) still, yet [od]
}? (prep) toward * (pi) offense
[ne/ged] pawa/ya*]
brightness [nagah] chaff [ur]
} flee [nadad] * (pi) goat [ez*]
( n) sheath? body?; counsel [ e/ta]
(ext) on account of
this [nid/neh] above [*61/la]
(?) * (pi) burnt offering
( ; ?Q; K) light [nahor; pal/wa*]
* flee [nud*] } roof chamber pil/lf]
keep (in ones heart) * (pi) rib [ala*]
[natar] * (pi adj) deep, im-
} panther [namar] penetrable (things)
}* (Hith) be pulled out
[nasah*] wool pamar]
}* (Pa) offer [nasak*] * (pi adj) miserable
* (pi) drink-offering,
libation [nasak*] }* (pi) clouds [3nan*]
firmness, hardness fine (imposed) panaS]
[nis/baH (adj) sorrowful, af-
}* (Hithpa) distinguish dieted pasib]
oneself [nasah*] }* (Ithpeel) be plucked
(adj) pure [naqe ] out paqar*]
} adversary ['ar]
} knock together
[naqaS] * (pi) wild ass, ona-
* (pi) wife [nasin*] ger? parad*]
} dishonor par/wa]
} breath [niS/ma]
} think, plan paSat]
}* (pi) (temple-) slave
* (Aphel) shake off
6.L 64

(pi(piadj) ready to ? (adj) prosperous,
['5tid*] flourishing
[ra!/ anan]
(pi)(pi)garment (coat? testimony [Sa/hadu]
[pat/tfS*] side [Satar]
$* (Hith) consider
! [palag]
! half
( part) adversary
(pi)(pi)division (of [Sane]
[palug/ga*] question [Sae/la]

$* (pi) tribe [Sabat*]
* (Hithpa) be perplexed
divide [SabaS*]
| unloose, abolish * (Hithpa) be like
[paraq] [Sadar*]
(Pa(Papart pass) ( loanword; v) finish
separate(ly)? [Se/$n
[paraS*] (adj) at ease [Saleh]

thing, matter ! prosperity, fortune
( interr)is it true? [Sale/wa]
[5ada] $* (Ha) destroy, exter-
minate [Samad*]
| beneficence, justice
[$id/qT] |* (Ithpoel) stiffen with
|* hegoat[sap]*
(pi) hegoat
(pi)[sap*] fright [Samam*]
* (Pa) serve [SamaS*]
summer [qd/yifl
! sun [SamaS]
| become furious (II) ( n) sleep [Sana]
[qasap] ( part) judge [Sapat]
! [qasap]
(n)(n)wrath ! low(ly) [Sapal]
|* [qasas*]
(Pa)(Pa)cut off
[qasas*] dawn [Sapar/p4r]
[qarab] * (du) (lower) leg
(Ha)(Ha)anger, enrage

(?) banishment, exclusion
break [tabar]
(pi(piadj) far
[ra!/hfq*] be alarmed [tawah]
snow [talag]
[ral/hSrnih] third [tali/tAi]
*( Hith)rely (on)
(Hith) second [tin/y&n]

65 6.L
( adv) a second time strength [taqap]
[tin/ya/nut] strength [taqop]
weigh [taqal] * (pi) doorkeeper
$* (Ho) be reestablished [ta/rd'*]

Hebrew and Aramaic words are indexed separately. Verbs are given no vowel points.
Other words are also unpointed, except for forms with identical consonantal spelling.
Root numbers in parentheses differentiate between identical spellings with different
meanings. References are to Section number (1-6), and Subsection letter (A-Z, AA,
BB). For convenience the number of occurences is also given for Hebrew and Aramaic
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary
5.N 24
(I) 5.L 27
(I) 5.G 36
, 2.C 281
l.B 1568 (II) 5.C 45 5.N 24
3. A 183 (!) 5.S 19 4.K 52
4.J 54 5.M 25 4.H 58
4.H 61 4.C 80 4.H 60
4.F67 (I) 5.T 18 5.V 16
5.0 23 5.H 35 (I) 3.B 161
5.F39 5.BB 10 (111) 5.P 22
5.N 24 4.C 79 5.P 22
5.AA 11 5.D 43 ; 4.K 50
2.D 268 3.E 125 5.U 17

4.G 63 (I) 4.C 79 (D 1 .C 773

; 2.D 235 ; 3.D 141 (11) 5.Z 12
3.G 107 5.BB 10 5.F 38
5.BB 10 5.X 14 5.M 25
(I) 5.E 41 (I) 1 B 2149
; 3.F 112
3. A 187 (I) 5.x 14
; 1.C770
5.V 16 3.B 160
5.BB 10 5.U 17 1 C 795
5.L 27 (II)
5.BB 10
l.D 626 ? 5.C 45
4. A 93 5.T 18
(1) 1.D553 ; 1 959 5.T 18
(I) 2.D 225 5.E 41 (I) 1 738
4.1 55 3.F 114 (V) 2.D 236
5.Z 12 (I) 4.G 63 (VI) 5.BB 10
2.E 205 4.F 66 l.A 5000
(I) 5.E 40 5.T 18 5.G 37
(I) 2.B 342 (I) 3.B 166 (I) 5.V 16
2.B 347 l .D 713 1 C 738
2.B 311 4.K 50 (II) 1 2706
(11) 5.V 16 4.H 61 (D 5.BB 10
5.L 27 5.J 31 4.F 69
67 Index to Hebrew Vocabulary

4.E 71 ,
5.R 20
(D 5.S
5.BB 10

4.H 58 5.D 42 l.A 5000
4.1 55 5.P 22 5.G 37 )(I
4.E 72 ; 3. A 182 5.U 17
2. A 494 5.J 31 2.C 288;
1.B 1046 4.H 61
< 5. A 49
2.E 219
5.E 41
)(11 m
2.E 214
4.1 56
5.T 18
5.BB 10
2.D$ )(I 226 )(II
5.D 42

5.N 24
4.J 53 )(III
5.0 23
2. A 444; )(I
)(1 5.V 16 5.Y 13
5.AA 11
)(1 3.G 100 5.D 42
5.F39 5.BB 10
5.M 25
2.E 202
; 5.V 16 5.F 39
4.E 73 3. A 192
)(1 5.E 41
4.1 57
)(I 1 . A 5000 5.V 16
4.C; 83
5.Z 12
)(I 5. A 49
5.H 34
5.G 37 2530
4.B 86
5.W 15
5.X 14
4. A 95 5.Z 12 )(1
3.E 127
3.C 155;
5.W 15 5.Z 12
: 5.F 38
5.1 33 4.F 69
5.Y 13
l.A 2498 )(1 3.E 126
)(I 5.D 42
4.H 59 5.L 27
5.Z 12 5.AA 11 5.D 43
5.AA 11 )(I 2.B 375 5.BB 10
3.C 156 1 .C 779 5.D 42
; 1.B 1316 4.G 65 )(I 5.C 45
5.J 31 3.C 152 5.Y 13
5.X 14 5.G 36 5.K 30
4.H 58 5.B 46 )(I 3.B 173
5.U 17 5.S 19 )(I 3.F 119
2.E 203 l.A 5000 )(I 5.D43
4.E 71 5.C 45 4.E 72
5.AA$ 11 5.E 40 5.Z 12
4.1 55 (D l.A 5000 3.B 171
3.E 130 )(1 )(11 l.A 5000 2.B 396
2.C 279 )(II 5.Q 21 5.G 37
5. A 49 )(I ; 1 .C 893 5.T 18
5.M 25 5.H 34 )(I l.B 2039
5.Z 12 ; 2.B 330 4.F)(- 70
5.M 25 5.AA 11 3.F 114
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 68

5.U 17 (ID 2.B 328 5.V 16

5.J 31 5.M 25 3.E 122
3.E 122 , (D 4.E 71 5.Y 13
5.BB 10 5.U 17 5.P 22
4.F 66 5.Q )(I 21 5.BB 10
5.V 16 5.S 19 ? 5.Y 13
5.BB 10 5.K 30 l.D 545
5.L 27 5.N 24 5.Y 13
5.D 43 2.C 270 5.D 42
5.E 40 )(I 5.L 28 5.N 24
5.V 16 4.H 60 4.C 81 )(I
4.G 64 )(I 5.K 30 5.Z 12 )(111
3.G ill )(I l.D 582 4.D 78
3.G 103 )(11 5.Y 13 5.W 15
5.K 29 2. A 416 5.AA 11
5.BB 10 4.K '51 5.K 30
l.A )(I 4887 5.BB 10 )(I 5.Z 12
2.B 373 5.T 18
; 3. A 180 5.B 47
5. A 49 5.S 19 5.C 45
)(I 3.G 101 5. A 49 (D 5.R 20
5.Q 21 3.G 104 )(I )(II 5.V 16
5.V )(I 16 5.B 46 5.Z 12
3. A )(I 198 5.AA )(II 11 3.A 187
4.B 87 5.X 14 5.W 15
5.V 16 5.Z 12 (D 5. A 48
5.M 25
4.E 74 5.W 15
< 5.V 16 5.E 40 5.0 23
5.0 23 5.U 17 )(I 5.W 15
4.K 51 2.D 241 ? )(11 5.BB 10
5.R 20 5.BB 10 : 3.G 108
!? 3. A 183 3.B 161 I .C 812
)(11 2.E 200 4.H 62 5.S 19
2.D 225 5.X 14 5 .G 37
)(1H 5.x 14 : 5.U 17 ? 4 .J 54
)(I 5. A 48 )(I 4.G 63 5.E 41
5.K 29 5.M 25 5.F 39
5.R 20 4.F )(I 66 ? 5.U 17
4.D 76 5.J 31 5.V 16
)(I 4.H 62 4.C 85 5.BB 10
5.x 14 )(II 5.1 33 5.X 14
5.E 41 l.D 525 5.W 15
2.C 287 5.Z 12 5.BB 10
69 Index to Hebrew Vocabulary
4.1 55 4.H 61 5.BB 10!
4. A 93 1 D 698 5.D 43
5.w 15 3.B 163 5.V !6
)(1 5.AA n 5.x 14 5.D 43
5.H 34 5.AA 11
)(1 5.Q 21 5.W 15
5.B 47 5.P 22 1.A 5000
5.H 35 )(I 5.Y !3

1.A 5000
5.Z 12 1.A 5000 3.D 136
5.V 16 )(I )(I 5.H 34 3.B 162 )(I
4.J 54 )(I 4.E 73 5.Y 13
l.B )(II 1130 )a 5.M 25 5.AA 11
l.B 1426 5.AA 11 l.B 1752;
5.A 49 )(I 5.K 30 2.B 383
4.J 54 1.B 1533 5.P 22 )(II
5.H 34; 5.N 24 )(I 5.x 14
5.x 14 5.Y 13 )(11 5.D42
5.E 40 5. A 48 5.Y 13
4.H 59 5.M 26 5.V 16
l.B 1031 1.D 541 5.BB 10
)(II 3.B 169 1.A 3514 5.F 38
5.V 16 4.C 80 5.AA 11
5.E 40 5.P 22 2.D 230
5.N 24 5.Y 13 5.0?
4.C 82
5.S 19 5.BB 10; ? 23
5.T 18 1.B 1504 5.N 24
)(11 5. A 48 3.C 145 )(II 5.K )(I 29
4 .B 87 5.W 15 )(111 5.Y 13
2.B 356 < 5.AA 11 5.D 43 )(I
)(I 5.J 31 1.B$ 1553 5.AA 11
)(II 5.U 17 5.H 34 4.A 95
5.M 25 4.B 86 5.H 35
(D 5.P 22 5.X 14 )(1 5.Y 13
5.0 23 4.J 54 5.Q 21 )(II
4.D 78; 3.G )(I 100 < 5.Z 12
4.C 81 5.A? )(I 49 5.P 22
4.B 91 l.B 1037 4.E 73
5.x 14 4. A 95 5.T 18
5.Y 13 l.D 554 5.L 27
5.AA 11 5. A 49 5.S 19
5.U 17 3.B 168 3. A 178
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 70

4.E 71 5.H 35 5.L 27

5.BB 10 5.S 19 5.E 41
)(1 5.D 42 2.C 296 5.K 29
4.B 91 5.K 30 4.H 60
5.T 18 2.B 386; 5.AA 11
<4.1 56 5.U 17 5.U 17 )(11
2.D 228 2.C 281 5.Z )(ill 12
5.H 34 )(I 4. A 97 )(I : 2. A 478
5.Z 12: )(11
(D < 4.1 57 )(I
4.F 68
3.D 143
5.H 34 2.D 246 5.Y 13
5.R 20 )(I 5.M 25 5.B 47
5.BB 10 )(11 5.F 38 5.1 32
5. A 49 )(II 5.T 18 )(I 4.D 77
5.Y 13 5.x 14 )(I 5.AA 11
5.L 28 )(II 5.L 27 5.Y 13
5.Z 12 3.D 138 )(11 2.D 250
4.D 77 3.C 152 5.G 37
5.1 33 5.C 44 5.H 35
4.H 60 (D 4.B 92 5.0 23
5.V 16 4.D 77 5.T 18
5.C 44
4.J 53 )(I
> 5.x 14 5.Z 12
4.F 66 )(I 4.B 86
5.F 38 5.J 31 5.Z 12
5.BB 10 5.N 24 5.F39
4.J 53 5.R 20 )(II )(I 5.0 23
)(I 2.C 278 5.Z 12 )(11 5.U 17
)(II 3.B 174 3.D 134 )(I 5.0 23
)(1 5.AA 11 4.A 94 5.U 17
)(I 5.0 23 5.L 28 4.J 54
3.E 133 5.L 27 )(I 5.M 25
5.N 24 5.C 44 5.W 15
3.B 165 5.BB 10 3.E 123
5.Q 21 )(I 4.1 56 )(11 5.T 18 )(I
5.X 14 )(I 5.Z 12 5.K 29
4.E 72 4.G 65 )(U 3.A 193
5.Y 13 5.N 24 )(11 3.E 128
5.U 17 5.BB 10 3.G 104
5.H 35 5.Q 21 5.S 19
2.C 288 5.V 16 5.L 27
4.1 56 3.E 126 5.Z 12
3.E 131; 4.A 97 )(1 )(1 5.Y 13
2.D 237 5.AA 11 (D 5.G 36
n Index to Hebrew Vocabulary

t 5.BB 10 l.D 612 )(I 4.G 64

! 2. A 407 5.1 32 5.L 27
5.V ]6 5.Z 12 l.A 2241 )(1
5.D 42 5.x 14 4.K 51
5.F 39 5.M 26 5.1 33 )(I
)(I 4 . A 94 5.Y 13 5.Z 12
5.E 41 5.J 31 2.E 214
5.AA 11 3.B 161 5.P 22
)(I 4.K 51 ? 4.B; 88 5.U 17
(D 5.K 29 5.G 37 ! 3.D 142
)(II 5.E 40 5.J 31 5.Z 12
4.E 73 < 5.AA 11 5.D 42
5.BB )(I 10 5.Y 13 5.R 20
5.U 17 5.D 42 3.F 120
5.M 25 )(I ; 4.1 56 3.D 141
5.B 47 )(11 < 5.M 25 4.1 56
5.F 38 5.P 22 3.A 194
5.K 29 2.A 488

3.E 124
5.Z 12
4.B 92;
5.Y 13
5.S )(II 19
5.V 16 5.J 31
4.G 64 2.B 392
5.T 18
4.K 51 , 3.D 139 (D
4.C 82
5.Y 13
5.M 25
5.T 18
5.1 33
5.AA 11 5.R 20
4.H 62; 4.1 55 5.H 34
5.L 27 5.x 14 5.D 43 )(I
5.1 33 5.x 14 5.R 20
5.Q 21 5.V 16 2.E 212
5.R 20 5.M 26 5.D 42 )(I
4.J 53 I.B 1580 5.K 29
3.F 115 )(II 5.0 23
1.c 924 4. A 93
5.AA 11 5.AA 11 4.C 82
5.Z 12 )(I 5.H 34 2.B 348
? 5.1 32 4.H 58 4.1 57 )(I
5.V !6 1.C889; )(I 5.E 41
5.BB 10 1.A 5766; 5.S 19
5. A 49 4.1 56 l.B 1055
4.A 95 3.E 124 5.A 48
4.A 94 2.D 247; 5.V 16
5.Y 13 4.B 86 5.0 23 )(I
4.B 90 3.C 146 3.F 112
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 7
4.J 53 5.BB 10 5.W 15
4.G 64 5.AA 11 5.F 38

5.K 30
5.Z 12
5.AA 11 1 .A 5000
3.D 139
5.AA 11 1.D 504
: 5.G 36 3.F 114
l.D 707

5.U 17 ? 5.E 40 )(1 5.U 17

? 5.X 14 )(II 5.D 42
2.B 377 )(I
5.N 24 5.AA 11
: 5.C 45
5.G 36
5.C 45 2.E 200
3.G 104 5.BB 10 3.B 163!
2.B 380 4.K 51 3.G 110
3. A 181 3.E! 129 3.D 136
)(I 5.1 33 5.W 15 3.C 157
)(III 4.J 54 5.T 18 4.F )(I 70

l.D 667 1.D 554 2.B 399

)(I 5.Z 12 5.0 23 < 4.J 54
: 5.L 27 1 749 . 5.M 25
4.1 57 5.X 14 3. A 192
4.J 54 5.G 37 : 4 .F 67
5.H 34 5.G 37 5.J 31
5.L 28 2.E 219 3.G 102
3.C 147! )(I 5.J 31 5.Y )(IV 13
2.D 231 ! 4.J 54
5.L 27
5.x 14 5.V 16 )(II 5.T 18
l.A 2513 ?! 5.J 31 )(I 5.Z 12
3.D 139 )(I 3.E 125
)(1 5.x 14
l.B 1078 5.1 32
)(I4.B 92
2.D 260 5.P 22
)(I4. A 93
4.D 78 )(11 1.A 4395
)(I5.x 14
5.Y 13 5.0 23
4.1 56; 5.H 35
5.G 36
5.M 25)(1 4.F 67
2.C 287
2.E 205 , 1.A 5000
3.E 129;
5 .G 36;
< 5.T 18 4.B 89 )(I
5.L 27
5.BB 10 4.G 63
; 3.F 119 5.1 32 2.D 222
5.W 15 2.E 204 )(I ? 5.U 17
5.N 24 ? 5.P 22 5.K 29
5.D 42 ? 5.H 34 4.F67
3.G 106 2.B 324 5.N 24
)(1 4. A 96 5.J 31 5.U 17
73 Index to Hebrew Vocabulary

5.X 14
l.B 1099
3. A;
5.U 17

1.A 5000- 5.V 16 5.E 41

1.A 4973 l.C 964 5.Z 12
5.S 19 5.G 37 )(1 5.1 32
5.H 35 3.F 120 5.G 36
; l.C 844
3.F 117 5.P 22
3.C 155
5.B 47 5.Q 21 ,
? 5.V 16
5.Y 13
5.1 32 5.Z 12
5.AA 11 2.C 287
9 4.K 50
5.K 29 )(1 )(I 1.D 577 2.D 223
4.J 54 )(II 5.1 32 5.G
5.Z 12 5.S 19 5.L 27 )(1
? 5.Q 21 5.W 15 5.L 27
4.E 71 5.K 30 5.W 15
3.F 113 5.B 46 5.Z 12
5.Z 12 )(1 4.D 75 )(11 5.R 20
5.S 19 4.D 77 5 .C 44
5.AA 11 ; 5.L27 5.L 27
5.P 22 , 5.Y 13 < l.C 737
5.Z 12 )(I )(I 5.Z 12 3.C 159
5.X 14 )(II 5.W 15 2.A 401
5.D 43 )(I 5.G 37 5.R 20
2.B 353 5.Z 12 5.S 19
5.Y 13; )(1 5. A 49 4.1 57
5.T 18 )(1 )(II 5.AA 11 4.E 74
5.Q 21)(I 5.Q 21 5.1 32
3.B 171 )(I )(I 4.H 59 5.H 34 )(1
2.C 296 5.M 26 5.W 15 )(I
< 5.S 19 3.F 115 5.D42
5.Z 12 5.Z 12 5.Y 13
; 2.D 231 )(I 2.C 271 2.E 219
4.E 71 4.K 52 5.R 20
5.L 28 )(1 4.J 53 5.Y 13
3.E 121 ; )(1 5.0 23 5.X 14
3. A 196 4.E72 5.V 16
5.Y 13 ; 4.F67 4.K 52
4.C 85 5.C 45 5.1 32
3.B 173 l.C 760 4.1 56
2.D 269 5.Z 12 5.AA 11
5.T 18 4.C 83 )(I 5.P 22
4.F 67 5.R 20 2.D 252
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 74
5.T 18 2.E 211 5.X 14;
5.K 29 5.K 29 5.Z 12
5.U 17 4.1 57 l.D 708;
5.F 38 3.C 150 4.E 74
5.V 16 5.0 23 2.B 399
2. A 406 5.U 17 5.T 18
4.G 63; 5.M 25 5.T 18
l.D 574 )(1 5.M 26 5.R 20
5.J 31 5.L 27
4.D 76
5.0 23 5.Q 21 ? 5.W 15
5.S 19 5.Z 12 5.Z 12
5.V 16 5.V16 5.BB 10
5. A 48 )(1 3.D 134 5.0 23
5.U 17 5.BB 10 5.BB 10
5.M 25 )(11 5.Y 13 5.F 39 )(I
5.V 16 5.1 32 5.Z 12
4.C 81 5.G 36 3.G 103
5.X 14 5.T 18 5.Z 12
2.D 250 5.P 22 5.BB 10
4.F 67 ? 4. A 96 5.M 25
5.F 38 5.L 28 4.H 60
5.W 15 5.0 23 5.C 45
2.E 213 5.H 35 4.J 54
3.B 167 5.K )(1 29 5.T 18
5.F38 3.D )(11 138 5.X 14
5.BB 10 5.S 19 5.0 23
5.N 24 5.B 47 5.C 44
5.L 28 )(II 5.D42 5.F 39 )(I
2.B 319 )(11 5.X 14 5.Y 13
4. A 95 )(1 )(I 5.D 42 5.BB 10
2.B 347 )(I 5.S 19 5.Y 13 )(1
(D 1 .A 2522 2.D 235 5.V 16
5.H 35 5.1 32 5.C 45 )(I
4.B 91 2. A 451 5.Q 21 )(II
5.BB 10 5.BB 10 5.V 16;
3.F 117 5 .G 36 5.U 17
5.U 17 5.AA 11 5.U 17
(D ? 5.X 14 4.J 53 )(I 5.X 14
l.B 1279 5.T 18 )(II l.C 763
5.K 29 3. A 181 5.Z 12
5.Y 13 5.Z 12 4.F 70
5.Q 21 5.M 25 5.Q 21 )(I
5.D 42 5.Y 13 5.F39
75 Index to Hebrew Vocabulary

5.G 36 5.BB 10 4.1 57

5.B 46 5.C 44 5.T 18
3.D 139 5.X 14 5.E 40
5.U 17 )(1 5.W 15 5.D 43
4.C 82 )(11 < 3.C 150 l.D 504
5.F 39 )(1 ? 4.D 78 5.M 25
5.R 20 5. A 49 4.K 50
4.D 78 5.BB 10 ? 5.G 36
5.H 35 5.0 23 5.B 46
5.U 17; 3.E 125 5.Q 21
2.C 300 5.U 17 5.G 36
2.A 425 5.L 27 5.N 24 )(1
5.Q 21 5.L 27 ? 4.H 60 )(1
5.A 49 5.K 30; 3.C 146
5.B 46 4.K 51 )(I 5.B 47
4.E 72 5.L 27 5.Y 13
5.Q 21 < 5.J 31 5.P 22
5.Z 12 4.H 60 )(II
5.AA 11
5.D43 5.K )(I 30 2.D 240
5.U 17 )(I 5.BB 10 4.G 63 )(I
5.B 47 3.F 117 5.Z 12
5.L 27 2.A 433
5.D 42 5.P 22
)(1 3.D 143 l.C 753
2.A 401 )(I 3.B 160 4.K 50
2.B 378 5.E 41 4.D 75
5.J 31 )(1 5.G 37 4.G 65
5.N 24 5.C 44 (D 5.D 43
3.F 115 5.N 24 5.Z 12 )(I
4.B 91 5.V 16 2.E 208
4.F70 5.T 18 4.G 63
2.B 313 5.U 17 5.0 23
5.S 19 (D < 5.Z 12 5.P 22
5.T 18 (D 5.M 25 5.E 41
5.AA 11 (D 5.E 40 5.D43
5.L 27 )(II 5.BB 10 5.H 35
5.5.YA 13 <
4.H 59 ? 5.U 17
48 )(I 3.D 138 5.L 27
5.AA 11 )(I 2.D 223 )(II 5.U 17
3.G 110 3.G 108 )(I 5.C 45
< 2.B 369 )(I 5.J 31 l.D 651
? 3.C !51 )(1 3.D 139 4.K 50
)(1 5.S 19 2.E 215 )(I 3.E 133
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 76

)(15.V 16 5. A 48 5.1 32
)(II5.V 16 5.Z 12 5.AA 11
)(115.V 16 : 5.N 24 2. A 434 ,
5.Z 12 )(ill 5.M 25 2.D 231
5.Z 12 5.K 30 5.L )(1 27
5.N 24 5.Q 21 4.E 71
5.Z 12 5.AA 11 )(III 4.D 76
5.1 32 )(1 3.B 162 4. A 99
5.BB 10 3. A 185 5.M 26
5.M 26 4.1 55 5.Z 12
5.Z 12 5.P 22 5.0 23
5.M 26 : 5.C 45 4.E 74
5.U 17 5.Q 21 )(II 4. A 94 ,
5.Q 21 5.T 18 2.E 212 (D
l.B 1994 5.X 14 5.AA 11
5.D 42 4.C 83 4.C 82
5.L 27 5.H 35 5.B 47 : )(1
5.x 14 5.T 18
5.Q 21 5.Y 13 )(II
5.0 23 )(I
5.J 31 )(II
2.C 289
1 .C 867
3.B 162 5.U 17
2.C 309 1.C800 )(I l.B 1080 )(I
5.U 17 3.D !43
5.BB 10
4.B 90 5.A 49 )(I 5.x 14
)(1 5.M 25 1.D539 )(I )(II l.A 4898
5.Q 21 4.B 91 )(I 5.E 40
; )(I 3.D 139 5.H 34 1 .C 879
)(I 5.V 16 5.P22
5.H 35
5.S 19
2.C 298 2.C )(I 288
5.T 18 (D 5.x 14 5.U 17
5.Q 21 5.M 25 5.R 20
5.V 16 )(1 5. A 48 4.J 53
5.K 30 1.B )(II 1246 5.M 25
5.J 31 4.E 72 : )(II )(1 5.T 18
)(I 5.0 23 3.C 149 )(I 5.K 29
5.W 15 4.C 83 : )(111 )(I 5.H 34
4.E 74 5.X 14 )(II l.B 1827
5.B 46 5.G 37 )(I l.B 1076
5.AA 11 5.C 45 ID 519
4.1 57 2.A 481 5.C 45
4.J 53 5.U 17 5.1 32 )(1
5.V 16 5.Q 21 3.G 111
77 Index to Hebrew Vocabulary

; 3.E 122 4.D 75 5. A 49 )(I

5.Z 12 5.1 33 5.L 28
5.R 20 5.H 35 10
? )(I 4.1 55 5.V 16 5.z 12
4.K; 51 5.BB 10 )(I 4.E 71
< 5.AA 11 5.1 33 ? 5.Y 13
4.F 68 5.W 15 5.BB 10 )(I
5.U 17 5.W 15 5.G 37;
5.S 19 5.BB 10 5.L 27
5.BB 10 5.1 33 5.N 24
)(I 2.B 314 l.A 2573 5.L28
)(II 4.C 79 4. A 96 )(II 4.C 80
)(1V 5.V 16 5.W 15 ; 2.C 294
5.Q 21 5.L 28 3.E 133
? 4.D 76 3.B 173; 3.D 134
5.G 36 l.C 819; $ 5.K 30
5.AA 11 5.K 30 1.B2120
? )(1 4.B 86 5.0 23 5.Y 13
5.BB 10 5.M 25 )(I 5.1 33
3.G 110 5.G 37 5. A 49
2.B 330 5.W 15 5.x 14
)(II 5.W 15 5.U 17 5.0 23
5.U 17 5.G 37 5.J 31
)(I 4 .B 89 5.S 19 4.1 57
5.J 31 2.C 282 5.F38
5.X 14 2. A 432 5.x 14
5.T 18 )(I 5.K 29 3.G 111
3.E 123 )(I )(I 5.R 20 5.W 15
5.B 46
5.AA 11
2.C 301
5.1 33
5.X 14 4.B 86 5.N 24
5.W 15 5.Y )(II 13 5.Q 21
5.Z 12 5.B 46 5.Y 13
)(1 5.AA 11 5.P 22 3.C 159;
)(I 5.U 17 5.X 14 5.BB 10
)(II 3.D 134 4.1 56 < 5.M 26
(D 5.Z 12 ; , 2. A 492 5.x !4
4.H 61 )(11 ; ; 4.F 68 5.K 29
5.X 14 5.W 15 5.1 32 )(I
4.J 53 4 .G 65 5.U 17
5.V 16 5.BB 10 3.F 119
5.AA 11 5.M )(I 25 5.M 25
5.R 20 5.M 25 5.x 14
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 78

5.Q 21 )(I 5.AA 11 3.E 127

5.V 16 )(I 5.J 31 3.E
2.C 273 )(I 4.D 75 4.F 673
4.K 50 5.Y 13 5.W 15
5.S 19 (D (D 5.X 14 3.F 115
5.BB 10 5.V 16 4.F 69
4.K 50 3.C 154
5.M 26
4.F67 : 5.W 15 4.B 87
4.1 57 4.J 53 )(I 5.BB 10
5.P22 4.G 65 5.Z 12
5.D43 )(I 5.W 15 5.U 17
< 5.E 41 5.T 18 3.B 172
4. A 93 5.F39 )(1 )(1 5.AA 11
5.V 16 5.BB 10 2. A 430
5.X 14 5.U 17 5.F 39
5.M 25 5.W 15 3.E 123
)(1 5.L 28 < 5.1 33 (D 5.Y 13
5.AA 11 5.Z 12 )(I 5.B 47
)(I 3.C 144 5.V 16 2. A 499
3.B 163 5.W 15 l.D 624
)(1 5.S 19 5.R 20 )(II 5.B 46
5.AA 11 5.X 14 5.Z 12
5.P 22 )(1
4.J 54
5.B 47
4.J 54
2.C 275 5.Q 21 3.F 116
5.AA 11 )(1 5.G 37 4.H 61
5.X 14 )(II 5.B 46 (D 5.T 18
)(12. A 485 )(I 3.C 153 5.P 22
5.T 18 )(I 5.E 40 5.R 20
5.X 14 5.H 34 )(I 4.E 74
5.1 33 5.Y 13 5.Y 13
4.J 53 )(I 5.R 20 5.U 17
2.E 206 4.D 76 )(II 4.C 82
5.E 41 4.E72 )(I 5.1 33
* 3.F 116 5.R 20 )(11 5.V 16
3.C 157 5.H 35 5.BB 10
4.G; 63 5.H 34 5.X 14
5.0 23 4.H 61 5.Y 13
5.D 42 5.H 34
5.V 16 5.D 43
2. A 494 5.Y 13 (D 4.D 78
5.Q 21 5.X 14 4.H 62
5.M 25 5.Y 13 5.R 20
79 Index to Hebrew Vocabulary

5.AA 11 3.C 153 5.V 16

5.U 17 5.N )(I 24 5.V 16
4.F 67 5.v !6 < 4 .D 78
4.B 90 2.D 226 )(1 3.F 120
5.H 35 5.aa 11; 5.L 28
5.Z 12 4.1 55 5.T 18
)(I 5. A 49 )(II 5,z 12 4.1 57 )(II

5.H 34 5.K 30 5.1 32 )(I
)(1 5.K 29 5.V 16)( 5.W 15
5.x 14 5.E41 5.W 15
)(I 5.H 35 5.M 26 5.S 19
)(II 5.W 15 2.D 252
5.U 17
)(I 1 .C 730 5.Z 12 5.U 17
)(II 3.D 139 5.V 16 5.1 33 )(I
2.C 291 5.Y !3
. 4.K 52
? 5.AA 11 5.P 22 1.D 661;
; 2.D 227 5.M 25 )(1
4.C 80 3.D !43
)(II 3. A 195
5.S 19
5.L 27 5.W 15
5.X 14
; 4.D 78 < 5.x !4
5.AA 11 2.B 376 3.G 103
5.K 30 3.A 195 5.S 19
3.B 171 )(I
4.D 76 5.C 44
5.BB 10 3.G 103 4.C 84
4.H 62 5.N 24 5.AA 11 )(I
4.K 51 5.M 25 5.S 19
5.V 16
3.G 101 4. A 99 )(I
5.B 46 ! 5.Q2 )(1 5.K )(I 30

5.L 28 5.D 43 . )(I 5.U 17

5.G 36 4.K 50 4.F67
5.C 44 5.Y 13 5.C 45
? 5.x 14 4.C 85 4.K )(I 50

4.D 76 5.B 47 4.1 56

5.1 32 )(11 5.B 47
5.F 39 5.S 19
1.B 1294 4.E 72 3.G 108 )(II
5.Z 12 4.1 57 5.U 17
4.B 87; 4.G 64 5.Z 12
1 .D 593 )(I 4.H 62 5.AA 11
5.Z 12 )(II 4.H 59 5.H 35
3. A 182 5.S 19 ; 5.C 45
4.K 51 5.Z !2 2.D 264;
2.A 475 5.X 14 , 5.P 22
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 80

5.Y )(I

5.AA 11
5.U 17 3.D 139"
5.F 22
4. A 97 5.s 19
5.AA 11
5.BB? 10 5.Q 21 5.G 37
5.R 20 4.G 65 4.E 72
; 2.B 332 2.A 406 5.S 19
5.C 44 5.U 17 )(II 5.W )(I 15
5.L 27 3.B !73 4.C 79
5.V 16 5.x 14 )(1 5.U 17
5.G 36
5.AA 11 5.P 22
5.L 27
5.x 14 5.0 23
; 5.R 20
3.E 133 3.B 174
5.R 20
5.M 26 5.T 18
5.U 17 )(I 4 .C 85
)(11 5.X 14 4.F 66
)(I I D 584
5.Y 13
5.B 47 5.Q 21
5.T 18 5.R 20 )(11 5.Y 13
)(I 4.D 75 5.J 31 5.N 24
5.V 16 ! 5.1 32 3.B 161
5.S 19 3. A 190 5.0 23
5.L 28 )(I 5. A 48 5.L 28
5.V 16 )(I 4. A 96 5.J 31
4.J 54 )(I 5.W !5 5.M 25
3.C 156 3. A 186 4.B 88
5.Q 21 ; )(1 2. A 492 ; 4.B 91
4. A 94 )(1 3.C 149 4.B 87
5.J 31 )(II 5.Q 21 2.E 211
3.C 148 )(I 5.C 44 5.Y 13
5.E 41 4.E 71 3.G 102

5.U 17
3.G 106 5.N 24
4.1 55
5.AA 11 4 .G 65
5.K 29
5.S !9 5.P 22 )(I
5.Q 21 4 .G 64 )(II
5.H 34
5.Q 21 3.E 130
3. A 178
5.M )(II 25 5.R 20
5.A 48 ?
4.1 56 5.S 19
2. A 412 5. A 48 5.0 23
; )(II 4.J 53 )(I !5.AA 1 )(1 5.S 19
)(I 5.K 29 4.K 52 2.D 242
3.F 117 5.Y !3 I.C 839
5.Y 13 1.B 1055 4.F 70
5.P 22 )(I 5.V !6 )(111 5.U 17
81 Index to Hebrew Vocabulary

3.G 107 4.H 58 ; 2. A 416

3.E 125 5.BB)(1 10 5.N 24
5.Y 13 3.F 116 5.F39
4.D 76 5.K 29 5.E 41

3.F 117 5.S 19 3.F 118
4.B 87 5.R 20 5.0 23
5.L )(I 28 )(I 5.T 18 5.M 25
2.C 293 4.C 79 5.x 14 )(II
5.M 25 5.K 29 2.D 220
l.D 586; 5.E 41 5.x 14
5.M 25 5.P 22 5.Z 12
I.C 817 4.B 88 5.P 22
(D 1 .C 862 5.P 22 5.0 23
4.B 90 5.AA 11 5.M 25 )(I
)(I 5.F 39 3.F 113 5.T 18
3.D 139 <. 5.X 14 5.x 14 )(I
5.L 27 5.W 15 2. A 490 (D
2. A 416 5.Z 12 5.1 32;
5.K 30 5.BB 10 5.Z 12
4. A 95 5.1 33 5.N 24 )(I
4.1 56 4. A 98 5.F 38
3. A 193 ; (D 2.C 272 5. A 49
5.BB 10 )(111 5.F 38 5.T 18
; 3.C 147 5.L 27 5.L 27
l.B 1136 )(II 2.E 217 5.W 15
5.U 17 5.AA 11 5.L 28
2. A 465 5.0 23
3.F 112 5.BB 10
3.D 134 5.Y 13 3.G 104
4.J 53 5.Q 21 4.B 91
5.N 24 5.F 39 5.Q 21
l.C 871 5.W !5 4.G 64
5.0 23 5.L 28 5.Z )(I 12
)(I 5.D 42 5.D 43 5.S 19
3.C 156 425. 5.X 14
! 1 C 739 5.G 36 5.K 30
5.Z 12 5.U 17 5.W 15
5.W 15 5.R 20 5.W 15
5.P 22 5.R 20 5.P 22
)(1 2.B 368 5.G 36 4.K 50
4.G 63 4.H 58 5.Y 13
< 2.E 203 5.BB 10 5.U 17
5.V 16 5.1 32 4.K 51
Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 82

4.D 78 4.D 77 5.H 34

4.G 64 5.G 36 5.U 17
5.H 34 )(II 5.W 15 4.D 77!
4.F 67
83 Index to Aramaic Vocabulary

Index to Aramaic Vocabulary

6.1 4
6.L 1
6.J 3
6.L 1
6.E 9 6.K 2 6.L 1
6.J 3 6.B 25 6.D 11
6.F 7 6.C 15 6.G 6
6.E 8 6.L 1 6.K 2
; 6.J 3 6.J 3 6.L
6. A 57 6.F7 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.F 7 < 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.H 5 6.B 44
61 1 6.J 3 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.K 2 6.J 3
6.J 3 6.L 1 6.D 11
6.F 7 6.L 1 6.B 22
6.L 1 6.J 3 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.E 8 6.L 1
6.J 3 6.J 3 6.D 12
6.L 1 6.H 5 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.K 2 6.J 3
; 6.D 11 6.D !0 6.L 1
6.E 9 6.L 1 6.H 5
6.G 6
6.L 1 6.E 8 )(I
6.L 1 6.K 2 6.E 8 )(11
6.C 17 6.B 21 6.L 1 )(I
6.F 7 6.L 1 6.1 4 )(II
6.1 4 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.J 3; 6.J 3 6.H 5
6. A 95 6.L 1 6.J 3
6.H 5 6.G 6 6.K 2
6.K 2
6.H 5
6.C 14 6.K 2
6.K 2
6.J 3 6.L 1
6.C 16 6.D 10
6.1 4 6.K 2
6.D 10
6.E 8 6.E 8; )( 6.B 21
6.J 3 6.L 13
6. A 73 6.K2
6.J 3 '26.A 50
6.K 2
6.C 16 6.L 1 6.C 13
6.1 4 6.L 1 6.L 1
Index to Aramaic Vocabulary 84

6.L 1 6.L 1 6.L 1

6.L 1 6.C 14
6.G 6 6.K 2
6.K 2 6.K 2 6.L 1
6.G 6

6.L 1 6.J3
6.E 9 6.G 6 6.1 4;
6.1 4 ! 6.L 6.C 14
6.K 2 6.L 1( 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.1 4 6.L 1
6.J 3 6.K 2 6.L 1
6.J 3 6.J 3 6.C 15
6.L 1 6.J 3 6.L 1
6.H 5 6.C 14 6.L 1
6. A 70 6.B 31
6.F 7 6.D 12
6.H 5 6.C 13 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.F 7 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.J 3 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.D 12; 6.F 7
6.L 1 6.J 3 6.G 6
6.K 2 6.C 15 6.B 20
6.B 23 6.L 1 6.F 7
6.L 1 6.C 14
6.F 7 6.E 8
6.L 1 6. A" 50 6.B 22
6.L 1 6.1 4
6.G 6 6.J 3
6.A 292 6.L 1 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.L 1 6.G 6
6.H 5 6.L 1 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.L 1 6.14
6.L 1 6.K 2 6.K 2
6.C 13 6.G 6 6.L 1
6.J 3 6.L 1 6.K 2
6.J 3 6.L 1 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.D 11 6.E 9
6.K 2 6.1 4 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.1 4 6.H 5
6.B 42 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.D 10 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.L 1 6.L 1
85 Index to Aramaic Vocabulary

6.L 1 6.K 2 6.L 1

6.L 1 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.L 1 6.J 3
6.L 1 6.H 5 6.H 5
6.L 1 6.E 8 6.F
6.L 1

6. A 70 6.F 7
! 6.L ! 6.L 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.L 1 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.1 4 6.F 7
6.K 2 6.E 8 6.L 1
6.L 1 ! 6.L 6.L 1
6.K 2 ! 6.L 6.L 1
6.H 5 6.A 82 6.1 4
! 6.L 6.F 7 6.1 4
6.J 3 p 6.E 8 6.D 11
6.B 30 6.H 5 6.C 14 :
6.K 2 6.J 3 6.L 1
6.1 4 6.F 7 6.K 2
! 6.L 6.C 13 6.1 4

6.J 3
6.C 13
6.1 4
6.1 4
6.L 1
6.E 8
6.K 2
6.L 1 6.L 1 : 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.L 1 6.B 24
6.C 17 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.L 1 6.J 3
6.B 47 6.L 1 6.A 178
6.B 28 6.J 3 6.L 1
6.C 15 6.E 9 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.E 8 6. A 57
6.D 12 6.D 12 6.H 5
6.K 2 6.K 2 6.D 10
6.L 1 6. A 100
6.J 3 6.J 3
6.L 1 6. A 70 6.1 4
6.L 1 6.A : 6.H 5
6.H 5 6.E 8 : 6.K 2
6.E 8 6.K 2 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.J 3 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.J 3 )(I 6.L 1
6.F 7 6.F 7 )(II 6.L 1
Index to Aramaic Vocabulary 86

6.1 4 6.K 2 6.K 2

6.L 1 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.K! 2 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.J 3 6.K 2
6.K 2 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.G 6 6.L 1 6.H 5
6.L 1 6.J 3 6.J 3
6.1 4 6.L 1 6. A 98
6.L 1 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.J 3 6.K 2 6.J 3

6.J 3
6.L 1

6.L 1
6.D 10
6.L 1 6.F 7 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.L 1 6.1 4
6.K 2
6.1 4
6.C !4
6.C !9
6.L 1
6.L 1 6.L 1
< 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.C 15
6.l 1
6.D 12 6.B 22
6.L 1
6.H 5 6.L 1
6.1 4
6.L 1 6.L 1
6.K 2
6.J 3 6.B 30
6.L 1
6.K 2 6.L 1
! 6.L
6.H 5 6.L 1
: 6.L 1 6.E 8 6.1 4
6.K 2 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.C 15 6.H 5 6.J 3
6.L 1
6-G 6 6.L
6.1 6.K 2 6.L 1
6.C 17 6.H 5 6.J 3
6.1 4 6.L 1 )(I 6.L 1
6.E 9 6.L 1 )(II 6.1 4
6.G 6
6.K 2

6.L 1
6.L 1
6.L 1 6.B 28 6.H 5
6.K 2 6.F 7 : 6.F 7
6.K 2 6.G 6 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.C 14 6.L 1
6.L 1 6.B 34 6.J 3
6.L 1 6.E9
6.L 1 6.D 12
6.D 11 6.L 1 6.D 10
! 6. I 6.L 1 6.L 1
87 Index to Aramaic Vocabulary

6.L 1
6.F 6.F7 6.G 6
6.L 1
6.J 6.J3 6.L 1
6.L 1
6.L 6.L1 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.K 6.K2
6.K 2
6.D 10 6.K 6.K2
6.L 1 6.1 4
6.G 6
6.F 6.F7
6.K 2 6.L 6.L1 6.H 5
6.1 4 6.L 6.L1 6.1 4
6.B 20 6.L6.L1 6.J 3
6.L 1
6.L 6.L1 6.C 13
6.K 2
6.J 6.J3 6.L
6.L 1
6.L 1


6.E 6.E9
6.L 1
6.B 26

6.1 4 6.L 6.L1 6.L 1

6.K 2
6.E 6.E9 6.J 3
6.B 31
6.C6.C14 6.L 1
6.G 6
6.K 6.K2 3 6

6.K 2
6.K 6.K2

6.K 2
6.G 6
6.C 14 6.L 1
6.D 10 6.B 23 6.D 12
6.L 1 6.G 6 6.H 5
6.H 5 6.K 2 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.H 5 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.G 6 6.G 6
6.L 1 6.E 8 6.H 5
6.J 3 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.L 1 6.J 3
6.1 4 6.F 7 6.L 1
6.C 17 6.J 3 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.K 2 6.J 3
6.1 4 6.D 11 6.J 3
6.1 4 6.E 9
6.H 5 6.L 1
6.J 3 6.E 9 6.C 18
6.B 29 6.L 1 6.K 2
6.C 13 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.B 42 6.L 1 6.1 4;
6.K 2 6.L 1 6.L 1
6.J 3 6.D !2 6.c !4
6.B 35 6.K 2 6.F 7
Index to Aramaic Vocabulary 88

6.K 2 6.1 4 6.L 1

6.C 14
6.L 1 : 6.C 13
6.D 10 6.J 3 6.J 3
6.J 3 6.L 1 6.J 3
a)v 6.1 4 6.L 1 6.1 4
6.D !2 6.G 6 6.L 1
6.L 18
\ 6.J 3 6.L 1
6.B 38 6.L 1 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.H 5; 6.H 5
6.E 9 6.H 5 6.L 1
6.L 1
6.L 1
6.K 2
6.L 1
6.J 3 6.L 1 6.H 5
6.B 21 6.K 2 6.L 1
6.F 7 )(I 6.E 8 6.L 1
6.L 1 )(11 6.L 1 ; 6.1 4
6.H 5 6.F7 6.K 2
6.L 1 6.H 5 6.L 1
6.K 2 6.L 1

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