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Name:___________________ Chem 234A Elimination Prelab Worksheet

1. Objective (5 points):

2. Physical Constants (5 points):

mp/bp density
Structure MW (g/mol) Relevant Hazards
(oC) (g/mL)
2-butanol 74.12 98 0.81 Irritant avoid
skin contact
corrosive avoid
phosphoric acid H3PO4 97.99 158 1.69
skin contact
corrosive avoid
sulfuric acid H2SO4 98.08 337 1.84
skin contact

2-bromobutane 137.02 91 flammable

Potassium corrosive avoid

KOH 56.11 360 solid
hydroxide skin contact

Ethanol 46.07 78 0.79
eye irritant

1-butene 56.11 -6 gas flammable

trans-2-butene 1

cis-2-butene 4
Name:___________________ Chem 234A Elimination Prelab Worksheet

3. Reaction Scheme 1 (2 points):

MW or Conc. 74.12 14.8 M/18 M

volume 0.4 mL --- / --- (**22.4 L/mol @ STP)
density 0.81 ---/ --- ---
Theoretical Yield
mass --- / ---
Theoretical Yield
mmole --- / ---
equivalents 1.0 catalytic
** assume STP

4. Reaction Mechanism 1 (show the E1 mechanism) (2 points):

5. Reaction Scheme 2 (2 points):

MW or Conc. 137.02 30%

volume 0.3 mL 3 mL (**22.4 L/mol @ STP)
density --- ---
mass ---
mmole ---
equivalents 1.0 excess
** assume STP
Name:___________________ Chem 234A Elimination Prelab Worksheet

6. Reaction Mechanism 2 (E2 mechanism) (2 points):

7. Gas Chromatogram (2 points): The gas mixtures from the reactions above contain air and the alkenes shown
here. The elution order from the GC column is air, A, B, then C. B and C elute very close together. Draw the
expected chromatogram below:

Time (min)

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