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Tutorial 6: Vector Algebra

1. Given points A(3,4,8) and B(-2,-3,-5) . Find the vector addition between position vector A and B.

2. Let u, v and w be position vectors of the points U(2,3,1), V(0,-5,l) and W(-3,0,0), respectively. Find

(i) z = u-2v + 3w
(ii) transform z from Cartesian domain (i.e., ai + bj + ck ) to Polar domain (i.e., r(cosaz +
cosfij + cosyk) where r is its magnitude.
(iii) the angle between z and O x
(iv) direction cosines of z in three direction /, j and k .
(v) unit vector of z
(vi) If given direction angle as following, can you identify whether the vector with the
following direction cosine (cos az + cos fij + cos yk) is exist or not?
------ vector m has direction angle a,/?, and y of (/4,2 / 3, / 3) .
------ vector n has direction angle a,fi, and y of ( /2, /3, /3).
(vii) Find the direction cosines of negative vector -z. Then find the relationship between the
direction cosines of vector z and -z.

3. Let OP = i + 3j-Ik and OQ = 5/ -2y + 4k

(i) Find the unit vector in the direction of PQ

(ii) Find the direction cosines of PQ

(iii) Find the vector of magnitude 5 in the direction of QP in polar form

4. (i) Find the Cartesian equation of the line L in the plane passing through the point A(2,3) and
perpendicular to the vector n = i - 3j

(ii) Find the Cartesian equation of the plane S passing through the point A(1,1,-1) and normal
to the vector n = -2i + 2 j -5k

5. Find the Cartesian equation of plane contains the line L1 :r1 = a + tu = (l,-3,4) + (2,l,l)t and parallel
to the line L2 : r2, = b+sv = (o,0,o) + (l,2,3)s . From the result, can you proof that the plane is parallel
to line L2 ?

6. (i) Find the volume of the parallelepiped with adjacent edges PQ, PR and PS where P = (1,1,1), Q
= (2,0,3), R = (4,1,7), S = (3,-1,-2)
(ii) Find the volume of the parallelepiped having a = (l,2,-l), b = (-2,0,3), c = (o,7,-4) as it sides.
(iii) Explain why three vectors a, b and c are coplanar when a.(bxc) = 0
(iv) Explain why a.(axc) = 0
(v) Show that the points P(0,0,3), Q(2,-1,2), R(3,2,1) and S (1,3,2) are coplanar
(vi) Show that b.(cxa) = c.(axb)
(vii) Let P(0,0,3), Q(2,-1,2), R(3,2,1) and S (1,3,2) be vertices of a parallelogram. Find the area
of the orthogonal projection of the area of the parallelogram onto the plane xy-plane.

7. Let a = (l, -2, -3), b = (2,1, -l) and c = (l, 3, -2). Identify the vector operation involved (i.e, scalar
multiplication, dot product, cross product, scalar triple product, triple product or vector triple
product) for the following vector combinations and hence compute it.
(i) a.(bxc)
(ii) (axb).c (Explain why the ans. computed by (ii) is same with (i)
(iii) (axb)(b.c)
(iv) ax(bxc) (Explain what identity it follows)
(v) (axc)xb
Precaution: Multiplication between scalar and vector is not allowed for dot and cross operation
because the dimension between them is not agree with each other.

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