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Headword Sublist Related word forms

analytically, analytical, analyzing, analysing, analysers,

analyse 1 analyzes, analyzed, analytic, analysts, analysis, analyses,
analyser, analysed, analyze, analyst

unapproachable, approachable, approaching, approaches,

approach 1

area 1 areas

reassessment, reassessing, assessments, unassessed,

assess 1 reassessed, assessment, assessable, assessing, reassess,
assesses, assessed

assume 1 assumptions, assumption, assuming, assumes, assumed

authority 1 authoritative, authorities

available 1 availability, unavailable

beneficiaries, beneficiary, benefiting, beneficial, benefited,

benefit 1

conceptualisation, conceptualising, conceptualises,

concept 1 conceptualised, conceptualise, conceptually, conceptual,
conception, concepts

inconsistencies, inconsistency, inconsistent, consistently,

consist 1
consistency, consisting, consistent, consisted, consists

unconstitutional, constitutionally, constitutional,

constituencies, constitutions, constitutive, constitution,
constitute 1
constituting, constituents, constituency, constitutes,
constituted, constituent

uncontextualized, uncontextualised, contextualizing,

context 1 contextualising, contextualized, contextualised, contextualize,
contextualise, contextual, contexts

contract 1 contractors, contracting, contractor, contracted, contracts

recreating, creativity, creatively, recreates, recreated,
create 1 creations, recreate, creators, creative, creation, creating,
creator, creates, created

data 1

definitions, redefining, definition, undefined, redefines,

define 1
redefined, definable, redefine, defining, defines, defined

derivatives, derivations, derivative, derivation, deriving,

derive 1
derives, derived

redistribution, redistributing, distributional, redistributes,

distribute 1 redistributed, distributions, redistribute, distributors,
distributive, distribution, distributing, distributor, distributed

uneconomical, economically, economists, economical,

economy 1
economist, economies, economics, economic

environmentalists, environmentalist, environmentally,

environment 1
environmental, environments

disestablishment, disestablishing, establishments,

establish 1 disestablishes, disestablished, establishment, establishing,
disestablish, establishes, established

underestimating, underestimates, underestimated,

overestimating, underestimate, overestimates, overestimated,
estimate 1
over-estimate, overestimate, estimations, estimation,
estimating, estimates, estimated

evident 1 evidential, evidently, evidenced, evidence

export 1 exporting, exporters, exporter, exported, exports

factor 1 factoring, factored, factors

financially, financiers, financing, financier, financial, finances,

finance 1

formula 1 reformulations, reformulation, reformulating, reformulated,

formulations, reformulate, formulation, formulating,
formulated, formulate, formulas, formulae

function 1 functionally, functioning, functioned, functional, functions

unidentifiable, identification, identifiable, identifying,

identify 1
identities, identifies, identified, identity

income 1 incomes

indications, indicators, indicative, indication, indicating,

indicate 1
indicator, indicates, indicated

individualistic, individualists, individualised, individuality,

individual 1
individualist, individualism, individually, individuals

misinterpretations, reinterpretations, misinterpretation,

reinterpretation, misinterpreting, interpretations,
interpret 1 reinterpreting, misinterpreted, interpretative, interpretation,
reinterpreted, misinterprets, reinterprets, misinterpret,
interpretive, interpreting, reinterpret, interpreted, interprets

involve 1 involvement, uninvolved, involving, involves, involved

issue 1 issuing, issues, issued

labour 1 labouring, laboured, labours, labored, labors, labor

legal 1 illegality, illegally, legality, legally, illegal

legislature, legislators, legislative, legislation, legislating,

legislate 1
legislator, legislates, legislated

major 1 majorities, majority

methodological, methodologies, methodology, methodical,

method 1

reoccurring, occurrences, reoccurred, occurrence, occurring,

occur 1
reoccurs, occurred, reoccur, occurs
percent 1 percentages, percentage

period 1 periodically, periodicals, periodical, periodic, periods

policy 1 policies

principle 1 unprincipled, principles, principled

proceedings, proceeding, procedures, procedural, proceeded,

proceed 1
procedure, proceeds

process 1 processing, processes, processed

require 1 requirements, requirement, requiring, requires, required

research 1 researching, researchers, researches, researcher, researched

responsiveness, unresponsive, respondents, responsive,

respond 1 responding, respondent, responses, responded, response,

role 1 roles

section 1 sectioning, sectioned, sections

sector 1 sectors

insignificantly, significantly, insignificant, significance,

significant 1
signifying, signifies, signified, signify

similar 1 similarities, similarity, dissimilar, similarly

source 1 sourcing, sources, sourced

specific 1 specifications, specification, specifically, specificity, specifics

restructuring, unstructured, structurally, restructures,

structure 1 restructured, structuring, restructure, structures, structured,
theory 1 theoretically, theoretical, theorists, theorist, theories

variability, variations, invariably, invariable, variation,

vary 1 variables, variants, variance, variably, variable, varying,
variant, varies, varied

achievements, achievement, achievable, achieving, achieves,

achieve 2

acquire 2 acquisitions, acquisition, acquiring, acquires, acquired

administratively, administrations, administrators,

administrate 2
administrative, administration, administrator, administrates

affect 2 affectively, unaffected, affective, affecting, affected, affects

inappropriately, appropriateness, inappropriate, inappropriacy,

appropriate 2
appropriately, appropriacy

aspect 2 aspects

unassisted, assistants, assistance, assisting, assistant, assisted,

assist 2

categorization, categorisation, categorizing, categorising,

category 2 categorizes, categorized, categorises, categorised, categorise,

chapter 2 chapters

commissioning, commissioners, commissioner,

commission 2
commissioned, commissions

community 2 communities

complex 2 complexities, complexity

computational, computerised, computations, computation,

compute 2
computable, computing, computers, computer, computed
inconclusively, inconclusive, conclusively, conclusions,
conclude 2
conclusive, conclusion, concluding, concludes, concluded

conduct 2 conducting, conducted, conducts

consequent 2 consequently, consequences, consequence

reconstruction, reconstructing, reconstructed, constructions,

construct 2 reconstructs, constructive, construction, constructing,
reconstruct, constructed, constructs

consumption, consuming, consumers, consumes, consumer,

consume 2

credit 2 creditors, crediting, creditor, credited, credits

culture 2 uncultured, culturally, cultures, cultured, cultural

design 2 designing, designers, designer, designed, designs

distinctively, indistinctly, distinctions, distinctive, distinction,

distinct 2
indistinct, distinctly

element 2 elements

equate 2 equations, equation, equating, equates, equated

re-evaluation, re-evaluating, re-evaluates, re-evaluated, re-

evaluate 2 evaluate, evaluations, evaluative, evaluation, evaluating,
evaluates, evaluated

feature 2 featuring, features, featured

finalizing, finalising, finalizes, finalized, finalises, finalised,

final 2
finalize, finality, finalise, finally, finals

refocussing, refocusses, refocussed, refocusing, refocuses,

focus 2 refocused, focussing, focussed, focusing, refocus, focuses,
impact 2 impacting, impacted, impacts

injure 2 uninjured, injuring, injuries, injures, injured, injury

institutionalizing, institutionalising, institutionalizes,

institutionalized, institutionalises, institutionalised,
institute 2
institutionalise, institutionally, institutional, institutions,
institution, instituting, institutes, instituted

reinvestment, reinvesting, investments, reinvested, investment,

invest 2 reinvests, investors, investing, reinvest, investor, invested,

item 2 itemisation, itemising, itemises, itemised, itemise, items

journal 2 journals

maintain 2 maintenance, maintaining, maintained, maintains

normalization, normalisation, normalizing, normalising,

normal 2 normalizes, normalized, normalises, normalised, abnormally,
normalize, normality, normalise, normally, abnormal

obtain 2 unobtainable, obtainable, obtaining, obtained, obtains

participatory, participation, participating, participates,

participate 2
participated, participants, participant

perceive 2 perceptions, perception, perceiving, perceives, perceived

positive 2 positively

potential 2 potentially

previous 2 previously

primary 2 primarily

purchase 2 purchasing, purchasers, purchases, purchaser, purchased

range 2 ranging, ranges, ranged

region 2 regionally, regional, regions

deregulation, deregulating, unregulated, regulations,

regulate 2 deregulates, deregulated, regulatory, regulators, regulation,
regulating, regulator, regulates, regulated

relevant 2 irrelevance, irrelevant, relevance

residential, residents, residence, residing, resident, resides,

reside 2

under-resourced, unresourceful, resourceful, resourcing,

resource 2
resources, resourced

unrestrictive, restrictively, unrestricted, restrictions, restrictive,

restrict 2
restriction, restricting, restricted, restricts

insecurities, securities, insecurity, security, securing, securely,

secure 2
insecure, secures, secured

seek 2 seeking, sought, seeks

selectively, selections, selectors, selective, selection, selecting,

select 2
selector, selected, selects

site 2 sites

strategy 2 strategically, strategists, strategist, strategies, strategic

survey 2 surveying, surveyed, surveys

text 2 textual, texts

non-traditional, traditionalist, traditionally, traditional,

tradition 2

transfer 2 transferring, transference, transferable, transferred, transfers

alternative 3 alternatively, alternatives

circumstance 3 circumstances

commentators, commentaries, commentator, commenting,

comment 3
commentary, commented, comments

compensations, compensatory, compensation, compensating,

compensate 3
compensates, compensated

component 3 componentry, components

consent 3 consenting, consented, consensus, consents

considerable 3 considerably

constant 3 inconstantly, inconstancy, constantly, constants, constancy

unconstrained, constraining, constraints, constrained,

constrain 3
constraint, constrains

contributions, contributors, contribution, contributing,

contribute 3
contributor, contributes, contributed

unconventional, conventionally, conventional, conventions,

convene 3
convention, convening, convenes, convened

co-ordinators, co-ordination, co-ordinating, coordinators, co-

coordinate 3 ordinator, coordination, coordinating, co-ordinates, co-
ordinated, coordinator, coordinates, coordinated, co-ordinate

core 3 coring, cores, cored

corporate 3 corporations, corporation, corporates

correspondingly, correspondence, corresponding,

correspond 3
corresponded, corresponds

criteria 3 criterion
deduce 3 deductions, deduction, deducing, deduces, deduced

demonstratively, demonstrations, demonstrators,

demonstrate 3 demonstrative, demonstration, demonstrating, demonstrator,
demonstrates, demonstrated, demonstrably, demonstrable

document 3 documentation, documenting, documented, documents

domination, dominating, dominates, dominated, dominance,

dominate 3

emphatically, emphasizing, emphasising, emphasizes,

emphasis 3
emphasized, emphasised, emphasize, emphasise, emphatic

ensure 3 ensuring, ensures, ensured

exclusionist, exclusionary, exclusively, exclusions, exclusive,

exclude 3
exclusion, excluding, excludes, excluded

framework 3 frameworks

fund 3 funding, funders, funder, funded, funds

illustrations, illustrative, illustration, illustrating, illustrates,

illustrate 3

immigration, immigrating, immigrates, immigrated,

immigrate 3
immigrants, immigrant

imply 3 implying, implies, implied

initial 3 initially

instance 3 instances

interactively, interactions, interactive, interaction, interacting,

interact 3
interacted, interacts

justifications, justification, unjustified, justifiably, justifiable,

justify 3
justifying, justifies, justified
layer 3 layering, layered, layers

link 3 linkages, linking, linkage, linked, links

relocation, relocating, relocates, relocated, locations, relocate,

locate 3
location, locating, located

maximization, maximisation, maximizing, maximising,

maximise 3 maximizes, maximized, maximises, maximised, maximize,
maximum, max

minor 3 minorities, minority, minors

negate 3 negatively, negatives, negative, negating, negates, negated

outcome 3 outcomes

partner 3 partnerships, partnership, partners

philosophically, philosophizing, philosophising,

philosophizes, philosophized, philosophises, philosophised,
philosophy 3
philosophical, philosophize, philosophise, philosophies,
philosophers, philosopher

physical 3 physically

disproportionately, disproportionate, proportionately,

proportion 3 proportionally, proportionate, disproportion, proportional,

unpublished, publishing, publishers, publishes, publisher,

publish 3

reactionaries, reactivation, reactionary, reactivate, reactions,

react 3
reactors, reactive, reaction, reacting, reactor, reacted, reacts

deregistration, deregistering, registration, deregistered,

register 3
registering, deregisters, registered, deregister, registers

reliability, unreliable, reliance, reliably, reliable, relying,

rely 3
reliant, relies, relied
remove 3 removable, removing, removals, removes, removed, removal

scheme 3 schematically, schematic, scheming, schemes, schemed

sequence 3 sequentially, sequential, sequencing, sequences, sequenced

sex 3 sexuality, sexually, sexual, sexism, sexes

shift 3 shifting, shifted, shifts

specify 3 unspecified, specifiable, specifying, specifies, specified

sufficient 3 insufficiently, sufficiently, insufficient, sufficiency

task 3 tasks

technical 3 technically

technique 3 techniques

technology 3 technologically, technological

validation, validating, invalidity, invalidate, validated,

valid 3
validity, validate, validly

volume 3 volumes

accessibility, inaccessible, accessible, accessing, accesses,

access 4

inadequately, inadequacies, inadequate, inadequacy,

adequate 4
adequately, adequacy

annual 4 annually

apparent 4 apparently

approximations, approximation, approximating,

approximate 4
approximately, approximates, approximated
attitude 4 attitudes

attribute 4 attributable, attribution, attributing, attributes, attributed

civil 4

code 4 coding, codes, coded

commit 4 commitments, committing, commitment, committed, commits

uncommunicative, communicatively, communications,

communicate 4 communicative, communication, communicating,
communicates, communicated, communicable

concentrate 4 concentration, concentrating, concentrates, concentrated

confer 4 conferences, conferring, conference, conferred, confers

contrast 4 contrastive, contrasting, contrasted, contrasts

cycle 4 cyclical, cycling, cyclic, cycles, cycled

debate 4 debatable, debating, debates, debated

despite 4

dimension 4 multidimensional, dimensional, dimensions

domesticating, domesticated, domestically, domesticate,

domestic 4

emerge 4 emergence, emerging, emergent, emerges, emerged

error 4 erroneously, erroneous, errors

ethnic 4 ethnicity

goal 4 goals
grant 4 granting, granted, grants

hence 4

hypothetically, hypothesizing, hypothesising, hypothetical,

hypothesis 4 hypothesizes, hypothesized, hypothesises, hypothesised,
hypothesize, hypothesise, hypotheses

implement 4 implementation, implementing, implemented, implements

implicate 4 implications, implication, implicating, implicates, implicated

impose 4 imposition, imposing, imposes, imposed

integrate 4 integration, integrating, integrates, integrated

internalizing, internalising, internalizes, internalized,

internal 4
internalises, internalised, internalize, internalise, internally

investigations, investigators, investigative, investigation,

investigate 4
investigating, investigator, investigates, investigated

job 4 jobs

label 4 labelling, labelled, labeling, labeled, labels

mechanism 4 mechanisms

obvious 4 obviously

occupational, occupations, occupation, occupying, occupiers,

occupy 4
occupants, occupancy, occupies, occupier, occupied, occupant

option 4 optional, options

output 4 outputs

overall 4

parallel 4 unparalleled, parallelling, parallelled, paralleled, parallels

parameter 4 parameters

phase 4 phasing, phases, phased

unpredictability, predictability, unpredictable, predictions,

predict 4 predictably, predictable, prediction, predicting, predicted,

principal 4 principally

prior 4

professional 4 professionalism, professionally, professionals

project 4 projections, projection, projecting, projected, projects

promotions, promotion, promoting, promoters, promotes,

promote 4
promoter, promoted

regime 4 regimes

resolve 4 unresolved, resolution, resolving, resolves, resolved

retentive, retention, retaining, retainers, retainer, retained,

retain 4

series 4

statistic 4 statisticians, statistically, statistician, statistical, statistics

status 4

stress 4 unstressed, stressing, stressful, stresses, stressed

subsequent 4 subsequently

sum 4 summation, summing, summed, sums

summary 4 summarizations, summarisations, summarization,

summarisation, summarizing, summarising, summarizes,
summarized, summarises, summarised, summarize,
summarise, summaries

undertake 4 undertaking, undertakes, undertaken, undertook

academy 5 academically, academies, academics, academic, academia

readjustments, readjustment, readjusting, adjustments,

adjust 5 readjusted, adjustment, readjusts, adjusting, readjust, adjusted,

unalterable, alternating, alterations, alteration, unaltered,

alter 5
alternate, alterable, altering, altered, alters

amend 5 amendments, amendment, amending, amended, amends

aware 5 awareness, unaware

capacity 5 incapacitated, incapacitate, capacities

challenge 5 challenging, challengers, challenges, challenger, challenged

clause 5 clauses

compound 5 compounding, compounded, compounds

conflict 5 conflicting, conflicted, conflicts

consultations, consultative, consultation, consultants,

consult 5
consultancy, consulting, consultant, consulted, consults

contact 5 contactable, contacting, contacted, contacts

decline 5 declining, declines, declined

discrete 5 discretionary, indiscretion, indiscrete, discretion, discretely

draft 5 redrafting, redrafted, redrafts, drafting, redraft, drafted, drafts

enable 5 enabling, enables, enabled

energy 5 energetically, energetic, energies

enforce 5 enforcement, enforcing, enforces, enforced

entity 5 entities

equivalent 5 equivalence

evolutionists, evolutionist, evolutionary, evolution, evolving,

evolve 5
evolves, evolved

expansionism, expansive, expansion, expanding, expanded,

expand 5

expose 5 exposures, exposure, exposing, exposes, exposed

externalization, externalisation, externalizing, externalising,

external 5 externalizes, externalized, externalises, externalised,
externalize, externality, externalise, externally

facilitators, facilitation, facilitating, facilitator, facilitates,

facilitate 5
facilitated, facilities, facility

fundamental 5 fundamentally

generate 5 generating, generates, generated

generation 5 generations

image 5 imagery, images

liberalization, liberalisation, liberalizing, liberalising,

liberations, liberalizes, liberalized, liberalises, liberalised,
liberal 5
liberators, liberation, liberating, liberalize, liberalism,
liberalise, liberator, liberates, liberated, liberally, liberate

licence 5 unlicensed, licensing, licenses, licensed, licences, license

logic 5 illogically, logicians, logically, illogical, logician, logical

margin 5 marginally, marginal, margins

medical 5 medically

mental 5 mentality, mentally

modifications, modification, unmodified, modifying, modifies,

modify 5

monitor 5 unmonitored, monitoring, monitored, monitors

network 5 networking, networked, networks

notion 5 notions

objective 5 objectivity, objectively

reorientation, orientation, orientating, orientates, orientated,

orient 5
orienting, orientate, reorient, oriented, orients

perspective 5 perspectives

precise 5 precision, precisely, imprecise

prime 5 primacy

psychology 5 psychologically, psychologists, psychological, psychologist

pursue 5 pursuits, pursuing, pursuit, pursues, pursued

ratio 5 ratios

reject 5 rejections, rejection, rejecting, rejected, rejects

revenue 5 revenues

stabilization, stabilisation, stabilizing, stabilising, instability,

stable 5 stabilizes, stabilized, stabilises, stabilised, stabilize, stability,
stabilise, unstable
stylizing, stylising, stylizes, stylized, stylises, stylised, stylize,
style 5
stylish, stylise, styling, styles, styled

substitute 5 substitution, substituting, substitutes, substituted

sustainability, unsustainable, sustainable, sustenance,

sustain 5
sustaining, sustained, sustains

symbolically, symbolizing, symbolising, symbolizes,

symbol 5 symbolized, symbolises, symbolised, symbolize, symbolism,
symbolise, symbolic, symbols

target 5 targeting, targeted, targets

transitional, transitions, transitory, transition, transiting,

transit 5
transited, transits

trend 5 trends

version 5 versions

welfare 5

whereas 5

abstract 6 abstractions, abstraction, abstractly, abstracts

accurate 6 inaccuracies, inaccurate, inaccuracy, accurately, accuracy

acknowledgement, acknowledgements, acknowledging,

acknowledge 6
acknowledges, acknowledged

aggregate 6 aggregation, aggregating, aggregates, aggregated

allocate 6 allocations, allocation, allocating, allocates, allocated

reassigning, assignments, unassigned, reassigned, assignment,

assign 6
reassigns, assigning, reassign, assigned, assigns

attach 6 attachments, unattached, attachment, attaching, attaches,


author 6 authorship, authoring, authored, authors

bond 6 bonding, bonded, bonds

brief 6 briefing, briefly, briefed, brevity, briefs

capable 6 capabilities, capability, incapable

cite 6 citations, citation, citing, cites, cited

co-operatively, cooperatively, co-operative, co-operation,

cooperate 6 cooperative, cooperation, cooperating, co-operates, co-
operated, cooperates, cooperated, co-operate

discriminate 6 discrimination, discriminating, discriminates, discriminated

display 6 displaying, displayed, displays

diversification, diversifying, diversifies, diversified, diversity,

diverse 6
diversify, diversely

domain 6 domains

editorials, editorial, editions, editors, edition, editing, editor,

edit 6
edited, edits

enhance 6 enhancement, enhancing, enhances, enhanced

estate 6 estates

exceed 6 exceeding, exceeded, exceeds

expert 6 expertise, expertly, experts

explicit 6 explicitly

federal 6 federations, federation

fee 6 fees

flexible 6 inflexibility, flexibility, inflexible

furthermore 6

gender 6 genders

ignorant 6 ignorance, ignoring, ignores, ignored, ignore

incentive 6 incentives

incidence 6 incidentally, incidents, incident

incorporate 6 incorporation, incorporating, incorporates, incorporated

index 6 indexing, indexes, indexed

inhibit 6 inhibitions, inhibition, inhibiting, inhibited, inhibits

initiatives, initiations, initiators, initiative, initiation, initiating,

initiate 6
initiator, initiates, initiated

input 6 inputs

instructions, instructors, instructive, instruction, instructing,

instruct 6
instructor, instructed, instructs

intelligent 6 unintelligent, intelligently, intelligence

interval 6 intervals

lecture 6 lecturing, lecturers, lectures, lecturer, lectured

migrations, migratory, migration, migrating, migrates,

migrate 6
migrated, migrants, migrant

minimum 6
ministry 6 ministering, ministerial, ministries, ministered

unmotivated, motivations, motivation, motivating, motivates,

motive 6
motivated, motivate, motives

neutralization, neutralisation, neutralizing, neutralising,

neutral 6 neutralizes, neutralized, neutralises, neutralised, neutralize,
neutrality, neutralise

nevertheless 6

overseas 6

unprecedented, precedence, preceding, precedent, precedes,

precede 6

presumptuous, presumptions, presumption, presumably,

presume 6
presuming, presumes, presumed

rationalizations, rationalisations, rationalization,

rationalisation, rationalising, rationalizes, rationalized,
rational 6
rationalises, rationalised, rationalize, rationality, rationalism,
rationalise, rationally, irrational

recover 6 recoverable, recovering, recovered, recovery, recovers

reveal 6 revelations, revelation, revealing, revealed, reveals

scope 6

subsidizing, subsidising, subsidizes, subsidized, subsidises,

subsidy 6
subsidised, subsidiary, subsidize, subsidise, subsidies

tape 6 taping, tapes, taped

trace 6 traceable, tracing, traces, traced

transformations, transformation, transforming, transformed,

transform 6
transportation, transporting, transporters, transporter,
transport 6
transported, transports

underlie 6 underlying, underlies, underlay

utilization, utilisation, utilizing, utilities, utilising, utilisers,

utilise 6
utilizes, utilized, utilises, utiliser, utilised, utilize, utility

adaptability, adaptations, adaptation, adaptable, adaptive,

adapt 7
adapting, adapted, adapts

adult 7 adulthood, adults

advocate 7 advocating, advocates, advocated, advocacy

aid 7 unaided, aiding, aided, aids

channel 7 channelling, channelled, channels

chemical 7 chemically, chemicals

classic 7 classical, classics

comprehensive 7 comprehensively

comprise 7 comprising, comprises, comprised

confirm 7 confirmation, confirming, confirmed, confirms

contrary 7 contrarily

convertible, conversions, converting, conversion, converted,

convert 7

couple 7 coupling, couples, coupled

decade 7 decades

definite 7 indefinitely, indefinite, definitive, definitely

deny 7 undeniable, deniable, denying, denials, denies, denied, denial

differentiate 7 differentiation, differentiating, differentiates, differentiated

dispose 7 disposable, disposing, disposes, disposed, disposal

dynamic 7 dynamically, dynamics

eliminate 7 elimination, eliminating, eliminates, eliminated

empirical 7 empirically, empiricism

equip 7 equipping, equipment, equipped, equips

extract 7 extraction, extracting, extracted, extracts

file 7 filing, files, filed

finite 7 infinitely, infinite

foundation 7 foundations

globe 7 globalization, globalisation, globally, global

grade 7 grading, grades, graded

guarantee 7 guaranteeing, guarantees, guaranteed

hierarchy 7 hierarchical, hierarchies

identical 7 identically

ideology 7 ideologically, ideological, ideologies

infer 7 inferences, inferring, inference, inferred, infers

innovations, innovators, innovative, innovation, innovating,

innovate 7
innovator, innovates, innovated
insert 7 insertion, inserting, inserted, inserts

intervene 7 interventions, intervention, intervening, intervenes, intervened

isolate 7 isolationism, isolation, isolating, isolates, isolated

media 7

mode 7 modes

paradigm 7 paradigms

phenomenon 7 phenomenal, phenomena

prioritization, prioritisation, prioritizing, prioritising,

priority 7 prioritizes, prioritized, prioritises, prioritised, prioritize,
prioritise, priorities

prohibitions, prohibitive, prohibition, prohibiting, prohibited,

prohibit 7

publication 7 publications

quote 7 quotations, quotation, quoting, quotes, quoted

release 7 releasing, releases, released

irreversible, reversible, reversing, reversals, reverses, reversed,

reverse 7

simulate 7 simulation, simulating, simulates, simulated

sole 7 solely

somewhat 7

submit 7 submissions, submitting, submission, submitted, submits

successor 7 successively, successions, successors, successive, succession

survive 7 survivors, surviving, survivor, survives, survived, survival

thesis 7 theses

topic 7 topical, topics

transmissions, transmitting, transmission, transmitted,

transmit 7

ultimate 7 ultimately

unique 7 uniqueness, uniquely

visible 7 invisibility, visibility, invisible, visibly

voluntary 7 volunteering, volunteered, voluntarily, volunteers, volunteer

abandon 8 abandonment, abandoning, abandoned, abandons

unaccompanied, accompaniment, accompanying,

accompany 8
accompanies, accompanied

accumulate 8 accumulation, accumulating, accumulates, accumulated

ambiguous 8 unambiguously, unambiguous, ambiguities, ambiguity

appendixes, appendices, appending, appendix, appended,

append 8

unappreciated, appreciation, appreciating, appreciates,

appreciate 8
appreciated, appreciably, appreciable

arbitrary 8 arbitrariness, arbitrarily

automatically, automation, automating, automatic, automates,

automate 8

bias 8 unbiased, biasing, biases, biased

chart 8 uncharted, charting, charted, charts

clarify 8 clarification, clarifying, clarifies, clarified, clarity

commodity 8 commodities

complement 8 complementing, complementary, complemented, complements

non-conformists, non-conformity, nonconformists, non-

conformist, conformability, nonconformity, nonconformist,
conform 8
conformation, conformists, conformance, conformable,
conformity, conformist, conforming, conformed, conforms

contemporary 8 contemporaries

contradictions, contradictory, contradiction, contradicting,

contradict 8
contradicted, contradicts

crucial 8 crucially

currency 8 currencies

denote 8 denotations, denotation, denoting, denotes, denoted

detectives, detectable, detectors, detective, detection,

detect 8
detecting, detector, detected, detects

deviate 8 deviations, deviation, deviating, deviates, deviated

displace 8 displacement, displacing, displaces, displaced

dramatizations, dramatisations, dramatization, dramatisation,

dramatically, dramatizing, dramatising, dramatizes,
drama 8
dramatized, dramatists, dramatises, dramatised, dramatize,
dramatist, dramatise, dramatic, dramas

eventual 8 eventuality, eventually

exhibit 8 exhibitions, exhibition, exhibiting, exhibited, exhibits

exploit 8 exploitation, exploiting, exploited, exploits

fluctuate 8 fluctuations, fluctuation, fluctuating, fluctuates, fluctuated

guideline 8 guidelines

highlight 8 highlighting, highlighted, highlights

implicit 8 implicitly

induce 8 induction, inducing, induces, induced

inevitable 8 inevitability, inevitably

infrastructure 8 infrastructures

inspections, inspectors, inspection, inspecting, inspector,

inspect 8
inspected, inspects

intensification, intensifying, intensively, intensifies,

intense 8 intensified, intenseness, intensive, intensity, intension,
intensify, intensely

manipulations, manipulative, manipulation, manipulating,

manipulate 8
manipulates, manipulated

minimizing, minimising, minimizes, minimized, minimises,

minimise 8
minimised, minimize

nuclear 8

offset 8 offsetting, offsets

paragraph 8 paragraphing, paragraphs

plus 8 pluses

practitioner 8 practitioners

predominating, predominantly, predominates, predominated,

predominant 8
predominance, predominate
prospect 8 prospective, prospects

radical 8 radically, radicals

random 8 randomness, randomly

reinforcements, reinforcement, reinforcing, reinforces,

reinforce 8

restore 8 restoration, restoring, restores, restored

revise 8 revisions, revision, revising, revises, revised

rescheduling, unscheduled, reschedules, rescheduled,

schedule 8
scheduling, reschedule, schedules, scheduled

tense 8 tensions, tension, tensest, tensely, tenser

terminations, termination, terminating, terminates, terminated,

terminate 8
terminals, terminal

theme 8 thematically, thematic, themes

thereby 8

uniform 8 uniformity, uniformly

vehicle 8 vehicles

via 8

virtual 8 virtually

visualization, visualisation, visualizing, visualising, visualized,

visual 8
visualised, visualize, visualise, visually

widespread 8

accommodation, accommodating, accommodates,

accommodate 9
analogy 9 analogous, analogies

unanticipated, anticipation, anticipating, anticipates,

anticipate 9

assure 9 assurances, assuredly, assurance, assuring, assures, assured

unattainable, attainments, attainment, attainable, attaining,

attain 9
attained, attains

behalf 9

bulk 9 bulky

cease 9 ceaseless, ceasing, ceases, ceased

coherent 9 incoherently, incoherent, coherently, coherence

coincidental, coincidences, coincidence, coinciding,

coincide 9
coincident, coincides, coincided

recommencing, commencement, recommences, recommenced,

commence 9
commencing, commences, commenced

compatible 9 incompatibility, compatibility, incompatible

concurrent 9 concurrently

confine 9 unconfined, confining, confines, confined

controversy 9 uncontroversial, controversially, controversies, controversial

converse 9 conversely

device 9 devices

devote 9 devotions, devotedly, devotion, devoting, devotes, devoted

undiminished, diminishing, diminution, diminishes,

diminish 9
distort 9 distortions, distortion, distorting, distorted, distorts

duration 9

erode 9 erosion, eroding, erodes, eroded

ethic 9 unethical, ethically, ethical, ethics

format 9 formatting, formatted, formats

found 9 unfounded, founding, founders, founder, founded

inherent 9 inherently

insight 9 insightful, insights

integral 9

intermediate 9

manual 9 manually, manuals

maturational, maturation, immaturity, maturity, maturing,

mature 9
immature, matures, matured

mediate 9 mediation, mediating, mediates, mediated

medium 9

military 9

minimalization, minimalisation, minimalizing, minimalistic,

minimalising, minimalizes, minimalized, minimalists,
minimal 9
minimalises, minimalised, minimalize, minimalist,
minimalise, minimally

mutual 9 mutually

norm 9 norms
overlap 9 overlapping, overlapped, overlaps

passive 9 passivity, passively

portion 9 portions

preliminary 9 preliminaries

protocol 9 protocols

qualitative 9 qualitatively

refine 9 refinements, refinement, refining, refines, refined

relax 9 relaxation, relaxing, relaxes, relaxed

unrestrained, restraining, restraints, restrained, restraint,

restrain 9

revolutionizing, revolutionising, revolutionaries,

revolutionizes, revolutionized, revolutionists, revolutionises,
revolution 9
revolutionised, revolutionize, revolutionist, revolutionise,
revolutionary, revolutions

rigid 9 rigidities, rigidity, rigidly

route 9 routing, routes, routed

scenario 9 scenarios

sphere 9 spherically, spherical, spheres

subordinate 9 subordination, subordinates

supplement 9 supplementing, supplementary, supplemented, supplements

suspend 9 suspension, suspending, suspended, suspends

team 9 teaming, teamed, teams

temporary 9 temporarily

trigger 9 triggering, triggered, triggers

unify 9 unification, unifying, unifies, unified

violate 9 violations, violation, violating, violates, violated

vision 9 visions

adjacent 10

albeit 10

assemble 10 assembling, assemblies, assembles, assembled, assembly

collapse 10 collapsible, collapsing, collapses, collapsed

colleague 10 colleagues

compile 10 compilations, compilation, compiling, compiles, compiled

inconceivably, inconceivable, conceivably, conceivable,

conceive 10
conceiving, conceives, conceived

convince 10 convincingly, unconvinced, convincing, convinces, convinced

depress 10 depression, depressing, depresses, depressed

encounter 10 encountering, encountered, encounters

enormous 10 enormously, enormity

forthcoming 10

incline 10 inclinations, inclination, inclining, inclines, inclined

integrity 10
intrinsic 10 intrinsically

invoke 10 invoking, invokes, invoked

levy 10 levies

likewise 10

nonetheless 10

notwithstanding 10

odd 10 odds

ongoing 10

panel 10 panelling, panelled, panels

persistently, persistence, persisting, persistent, persisted,

persist 10

pose 10 posing, poses, posed

reluctance 10 reluctantly, reluctant

so-called 10

straightforward 10

undergo 10 undergoing, underwent, undergone, undergoes

whereby 10


Number Formula Freq per Freq per FTW

million million
(speech) (writing)

1 in terms of 337 282 3.53

2 at the same time 92 98 2.56

3 from the point of view 11 14 2.44

4 in order to 153 255 2.35

5 as well as 68 255 2.08

6 part of the 201 216 1.96

7 the fact that 178 203 1.96

8 in other words 146 89 1.9

9 the point of view of 10 15 1.89

10 there is a 143 223 1.72

11 as a result of 26 75 1.58

12 this is a 305 76 1.57

13 on the basis of 23 82 1.5

14 a number of 88 215 1.5

15 there is no 50 185 1.45

16 point of view 82 60 1.41

17 the number of 79 246 1.38

18 the extent to which 10 52 1.36

19 as a result 61 125 1.35

20 in the case of 32 135 1.32

21 whether or not 59 81 1.31

22 the same time 96 104 1.26

23 with respect to 44 104 1.26

24 point of view of 13 15 1.22

25 as a function of 19 36 1.19

26 at the same 109 117 1.19

27 the point of view 17 15 1.13

28 in such a way 13 19 1.11

29 the use of 27 270 1.11

30 in other words the 22 18 1.08

31 in terms of the 56 67 1.07

32 more likely to 42 76 1.06

33 likely to be 37 115 1.03

34 in this case 87 91 1.03

35 as opposed to 53 40 1.02

36 the way in which 27 39 0.94

37 based on the 30 134 0.91

38 can be used 13 89 0.87

39 the relationship 21 75 0.87


40 it is not 33 188 0.81

41 and so on 153 68 0.79

42 on the basis 24 94 0.75

43 the difference between 44 38 0.74

44 it may be 45 87 0.72

45 the presence of 21 130 0.7

46 in the sense that 34 22 0.7

47 a variety of 26 91 0.69

48 different types of 24 28 0.69

49 extent to which 10 54 0.66

50 exactly the same 43 17 0.65

51 a series of 23 87 0.63

52 in relation to 12 91 0.63

53 it can be 55 97 0.63

54 the case of 39 168 0.62

55 in the case 36 153 0.62

56 large number of 10 35 0.62

57 that there is a 23 41 0.61

58 to some extent 26 18 0.6

59 that there is 69 116 0.59

60 the real world 19 18 0.57

61 is based on 17 59 0.56

62 due to the 21 127 0.55

63 ways in which 23 37 0.54

64 an example of 61 41 0.54

65 the fact that the 15 58 0.54

66 referred to as 11 31 0.52

67 may not be 33 49 0.52

68 way in which 45 54 0.51

69 it does not 13 68 0.48

70 from the point of 11 15 0.47

71 the development of 26 121 0.46

72 in the same 89 88 0.46

73 a result of 33 86 0.46

74 the basis of 27 108 0.45

75 the role of 25 121 0.43

76 there may be 26 32 0.43

77 difference between the 15 33 0.42

78 between the two 33 68 0.41

79 the size of the 17 32 0.41

80 the importance of 20 94 0.4

81 that there are 63 63 0.39

82 as a function 19 36 0.34

83 associated with the 12 54 0.31

84 the amount of 50 66 0.3

85 a function of 34 60 0.29

86 as an example 11 21 0.27

87 for example if 20 19 0.26

88 such as the 12 105 0.26

89 based on a 16 36 0.26

90 as part of 21 61 0.25

91 this is not 67 62 0.25

92 in which the 27 166 0.24

93 the effect of 20 110 0.24

94 in response to 14 57 0.22

95 related to the 21 77 0.22

96 each of these 24 33 0.21

97 the effects of 18 100 0.21

98 terms of the 58 79 0.2

99 we can see 26 12 0.2

100 there are three 10 15 0.2

101 for example the 17 84 0.18

102 according to the 20 70 0.18

103 the existence of 14 63 0.18

104 the concept of 21 70 0.18

105 in this way 17 67 0.17

106 focus on the 17 28 0.16

107 the nature of 19 85 0.15

108 the context of 15 89 0.15

109 a list of 31 32 0.15

110 this type of 18 40 0.14

111 such a way 13 19 0.13

112 the ability to 25 54 0.13

113 the idea that 59 38 0.13

114 a set of 21 68 0.11

115 other words the 22 18 0.11

116 parts of the 32 54 0.09

117 nature of the 18 77 0.09

118 the level of 31 77 0.05

119 this would be 41 18 0.05

120 is that the 117 94 0.04

121 is much more 11 17 0.04

122 the same as 44 40 0.04

123 to show that 22 37 0.04

124 there is an 20 41 0.03

125 the notion of 18 49 0.03

126 in the sense 52 38 0

127 in the context 11 61 0

128 the process of 37 68 -0.01

129 is not a 43 81 -0.02

130 both of these 23 12 -0.03

131 for example in 11 36 -0.03

132 the part of the 13 24 -0.05

133 the size of 28 46 -0.06

134 the form of 23 78 -0.06

135 the sum of 18 31 -0.08

136 the reason for 16 29 -0.09

137 a and b 16 48 -0.1

138 that this is 91 33 -0.11

139 fact that the 17 63 -0.11

140 this is an 54 19 -0.12

141 because it is 22 41 -0.13

142 have the same 38 23 -0.15

143 part of a 20 49 -0.18

144 the question of 24 64 -0.19

145 of these two 18 20 -0.21

146 the value of 16 60 -0.21

147 assume that the 11 23 -0.21

148 size of the 19 39 -0.21

149 in such a 18 46 -0.21

150 the distribution of 10 39 -0.22

151 of the same 32 70 -0.22

152 the meaning of 10 40 -0.23

153 view of the 20 51 -0.23

154 each of the 18 77 -0.24

155 which is not 21 27 -0.25

156 the issue of 16 36 -0.25

157 but this is 43 24 -0.26

158 if this is 40 21 -0.27

159 the rate of 14 47 -0.27

160 that we are 30 30 -0.31

161 with the same 20 25 -0.31

162 the result of 11 47 -0.31

163 the problem of 19 55 -0.31

164 is to be 16 85 -0.32

165 the study of 12 59 -0.32

166 which is the 71 34 -0.33

167 the definition of 16 23 -0.33

168 here is that 38 11 -0.35

169 from the point 11 16 -0.35

170 a form of 12 30 -0.36

171 the frequency of 13 26 -0.37

172 the order of 36 27 -0.37

173 the way that 58 15 -0.37

174 function of the 15 35 -0.37

175 of the two 29 73 -0.39

176 different from the 13 19 -0.39

177 the structure of 14 36 -0.42

178 what are the 60 13 -0.42

179 is that it 44 47 -0.42

180 the way in 30 40 -0.42

181 to use the 27 42 -0.44

182 be the case 15 17 -0.45

183 means that the 13 25 -0.48

184 value of the 13 34 -0.49

185 of the system 16 41 -0.5

186 of view of 13 18 -0.51

187 the work of 11 51 -0.54

188 example of a 23 13 -0.54

189 is the case 13 25 -0.55

190 is that there 23 19 -0.58

191 of the second 15 32 -0.58

192 the change in 15 17 -0.58

193 so that the 38 57 -0.59

194 is not the 27 56 -0.6

195 the area of 11 24 -0.61

196 form of the 11 30 -0.62

197 that is the 65 52 -0.63

198 and in the 54 85 -0.64

199 and the second 20 16 -0.66

200 of the fact 15 23 -0.67

201 the first is 10 26 -0.7

202 that in the 61 46 -0.77

203 and the same 17 17 -0.84

204 out that the 14 15 -0.91

205 the example of 14 11 -0.93

206 that in a 32 13 -1.08

207 is for the 16 11 -1.29

Spoken AFL
These forumlas are common in spoken English.

Freq per Freq per

Number Formula million million FTW
(speech) (writing)

1 be able to 256 99 2.96

2 blah blah blah 29 0 2.92

3 this is the 340 60 2.77

4 you know what I mean 64 2 2.27

5 you can see 209 1 2.12

6 trying to figure out 19 1 2.05

7 a little bit about 47 0 2

8 does that make sense 29 0 1.99

9 you know what 228 2 1.99

the university of
10 35 0 1.98

11 for those of you who 18 0 1.98

12 do you want me to 14 0 1.96

13 thank you very much 26 0 1.95

14 look at the 197 24 1.95

15 we're gonna talk about 20 0 1.95

16 talk a little bit 19 0 1.92

17 if you look at 80 0 1.89

18 and this is 248 20 1.87

19 if you look at the 27 0 1.8

20 no no no no 31 0 1.78

21 at the end of 89 60 1.74

22 we were talking about 23 0 1.65

23 in ann arbor 19 0 1.62

24 it turns out that 24 4 1.61

25 you need to 182 0 1.61

26 see what I'm saying 17 0 1.6

27 take a look at 31 1 1.58

28 you have a 215 4 1.57

29 might be able to 20 6 1.56

30 at the end 137 66 1.48

31 you want to 171 7 1.46

32 to do with 165 43 1.44

33 nothing to do with 22 9 1.43

34 know what I mean 65 3 1.42

35 you look at 137 1 1.42

36 university of michigan 44 0 1.42

37 what I'm talking about 13 0 1.41

38 the same thing 122 8 1.35

39 to look at 131 20 1.34

40 the end of 158 110 1.33

41 gonna be able to 18 0 1.32

42 we're talking about 61 0 1.28

43 to figure out what 12 1 1.27

44 so if you 170 0 1.24

45 so this is 173 0 1.23

46 if you want to 59 2 1.23

47 no no no 86 0 1.23

48 if you have 160 0 1.22

49 come up with a 17 1 1.21

50 we talked about 72 0 1.2

51 when you look at 22 0 1.2

52 in order to get 23 4 1.19

53 the end of the 88 59 1.19

54 oh my god 32 0 1.17

55 come up with 68 3 1.16

56 I was gonna say 26 0 1.16

57 and then you 170 1 1.16

58 a kind of 150 24 1.16

59 it doesn't matter 51 0 1.15

60 has to do with 31 3 1.14

61 you can look at 25 0 1.13

62 do you want me 16 0 1.12

63 little bit about 48 0 1.12

64 if you look 117 0 1.1

65 I just wanted to 28 0 1.1

66 you're talking about 57 0 1.08

67 what does that mean 22 0 1.08

68 the best way to 18 7 1.08

69 if you want 112 3 1.06

70 you know what i 73 2 1.05

71 we've talked about 24 0 1.05

72 we'll talk about 34 0 1.03

73 let me just 44 0 1.02

74 I was talking about 14 0 1.02

75 has to be 115 45 1.01

76 to talk about 93 9 1

77 it turns out 39 7 1

78 those of you who 27 0 0.99

79 you might want to 19 0 0.99

80 first of all 97 11 0.98

81 and so on and so 17 0 0.98

82 there was a 125 54 0.97

83 at the university of 22 8 0.97

84 yes yes yes 30 0 0.97

85 you can see that 45 0 0.96

86 I have a question 31 0 0.96

87 it has to be 37 6 0.93

88 we need to 102 30 0.92

89 what I'm saying 58 0 0.92

90 you want me to 22 0 0.92

91 all sorts of 50 1 0.91

92 as you can see 20 0 0.9

93 to figure out 53 4 0.9

94 keep in mind 22 3 0.9

95 what do you mean 29 0 0.89

96 it looks like 66 1 0.88

97 let's look at 38 0 0.87

98 you look at the 41 0 0.87

99 to make sure 57 6 0.86

100 if you wanted to 19 0 0.85

101 make sure that 56 7 0.84

102 end up with 38 4 0.84

103 and you can see 39 0 0.84

104 came up with 31 1 0.84

105 doesn't have to be 17 0 0.83

106 I mean if you 41 0 0.83

107 you've got a 58 0 0.83

108 gonna talk about 41 0 0.82

109 how many of you 17 0 0.82

110 I mean if 104 0 0.81

111 look at it 80 2 0.81

112 piece of paper 16 2 0.81

113 and so forth 60 17 0.8

114 and you can 142 3 0.79

115 looking at the 84 12 0.79

116 we're gonna talk 23 0 0.79

117 go back to the 22 4 0.79

118 you know what I'm 24 0 0.76

119 that you can 136 1 0.76

120 we're looking at 26 0 0.76

121 what I mean 102 6 0.74

122 do you know what 31 1 0.73

123 how do you know 20 2 0.73

124 you don't need to 20 1 0.73

125 you're looking at 32 0 0.72

126 turns out that 28 4 0.72

127 it could be 84 23 0.72

128 figure out what 26 1 0.72

129 if you've got 32 0 0.72

130 I wanted to 84 3 0.71

131 you could you could 15 0 0.71

132 might be able 20 6 0.7

133 trying to figure 20 1 0.7

134 what you're saying 40 0 0.67

135 we have to 117 20 0.67

136 I'm talking about 32 0 0.67

137 so you can 114 0 0.66

138 this kind of 95 23 0.65

139 don't worry about 13 0 0.65

140 it's gonna be 70 0 0.64

141 if you have a 45 0 0.64

142 wanna talk about 21 0 0.64

143 so you can see 18 0 0.64

144 I want you to 37 0 0.63

145 to look at the 27 7 0.63

146 to each other 46 24 0.62

147 the kind of 119 24 0.62

148 at this point 54 31 0.61

149 one of these 88 24 0.6

150 and if you 132 2 0.6

151 you think about it 26 0 0.59

152 talk about the 74 2 0.59

153 it might be 64 36 0.59

154 for those of you 23 0 0.59

155 to do with the 43 18 0.59

156 I'm not gonna 45 0 0.58

157 was talking about 38 0 0.58

158 have to do with 20 2 0.58

159 tell me what 25 1 0.57

160 look at this 57 1 0.57

161 in a sense 74 15 0.56

162 okay I don't know 14 0 0.56

163 I'll talk about 14 0 0.56

164 you need to do 15 0 0.56

165 do you want 69 3 0.55

166 we talk about 41 0 0.54

167 any questions about 14 0 0.53

168 come back to 37 1 0.53

169 you can see the 28 0 0.53

170 the reason why 36 8 0.52

171 it in terms of 14 2 0.52

172 what I want to 17 3 0.52

173 we looked at 22 3 0.51

174 if you wanna 64 0 0.51

175 take a look 41 1 0.5

176 if you were to 22 0 0.5

177 I'll show you 21 0 0.49

178 talking about the 64 3 0.49

179 that make sense 31 1 0.49

180 this is this is 39 0 0.48

181 how do we 59 5 0.48

182 we were talking 26 0 0.48

183 wanna look at 19 0 0.48

184 you're trying to 38 0 0.47

185 a look at 61 5 0.47

186 if you were 76 3 0.47

187 you're interested in 21 0 0.47

188 to think about 81 5 0.46

189 gonna be able 18 0 0.46

190 by the way 65 4 0.45

191 we look at 43 7 0.45

192 I think this is 26 0 0.45

193 but if you 94 2 0.45

194 at some point 24 7 0.44

195 I'm gonna go 24 0 0.44

196 thank you very 27 0 0.43

197 can look at 34 0 0.43

198 what happens is 40 0 0.43

199 on the board 30 3 0.42

200 um let me 17 0 0.42

Written AFL
These formulas are common in written English.

Freq per Freq per

Number Formula million million FTW
(speech) (writing)

1 on the other hand 40 119 2.84

2 due to the fact that 2 13 2.64

3 on the other hand the 3 24 2.55

4 it should be noted 0 17 2.51

5 it is not possible to 0 15 2.44

6 a wide range of 4 31 2.42

7 there are a number of 5 14 2.41

8 in such a way that 9 11 2.32

9 take into account the 2 11 2.27

10 as can be seen 0 15 1.79

11 it is clear that 3 33 1.72

12 take into account 8 19 1.7

13 can be used to 5 45 1.64

14 in this paper we 0 14 1.64

15 are likely to 7 61 1.61

16 in the next section 0 15 1.6

17 a large number of 7 22 1.59

18 the united kingdom 1 25 1.57

19 on the basis of the 4 23 1.57

20 that there is no 5 32 1.56

21 over a period of 5 13 1.55

22 as a result of the 5 17 1.55

23 can be seen in 0 17 1.52

24 a wide range 6 33 1.51

25 there are a number 6 14 1.47

26 it is interesting to 0 15 1.47

27 it is impossible to 0 12 1.47

28 it is obvious that 0 11 1.46

29 it is possible to 2 48 1.46

30 it is not possible 1 18 1.45

31 been carried out 0 17 1.45

32 can be found in 0 18 1.45

33 it is important to 1 43 1.4

34 was carried out 0 26 1.39

35 is likely to be 3 38 1.38

36 wide range of 5 36 1.37

37 the same way as 5 15 1.37

38 due to the fact 2 13 1.36

39 in accordance with the 2 12 1.36

40 it is necessary to 1 26 1.35

41 the other hand 41 120 1.35

42 can be seen 6 87 1.35

43 it is likely that 0 18 1.31

44 such a way that 9 11 1.22

45 to carry out 7 29 1.22

46 it is possible that 0 19 1.22

47 with respect to the 6 37 1.2

48 give rise to 3 19 1.18

49 carried out by 2 20 1.17

50 whether or not the 3 18 1.13

51 in the present study 0 11 1.11

52 should be noted 0 18 1.07

53 be carried out 1 18 1.06

54 the other hand the 3 24 1.06

55 does not appear 1 13 1.04

56 his or her 3 34 1.01

57 is not possible to 0 15 0.99

58 shown in figure 0 40 0.96

59 be used as a 0 17 0.95

60 for the purposes of 1 24 0.95

61 be regarded as 1 40 0.94
62 to ensure that the 0 17 0.93

63 allows us to 7 15 0.93

64 it has been 12 79 0.92

65 little or no 3 16 0.9

66 carried out in 0 25 0.9

67 to distinguish between 1 21 0.88

68 in accordance with 6 26 0.88

69 they do not 6 56 0.88

70 at this stage 7 33 0.88

71 is based on the 3 22 0.88

72 shown in table 0 30 0.87

73 in the absence of 5 41 0.86

74 we have seen 5 26 0.83

75 to determine whether 2 16 0.82

76 in the context of 7 57 0.79

77 a high degree 1 13 0.78

the difference between

78 8 14 0.78

79 an increase in the 6 13 0.78

80 it is possible 6 83 0.77
81 can be achieved 0 17 0.77

82 insight into the 0 16 0.77

83 can be expressed 1 23 0.75

84 we assume that 5 20 0.75

85 they did not 6 26 0.73

86 there has been 8 33 0.72

87 on the part of 8 31 0.7

88 in this paper 4 62 0.7

89 the purpose of this 2 13 0.7

90 less likely to 5 23 0.68

91 a large number 9 23 0.67

92 can easily be 0 15 0.67

93 with regard to 4 40 0.66

94 there are several 6 18 0.66

95 over a period 5 14 0.66

96 in this case the 8 27 0.66

97 in conjunction with 6 23 0.65

98 at the time of 7 32 0.65

99 we do not 4 38 0.64

100 has been used 4 20 0.63

101 appears to be 9 53 0.63

102 to do so 23 55 0.63

103 there are no 21 39 0.62

104 on the other 77 147 0.62

105 has also been 1 25 0.61

106 it is worth 0 20 0.61

107 can be found 1 33 0.61

108 the next section 1 19 0.6

109 are a number of 6 14 0.6

110 this paper we 0 16 0.6

111 be seen as 8 44 0.6

112 be related to the 1 12 0.59

113 to ensure that 5 44 0.59

114 it is important 3 66 0.59

115 be explained by 0 15 0.58

116 same way as 5 15 0.58

117 see for example 0 20 0.58

118 the presence of a 1 24 0.58

119 that it is not 3 17 0.58

120 in some cases 19 32 0.58

121 to the fact that 10 23 0.57

122 high levels of 6 17 0.56

123 most likely to 3 26 0.56

124 it appears that 6 29 0.56

125 it follows that 1 31 0.55

126 can also be 6 52 0.55

127 it is clear 3 39 0.54

128 by virtue of 6 25 0.54

129 the most important 21 53 0.53

130 an attempt to 12 29 0.53

131 it is impossible 1 17 0.53

132 factors such as 0 14 0.53

133 is consistent with 0 29 0.53

134 total number of 2 20 0.53

135 similar to those 0 22 0.52

136 as part of the 8 26 0.52

137 can be considered 0 18 0.52

138 at the outset 3 11 0.51

139 in more detail 3 13 0.51

140 should not be 6 51 0.51

141 could be used 4 19 0.51

142 appear to be 7 47 0.5

143 as a consequence 3 24 0.5

144 in this article 3 28 0.5

145 assumed to be 1 39 0.49

146 in the form of 9 46 0.48

147 as a whole 26 43 0.48

148 important role in 2 13 0.47

149 it is interesting 1 18 0.46

150 does not have 9 25 0.46

151 none of these 6 15 0.46

152 as shown in 0 66 0.45

153 is likely to 9 80 0.45

154 this means that 6 36 0.45

155 be noted that 0 21 0.45

156 be achieved by 0 13 0.45

157 depends on the 18 44 0.44

158 at least in 19 35 0.44

159 a small number 4 12 0.43

160 in table 1 0 29 0.43

161 in most cases 3 17 0.43

162 depending on the 14 29 0.41

163 in both cases 5 17 0.41

164 the validity of the 1 18 0.41

165 small number of 5 18 0.4

166 their ability to 7 19 0.4

167 need not be 0 25 0.4

168 needs to be 30 45 0.4

169 have shown that 2 30 0.39

170 it is necessary 2 34 0.39

171 been shown to 2 31 0.39

172 such as those 0 21 0.39

173 are as follows 0 16 0.38

174 for this purpose 1 15 0.38

175 is determined by 3 23 0.38

176 it is difficult 0 27 0.37

177 even though the 8 21 0.37

178 this does not 4 28 0.37

179 was based on 7 19 0.37

180 the nature of the 8 43 0.37

181 in the course of 13 27 0.37

182 degree to which 1 26 0.37

183 be argued that 0 17 0.36

184 in terms of a 8 15 0.36

185 for this reason 3 21 0.36

186 are based on 9 24 0.36

187 in a number of 7 19 0.36

188 two types of 7 21 0.34

189 the total number 4 18 0.34

190 is more likely 5 19 0.34

191 which can be 7 57 0.34

192 are able to 7 37 0.32

193 be considered as 0 22 0.32

194 be used to 8 77 0.31

195 b and c 5 17 0.31

196 depend on the 7 30 0.3

197 is that it is 3 19 0.3

198 is affected by 0 11 0.3

199 should also be 2 18 0.3

200 if they are 10

Unless governments take some stringent action against excessive consumerism, the
future generations will have to face the dire consequences.]
In the modified sentence, I used some collocations with actions, consumerism and
consequence. When they are modified with collocating words, see how impressive
they sound just like you change your casuals and put on some formals! This is one of
the features that the examiners consider when they mark you on vocabulary. In
addition, using a few collocations can add a few more words to your essay which will
lengthen your work. A little relief for those who find it difficult to write at length, isn't it?
This is just an example of how to use collocations. It does not mean that the particular
sentence given above (without collocation) cannot be a part of a 7 band essay. A good
essay consists of simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences.
Such a response includes both sentences with collocations and those without them.
A word of caution: by saying use collocations in your essays, I do not mean that you
must use rare difficult words; collocations are the most-frequently appearing word pairs
in good pieces of writing by expert writers. If you are a good reader, you will definitely
be able to use them at will.
There are several different types of collocation.
Collocations can be:
1. adjective + noun
2. adverb + adjective
3. verb + noun
4. verb + expression with preposition
5. verb + adverb etc.
Collocations with adjective + noun:
Incredible performance/tale/wealth/talent etc
Stringent action/steps/guidelines/measures/punishment etc
Unwanted consequences
Dire consequences
Inevitable consequence
Utter failure
Sheer ignorance
Grave negligence
Adequate resources
Appropriate action/solution
Workable solution
Fruitful results
Unexpected results/outcomes/consequences
Adverse effect
Unpardonable offence
Punishable act
Devastating effects/impact/consequence
Invaluable contribution
Unchallenging faith
Unprecedented growth
Undesirable results/consequences/effects
Enviable growth
Multifaceted career
Ruthless crimes
Cold-blooded murder
Unending options
Thoughtless acts
Burgeoning price/demand
Ever-growing trend
Trendy accessories/clothes
High-end products/computers/gadgets/gizmos
Relentless enthusiasm/zest/hard work/ spirit
Uphill/Herculean task
Innate abilities
Acquired abilities
Civilized societies/citizens/people
Established customs/practices/organizations
Tech-savvy generation
Deplorable condition
Inadequate facilities
Exorbitant rates/prices
Cold-blooded murder
Hardcore criminals
Aspiring singers/performers/sportsmen
Demoralizing impact/effect
Excruciating pain
Unbearable poverty/heat
Underprivileged people
Handsome salaries/remuneration/rewards
Unbridgeable gap/divide
Immense courage/wealth
Irreversible change/damage/trend
Cultural degeneration
Anti-social elements
Toxic fumes/gases
Excessive consumption
Underrated film/person/society/field
Tremendous amounts of time
Substantial sums/amounts
Collocations with adverb + adjective:
Entirely different
Physically challenged
Utterly stupid
Practically impossible
Virtually everywhere
Deeply motivated
Richly decorated
Fully aware
Completely ignorant
Meticulously calculated/planned
Beautifully crafted/designed/planned
Cleverly devised
Totally confused
Totally alien
Heavily armed/guarded
Perfectly arranged
Thoroughly damaged
Deeply attached
Readily available
Widely used
Hideously bad
Finely/perfectly/delicately balanced
Extremely beneficial/dangerous/useful/important
Heavily built
Elegantly designed/crafted
Highly recommended
Deeply conservative
Highly contagious/critical/controversial/acclaimed
Hotly debated
Seriously/badly/severely damaged
Highly/quite delighted
Sharply/strongly criticized
Deeply distressed/depressed
Highly/fully/well developed
Completely/ entirely/ totally/ utterly/ significantly/ markedly/ subtly different
Bitterly/ deeply/ terribly/ extremely disappointed
Highly educated
Badly affected
Poorly designed
Highly effective
Highly enjoyable
Perfectly fitting
Heavily polluted
Extremely/fairly/highly flexible
Utterly futile
Perfectly genuine
Totally harmless
Perfectly healthy
Widely held
Seriously/ critically/ gravely/ terminally ill
Utterly/ almost/ nearly/ practically/ seemingly/ virtually impossible
Totally incompetent
Actively/ deeply/ heavily involved
Highly/ hardly likely
Totally logical/illogical
Entirely loyal
Grossly/ highly/ seriously misleading
Entirely/ painfully/ totally/ immediately/ fairly/ extremely/ perfectly obvious
Deeply offended
Bitterly/ completely/ diametrically opposed
Completely overlooked
Perfectly rational/reasonable
Widely recognized
Highly relevant
Incredibly/extremely rich
Completely/perfectly right
Utterly ruthless
Perfectly safe
Totally/ hardly surprising
Highly technical
Seriously threatened
Highly toxic
Utterly/painfully tragic
Highly trained
Totally/highly/entirely unaccepted
Seriously undermined
Perfectly understandable
Desperately unhappy
Totally unjustified
Completely untenable
Highly valuable
Highly volatile
Terribly worried
Highly significant
Fairly/ quite/ broadly/ roughly/ remarkably/ strikingly similar
Heavily/ densely/ highly/ thickly/ sparsely/ lightly/ thinly populated
Highly/fully/ suitably/ well qualified
Collocations with verb + noun:
Take exercise
Make mistake
Commit crime
Commit suicide
Make a speech
Give a presentation
Draw salary
Take exam
Achieve target
Curb global warming
Gain weight
Lose weight
Set a record
Break a record
Hike price
Exercise franchise
Devote time
Thwart a plan/an attempt
Take/make a decision
Eradicate poverty
Uproot social evils
Aid the poor
Amend law
Devise a plan
Worsen a situation
Mitigate a problem
Resolve an issue
Replenish energy
Delay a process
Endanger life/ wild life
Take action
Invite danger
Hamper the progress
Overcome a difficulty
Fix a problem
Script success
Make effort
Oppose a suggestion/idea/plan
Cultivate good habits
Spruce up the city
Speed up a procedure
Hurt somebodys feelings
Ensure safety
Refute a theory/statement/claim/argument
Instill courage/confidence
Inculcate good manner
Rectify a situation/ones ways
Belittle ones skills/ability
Exploit nature
Cash in on an opportunity
Spring to action
Initiate a process/an action
Prolong a decision
Curtail ones liberties
Collocations with verb + adverb
Act accordingly
Bleed profusely
Act instantly
Rise steeply
Fail badly
Spend lavishly
Invest wisely etc
Underline some collocations in the following paragraph.
In order to curb drugs, the authorities need to take action against the sale and purchase
of illegal drugs in every country. Drug dealers must be given punishment. In addition,
the governments should make people aware about the bad effects of drug use on their
health, career and social life. Besides, those who are already using drugs need to be
rehabilitated so that they can function well in the society.
curb drugs
take action
illegal drugs
drug dealers
make people aware
bad effects
social life
function well etc

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