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1) APA cover page (p.


2) Abstract (p. 2)

3) Introduction (under centered Literature Review title, center the title Introduction)--Introduction
should be 1-3 paragraphs. Your introduction should cover what expressive writing is, why it's
significant (what groups might it help or areas it has most promise for helping people), brief
discussion on theories on why it has benefits, how long research has been done, the three articles.

4) BODY PARAGRAPHS: Center and put in title: Literature Review before beginning body essay

Carpenter (2001) (3-4 paragraphs)

a) What expressive writing research does she look at in her article/what were the researchers
interested in

b) How did they do experiments

c) What did they find and what further research

Slatcher and Pennebaker (2006)--3-4 paragraphs

a) What are they looking at and why (summarizing/paraphrasing their opening section of article)--
what do they think they will find, how are they building on previous research.

b) How do they study it--how is experiment done (summarize/paraphrase methods section of their

c) What did they find and where else can research build (Summarize/paraphrase
Discussion/Conclusion section of their scholarly article).

YOUR ARTICLE CHOICE (2015)--3-4 paragraphs

a) What are they looking at and why (summarizing/paraphrasing their opening section of article)--
what do they think they will find, how are they building on previous research.

b) How do they study it--how is experiment done (summarize/paraphrase methods section of their

c) What did they find and where else can research build (Summarize/paraphrase
Discussion/Conclusion section of their scholarly article).

5) Conclusion (1 paragraph)

Sum up where the research is at now, based on directions you saw in articles, and then offer one or
two for where research could or should now go and why.

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