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Drying Technology: An International Journal

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Optimization of the Drying Process: An Application to

the Drying of Garlic
Department of Agricultural Process Engineering and Technology College of Engineering and
Agro-Industrial Technology The University of the Philippines at Los Baos College , Laguna,
Published online: 07 May 2007.

To cite this article: PONCIANO S. MADAMBA (1997) Optimization of the Drying Process: An Application to the Drying of Garlic,
Drying Technology: An International Journal, 15:1, 117-136, DOI: 10.1080/07373939708917221

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DRYING TECHNOLOGY. IS(I). 117-136 (1997)


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Department of Agriculnual Pmcess Engineering and Technology
College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology
The University of the Philippines at Los Banos
College, Laguna, The PHILIPPINES 4031

Keywords and Phrases: drying; garlic; optimization; response surface methodology; thin
layer drying.


The response surface methodology (RSM) was used to derive an optimum drying
condition for garlic drying. The responses analyzed were L* value and Optical Index (01)
as a measure of color and rehydration ratio (RR) as well as final moisture content (Mf)
which are imponant quality attributes of dehydrated products. L', 01, RR and Mf varied
from 70.6 to 85.0, 72.0 to 191.1, 2.2 to 3.2 and 5.4 to 10.2 % MC, respectively. An
analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that drying temperature and slice thickness
significantly (90% confidence level) affected L', 01 and RR while no effect was observed
for airflow rate and relative humidity (RH). An optimum drying temperature of 70 OC for
drying 2 m m garlic slices is recommended.


Rapid drying employing high temperatures may reduce the cost of processing but
adverse reactions happen in biological products such as loss of acceptable color, vitamin
degradation, development of off-flavors, volatilization of flavor compounds, solubility
changes as well as loss of essential amino acids (Baloch er 01.. 1973, Aguilera el a/., 1975,
Resnik and Chirife, 1979, Okos el 01.. 1989). These reactions generally reduce visual and

Copyright 0 1997 by Marcel Dekker. Inc.


oragnoleptic quality as well as the nutritional value of dehydrated food products (Troller,
1989) and consequently the preference of the consumer.
Dehydration is a major food processing operation in the f w d industry for the
removal of water (responsible for many deteriorative reactions) from a product. The
optimization of such an operation leads to an improvement in the quality of the output
product, a reduction in the cost of processing as well as the optimization of the lhroughput
(Madamba er a/., 1994). Color and rehydration are the usual quality attributes of
Downloaded by [Akdeniz Universitesi] at 01:43 21 December 2014

dehydrated products most important to consumers, and in general severe browing or

discoloration and low rehydration levels reduce quality (Mazza, 1984, Okos er aL, 1989).
The response surface methodology (RSM) is a commonly employed tool in
analyzing experimental data resulting in the optimization of processes or products. Smith
el aL. 1977, Lah el 01.. 1980, Floms and Chinnan, 1987, 1988, Mudahar er a / , 1989, 1990.
Rustom e l al., 1991 used the RSM to optimize the physical stability of milk fat emulsions,
whipping properties of soy products, lye peeling of pimiento pepper, potato dehydration
and the exmction of peanut proteins, respectively. Application of this method of statistical
analysis to the drying of garlic is important for the production of high quality dehydrated
garlic flakes and is the general objective of the present study.
Materials and Methods
The Drying Apparatus and Conditions
Figwel shows the test apparahm used for thin layer drying (TLD) studies of garlic.
It essentially consists of four basic parts: a system for the provision of air, a s t i o n for
heating the drying air, a humidifier and a drying chamber.
A Konskilde centrifugal blower was used to force the drying air through the
product to be dried. The centrifugal fan (model TRL-20, Konskilde, Denmark) was driven
by a 4 kW, 3 phase electric motor with the airflow rate being controlled by varying a
frequency modulator to control the rotational speed of the fan motor. A maximum
rotational speed of 2900 rpm was obtained using this blower which resulted in a maximum
air velocity of 1.8 m/s through the drying chamber.
The air was heated while flowing through 18 kW spiral type electric resistance
heaters where the drying air temperature being controlled by a Texas Instruments (TI)
series 305 controller connected to an IBM compatible 80486SX personal computer. The
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Figure I. Schematic diagram of the thin layer drying apparatus

temperature was controlled using a Proportional-Integral (PI) program using time

proponioning control. Temperatures and the relative humidities were monitored on-line
using a data logger (Datataker model DT500). The analog signals from the thermocouples
and Vaisala humidity probes were convened by the logger to digital signals that were
inputted to the computer through a dam acquisition algorithm.
The relative humidity of the drying air was varied by spraying hot water droplets in
a humidification chamber from a 25 L hot water tank @eater). The chamber was installed
so that the chamber is hy-passed when a low humidify was raluircd for drying. A
calibrated gate valve controlled the rate of hot water supplied to the spray n o d e inside the
humidifying chamber.
A swinging d w r was built in the drying chamber in order to remove and insen a
cylindrical tray holding the producl samplcs. The stainless steel cylindrical holding tray
was 0.38 m dia and 0.15 m deep with a perforited bonom (6 mm dia. open area greater
than 50%). Sliding gales were opened at the bottom of the test chamber such that air

movement was upwards and uniformly distributed in the drying chamber using wncentric
bafnes beneath the.plenum chamber. Air velociv wan measured off-line using a hot-wirc
anemometer with a precision of i 0.01 mJs and was measured at 0.5 m above the plenum
The test chamber as well as all ducts were insulated with 25 mm glass wool to
prevent unnecessary heat losses to the surroundings during test runs.
The drying air conditions and product thickness used in TLD sludies arc shown in
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Table I. Drying air temperatures varied from 50 "C to 90 'C, relative humidity from 8 to
24 %and air velocity from 0.5 to 1.0 d s .
The drying variahles in Table I were chosen to include normal drying temperatures
for commercial dehydration of fmits and vegetables as well as low and high drying
temperatures. In all test runs, variation in drying conditions were less than 5% and within
i 10% of the conditions based on the experimental design.
A total of 27 drying runs were conducted at random, with the low temperature and
low relative humidity runs done during the day time. High temperature and high relative
humidity luns were only performed during night time, when appropriate drying conditions
could be achieved.
Thin Layer Drying Studies
Before each treatment, the drier was allowed to run with a dummy sample for at
least 1 to 2 h (depending on the temperature and relative humidity) to achieve steady state
conditions and the desired temperature set point and relative humidity. The actual sample
container was then replaced quickly at the stan of the thin layer drying experiment. Thin-
layer garlic slices with a depth of approximately 10 mm were placed in the laboratory drier
at a loading density of from 3.7 to 5.2 k g h 2 depending on the thickness of the product.
The water loss from the product was determined off-line using an OHAUS Galaxy 8000
(precision of i 0.1 g) weighing scale placed in close proximity to the drying chamber to
prevent time lags in weighing the samples. The cylindrical holding tray was removed and
the tare weight of the product was determined at 1, 2,4, 6, 8, 10 mins, 5 min intervals up
to 30 min, 10 min intervals to 1.5 h, I5 min intervals to 3 hand 30 min intervals l h e d e r
until the product reached equilibrium moisture content. Off-line weighing of the product
was performed in approximately 10 sand did not significantly alter the steady state drying

Table I Drying air and product conditions for thin layer drying studies
Random Box and Drying Airllow Relative Slice Loading Initial
Run Bchnken tempcraNr rate humidity thickness density MC wb
no. (1960) e (m/s) (%) (mm) (kglm2) (%)
Run no. ('C)
1 3 50.6(1.0) 0.75 15.9 (0.9) 4 4.84 61.7 (0.9)
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Numben in -ntheril are standard dcviatiom


conditions. Using this technique yielded sufficiently reproducible drying curves by some
researchers drying biological products (Ajibola. 1989. Wongwises and Throngprasen,
1990). The initial and final moisture contents were determined using the vacuum oven
Optimization of the Drying Parameters

Optimization of the drying parameters was carried out using RSM. Based on the
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literature, the drying temperature, relative humidity, thickness of the product and to some
extent the velocity ofthe drying air were considered important factors affecting the quality
of the end product. Several factors such as colour (CIE L* value andlor optical index),
final moisture content and rehydratian ratio (RR) were reponed as quality attributes of a
dehydrated product that needs optimisation. A three level four parameter (temperature,
thickness, relative humidity and air velocity) experimental design (Box and Behnken
1960) was used to evaluate the optimum drying conditions. The responses were: CIE L*
(Y,), optical index (Y2), final moisture content (Y3) values as well as rehydration ratio
(Y4) of the dried product. Four mathematical functionsh ( I , 2, 3. 4) were assumed to
exist for Yk as shown in equation I:

Y,= f,(T, RH, d, u) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(I)

where T is the drying temperature (OC), RH is the relative humidity (%), d is the slice
thickness and u is the air velocity). A second degree polynomial equation of the form of
equation 2 was used to approximate the function jk using the response surface method
(RSM) of SAS on a VAX-VMS main-frame computer (SAS 1985):

where Pko,pki, Ilkii, Pkij are constant coefficients and Xi's are the coded independent
variables, linearly related T, RH, d and u.
Table 2 shows the independent variables used to determine the optimum drying
parameters for garlic including the coding symbol and codes. The Box and Behnken
(1960) design was chosen over a completely rotatable composite (star) experimental

Table 2. The independent variables used in the optimisation study.

Independent Symbol Coded variables

variables code

("c) XI 50 70 90
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Slice thickness
(mm) X2 2 3 4
Air speed
(mw X3 0.5 0.75 1.O
humidity (%) & 8 16 24

design because of the physical constraints of the product as well as the equipment used for
drying the product. It was not possible to slice the small sized garlic cloves into 5 different
thicknesses as required by the star design. Based on the Box and Behnken (1960) design,
the 8 treatment NnS were required for each block with the centre points performed ihrrc
times to measure experimental error. A total of 27 duplicate treatments were performed for
this experimental study.
The colour parameters such as L* values and optical were determined. Moisture
content of the dried product was determined by vacuum oven technique. Rehydration ratio
was measured as the total mass of rehydrated product per unit weight after rehydration was
performed by soaking 2 g of dried garlic sample in 100 mL boiling water for 30 min
(Mudahar el a1 1990). All responses were measured using 3 replicates each.
AAer the data analysis, separate experiments were performed to verify the response
models at the optimum drying conditions using the same thin layer drying apparatus
s h o w in Figure 1.

Results and Discussion

The optimisation of the drying conditions of garlic was investigated to determine

rapid drying conditions for the production of an acceptable quality dried product. The

quality aspects studied included the L* value and optical index (01) as a measure of
colow, rehydration ratio (RR) as well as final moisture content (Mf) which are important
quality facton (Mudahar el a/. 1989) of dehydrated garlic flakes. Response surface
methodology (RSM) was employed to optimise the drying conditions resulting in
acceptable responses (Smith el a/. 1977, Lah el a/. 1980, Floros and Chinnan 1987, 1988,
Mudahar er a/. 1989, 1990, Rustom, Lopez-Leiva and Nair 1991). The coding levels of the
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independent variables used for acquiring experimental data for optimisation are shorn in
Table 2 with a temperature range of 50- to 90C,slice thickness of 2 to 4 mm, airflow rate
of 0.5 to 1.0 mls and an RH of 8 to 24%. Experimental results, such as L* and 0 1 values as
well as RR and My,are listed in Table 3 against the coded values from Table 2.
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine which of the
responses were significant. Tables 4 and 5 are ANOVA tables showing the effect of drying
variables on the responses and the independent variables as a linear, quadratic and cross-
product terms, respectively. Drying temperatures and slice thickness were significant
factors (at 90% confidence level) for L*, 0 1 and RR, while there was no significant
contribution to the observed variance was deduced for airflow rate and RH. The
experimental data were fitted to a response surface of the form of equation 2 to estimate
the functionfk in equation I for all the four responses with a significant model resulting
for L* value and 0 1 (Table 3). On the other hand, the model for RR and Mr were found to
be statistically insignificant although a response surface was fitted. This shows that only
the L' and 0 1 values were affected by the process variables to which the drying product
were exposed. Although RR and Mf are considered to be less important in giving the
desired response, both were included in deriving optimum drying conditions to limit
responses based on the standards of the ADOGA (1981).
The lack of fit test (Table 5) is a measure of the failure of a model to represent the
data in the experimental domain at which points were not included in the regression
(Montgomery 1984), while rZ is the proponion of variability explained or accounted by
the data. A high proportion of the variability (r2>0.96) was explained for the response
surface models for Lo value and 01, showing that the model developed for both responses
appeared to be adequate. On the other hand, the RR and Mr polynomial models gave

Table 3. The experimental data for h e nsponse surface analysis.

Run# XI X2 X3 Xq "1 y2 Y3 "4

I -1 -1 0 0 83.8 74.0 2.47 6.70

2 1 -I 0 0 70.6 181.3 3.42 5.37
3 -I I 0 0 83.8 73.0 2.18 10.20
4 I 1 0 0 72.4 154.6 2.25 6.90
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5 0 0 -1 -I 82.6 77.3 2.54 9.00

6 0 0 I -1 83.1 76.9 2.67 8.70
7 0 0 -I I 82.8 76.3 2.83 7.62
8 0 0 1 1 82.0 76.5 2.90 6.68
9 0 0 0 0 81.5 77.3 2.45 8.10
10 -1 0 0 -I 84.8 72.0 2.66 9.00
II 1 0 0 -1 72.5 186.0 2.93 7.20
12 -1 0 0 I 82.5 74.3 3.04 8.20
13 1 0 0 1 70.3 173.3 2.90 5.90
14 0 -I -I 0 81.1 77.4 3.21 7.60
I5 0 1 -I 0 81.6 74.6 2.30 8.21
16 0 -1 I 0 80.6 80.6 3.10 6.69
17 0 I 1 0 81.2 79.3 2.50 8.05
I8 0 0 0 0 82.6 75.6 2.96 6.31
19 0 -I 0 -1 82.1 80.3 2.96 6.50
20 0 1 0 -I 82.2 78.5 2.50 8.20
21 0 -1 0 I 83.4 76.0 3.14 7.19
22 0 I 0 1 83.0 75.0 2.41 8.29
23 -1 0 -1 0 85.0 75.8 2.80 8.71
24 1 0 -1 0 71.1 180.2 2.93 7.23
25 -1 0 I 0 84.0 73.0 2.81 8.50
26 1 0 1 0 70.4 191.1 2.85 6.99
27 0 0 0 0 82.7 77.0 2.91 6.30

Table 4. The ANOVA table showing- the significance

- of the effect of the drying
. - variables
on each of the response variables.
Process - Sum of Squares
L* value 01 RR Mf
Drying temperature 537.7' 45307. 22.0" 14.7"'
Slice thickness 1.1"' 2502" 21.6" 14.6"'
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Airflow rate 1.5"' 115.5"s 0.3"s 5.8"'

Relalive humidity 2.6"' 105.2"s 0.4"' 5.4"'
* Significant at 99% level
*' Significanlnl90% level
"1 Not rignificanc

Table 5. The ANOVA table showing the independent drying variables as a linear,
quadratic or interaction terms on each of the response variables.

Source df Sum of Squares

L' value 01 RR Mf
Model 14 573.8' 521 16.0' 30.9"s 35.W
Linear 4 432.9' 38238.0' 4.4"s 2.9"'
Quadratic 4 140.3' 12598.0. 9.7"s 21.1"'

Residual II 10.9 1956.0 20.6 29.5

Lack of fit 9 10.0"s 1954.8N 215. 2.2'
Pure error 2 0.90 1.60 0.16 27.3'

* Significant at 99% level

*' Significant at 90% level
Not significant
a cosfficient ofvariation

significant lack of fit and high coefficient of variation (CV) indicating that the
experimental data was not satisfactorily explained (Thompson 1982, Ioglckar and May
1987, Floros and Chinnan 1988).
The model coefficients obtained by regression for the second order polynomials of
the response surface of L* value, 01, RR and Mf are shorn in Table 6. The response
surface plot for the L* value and 0 1 second order polynomial (SOP) models as a function
Downloaded by [Akdeniz Universitesi] at 01:43 21 December 2014

of code temperature and slice thickness are shorn in Figures 2 and 3. The effect of airflow
rate and RH on the response was statistically insignificant (as shorn by Table 4) and was
not included in the analysis. L* values generally decreased with increasing temperature
with a small effect of temperature while 0 1 increased with temperature with a discernible
effect of slice thickness. Since L* and 0 1 were the only significant models, it was difficult
to obtain optimum conditions for both responses due to critical points being located in
areas of "flatness" resulting in a corresponding large optimum area. It was possible for an
optimum drying condition (thicker slices) to produce an acceptable product in terms of L*
and 0 1 but with a final moisture content of greater than 10% wet basis which is
unacceptable. Hence, to limit this optimum area based on the standard of the ADOGA
(1981), the SOP models RR and Mf were included in the analysis to obtain optimum
conditions for garlic dehydration. In this case, RR and Mr are considered as limiting
facton in the optimisation study (Floms and Chiman 1988, Rustom el a1 1991). The
response surface plots for RR and Mf are shown in Figures 4 and 5 with stationary saddle
points. The predicted values at stationary points of L' value, 01, RR and My were 84.6,
70.9,2.77 and 6.8, respectively.
An optimum drying process represents conditions which would yield an acceptably
high colour index (such as L* value and 01). high rehydration ratio (at least 2.5 times) and
low final moisture content. The response variables I,' value and 0 1 were considered the
most important followed by RR and Mr. To localix an optimum drying condition for
garlic slices the graphical method used in response surface methodology (RSM) for lye
peeling pimiento peppers (Floros and Chinnan 1988), optimisation of potato dehydration
process (Mudahar er a1 1990) and extraction of peanut proteins (Rustom er a/. 1991) was
Table 6. Regression eoeficients @ased on coded data) of the sceond order polynomials
representing the relationship of the rrspollsc and the indcpmdent variables.
Coeficient Lo value 01 RR Mf
k=l k 2 L-3 k4
h o 82.3' 76.6. 2.77. 6.9'
&I -6.5' 61.8~ -0.68 -0.11
Pkz 0.07 -5.24 0.17 0.15
h3 -0.24 1.66 0.02 -0.23
Pk4 -0.28 -1.63 0.08 -0.39
Pkl l 4.75' 46.0' 0.52 -0.40
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&I -0.01 21.9. -2.58' 2.1 1

bkZ -0.42 -3.98 0.42 -0.53
PU I 0.08 2.45 -0.02 -0.01
Pkl2 0.02 0.38 0.08 0.19
I'k31 -0.25 3.33 -0.23 0.98
Pr4 1 0.02 -3.75 -0.10 -0.12
pk42 -0.12 0.20 -0.07 -0.15
Pk41 -0.32 0.15 -0.01 -0.16
Pk44 0.48 1.79 -0.22 0.79
Signincant at 95% level of signiClcancs

Figun 2.3D plot of L* values as a h c t i o n of tcmpersturr and thickness

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Figure 3. 3D plot o f 01 as a function o f temperature and thickness

Figure 4. 3D plot of RR as a function o f temperam and thickness

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Figure 5. 3D plot of Mfas a function of temperature and thickness

The contour plots for all the responses as a function of temperature and slice
thickness were obtained from the predictive equations developed with coefficients shorn
in Table 6 and are shown in Figures 6. 7. 8 and 9. These graphs were superimposed, with
the area corresponding to the highest L* value and RR and lowest 01 and Mrvalues being
chosen as the optimum condition. The resulting superimposed plot is shown in Figure 10.
The optimum drying wnditions derived after superimposition of the contour plots
were: 2 mm slices dried at approximately 56 "C (pint A, Figure 9). The drying
temperature in this case is considered to be low compared to a 70 "C recommendation by
Alcasabas (1990), and the drying process will proceed at a slower rate. This will result in a
lower throughput of the dryer, making the process uneconomical. Increasing the drying
temperature to 70C (pint B) will result in a higher dryer throughput with a
corresponding dccrease in the L* value by 2.5% (83 to 81) and an increase in 01 from 70
to 78 (10.2%) and were within acceptable limits (based on the standards of the ADOGA
1981). Increasing the drying temperature further to 80 "C (pint C), will fwther increase
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Slice Thickness

Figure 6. Contour plot of L* values as a function of temperatwe and thickness

Slice thickness

Figure 7. Contour plot of 01 as a function of temperature and thickness

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Slice thickness

Figure 8. Contour plot of rehydration ratio as a function of

temperature and thickness

Slice thickness

Figure 9. Contour plot of final moisture as a function of temperature and thickness

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Slice thickness

Figure 10. Optimum regions obtained after superimposing the wntour plots of all four

throughput with the point is still located within the optimum region but the L* and 0 1
values were close to the minimum standard set by ADOGA (1981). In view of these
results, it is recommended that drying of 2 mm garlic slices be performed at a drying
tcmperahln of 70 OC.
The adequacy of the SOP models at.predicted optimum conditions was tested by
performing independent experiments wrrespondiig to the optimum wnditions (Floms
and Chinnan 1988, Mudahar el 01. 1990). Table 7 shows the predicted and the
experimental values of the responses for L*, 01 as well as RR and Mf values at optimum
drying conditions. The experimental values were averages of k e replicates and were
very close to the predicted values indicating that the generated SOP models for L* and 01
were acceptable. The high CV values for the RR and Mr experimental were due to their
lesxr reproducibility (Montgomery 1984, Joglekar and May 1987), which contributed to
the statistical insignificance of these models. Despite the lesser effect of these responses to
the optimum conditions, pndictions were within fairly acceptable limits.

Table 7. Predicted and observed values for the responses at optimum conditions
Response Predicted Actual
variable value value i S D
L* value 81.0 83.5 i 4.8 (5.7%)

RR 3.08 2.77 i 0.25 (9.1%)

Mf 6.93 6.44 i 0.8 (12.1%)
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Numbers in parenthesis are coefficients of variation (CV).

The thin layer drying characteristics of garlic slices were investigated at different
temperature, airflow and RH ranges used in the air drying-of food materials. The
. .
experimental drying data used for the optimization study were obtained using 27 drying
runs following a Box and Behnkcn (1960) design. The response surface methodology
approach was used to optimise the drying conditions using L* value, optical index,
rehydration ratio and final moisture content as resf6nses. The second order polynomial
models for L* a n d 0 1 were found to be statistically significant while the RR and Mf
models were insignificant. By superimposing the contour an optimum dr$ng
temperature of 70 OC was obtained for drying 2 mm garlic slices with predicted values
close to experimental values.

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