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Captulo 80.

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 80 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
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Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



I suppose we shouldn't do it
He has a cold and a fever. There was a drop in sales unless it's absolutely
due to the bad weather. necessary.
El tiene resfriado y fiebre.
Hubo una cada de las Supongo que no deberamos
VOCABULARY ventas debido al mal tiempo. hacerlo a menos que sea
absolutamente necesario.
Suit = traje (su:t) VOCABULARY
To have = haber, tener,
poseer, comer, beber (tu Strike = huelga (straik) Tear = lgrima, rasgn (tia) (tea)
hjv) There was = hubo, haba (tir)
Cold = resfriado , fro, (d wos) (dr was) Teardrop = lgrima
catarro, constipado (koud) (: e + a a la vez) (tdrop) (trdrap)
Fiver = fiebre (f:va) (f:vr) Fire = fuego, incendio (faia) Cry, cried, cried, crying = llorar,
Daughter = hija (d:ta) Factory = fbrica (fktri) gritar, vocear (krai) (kraid) (kraid)
(d:tr) (fktori) Tear, tore, torn tearing
Still = an, todava (stil) Drop = gota, cada, = rasgar-se, desgarrar, arrancar,
To catch = coger, pillar, descenso, caer-se, soltar, despedazar
atrapar (kach) dejar caer (tea) (to:) (to:n) (t:rin)
Better = mejor (bta) (bdr) (drop) (druap) Suppose, supposed,
Bad = malo, grave, fuerte Sale = venta, rebaja (ES) supposed,supposing = suponer,
(bad) (seil) (seio) imaginar que (sopous) (sopoust)
(sopoust) (sopousin)
Delirium = delirio Sales = ventas (sels) (seios) Se omite la e
(dilrim) (delriam) Temperature = temperatura Should (shud)
Due = debido, debidamente (tmprecha) (tmprecher) = debera/as/a/amos/ais/an,
(diu:) (du) Population = poblacin tendra que, deba, debiera.
Temperature = temperatura (ppileisn) (ppileisn) Auxiliar del condicional.
(tmprecha) (tmprechr) Attendance = asistencia Expresa: obligacin, deber,
(atndns) posibilidad, una correccin, una
condicin, recomendacin o
PART 1 Birth = nacimiento (b:z) consejo. Ex: You should make
(brz) more exercise. = Deberas hacer
-He has. e muy cerrada. ms ejercicios.
= l tiene. Due = debido, debidamente, Shouldn't = should not (shdnt)
= l ha. hacer falta, necesitar (diu:) = no debera/as/a/amos/ais/an.
Con la 3 persona del (du:) Expresa recomendacin o
singular, hay que cambiar el Weather = tiempo, clima, mal consejo.
Syllable = slaba (slbo) (slbo)
verbo To have a Has. tiempo (weda) (wedr)
Carry, carried, carried, carrying =
Decimos: Snow = nieve (snou) llevar, transportar (kri) (krid)
-He has. Storm = tormenta (sto:m) (krid) (kriin)
= l tiene. l ha. General = general (ynro)
-She has. Fewer = menos (fiu:a) (fiur) Stress = strs, tensin, esfuerzo,
= Ella tiene. Ella ha. Shopper = comprador nfasis, acento tnico
It has. (shpa) (shpr) (stress) (strues)
Fun = divertido/a, diversin (fan)
= Tiene. Se ha. Bargain sale = ofertn, Choose, chose, chosen,
-I have. ganga choosing = elegir, escoger,
= Tengo. He. (b:gen se:o) seleccionar (chu:s) (chous)
-You have. Bill of sales = recibo (bil ov (chousen) (ch:sin)
= Tienes. Has. Usted ha. sels) Sweater = suter, jersey (sweta)
= Tenis. Habis. (swedr)
-We have. PART 1 Unless = a menos que, a no ser
que (anls)
= Tenemos. Hemos. Fair = justo, equitativo (f) (fr)
-They have. -There was (+ sust sing.) (: e + a a la vez)
= Tienen. Han. = Hubo. Haba. Absolutely = totalmente,
-He has. Estamos con el verbo To absolutamente
= l tiene. Ha. have en el pasado. (bsol:t,li)
-She has. Despus hay que seguir Necessary = necesario (nsseri)
= Ella tiene. Ha. con un sustantivo en Totally = totalmente (toud,li)
Completely = completamente
-It has. singular. (kompl:t,li)
= Tiene. Se han. Posee. -There was a meeting this Wedding = boda (weding)
-He has a dog. morning.
= l tiene perro. = Hubo una reunin esta PART 1
-He has a car. semana.
= l tiene coche. -There was a problem with -I suppose we shouldn't do it.
-He has a new suit. the flight. = Supongo que no deberamos
= l tiene un nuevo traje. = Hubo un problema con el Tambin puedo insertar si
vuelo. quiero: That
PART 2 -There was a fire at the -I suppose that we shouldn't do it.
factory last night. = Supongo que no deberamos
-A cold. = Hubo un incendio en la hacerlo.
= Un resfriado. fbrica anoche. Pero solemos comernos el
-He has a cold. -There was a strike That.
-What do you suppose?
= l tiene un resfriado. yesterday. Qu supones? Qu crees?
-I have a cold. = Hubo una huelga ayer. -What do you think we should do
= Yo tengo un resfriado. -There was a strike last it?
-I don't have a cold. month. = Qu crees que deberamos
= No tengo un resfriado. = Hubo una huelga el mes hacer?
-We don't have a cold. pasado. -You think we should do it?
= No tenemos un resfriado. -There was a strike last year. = Crees que deberamos
-They have a cold. = Hubo una huelga el ao = Qu opinas que deberamos
= Ellos tienen un resfriado. pasado. hacer?
-You have a cold. -I suppose we shouldn't do it.
= Tienes un resfriado. PART 2 = Supongo que no deberamos
-You don't have a cold. hacerlo.
= No tienes un resfriado. -A drop in sales. -It's not absolutely necessary, so
-I don't have a suit. = Una cada de ventas. we shouldn't do it.
= No es absolutamente
= No tengo traje. = Un descenso de ventas. necesario, as que no debemos
-Drop. (druap) (yruap) hacerlo.
PART 3 = Cada, descenso, -Suppose.
La preposicin es in. = Suponer.
-A fiver. (f:va)
= Fiebre. -There was a drop in -The second syllable it carries the
-My son has a cold and a temperature. stress.
fiver. = Hubo una cada de la = La segunda slaba lleva el
acento tnico.
= Mi hijo tiene un resfriado y temperatura. -I suppose it's true.
fiebre. -There was a drop in = Supongo que es verdad.
-My daughters have a cold population. -I suppose this.
and a fiver. = Hubo un descenso de la = Supongo esto.
= Mis hijas tienen un poblacin. -She supposes. (sopousis)
resfriado y fiefre. -There was a drop in = Ella supone.
-My friend has a cold and a attendance.
-I suppose you have to be fun to
fiver. = Hubo una cada de do your job.
= Mi amigo tuene un asistencia. = Supongo que tienes que ser
resfriado y fiebre. -There was a drop in births. divertida para hacer tu trabajo.
= Hubo una cada de -I suppose I'm happy all the time.
-I have a cold but I dont nacimientos. = Supongo que estoy feliz todo el
have a fiver. tiempo.
= Tengo un resfriado pero no PART 3 -I suppose I'm lots of fun.
= Supongo que soy muy
tengo fiebre. divertida.
-He has a cold and a fiver. -Due to. (+ sust) -Suppose maybe people want me
= l tiene resfriado y fiebre. = Debido a. to be less fun.
-Do you have a cold and a -Due to the bad weather. = Supongamos que la gente
fiver? = Bebido al mal tiempo. quiere que sea menos divertida.
= Tienes resfriado y fiebre? -We can't go due to the -I suppose so.
-Catch a cold. snow. = Supongo que s.
-I suppose not.
= Coger un resfriado. = No podemos ir debido a la = Supongo que no.
-I have a cold, but I'm better. nieve. I suppose that would be better
= Tengo un resfriado pero -I have to cancel the trip fun.
estoy mejor. due tothe storm. = Supongo lo que sera la mejor
-He's still bad. = Tengo que cancelar el diversin.
= An est malo. viaje debido a la tormenta. I suppose I'll just be me.
-She's at home with a bad -I can't take the Metro due to = Supongo que slo ser yo.
cold. the strike. -I suppose that he will choose the
= Ella est en casa con un = No puedo coger / tomar el blue sweater.
fuerte resfriado. Mefro debido a la huelga. = Supongo que escoger el
-Delirium with fever due to -There was a drop in jersey azul.
high body temperature. temperature due to the
= Delirio con fiebre debido a storm. PART 2
la alta temperatura del = Hubo una cada en la
cuerpo. temperatura debido a la = A menos que.
tormenta. = A no ser que.
-There's a lot of traffic near = Lgrima
the park due to the weather. -She's crying teardrops, so many
= Hay un montn de trfico tears.
cerca del parque debido al = Ella est llorando lgrimas,
tantas lgrimas.
mal tiempo. -I'm going to cry ninety
-There are a lot of problems six (96)tears, so many teardrops.
today, and in general, due to = Voy a llorar noventa y seis
the weather. lgrimas, tantas lgrimas.
= Hay un montn de -I suppose we shouldn't do it
problemas hoy, y en general, unless.
debido al mal tiempo. = Supongo que no deberamos
hacerlo a menos que.
-There are fewer shoppers -Unless it's absolutely necessary,
due to the weather. which means, if it's not
= Hay menos compradores necessary, we don't need to do it.
debido al mal tiempo. = A menos que sea
absolutamente necesario, lo que
significa que, si no es necesario,
no necesitamos hacerlo.

-Unless it's fair and necessary.

= A menos que sea justo y


-Unless it's absolutely necessary.

= A menos que sea
absolutamente necesario.
Escuchar el enlace (Listen to
the linking) entre it's y
absolutely (itsbsol:t,li)
-If it's not absolutely necessary,
then, I suppose we shouldn't do
= Si no es absolutamente
necesario, entonces, supongo
que no deberamos hacerlo.
-It's very easy, black or white.
= Es muy fcil, negro o blanco.

-The flowers are absolutely

necessary. It's a wedding. I need
the flowers.
= Las flores son absolutamente
necesarias. Es una boda.
Necesito las flores.
What? Did you just say me that
the flowers are not absolutely
= Qu? Me dijiste que las
flores no son absolutamente
= The flowers are absolutely
necessary. The buffet is
absolutely necessary and the DJ
is absolutely necessary.
= Las flores son absolutamente
necesarias. El buffet es
absolutamente necesario y el DJ
es absolutamente necesario.

-Unless it's absolutely, totally,

and completely necessary.
= A menos que sea
absolutamente, totalmente y
completamente necesario.

Captulo 81. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 81 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



It was supposed to be foggy

Do you have a dog? There wasn't anyone but it wasn't supposed to be
Yes, I do. outside except for couple raining.
of tourists.
Tienes perro? Se supona que iba a haber
Si, lo tengo. No haba nadie fuera, salvo niebla pero no lluvia.
un par de turistas.
VOCABULARY Spur = espuela, espoln,
Expensive = caro/a, costoso estmulo, estimular, incitar (sp:)
(ekspnsiv) Pineapple = pia tropical (spr)
Apartment = apartamento (painpo) ( e muy cerrada, cercana a
(ap:tmn) There wasn't = no haba, no la a)
Money = dinero (mni) hubo Suppose, supposed,
Problem = problema (d wosnt) (dr wasnt) supposed,supposing = suponer,
imaginar que (sopous) (sopoust)
(prblm) Anyone = cualquiera, (sopoust) (sopousin)
Coast = costa, el litoral alguien, nadie En frases Se omite la e
(koust) negativas.(niwan) Fog = niebla (fog)
Private = privado, particular Outside = afuera, fuera, Foggy = brumoso, nebuloso
(praivt) exterior (aut,said) (aut,said) (fgi)
Plane = avin (plein) Either = o, cualquiera de los Cloudy = nublado (klaudi)
Finger = dedo (fnga) (fngr) dos, ambos/as, uno u otro, Rain, rained, rained, raining
= llover (rein) (reind) (reind)
Arm = brazo (a:m) (arm) tampoco(aida) (da) (dr) (reinin)
Country = pas (kntri) Mean, meant, meant, Statuette = estatuilla (stchuet)
Sausage = salchicha meaning (stchut)
(ssigh) = significar, querer decir Umbrella = paraguas, sombrilla
Sausages = salchichas (mi:n) (ment) (ment) (m:nin) (ambrla)
(ssiyis) Dream = sueo, ensueo Prepare, prepared, prepared,
Bike = bici, bicicleta (baik) (dri:m) preparing = preparar, prepararse
(prep-r) (prepd) (prepd)
Bicycle = bicicleta (baisiko) Dreamer = soador/a (preprin)
Chair = silla (ch) (chr) (dr:ma) (drmr) According to = segn, de
(: e + a) Let's look at = veamos, acuerdo (ak:din tu)
Suit = traje (su:t) miremos, echemos un Weather man = hombre del
vistazo (lets lukt) tiempo (weda mn) (wedrmn)
INTRODUCTION Except = excepto, salvo Gorgeous = maravilloso/a,
esplndido/a, precioso/a,
(ikspt) (ekst) guapsimo/a (g:yes) (g:yes)
-Do you have an apartment? Everyone = todos, todo el (goryes)
= Tienes un apartamento? mundo, cada uno (vriwan) Suntan = bronceado (sntn)
Nevertheless = sin embargo, an
-Yes, I do. Fruit = fruta En as (nvdls) (nvrdls)
= S, lo tengo. singular, pues es Growth = crecimiento (grouz)
-Do you have a car? incontable (fru:t) sin i Element = elementos (lmnt)
= Tienes coche? Like, liked, liked, liking = Substitute, substituted,
-Yes, I do. gustar, agradar, apetecer, substituted, substituting
= S, lo tengo. querer (laik) (laikt) (laikt) = sustituir (sbstitiu:t)
-Do you have a cat? (laikin) (sbstitiutid) (sbstitiutid)
= Tienes gato? Kind = amable, atento, Cover, covered, covered,
-No, I don't. clido, bueno, tipo, clase covering = cubrir, tapar (kva-r)
= No, no lo tengo. (kaind) (kvd) (kvd) (kvrin)
-Do you have a lot of money? Guy = chico, tipo, to, To get wet = mojarse (tu get wet)
= Tienes mucho dinero? individuo, cuerda tensora Wet = mojado/a, hmedo/a (wet)
-No, I don't. (gai) Dry = seco/a (drai) (druai)
= No, no tengo. Sale = venta (seil) (seio) To go away = salir, irse, irse
fuera de viaje (tu gou owei)
-Do you have a big problem? Sales = ventas (sels) (seiols) Goodness = bondad (gdnes)
= Tienes un gran Shopping center = centro Thank goodness! = Gracias a
problema? commercial (shpin sntr) Dios! (znk gdnes)
-No, I don't. Center = centro (US) (sntr) Sake = bien, en nombre de
= No, no lo tengo. Centre = centro (UK) (snta) (seik) (ski)
-Do you have a house on the Discount = descuento
coast? (dskaunt) INTRODUCTION
= Tienes una casa en la Item = artculo, noticia -It supposed to be here.
costa? (aitm) (aiton) = Se supona que iba a estar
-No, I don't. Necklace = collar (nk,les) aqu.
= No, no la tengo. Necklaces = collares - Yesterday, I remember, the
-Do you have a private (nk,lesis) weather it was supposed to be
plane? Hanhbag = bolso, bolsa de foggy but it wasn't.
= Tienes un avin privado? mano (hjn,bg) = Ayer, recuerdo, el tiempo se
supona que iba a haber niebla,
-No, I don't. Whole = entero/a, total, pero no hubo.
= No, no lo tengo. todo/a, por completo (hjou) - It was raining but it wasn't
-Do you have a big car? World = mundo, mundial supposed to be raining.
= Tienes un coche grande? (w:ud) (wroud) e muy = Estaba lloviendo, pero no se
-No, I don't. cerrada, cercana a la a. supona que iba a estar
= No, no lo tengo. Unfair = injusto (nf) lloviendo.
-Do you have a small car? (anfr) -This statuette is always
supposed to be here.
= Tienes un coche Couple = par, pareja (kpo) = Se supone que esta estatuilla
pequeo? Tourist = turista (trist) siempre est aqu.
-Yes, I do. (trest) -It was supposed to be here
= S, lo tengo. Supermarket = before I started, and this was
-Do you have ten fingers? supermercado (s:p,ma:ket) supposed to be here, but it
= Tienes diez dedos? (spermarket) wasn't.
-Yes, I do. Tomato = tomate (tom:tu) = Se supona que iba a estar
aqu antes de que yo empezara,
= S los tengo. (tomeidou) y esto se supona que iba a estar
-Do you have two arms? Tomatoes = tomates aqu, pero no estaba.
= Tienes dos brazos? (tom:tis) (tomeidous) -And I'm supposed to be a good
-Yes, I do. Apple = manzana (po) teacher. I hope I am. Ok. What
= S los tengo. Apples = manzanas (pos) do you think? Am I?
-Do you have perfect Orange = naranja (rengh) = Y se supone que soy un buen
English? Oranges = naranjas maestro. Espero que lo sea. De
= Tienes un ingls (renyes) acuerdo. Qu piensas? Lo
perfecto? Pear = pera (p) (pr)
-Me? Yes, I do. (: e + a) PART 1
= Yo? S lo tengo. Pears = peras (ps) (prs)
Use, used, used, using = -Hello, hello. I like your smile.
PART 1 usar, utilizar (yu:s) (yu:st) Hello, hello, won't you stay a
(yu:st) (y:sin) while?
-Do you have? = Hola, hola. Me gusta tu sonrisa.
Hola, hola, no te quedas un
= Tienes? PART 1 tiempo?
Interrogativo con el verbo -Yes, with me and learn english.
To have -There wasn't anyone. = S, conmigo y aprender ingls.
Primero se pone el = No haba nadie. -It was supposed to be foggy but
auxiliar: Do o Does. = No hubo nadie. it wasn't supposed to be raining.
Despus viene el sujeto, en -There wasn't (+ sust = Se supone que iba a haber
este caso: you, y despus singular) niebla pero no lluvia.
-It was supposed to.
el verbo en infinitivo have, = No haba o no hubo. = Se supona que.
sin el to. Es la forma negativa del Se omite la e (sopoust)
-Do I have? verbo To have en el pasado -But it's a good thing I have an
= Tengo? simple. umbrella, so I'm always prepared.
-Do you have? Despus va seguido por = Pero es bueno que tenga un
= Tienes? un sustantivo en forma paraguas, as que siempre estoy
-Do we have? singular. preparado.
- But according to the weather
= Tenemos? -There wasn't a dog in the man it was going to be foggy.
-Do they have? house. = Pero segn el hombre del
= Tienen? = No haba un perro en la tiempo iba a haber niebla.
-Do you have any children? casa.
= Tienes hijos? -Anyone. -It was supposed to be a
-Do they have any money? = Alguien, cualquiera, nadie. beautiful day.
= Tienen dinero? En frases negativas = Se supona que que iba a ser
un da hermoso.
significa: nadie. Se pone -It was supposed to be hot.
-Do you have children in your porque en ingls no puede = Se supona que iba a ser muy
country? haber doble negativo en una caliente.
= Tienes hijos en tu pas? frase. -It was supposed to be sunny.
-Michelle, in your country do -There wasn't anyone at the = Se supona que iba a ser
you have sausages? party. soleado.
= Michelle, en tu pas tienes = No haba nadie en la fiesta. -It was supposed to be a
gorgeous day.
salchichas? -There wasn't anyone at the = Se supona que iba a ser un
meeting. da precioso.
PART 2 = No haba nadie en la -It was supposed to be forty
reunin. degrees out there today.
-Do you have a dog? = Se supona que estara a
= Tienes perro? -There wasn't anyone cuarenta grados all fuera hoy.
-Do you have a car? outside the door. -I was supposed to be working on
my suntan.
= Tienes coche? = No haba nadie fuera de la = Supona que iba a estar
Aqu hay que colocar un puerta. trabajando en mi bronceado.
artculo indefinido; a o an. -There wasn't anyone -It was supposed to be sunny
No podemos decir: Do you outside the window either. nevertheless it's raining.
have car?
-Do you have a bike? = No haba nadie fuera de la = Se supona que iba a estar
= Tienes una bicicleta? ventana tampoco. soleado, sin embargo est
-Do you have a cat? -What does it mean? lloviendo.
= Tienes un gato? = Qu significa? PART 2
-What does this dream
-Do you have a house? mean? -To be foggy.
= Tienes casa? = Qu significa este sueo? Es espaol se dice: Hay
-Why wasn't there anyone niebla.
PART 3 outside my door? En ingls se dice: Es
= Por qu no haba nadie nebuloso = It's foggy.
-It's a foggy day in London town.
-Yes, I do. fuera de mi puerta? = Es un da de niebla en la
= S, lo tengo. ciudad de Londres.
Decimos: Yes, I do, no: PART 2 -Spur.
Yes, I have porque el verbo = Espuela.
To have es un verbo -Except for. -The San Antonio Spurs it's very
normal y hay que aadir el = Salvo. famous basketball team.
auxiliar: do o does = Excepto. = El San Antonio Spurs es un
equipo de baloncesto muy
-Yes, I do. -Let's look at another famoso.
-Yes, you do. example. -To spur.
-Yes, we do. = Veamos otro ejemplo. = Incitar, ser acicate, impulsar,
-Yes they do. -Everyone is in class, except estimular, espolear
-Do you have a dog? for Pepe. -To spur the growth.
= Tienes perro? = Todo el mundo est en = Estimular el crecimiento.
-Yes, I do. clase, salvo Pepe. -To spur the interest.
= Estimular el inters.
= S, lo tengo. -She likes all kinds of fruit
-Do you have a chair? except for pineapple. PART 3
= Tienes una silla? = Le gusta todo tipo de
Yes, I do. frutas, salvo la pia. -It wasn't supposed to be raining.
= S, la tengo. -Everyone is at the party, = No se supona que iba a estar
-Do you have a job? except for Maria. lloviendo.
= Tienes trabajo? = Todo el mundo est en la -The weatherman said it was
going to be foggy. He didn't say it
Yes, I do. fiesta, salvo Mara. was going to be raining all the
= S, lo tengo. -I know everyone in the time.
-Do you have an expensive office, except for the new = El hombre del tiempo dijo que
suit? guy. iba a estar nebuloso. l no dijo
= Tienes un traje caro? = Conozco a todo el mundo que iba a estar lloviendo todo el
Yes, I do. en la oficina, salvo al chico tiempo.
= S, lo tengo. nuevo. -But I have an umbrella. I open
my umbrella to protect myself
from the elements and so I'm
Yesterday there was a sale prepared.
at the shopping center and = Pero tengo un paraguas. Abro
there was a discount on all mi paraguas para protegerme de
items, except for the things I los elementos y as estoy
need. preparado.
= Ayer hubo una venta en el -And to tell you the truth, I'm not
supposed to be here. I'm
centro comercial y haba un substituting for another teacher.
descuento en todos los = Y para decirte la verdad, no
artculos, excepto por las supona que iba a estar aqu.
cosas que necesito. Estoy sustituyendo a otro
They had a fifty percent -My friend Richard is supposed to
discount on all the bikinis, be here, but I'm here because I
except for the one I want. need to cover for my good
friend. He's on holiday.
= Tenan un descuento del = Se supone que mi amigo
cincuenta por ciento en todos Richard iba a estar aqu, pero
los bikinis, excepto para el estoy aqu porque necesito cubrir
que quiero. a mi buen amigo. Est de
They had a discount on all vacaciones.
the necklaces, except for the -It's not supposed to be raining
one i need. and yesterday I started to get
wet. I almost got wet because it
= Tenan un descuento en was expecting fog and it got rain.
todos los collares, excepto = No se supona iba a estar
para el que necesito. lloviendo y ayer empec a
-They had a discount on all mojarme. Casi me moj porque
the handbags twenty percent se esperaba niebla y llovi.
of, except for this beautiful -I was expecting foggy weather
white one I want. but it wasn't foggy.
= Me esperaba clima brumoso
= Tenan un descuento en pero no estaba brumoso.
todos los bolsos del veinte -It wasn't supposed to be raining,
por ciento, excepto para este but it was raining.
hermoso blanco que quiero. = No se supona que iba a llover,
-They had a discount on all pero llovi.
the handbags twenty percent -Rain, rain go away. Come again
off, except for this beautiful another day.
= Lluvia, la lluvia se va. Ven de
white one I want. nuevo otro da.
= Tenan un descuento en
todos los bolsos de un veinte -For goodness sake.
por ciento de descuento, a = Por el amor de Dios.
excepcin de este hermoso -Goodness me!
blanco que quiero. = Madre ma! Dios mo!
-They had a discount on all -Thank goodness I have
the dresses, except for the = Gracias a Dios que tengo
one I want for my friend's paraguas!
wedding. -He was supposed to finish the
= Tenan un descuento en report by Monday.
todos los vestidos, excepto = Se supona que deba terminar
para el que quiero para la el informe el lunes.
boda de mi amigo.
-They had a seventy percent
discount on all shoes, except
for the most beautiful shoes
in the whole world. It's so
= Tenan un descuento del
setenta por ciento en todos
los zapatos, a excepcin de
los zapatos ms hermosos
del mundo entero. Es tan
-I'll go shopping and I'll buy
everything, except for the
things I want.
= Voy a ir de compras y
comprar todo, excepto las
cosas que quiero.


-A couple of tourists.
= Un par de turistas.
-A couple of. (akpolaf)
= Una pareja de.
Suena como una sola

-When I go to the
supermarket, I always buy a
couple of tomatoes, a couple
of apples, a couple of
oranges, a couple of
= Cuando voy al
supermercado, siempre
compro un par de tomates,
un par de manzanas, un par
de naranjas, un par de pias.
-I have a couple of questions
for you.
= Cuando voy al
supermercado, siempre
compro un par de tomates,
un par de manzanas, un par
de naranjas, un par de pias.
-I always buy a couple of
= Siempre compro un par de
-Hannah, I have a couple of
questions for you.
= Hannah, tengo un par de
preguntas para ti.
-Okay! Great! So I want you
to think of a couple of
examples using the
expression: "a couple of".
= Bueno! Estupendo! As
que quiero que piensen en
un par de ejemplos usando
la expresin: "un par de".
-If a couple of tourists come
into my store, I know that it's
going to be a good day.
= Si un par de turistas vienen
a mi tienda, s que va a ser
un buen da.

Captulo 82. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 82 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



I think I'm coming down with

Does she have long hair? There were twenty of them. something. I don't suppose
Yes, she does. Weren't there? you've got any paracetamol
Tiene ella el pelo largo? Eran veinte, no?
Si lo tiene. Creo que estoy empezando a
VOCABULARY enfermar de algo. Supongo que
VOCABULARY no tienes ningn paracetamol a
Resume = curriculum vitae,
Song = cancin (son) continuar, reanudar (resiu:m) VOCABULARY
Does (das) (res:m)
Verbo auxiliar que se usa There were = haba, Microphone = micrfono
en preguntas y en el hubo (lit) (maikrofoun) informal (maik)
negativo. Pero en espaol significa To come down = bajar, venir,
3 persona del singular tb.: eran (d w:) caer, venirse abajo (tu kam daun)
To come down with = ponerse
del verbo To do. = hace (dr wr) malo, empezar a enfermar
Chair = silla (ch) (chr) Weren't = were not = no (tu kam daun wiz)
(: e + a a la vez) eran, no fueran (w:nt) I'm coming down with a
Microphone = micrfono (wrnt) = he pillado un/una, estoy
(maikrofoun) There weren't = no haba, no empezando a enfermar con, me
Mobile = mvil (moubao) hubo, no hubiera, no encuentro mal con un/una.
(mbo) hubiese (d w:nt) (aim kmin daun wiz a)
Feel, felt, felt, feeling = sentir,
Mobile phones = mvil, (dr wrnt) sentirse, acariciar, palpar,
telfono mvil (moubao foun) State = estado (steit) percibir, sentir que (fi:l) (felt) (felt)
Wallet = cartera, billetera Province = provincia (f:lin)
(wolet) (prvens) Fever = fiebre (fva-r)
Eye = ojo (ai) Provinces = provincias Flu = gripe (flu:)
Hair = pelo, cabello (hj) (prvensis) Head = cabeza, cabecera, jefe,
(hjr) Expression = expression director/a (hjed)
Headache = dolor de cabeza
(: e + a) (eksprshn) (hjdeik)
Short = corto/a, poco, breve, Weren't there? = Verdad? Joint = articulacin, junta, unin,
pequeo (sho:t) No? No estaba/s/n all? empalme, porro (yoint)
Brown = marrn (braun) (w:nt d) (wrnt dr) Backache = dolor de espalda
Green = verde (gri:n) (gruin) Museum = museo Sore = dolorido, llaga (so) (so:r)
Skin = piel (skin) (miu:sim) (miusam) Throat = garganta (zrout)
Special = especial (spsho) Painting = pintura, cuadro Suppose, supposed,
Girlfriend = novia (peinten) (peintin) supposed,supposing = suponer,
(g:frend) (gr,frend) Satisfactory = satisfactorio imaginar que (sopous) (sopoust)
Necklace = collar (nk,les) (stisfktori) (stisfktori) (sopoust) (sopousin)
Earring = pendiente, aro Other = otro/a (da) (der) Se omite la e
Medicine = medicina,
(rin) Of = de (ov) medicamento
Bracelet = pulsera, brazalete Example = ejemplo (mdsn) (mdsen)
(breis,let) (igs:mpo) (egsmpo) Aspirin = aspirina
Chest = pecho, trax, cofre Paris = Pars (pris) (sprn) (spren)
(chest) London = Londres (lndn) Paracetamol = paracetamol
Hair = pelo, cabello, vello, As well = tambin (s wel) (prs:tmo)
cabellera (hj) (hjer) Minor = menor, de menor Pain = dolor, pena, sufrimiento
(: e + a a la vez) importancia, menor de edad Relieve, relieved, relieved,
Slipper = zapatilla de casa (maina-r) relieving = aliviar, relevar (rel:v)
(slpa) (slpr) Major = mayor, importante, (rel:vd) (rel:vd) (rel:vin)
comandante (meiya- Pain relievers =
PART 1 r) Masterpiece = obra analgsicos, aliviadores del dolor
maestro (lit)
-Does she have. (m:stpi:s) (mstrpis) (pein rel:ves)
Relieved = aliviado (rel:vd)
= Tiene ella? Sketch = boceto (skesh) Chance = casualidad, ocasin,
En la pregunta con la 3 About = sobre, alrededor de, azar, oportunidad, posibilidad
persona singular, se dice acerca de, con, unos, (cha:ns) (chns)
does (das) y el verbo aproximadamente (abaut) Worse = peor (w:s) (wrs)
To have no cambia. Around = alrededor, ms o Handy = a mano, til, prctico
-Does she have a job? menos, en torno a (araund) (hjndi)
= Tiene ella trabajo? Million = milln (mlin) Cordless = inalmbrico, sin
cables (k:dles)
-Does she have a chair? Thousand = mil, miles Sneezing = estornudos (sn:sin)
= Tiene ella una silla? (zausnd) Watery = acuoso/a, aguado,
-Does she have a car? Hundred = cien, ciento/s, lacrimoso (wotri)
= Tiene coche ella? centenar, centena
(hjndrd) (hjndruit) PART 1
-Does she have a Thousandth = milsimo/a
microphone? (zausndz) -I'm coming down with
= Tiene ella micrfono? Hundredth = cntimo/a = Me estoy viniendo abajo. (lit)
-Does she have a mobile (hjndredz) = Me encuentro mal, fatal.
phone? Tenth = dcimo/a (tenz) = Me estoy poniendo malo/a.
= Tiene ella telfono mvil? Everywhere = en todas = Estoy empezando a enfermar.
-Does she have a wallet? partes, por todas partes = He pillado algo.
= Tiene ella cartera? (vriw) (vriwr) -To come.
(: e + a a la vez) = Venir.
-To come down.
PART 2 Question = pregunta, = Venir hacia abajo (lit)
cuestin, interrogacin, = Venirse abajo.
-Long hair? problema = Bajar. Caer.
= Pelo largo. (kweschon) (kweschn) -To come down with.
= Estar empezando a enfermar.
No decimos: The long Tag = etiqueta, muletilla, = Ponerse malo/a.
hair. Quitamos el artculo coletilla (tg) Esto es en sentido figurado.
-Does she have long hair? The question tag = la -I'm coming down with
= Tiene ella el pelo largo? muletilla interrogativa (d = Me estoy poniendo malo/a de
-Does she have blue eyes? kweschon tg) algo.
= Tiene ella los ojos = Estoy empezando a enfermar
azules? INTRODUCTION de algo.
No se pone el artculo = He pillado algo.
the entre el verbo have y -There are fifty (50) states in -I think I'm coming down with a
el adjetivo blue. the United States and there fever.
= Creo que me encuentro mal
El adjetivo siempre se are fifty provinces in Spain con fiebre.
pone delante del now. -I think I'm coming down with the
sustantivo. = Hay cincuenta (50) estados flu.
-Does she have brown eyes? en los Estados Unidos y hay = Creo que he pillado la gripe.
= Tiene los ojos marrones? cincuenta provincias en = Creo que estoy contrayendo la
-Does she have short hair? Espaa ahora. gripe.
= Tiene el pelo corto? -Were there fifty states one = Creo que estoy sufriendo la
-Does she have green eyes? hundred years ago? -I think I'm coming down with
= Tiene los ojos verdes? = Haba cincuenta estados something. I don't know what.
hace cien aos? = Creo que estoy empezando a
-Does she have very white -No, there weren't. enfermar de algo. No s qu.
skin? = No, no haba. -I don't feel good. My joints ache.
= Tiene la piel muy blanca? -There were only forty eight I have a backache. I have a sore
(48) states. Weren't there? throat.
= No me siento bien. Me duelen
PART 3 = Slo haba cuarenta y ocho las articulaciones. Tengo dolor
estados. de espalda. Tengo dolor de
-Yes, she does. -There were forty eight garganta.
= S, lo tiene. states. Weren't there? -I'm hoping the flu, but I'm coming
Es una respuesta corta en = Haba cuarenta y ocho down with something for sure.
afirmativo. Utiizamos el estados. No? = Estoy esperando la gripe, pero
verbo auxiliar doesal final. -I can't remember. he pillado algo seguro.
Yes, she does. = No puedo recordar. -Coming down with something.
-Does she have long hair? -Let's see. One hundred = Ponerse malo/a.
Yes, she does. years ago, in the United = Ponerse enfermo.
= Tiene ella el pelo largo? States there were forty eight -Do you think I'm coming down
S, lo tiene. (48) states. with something?
No decimos: Yes she = Veamos. Hace cien aos, = Crees que me estoy poniendo
has, en los Estados Unidos haba enfermo de algo?
-You didn't think I'm coming down
sino que utilizamos el auxiliar cuarenta y ocho estados. with something. No?
do, o en 3 persona: does. -How many provinces were = No pensaste que estoy
-Does she have green eyes? there in Spain fifty (50) years cayendo enferma. No?
= Tiene ella los ojos ago? = Usted no pens que estoy
verdes? = Cuntas provincias haba ponindome enferma. No?
-Yes, she does. en Espaa hace cincuenta
= S, los tiene. aos? PART 2
-Does she have short hair? -When I came here, forty (40) I don't suppose
= Tiene ella el pelo corto? years ago, there were fifty = No supongo (lit)
-Yes, she does. (50) provinces, plus Ceuta = No tendras por casualidad.
= S, lo tiene. and Melilla. Weren't there? -I don't suppose you've got any
paracetamol handy.
-Today I'm going to buy = Cuando llegu aqu, hace = No tendras por casualidad un
something very special for cuarenta aos, haba paracetamol a mano.
my girlfriend Michelle. cincuenta provincias, ms -Paracetamol or pain relievers.
= Paracetamol o analgsicos.
= Hoy voy a comprar algo Ceuta y Melilla. Haba, no? Tambin se puede decir en
muy especial para mi novia ingls as:
Michelle. PART 1 -You wouldn't happen to have.
-Does she have a necklace? = No sucedera que tuvieras.
Yes she does. -There were. Y podemos aadir: Por
= Tiene collar? S lo tiene. = Haba, hubo, eran. casualidad: By any chance.
-Does she have earrings? Pero en espaol solemos -You wouldn't have by any
chance any paracetamol on
Yeah, she does. She has decir: Eran. hand?
earrings now. -The first part is an = No tendras por casualidad
= Tiene pendientes? S, los expression that we use and algn paracetamol en mano?
tiene. Ella tiene pendientes we talked about the number -You wouldn't happen to have
ahora. of people. any aspirin?
Ambos verbos: Do y = La primera parte es una = No tendras ninguna aspirina?
Have son verbos y son expresin que usamos y -You wouldn't have by any
chance some ibuprofen,
verbos auxiliares. hablamos sobre el nmero something for my health? I'm
En presente es siempre: de personas. coming down with something.
Do you? Yes, you do. Error: They were twenty = No tendras por casualidad
Does she? Yes, she para decir: Eran veinte. Hay algn ibuprofeno, algo para mi
does. que decir: There were salud? Me estoy poniendo
No es: Does she have. twenty. enfermo.
-Do you have problems with -There were twenty people at -I don't suppose you've got some
paracetamol handy. Do you or
your English? the concert. don't you?
= Tiene problemas con tu = Eran veinte personas en el = Supongo que no tienes ningn
ingls? concierto. paracetamol a mano. S o no?
-Yes I do, or: No I don't. -There were five people on
= S lo tengo, o: No lo tengo the team. -I don't suppose you would cover
-Does she have a bracelet? = Eran cinco personas en el my shift for me. Would you?
= Tiene pulsera? equipo. = Supongo que no cubriras mi
turno por m. Lo haras?
-Yeah she does. She has a -There were about fifty -I'm well. I'll come on well. I don't
bracelet. people at the meeting. suppose you would come for a
= Si tiene. Ella tiene una = Eran unas cincuenta little bit.
pulsera. personas en la reunin. = Estoy bien. Me pondr bien.
-Does she have glasses? Supongo que no vendras un
= Tiene gafas? -I've seen a lot of museums. poco.
-Yes, she has sunglasses. = He visto muchos museos. -She doesn't even want to help
= S, tiene gafas de sol. I've seen a lot of paintings. = Ella ni siquiera quiere
-Yeah, she does. -In other museum there are ayudarme.
= S tiene. satisfactory paintings. -I don't suppose you would ask
-This is difficult. = En otro museo hay her for me. Would you?
= Esto es difcil. pinturas satisfactorias. = Supongo que no me lo
- For example, I went to Paris pediras. Verdad?
-Does she have slippers? and there were satisfactory -Ok. I have to say: Felicity, I don't
suppose you would cover my
= Tiene zapatillas? paintings. shift for him. Would you?
-Yes she does. = Por ejemplo, fui a Pars y = Okay. Tengo que decir: Felicity,
= S las tiene. haba pinturas satisfactorias. supongo que no cubriras mi
-Does he have a lot of hair -And in London as well. turno por l. Lo haras?
on his chest? = Y en Londres tambin.
= Tiene mucho vello en el -I went to museums in -Well. It's just I'm feeling worse
pecho? London. There were and worse now. I don't suppose
-Yes he does. satisfactory paintings there you want me to get really ill. Do
= S lo tiene. too. = Bien. Es slo que me siento
= Fui a museos en Londres. cada vez peor ahora. Supongo
Haba pinturas satisfactorias que no quieres que enferme
all tambin. realmente. Verdad?
-But minor masterpieces, -I don't suppose you know
even these sketches, anyone else who could help.
abstract. But they're = Supongo que no conoces a
nadie que pueda ayudar.
masterpieces the ones I saw -I don't suppose she's single. It's
in London or satisfactory? she?
= Pero pequeas obras = Supongo que no es
maestras, incluso estos soltera. Lo es?
bocetos, abstractos. Pero
son obras maestras las que -I don't suppose you have any
vi en Londres o medicine with you.
= Supongo que no tienes ningn
satisfactorias? medicamento contigo.
-There were satisfactory -I don't suppose you have any
paintings in London but not aspirine.
masterpieces. = Supongo que no tienes
= Haba pinturas ninguna aspirina.
satisfactorias en Londres
pero no obras maestras. PART 3
-There were satisfactory - You've got = You have.
paintings in Amsterdam but = Tienes.
not masterpieces. -Got it.
= Haba pinturas = Lo tengo.
satisfactorias en Amsterdam -Got any paracetamol handy.
pero no obras maestras. = Tener algn paracetamol a
-I don't suppose you've got.
PART 2 = I don't suppose you have.
= Supongo que no.
-Twenty of them. -Mike.
= Veinte. = Micrfono Informal.
En ingls se dice: Veinte -Other two words we use for
de ellos. microphone: microphone and
-There were five of them mike.
= Otras dos palabras que
= Eran cinco. utilizamos para micrfono:
-There were fifty of them. micrfono y mike.
= Eran cincuenta. -It's very common say
Si quiero aproximar, dar "mike". Where's the mic?
un nmero ms o menos, = Es muy comn decir "mike".
dir: -Where's my mic?
-There were about fifty of Dnde est mi micrfono?
-This mike doesn't work. I need a
them. better mic. I need a cordless
= Eran unos cincuenta. mic. Ok.
= Eran cincuenta personas, = Este micrfono no funciona.
ms o menos. Necesito un micrfono mejor.
Tambin se puede poner Necesito un micrfono
Around, en vez de About. inalmbrico. De acuerdo.
-There were around five of -I don't suppose you've got any
paracetamol handy.
them. = Supongo que no tienes ningn
= Eran alrededor de cinco. paracetamol a mano.
No dicimos: There were -And with the girls be handy. I
fifty of them more or less. suppose not.
Decimos: About o Around. = Y con las chicas s
prctico. Supongo que no.
-There were millions of them.
-I think I'm getting sick. I've been
= Eran millones. sneezing all day. I've got watery
= Haba millones. eyes.
No decimos: There were = Creo que me estoy
millions. Eso es espaol. enfermando. He estado
-There were thousands of estornudando todo el da. Tengo
themeverywhere. ojos llorosos.
= Haba miles en todas
-There were hundreds of
= Haba cientos de turistas.
-There were hundreds of
= Haba cientos de ellos.


-We're going to look at the

last part which is the
question tag.
= Vamos a mirar en la ltima
parte lo que es la coletilla
Si la frase empieza con
afirmativo, el question tag o
coletilla interrogativa es
negativa y viceversa.
Si empezamos con
negativo, el question tag
tiene que ser interrogativo
-Here we start with
affirmative, so we have a
negative question tag.
= Aqu empezamos con
afirmativo, por lo que
tenemos una coletilla
interrogativa negativa.
-There were twenty of them.
Weren't there?
= Eran veinte, no?
Usamos el verbo en
negativo: Weren't there?
-There were five of them.
Weren't there?
= Eran cinco no?
-There were fifty of them.
Weren't there?
= Eran cincuenta verdad?

Captulo 83. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 83 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



How many bedrooms does There's plenty of food; eat They might have popped
your flat have? as much as you like. Help out to pick something up.
It has three bedrooms. yourself.
Puede que hayan salido para
Cuntas habitaciones tiene Hay comida de sobra; come recoger algo.
tu piso? Tiene tres todo lo que quieras. Srvete.
habitaciones. VOCABULARY
VOCABULARY To lay off = despedir Tipo
Pregnant = embarazada ere(tu lei of)
Quality = calidad (kwolti) (prgnant) (prgnnt) To lay (sb) off = poner en la
How many = Cuntos/as? There's = There is = hay calle, despedir, echar (tu
(hjau mni) Haber: presente lei of)
Many = muchos (mni) impersonal, singular (ds / Lay, laid, laid, layin = poner,
Para sustantivos drs) (d:ris) colocar, echar, presentar,
contables en plural. Plenty of = abundante, de imponer, extender en
Ej: Many dollars = Muchos sobra un montn, mucho, horizontal (lei) (leid) (leid)
dlares. Es contable (plntiov) (leiin)
porque es un dinero concreto Food = comida, alimento/s Might (mait)
y se puede contar. (fu:d) Indica posibilidades en el
Ej: How many people? Beer = cerveza (ba) (bir) presente y en el futuro.
= Cunta gente? Juice = zumo, jugo (yu:s) = Puede que, a lo mejor.
People es plural y es Bread = pan, Verbo auxiliar = Poder
contable. pasta dinero(bred) >Pretrito imperfecto, 3ra.
Flat = piso, plano, llano (flat) Enough = suficiente, sglr.
Bedrooms = habitacin, bastante (inf) Se pone = Poda.
dormitorio (bd,ru:m) despus de los adjetivos, >Condicional, 2 y 3ra, sglr.
verbos y adverbios, y va
Bathrooms = bao, cuarto de delante de los sustantivos. = Podras, podra. It might
bao, lavabo, aseo Ex:Enough wine be
(b:z,ru:m) Fridge = nevera (frigh) = Podra ser.
Chimney = chimenea Young = joven, jvenes (yan) Sustantivo = Fuerza,
(chmni) Eat, ate, eaten, eating = podero.
Living room = sala de estar comer, consumir, tomar (i:t) May (mei) poder, ser posible,
(lvin ru:m) (eit) (:ten) (:tin) mayo
Kitchen = cocina (kchen) As much as = tanto como, Verbo auxiliar para hablar
Hallway = pasillo (hj:wei) cuanto (s mach s) de lo que posiblemente es
Tree = rbol (tri:) (trui) Like, liked, liked, liking = cierto:
Floor = suelo, planta, piso gustar, agradar, apetecer, It may be = Puede ser.
(flo:) (flor) querer (laik) (laikt) (laikt) They may be relatives =
Dinner = la cena, la comida (laikin) Ellos pueden ser parientes.
(UK. US.), comida Expression = expresin Para hablar de lo que
(UK.) (dna) (dinr) (eksprshn) suceder: It may rain =
Dinner room = comedor Special = especial (spsho) Puede o es posible que
(dna ru:m) (dnr ru:m) Specially = especialmente llueva.
(spshli) (spshli) Tener permiso o para
INTRODUCTION Occasion = ocasin obtener permiso: You may
(akeishn) begin
-How many chimneys does Almost = casi (:mast) = Puedes empezar.
your house have? (l,moust) May I have a drink? =
= Cuntas chimeneas tiene Ready = listo/a, preparado/a, Puedo tomar una copa?
tu casa? dispuesto/a (rdi) Maybe = tal vez, quiz, a lo
-It has one chimney my flat. Help yourself = srvete, mejor (meibi)
= Tiene una chimenea mi srvase (hjelp yu:slf) (hjelp It may be = puede ser
piso. yurslf) (it mei bi:)
-How many living rooms It might be = podra ser
does your flat have? PART 1 (it mait bi:)
= Cuntas salas de estar Reputation = reputacin,
tiene tu apartamento? -There's plenty of food. fama
-It has only one. = Hay un montn de comida. (rpiteishn)
= Slo tiene una. = Hay comida de sobra. Pop, popped, popped,
-How many kitchens does -There's. popping
your flat have? = Hay. = estallar, hacer pop! (pop)
= Cuntas cocinas tiene tu -Plenty of food. (popt) (popt) (ppin)
apartamento? = De sobra. Un montn de. To pop out = salir-se (tu
-It has only one. I only need -There's plenty of win. ppaut)
one kitchen. = Hay vino de sobra. Poped out = salido
= Slo tiene una. Slo -There's plenty of beer. (ppdaut)
necesito una cocina. = Hay cerveza de sobra. Popcorn = palomitas de maz
-How many hallways does -There's plenty of work. (pp,ko:n) (pp,korn)
your flat have? = Hay un montn de trabajo. Pick, picked, picked, picking
= Cuntos pasillos tiene tu -There's plenty of juice. = recoger, escoger, coger,
apartamento? = Hay zumo de sobra. seleccionar (pik) (pikt) (pikt)
-It has one hallway. -There's plenty of bread. (pkin)
= Tiene un pasillo. = Hay pan de sobra. To pick up = recoger, ir a
-And how many doors does -There's plenty of space. por algo (tu pkap)
your flat have? = Hay espacio de sobra. Drop, dropped, dropped,
dropping = caer-se, soltar,
= Y cuntas puertas tiene -There are plenty of paper dejar caer (drop) (dropt)
tu apartamento? plates in their kitchen. (dropt) (drpin)
-I don't know. Twenty doors? = Hay un montn de platos Terrible = terrible, horrible,
Fifteen doors? I don't know. de papel en su cocina. horroroso (trbo)
= No lo s. Veinte puertas? -Is there enough wine in their
Quince puertas? No lo s. fridge? INTRODUCTION
= Hay suficiente vino en la
nevera? -They may have gone out.
PART 1 -Yes. There is plenty of wine = Pueden haber salido.
in their fridge. -They might have gone out.
-How many. = S. Hay un vino de sobra = Podran haber salido.
Cuntos/as? en su nevera. -If I drop something, I pick it
-How many cars? -There are plenty of people up.
= Cuntos coches? going to their party, but I'm = Si se me cae algo, lo
-How many dogs? not going to their party. recojo.
= Cuntos perros? = Hay un montn de gente -If you come to the airport I
-How many trees? que va a su fiesta, pero yo drive to the airport to pick
= Cuntos no voy a su fiesta. you up, or to pick her up, or
-How many trees? to pick him up, o to pick them
= Cuntos rboles? -You're young. You have up.
-How many trees? plenty of time. = Si vienes al aeropuerto, me
= Cuntos = Eres joven. T tienes un dirijo al aeropuerto para
-How many trees? montn de tiempo. recogerte, o recogerla, o
= Cuntos recogerle, o recogerles.
PART 2 -Or you come to the airport to
PART 2 pick me up.
-Eat as much as you like. = O vienes al aeropuerto a
-How many bedrooms does = Come todo lo que quieras. recogerme.
your flat have? -As much as you like / want. -If I drop something, I pick it
= Cuntos dormitorios tiene = Todo lo que quieras. up.
tu piso? = Cuanto quieras. = Si se me cae algo, lo
Fjate en la estructura: = Tanto como quieras. recojo.
Does + Sustantivo + -Take as much as you like.
Have, con el verbo al final. = Coge o toma todo lo que PART 1
-How many bedrooms does quieras.
my flat have? -Drink as much as you like. -They might have.
= Cuntos dormitorios tiene = Bebe todo lo que quieras. = Puede que hayan.
mi piso? Tambin se puede decir: = Podran haber.
-How many bedrooms does -Eat as much as you want. -They might have popped
their flat have? -Eat as much as you like. out, gone out, got out,
= Cuntos dormitorios tiene = Come todo lo que quieras. walked out.
su piso? (de ellos) Significa lo mismo. = Puede que hayan salido,
-How many bathrooms does -There's plenty of win; drink salido, salido, salido.
your flat have? as much as you want. -They might have.
= Cuntos baos tiene tu = Hay suficiente vino; bebe = Puede ser que tengan /
piso? todo lo que quieras. hayan.
-How many windows does -They may have.
your flat have? PART 3 = Ellos pueden tener / haber.
= Cuantas ventanas tiene -Might and maybe.
tu piso? -Help yourself!
-How many floors does your = Srvete! Ambos indican
house have? -This is a good expression posibilidad, probabilidad, no
= Cuntas plantas tiene tu especially when you have a seguridad total.
casa? party or a dinner or a special Maybe.
occasion. = Quizs, tal vez.
PART 3 = Esta es una buena -They might have popped
expresin especialmente out.
-It has. cuando tienes una fiesta o = Puede que hayan salido.
= Tiene. una cena o una ocasin
-It has three bedrooms. especial. -They might have gone out
= Tiene tres habitaciones. -Maria is pregnant. shopping.
-How many doors does your = Mara est embarazada. = Puede que hayan salido de
flat have? -Ines is pregnant too. compras.
= Cuntas puertas tiene tu = Ins tambin est -I might have a reputation,
piso? embarazada. but I'm a good guy.
- It has one door. = Puede que tenga una
= Tiene una puerta. -The food almost ready. Help fama, pero soy un buen tipo.
-How many windows does yourself. -They might have invited my
your flat have? = La comida est casi family, my friends.
= Cuntas ventanas tiene preparada. Srvete! = Podran haber invitado a
tu piso? -Please, have a seat / take a mi familia, a mis amigos.
-It has seven windows. seat. Help yourself! -I might have the best
= Tiene siete ventanas. = Por favor, toma asiento. birthday party.
-How many bathrooms does Srvete! = Podra tener la mejor fiesta
your flat have? -The next time you have a de cumpleaos.
= Cuntos baos tiene tu dinner, don't forget this
piso? expression: Help yourself! PART 2
-It has two bathrooms. = La prxima vez que tengas
= Tiene dos baos. una cena, no olvides esta -Popped out.
expresin: Srvete! / = Salido.
Srvase! -They might have popped
= Puede que hayan salido.
Es una expresin muy
britnica. Casi recomiendo:
Gone out = Salido, en vez
de Popped out
-They might have gone out.
= Puede que hayan salido.
= Palomitas de maz.
-Maybe they did. Maybe
they didn't. I don't know.
= Quizs lo hicieron. Tal vez
no lo hicieron. No lo s.
-I'm not one hundred percent
sure. If I were one hundred
percent sure, I wouldn't say:
No estoy cien por cien
(100%) seguro. Si yo
estuviera cien por cien
seguro, no dira: "Puede que"
-They might have popped out
to pick something up,
= Ellos podran haber salido
a recoger algo,
-Or they might have popped
out, to leave forever. I don't
= O podran haber salido,
salir para siempre. No lo s.


-To pick something up.

= Recoger algo.
-To pick up.
= Recoger.
Una cosa de suelo o una
persona del aeropuerto)
-To pick up somebody at the
= Recoger a alguien en el
-In this case they are not
popping out to pick
somebody up. There are
popping out to pick
something up.
= En este caso no estn
saliendo a recoger a alguien.
Estn saliendo para recoger
-To pick up something or to
pick something up.
= Recoger algo.
Ambos valen.
-To lay off.
= Despedir (de una
empresa mediante ere).
-They laid me off.
= Me han despedido.

-I need to go to the shop and

pick up a few things, to buy a
few things.
= Necesito ir a la tienda y
recoger algunas cosas,
comprar algunas cosas.
-Now they told me there was
a shop just near here but this
map is terrible.
= Ahora me dijeron que
haba una tienda cerca de
aqu pero este mapa es
-I have to pick up some
"pipas" for myself.
= Tengo que recoger
algunas "pipas" para m.
-Felicity wanted me to pick
up some tennis balls for her.
= Felicity quera que yo
recogiera unas pelotas de
tenis para ella.
-George wanted me to pick
up some biscuits for him.
= George quera que yo
recogiera unas galletas para
-Harriet wanted me to pick up
something for her What was
it? What was it that?
= Harriet quera que yo
recogiera algo para ella
Qu era? Qu era eso?
-Harriet wanted me to pick up
a new stress ball.
= Harriet quera que yo
recogiera una nueva pelota
de estrs.

Captulo 84. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 84 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



We couldve eaten out but we

How much time do we have What a pity! There aren't decided to get a takeaway.
to finish it? as many people as there
were the last time.
Cunto tiempotenemos Podamos haber comido fuera,
para terminarlo? / nos queda Qu lstima! no hay tanta pero decidimos que nos trajeran
para acabarlo? gente como haba la ltima comida a casa.
(comida para llevar)
Sound = sonido, ruido, To praise, praised, praised,
sensato, sonar (saund) To break up = romper con praising = elogiar, alabar (preis)
Much = mucho, muy, alguien, separarse, (preist) (preist) (preisin)
muchos (mach) Para deshacerse (tu: breikap) Praise God! = alabado sea Dios!
We could've = podamos haber,
sustantivos incontables. Los Pity = pena, lstima (pti) podamos tener (wi: kduv)
sustantivos incontables solo Chame = vergenza, pena, It could've been = poda haber
se pueden utilizar lstima, avergonzar (cheim) sido (it kduv bi:n)
en singular. Ej: Much That's too bad! = Qu It could've gone = poda haber
money = Mucho dinero. lstima! ido (it kduv gon)
Es incontable. No se puede Qu pena! (dts tu: bd) It could've done = podia haber
decir: Two money = Dos What a pity! = Qu lstima! hecho (it kduv dan)
Put, put, put, putting = poner,
dineros Qu pena! (wot / wat a pti) colocar, meter (put) (put) (put)
Many = muchos (mni) What a shame! = Qu (ptin)
Para sustantivos lstima! Somewhere = en algn sitio, en
contables en plural. Qu vergenza! (wot / wat a algn lugar, algn lugar, algn
Ej: Many dollars = Muchos sheim) sitio (sn,w) (sn,wr)
dlares. Es contable Break = descanso, pausa, To pick up = recoger, ir a por
porque es un dinero concreto corte, interrupcin (breik) algo (tu pkap)
Eaten out = comido fuera (:tnaut)
y se puede contar. Break, broke, broken, (:tenaut)
Ej: How many people? breaking Ago = hace (agou)
= Cunta gente? = romper, romperse, quebrar Vigorous = fuerte, vigoroso
People es plural y es (breik) (brouk) (brouken) (vgrs)
contable. (breikin) Effort = esfuerzo (fet) (fert)
Time = tiempo-s, hora, vez, Broken = roto, quebrado, Decide, decided, decided,
momento (taim) estropeado (brouken) deciding = decidir-se (disaid)
(disaidid) (disaidid) (disaidin) o
To finish = terminar, acabar, Leave, left, left, leaving = (desaid) (desaidid) (desaidid)
concluir una tarea o dejar, salir, marcharse, (desaidin)
actividad (tu fnish) abandonar, irse (li:v) (left) Takeaway = comida para llevar
To repair = reparar (tu rip- (left) (l:vin) (teikawei)
er) Aren't (a:nt) Sin la e Order, ordered, ordered,
(: e + a) There aren't = no hay ordering= ordenar, pedir,
To record = grabar, registrar (dr:nt) encargar (:da-er) (:ded) (:ded)
(tu rek:d) (tu rik:d) There were = haba, Bring, brought, brought,
Recording = grabacin hubo (lit) bringing = traer, llevar, producir
(rik:din) Pero en espaol significa (brin) (bro:t) (bro:t) (brnin)
Ice = hielo, helado, helarse, tb.: eran (d w:) Prefer, preferred, preferred,
congelado, congelarse (ais) (dr wr) preferring = preferir (pref:-r)
Second = segundo (skn) Error: They were twenty. (prefd) (prefd) (prefrin)
Minute = minuto (mnit) Se dice: There were twenty (: e muy cerrada, cercana a
la a)
Do we have left? = Nos people on the field Restaurant = restaurante
queda? (du: we: hv left) People = gente, ciudadana, (rstron) (rstoran)
To get into = entrar en, pueblo, habitantes (p:po)
meterse en (tu get nto) Sustantivo plural y INTRODUCTION
To destroy = destruir contable.
(tu distroi) (tu destroi) Se escribe en singular. -I'm going to put the microphone
File = archivo, archivador, Toma el plural del verbo. somewhere.
lima Lima para uas, para Nunca decimos: People = Voy a poner el micrfono en
alguna parte.
la madera o para el metal is, sino People are -I could've put it here, but I didn't.
(fail) (faio) Expect, expected, expected, = Poda haberlo puesto aqu,
To steal = robar, hurtar (tu expecting = esperar pero no lo hice.
sti:l) (como una -I could've put it there, but I didn't.
Information = informacin expectativa), anticipar, = Poda haberlo puesto all, pero
(nfomeishn) (infomeishn) suponer (ekspkt) no lo hice.
Oil = aceite, petrleo (oio) (ekspktid) (ekspktid) -Last night we could have dinner
out, but we started to get a
(oiol) (ekspktin) takeaway,
Eat, ate, eaten, eating = = Anoche pudimos cenar fuera,
INTRODUCTION comer, consumir, tomar (i:t) pero empezamos a conseguir
(eit) (:ten) (:tin) comida para llevar,
-Jame, how much time do I Will there be? = Habr? -Which means: to pick up the
have to finish repairing this, (wil d bi:) (wil dr bi:) food and go home with it.
before we start with the (: e + a) = Lo que significa: recoger la
comida y volver a casa con ella.
recording? Last = ltimo/a, -Yesterday I could've gone to the
= Jaime, cunto tiempo pasado/a, por ltimo, durar beache, but I didn't.
tengo para terminar de (la:st) = Ayer poda haber ido a la
reparar esto, antes de Last time = la ltima vez playa, pero no lo hice.
empezar con la grabacin? (last taim) -Yesterday I could've done many
-How much time do we have Sell, sold, sold, selling = things, but I didn't too.
to finish this class? vender (sel) (soud) (soud) = Ayer poda haber hecho
muchas cosas, pero no hice
= Cunto tiempo tenemos (slin) demasiado.
para terminar esta clase? Probably = probablemente -I could've gone to the park, but I
-A minute? Ten seconds? (prbbli) didn't.
= Un minuto? Diez Tourist = turista (trist) = Poda haber ido al parque, pero
segundos? (trest) no lo hice.
-I don't know how much time Local = local, del barrio, -I could've finished this class five
we have. vecino minutes ago, but I didn't.
= Poda haber terminado esta
= No s cunto tiempo (luko) (louko) clase hace cinco minutos, pero
tenemos. Locals = lugareos, locales no lo hice.
(lukos) (loukos) -We could have eaten out, but we
PART 1 As well = as como, tambin decided to get a takeaway.
(s wel) = Podramos haber comido fuera,
-How much rice? pero decidimos traer comida para
= Cunto arroz? PART 1 llevar.
-How much water? PART 1
= Cunta agua? -What a pity!
-How much ice? = Qu lstima! - We could've = We could have.
= Cunto hielo? (wot a pti) (wat a pti) = Podamos haber.
-How much bread? -What a chame! -We could've eating out.
= Cunto pan? = Qu verguenza! Qu = Podamos haber comido fuera.
ltima! Un nativo dira: We could've it
out. (wi: kdivnaut)
-How much time do we have -It's a pity. -I could've come here yesterday,
left? = Es una lstima. but I didn't.
= Cunto tiempo nos -It's a chame. = Poda haber venido aqu ayer,
queda? = Es una lstima. pero no lo hice.
-How much time do we have -My car is broken. What a -You could've studied more
before the hackers get into chame! Wat a pity! yesterday, but you didn't.
the system and destroy our = Mi coche est roto. Qu = Podas haber estudiado ms
ayer, pero no lo hiciste.
files? lstima! (2) -You could've studied more last
= Cunto tiempo tenemos -I'm leaving Spain. What a year, but you didn't.
antes de que los hackers pity! = Podras haber estudiado ms
entren en el sistema y = Me voy de Espaa. Qu el ao pasado, pero no lo hiciste.
destruyan nuestros archivos? lstima. -You could've made a vigorous
-How much time do we have Pepe and Mary broke up. effort last month but you didn't.
before they steal our = Pepe y Mara lo dejaron, = Podas haber hecho un
vigoroso esfuerzo el mes
information? han roto. pasado, pero no lo hiciste.
= Cunto tiempo tenemos -Wat a pity!
antes de que roben nuestra = Qu pena! PART 2
-The system says we have PART 2 -Eaten out.
five minutes. = Comido fuera.
= El sistema dice que -There aren't as many people -To eat out.
= Comer fuera
tenemos cinco minutos. as. -We couldve eaten out.
-We only have five minutes, = No hay tanta gente como. = Podamos haber comido fuera.
five minutes. There isn't There aren't: Es el verbo -To pray. (tu prei)
much time. Hay en negativo. En = Rezar.
= Slo tenemos cinco afirmativo es: There are -To praise. (tu preis)
minutos, cinco minutos. No Aren't tiene una sola = Elogiar, alabar
hay mucho tiempo. slaba -Praise God!
= Alabado sea Dios!
(a:nt) Sin la e -I want to praise you for the work.
PART 2 -As many people as. = Quiero alabarte por el trabajo.
= Tanta gente como. -Praise.
-Do we have? As y As forman una = Alabanza-s, elogio.
= Tenemos? pareja y metemos en medio -I like praise.
-How much time do we Many + sustantivo en = Me gusta la alabanza.
have? plural. -You can praise me.
= Puedes alabarme.
= Cunto tiempo tenemos? -As many books as.
-How much water do we = Tantos libros como. PART 3
have? -As many children as.
= Cunra agua tenemos? = Tantos nios como. -To get a takeaway.
-How much oil do we have? -As many tables as. = Conseguir comida para llevar.
= Cunto aceite tenemos? = Tantas mesas como. = Conseguir comida preparada.
-How much win do we have? -We decided to get a takeaway.
= Decidimos conseguir comida
= Cunto vino tenemos? -There aren't as many people para llevar.
-How much sugar do we as we expected. = Decidimos que nos trajeran
have? = No hay tanta gente como comida a casa.
= Cunta azcar tenemos? esperbamos. -To get a takeaway: We beat to
-There aren't as many people go to a place, pick up the food,
PART 3 as we were expecting. take it home and eat it.
= No hay tantas personas = Conseguir comida para llevar:
Llamamos para ir a un lugar,
-To finish it. como estbamos esperando. recoger la comida, llevarlo a casa
= Para terminarlo. = No hay tanta gente como y comerl.
-How much time do you have esperbamos. -Or, to call and to order the
to finish it? company to bring the food to our
house and we pay the
= Cunto tiempo tenemos -Why aren't there as many person. And that's it to get a
para terminarlo? people as we were takeaway.
-How much time do they expecting? = O, llamar y encargar a la
empresa para llevar la comida a
have to finish it? = Por qu no hay tanta nuestra casa y pagamos a la
= Cunto tiempo tienen gente como esperbamos? persona. Y eso es conseguir
para terminarlo? comida para llevar.
-How much time does she PART 3 -Take away food.
have to finish it? = Comida para llevar.
= Cunto tiempo tiene ella -As there were the last time. -I prefer to go to the restaurant
para terminarlo? = Como haba la ltima vez. and sit down and enjoy a nice
-How much time do you have -There were. = Prefiero ir al restaurante y
to finish it? = Haba, hubo, eran. sentarme y disfrutar de una
= Cunto tiempo tenemos -The last time. buena comida.
para terminarlo? = La ltima vez. -I prefer to go out, but for people
-How much time does he -There were more people the to bring the food to house it's
have to finish it? last time. fine.
= Cunto tiempo tiene l = Haba ms gente la ltima = Prefiero salir, pero para la
gente, traer la comida a casa
para terminarlo? vez. est bien.
-Will there be another party -But I prefer to make the food
like the last time? myself at home.
= Habr otra fiesta como la = Pero yo prefiero hacer la
ltima vez? comida yo mismo en casa.
-The last time we ate four
= La ltima vez comimos
cuatro pizzas.

-I'm selling my art. You want

to buy some?
= Estoy vendiendo mi arte.
Quieres comprar algo?
-Probably is last time.
= Probablemente es la ltima
-Last time was much better.
= La ltima vez fue mucho
No se dice: The last
-Last time I had thousands of
= La ltima vez hubo miles
de turistas.
-Last time there were millions
of locals here as well.
= La ltima vez que haba
millones de lugareos aqu
-Last time everyone was
buying my paintings it was
= La ltima vez que todo el
mundo estaba comprando
mis pinturas fue genial.
-Is last time was on a
= La ltima vez fue un fin de
-Today here we are on a
= Hoy aqu estamos en un
-Last time was better.
= La ltima vez fue mejor.
-Last time the weather was
= La ltima vez el tiempo
era genial.
-Now the weather's not so
= Ahora el clima no es tan
-I guess it was better last
= Supongo que fue mejor la
ltima vez.
-Everyone was buying last
= Todo el mundo estaba
comprando la ltima vez.
-It was better last time.
= Fue mejor la ltima vez.

-Kiss me as if it were the last

= Bsame como si fuera la
ltima vez.

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