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Captulo 150.

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 150 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



You wouldnt happen to know

Take them out of the I used to live nearby. what he does for a living?
drawer and put them in He used to drive past my It just so happens I would!
your pochet. place every day.
No sabras por casualidad a
Scalos del cajn y ponlos Yo antes viva cerca. qu se dedica l? Pues
en tu bolsillo. l antes pasaba por mi casa precisamente s lo s.
en coche todos los das.
VOCABULARY Hoarse = afnico, ronco (hjo:s)
Fluff = pelusa (flaf) A horse = un caballo (hjo:s)
Take, took, taken, taking Siblings = hermanos/as (hor:s)
= llevar, tomar, agarrar, (sblins) Happen, happened, happened,
coger, tardar (teik) (tuk) Use, used, used, using = happening = suceder, ocurrir,
(teiken) (teikin) usar, utilizar (yu:s) (yu:st) pasar (hjpen) (hjpend)
(hjpend) (hjpenin)
Take off = quitar ropa o (yu:st) (y:sin) Would (wud) Es una forma
cosas I used to = antes (ai y:stu) auxiliar del condicional.
Put on = poner-se (put on) Live, lived, lived, living = vivir Se utiliza con todas las
Put, put, put, putting = poner, (liv) (livd) (livd) (lvin) personas, (Should slo en 1
colocar, meter (put) (put) Nearby = cerca (nibai) persona del singular y plural).
(put) (ptin) (nirbai) Expresa: condicin, cortesa,
Hand = mano (hjnd) Building = edificio (bldin) una costumbre (sola)
Would not wouldn't (wudunt)
Take out = sacar (teikaut) Annoy, annoyed, annoyed, Negacin del
Put in = poner dentro, poner annoying = molestar, condicional. Ex:You wouldn't
en (put in) fastidiar (anoi) (anoid) have = no tendras.
Take them out = scalos (anoid) (anoiin) Napkin = servilleta (npkin)
(teik,demaut) Smell, smelled or smelt, Can opener = abrelatas
Pocket = bolsillo (pket) smelled or smelt, smelling (kan oupena) (kan oupener)
(pket) = oler (smel) (smeld or smelt) Plumber = fontanero (plma-er)
Button = botn (btn)
Which = cul, que, el que, la (smeld or smelt) (smlin) Permission = permiso, licencia
que, lo que, los que, las que, Drive, drove, driven, driving (pemshen) (pemshon)
el cual, los cuales (wich) = conducir, manejar, empujar
Drawer = cajn (dro:) (dror) (draiv) (drouv) (drven) PART 1
Draw, drew, drawn, drawing (draivin)
= dibujar, trazar Drive past = pasar en coche -You wouldn't happen to know.
(dro:) (dru:) (dro:n) (dr:in) por (draiv past) = No sabras por casualidad.
= No sucedera que supieras (lit)
Notes = notas, apuntes Past = por, por delante de, -You wouldn't have by any
(nouts) pasado, ms all de (past) chance.
Gloves = guantes (glovs) Place = sitio, lugar, casa = No tendras por casualidad.
Keys = llaves (ki:s) (pleis)
Mobile phone = mvil Siempre hacemos la pregunta
(moubail foun) PART 1 en negativo.
Fridge = nevera (frigh) -You wouldn't happen to have a
can opener?
Grape = uva (greip) -Nearby. = No tendras por casualidad un
= Cerca. abrelatas?
PART 1 -I used to live nearby. -You wouldn't happen to know
= Yo antes viva cerca. where Pepe is?
-Take them out. -I used to live in a = No sabras por casualidad
= Scalos. nearby building. dnde est Pepe?
Quitarse la ropa o quitar = Yo antes viva en un -You wouldn't happen to be.
= No seras por casualidad
las cosas de la mesa es: edificio cercano. -You wouldn't happen to be my
Take off -They used to be a gas new teacher?
Para Sacar usamos el station nearby. = No sers por casualidad mi
phrasal verb (verbo = Antes estaban en una nuevo profesor?
compuesto) gasolinera cercana. -You wouldn't happen to be my
Take out, porque estn -Are your siblings nearby. best students.
dentro. = Estn tus hermanos = No seras por casualidad mi
major alumno.
- So we take them out cerca?
= As que las sacamos. -You wouldn't happen to haveany
-Take out your notes. - You know this used to be napkins?
= Saca los apuntes. the only shop in the = No tendras por casualidad
-Take them out! neighborhood but now unas servilletas?
= Scalos! there's another shop nearby. -You wouldn't happen to
-Take your hands out of your = Usted sabe que sta antes knowwhere it is. Would you?
= No sabras por casualidad
pocket. era la nica tienda en el dnde est? Verdad?
= Saca las manos de tu barrio, pero ahora hay otra -You wouldn't happen to know
bolsillo. tienda cercana. where my glasses are.
-Take out your pens. = No sabras por casualidad
= Saca los bolgrafos. PART 2 dnde estn mis vasos?
-Take them out!
= Scalos! -He uses to PART 2
-Which you have taken out. = l antes -What he does for a living?
= Los cuales has sacado. Used (+ infinitivo en = Qu hace para ganarse la
ingls), equivale a antes (+ vida?
PART 2 el pretrito imperfecto, en -What do I do for a living? I
espaol). teach.
-Of the drawer. -He used to be a priest. = Qu hago para ganarme la
= Del cajn. = l antes era un cura. vida? Enseo.
-What do you do for a living?
No se pone la preposicin No es: Sola ser, sino = Qu hace para ganarse la
From Antes era. vida?
-I'm taking them out of the -He used to be my teacher at -What does he do for a living?
drawer. school. = Qu hace para vivir?
= Estoy sacndolos del = l antes era mi profesor en -What does she do for a living?
cajn. el colegio. = Cmo se gana la vida?
-Everyday I take my gloves -He used to come to my -What do they do for a living?
= Qu hacen para ganarse la
out of the drawer. house everyday. vida?
= Cada da saco mis guantes = l antes vena a mi casa -What do we do for a living?
del cajn. todos los das. Qu hacemos para vivir?
-In my drawer there is a lot of -When she was little she -What do you do?
fluff. used to have long hair. = A qu se dedica usted?
= En mi cajn hay mucha = Cuando ella era pequea -What do you do for a living?
pelusa. tena el pelo largo. = A qu se dedica usted para
ganarse la vida?
For a living sobra, pero est
-Your CDs, take them out of -He used to annoy me. bien ponerlo.
the drawer. = Antes me molestaba. Hoarse.
= Tus Cds, scalos del -He used to smell bad. = Afnico.
cajn. = Antes ola mal. -To ge hoarse.
= Estar afnico.
PART 3 PART 3 -Im hoarse.
= Estoy afnico/a.
-Im a horse.
Lo contrario de Take off -Drive past my place. = Soy un caballo.
(quitar) es Put on (poner) = Pasaba por mi casa en
Lo contrario de Take out coche. PART 3
(sacar) es Put in (poner -Drive.
dentro) = Conducir, ir en coche. -It just so happens I would.
-Put them in your pocket. Muchas veces, en ingls, = Da la casualidad que s.
= Ponlos en tu bolsillo. nos basta con decir To = Pues precisamente s.
= Ocurre precisamente que s.
-Put the keys in your pocket. drive y no tenemos que = Sucede que s.
= Pon las llaves en mi decir en coche porque se = Por cierto que s.
bolsillo. entiende que vamos en -Excuse me. You wouldn't
-I put my mobile phone in my coche. happen to know what Pepe does
pocket. -He used to drive to work. for a living?
= Pongo /puse mi telfono = l antes iba al trabajo en = Disculpe. No sabra por
mvil en el bolsillo. coche. casualidad, a qu se dedica
-We drive to the beach in the -It just so happens I would!
-I just put water in the fridge. summer. = Pues precisamente s lo s.
= Acabo de poner agua en la = Vamos a la playa en coche - He's a plumber.
nevera. en el verano. = Es un fontanero.
-On new year if you take -Past my place. -Excuse me. You wouldn't
twelve grapes, don't put them = Por mi casa. happen to have a pen?
in your pockets. -Past. = Disculpe. No tendra por
casualidad un bolgrafo?
= En ao nuevo si te tomas = Por, por delante de. -It just so happens I would.
doce uvas, no las pongas en -My place. = Pues precisamente s.
tus bolsillos. = Mi casa. (coloquial) -I have a pen.
-I sometime drive past my old = Tengo un bolgrafo.
place. -Excuse me. You wouldn't
= A veces paso en coche por happen to know French? Would
mi antigua casa. you?
= Disculpe. No sabr francs
-I drive to my place everyday. por casualidad? Verdad?
= Voy a mi casa en coche -It just so happens I would.
todos los das. = Da la casualidad que s.
-Excuse me. You wouldn't
happen to be Richard Vaughan.
= Disculpe. No ser, por
casualidad, Richard Vaughan?
-It just so happens I would. I'm
Richard Vaughan.
= Sucede que s. Yo soy Richard
-You wouldn't happen to be the
boss? Would you?
= No ser por casualidad el
jefe? Verdad?
-It just so happens I am.
= Pues precisamente s.
-I'm the boss here.
= Soy el jefe aqu.

-It just so happens I have a

= Por casualidad tengo un botn.
-It just so happens I got
= Por casualidad tengo permiso.

Captulo 151. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 151 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



The meeting was forgotten by

Remember to pay the rent. It takes approximately 5 everyone but Sarah.
years to become a lawyer. Even the manager forgot.
Acurdate de pagar el
alquiler Se tarda aproximadamente La reunin fue olvidada por todo
cinco aos en hacerse o ser el mundo menos Sarah.
VOCABULARY abogado. Incluso el gerente lo olvid.

To pay the bill = pagar la VOCABULARY
cuenta (tu pei de bil) Suntan = bronceado (sntn)
Bill = cuenta, billete, factura To outgrow, outgrew, Meeting = reunin, junta,
(bil) outgrown, outgrowing = dejar encuentro, sesin (m:tin)
Remember, remembered, atrs -por madurez-, crecer Forget, forgot, forgotten,
remembered, remembering ms que, quedar pequeo, forgetting = olvidar (fogt) (fogt)
= recordar, acordarse de pasar de la edad de (fogtn or fogten) (fogtin)
Hope, hoped, hoped, hoping
(remmba-rimember) (aut,grou) (aut,gru) = esperar, tener esperanza
(remmbed) (remmbed) (aut,groun) (aut,grouin) (hjoup) (hjoupt) (hjoupt) (hjoupin)
(remmberin) Take, took, taken, taking Believe, believed, believed,
Homework = tarea, deberes = llevar, tomar, agarrar, believing = creer (bel:v) (bel:vd)
escolares (hjoum,w:k) coger, tardar (teik) (tuk) (bel:vd) (bel:vin)
Write, wrote, written, writing (teiken) (teikin) But = pero, sino, excepto, salvo
= escribir (rait) (rout) (rten / It takes = se tarda, se lleva, (bat)
Except = excepto
rtn) (raitin) se necesita (it teiks) (ikspt) (ekspt)
To write down = anotar, Teach, taught, taught, Nice = bonito, agradable (nais)
apuntar, escribir (rait daun) teaching Skin = piel (skin)
Word = palabra (w:d) = ensear, dar (ti:ch) (to:t) Quite = bastante, muy (kwait)
Pay, paid, paid, paying (to:t) (t:chin)
= pagar (pei) (peid) (peid) To have lunch = almorzar, Fair = feria, justo/a, equitativo/a,
(peiin) comer (ES) (tu hv lanch) claro/a, plido/a, blanco/a (fe-er)
Coat = abrigo (kout) Fly, flew, flown, flying Wise = sabio/a, inteligente,
sensato/a, prudente (wais)
Rent = renta, alquiler (rent) = volar, enarbolar Dose = dosis (dous)
Rent, rented, rented, renting (flai) (flu:) (floun) (flain) Show, showed, showed or
= alquilar (rent) (rntid) Approximately = shown, showing = mostrar,
(rntid) (rntin) aproximadamente ensear (shou) (shoud) (shoud or
Dinner = cena (UK, US), (aprksemetli) shoun) (shouin)
comida, Approximate, approximated, Even = incluso, an, hasta,
almuerzo (UK) (dna-er) approximated, approximating uniforme, par, igualar, nivelar,
emparejar (:ven)
Bicycle = bicicleta (baisiko) = aproximarse (aprksimeit) Manager = gerente, director/a
(aprksimeitid) (mneya) (mneyer)
PART 1 (aprksimeitid)
(aprksimeitin) PART 1
-Remember. Work, worked, worked,
= Recuerda. working -Everybody forgot the meeting.
= Acurdate de. = trabajar, funcionar = Todo el mundo se olvid de la
reunin. (Forma activa)
Normalmente, este (we:k) (we:kt) (we:kt) (we:kin) -The meeting was forgotten by
imperativo va seguido de un Five = cinco (faiv) everyone.
verbo en infinitivo. Year = ao (yia-er) = La reunin fue olvidada por
-Remember to pay. Years = aos (yies) (yiers) todo el mundo (Forma pasiva)
= Recuerda pagar. Answer, answered, anwered, -It was forgotten.
= Acurdate de pagar. answering = contestar, = Fue olvidado/a.
-Remember to do. responder (:nsa-er) (:nsed)
-I hope you haven't forgotten our
= Acurdate de hacer. (:nsed) (:nserin) meeting.
-Remember to do the Become, became, become, = Espero que no hayas olvidado
homework. becoming = convertirse en, nuestra reunin.
= Acurdate de hacer la llegar a ser, hacerse, -I can't believe the meeting has
tarea. volverse (bikm) (bikeim) been forgotten about again.
-Remember to write down all (bikm) (bikmin) = No puedo creer que la reunin
the new words. Law = ley (lo:) haya sido olvidada de nuevo.
= Acurdate de escribir o Lawyer = abogado, letrado PART 2
apuntar todo el nuevo (l:ia) (lyer) (loier)
vocabulario. About, around, close to -By everyone but.
-Remember to do it. = alrededor de, cerca de. = Por todos menos / salvo.
= Acurdate de hacerlo. (abaut) (araund) (klous tu) = Por todo el mundo excepto.
Taste = gusto (teist) -The meeting was forgotten by
PART 2 everyone, except Sarah.
= La reunin fue olvidado por
PART 1 todos, excepto Sarah.
Remember va seguido Pero es ms eficiente decir:
por el infinitivo o el gerundio. -It takes. -But Sarah.
-Remember to pay. = Se tarda. = Salvo Sara.
= Acurdate de pagar. = Se lleva. = Menos Sara.
Hemos visto a este verbo It takes (+ perodo de -Everyone but me. Everyone but
seguido por la preposicin tiempo) = quiere decir que you. Everything but this table.
= Todos menos yo. Todo el
for. requiere tiempo, lleva algn mundo, salvo usted. Todo menos
-To pay for something. tiempo o que se tarda tiempo esta mesa.
= Pagar por algo. en hacer algo. -I want to buy everything in this
-To pay for the coat. -It takes one minute to room, but this table.
= Pagar por el abrigo. teach you this class.
Pero aqu lo tenemos sin = Se tarda un minuto en = Quiero comprar todo en esta
preposicin, porque aqu no darte esta clase. habitacin, salvo esta mesa.
llevamos algo tangible. Solo Se conjuga en la 3 -A lot of people like to have a
nice suntan.
tenemos un ticket despus persona del singular. = A mucha gente le gusta tener
de pagar el alquiler. -It takes thirty minutes to un bonito bronceado.
-To pay the rent. have lunch. (30 min) -Me? My skin is quite fair, quite,
= Pagar el alquiler. = Se tarda media hora para quite.
-To pay the bill. almorzar. = Yo? Mi piel es bastante clara,
= Pagar la factura. -It takes six hours to fly to bastante, bastante.
No decimos To New York. -Is not very wise for me to go out
in the Sun and to try to get a
pay for the bill = Se tarda seis horas para suntan, but it's nice.
S decimos: volar a Nueva York. = No es muy prudente para m
-To pay for the dinner. salir al sol y tratar de conseguir
Se emplea for porque la PART 2 un bronceado, pero es bonito.
cena puede verse y tocarse. -If the dose is right I can get a
-Approximately 5 year. nice Suntan.
PART 3 = Aproximadamente cinco = Si la dosis es correcta puedo
conseguir un buen bronceado.
-The rent. Tambin se puede decir: -She's called Pitu by everyone
= El alquiler. about, around o close to but my mother.
Rent tambin puede ser = alrededor de, cerca de. = Todos la llamaban Pitu menos
un verbo. To rent. -Five. (faiv) mi madre.
-I rent a car. = Cinco. -Margaret, you talk with everyone
= Yo alquilo un coche. Pronunciar bien la v. but me.
= Margaret, hablas con todos
Con la r suave. -Years. (yies) (yiers) menos conmigo.
Vamos a ver ms = Aos. -You have shown me everything
ejemplos como sustantivo: -It takes approximately two but this table.
The rent. minutes to answer an email. = Me has mostrado todo, salvo
-How much is the rent? = Se lleva aproximadamente esta mesa
= Cunto es el alquiler? dos minutos en contestar un
-I don't pay the rent. My email. PART 3
parents do. -She works there for, -Even.
= Yo no pago el alquiler. Mis approximately, five months. = Incluso, an, hasta.
padres lo pagan. = Ella trabaja all durante, -Even the manager forgot.
aproximadamente, cinco = Incluso el gerente la olvid.
-I have to pay him the rent. meses. En espaol se pone el artculo
= Tengo que pagarle el le, la, lo.
alquiler. PART 3 En ingls se dice directamente
forgot. Se sobreentiende el
-I rent a bicycle all the artculo.
weeks. -To become a lawyer. -Everybody in Vaughan is a good
= Alquilo una bicicleta todas = Hacerse abogado. teacher, even me.
las semanas. Estructura: It takes (+ = Todo el mundo en Vaughan es
-I rent a bicycle every tiempo + to + infinitivo). un buen maestro, incluso yo.
summer. -To become. -Everybody behind the cameras
= Alquilo una bicicleta cada = Hacerse, convertirse en. are a good professionals even
verano. Decimos = Todo el mundo detrs de las
-When I go to the beach I Become a lawyer, con el cmaras son unos buenos
rent a bicycle. artculo a delante. profesionales, incluso Jaime.
= Cuando voy a la playa -I work as a lawyer.
alquilo una bicicleta. = Yo trabajo como abogado.
-It takes eight years to
become a doctor.
= Se tarda ocho aos en
hacerse mdico.
-It takes approximately ten
years to outgrow your tastes.
= Se tarda aproximadamente
diez aos en superar sus

Captulo 152. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE English, Captulo 152 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English Course of TVE, Frases TVE diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Ingles, Curso de Ingles de TVE.
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
pgina en la misma pantalla.



Listen. Ill get straight to the

Remind me to explain it to It takes me forever to get point. It must be done now!
him. dressed in the morning. It has to be done today
Recurdame que se lo Tardo una eternidad en
explique. vestirme por las maanas. Escuchen. Ir directamente al
grano. Debe hacerse ahora!
VOCABULARY VOCABULARY Se tiene que hacer hoy de todas
Explanation = explicacin To break the ice = romper VOCABULARY
(kspleneishon)(ekspleneishon) el hielo (tu breik di ais)
Remind, reminded, reminded, It takes me = tardo, me Seashore = orilla del mar
reminding = recordar a, lleva (s:shor)
recordarle a, recordar algo a (it teik mi) Listen, listened, listened,
(rimaind) (rimaindid) (rimaindid) Prepare, prepared, listening= escuchar (lsen)
(lsend) (lsend) (lsenin)
(rimaindin) prepared, preparing = Straight = recto, derecho,
Remind me = recurdame -otro preparar, prepararse heterosexual (streit)
te recuerda- (rimaind mi) (prep-er) (prepd) (prepd) Get straight = ir directo, ir
Say, said, said, saying = decir, (preprin) directamente (get streit)
afirmar (sei) (sed) (sed) (seiin) Forever = siempre, para Necessary =
Happy birthday = feliz siempre, una eternidad necesario/a (nseseri)
cumpleaos (hjpi b:zdei) (fo:rva) (fo:rver) Let, let, let, letting
= dejar, permitir, alquilar
Birth = parto, nacimiento (be:z) Awhile = un rato, un tiempo. (let) (let) (let) (ltin)
Aunt = ta (a:nt) (awail) (owail) Let (+ pronombre personal)
Explain, explained, explained, A long time = mucho tiempo = dejar hacer algo.
explaining = explicar, (a lon taim) A Let le sigue siempre otro
explicarse, aclarar, exponer Once in awhile = de vez verbo expresado en la forma
(eksplein) (ekspleind) en cuando (wans in awail) bsica, es decir, en infinitivo sin
(ekspleind) (ekspleinin) to.
-Let me go = djame ir.
Remember, remembered, Occasionally = No se utiliza el to despus
remembered, remembering ocasionalmente, de vez en de let.
= recordar, acordarse de cuando (okeisnoli) Improve, improved, improved,
improving = mejorar,
(remmba-rimember) Get, got, got o gotten(US), perfeccionar (imprv) (imprvd)
(remmbed) (remmbed) getting = obtener, (imprvd) (imprvin)
(remmberin) conseguir, lograr, recibir, Point = sentido, fondo, coma,
There has to be = tiene que coger, llegar punto, apartado, sealar (point)
haber, tiene que existir (get) (got) (got or gten) Must = deber, tener que (mast).
(dr hjs tu bi:) (gtin) Para obligaciones impuestas
Thank, thanked, thanked, To get dressed = vestirse por uno mismo. Debo hacerlo
Sell, sold, sold, selling = vender
thanking = agradecer, dar (tu get druest) (sel) (soud) (soud) (slin)
gracias (znk) (znkt) (znkt) To get wet = mojarse Seashell = concha de mar,
(znkin) (tu get wet) caracola (s:shel)
Wonderful = maravilloso/a To get tired = cansarse Do / does, did, done, doing
(wandefo) (tu get taied) = hacer (du: / das) (did) (dan)
To get ready = prepararse, (d:in)
PART 1 estar list/a (tu get rdi) Anyway = de todos modos, de
todas maneras, de todas
Dress, dressed, dressed, formas, de cualquier modo
-Remind me. dressing = vestir, vestirse (niwei)
= Recurdame. (drues) (druest) (druest) Task = tarea, cometido, labor
Quiero que me ayudes a (druesin) (ta:sk)
recorder algo. Break, broke, broken, Independently = independiente
-Remind me to buy some breaking (indepndentli)
bread. = romper, romperse, Wealthy = rico/a, adinerado/a
= Recurdame que compre el quebrar Decide, decided, decided,
pan. (breik) (brouk) (brouken) deciding = decidir-se (desaid)
-Remember. (breikin) (desaidid) (desaidid) (desaidin)
= Recuerda. Finish, finished, finished,
Es el imperativo de decir: finishing = terminar, acabar, PART 1
No olvides Recuerda concluir (fnish) (fnisht)
Remind me siempre va (fnisht) (fnishin) -Ill get straight to the point.
= Ir directamente al grano.
seguido de un complemento Report = informe, reportaje -Listen. Let me get straight to
indirecto. (rep:t) the point.
-Remind me. But = pero, sino, sino que = Escucha. Djame ir
= Recurdame. (bat) directamente al grano.
-Remind him. Morning = maana (m:nin) = Escucha. Permteme que
= Recurdale. vaya directamente al grano.
-Remind them. PART 1 -It must be done now!
= Hay que hacerlo ahora!
= Recurdarles. -It has to be done today
Y va seguido tambin del -It takes me. anyway.
infinitivo. = Tardo, me lleva. = Se tiene que hacer hoy de
-Remind (+compl. indir.) (+inf) -It takes me fifteen minutes todas maneras.
-Remind me to do something. to prepare a class. (15 min) -To get to the point.
= Recurdame hacer algo. = Me lleva quince minutos = Ir al grano.
-Remind me to say happy en preparar una clase. -Get straight to the point.
= Ir directamente al grano.
birthday to my aunt. Estructura: It takes + -Ladies and Gentlemen, listen.
= Recurdame que felicite a mi persona + tiempo + to + Let me get straight to the point.
ta. infinitivo. English is necessary. You must
-It takes them five hours to improve your English.
PART 2 get to Madrid.
= Les lleva cinco horas para = Seoras y seores, escuchen.
-To explain. llegar a Madrid. Permtanme ir directamente al
= Explicar. -It takes you five seconds to grano. El ingls es necesario.
Deben mejorar su ingls.
-Remind me to explain it. answer your phone. -Let me get straight to the point.
= Recurdame que lo explique. = Tarda cinco segundos en You must study. Let me get
Explain it siempre va contestar su telfono. straight to the point.
seguido de la preposicin To. = Permteme ir directamente al
-Remind me to explain PART 2 grano. Tienes que estudiar.
it to him. Vayamos directamente al grano.
= Recurdame que se lo -Forever.
-Let me know.
explique. = Para siempre, una = Avsame.
-I'll explain it to you later. eternidad. = Hzmelo saber.
= Te lo explicar ms tarde. Con la estructura: It
-There has to be an takes me podemos usar PART 2
explanation. Explain it to me. estas unidades de tiempo
= Tiene que haber una no muy especficas. -It must be done now!
explicacin. Explcamelo. Ex: Forever. = Hay que hacerlo ahora!
-Let me get straight to the point.
= Una eternidad. It must be done now. It has to
PART 3 -Awhile. be done today.
= Un rato, un tiempo. = Permteme ir directamente al
-It to him. -A long time. grano. Debe hacerse ahora!
= A l. = Mucho tiempo. Se tiene que hacer hoy de todas
-Explain it to me or explain it to -Long. maneras.
him. = Largo, mucho. -She sells seashells by the
= Explicrmelo a m o No decimos: It takes me = Ella vende conchas de mar a
explicrselo a l. a lot. la orilla del mar.
-She's going to explain Decimos:
it to them at three oclock. It takes me a long time. -Felicity it must be done now!
= Ella se lo va a explicar a ellos = Me lleva mucho tiempo. = Felicity debe hacerlo ahora!
a las tres. -It takes him awhile to break -Harriet it talked me that this
-I'm going to explain it to you the ice. task must be done now!
= Harriet me habl de que esta
now. = Tarda un tiempo en tarea debe hacerse ahora!
= Te lo voy a explicar ahora romper el hielo.
mismo. -It takes me forever to finish PART 3
the report.
-Remind him to explain = Tardo una eternidad en -It has to be done now.
it to me.= Recurdale que me terminar los informes. = Tiene que ser hecho
lo explique. ahora (lit)
= Se tiene que hacer ahora.
-Remind me to remember his PART 3 = Debe hacerse ahora.
birthday. Cuando las circunstancias
= Recurdame que recuerde su -To get dressed. obligan, siempre usamos:
cumpleaos = En vestirme. -It has to.
-Remind me to thank Felicia for Marcar bien la t al final = Tiene que.
his wonderful party. de dressed = Debe.
= Recurdame agradecer a Usamos To get (+ un -It has to be done today
Felicia por su maravillosa adjetivo), a veces, para = Tiene que hacerse hoy de
fiesta. describir verbos reflexivos todas maneras.
en espaol. -I have to teach.
-To get wet. = Tengo que ensear.
= Mojarse.
-To get dressed. -I'm not independently wealthy
= Vestirse. yet.
-To get tired. = No soy rico e independiente
= Cansarse.
-To get ready. -I'm doing it because it has to be
= Prepararse, estar listo/a. done.
-I got dressed at eight a.m. = Lo har porque hay que
this morning. hacerlo.
= Me vest a las ocho esta -I've decided that it has to be
maana. done.
= He decidido que se tiene que
-It takes me ten minutes to hacer.
get dressed but thirty -It's the way it has to be done.
minutes to get ready. = Es la forma en que se tiene
= Me lleva diez minutos que hacer.
para vestirme pero treinta
minutos para prepararme.

Captulo 153. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 153 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



It may have already been done

Tell him to pick us up from How long does it take to but I doubt it, to be honest with
the airport. put up and take down a you.
Christmas tree?
Dile que nos recoja del Puede que ya se haya hecho
aeropuerto. Cundo se tarda en montar pero lo dudo, para serte sincero.
y desmontar un rbol de

Avalanche = avalancha
To give someone a lift (UK) VOCABULARY (vala:nsh)
= acercar a alguien en May (mei) Auxiliary verb.
coche, llevar en coche. White flag = bandera blanca Indica posibilidades en el
(giv smwan a lift) (wait flg) futuro. = puede que, poder, ser
Lift = ascensor (UK), Take, took, taken, taking posible, tener permiso.
elevador, llevar en coche, = llevar, tomar, agarrar, Might (mait) Auxiliary verb.
Indica posibilidades en el
capacidad de carga (lift) coger, tardar (teik) (tuk) presente y en el futuro.
Lift, lifted, lifted, lifting (teiken) (teikin) = a lo mejor, es posible que,
= levantar, elevar, alzar Bake, baked, baked, baking puede que.
(lift) (lftid) (lftid) (lftin) = hornear, cocer, cocerse Pretrito imperfecto, 2 y 3
Give, gave, given, giving (beik) (beikt) (beikt) (beikin) persona sing. = poda.
Cake = pastel, tarta, torta, Condicional, 3 persona sing.
bizcocho (keik) = podras, podra.
Do / does, did, done, doing
= dar, pasar, alcanzar, Fry, fried, fried, frying = hacer (du: / das) (did) (dan)
ofrecer, ceder (giv) (geiv) = frer, frerse, (d:in)
(gven) (gvin) quemarse (por el Happen, happened, happened,
happening = suceder, ocurrir,
Quiet = silencioso/a, sol) figurativo (frai) (fraid) pasar (hjpen) (hjpend)
tranquilo/a (kwait) (fraid) (fraiin) (hjpend) (hjpenin)
To be quiet = estar callado, Put up = montar, colgar, End, ended, ended, ending
estar tranquilo, callarse poner (put ap) = terminar, acabar
(tu bi: kwait) Picture = imagen, foto, (end) (ndid) (ndid) (ndin)
Homework = deberes, tareas dibujo, cuadro (pkcha) Leave, left, left, leaving = partir,
escolares (hjoum,w:k) (pkcher) salir, irse, marcharse, dejar,
abandonar (li:v) (left) (left) (l:vin)
Pick up = recoger, levantar, Wall = pared, muro (wo:) Ask, asked, asked, asking
coger (pkap) (wo:l) = preguntar, pedir, hacer
Back door = puerta de atrs Quick! = Rpido! (kwik) (a:sk) (a:skt) (a:skt) (:skin)
(bk do:) (bk do:r) Decoration = decoracin, Answer, answered, anwered,
From = de, desde, a partir adorno, answering = contestar, responder
de, de parte de (from) decorado (dkoreishen) (:nsa-er) (:nsed) (:nsed)
Airport = aeropuerto (:pot) Take down = quitar, (:nserin)
Question = pregunta (kwestion)
desmontar, descolgar, Doubt, doubted, doubted,
PART 1 derribar (teik daun) doubting = dudar (daut) (dautid)
Tree = rbol (trui:) (dautid) (dautin) La b es
-Tel him. Curtain = cortina (k:tn) muda.
= Dile. Christmas = Navidad, Honest = sincero/a, honesto/a,
No decimos jams: Say Navidades (krsms) honrado/a (nest)
him Podemos decir: Halloween = Halloween, Sincere = sincero (sensia-er)
Truth = verdad (tru:z)
-Say something vspera de Todos los Santos Sincerity = sinceridad (sinsreti)
= Di algo. (hjloui:n) (hjlwui:n) Honesty = honestidad, sinceridad
-Tell (+ Complemento (nesti)
indirecto) PART 1 In all honesty = en honor a la
-Tell him to do something. verdad, con todad sinceridad.
= Dile que lo haga algo. -How long does it take? Lonely = solo, solitario/a,
-Tell him to be quiet. = Cunto se tarda? aislado/a (lounli)
Ski, skied, skied, skiing = esquiar
= Dile que guarde silencio. Con el verbo auxiliar (ski:) (ski:d) (ski:d) (skiin)
-Tell him to do his homework. does conjugado en la 3 Slope = cuesta, pendiente,
= Dile que haga sus deberes. persona del singular. inclinacin, ladera (sloupe)
Siempre va seguido del Nunca decimos: How Request = solicitud, peticin
infinitivo. long does it takes porque ya (rikwest)
-Tell him to do it. lo hemos conjugado con Dare, dared, dared, daring
= Dile que lo haga. does. = atreverse, osar, retar,
desafiar, animarse
-Tell him. -How long does it take to (d/der) (ded) (ded) (drin)
= Dile. Dgale. bake a cake? Joke, joked, joked, joking
-Tell you. = Cunto se tarda en cocer = bromear, contar chistes
= Te dir. Te voy a decir. Te al horno un bizcocho? (youk) (youkt) (youkt) (youkin)
digo. -How long does it take to fry Forgiveness = perdn (fogvnes)
-Tell them. an egg?
= Diles, Dgales. = Cunto se tarda en frer PART 1
-Tell us. un huevo? -It may have already been done.
= Dinos. Dganos. = Puede que ya se haya hecho.
-How long does it take for = Puede que ya haya sido
PART 2 you to get ready in the hecho.(lit)
-Pick up. = Cunto tarda usted en -You may have already
= Levantar, recoger. estar listo por la maana? happened.
-To pick us up. = Es probable que ya haya
= Recogernos PART 2 -It may have already ended.
= Que nos recoja. = Puede que ya haya terminado.
-To pick somebody up. -To put up. -He may have already left.
= Recoger a alguien. = Montar, colgar o poner. = l ya puede haberse
-They are going to pick us up Se puede decir: marchado.
at six o'clock. -To put something up. -She may already have done it.
= Nos van a recogernos a las -To put it up. = Puede que ella ya lo haya
seis. -To put up something. -Who knows?
-He's picking us up after the = Poner algo. = Quin sabe?
dinner. Pero jams, jams
= l nos va a recoger decimos: To put up -It may have already been
despus de la cena. it. Suena fatal. Es separable present.
-He is giving us a lift after the pero el it jams se pone al = Puede que ya haya estado
dinner. final. presente.
-Your question may have already
= l nos va a acercar en -I'm going to put up a picture been asked and answered there.
coche despus de la cena. on the wall. = Su pregunta puede haber sido
= Voy a poner una foto en la ya formulada y respondida all.
-I need a taxi for two people. pared.
= Necesito un taxi para dos -How long does it take to put PART 2
personas. up the Christmas
-Please. Tell him to pick us decorations? -But I doubt.
= Pero lo dudo.
up at the back door. = Cunto tiempo se tarda -I'll kill you if you say doubt.
= Por favor, dile que nos en poner los adornos de = Te voy a matar si dices doubt
recoja en la puerta de atrs. Navidad? (con b)
- Quick! Put up the white flag. -I've been hearing that for forty
PART 3 = Rpido! Pon la bandera years that mistake. I doubt it.
blanca. = He estado oyendo durante
-From the airport. cuarenta aos ese error. Lo
= Desde aeropuerto. -I'll put up fifteen thousand En ingls, doubt son dudas
-She is getting a taxi from the posters. de no creer, no son dudas de
airport. = Pondr quince mil posters preguntar. Esas son questions.
= Ella va a coger un taxi -I'll put them up on every -Ex: I have a question.
desde el aeropuerto. tree. = Tengo una pregunta.
-They are picking us up from = Voy a ponderlos en cada -Not use "doubt" here.
the airport at eight o'clock. rbol. = No usar "duda" aqu.
Doubt es no creer del todo.
= Nos van a recoger del
aeropuerto a las ocho. PART 3 -They might be boyfriends, but I
doubt it.
-Take down. = Puede ser que sean novios,
= Quitar, desmontar, pero lo dudo.
desarmar. -That might be a joke, but I doubt
Es lo opuesto a Put up y it.
= Eso podra ser una broma,
se usa as: pero lo dudo.
-To take something out.
-To take it down. PART 3
-To take down something.
= Quitar o desmontar algo. -To be honest with you.
Pero jams decimos: To = Para ser sincero contigo.
take down it = Para serte sincero.
-When are you going to take Honest no es honesto, en el
sentido espaol de la palabra. Es
down the old curtains? sincero.
= Cundo vas a quitar las -Be honest means to tell the
cortinas viejas? truth.
-I don't like that picture. Take = Ser honesto significa decir la
it down please. verdad.
= No me gusta esa -Honesty it's such a lonely word.
foto. Qutala, por favor. / = La honestidad es una palabra
tan solitaria.
Desculgala. -I doubt it to be honest with you.
-We should take the white = Dudo que sea sincero contigo.
flag down. -Be careful when you're skiing,
= Deberamos descolgar la especially in some slopes,
bandera blanca. because there's a risk of
-How long does it take to avalanche.
take down the Halloween = Ten cuidado cuando vas a
esquiar, especialmente en
decorations? algunas pendientes, porque hay
= Cunto se tarda en quitar un riesgo de avalancha.
los adornos de Halloween? Avalanche tambin se usa
de forma figurada:
-Ex: There was an avalanche of
= Hubo una avalancha de

-I dare it to be honest with you.

= Me atrevo a ser sincero con
-To be honest, I wanted your
= Para ser sincero, yo quera su
perdn (fogvnes)

Captulo 154. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 154 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo
English, English Course of TVE, con diferentes
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) exploradores, y reducir
Ingles de TVE. para poder tener el vdeo
y la pgina en la misma



If there'd been more

Tell her not to wait for me How long does it take him to warm up resources, it wouldve
outside the supermarket. before he starts working out? been done in no time.
Dile que no me espere fuera Cunto tarda l en calentar antes de Si hubiera habido ms
del supermercado. hacer ejercicio? recursos, se habra
hecho en un santiamn.

Butcher's = Workout = tabla de ejercicios, Landslide = corrimiento

carnicera (UK)(bches) entrenamiento (we:kaut) de tierra, xito arrollador
Butcher's shop = How long? = Cunto tiempo? (lnd,slaid)
carnicera (US) (bches (hjau lon) If there'd been. If
shop) Take, took, taken, taking = llevar, tomar, there hadbeen = si
hubiera habido.
Tell, told, told, telling agarrar, coger, tardar (teik) (tuk) (teiken) (if d:d bi:n)
= decir, contar, informar (teikin) Resources = recursos
(tel) (toud) (toud) (tlin) To get dressed = vestirse. (ris:ses) (rsorses)
Worry, worried, worried, (tu get druest) Natural resources =
worrying = peocuparse Make, made, made, making recursos naturales
(wori) (worid) (worid) (woriin) = hacer, crear, efectuar, confeccionar (nchuro risses)
Come, came, come, coming (meik) (meid) (meid) (meikin) Human resources =
recursos humanos
= venir, entrar, llegar Answer, answered, anwered, (hjmen ris:ses)
(kam) (keim) (kam) (kmin) answering = contestar, responder Achieve, achieved,
Come into = entrar en (:nsa-er) (:nsed) (:nsed) (:nserin) achieved, achieving =
(kam ntu) Warm = tibio/a, caliente (wo:m) lograr, conseguir,
Explain, explained, Warm up = calentar, calentarse alcanzar (ach:v)
explained, (wo:map) (wo:rmap) (ach:vd) (ach:vd)
explaining = explicar, Before = antes (bif:) (bif:r) After= (ach:vin)
Objective = objetivo
explicarse, aclarar, exponer despus de (:fta) (:fter) (byktiv)
(eksplein) (ekspleind) Go for a run = ir a correr Case = caso, asunto,
(ekspleind) (ekspleinin) (gou fo: a ran) caja (keis)
Mistake = error, confundir, Start, started, started, starting There weren't = no
equivocarse (misteik) = empezar, comenzar haba, no hubo, no
Speak, spoke, spoken, (sta:t) (st:tid) (st:tid) (st:tin) hubiera, no hubiese
speaking = hablar, decir Avoid, ovoided, ovoided, avoiding = (dwent)
Provide, provided,
(spi:k) (spouk) (spouk) evitar, eludir, esquivar (ovoid) (ovoidid) provided, providing =
(sp:kin) (ovoidid) (ovoidin) proporcionar, proveer,
Wait, waited, waited, waiting Injure = lesin, herida, dao suministrar, disponer,
= esperar, aguardar (nya-er) (provaid) (provaidid)
(weit) (weitid) (weitid) (weitin) Injure, injured, injured, injuring (provaidid) (provaidin)
Outside = afuera, fuera, = lesionar/se, herir, lastimar/se (nya-er) Situation = situacin
exterior (nyed) (nyed) (nyed) (nyerin) (schueishn)
Expect, expected,
(autsaid) (autsaid) Prefer, preferred, preferred, preferring = expected, expecting =
Inside = dentro (insaid) preferir (pref:-r) (prefd) (prefd) esperar (como una
(nsaid) (prefrin) expectativa), anticipar,
Hairdresser's = peluquera Es una e cercana a la a. suponer (ekspkt)
(hj:dreses) Stretch, stretched, stretched,stretching = (ekspktid) (ekspktid)
Supermarket = estirar-se (struech) (struecht) (struecht) (ekspktin) Deteriorate =
supermercado (s:pema:ket) (struechin) deteriorar-se (detrioreit)
It wouldve been done.
By = por, de, junto a, al lado = habra sido hecho.
de, segn, con (bai) PART 1 (it wuduv bi:n dan)
Get, got, got o gotten(US), Justice = justicia (ystis)
getting = obtener, conseguir, -How long does it take him?
lograr, recibir, coger, llegar = Cundo tarda l?
(get) (got) (got or gten) -How long does it take you? Wouldn't be there = no
(gtin) = Cunto tardas t? estara all (wdnt bi:
Smart = inteligente (sma:t) -How long does it take me? da)
In no time = al instante,
Building = edificio (bldin) = Cunto tardo yo? de inmediato (in no
No decimos: How long it takes him? taim)
INTRODUCTION (en interrogativo). In no time at all = en
Tampoco decimos: How long does it cuestin de segundos
-To be or nor to be. takes him? (cuando hablamos de la 3 (in no taim at)
= Ser o no ser. persona) Defeat, defeated,
-To wait or not to wait. -How long does it take her to get defeated, defeating =
derrotar, vencer (def:t)
= Esperar o no esperar. dressed? (def:tid) (def:tid)
-To touch or not to touch. = Cundo tarda ella en vestirse? (def:tin)
= Tocar o no tocar. -How long does it take him to answer? Flash = destello, flash,
-To close or not to close. = Cunto tarda l en contestar? relmpago (flash)
= Cerrar o no cerrar. Jiff = periquete,
-How long does it take him to make a momentito, plispls,
PART 1 coffee? santiamn (yif)
= Cunto tardas l en hacer un caf PART 1
-Tell her not. -It takes me ten minutes to make a
= Dile que no. coffee. -Resources.
Es el negativo de Tell = Tardo diez minutos en hacer un caf. = Recursos.
her. -If there'd been. If
En la prctica se PART 2 there had been.
pronuncia: (tler) = Si hubiera habido.
-If there had been more
-Tell her not to worry. -To warm up. resources.
= Dile que no se preocupe. = Calentar. = Si hubiera habido ms
-Tell her not to come on Se usa cuando queremos calentar recursos.
Saturday, Sunday is better. los msculos o tambin calentar la =De haber habido ms
= Dile que no venga el comida. recursos.
sbado, el domingo es Pero en este caso, al referirse a los -Natural resources.
mejor. msculos, no separamos: warm y up. = Recursos naturales.
-Human recourses.
-Tell her now. -You need to warm up before your = Recursos humanos.
= Dselo ahora. workout. -We need resources to
= Decrselo ahora. = Necesitas calentar antes de hacer tu achieve our objectives.
tabla de ejercicios / de entrenar. = Necesitamos recursos
-Tell her not to come into my -Did you warm up before going for a para lograr nuestros
office. run? objetivos.
= Dile que no entre en mi = Calentaste antes de ir a correr? -In this case there
weren't enough
oficina. - Warming up is important. That's how resources.
-Tell her not to explain you avoid getting an injury. = En este caso no haba
english mistakes in the = El calentamiento es importante. As es suficientes recursos.
meetings. como evitas tener una lesin. -But if there had been
= Dile que no explique enough resources, it
errores de ingls en las PART 3 would have been done
reuniones. in no time.
= Pero si hubiera habido
-Tell her not to speak in the -Working out. suficientes recursos, se
meetings. = Hacer ejercicio. hubiera hecho en un
= Dile que no hable en las Work out tiene muchos significados, santiamn.
reuniones. pero aqu quiere decir: Hacer ejercicio
o Ejercitar los msculos.
-Tell her not to speak Aqu lo enlazamos como si fuera una -In this case they are
Spanish to me. palabra; (we:kaut) working in human
= Dile que no me hable en -I prefer to work out in the evenings. resources.
= En este caso estn
espaol a m. = Prefiero hacer ejercicio por las tardes. trabajando en recursos
-When you work out, what kind of humanos.
PART 2 workout do you do? -Let us know if you need
= Cuando haces ejercicio, qu tipo de more resources.
-To wait for me. entrenamiento haces? = Hznos saber si
= Esperarme. - You should stretch after working out. necesitas ms recursos.
= Que me espere. = Debe estirar despus de hacer -If more resources are
not provided, the
-Tell her not to wait for me. ejercicio. situation is expected to
= Dile que no me espere. deteriorate.
La preposicin de wait = Si no se proporcionan
es for ms recursos se espera
-Don't wait for me outside the que la situacin se
hairdresser's. deteriore.
= No me esperes fuera de la
-Tell her not to wait for me -It wouldve been done.
outside the butcher's. It would have been
= Dile que no me espere done.
fuera de la carnicera. = Ello habra sido
hecho. (lit)
-Remember to wait for me = Se habra hecho.
after work. -But if justice would
= Recuerda esperarme have been done, he
despus del trabajo. wouldn't be there.
-I'm not going to wait for him. = Pero si se hubiera
= Yo no voy a esperarle. hecho justicia, l no
estara all.
-Outside the supermarket. -In no time.
= Fuera del supermercado. = En un santiamn, en
-Inside. poco tiempo, de
= Dentro. inmediato, al instante,
-Don't wait for me outside the en un momento, en un
supermarket. I'm by the abrir y cerrar de ojos.
-It would have been
butcher's. done in no time.
= No me esperes fuera del = Se habra hecho en un
supermercado. Estoy al lado instante.
de la carnicera. -I'll do it.
-He's waiting for me outside = Lo har.
the supermarket. -It'll be done.
= l est esperndome fuera = Estar hecho.
= Se har.
del supermercado. -It'll be done in no time.
-But I'm outside the = Estar hecho en un
butcher's. instante.
= Pero yo estoy fuera de la -I'll finish this program in
carnicera. no time.
= Terminar este
-I'm going to wait outside the programa de inmediato.
computer store to be the first -Perez defeated Gomez
by a landslide.
one to get it. That's right. = Prez Gmez derrot
= Voy a esperar fuera de la por goleada.
tienda de informtica para
ser el primero en -In a flash.
conseguirlo. Est bien. = En un destello (flash)
-He's already outside the -In a jiff.
store. = En un periquete, en un
momentito, en un
= l ya est fuera de la instante (yif)
He's going to get the new
smartphone before me.
= l va a obtener el nuevo
telfono inteligente antes
que yo.

-I'm outside the building.

= Estoy fuera del edificio.

S-ar putea să vă placă și