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Glycyrrhizaglabra (Kayu manis) mengandung Glycyrrhizin the main active constituent extracted from

licorice root, has antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties,and has been used as a
treatment in a range of GI disorders, from peptic ulcer disease to liver disease.
Glycyrrhizin has been shown to improve liver enzymes inpatients suffering from hepatitis C (HCV) who
were interferon non-responders or unlikely to respond, although it had no effect on HCV-RNA
concentration . A retrospective study by Arase and colleagues found that intravenous glycyrrhizin
therapy administered (median length of administration 10years) to patients with hepatitis C reduced the
risk of liver cancer by approximately 2.5 times compared to a group ofpatients with HCV who did not
have access to a healthcareprovider to give the intravenous injection. Glycyrrhizin has been associated
with pseudoaldosteronism, which predisposespatients to increased aldosterone and potassium levels
as wellas a significant increase in blood pressure Yamada

Intinya bilang aja dia mengandung glygly itu yang bisa ada efek anti inflame antioxidant antiviral (nanti
jelasin aja disini sedikit anti inflame itu apa antioxidant itu apa sama satu gambar penjelasan)

Bisa mentreat tukak lambung sampai penyakit hepar (contohnya hepatitis C orangnya liver enzyme akan
membaik) terus di subtema nya kan dia mau ada prevention; nah kayu manis ini bisa prevent HCC di
orang hep c kalau dikasih IV selama 10 tahun

Sebelum buat, liat lagi ketentuan semuanya di website spora nya ya

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