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Belief systems have a way of creatively twisting literature and science with mathematical, scientific and psychological
tactics and promoting it by seducing and serenading herds with stories, philosophies, fables, fairy tales and speculated
accounts of truth, which are used to put on some sort of show and tell, in order to gather masses of people and
indoctrinate them into believing in a specific view of the world.

Symbols are used with sounds, along with other literal and visual creativity. They are combined to promote the system
with some kind of show or ritual. Emotional bonds are created when a person discovers a particular party and is
influenced by its promotions. They find agreements and as a rapport is built through suggestion, repetition and metaphors,
a liking occurs. As they continue to participate, a further, induced attachment is created and then, the beliefs are formed.

Updates are in abundance; news is fed in, bonds are strengthened and the trust becomes applaudible. As long as the
updates continue with repetitive news of apparent progression, along the lines of the participants pre-conceived idea of
whatever they believe progression to be, the trust continues to gain as the willingness of the participant to question fades
as they become progressively more dependent on the system.

As the information received is speculated, the participant is lead to believe that whatever is authoritively shown and
suggested is true, quite often failing to regard their own experience in relation to it. Although the system may contain
some truth, it should still be taken into consideration that one would find it difficult to come to their own, true conclusions
and philosophies, as they are believing in external experiences and phenomena, outside of their own life experience.

Without experience, experimentation and the will to set examples, one remains stuck in a world of assumptions and
presumptions, mistaking their speculated intellect as a rational, logical endeavour to conform to, failing to realise that this
is only because some popular leader or authority figure has spoon-fed them some ritually presented information, while
putting on some fancy show, boasting, preaching or singing songs while the participant incorporates ideas of truths from it.

Although much of it may be factually true, the entire system is accepted as truth, without a question. The participant fails
to regard anything which conflicts with their apparently rational thinking patterns and this leaves them with little will
power and a fear to step outside the box, causing a square, conservative mentality, effecting the way they view themselves
and the outside world.

A dependant mind-set increases with the bombardment of continuous updates, re-assuring the participant that everything
is moving forward all on its own and there is no need to get involved, but to participate in the process of receiving the
repetitive updates. This produces a feeling that life is a certain way, fixed with cans and cants, dos and donts, resulting
in lowered levels of open-ness to new ideas, as their outlook on life is left entirely placed in the hands of their belief
systems authority, who continue to supply them with apparently new material, although always within the limit of the
pre-packaged system of beliefs.

They are left feeling like the system is a necessity and can be defensive to anyone who thinks otherwise. If a person is to
ridicule the participants assumptions and presumptions, one would find some interesting reactions. People bound by their
belief systems will refuse to accept anything out of the ordinary and if this refusal is against a certain, factual truth, they
will class it as fictional, claim that its some sort of propaganda or just pretend that it doesnt matter. In fact, there is a list
of conditioned responses, such as I dont believe that. Thats what you believe or thats your opinion. With these kinds
of responses, it becomes evident that the participant is in denial and when faced with truth and will find any way of
avoiding it or twisting it. This is because they will feel victimised if they accept that their beliefs are contrary to the truth.
Because they are in denial, they will pretend like its not their problem, living their life through assumptions and
presumptions, based on the beliefs and opinions of others, as opposed to living life through ones personal experience,
based on first-hand knowledge and experimentation.

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