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1. Language
a. Language as a symbol
b. Language as a system
c. Lannguage as arbitary
d. Language as vocal
e. Language as communication
f. Language as action in context

2. Linguistics
a. The scope of linguistics
b. The task of linguist
c. Some dychotom of linguistics
- General linguistics and universal grammar
- Descriptive linguistic, historical linguistic, comparative linguistics.
- Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics.
- Theoritical linguistics and applied linguistics
- Language and parole
- Comptence and performance
- Syntagmatic relationship and paradigmatic relationship
3. Aplication to literature
a. Applying linguistics
b. Liteature as a type of discourse
c. The idea of the grammar of a text


1. Descriptive linguistics
a. The organ of speech
- The glottis
- The supraglottal organs of speech
- Nasalization
b. Segmentation : vowel and consonant
- Segmentation
- Vowel and consonant : transcription
c. Narrow and broad transcription : phonetic and phonology
The phonetics : characteristics of speech sounds
- The phoneme principle
- Segmental phonemes
- The articulator characteristic of consonant and vowel
- Phonemic analysis of lenght and stress
- The syllable
- Tone phonemes
- Intonation

Prosodic phonology : sound as system

- Theory of prosodic analysis

- Applications and illustration
- Polysistemic phonology
- Phonological cohesion
- Thytm and meter
d. Gramatical elements
Preliminary question :
- Formal and informal grammar
- Grammar and meaning
- The basic units of grammar

The sentence : the word and morpheme

- Gramatical criteria of word status

- Variant word form
- Morpheme variants (allomorph); classes and identifying morpheme
- Bound and free morpheme : root and affix
- The lexicon; compound and idoms.
- Morphemes and the lexicon and style.

2. Historical linguistic
a. Syncronic
b. Diacrronic
c. Puncronic
3. Comparative linguistic
1. The base
a. Phrase structure rule
b. The lexicon
c. Deep structure
2. Transformation
a. Direct and indirect object
b. Passive
c. Negation
d. Question
3. The recursive property of language
a. Coordination
b. Relative clause
c. Complement
4. Syntax and literature
1. Role relation
2. Predication analysis of lexical term
3. Synonimy and homonymy
4. Selectional restriction, contradiction, anomaly and tautology
5. Anomaly and methapor
6. Role structures and literary analysis,


1. The status of linguistic abstractions
2. Structural linguistics (syntagmatic and paradigmatic relation )

Dialect, idiolect, style

1. Dialect as subdivisions of languages

2. Dialect mapping isoglosses
3. Class dialects and standard languages

Speech acts and speech genres

1. Speech act theory

2. The formalization of speech act
3. Indirect speech act and the cooperative principle
4. Presuposition and analyzing discourse
5. Analyzing fictional discourse: fiction versus nonfiction
6. Pragmatic and written discourse

Varieties of english

1. Regional varieties : northern, midland, and southern characteristic

2. Standard english
3. Ethnic varieties : black english
4. English in contac : pidgin, creoles, and billingualism situations


1. Traditional grammar
2. The prague school
3. The american structuralism
4. Taxonomic grammar
5. Tamemic grammmar
6. The fithians and neo-fitrthian
7. Statifractional grammar
8. Generative transformational grammar


a. Klasik
b. Neoklasik
c. Romantic
d. Modern
e. Pasca modern
Periodisasi sejarah inggris
- Sejarah inggris kuno ( ciri khas, pengaruh politik, sosial, ekonomi dan
budaya hubungannya dengan karya)
- Sejarah inggris pertengahan ( ciri khas, pengaruh politik, sosial, ekonomi
dan budaya hubungannya dengan karya)
- Sejarah inggris modern ( ciri khas, pengaruh politik, sosial, ekonomi dan
budaya hubungannya dengan karya)

Periodisasi sejarah amerika

a. Puisi
- Struktur fonetik
- Rima dan ritem
- Citraan dan bahasa kias
- Tema
- Jenis puisi ( dilihat dari bentuk dan isi )
b. Prosa
- Tema dan latar cerita
- Tokoh dan penokohan ( jenis dan fungsi )
- Penyudutpandangan (struktur dan fungsi naratorial)
- Hubungan bentuk dan isi terhadap konteks cerita
- Jenis prosa
c. Drama
- Elemen drama ( tema, tokoh dan penokohan, pengaturan panggung, teknik
solidoquy dan aside)
- Ciri khas drama (klasik, elizbethan dan modern)
- Trilogi aristoteles (hamartia/tragic flaw)
- Jenis drama


1. Materi Al-Quran
a. Komponen wajib
- Membaca al-quran : seluruh surat al-quran (random) dengan fasih sesuai
dengan aturan tajwid.
- Hafalan al-quran : al-fatihah, surat pendek dari al-nas s.d al-takatsur dan
surat-surat pendek lainnya (random)
- Menuliskan al-quran : al-fatihah, surat pendek dari al-nas s.d al-takatsur
dan surat-surat pendek lainnya (random)
- Menerjemahkan al-quran kedalam bahasa inggris dan indonesia : surat al-
fatihah, al-nas, al-falaq, al-ikhlas dan surat lainnya (random)

b. Komponen pendukung
- Memahami al-quran : surat al fatihah, al-nas, al-falaq, al-ikhlas dan
bagian-bagian al-Quran (random)
2. Materi Islam
a. Pengertian islam
- Makna leksikal
- Terminologi islam
- Islam sebagai risalah ilahiyah
- Tujuan islam
b. Dimensi-dimensi islam
- Islam sebagai tata nilai
- Islam dalam bentuk pemahaman muslim
- Islam dalam bentuk praktek muslim.
c. Dimensi ajaran islam
- Tauhid
- Syariyah
- Akhlak
3. Materi syariyah-akhlak
a. Komponen wajib
- Thaharah ( praktek dan makna thaharah + perngertian rukun, syarat, dan
tata aturan fiqih mengenai thaharah )
- Shalat ( praktek dan makna shalat + perngertian rukun, syarat, dan tata
aturan fiqih mengenai shalat )
b. Komponen pendukung
- Zakat, shaum, haji ( makna zakat, shaum, haji + perngertian rukun, syarat,
dan tata aturan fiqih mengenai Zakat, shaum, haji )
- Muamalah ( makna muamalah, syarat, dan tata aturan fiqih mengenai
muamalah )
- Kompleksitas madzhab fiqih dalam islam ( pemahaman konteks sosio
historis kultur madzhab dan pemikiran fiqih dalam islam)
4. Tauhid akhlak
a. Komponen wajib
- Syahadah
- Makna tauhid
- Pembagian tauhid
- Rukun iman
b. Komponen pendukung
- Kompleksitas madzhab kalam dalam islama

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