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Oracle Forms Design and Registration:

Mandatory Steps to Design the Form in the Local Mechine:

1. Install Form Builder

1. Download the Resoure Folder AU_TOP/bin Folder

3. Download TEMPLATE.fmb and APPSTAND.fmd and APSTAND.fmb

4. Give the Resource Path to form Builder properties ( Start In )

Mandatory Steps to Compile the Form in Server:

1. Export the Forms Path to AU_TOP/12.0.0/Forms/US


export FORMS_PATH=$

2. Compile the Form in serverlocation


frmcmp_batch Module=XXOCRCUSTHOLDS.fmb Userid=apps/apps Module_Type=FORM


fmb : Form Module binary

fmx : Form Module Executable

Design a Form in Form Builder:

1. Open the TEMPLATE.fmb file and rename the file Name with Custom Name.

2. Delete the Block_name from the below locations.

1. Window
2. Canvas
3. Datablock -- Remove both BLOCK_NAME and DETAIL_BLOCK_NAME

The Form Strecture is like this:

1. Window --> Canvas -- > Data block

1. Create Window :

Create window by click on the plus sign and rename the window name.

Enter the subclass Information : WINDOW

Give the Window Name in Two Places:

1. PRE_FORM ( Change the BLOCK_NAME to Window Name)
and the chnage the Date and Custom top name where you want to complie the form

2.Give the Window Name in Program Units APP_CUSTOM package Body ( Give the window

3. Give the Form Name WHEN_NEW_FORM_INSTANCE

2. Create Canvas :

Go to Canvas and click and plus symbol and create Canvas

Give the Canvas Subclass Information as CANVAS

The Canvas is in Two Styles :

1. Form
2. Tabular

3. Create Datablock:

Go to Datablocks and click and plus symbol and create a Datablock.

Give the Subclass Information as BLOCK

1. Text Item: Text Item is Used for Database Fileds

Subclass Information : Text_Item

How to set Initial Value, Lowest , Highest and Hint at the Item Level:

Go To Property Pallet for the Item

Initial Value :
Lowest Allowed Value :

Highest Allowed value :

Hint :

How to change Color for the perticular filed:

Go to Item Property pallet:

Foreground Color:
Background Color:

2. Create a Radio Button:

Create Item and Change the Properrty Palette -> Item type -> Radio Group
Under Radio Group Radio buttons are avaliable


Lang : Column Name

Language values: English, Hindi, Telugu

So here we need to create three radio buttons for the Radio Group

Note: Number of Radio button need for radio group is based on the number of Unique
Values under the Item.

Mandatory Steps for the Radio Buttons:

While creating Radio buttons we have to set below Values:

1. Radio Group

( Example: Lang ( Database Column)

Give the Initial Value for the Item.

2. Radio Button

Give the Radio Button Value for the Button. ( Label is used to change the Name of
the button)

Triggers which we can use for the Radio Button:


Sample Trigger Code:


MESSAGE(' You Selected English');


MESSAGE(' You Selected HINDI');
MESSAGE(' You Selected Telugu');

End If;

3. List Item :

List Item is used to give the list of the items in data base.

Chnage the Item type: List Item

Sub Class Information : List

Mandatory Things:
List of Element : It will diplay the Vlaue in Form

List Of Value: It will Store the Value In Database

Note: If the List of Value not matched with the Database the Record Values not

4. Check Box:

Check box is used when ever you want to use Yes/No Conditions in a perticular

item Type :Check Box

Subclass Information: Check Box


Value when Checked: Yes

value when Unchecked: No

Optional Filed: We can assign the Initial Value for the Check Box.

Note: The Values you entered in the above fileds must match with Database values.

Difference Between Check Box and Radio Group:

Radio Group the Radio button is depend the Number of Values in the Column.

Checkbox is depending only for the column. Ie One Column one Check Box.




MESSAGE(' You Selected Check Box');
MESSAGE(' You are not Selected Check Box');

End If;
Form Level Change :

PRE_FORM Trigger : Change the Form Name and the Top Name for the Form

Enable Who Columns in table:

PRE_INSERT in block level :


PRE_UPDATE in block level:


How to attach or Enable Calander in Form:

Datablock Items : gotoperticular Filed and in the list of values give


Column Triggers:KEY-LISTVAL :


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