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Alfalfa, Medicago sativa; (Leguminosae) Print this Page

Alfalfa resembles a tall clover, with three-
part leaves. The plant is a many-stemmed and
branched perennial, usually two to three feet
tall when mature. The flowers are like typical
clovers, with purple, lavender or blue tufts of
blossoms interspersed at the ends of the
stems. It is difficult to differentiate between
Alfalfa and the light clovers until they are in
bloom (Michael Moore:20-l).
The yields of Alfalfa can run as high as 11
tons per acre, and the seedlings persist as
much as a dozen years or more under
favorable conditions. Leaf-cutter bees are
usually maintained near Alfalfa seed-
production fields to assure pollination.
Alfalfa pods are tightly coiled upon
themselves in maturity.
If Alfalfa is grown near herbs or other crops,
its deep-rootedness assures that it has enough
moisture during dry times, as the plants pull
up moisture from deep in the earth.

Dr. Christopher greatly honored this herb,
which in Arabic is called the father of all
foods, one of the most ancient herbs known.
He said that it would help in every condition of the body, whether it would be for healing or
maintaining health. Dr. Christopher noticed that animalssuch as dogs and cats and certainly
other farm animals, seek the herb when they are sick. They are led to this and other herbs by
instinct, which tells them they will heal them. Perhaps even humans have such an instinct, if they
will let it lead them. When Dr. Christopher was a small and sickly child, he used to go out in the
springtime to pick Alfalfa leaves to eat. It was as if some force would lead him to the leaves. He
felt very grateful because with this guidance, he felt that he was given additional help to fight off
some of the sicknesses with which he was born.
The Doctor liked to tell the story of a family who was in a concentration camp where the food and
living conditions were far below standard. People were dying from malnutrition, but this family
found a small clump of Alfalfa growing in the corner of the concentration camp grounds. Each
day they would chew thoroughly a sprig or two of the plant and found that the entire family felt
strong and healthy. They would beg others to do the same, but were simply ridiculed. They
continued eating the Alfalfa as long as they remained imprisoned. When they were released, they
walked out of the camp in good health while their friends who had refused to follow their advice
had either died or were very sickly, suffering from malnutrition.
When Dr. Christopher was lecturing in one of the eastern states, a young man approached him to
tell of an experience he had with Alfalfa. A black-belt instructor had trained him in the martial arts,

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including karate. After a period of time, black and blue welts would rise on his body wherever he
had been kicked or hand-struck in his exercises. His instructor gave him a small bottle of capsules
and told him to use them several times a day. He did, and was amazed with the results. When he
ran out of them, he noticed that the black and blue spots on his body reappeared.
He went to the instructor and wanted to know what was in them, willing to pay any price for such a
valuable remedy. He was shocked that the miraculous capsules had one ingredient only--Alfalfa.
As long as he continued to take the capsules, he had no more problems. Dr. H. E. Kirschner,
relating the research efforts of one of the pioneers of Alfalfa, Frank Bower, retold the story of a
man who was very anemic. He was considered a borderline tuberculosis case and had no appetite
at all. Bower supplied the landlady of the boarding house where both of them took their meals with
a liberal amount of Alfalfa tea, to be taken at meals. All the boarders liked it, and after about two
weeks, the sick man began to eat with gusto. They all ate so heartily that larger meals had to be
prepared to meet their demands (Kirsch:28).
Mr. Bower, who is regarded as the Father of Alfalfa, made up a slogan: Whats good for the
piggies is good for the kiddies. Among the interesting applications that Bower suggested was as a
food supplement for children. In one test, he fed 200 children in two schools a special vitamin-
mineral food based on Alfalfa. These children averaged a weight gain of two to six pounds per
month and a height gain of from two to four and a half inches. They were extremely resistant to
diseases in the area (Ibid:29).
N.W. Walker, the great promoter of raw vegetable juices and the vegetarian diet, highly
recommended Alfalfa. He lived to an active age of over a hundred years! Lucas mentioned that the
Chinese specifically recommended Alfalfa as an ulcer treatment. One woman had been suffering
with ulcer pains, but when she tried the standard ulcer diet of milk foods she suffered from asthma
symptoms. She decided to find a Chinese-American herbalist, and after some searching and
traveling, she located one. He told her to avoid fried foods and bread, as well as alcohol and
tobacco, and to take a tablespoon of Alfalfa powder once a day in water, along with a teaspoonful
of olive oil before meals. Her ulcer had completely healed within a few weeks, with the pain
disappearing almost immediately. This woman prescribed the same treatment to family and friends
with ulcers, with the same miraculous results, everyone feeling most grateful for this simple and
effective remedy (Richard Lucas: Secrets: 38).


In an ancient Chinese herbal, Alfalfa is mentioned in the year 2939 BC It was anciently known to
the Arabs as well, who called it the father of all foods. Dioscorides employed a variety of the
plant for urinary disorders in the fourth century BC Legend has it that the herb is of great antiquity,
having been imported into Greece from the East after Darius had discovered it in Medes (Grieves -
Modern Herbal 502). Roman writers referred to it, and it is cultivated from Persia to Peru. In the
warmer climates, it is mowed all year around (Ibid.).
It was adopted in England in the 1700s, and although it is not native to North America, it spread
quickly once introduced and the Native Americans quickly adopted it for their use and for animals.
Hutchens mentions that stock farmers of South Africa improved the beauty of ostrich feathers with
the use of Alfalfa feed, and that cows gave richer milk, chickens laid more often, and turkeys were
healthier with the use of Alfalfa (Hut:8). Feeding the herb to our goats, we have noticed a high
level of health, even though we are not able to let them run free for optimum health.


Although some herbalists consider Alfalfa so mild that it is a food rather than a medicine, the herb

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has to its credit some wonderful cures. As mentioned above, researcher Frank Bower (who is
known as the Father of Alfalfa) discovered that the plant contained important enzymes, which
assist in good digestion. Tests over a period of years revealed that in addition to enzymes, the plant
contains important chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals, all of which stimulate the appetite. The
enzymes are sufficiently present to help in the digestion of all four classes of foods--proteins, fats,
starches and sugars. One of the important vitamins present in the food is Vitamin U, which is also
present in raw cabbage and which has been used to treat peptic ulcers. This discovery of Vitamin
U confirms the Chinese herbalists use of the herb to cure ulcers. In the Soviet Union, after years
of testing Vitamin U on laboratory animals, scientists began clinical testing of the substance on
human patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, with an 80% cure rate, the other 20% being
noticeably improved.
Frank Bower conducted many interesting experiments with Alfalfa. Three hundred soldiers at
Sawtelle, California used the Alfalfa tea with remarkable improvement in bladder, prostate and
other problems. When his friend, Dr. I. D. Bailer, was suffering from lumbago, he gave Alfalfa tea
to him and he immediately got better. These results were so impressive that both Bower and Bailer
quit their jobs and spent the rest of their lives studying Alfalfa. Their main problem was to produce
Alfalfa products that were palatable to most people, as we generally find that the taste of the plant
is very strong and green. The two most palatable preparations turned out to be Green Drink, where
the green leaves are blended in pineapple juice, often with other herbs and Alfalfa sprouts. In
addition to the important constituents mentioned above, the sprouts contain generous quantities of
the amino acids: up to 150% more than wheat or corn. They also contain chlorophyll, which many
people consider an important healing agent in many ailments, as well as being a vibrant, live,
oxygen-rich food.
A doctor at the University of Indiana pointed out that Alfalfa is especially rich in iron, calcium and
phosphorus, all necessary for strong, healthy teeth. Some claim that Alfalfa not only retards tooth
decay but actually rebuilds the teeth (Kirsch:35). Its no wonder that so many interesting cures are
attributed to Alfalfa. It has been acclaimed as a diuretic. In fact, one woman who was suffering
extremely from dropsy began to take the tea faithfully, and with no other remedy was relieved of
the problem. The high Vitamin K content of the herb helps to clot the blood properly and prevent
against hemorrhages. For this reason--among lots of good reasons--it is recommended that
pregnant women take the tea daily. In addition to the blood doffing properties of Vitamin K, it has
been found effective in preventing and curing high blood pressure in test animals, and may turn out
to be important for the same use in humans. It is important that in the plant kingdom, only Alfalfa
contains a significant amount of Vitamin K; most plants are quite deficient in the vitamin.
The high Vitamin A content in the plant is excellent to prevent infection; preparations of the plant
are superior to fish-oil preparations for some people as they lack the fishy odor, are of a vegetarian
source, and are somewhat more assimilable. This vitamin also helps prevent night blindness. Since
many of our foods are degenerated, even if we buy the best we can and prepare them fresh, it is
good to know of a consistent source of vitamin A.
The many constituents of the plant make it good for toning the system in high pressure situations;
race horses often run faster when taking the herb, and athletes are often encouraged to do the same.
Many people consider Alfalfa an important herb to take throughout pregnancy. If an expectant
mother is suffering from morning sickness, she can eat Alfalfa sprouts in her diet and can take
from eight to sixteen tablets of Alfalfa until the condition is under control, and then she can reduce
the dosage (Mal:252). Many people consider that a daily green drink consisting of Alfalfa,
comfrey and fresh red-raspberry leaves is an excellent pregnancy drink; it is preferred to a tea
made of the same substances. After the birth, Alfalfa is sometimes taken to prevent hemorrhages.
Some women have eaten Alfalfa tablets after their births like candy in order to shorten the
postpartum bleeding time. Alfalfa is also thought to dramatically help bring the milk in for the

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nursing mother. It certainly enriches the quality of the milk and is much preferable to other hot
beverages, such as regular tea, which can pollute the breast milk. It can be flavored with mint,
orange peel, and honey.
Alfalfa is one of the few vegetable sources of Vitamin D. Although the sun is generally regarded
as the best source for getting this vitamin (although you shouldnt shower or bathe for about a half-
hour after sunning in order to absorb the D that collects in the skins oils), there are about 4740
International Units of Vitamin D per pound of Alfalfa. This is valuable knowledge if a person is
unable to take the sun, such as during the wintertime. Taking Vitamin D in Alfalfa is much
healthier than drinking it in pasteurized, homogenized, Vitamin-D enriched milk! Another
important element in Alfalfa is vitamin Bl2. Most nutritionists claim that it is only present in
animal products, diary products, or sewage. Since the 1940s, however, other research has revealed
that B12 is indeed in some vegetable sources. Many vegetarian cookbooks go to great lengths to
ensure the taking of Bl2 in diet, such as buying tablets and dissolving them in homemade soymilk,
or ensuring that the vegetarian take brewers yeast which is B12-fortified. The discussion of Bl2 is
complicated by the fact that B12 deficiency can occur not only from the lack of the vitamin in the
diet--unlikely in most diets, except those of vegans, which excludes milk, meat and eggs entirely--
or from mal-absorption of the vitamin present in the diet. This occurs later in life and is considered
genetic in origin, developing an illness called pernicious anemia, which is treated by injections of
B12, which must continue for the duration of a persons life. Interestingly, dietary deficiency of
B12 may not show up even in people who take little or none of the vitamin for five or ten years.
The body conserves Bl2 and can store enough of it to last two or three years, even longer in some
cases. When the vitamin passes out of the body in bile salts, it can be reabsorbed in the intestine
and recycled; very little actually leaves the body. Taken in conjunction with the knowledge that the
RDA charts give a wide margin of safety when recommending amounts of any vitamin to be taken,
it is clear that the Bl2 concern is much less an issue than it may seem for vegetarians. However, the
bodys ability to absorb the vitamin can affect the levels present. B12, however, is found in
Alfalfa, as well as in other foods, such as lettuce, rice polishings concentrate, mung beans, and
peas. Sprouted Alfalfa seed is quite a good source. The germination of the seed increase the B12
available, and since they are eaten raw, the seeds retain their vitamin content; it has been found
that cooking removes up to 85% of the vitamin under normal conditions.
Alfalfa has been used in the treatment of jaundice. Harris reports that some doctors supply their
patients with fresh Alfalfa. A woman was brought into a hospital with serious jaundice. She had
been well up to the onset of the disease, but had become extremely yellow in just a few days. She
then began to bleed from her nose, from the bowel, and clots of blood began to form under her
skin! Bile in the blood--which is what jaundice is--prevents the clotting of blood, and so doctors
hesitate to do surgery for that reason. The laboratory analyses showed that the prothrombin in the
womans blood--the element necessary for clotting--was only five percent of what it should have
been. A researcher recommended that the situation be treated with Alfalfa, which it was, and the
woman completely recovered (Har:Eat:69).
Alfalfa, along with other foods, is known to help remove cholesterol from the system. Alfalfa has a
significant amount of protein--18.9%, as compared with 16.5% in beef, 3.3% in milk and 13.1% in
eggs. Eating the sprouts can add a significant amount of important protein in vegans who take no
animal proteins at all, and whose diet may include so many grains and beans that concentrated
proteins are difficult to obtain. Although we eliminate the mucus-forming proteins in the
mucusless diet, this does not mean that the body doesnt need protein. The high-quality proteins in
vegetables, especially the sprouted seeds, can supply the important needs. Without proteins, which
compose the muscles of the body, the muscles can break down, causing tiredness and weakness.
Flabby muscles in the intestines and stomach can result in constipation when there is not enough
strength to move the food along. Poor posture often results from lack of adequate protein. The hair,
skin and nails may become weak if protein is inadequate, as they are composed of protein, too.

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Alfalfa is used in Europe for many functional type diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism,
colitis, anemia, etc. It is traditional for wasting diseases in traditional European practice (Michael
Moore:21). It is a good supplement when antibiotics or sulfa drugs are taken, and is also
recommended for alcoholics and drug addicts who are trying to kick the habit. It is excellent for
children who do not seem to be growing well enough, providing an abundance of vitamins,
minerals, proteins and enzymes, which might not be assimilated otherwise. The chlorophyll
abundant in the leaves has been found to assist in granulation of tissue after it has been damaged.
The substance also helps in the strengthening of the connective tissue in the body.
Although the herb has attributed to bodybuilding characteristics, excessive use of Alfalfa is said by
the Chinese to cause one to lose weight and become thin. It might therefore be good for use in
weight loss programs.
There are saponins, soap-like substances, in the herb, which have been recently investigated for
their suitability as cortisone and hormone precursors. However, overeating the Alfalfa sprouts
could possibly damage red blood cells. It is suggested that moderation in eating the sprouts can
avoid this problem as the saponins greatly increase during the sprouting process.
In China, this is one of the plants said to have been brought to the country by General Chang Chien
of the Han dynasty. It is called Mu-su, and is included among the vegetables. It was formerly much
more cultivated than it is today, although in some parts of China it is still grown; it has been
naturalized almost everywhere, however. It is considered too cooling to be eaten very frequently
and is thought to make one thin, which is always carefully avoided by the Chinese. If eaten with
honey, it is said to cause dysentery. It is thought to benefit the intestines and to help in fevers. The
juice is said to be emetic and is given in cases of gravel to relieve pain (Shi: 260-261). In India, the
plant is an important fodder; however, the young plant is liable to case bloating in cattle or sheep
and the plant is not used much in medicine (IMM:774).
In any conditions that require cleansing and building of the body--and that includes most ailments!
--Alfalfa is recommended as a basic, and mild, herbal food.

Of course, the widest application of Alfalfa in the world is as a feed crop for livestock. In almost
every state of the Union, in almost every province of Canada, and throughout Central and South
America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe, Alfalfa is featured as animal feed. In most parts of
the English-speaking world, it is known as lucerne. About 27 million acres of ground are used to
grow Alfalfa in the United States. Thousands of acres more are used to plant the herb for its seed,
which must be grown under controlled conditions. The Alfalfa is used in various ways. Most
common is the preparation of hay, where the Alfalfa is cut, allowed to sun-cure, and rolled or
baled for winter storage. Sometimes farmers make Alfalfa meal by cutting and chopping the green
crop in the fields, hauling the chopped herb to a dehydrator, and quick-drying the leaves and stems.
These are ground and put into sacks, preventing leaf loss and ensuring a high food value. This
meal is sometimes combined with grains or soybeans for a concentrated feed. Fanners sometimes
let their animals graze in the Alfalfa fields, and sometimes ferment the green Alfalfa to make
silage. Alfalfa is much more deep-rooted than any of the other plants. Its roots commonly go down
twelve feet, as compared to very short-rooted pasture grasses which barely penetrate a few inches,
or even clover, which only goes down about five or six feet. This deep rooting allows the plant to
bring up important trace minerals, which are only present deep in the ground. In addition, the
Alfalfa, being a legume, has the capacity, with the cooperation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, of
bringing fertility to the soil. The bacteria take nitrogen from the air and change it into a form that
can be used by the roots. Alfalfa is therefore an excellent green manure, often planted to plow
under to fertilize the soil.

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Used in disease prevention, for black and blue welts, for anemia, ulcer treatment, urinary disorders,
peptic ulcers, gastric and duodenal ulcers, for bladder and prostate problems, for lumbago, to
retard tooth decay, as a diuretic, for dropsy, helps clot blood in hemorrhages, for high blood
pressure, pregnancy, to increase quality of mothers milk, for jaundice, malnutrition, to lower
cholesterol, for arthritis, rheumatism, colitis, wounds and to help alcoholics and drug addicts.


Alfalfa is very easy to cultivate on your home ground. Just get some seed and sow it in average
garden soil. Keep it moist and weed if necessary; the plant will do the rest. It is a perennial and
will provide you with abundant greens for years.
You can gather Alfalfa that has escaped from farmers fields if you are absolutely sure that the
leaves have not been poison-treated. Most farmers do not spray their Alfalfa crops, but many are
spray happy and will spray most anything they grow. Furthermore, Alfalfa growing wild in
orchards is most likely contaminated, and roadside Alfalfa may have been sprayed with poison to
kill weeds. You do not want to blend these deadly poisons into your green drink--it is better to start
a few plants of your own. If you live in the country, you may be surprised to find plants already
growing near you.
To make Alfalfa green drink, the simplest method is to place pineapple juice in a blender container
in the quantity desired. Add green leaves to taste, less at first, and building up to more as you
become accustomed to the flavor. Alfalfa is quite strong tasting; you might wish to begin with
additional herbs such as parsley, chard, dark lettuce, lambs quarters, comfrey, and other mild-
tasting greens. Two sprigs of Alfalfa has been a good starting point for the green drink that we feed
our young children. Blend the greens into the drink until they are thoroughly pulverized. You can
add a little water or a couple of ice cubes to thin the drink a bit if you like. Some people like to add
an almond-date-sunflower seed emulsion, made by blending the soaked seeds and dates with
pineapple juice, for a delicious and protein-filled green drink; however, we have found the
pineapple juice and green combination delicious and satisfying. For a tiny infant, you can strain the
fibers out of the drink, but most people can benefit from the fibers of the greens. Do not make the
drink too thick at first, however, as some people might find it unpalatable. Alfalfa sprouts can also
be utilized in the green drink. Sprouting Alfalfa seeds is extremely easy. When you try it, you will
regret any money you spent at the store on less than-crisp Alfalfa sprouts. Homemade sprouts taste
much sweeter and fresher than purchased ones. Be sure when you sprout them that you use only
seeds sold for sprouting; those sold in agricultural establishments are treated with poisons for in
field planting. Buy them at the health food store to be sure.
The easiest method by far is to soak a couple of tablespoons of the seeds in a wide mouth quart jar
overnight. Drain the water off--some recommend drinking it but it seems rather rank for that. You
can use it to water favorite plants, as it is loaded with nutrition. Cover the top of the jar with
perforated lids that are sold for the purpose, or with plastic window screen held in place with the
jar ring, or with cheesecloth similarly anchored. With the jar tipped at an angle to be sure that the
seeds are not standing in water--they rot that way--let the seeds germinate, filling the jar with water
and draining it off two or three times a day. If you are not sprouting the seeds in the light, be sure
to expose the jar to sunlight when the seed sprouts have grown to a length of about two inches;
they will turn a delightful, appetizing green, developing the important chlorophyll. Before you use
any sprouts, be sure to rinse the batch each time. Sprouts will keep in the refrigerator, but it is
better to have small batches going constantly to ensure a fresh, sweet supply. Use them with
virtually any food. They are especially good in sandwiches, to mix with salads, or to eat out of

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hand as a low-calorie snack.

Spreading healthy mayonnaise--homemade if possible--on whole grain bread makes a favorite
sandwich. Cover one slice with mashed avocado and add a nice, thick layer of sprouts. Chopped
garlic or onion makes this sandwich delicious and healthy.
Some people like to mix the sprouts with mayonnaise or butter and seasonings to use over salads
or in sandwiches. Some blend them with tomato juice or tomato soup in the blender and serve the
nutrition of sprouts to people who might not appreciate the good nutrition if they were told.
Sprouts are a nice garnish for cream soups.
They also go with almost any vegetable salad. Sometimes when they are used in the ubiquitous
salads made with iceberg lettuce and hothouse tomatoes, they are the only ingredients in the salad
with any nourishment at all! They are excellent to add texture and crunch to coleslaw. Many
people find that if they enjoy Alfalfa sprouts in salad, they still need to mix a little dressing or
mayonnaise with the sprouts to make them palatable taken alone.
The classic health restaurant dish made with sprouts is Bible bread sandwiches. You can make
them yourself, inexpensively. You begin with Bible bread or pita bread, which can be made at
home by mixing up a simple yeast whole wheat bread dough. Dont let it rise first, but after it is
kneaded, take golf ball size lumps, make them smooth, and roll them out about 1/4 inch thick into
tortilla shapes. Put them to rise on a cornmeal-sprinkled baking sheet for about a half hour. When
raised soft, place in a 450-degree F. oven in the top third of the oven until the breads puff up like
balloons and their surfaces harden. Remove and cool on racks. Not all the pita breads may rise
uniformly, but you should get enough to make a good batch of Bible bread sandwiches. When they
are cool, they may be stored in plastic bags, but do not put into plastic while they are still hot, or
they will go moldy.
After the breads have cooled, cut them in half crosswise and open up. Butter the inside with
homemade mayonnaise, and fill with salad vegetables: tomatoes, avocados, cucumbers, chopped
lettuce, coleslaw, chopped onion, minced garlic, etc. Add grated cheese, sesame butter, and top
with a generous portion of Alfalfa sprouts. Some people like to put a bit of mayonnaise on top of
this and garnish with vegetarian bacon bits. These make a marvelous summertime guest meal,
preceded by gazpacho soup, cold, then with each guest making up his own sandwiches. As a full
sized Bible bread sandwich costs around $2.00 in a restaurant (often more in fancier places), it
seems a great luxury to serve a whole meal of them, and yet they are quite an inexpensive and very
healthy meal.
You can add sprouted Alfalfa seeds to tacos, use them on top of spaghetti, munch them alongside
pizza--they work with almost any meal. A very good salad is made by combining the sprouts with
grated carrots and mashed avocado. Dressed with an oil and vinegar or mayonnaise based dressing,
it is a delicious mixture.
If you plan to use the dried Alfalfa greens, you should gather them fresh just before the plant is in
flower. Dry them in a dehydrator or a warm, airy place. Being sure not to lose any of the leaves,
pulverize them in a mortar and pestle or in a blender, and store in a cool, dry place. You can make
tea out of the leaves or, some suggest, sprinkle them on any cold or cooked cereal. They have a
definite green, grassy taste and so take a little getting used to. The commercial infant Pablum has
dried Alfalfa in it, and there are a number of commercial preparations that include Alfalfa,
including Alfalfa fudge, and a concentrated Alfalfa juice!
If you wish to juice Alfalfa in your juicer, be aware that it is extremely potent. The best way to
take it is to make a batch of carrot juice and introduce a small amount of Alfalfa into the juicer as
you do the carrots. As you become accustomed to the taste, more Alfalfa can be added, but it is
never taken straight.

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Some people wishing to treat arthritis or rheumatism take a tea made of the Alfalfa seeds, but we
consider this a waste of the germinating power of the seeds. It is better to sprout them and eat the
sprouts. Alfalfa tea made from leaves purchased in the health food stores may have an insipid taste
or even taste like nothing at all. If you wish to obtain the best results from Alfalfa leaf tea, you
should go and gather your own from the very common plants all around.

M. falcata, Siberian Alfalfa, is similar to M. sativa, but has yellow flowers. M. media, sand
lucerne, has been considered a natural hybrid between the two species.
Because of their similar functions, the clovers, Melilotus spp. are related to the Alfalfas. M. alba
and M. officinalis are important as forage plants and soil builders. They are also used for hay.

We have mentioned above some of the vitamins and minerals contained in Alfalfa. The essential
amino acids in the plant are especially noteworthy, as well as the extremely high content of
Vitamin A. You will notice that it is a good source of potassium as well.
The enzymes contained in Alfalfa are some of the most important elements, although they are not
included below in the analysis chart. Among these are lipase, a fat-splitting enzyme; amylase,
which acts upon starches; coagulase, to coagulate milk or clot blood; emulsin, which acts upon
sugars; invertase, which converts cane sugar into dextrose; peroxidase, which has an oxidizing
effect on the blood; pectinase, an enzyme that forms a vegetable jelly from a pectin substance, and
protease, that digests proteins (Kirsch:27-8). These enzymes indicate that Alfalfa could be
profitably taken with almost any food!


Vitalerbs contain Alfalfa leaves.

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