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Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 (2006) 596603

Effect of gamma irradiation on microbial decontamination,

and chemical and sensory characteristic of lycium fruit
Hsiao-Wei Wena, Hsiao-Ping Chungb, Fong-In Choub,,
I-hsin Linc, Po-Chow Hsiehc
Department of Food Science and Technology, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456, USA
Nuclear Science and Technology Development Center, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC

Received 17 June 2005; accepted 4 December 2005


Lycium fruit, popular traditional Chinese medicine and food supplement generally is ingested uncooked, was exposed
to several doses of gamma irradiation (014 kGy) to evaluate decontamination efciency, changes in chemical
composition, and changes in sensory characteristic. In this study, lycium fruit specimens contained microbial counts of
3.1  1031.7  105 CFU/g and 14 kGy was sufcient for microbial decontamination. Before irradiation, the main
microbe isolated from lycium fruit was identied as a strain of yeast, Cryptococcus laurentii. After 10 kGy of irradiation,
a Gram-positive spore-forming bacterium, Bacillus cereus, was the only survivor. The rst 90% reduction (LD90) of
C. laurentii and B. cereus was approximately 0.6 and 6.5 kGy, respectively, the D10 doses of C. laurentii and B. cereus
was approximately 0.6 and 1.7 kGy, respectively. After 14 kGy irradiation, except the vitamin C content, other chemical
composition (e.g., crude protein, b-carotene, riboavin, fructose, etc.) and the sensory characteristic of lycium fruit
specimens did not have signicant changes. In conclusion, 14 kGy is the optimal decontamination dose for lycium fruit
for retention of its sensory quality and extension of shelf life.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microbial decontamination; Lycium fruit; Gamma irradiation; Chemical composition; Sensory characteristic; Food
supplement; Traditional Chinese medicine

1. Introduction quality reduction of raw materials. This quality reduc-

tion can result in a decreasing production of therapeu-
The popularity of Chinese medicine recently has been tical preparations. The goal of this research is to
increasing since the good manufacturing practice system determine the optimal conditions for microbial decon-
has begun to be applied in Chinese medicine, and the tamination of lycium fruit using gamma irradiation.
knowledge regarding the actions of Chinese medicine is Lycium fruit, the dried fruit of Lycium chinense Mill
increasing. However, microbiological contamination of and Lycium barbarum L., is commonly employed in
herbal raw material is still a serious problem due to the traditional Chinese medicinal treatment for improving
vision, and used as a food supplement (Hsu and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 3 5721962; Peacher, 1994; Cheng et al., 2005). Lycium fruit could
fax: +886 3 5725974. be a potential antioxidant for use in retarding the aging
E-mail address: (F.-I. Chou). process and preventing diseases caused by reactive

0969-806X/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.-W. Wen et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 (2006) 596603 597

oxygen species and free radicals (Ha et al., 2005; Luo by radiation. In addition to determining the suitable
et al., 2004). Crude extracts of lycium fruit were irradiation dose for lycium fruit, we investigated how
identied to be rich in antioxidants (e.g., carotenoids, radiation affects the nourishing components and sensory
riboavin, etc.) (Luo et al., 2004). There are several ways characteristics. The nourishing components including
to consume lycium fruit. People can ingest lycium fruit b-carotene and riboavin before and after irradiation
directly by chewing it without further processing. were examined. Moreover, the predominant microbe
Moreover, the cold or hot water extract of lycium fruit strain was isolated and identied. The results in this
can be used as drinks or can produce various types of study are valuable references for the food industry on
health-benecial foods. Lycium fruit contains abundant irradiation processes, legislators and regulators.
amounts of proteins, glucose and fructose thus making
itself favorable to microbe propagation and affecting
hygiene, particularly as the whole-grain fruit was eaten 2. Materials and methods
without cooking or in the form of tea. The recently
increasing demand for lycium fruit as a health-benecial 2.1. Sampling and irradiation of lycium fruit
food has motivated interest in the improvement in its
quality. The quality of the lycium fruit is dependent on The dried fruit of L. chinense Mill was used for
three major factors: the source, harvest time, and experiments. Dr. Y.S. Chung, Institute of Chinese
storage conditions. Microorganisms in the place of Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Medical University,
harvest, or the contamination and decay caused by Taiwan, conrmed their authenticity. The fresh lycium
microorganisms during transportation or storage com- fruit was ordered from various sources, Ning Xia,
monly reduce the quality of lycium fruit. The high Mongolia and Xinjiang Autonomous Region, People
relative humidity and high temperature are the favorable Republic of China. The harvested lycium fruit was dried
conditions for microorganisms to grow, under which, with sunshine for three consecutive days, transported to
lycium fruit easily becomes contaminated and decom- the harbor by car (for 79 days) under the ambient
posed, raising concerns for the safety of the consumers. temperature (35 1C710 1C), and shipped to Taiwan (for
Therefore, an effective method to eliminate the con- 5 days) under 15 1C73 1C. Lycium fruit was sent from
tamination of microorganisms from lycium fruit is a the importers to the retail shops of Chinese medicine
crucial requirement. within 15 days under the ambient temperature
Irradiation has become an effective means of proces- (25 1C710 1C). Ten samples of lycium fruit purchased
sing and preserving food products (WHO, 1988; Molins, from the importers or the local retail shops of Chinese
2001; Fan et al., 2003). For example, gamma irradiation medicine in Taiwan were stored under 15 1C and
can extend shelf life of treated foods without inducing analyzed within 5 days. Gamma irradiation was
the formation of any radionuclide in food products. performed in a 30,000 Ci cobalt-60 hot cell at the
Food can be treated with irradiation either before or Nuclear Science and Technology Development Center,
after packaging without heating, the addition of National Tsing Hua University. Specimens, each
preservatives, or other processing. A Joint FAO/ weighed 500 g, were used. Three replicates of 30 g
IAEA/WHO Expert Committee on the Wholesomeness sample were taken from each of the 500 g specimens
of Irradiation of Food has ruled that foods subjected to and aerobically packed in a PVC (poly-vinyl chloride)
low dosages (10 kGy) of irradiation are safe and do not container. Samples were placed in the cobalt-60 hot cell
require toxicological testing (WHO, 1981). In 1997, a on irradiation stands and were irradiated at room
Joint FAO/IAEA/WHO Study Group was convened to temperature (2530 1C). The irradiated stands were
assess the safety and nutritional adequacy of food rotated ten times per min to ensure that the irradiated
irradiated to doses above 10 kGy. They concluded that sample received a well-distributed radiation dose. The
food irradiated to any dose appropriate to achieve the samples were treated with a constant dose rate of 5 kGy/
intended technological objective is both safe to consume h for various time intervals in order to obtain 0, 2, 4, 6,
and nutritionally adequate (WHO, 1999). Numerous 8, 10, 12, and 14 kGy of gamma rays. The absorbed dose
countries already apply irradiation to a wide range of was measured using silver dichromate dosimeter (ISO/
food products and medicinal materials (Molins, 2001). ASTM, 2003). The microbial content of the samples was
Our previous studies have addressed the decontamina- measured immediately after irradiation.
tion using radiation is a highly effective means of
microbial decontamination for pollen (Chou, 1998). 2.2. Enumeration of microbes
High-quality decontamination treatment should be
effective against microorganisms, and adaptable to large The solid culture media used in this study included
amounts of material with high efciency without plate count agar (PCA), tryptic soy agar (TSA), and
reducing the quality of the treated commodities. This potato dextrose agar (PDA; Dico, Detroit, USA) with
study investigated the decontamination of lycium fruit a nal pH value of 5.6; while, the liquid culture medium
598 H.-W. Wen et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 (2006) 596603

was plate count broth (PCB, Dico, Detroit, USA). The cultured in GPY agar to determine color, brightness and
0.067 M phosphate buffer saline (PBS, pH 7.0) con- surface characteristics of the colony (Vishniac, 2002). In
tained 4.73 g of Na2HPO4 and 4.54 g of KH2PO4 per addition, it was cultured in corn meal agar (Dico,
liter of distilled water. The two methods were applied to Detroit, USA) to determine the growth of mycelium,
count the microorganisms in both the irradiated and and in malt extract agar (Dico, Detroit, USA) and corn
non-irradiated lycium fruit: spread plate method and meal agar to determine the spore formation. The
direct observation method. In spread plate method, each physiological characteristics of the yeast, including its
30 g sample was immersed in 100 ml PBS at 10 1C for semi-anaerobic fermentation, aerobic utilization and
10 min and homogenized with a Lab-blender stomacher growth in various nitrogen and carbon sources at temp-
MIX-1 (AES Laboratoire, France) for 3 min. Following eratures from 20 to 42 1C, were tested. Finally, strain
adequate dilution of the resulting homogenate with PBS, LY1 was identied as a strain of yeast, Cryptococcus
the suspensions were spread and plated onto the PCA laurentii (Barnett et al., 1990, 1996; Kurtzman and Fell,
culture plates for total aerobic microbial enumeration. 1998).
Molds and yeasts were enumerated by the spread plate The radio resistance of isolated C. laurentii LY1 and
method using a PDA with chloramphenicol (Beuchat, B. cereus LB1 strains was evaluated in this study.
1993). The plates were incubated at 25 1C, and not C. laurentii LY1 was cultured in potato dextrose broth
disturbed until colonies were counted. Each sample was (PDB, Dico, Detroit, USA) at 25 1C and sampled in the
tested on violet red bile glucose agar (Dico, Detroit, exponential phase. After centrifugation for removing
USA) to determine the total number of Enterobacter- the media, C. laurentii LY1 was suspended in a PBS.
iaceae with incubation at 35 1C for 2448 h. Counts were B. cereus LB1 was cultured in PCB medium at 30 1C for
recorded in colony forming units per gram (CFU g1). 47 days. Sporulation was conrmed by microscopic
The presented data were the average counts in three examination. Spores were harvested by dipping the
petri dishes for each test. The second method, direct culture broth in a water bath at 80 1C for 10 min. After
observation method, was applied to determine the centrifugation, spores were suspended in PBS and stored
survivor of the microorganisms in the specimens. The at 4 1C before use. The microbe suspension was placed in
lycium fruit specimens were placed directly on the test tubes and taken to the hot cell for irradiation, as
surface of a plate culture medium and incubated at 30 1C described above. After exposure to various doses of
for 17 days. The longer incubation time was needed radiation, the specimens were immediately examined to
because irradiation-induced cell injury delayed visible determine the survival rate by spreading 0.1 ml of the
colony formation. The growth of microorganisms on diluted microbe suspension onto a solid medium on a
and around the specimens was determined by visual
observation and using a microscope. Five replicates were
made for each specimen.
Table 1
2.3. Identification of microbial strains and determination Characteristic of the isolate LB1 isolated from lycium fruit
of radio resistance Test item Characteristic

A strain, named as LY1 was isolated as the Cell morphology Rod

predominant strain from lycium fruit before irradiation. Motility +
A strain, named as LB1, was the only survivor after Gram stain +
10 kGy of irradiation. The LB1 strain was cultured onto Oxidase test 
the TSA plate. In addition to identication of microbial Spore +
Catalase test +
strain with Gram staining and microscopy, we con-
MacConkey growth +
ducted the identication PC program at the Culture Anaerobic grown +
Collection and Research Center of the Food Industry O/F test Fermentation
Research and Development Institute, Taiwan. The Biology (4 h) 1st test 
characteristics of strain LB1 was shown in Table 1 and Biology (24 h) 1st test Bacillus 0.393
was identied as a Gram-positive rod, Bacillus cereus Biology (4 h) 2nd test 
(Logan and Berkeley, 1984; Sneath, 1986; VITEK, Biology (24 h) 2nd test 
1995). Strain LY1 was identied according to its API 50CHB Bacillus cereus 99.9%
morphological and physiological characteristics and Vitek ID BACIL Bacillus cereus 81%
through the yeast identication PC program (Barnett Fatty acid analysis 1st test Bacillus thuringiensis 0.646
Fatty acid analysis 2nd test 
et al., 1996). First, LY1 was cultured in glucose peptone
Identication Bacillus cereus (or Bacillus
yeast (GPY) broth (2% glucose, 1% peptone and 0.5% thuringiensis)
yeast extract) to determine the size, morphology and
propagation of the vegetative cells, and then it was +, positive reaction; , negative reaction.
H.-W. Wen et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 (2006) 596603 599

culture plate. The culture plates of C. laurentii LY1 and 3. Results and discussion
B. cereus LB1 strains were incubated at 25 and 30 1C,
respectively. At the 48th, 72nd and 96th hours, the plates 3.1. Microorganisms in lycium fruit
were removed to observe the growth condition and to
count the colonies. The countable colony number is The spread plate method and direct observation were
30300 per culture plate. The survival rate was estimated used to evaluate the viability of microorganisms in the
and the survival curve was plotted (Chou and Tan, 1990; specimens of lycium fruit following irradiation. From
Moseley and Copland, 1975). the direct observation of the microorganism growth in
the specimen of non-irradiated lycium fruit on a PCA
2.4. Sample analysis plate, the species and amounts of microorganisms
clearly varied around the lycium fruit specimens. Some
The pH value, titratable acidity, moisture, crude of specimens were covered with yellow yeast, which
proteins, b-carotene, riboavin, and vitamin C in the produced a large volume of gas in the culture plate. The
lycium fruit samples were determined by ofcial analysis yellow yeast was identied as C. laurentii. In addition,
methods of the AOAC 981.12, 942.15, 925.10, 976.06, some of the specimens were polluted by mold. The
941.15, 981.15 and 984.26, respectively (AOAC, 1990). lycium fruit specimens contained total mesophilic
In addition, sugars and organic acid were analyzed by microbial counts of 3.1  1031.7  105 CFU/g and the
high-performance liquid chromatography (LC-10AT, microbial proles of specimens sampled from different
Shimadzu, Japan) (Medlicott and Thompson, 1985). sources varied markedly.
Moreover, color parameters of the surface of irradiated The viability of microorganisms in lycium fruit,
and non-irradiated lycium fruit samples, including following irradiation with different gamma-ray radia-
Hunters lightness (L), redness (a) and yellowness (b), tion doses of 0, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 kGy, was evaluated.
were measured with a color and color difference meter Although most of the specimens contained no living
(model TC-8600A, Tokyo Denshoku Co.). microbes after irradiation at a dose of 8 kGy, some
specimens required a 14-kGy irradiation for complete
2.5. Sensory evaluation decontamination. However, for Enterobacteriaceae in-
activation, 4 kGy was a sufcient dose. As the radiation
The triangle test was conducted to determine whether dose increased, the microbial proles in the lycium fruit
the panelists could distinguish between 14 kGy gamma signicantly changed. Yeast and molds initially grew on
irradiated and non-irradiated lycium fruit (Meilgaard all non-irradiated lycium fruit. Following irradiations at
et al., 1999). Twenty staff members from various the doses of 4 and 6 kGy, the concentration of yeast was
divisions of the Nuclear Science and Technology obviously reduced; therefore, fungi and bacteria gradu-
Development Center were employed as the panelists ally became the predominant. Following the irradiation
for this work. Criteria for participation included will- at 8 kGy, some of the specimens still contained a few
ingness to sign an informed consent form and to viable fungi, and the main microbial species had become
evaluate the irradiated samples, and availability during a bacterial strain with a cream-colored colony. Follow-
the scheduled testing. Testing was undertaken in a ing the irradiation at 10 kGy, the lycium fruit specimens
place free from extraneous odors and sound. Panelists contained only a viable bacterium of the aforementioned
were requested not to talk during the procedure. The cream-colored bacterial strain. This surviving strain was
panel test was carried out by using natural light, isolated and identied as a Gram-positive spore-forming
since the panelists cannot detect such color difference bacterium, B. cereus, and it could be completely
visually. Five grams of the dried lycium fruit samples decontaminated after the irradiation at a dose of
were placed in numerically coded weight glass beakers. 14 kGy.
Three lycium fruit samples, coded with three-digit This research employed two approaches to evaluate
random numbers, were presented to each panelist, along the viability of microorganisms in the irradiated
with water. Two of the samples were identical. Panelists samples, because a single method cannot yield complete
individually evaluated the samples and marked score results. The rst method is the spread-plate method, in
sheets. The panelists were instructed to evaluate the which the samples were immersed with shaking. After a
samples by chewing the dried whole-grain lycium fruit in proper dilution, the immersed suspensions were evenly
the order and should clear their palates between samples spread on the plate. After the microbial colony had
using water and determine which one is the odd sample. formed, the colony morphology was observed and the
The panelists were allowed to re-test the samples. colony number was counted. The strength of this
Panelists who could not detect differences were allowed approach is that the microbial colony exhibits clear
to guess. No panelist or datum was eliminated. The growth and allows easy counting. However, the weak-
mean value obtained from three independent tests was ness is that the growth of some strains of the microbes
recorded. depends on particular component of the lycium fruit,
600 H.-W. Wen et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 (2006) 596603

so the microbial colonies cannot form on the general 0

medium for counting, potentially leading to under-
estimation. The second method is to put the sample of -1

Log Inactivation (CFU/ml)

lycium fruits directly onto the medium and to observe
the growth of microbes. The microbes are counted by
eye, and an optical microscope is used to observe the -3
microbial growth on the lycium fruit and the prolifera-
tion from the lycium fruit to the medium. The strength -4
of this approach is that the strains of microbes that
depend on particular components in lycium fruit can -5
grow selectively on both the fruit and the adjacent
-6 C. laurentii
medium. Restated, it provides opportunities for growth.
B. cereus
Also, a microscope can be used to observe clearly the -7
situation with regard to growth of the microbe on the 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
lycium fruit and the erosion of the lycium fruits. Dose of Co-60 Gamma Radiation (kGy)
However, the weakness is that when the microbe grows
on lycium fruit with a less plain surface or a less Fig. 1. Surviving fraction of the strain of yeast, Cryptococcus
laurentii, and endospores of Bacillus cereus at various doses of
consistent color, the microbial colonies are not clearly
gamma irradiation.
seen and so can be easily missed. Additionally, when the
amount of microbe is high or many microbes are
(0.6 kGy) for the rst 90% reduction (LD90) and D10.
present, the microbial colonies on the lycium fruit
However, the survival curve of the spores of B. cereus
frequently overlap as they grow, so differentiating and
falls slowly and has a shoulder. Therefore, it has
counting accurately the microbial colonies become
different values for the LD90 (6.5 kGy) and D10
difcult. Therefore, the two methods mentioned above
(1.7 kGy). The D10 value is normally calculated over
should be simultaneously applied to determine the
the linear part of the death curve, but the presence of a
number of microbe contained in lycium fruit during
shoulder may result in underestimation of the actual
the determination of the relationship between radiation
dose required. Therefore, these two parameters (LD90
dose and decontamination of the microbes. Further-
and D10) are required to precisely describe the radiation
more, the growth of the microbes in the irradiated
resistance of microorganisms.
lycium fruit is slower than that in the non-irradiated
The spore-forming bacteria are the more resistant ones,
lycium fruit. Therefore, more time is required to observe
because bacteria in spore form tend to be much more
the microbial colonies and a 2-day delay is required
resistant to radiation than those in vegetative form.
before counting to ensure that the number of microbial
Therefore, the radiation dose required to decontaminate
colonies is not underestimated. Although the amount of
lycium fruits should be determined from the dose required
microbes in the lycium fruit is the main factor that
to eliminate the endospore of B. cereus strain. However,
determines the required radiation dose, the presence of
comparing B. cereus with the highly radio-resistant
spore-forming microbial strains is also an important
bacterial strain, Deinococcus radiodurans, which is also
reason for the required increase in radiation dosage,
appearing in food (Moseley, 1983), reveals that the radio-
conrming that the irradiation of lycium fruit at a dose
resistance of B. cereus is clearly lower than that of D.
of 14 kGy can effectively eliminate microbes. In this
radiodurans. The LD90 for D. radiodurans is about 13 kGy
study, gamma irradiation effectively inhibited the
(Chou and Tan, 1990; Tan and Maxcy, 1982). The
process of fermentation of lycium fruit by killing yeasts,
presence of B. cereus bacteria in lycium fruit specimens
greatly improving the quality of the lycium fruit and its
should not raise problems for radiation decontamination.
stability during transport and storage.

3.2. Radio resistance of the predominant yeast and the 3.3. Composition changes of lycium fruit after gamma-
spore-forming bacterial strain in the lycium fruit specimen ray irradiation

The radiation resistance of C. laurentii, the predomi- Specimens of lycium fruit that had been gamma
nant microbial strain in the pre-irradiated lycium fruit irradiated at 4, 8 and 14 kGy, and those of non-irradiated
specimens, and B. cereus, the bacterial strain isolated lycium fruit, were examined to determine their pH value,
from the 10 kGy irradiated lycium fruit specimens, was titratable acidity, moisture, crude protein, b-carotene,
measured and shown in Fig. 1. The radio resistance of riboavin, vitamin C, fructose, glucose, citric acid, malic
these two strains differed greatly. The survival curve of acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid and oxalic acid contents.
the yeast, C. laurentii, has no shoulder and its slope The pH value of the specimens of non-irradiated lycium
declines sharply. This curve shows the same value fruit was 5.08, and the titratable acidity that expressed as
H.-W. Wen et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 (2006) 596603 601

Table 2
Effects of gamma-irradiation on the composition in lycium fruit

Items Irradiation dose (kGy)

0 4 8 14

Moisture (g/100 g) 16.51 16.61 16.58 16.60

Crude protein (g/100 g) 13.44 13.24 13.31 13.19
b-carotene (mg/100 g) 1.13 1.13 1.12 1.12
Riboavin (mg/100 g) 0.63 0.64 0.63 0.60
Vitamin C (mg/100 g) 8.35 4.3 ND ND
Fructose (g/100 g) 25.03 24.91 25.01 24.99
Glucose (g/100 g) 22.84 22.76 22.83 22.78
Citric acid (g/100 g) 4.26 4.24 4.31 4.35
Malic acid (g/100 g) 2.54 2.47 2.49 2.55
Succinic acid (g/100 g) 1.18 1.21 1.18 1.22
Fumaric acid (g/100 g) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Oxalic acid (g/100 g) 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.15

Each value was the average of triplicate of experiments.

ND, indicates no vitamin C detected.

titration ml of 0.1 N NaOH was 4.2. No signicant (Table 3). Gamma irradiation slightly changed the color
changes in pH and acidity were observed following 4, 8 specications of the surface of the dried lycium fruit
and 14 kGy gamma irradiation. The approximate com- samples: the lightness, redness, and yellowness of the
positions in 100 g lycium fruit samples were 16.51 g samples slightly declined at high dosage (14 kGy). From a
moisture, 13.44 g crude protein, 1.13 mg b-carotene, three-dimensional scatter plot, all the L, a, b values varied
0.63 mg riboavin, 8.35 mg vitamin C, 25.03 g fructose, by two variables (storage time and irradiation doses) were
22.84 g glucose, 4.26 g citric acid, 2.54 g malic acid, 1.18 g not signicantly different from one another at 95%
succinic acid, 0.02 g fumaric acid and 0.14 g oxalic acid. condence level. However, the b value seemed to slightly
Table 2 presents the results. Lycium fruit is the essential alter only when gamma dose was changed.
source of b-carotene and riboavin (Luo et al., 2004).
b-carotene is an anti-oxidant and a precursor of 3.5. Sensory evaluation
vitamin A, and is believed to improve vision (Hammond
et al., 2001; Keijer et al., 2005). Notably, gamma Sensory analysis was performed immediately follow-
irradiation had no effect on b-carotene content. Ribo- ing irradiation. Triangle test panelists could not detect
avin, an anti-oxidant and a water-soluble vitamin, is any signicant difference between the 14-kGy gamma
essential for normal cellular functions (Foraker et al., irradiated and non-irradiated lycium fruit. For N 20,
2003). Riboavin was 0.63 mg per 100 g before irra- a total of 11 correct responses were required to conclude
diation and slightly decreased to 0.60 mg per 100 g a signicant difference at pp0.05 (Meilgaard et al.,
after the 14 kGy irradiation. Other composition was 1999). In our study, of the 20 panelists, only 7 correctly
not signicantly changed by gamma irradiation selected the odd sample. This number was smaller than
except the vitamin C content. We observed that the that required to conrm signicance at a 5% level.
vitamin C content was decreased following the increasing Moreover, some panelists, who presented the correct
doses of gamma irradiation; this result was similar as the results, could not specify the difference between these
effect of gamma irradiation on dried potato slices (Wang two samples. This uncertainty indicated that panelists
and Du, 2005). The reduce of the vitamin C content could not distinguish non-irradiated lycium fruits from
should not be a signicant problem, because lycium fruit lycium fruit irradiated at 14 kGy, as expected just by
that commonly employed in traditional Chinese medic- chance. The evaluation showed that lycium fruit
inal treatment for improving vision is the essential source retained their sensory quality after irradiation.
of b-carotene, not vitamin C (Hsu and Peacher, 1994).

3.4. Hunters color value 4. Conclusion

Hunters color parameters of the irradiated and non- In this research, the optimal doses for inactivating
irradiated lycium fruit, such as lightness (L), redness (a), microorganisms in lycium fruit have been studied. The
yellowness (b) and color difference (DE), were determined sufcient dose for inactivating Enterobacteriaceae was
602 H.-W. Wen et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 (2006) 596603

Table 3
Changes in Hunters color value of non-irradiated and gamma irradiated lycium fruit

Color parametera Storage period (month) Irradiation dose (kGy)

0 4 8 14

L 0 25.22b 24.85 24.98 23.83

3 25.06 23.75 23.08 23.17
a 0 18.29 18.28 18.02 17.95
3 19.73 18.49 17.99 17.82
b 0 9.79 9.85 9.82 9.45
3 9.89 9.76 9.60 9.35
DE 0 0.00 0.375 0.362 1.471
3 1.452 1.484 1.464 2.149
L, degree of lightness; a, degree of redness; b, degree of yellowness; DE, the overall color difference ( DL Da Db2 ).
2 2
Each value was the average of triplicate determinations.

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Lycium fruit has been used as the major source of Chou, F.I., Tan, S.T., 1990. Manganese(II) induces cell division
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